CDPR: You don’t choose your gender anymore

GC: Traditional sci-fi tends to be strangely sexless and yet we see in the real world that that’s the first thing people think of when new technology emerges. But CDPR keep get themselves in trouble with the portrayal of gender and trans issues. Have you changed your approach to how you deal with those sorts of things in the last year or so?
MJ: You know, we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive.

GC: I’ve spoken to a number of your devs now and it’s obvious to me they’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s such a difficult subject.
MJ: Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.

GC: Have you specifically sought out a wider range of people to consult on the game, since all these controversies started flaring up?
MJ: Our team is very international and very diverse but we have asked for a lot of feedback. We always ask for feedback and even when we show these demos, we still ask people to tell us what they think. We just wanna know what we can improve on because we want to make a really good game and we really wanna make a game that everybody is comfortable playing. But at the same time we’ll tackle difficult issues. It is a cyberpunk world after all.

Attached: ECZfaCFX4AAZCeg.jpg (3840x2160, 656K)

Other urls found in this thread:’s-2019-accelerating-acceptance-index-results-show-further-decline-lgbtq-acceptance-among

I wish someone had the sack to tell one of these journalists
>I thought this interview was going to be about games

Pretty sure 99% of people will still be straight in the future, trannies and faggots need to back the fuck off with blatant shilling


Why does the screenshot look so boring and dull? Is this official or was this edited to make it look bad?

Anyway I feel like this is going to be a huge disappointment because it was hyped too much. When are they showing another gameplay vid?

>You can mix and match.

Attached: 1527019222379.jpg (642x648, 62K)

demon's souls had a gender slider

Seriously though, zoomers are shaping up to be the most conservative generation since boomers. Have you seen the memes that they produce? My 12 year old brother posts hitler and ridiculing tranny memes on the regular

Hadn't planned on playing this, but I'm going to pirate it and seed forever. Got fibre and I live in a country where they don't do shit about piracy. Good times.

>make the most feminine shota boy available
>cover him in BLEACHED tattoos
>join the private tactical squad
>shoot up robo-niggers and make suit-mommy proud
the ultimate fantasy

Don't be so entitled inceltard, this screenshot looks amazing!

So just like Dragons Dogma? Interesting

The weird thing to me here is him going on about you making your own character, when what we've seen so far indicates that what you're going to end up playing as is reasonably prescribed.

>"Change "Gender" tag to "Body type"

I just know Yea Forums will find this problematic


Technically, if we can change our gender like changing clothes in the future, everyone will be straight

Can I make a futa?

Gaming journalists are degenerate scum.


No RPG on earth have character creation because your character have a background then

based retard

lmao. look at the fucking midget in the middle

did you just assume its height

literal clownworld

You're still choosing a man or woman template to start with it's just labelled body type

I don't understand how these freaks have such a pull on vidya industry, and entertainment industry in general. They make a small tiny fraction of the consumerbase so what gives?

Looks like gta v

we all trannies now lads

>all body types
So what about big tiddies? Oh yeah right, those don't count.

>westacuck devs

Attached: 1565718632041.jpg (1366x768, 263K)

Kill yourself inferior cracker bitch. You dying out with negative birthrate, talking about about "bleached" bitch ass cracker.

There are only two "body types": male and female. No tit slider. No ass slider. No muscle slider. No height slider. No weight slider. No body sliders whatsoever. Guys get generic handsome guy body and girls are all built like brick shithouses with flat asses, flapjack tiddies, short stumpy legs, no hips and broad shoulders.


Attached: 1551300060713[1].png (564x228, 41K)

You should really kill yourself

>No genders

I'm sure that will enrage them even more

>slav shithole

don't get enslaved again


retard who can't google

You should sort out your 12 old brother before he shoots up a daycare.

Jewish cattle

Attached: fb2dfb69b98e217734de63f10f6a6f66cd5b4abceaae24952ebf5bb5d456c397.png (1172x1182, 68K)


>being a killjoy

Attached: 1421174203783.png (300x300, 114K)

Or don't, another shooting in America would be nothing out of the ordinary.

And this changes the gameplay how? Why should I care?

>thinks going through an edgy phase that all boys do means you're conservative

they're trying to appeal to jannies that get butthurt when they can't make a gay man or femboy, it helps me out because i look like a bitch though

LOL all they did was change gender to body type, and controversy averted. If this upset you, you are a lost cause. Read Ghost in the Shell.
What is a soul? In the future bodies are flesh mixed with technology. Sure sex exist to the non modified, but at some point the mind and soul are the pilots of technological flesh suits.

With the option above you can now make your character the way you want. If the way someone makes their character detracts from your single player experience where they character is not involved you might have some deep issues you need to resolve.

user there's more than two body types who says one wont have a dick and titties you are stupid

>this far in and nobody asked for a source and are just taking it at face value

Attached: 1560593555403.png (214x261, 114K)

Zoomers are the gayest generation to have ever existed.


No chance; it's only really Britain who forced slavery to be abolished. Now the future belongs to the Yellow man who resents the Anglo for stripping his slaves from him.

I've read Ghost in the Shell extensively. Nowhere do people say they're trans.

>can't read the thread
>can't google

GC: Since cyberpunk is an established concept there are some obvious sources you must have looked at for inspiration but thinking about it I’ve never seen anything that seems particularly Blade Runner-ery.
MJ: [clearly delighted] No, that’s good! I’m happy you said that! [laughs]
GC: So there’s not some other district that’s more inspired by the film?
MJ: No!

We gave them this power when we placed altruism and social justice on a pedestal. The world was better when people weren't obsessed with pretending to be nicer than they really were.
That's the whole foundation on which their power is built; twisting the arms of so called good people into proving just how good and kind and forward thinking they are over and over again. This is a grave we dug for ourselves.

In a game with cybernetic parts and attachments, why would your gender matter?

Attached: 1551842968340.jpg (1280x720, 102K)



oy vey! stop recording me at once, how antisemitic!


are you fucking stupid?

I don't dislike more freedom in character creation.

Oh no, not more character options!

Attached: helenalovejoy.gif (500x270, 797K)

Attached: Bonnie-Ruberg.jpg (959x958, 170K)

>no source provided, just some fake quotes and a fake article
Are you fucking stupid?

When is someone going to nuke the US?

Correct. The concept is that the shell is just a body. While major's past is unknown for a long period, it doesn't really matter because the body "she" has isn't her original body. Some believe the major to really have been a male, while other believe to be female. Some believed major to be Japanese some believe Major to be White. It literally doesn't matter on the original body the only thing that matters is the mind and current cyber body.

>with a PhD in gender and games

Attached: titus.jpg (312x960, 81K)

They could, and it doesn't matter because the body at that point is just a shell for the ghost or mind or whatever you want to call it.

When you no longer have sexual organs because you are 100% cybernetic does sex even matter?

Probably why its best to let the Chinese take the world over for a bit. Living in capito-communist chinese police states with real censorship, oppression, racial discrimination and all-around disregard for the value of human life'll do wonders to toughen the world up a bit. The West has gotten fat, lazy and stupid, its time for boot camp

...that's kinda hot.

Attached: 2 girls surround their Shota.jpg (1440x1080, 178K)

This but unironically.

how is that a fake article you fucking retard?

Saints Row 2 did this ages ago.

>This is somehow a bad thing
Encourage him to bully more and make sure he swears
Also does anyone wanna play xbox with me? My tag is THOMAS HU TERIN, don't be a cunt tho

>Probably why its best to let the Chinese take the world over for a bit
There will probably be a full nuclear exchange before the US turns over world hegemony to any other country. After which there won't be a whole lot of world worth controlling.

Looks pretty fake to me.

I wish to play a male character why don't they respect my choice?

A vastly exaggerated threat.

Attached: What a nuclear war would actually look like.png (2391x795, 576K)

Dumb drone in denial

Do you ever stop droning about drones?

Nah, the Jews'll just send a few of their own to marry into Chinese families and help them slowly neuter the U.S. as methodically as possible. War might be good for business, but nuclear war isn't.

Do drones dream of droning sheep?

No difference between the two. The US is slowly becoming a police state.’s-2019-accelerating-acceptance-index-results-show-further-decline-lgbtq-acceptance-among

Difference is, in the evolving police state of the US, trannies, faggots and white women call the shots. I'd unironically rather like under the bug races bootheel than live in the fully realized alphabet soup tribes faux commie, corporate backed state. At least the Chinese do wacky cyberpunk shit like experiment with human genetic engineering which might result in custom made human ubermensch, freaky human-pig hybrids and all kinds of insane shit.

Motoko was never a man; in fact when she's in a male body she complains that it feels weird.

Well, if they actually plan to do these then the character models will have to be somewhat androgynous. Meaning no modest tiddies, scrawnyish males and vague sex scenes.

>We removed gender choice
>Now you get to choose if you have a dick or a vagina
Wait, is this some 4D 200IQ trolling ?

Here's your Cyberpunk protagonist bro

Attached: 1566566325990.png (810x1358, 811K)

Un-ironically is this time.

I want to know this as well

I actually would love to play a trap and confuse the fuck out of everyone's dick for a chuckle.
Plus I get to vent my repressed homosexuality, it's a win win !

>Ion Fury changes a name on a bottle in the game because of SJW pressure

>CDPR fires a spokeperson, removes gender from character creation and panders to LGBTBBQ in various ways

You’re all a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

Attached: 36886FE1-A8F4-4E4E-8F8C-AE9E072B5D16.jpg (250x241, 7K)

A based HOTS dev did. Straight up got up and left. Too bad the game died.

that doesn't make sense

are you even black
find it hard to believe nigs on fucking Yea Forums would write in ebonics

>Being able to kill them is pandering

>Yea Forums is one person

cdpr shills are widely known to be the most stubborn, backwards thinking mongs this side of the planet, second only cuck-posters

I can' immerse myself in my character if I can't even be my own gender

You have mental issues lmfao

>I watched a bunch of youtube videos on Ghost in the Shell before the Hollywood movie came out
If you actually read the manga you wouldn't be posting this pretentious shit. I love Oshii but damn did he give pretentious people like you a lot of ammo to act like they understand existentialism.

Sex in GitS comes down to Masamune being a horndog that loved to sneak hentai into his complex cyberpunk world.
There's no meaning to it, he's just a pervert. That's why he draws exclusively hentai now.

Doesn't Kusanagi make a comment about her brain being used to having periods?

can confirm after browsing a bunch of 2077 threads

>that Fiero/MR2
I don't even care about these gender politics. I hope we can collect cars in this game.

Attached: 1456825347239.png (1042x582, 472K)

>Traditional sci-fi tends to be strangely sexless and yet we see in the real world that that’s the first thing people think of when new technology emerges
People who are this obsessed need to have their heads checked

Fiero with a bodykit.
/o/ meme magic

can't wait for the Yea Forumsirgin asshurt when this game sells millions

Of course, the children of the sjws will rebel against that, that's how it always goes

So how does this work with pronouns in dialogue exactly, did they already voice it as 'they' and 'them' or something

>inb4 it has a chance to spontaneously combust

Characters refer to you as either he or she depending on the voice you picked.

>either he or she
>no xe/xir/they/them
CDPR is fucking FINISHED

Why would you do that to yourself?
They're consistently the worst threads on this board

so i can't be a hulking tranny with a man voice?

Excuse the picture quality but she goes even further and says she IS ON her period.
At this point in the manga, it's not clear how cyberized the Major is and it's never made 100% clear until she becomes an existence on the web

Attached: 2019-08-23 14.33.01.jpg (4048x3036, 3.28M)

I still remember when sjws told cdproyect that Poland has no culture. That they need to include the culture of minorities, And slavs are privliged.

Attached: 58f.jpg (907x718, 46K)

You can but characters will still refer to you as 'he' in dialogue. At least for now, who knows how pozzed the final retail product will be.

Oh no no no

Attached: based.png (261x102, 69K)

Rolling around in shit for centuries and then being a slave race isnt culture


Attached: miss.jpg (512x378, 36K)

Looks like they listened, there's like no white people in cyberpunk

Sooo... you pick gender through voice.

>Yea Forums complains about the lack of role playing game in a rpg
>cdpr gives you the ultimate freedom to create your character
>Yea Forums still bitches about

Attached: 1560278883002.gif (261x253, 1.44M)

CDPR are literally making a Punk game in the future.

There's nothing Cyberpunk about this shitty ass game AT ALL and you can see it in the soundtrack, nothing but trashy bro-tier electro and shitty rock.
Where's the dark, tense and hopeless atmosphere?

>CDPR are literally making a Punk game in the future.
>There's nothing Cyberpunk

Attached: 1566166436706.jpg (1840x2050, 102K)

>cdpr drones on Yea Forums defend every criticism against cyberpunk by calling people trannies
>now cyberpunk lets you be a tranny
>it's the ultimate freedom guys

Cyberpunk is more than just skyscrapers and punk music you nigger.

Asking the real questions. Can you choose your reproductive parts as well as body type?

Attached: wut.jpg (707x1000, 149K)

Looks like most of them are deleted. But I found one of the old reviews by a (((polish))) critic

influencing the gameworld > character customization

Attached: geralt.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

I did the same thing when I was 12 and now I vote left and are dating a tranny

People change
Especially from when they were 12

I have always hated being able to choose your own character and such in role play ing games. They either have to half ass their work or double it and likely slack in some department. You rarely get a coherent story when the gender of the player character is unknown.

wtf I love hots now?

can we go full Total Recall?

Attached: total-recall-three-boob-woman.jpg (560x746, 69K)

This sums up all the retards defending this game.

You is a tard.

Boy I'm fucking glad we didn't get traditional Cyberpunk aesthetics, this mix of GTA V and Dead Rising looks way fucking better, am I right?

Attached: cybershit.jpg (3834x2154, 2.8M)

>Browder: We’re not running for President. We’re not sending a message. No one should look to our game for that.

I knew there was something right about that studio.

Attached: download (8).jpg (257x196, 5K)

there will be no neon or night time in the game, wow everybody take a gander at this retard

bottom right could unironically pass for GTAV

Are we getting the top images?

Bottom left could unironically pass as a new stalker game.

by the way in bottom left you literally photoshopped a guy holding an mp5 into it from cod4

>all pandering is bad and it's all equal
Maybe it's not all bad, and maybe not all pandering is equal. Maybe I'll treat them slightly different on top of that because I think one game will be better.

I love the end of that interview.

RPS: [SJW cry baby rambling how women can't have fun and feel attacked because a female character is sexually attractive.]
Browder: Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
[PR says we’ve run over, tells me I have to leave]
RPS: Thank you for your time.

yeah these small ass buildings will look just like altered carbons city at night

Attached: maxresdefault - 2019-08-23T210122.761.jpg (1280x720, 224K)

So this is the power of polish development.

Correct. And Divinity 2 let you flip between dick and vagina on the fly with a magic mirror. Truth is no one cared back then.

Attached: Illusionist_interface_(D2_character_customization).jpg (1364x768, 356K)

>SJW cry baby rambling how women can't have fun and feel attacked because a female character is sexually attractive

The best part is that the HOTS designer is female.

>when the shitpost becomes reality

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-image-7.jpg (3840x2160, 1.45M)

>adopt the ideals of a loud minority
Yeah i think im gonna jack sparrow this shit

>witcher3: "we thought our first two games were sexist and childish, we dissavow them"
>cyberpunk: "were really focussed on politics and Inclusivity"
>Yea Forums: whoa what happened to my based devs?!

tall buildings to the left, yes let's completely ignore that and focus on a section under construction, based tard

>150 replies
>no source

this is pol bro

She's 100% cyber but the brain since she change body.

Because every time someone caves to the cry bullying, their agenda get legitimized.
Unless everyone tells them to fuck off and keeps that stance they will always look righteous.

One guy posted it, read the thread.

>dude I can't Google the quotes, please give me source


>tall buildings to the left
those arent even skyscrapers lmao

Will this game have cracked up drag queen voice option with occasional real voice and failed transition body type?

You'll fall with us dummy, when nukes are used again the world ends.

>destroyed the work force
>destroyed politics
>destroyed movies
>destroyed video games
>destroyed mtg
>they're heading for anime next

It's time for a holocaust. A real one this time.

>Yea Forums complains about the lack of role playing game in a rpg
That was like one autistic shitposter saying that and a bunch of people disagreeing.

>cdpr gives you the ultimate freedom to create your character
LOL."The ultimate freedom". Come on now. That's a bit much. The best RPG freedom I've actually ever seen in character generation in a computer game was in Arcanum. You could make a ridiculous number of choices that would greatly change your abilities as well as how your character plays and the world treats you. You could play the game using tons of different options, including:
-a giant hilarious retard who's own journal and quest entries are completely different from normal, because you're retarded
-a highly intelligent person who still seems retarded because they're highly autistic
-someone who has sold their soul for power
-a child of a famous hero
-a Frankenstein creation
-a mad scientist (with many different possible types of tech)
-a wild barbarian
-an asshole bandit/thief
-an orc in a world that doesn't like them
-a mage (of many different types of magic)
-a summoner (people reacted to you differently if you walked around with undead servants, a demon, or elemental minions)
-a medieval knight
-a gun for hire
-a super model bimbo

cool, ill pick the male parts and move on

How about that Gnome Conspiracy?

Traps aren't futas

We won't. You are being subverted from the inside. The only ones going away is you.

You'd have to be an absolute retard to miss all the social justice themes in Witcher, so of course Yea Forums did.

But that makes sense for cyberpunk. Why is this a problem?

you're on an elevated freeway fucko

Do you not remember being a kid? Or did you never grow out of your "nigger nigger nigger" phase?

Man I'm not even playing this bullshit anymore, cdpr has become pathetic as fuck. You can tell they are run by white ppl sucking up to these gender freaks because they are scared.

You obviously never learned English you sick faggot

your 12 year old retarded little shit of a brother doesn't even know who hitler was

I dont hate blacks but man I fucking hate LGBT faggots like you.

Stop projecting your weird phases onto the rest of us, user. We're talking smart boy things, go play with your wife's son.

You wish you fucking cracker. Only ones being enslaved/going extinct is you pale devils.

Those arent tall buildings lmao, those are apartment buildings.

I would bet money it's some lgbt weirdo LARPing as a black

good luck with 30 less iq points fucko and I'm being generous, your average is over 40 points below mine

you're on an elevated freeway idiot, nice cherry pick George Washington

They just being true to reality. You crackers are going extinct and there will be less and less of you as the years go by.


Attached: 1508844087056.jpg (564x428, 53K)

>I thought this interview was going to be about games

A guy at Blizzard tried that once regarding either Overwatch or Heroes of the Storm. He was fired, Blizz apologized, and then doubled down on the SocJus. But, whatever. I'm totally an incel for noticing or thinking this matters right?

That's a lie tho you inferior bitch cracker. Nice high I.q and you going extinct lolooolololol your I.q ain't gonna do shit you inferior bitch you still dying if faster than being born. Irreversible cracker. White genocide hahahahaha.

the person who came to that conclusion is so retarded, there's no way he ever managed to get laid. that's how literally retarded he is.

Games have been doing this for decades, it's not exactly groundbreaking

>GC: I’ve spoken to a number of your devs now and it’s obvious to me they’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s such a difficult subject.
What does "doing the right thing" mean?

haha nice try black cracka

cucking to the globohomo agenda

Yeah fuck CDPR.

This. Kids will always go against the grain, especially with shit they perceive to be superficial.

Lmao it's not that elevated. Those buildings are tiny just like your penis.

Embracing pedophiles


Attached: jollakottovodas.jpg (391x264, 24K)

>tall buildings
They aren't as tall as the fucking power lines holy shit this game is going to be utter tripe.

I'm a woke boack you inbred cracker I know everything about you white supremacists

get over it

That interviewer spent the entire interview talking about their own opinion instead of interviewing the person. I fucking hate these people.

>Browder: Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
>[PR says we’ve run over, tells me I have to leave]

Attached: 1544584005811.png (803x688, 621K)


>lets tell the fag whatever and then make it leave

Go back to sleep boack larper

So glad I got my money back, gonna buy a better game like Skyrim 2

Attached: 1566237812795.png (957x429, 102K)

it's fun to watch blizzard crash and burn after that cuckery

Enabling and celebrating mental illness and baby mutilators.

>they're just pretending
fucking cope hahaha they still haven't fucking shown straight male v they're fucking consistent with faggot and tranny shit lmao keep coping

Smart move user

based fuck this gay ass woke trash game


good call lad

havent shown romance at all in fact
how about that
apart from that guy in v,s bed but hes into girls and thats super gay

What's the fucking point of pandering to SJWs? They don't buy games, they just like to make a stink.
Warhorse Studios told them to fuck off and KC:D did great.

Attached: frog stare.jpg (250x240, 11K)

>...choose a body type...we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want.

What exactly is the fucking problem, here?

Outside of the fact I doubt there will be a quest or sidequest on your massive futadick, I think you can roleplay as that.

Sounds like exactly the thing Dragon's Dogma did, what's the problem??

Devs are pussies who are scared of men tweets.

>haven't shown romance

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>shows faggot shit
>won't show straight male v fucking women
>now pandering to fucking trannies

b... based cdpr

I don’t get it, if the airburst is a sphere with the nuke at the center, it would be widest horizontally at the elevation of the nuke. I could see the buildings absorbing some of the force of the hortizontal blast if detonated in their midst, but that would take a CBD/downtown area of a very vertical, very dense city, so it would definitely not apply in a scenario where someone seeks to saturate the world in nukes, as very few cities are that big globally.

Rev up those torrents.

Attached: jack sparrow.jpg (1029x798, 154K)

Just admit you were going to pirate it regardless.

Attached: Raiden Coffee.png (400x370, 159K)

>we only have one preset for this demo
>wont show heterosexula sex
>didnt kill the tranny at the spot
your right thats kinda fucked up
we need to shitpost about screenshots more that'll show'em

You caught me.

Attached: Yolo Swaggins.jpg (640x480, 37K)

what'll show em is their ion fury pandering strategy blowing up in their faces fuck em for selling out and getting cucked fucking woke sjw trash lmao fuck cdpr

Is the nudity still censored? As a proud member of the nudist community I won't stand for this discrimination.

Attached: 5b85bd2fb354cdb8228b4a3c-750-469.jpg (750x469, 30K)

Take note that the male model obviously doesn’t have external genitals. Even though the light is harsher on him, the shadow contrast is higher as seen by the bottom plane of the pelvis, there is no shadow plane present that is not also present on the female pelvis, meaning that guy has no dick.
They were both trannies from the start.

try harder

You really think they put dicks on the male models, retard?

>I can play a busty female with a deep man voice
Based cdpr

as much as I hate the SJW cuck shit pouring out of their mouths. I cannot wait to play as a Futa.

The right has been talking shit about any course that isn't STEM for at least a few decades.
Who do you expect your writers and journalists to be?

It's about time, last thing they won was the record for who has the most chromosones.


I did this in saints row 2

You wish.

Its DRM free, you massive retard.

>i'd rather not

Fucking Yikes.

They're not going to put a dick on the model you fucking sperg.

>RPS: Why that woman? A number of people were fairly taken aback by the fact that she was a scantily clad and in a compromising position, which is understandable. However, the camera panned out to reveal that her arms were grotesque scythes, which struck me as making it less about sex appeal and more about creating a striking image of destroyed beauty by way of rampant technological augmentation. Is that what you were going for?
>Mateusz Kanik: Why not that woman? As for your interpretation: It is really cool that our short clip created some food for thought like that. We enjoy that people dive deeper and they do not see an “epic, omg” flick on youtube, but something they think about when it’s finished. That’s how we want to make our games – you saw that in The Witcher series, moral choices and the problems the player faced were not trivial. Many people thought about decisions they made after they stopped playing. That’s what we want to do with Cyberpunk 2077. The worst thing I could do as someone behind the trailer is to tell you how you should interpret it.

>RPS: Even then, though, there’s still an issue of disempowering someone who seems like a lead female character. Will Cyberpunk be more even-handed in terms of the way it treats gender overall, though? I mean, it looked like she joined the Psycho Squad at the end of the trailer, which puts her in a pretty important place.
>Mateusz Kanik: Even handed? Do you mean that we should do something to someone, who seems (and I stress the word seems) the lead male character? Look, nothing has been confirmed about the character you will play. We really want to tell a story of someone from the street, raised in the gutter, who will than stand up against the system he (or she) lives in. And that’s all you know. If you follow news about the game, you will also know that we want to put a lot of work into character customization.

how does that contradict anything he said you sperg

hasn't seen the game yet, forms an opinion, looks like we got a big old retard on our hands here

alright George Washington I bet you didn't even measure your penis you just chopped it off

>the absolute state of this site

>game about the future trying to do new thing
>people just want the Pokemon gender option

It’s a jew.

Which site?

Try to understand what hes trying to say and think about it.

>conservatives have the same mentality as a 12 year old
based false flag poster

Have they said anything about routes? I know you're not going to be able to be a cop (RIP dreams of Psycho Squad) or a corpo but can you work with them?

If you like to take dicks, you can just be a girl.
And normies will tell you that.

you're a street punk that finds immortality chip that's fucking it lmao

>i can be a lady with a mans voice
This is all i really wanted

Dont know, but they say in New Game+ you can unlock new rputes or do stuff you cant in the 1st playtrought.
The first think i thought was when Corpo Mommy have a bodyguard pointing a gun at you and probably your fucked if you try to disarm him.

But were you called a “tranny” for NOT liking Saints Row?

Or a Gigachad with Kizuna Ai voice.
Hope i can talk like Darth Vader.

no idea what he's trying to say, being DRM free doesn't change anything other than the fact that it doesn't need to be cracked

You can be a tranny that dies halfway through LMAO

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You in the mood to take some cocks in your ass?
Get a pussy

You in the mood to perforate some pussies?
Get a cock

Of course there would still be the odd degenerate who wants to do anal without swapping his junk or the one who is in the mood to do some scissoring shit

But at that point gender doesnt really matter

Then why he needs to be in a country who doesnt care about piracy? Like, the fucker thinks hes alone and a hero for doing that, when millions of people will do it whitout caring at all. What a fag.
Also you cant pirate a DRM free game. Its already pirated.

Holy based

What about 2 cocks?

Same image from 4 days ago, realy based...

Sounds like double the fun

huh, DRM free games still need to be uploaded for piracy, and it's still illegal to do so, and it's still considered piracy to download them

>Same image from 4 days ago, realy based...
That's why i take fresh screenshots every time i post.

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>dies halfway through
I can do that in any game

The more I learn about this game the worse it sounds.

>We make games we want to play
>Empower women
>Yeah, we aren't running for president.
>Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
How did turn out the last time feminists made an empowered game?

Because intersectionality is a mind virus. Luckily a full-blown infection is unsustainable and the host will eventually die.

You've got the downs boyo

>To empower women we need to REMOVE sexualized options
>Comment points out that some women like playing sexualized characters
>All the replies are of "WHAT ABOUT THE WOMEN WHO DON'T", which somehow justifies removing the option instead of just having them not play the sexualized alternate outfits
I'm so glad this line of thinking has become more and more of a joke as time goes on

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you all act like a bunch of teenagers. God help you if you're over 25

>stop projecting
>proceeds to project his cuckold fantasies onto others
Holy fucking autist

Does anyone know if Casey Defritas from IGN has any nudes leaked?

CD Project is so fucking cucked now. I don't even buy from GOG anymore.

And own a computer

So is CDPR compromised or is this just a good way of catering to everything without completely cucking out?

Nintendy spotted.

Damn I kinda wish I gave HOTS at least a chance now. Oh well, I've fallen out of the genre so it's too late for me.

>I don't understand how these freaks have such a pull on vidya industry, and entertainment industry in general
Oh, you poor soul.

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There's three life-paths. Corpo, street kid and nomad. You choose one at the character creator and that decides where you start the game, what your starting equipment is and various speech checks throughout the game. They've haven't gone into further detail than that.

every character of mine in saint row was male with female physics or female with male physics

>You don’t choose your gender anymore
>They actually add more options than in the before
How is this bad, epic?

Double the gay?

except the option OF BEING A MAN hahaha

"""Journalists""" control the narrative, although the monopoly of organized media corporations is faltering you can still easily find yourself being completely demonized and misrepresented to the point where it's difficult to do business if you piss off a """journalistic""" enterprise enough. They're practically unfettered from publishing slanderous or libelous material too because the standard for proving they're deliberately trying to fuck you over is basically so high as to make it impossible to nail them for it.

why the fuck would you even buy it on Steam and not GOG.

>But CDPR keep get themselves in trouble

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This game looks worst each time CDPR open their mouths. It will most likely fail harder than WD2 or even Mafia 3.

how do you define a man, male characteristics

A dozen blue checkmark warriors with furry avatars on Twitter attacking you and a Resetera thread with 10 pages is considered "getting into trouble" or a "controversy" in the modern world. That's how fucked the industry is currently.

Pirating doesnt mean cracking retard.

ummm no sweatie no genders just body types :^)

Yeah, but I was more amazed by the "keep get". Correct me as I'm not a native speaker, is that even proper english?
I keep noticing "than" instead of "then" and so on. Do they not have editors? It's fucking bewildering.

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Altered Carbon sucks. It's a good thing that CDPR isn't emulating it

>season 2
>protagonist suddenly black

> GC: Have you specifically sought out a wider range of people to consult on the game, since all these controversies started flaring up?

Our job as journalists is to make sure you pay our friends like Anita money as "consultants"


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theyre the loudest in the room and know how to utilize the internet and social media to make themselves seem bigger than what they are. Its the fault of devs wanting to push the industry into new narratives and have them coexist with the likes of television and movies

your beliefs as a child, an eighteen year old, and as an actual adult are VASTLY different from each other, and if they somehow haven't changed, you're an underdeveloped manchild

they're experts at playing the victim they think normal people bend to them out of agreement. it's just out of pity lol. normal people want to be seen as virtuous and accepting they choke down all the bullshit. the fucking retards pushed too hard tho normals waking up that no matter what the fuck you do to please em it's never enough lmao.

Browder still works at Blizzard dumbass


Speak English, not newspeak. It's spokesman, regardless of gender.

I went from ancap as a child to conservative during teen years, to commie as an adult.

this is the best choice they could have come up with, make a male or female or anything between however u want

you can't fucking make a male now lmao

yes you can, the only thing i wonder is they showed like an ID card with ur Birth date, Sex etc etc, so i guess that wont be shown, but yeah trannies have nothing on CDPR now

>trannies have nothing on CDPR now
they got them to change the fucking game holy shit you're coping lmao they're gonna demand more shit and cdpr is so fucking cucked they've shown they'll bend over for all of it hahaha ffs they still haven't fucking shown straight male v months after they showed faggot v

>trannies, faggots and white women call the shots
Ever thought about who's behind them?

the male hasn't been shown romancing anyone

You can't make a female either.

Why the hell have you missed that?

Damn, lucky we got Witcher 3 with no fucking niggers at the rate CDPR is getting pozzed.

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CDPR won

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

Please no
oh god
what if we can make shotas with Huge dicks?

Okay so he says, but no one else saw that

oy vey
shut it down

>male hasn't been shown
>k male has been shown but
lmao faggot male was shown hahaha straight male hasn't lmao

Because they communicate to the consumer base. Stop being this retarded. It’s so simple.

isnt it good for you? you clearly will play as a homosexual

>your complaints about media disinformation and abuse are harassment
>I, an expert professor with media allies, am the marginalized victim and you hated troglodytes have all the power
Also use internet archives rather than give the liars clicks

if that the only choice cuck cdpr give i ain't playin this shit lmao

White Genocide isn’t real

you have a male body type right, if you have a female body type you pick the female one

who are you kidding, you will be the first one to play it

ummmm "male" body type? ummmmm "female" body type? excuuuuuuse me?

How dare you assume the fucking gender of my body type?

Its my body and I wont allow ANYONE to tag me!


males have big muscles and peepee, girls have little muscles and no peepee

trannies will be a fad like 3D glasses and VR

>stand up against the system
This game gets worse and worse every day
No wonder they didint implement any superbuildings and flying vehicles.
They are going for some shit tier gta sanandreas esque game.
I still remember when they said that we could take part in the story as any character like cop.

same here
the sjw trannies are going to completely control this game by the time it comes out.
sad man.

nah US will collapse on itself like USSR.

dont worry bros, you can buy it later when it becomes cheaper :)

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The LGBTP award of Pandering?

>no doom eternal on the list
You were [ ] this close to greatness

Jews run the media, Jews run the Industry, Devs just make the games.

>star wars
I want to believe it'll be good. But the gameplay videos just reeks of mediocre.

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Has been studied and proven, sooo....

>Bragging about propping shitty companies up
Lmao at your life

>star wars
CDPR drones showing their shit taste

>You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want.
What if I want to create a character who's male? Or female?

I don't really have a problem with transgender people, but some of this shit is getting ridiculous. I thought even trans people wanted to be male or female, it's just that they were born male and want to be female or vice versa.

These gay degenerates are just 4% of the population, yet needs to have 100% representation in all entertainment media.

it's crazy how quickly it went from "please just call me she it makes me more comfortable" to "I should be allowed to fight real women in MMA"

>let you recreate your character along with gender
Yeah, along with like a fucking hundred other games. It's always there only so you don't have to reroll from the start if you decide you want a different character.
Also, being ACTUALLY able to change your gender has absolutely nothing to do with trannies.

This isn't for trans people, its for the nonbinary retards that claim that gender is a spectrum and that sometimes they feel like a women and sometimes like a man. Basically all the retarded twitter users that are just in it for the virtue signal points and attention they get. Pretty fucking hilarious. I hope this game has mods. Shit is going to be great.

and cdpr showing their ass to em

>born male and want to be female or vice versa
The existence of FtMs really serves as ironclad proof that the whole transgender thing really is real, because no woman would ever choose to be a man on a whim. "Yeah, I'd like to stop being part of the gender that everyone cares about and thinks they deserve to be protected and taken care of. I'd rather join the gender that's considered expendable and whose problems are considered unimportant at best and a target for mockery at worst."

No woman would choose to become a man unless they were really fucking sure that their soul was male, because there certainly isn't any upside to it.

I love this shit right here.

>Even at its worst, the educators The Verge spoke to believe change is possible. These are still young people they’re teaching, who deserve the chance to learn and grow. “The behavior and games culture is this sort of microcosm of behavioral and larger culture,” Vossen says. “Gamers are not inherently sexist. Gamers are not inherently racist.” But much of the issue as an educator comes from the battle with what she calls living in an anti-intellectual time. “People will say [education is] brainwashing,” she says. Figures like Peterson or Lindsay Sheperd will pose human rights discussions as one with two sides, rather than accepting that all people deserve basic rights. To combat this, Vossen will play leftist videos in her class from channels like Innuendo Studios. “I think that sadly, at the end of the day, we can’t actually change anyone’s mind,” Vossen says. “But we can present alternative options.”

"We will need to brainwash the young to combat this conception that we are brainwashing the young."

>"please just call me she it makes me more comfortable"
>which makes sense
>but some people will push things further and society must react or we get
>"I should be allowed to fight real women in MMA"
>"You will face a fine and be accused of a hate crime for misgendering me"
>"As a sexual minority to protect my rights, I should be hired before cis people, and also companies should be very careful before firing me"
We still have a ways to go to protect people and give them equality, but special treatment is not equality, and some places and people really are that stupid as to give out special treatment.

Good point. Today's conservatives have the minds of four-year-olds, not twelve-year-olds.

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I hope CDPR is only doing this because it's appropriate for Cyberpunk, and not to pander. Because they will receive no thanks for pandering. This is a minefield they're walking into.

How do they keep doing it bros....i don't understand.

>STILL fucking reeeeing above GG
jesus christ

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They know how to handle filth (people with differing opinions)

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I've already re-written them off. I wrote them off for the Witcher 3 downgrade, but pain fades with time. CDPR will never again see a cent from me.

When I was 12 I was listening to rap and getting high. It was a different time.

I don't understand how people don't know how to handle these interviews

>so what do you think about sexism in your games
>oh I've seen a couple of critiques, it's definitely something to think about it (don't think about it)

>do you think trans representation is important
>yeah totally, we've definitely talked about it in-house (didn't talk about it)

>have you thought about hiring more women to help with representation
>we want to have a diverse working culture (don't care about it at all)

CDPR should just go press dark and keep working on the game, showing it from time to time and making publications.

These interviews and bending their ass to resetera is only making them look worse