Dude underrail lmao
Dude underrail lmao
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Where the FUCK do you get a fire chem pistol collector before depot A in junkyard? Is it trader rng?
Play as a hammer wizard
Completely luck. Just do it with smg, molos and traps.
I prefer stealth knoifer w temporal mechanics.
>go to the Black Sea
>it's like an entirely different game
I love it.
You dont
Molotovs do the same job but better at this point anyway
>That music
>That fucking track that runs when tribals are attacking the base for the first time
Jesus that was cool, expedition is worth it for the ost alone.
>Crossbow build
>get critical power
>suddenly throwing 666 damages around
Not gonna lie, part of me is looking forward to the attacks just to hear more of that track.
Is there anything time sensitive on the DLC?
I feel like going there just to check it out.
how do I finish the quest with the guy selling the Hercules drug? I have an option to ask barkeep for help but the choice menu is blank
Have the drug analyzed
You need proof that the drug is dangerous. Maybe you should get on that.
Who sells good crafting materials for chem guns? Fixer seems to never get shit better then 70q
The expedition camp gets attacked periodically by natives, lowering camp supplies and manpower. I think the timer doesn't run when you're out of Black Sea area, and you can solve the problem permanently if you join the pirates instead or personally genocide all the natives.
Get better mercantile bre
Constantine and Institute are your best bet if you're not well versed in the jewish mysteries
>lowering camp supplies and manpower
Not him, but I was wondering about that. Do bad things still happen if you fend off the natives without losing anyone?
I just want a bolt quiver belt damn it
Does critical power work with fragmented choas?
tchortists, and Quentin has some decent shit
What does that have to do with the DLC?
Can only find it there except as random drop which never drops
>go see Blaine for the very 1st time with crossbow build
>he has a quiver in stock
You jelly bre?
I've seen them for sale all over the place.
It's sold occasionally by many traders
JKK and Constantine have it very commonly in my experience
im sitting at 50 mercantile
Gray Army base track is the best track.
Not good enough to get good shit but you might still find it with some luck in special inventory merchants
Statement: Spear builds suck balls.
>1.5% crit chance bonus for every 1% of extra crit damage
>3P shells have 83% crit dmg bonus from fragmented chaos
>this would give 100% crit chance with just 2 feats
Did you even think for a second there?
Certainly underwhelming other than le 4k crit spear throw
but user critical power works with fragmented chaos and also critical power gives you critical damage not crit chance
Critical power increases crit damage bonus, not crit chance.
How long is expedition compared to the main game?
Just like the base game it depends on what you do.
My bad, I guess I'm the brainlet here. Are you sure that it works though? That's still +125% critical damage on 3P, looks way better than other feats.
Alright, so what are the builds that can clear DOMINATING without traps? I don't mind throwing incendiary grenades, they're cool. I know from my own experience that pure psi doesn't need to lay a single trap to beat it. Can chem pistols do it on chemical effects alone? Hammer/muscle wizards?
Deport A is suffering with a chem build. I'm having to pull out all the tricks in the book, i can do it, it's just gonna be an f9 fest and a slog.
You can't have a chem build before depot A, you can only have acid guns and it's freaking depot A
Just use a good SMG like everyone else
You could technically wait restocks until the merchants have incendiary collector but by that time you probably would have cleared depot already. I got lucky with pretty much max quality incendiary pistol before I went to depot.
Someone upload that OST to Youtube already
400+ hours in game
first time trying mix-build (unarmed + psychokinesis)
so should i waste my base abilities points to get 7 WILL and Force User?
I know what you did there
what do you mean all of the tricks in the book, literally molotov and smg you win, don't ell me you fell for dominating meme
>abusing doors
>abusing a few explosive barrels
>trying to cheese the vendors by waiting to get at least stuff for better armor
i forgot
>maxing out exp as much as i can on oddity save for rng drops
>Doing literally every quest that awards money
>Killing random mook hobos to sell their rusty knives
If you cant clear depot A with all this then your build must be shit
Force Emission is not that good. It directly scales from skill, requires ability investment to not drain all your psi. I wouldn't bother with it unless I went for LoC, but then Agi and Con would be low. Punching itself needs Dex and some Str. Low Int might make you starved for skill points. It's just too spread out over literally every ability stat.
>(angry Guitar riff)
If I persuade the Free Drones during the Train Heist mission to surrender the train to Rail Crossing can I still join them?
why does the game stop being fun once you reach DC
Jesus what a bunch of faggots.
What did you expect from a bunch of terrorists?
You still make Rails Crossing join Protectorate and deny Free Drones the supplies. Do you think you change something by making the mooks walk away?
They should capture Wyatt Pear and study him. He's probably the ultimate result Biocorp wanted from mutagens.
>Is there anything time sensitive on the DLC?
Don't know if it's time sensitive, but I think Aegis fired me for sequence breaking.
They already achieved the ultimate result. Those particular mutagens were meant to destroy and he's just an anomaly.
I know there's a general progression path but is there any sidequest progression to pay attention to, like making sure I have X quest(s) before ever stepping foot near Y area, etc.?
I found a bolt quiver in the place where you get the little energy cube for the guys in Rail Crossing, or at least I think it was that place.
The fuck did you do?
Not that user but if you go to other facilities before doing the muties stuff aegis gets pissed.
>riftwalk to my house and back real quick
>Aegis shoot me on sight
Fucking hell, I'm just mercenary, not some zogbot.
Went exploring after I got Phil's arm and ended up in Nexus. And for some reason walked out a traitor.
Oh, weird. What about after that? Oldfield sent me to the Nexus of Technology and the Crimson Meadow (fuck that place, I ain't going back there)
I'm free to go wherever now, right?
Christ, you guys make it sound like the early parts of the DLC are a minefield.
My build is fine, maybe one more point in perception i didn't need (at 8) and i don't have any dodge or evasion yet opting for 5 con instead so i could get my chem pistol early just to try it out. This is my first chem pistol run and so far it's been a trainwreck but it will smooth out i'm sure. I started with 3/9/5/5//8/3/7 with aimed shot and surestep. I put 6 into agility because i'm not dumping points into tm and want sprint eventually, also i'm investing into dodge and evasion later and wearing leather armor (Just crafted some riot gear and it's amazing i'm having a much easier time).
Well to be fair depot A was a f9 roulette for my chem/energy build too but Im playing with survival instincts on since level 1
Once I got the unique 9mm SMG it got much better though
After you do the initial assignment you are free to explore yes.
Critical power is kind of disgustingly strong compared to most feats as long as you have a way to reliably get crits. Shotgun is actually at a disadvantage there compared to most weapons because it's not a "single-target" ranged weapon, meaning it can't take stuff like aimed shot or ambush for guaranteed crits.
Kinetic Slam
To your total Super Slam damage, add your total effective Psychokinesis skill as extra damage
AP 25
Psi cost: 40
Requires Psi empathy
Super Slam
8 Will
100 base Psychokinesis ability
Can be mirrored by Tele Proxy
Tragedy averted.
Definitely feels weird knowing that I can pick literally any direction and just find stuff there, after being cooped up in tunnels.
>more OP psi shit
Ah yes great
you should holocaust the tribals though if you want to freely explore, otherwise you have to go back to camp to help defend
Looks good desu.
But if I kill all of them, I won't be able to listen to the "gas all natives" theme that plays during their attacks...
Yeah i just picked that up, debating whether to wait for traders to restock so i can sell some shit and buy ammo for it. I think i'll do that, i need more molotovs too.
In my defense, full psychokinesis is only seen with hammer or unarmored as hybrids builds, unlike full sissified Psykers
Psychokinesis is based, user, find compassion somewhere in your heart
You're forced to defend the camp on the very first native attack, which happens quite literally moments later you land on the island, after that, you can pretty much ignore Aegis quests and train your inner explorer/coloniser
full psi has major use for psychokinesis, the electrical skills are the only thing they have that hurts bots and imprint is basically an I-win button against crawlers
>Another playthrough
>Depot A draws near again
>Cliff's quest again
If there's something I hate in this game other than Crawlers, Coil spooders and Tchortniggers are fucking burrowers, especially on hard and above.
Should I side with the drones this time around? Never done it before.
is it aoe
I've got one, telekinetic bullets
100 gun skill
75 psychokinesis
6 will
burst attacks reenter up to 3 enemies for full damage, psi cost 10
Yet you never see full psikers ONLY using Psychokinesis, they use it as a mere tool
The real full psychokinesis are the hammer wizards and psi monks, which both are pretty based builds
>slog through the game with a very suboptimal sword build with not so great stat allocation and wasted feats
>had trouble in several fights due to a combination of poor armor, not understanding game systems, and just not doing it right overall
>reach final boss
>kill him in literally two turns by spamming flurry and popping a Supersoldier Drug
Well that was both extremely dissapointing and hilarious.
>Never done it before
Then you should, yes.
hey let me make it better burst attacks effect every enemy in the range of your telekinetic proxy
>is it aoe
I fail to see how you can possible boost bullets or imbue bullets with psychokinesis energies
>Never done it before.
Yes, you should, Free Drone is good for lore
if they are in your telekinetic proxy you have neo force powers over them, seems like a pretty balanced psi ability
I think supplies going down is tied to more than attacks. I wiped natives and pirates out early and by the time I finished DLC my supplies were still very low.
Now play on something other than normal. Welcome to the club. Join the hard bois and domichads.
Does fend work on knifes too?
That's dumb
>Yes I do only play dominating because after playing it once hard is just boring. How did you know?
All I have to do is leaving the train cargo to them once I get to Rail Crossing, right?
Do I get any particular goodies by siding with them? Running a shotgun/psy build right now.
>Grant you an ability to immediately gain Spear Guard etc
>Spear Guard
Are you fucking retarded?
Nah. I've frankly had enough of the game. It's interesting, and the writing isn't half-bad, but after looking over how some other build works, it's just not my thing. I'm not one for abusing the game systems left and right like how you're intended to do in the other difficulties.
not really seems balanced to me and would only work in your proxy
I know you have a hateboner of anything related to Psi, but come on dude, be cool for once
>See people talking about how annoying the expansion crabs are
>Finally get around to starting expedition, just started the first dungeon area under the mutie base
>See crabs
>Oh shit
>Completely wreck them, including the "colossal crabs", which must have been the hard ones everyone was talking about
>Man everyone sucks at this game but me
>MFW rounding a corner and getting my shit pushed in by Psi Crabs
They have a merchant, a based slav bro, and you get to btfo protectorate.
Crabs are easy, but god fucking damn it that sound they make when they appear. Why is it like 500% louder than anything in the game?
A food trader instead of the mechanic one from protectorate and a general one with special stock
And more importantly you get to remove protectorate scum
But you didn't even play the game, normal is just the tutorial.
Cool, I look forward to it then, I'll probably go straight to Rail Crossing once I'm done with Depot A.
I did the Free Drones questline, but don't recall that much lore
>All I have to do is leaving the train cargo to them once I get to Rail Crossing, right?
Yes, you meet them, you have to agree with what they say, wave them good bye, tell RC boss the train is missing, you will fail his mission, and during end game scene, RC gets overrun and everyone dies but at least you will have your chance to join the Free Drones
I sincerely hope you dont do this
Dude brew lmao
Distortions too. I like how they sound but it's so loud it's ear rape.
I had to give up on my sword build because they're immune to all my attacks, molotovs do zero damage but occasional set them on fire for meager tick damage. Frags don't work, even the highest tier. I didn't have expose weakness at the part you are at and i don't feel like killing all of them one at a time so i said fuck it i'm starting over. Sad.
>normal is a 80-hour long tutorial
They don't die. They just relocate.
you can actually drop it now if you have TM since its better for bots, but honestly for full psi the weakest school is methatermics
I don't know what build to go next, make up my mind for me, Yea Forums
>full psi god (i already did this one but that was before the dlc. It also was my first playthrough so it was suboptimal as fuck)
>Crossbow + Traps
>Warcrimes chem pistol build
>SMG thousand-bullets-per-round
difficulty would be either hard or dominating depending on the viability of the build i guess
>protectoreddit propaganda
They spread out and join other stations.
>only 80 hours
Is this nigger for real?
spear dominating build
How did you even get this far with literally no way to deal with armored enemies?
Well, I outright do not have the time for that.
You all have fun.
>Depot A
>The first room with mutants
>I throw a molotov and set myself on fire behind the dumpster choke point at the entrance
>fuck it i'll play it out
>kill three dogs and a big guy
>gonna die to tick damage so it doesn't matter
>A hulking big guy (I didn't know they could spawn this early) runs up at super sonic speed and hurls a rock at me
What. The. Fuck. 50 restarts and 400 hours in the game and i have NEVER seen a hulking mutant in depot A on hard. It looked pretty funny though.
Hammer wizard
Pure hammer tin can
Squishy nimble hammer
Crossbow + chem with Versatility is based and can face literally anything
After having done a melee build (not spear tho) all i have to say is: NO WAY FAG
DLC is not kind at all on melee bros
Electrified swords and grenades.
>grug hit fire land crab carapace with sharp stick
>sharp stick no work
>small sharp stick in a boomrock no work
>fiery water no work
if you activate Sweep with an electroshock spear, do you proc a chain lightning for each struck enemy or just one?
>trying to fight Aegis patrols with a knife on my jet ski
Literal suffering
Crabs arent immune to grenades afaik
>frags against heavily armored enemies
Psychokinesis exists, bre
It still was fucking painful tho, fuck Sea Wyrms, and fuck native temple
They do 1-3 damage per shrapnel hit, fuck off i tried.
If only there was a grenade that dealt a lot of damage all at once.
HE grenades do piss damage, you honestly do more with frags against tin cans with three pointer.
Literal retard
Plasma grenades
Incendiary grenades
Brap grenades
Tell me what to do next Yea Forums.
1. Play with shotguns more and keep a sniper as backup.
2. Embrace my inner slasher villain and run machetes.
3. Forgo weapons entirely and just beat everything with my fists like a dumb caveman.
4. Something with crossbows or energy/chem pistols.
2 or 3; or:
it's a balanced psi ability, is gun psi not allowed to exist
>is gun psi not allowed to exist
Obviously, zap zap guns already exists
Someone posted a bleeds focused sword build a couple threads ago that stacks a shitload of bleeds using one of the DLC swords and then one-shots enemies with fully specialized shield bash, it looked like a lot of fun
no one said anything about electric energy guns
I was talking about gun psi hybrids, which is the build I play
found your problem
>I was talking about gun psi hybrids, which is the build I play
I'm curious now.
Post build.
I feel very dumb, I didn't realize Taste for Blood was based on simply hitting someone who was bleeding and I thought it was whenever you bled someone. I was worried that with my bleed boots my unarmed attacks might only get me 2 or 3 stacks per turn, but I am easily going up to 6, 7, or 8 stacks on turn one. More if I am killing one or two dudes.
140 guns 100 effective psycho 100 effective thought control 75 temporal 90 throwing 70 dodge 70 evasion maxed crafting 40 points in sneak
I picked up psi early game because I wanted to experience as much of the game as possible, it's basically an ar burst build, with every burst feat, cooked shot for a back up chem pistol,, grenadier, I wanted to have pretty much every tool just to see how they worked, premeditation electro was really helpful early game and still is sometimes
psi hybrids are generally gonna 35 meta thermics for cryostasis, 40 psychokinetics for forcefield and the lightning trap whose name I forget, 55 temporal for psi-adrenaline+sprint and up to 70 if you want stasis.
I'm level 29 btw will probably max guns, and evasion for the last level, normal first playthrough
Holy crap, when did the core city general merchant start packing high quality components??
What level is appropriate to do Expedition?
When you started putting points in mercantile
but mercantile-only gear has a yellow border
investing points into judaism pays off quite well
I see, so you use psychokinesis more of a stunning machine correct?
How much did Psi affects your gun play, besides easy spammy stuns?
>the lightning trap whose name I forge
Electrokinetic imprint
>Tfw no dominating viable chem/energy pistol build
>tfw you didn't start putting points into mercantile until like level 13
Thankfully with ~120 effective lock picking I can afford to star putting points from that and other skills into Mercantile, but I sort of feel like an idiot for not raising it sooner. I really regret the points I put into stealth because with my stealth gear I have more than enough stealth to steal shit and generally am able to sneak around most areas. That might change later on, but for now I feel like I just wish I could put those points into mercantile to actually make use of my crafting.
So I want to do the Arena, but I heard doing the Arena was necessary to progress the Core City storyline. I haven't done work for any of the factions. Can I start the arena anyways without fucking myself over?
obviously haste is a huge factor in getting bursts, I rarely use it when my weapon is functioning well, stun is always useful as is forcefield for cheesing encounters a free action with premeditation is free damage, or a status effect, I got enrage late game but realize I could have used it mid game quite a bit, suboptimal without locus of control, but it was a first time build
Merchants' inventories upgrade after Depot A and after doing the Core City's main quest.
Mercantile increase item quality, special inventory or not
Superior human intellect wins again
I won't have to fight them outside a choke point right
except the one posted on underrail forums
Crabs have 65 DT, that's more than the average damage of shrapnel. You can't even deal any damage to begin with, unless you crit. HE grenade is clearly the only choice agaisnt crabs.
Mercantile doesn't do anything for shop stock without the special stock option. Some merchants just get progressively better shit several times when you follow the main quest.
But that's what Im playing right now?
>Hammer/muscle wizards?
Traps are more of a tool rather than anything, I personally got 25 trap skill just to plant Burrower poision Bear traps everywhere in which I have to 'assault' a location or defend:
The Beast
Clearing Imporium Mall for the Tchortists
Defend Aegis Camp against native assaults
Clearing the hidden Free Drones base for the Protectorade, the first mission, not Gas the Drones
Other than that traps had not much of an use, arguably Gas nades and poision caltrops were way more useful
I'm level 22 on Dominating
Are you placing traps every other encounter?
I didn't play it I just saw it on the forums so assumed it was possible
don't worry, you will have to fight them in the open
I think it's not needed
You can literally walk up to one of them and ask for a job, they will give you one
BUT their final 2 missions of every faction REQUIRES you to have complete 'Save Buzzer' quest in RC
course not, go play the rest of the dungeon, you're safe
I have 4 different guns with built in CC, why the fuck would I bother using traps outside of really hard encounters?
I really need to get around to doing the rail station crap. I'm level 15 and haven't done anything past getting the quests.
you need to fight in the arena, but you don't need to become the invictus, you probably only need to fight until you get your name
What the heck, why does it require that? I don't see why would you even need to know anything about Acid Hunters, it's not like you're the one who asks for that particular job.
It doesnt, you just need to know they got the MacGuffin
So either from RC, Foundry, or the mobile computer in Ironhead base
>you just need to know they got the MacGuffin
Which requires you to do Buzzer's quest.
Or Foundry's Faceless quest, or from the computer from the Ironhead base as I just said in the post you quoted.
Post build
underrail forums in the builds category
>from the computer from the Ironhead base
The one at the west, northwest of Foundry?
Yeah iirc
The one by the railroad between Core City and Foundry
I see, fair enough.
I guess I always keep skipping it since I usually do RC quests first and have high persuation
Why would you need to know about them having the MacGuffin though? Oligarchs already know about it.
I dont know, ask Styg.
Is it wrong to throw napalm grenades at natives while listening to ride of the valkyries?
because it's so much fun
I'm almost coninced that I should reroll my would-be shotgun build because of lack of CC on DOMINATING. Does it start oneshotting everything for eternal CC right after Depot A?
Is it possible to get all six utility slots? Base 2+Quickpockets 1+Utility Belt 2 = 5
Why not use grenades or psi for CC
Can I explore Rail Crossing for oddities like I did Foundry/CC? From what I hear, it seems like you could take two or three wrong screen turns in RC and get anally reamed by crawlers or other ilk.
>Why not use grenades
I already am, but it's not enough.
I'm a Will-let, even rathounds resist my telekinetic punch on DOMINATING. Getting thought control would probably be a waste.
Not really, it's too small
not that guy but what the fuck
What do you use for cc? I'm not sure electroshock pistol can cut it.
All three chem pistol, obviously. That's ice block/immolation for side targets and entanglement for main target.
What do we know about the gray army? Should I feel bad for killing them all?
Does anyone actually enjoy playing this game? I play to suffer.
t.300 hours
Can you get Oldfield back without giving up any supplies?
kill every pirate
Uhh, while still going through with negotiating, I mean.
electrokinesis and electronic imprint are guaranteed stuns, and forcefield is better than any cc in the game, and none of them need will or more points than the minimum to unlock them
they're peaceful slavs
best you can do is give up 1/4th of your jetski's and make a bunch of promises
which is not a big deal as jetski number only depletes if you're hostile with the pirates
but this requires high persuasion AND mercantilism
I really hate when the expansion does not expand on the existing world but is like a seperate world.
wide as an ocean deep as a puddle.
Gotcha. I made a bunch of promises, but my mercantile wasn't enough to impress cap'n. Had to give up 3 /4ths of medicine. How bad is it? We won't need medicine if the natives die in a sea of caltrops, right? R-Right?
so I wanted some supersteel to make infused cavehopper for boots
and I got this
It feels like supreme heresy to use that quality plates for this purpose
if your medicine is non-existent people will start dying OUTSIDE of the native assaults
if you gave up 3/4th here and gave up medicine to the muties then you're going to see that number deplete real fast
>You can swap equipment for free during enemy turns if you have the item window open
>I'm just finding this out on my third playthrough
This isn't intended, right?
>people will start dying OUTSIDE of the native assaults
What the fug. I didn't give anything to the muties, but that's... pretty scary.
your medicine still depletes over time so there's now a very real limit before people start dying of attrition
Can you join pirates before going on the expedition?
why expedition is so boring?
It was kinda nice at first but now it's a complete borefest with boring dungeons (I completed the locust infested one just now) and boring "random" event (savages, pirates kidnapping).
As PSI right now all I'm doing most fights in the pirate base is to try to enrage as many people as possible and hide.
I was having more fun in the base game, I regret starting the expansion since it seems I can't even go back to the main game for too long (who knows how much) without failing the whole expansion.
Maybe it's time I reconsider my offer to the pirates...
I too enjoy suffering.
You need a bit of the tism to really enjoy this game.
>Psi is boring
ar and shotgun are even more boring
>using the most broken ability in the game by far
>game is boring
wow imagine that
Yeah just steal a jet ski somewhere
What should I do for a starter build?
The character creation intimidates me, what if I fuck up the build?
I want to join the pirates, is there a point where I'm locked out of it? I just got the arm from the first dungeon
If I am playing a dodge and evasion based sword user, should I grab finesse? I feel like it would be pretty snazzy.
but where?
is genociding the port zenith the only way?
you restart
there are no respecs.
you either have build autism or hate that aspect of the game
Some of the most fun I've had in this game is a highly mobile shotty build
If you wait until they kidnap the Prof, you need persuasion to join at that point. Prior to that, you can join at anytime.
Ray's shop or Port Zenith basically
Maybe you could find a place with random jet skiers that you can reach on foot, that would be ideal but I dont know where that would be
I think you cant anymore after the kidnapping, cause Cruzer isnt waiting on his jet ski after iirc
can you steal a jetski from ray without killing him?
Does stealing imply killing in any way? Dumb murderhobo.
Well I have like 100 persuasion so I guess I'll just wait until then
they want so much shit so I just said fuck it and genocided, if they didn't want me to genocide they shouldn't have tried to bankrupt my current faction
if you go there without goin on the expedition he isnt there so you can freely steal the jetskis but you need a lot of stealth and lockpicking to do that
>take a nap
>bad things happen
So that's why you don't voluntarily go to sleep in the main game.
Okay all the hammer wizardy mentioned here has sold me.
Kinda new to the game, any pointers to hammering with wizardry?
You don't need a Persuasion check as far as I'm aware. When they kidnap the prof just go to the negotiation pirate and instead of negotiating, outright tell him you want to join them. They'll ask you to steal an Aegis jetski to show you're a true pirate.
You can do that as soon as you have a jet, no need to wait for kidnapping.
That's the way to join at any time prior to the negotiation. If you wait until the negotiation, you have to do a persuasion check.
>Get offered a drink from a cute widow
>she spiked it and i wake up in my underwear, forced to punch her serial killer ass to death
The PC has some rough luck.
If you're new to the game I suggest you go Tin Can Assault Rifles, for it's the most newcomer friendly build.
But I can guide you little grasshopper, I can share my build but I will warn you, it's has it's drawbacks not everybody are willing to bear with.
3 INT and permanent 95% AP
>heavy armor AR build
It's effective and noob friendly but boring as sin. I hated every minute of that playthrough.
GIve it to me user.
I'm ready to be a low INT wizard ogre
>If you wait until the negotiation, you have to do a persuasion check.
Nah, I definitely did it without any levels persuasion, right after Briggs strangles you for a bit. There was an INT check when the guy asks what's the most important thing about being a pirate, but I'm not sure if it matters and skips the supposed persuasion check you're talking about or if it's just flavor. Only persuasion / intimidation checks I saw next were when interrogating the professor, but the joining itself didn't require anything for me.
Again, you misunderstand. Talking to Cruzer is how you join at any time. The user asked about the cutoff point, which is when you are in the conversation with Capt. Grimm for the negotiation. At any point before that, you can join via Cruzer.
>Find an energy shield before Depot A
But I told you that you can just skip the negotiation altogether. When the prof gets kidnapped just pick the dialogue option that says you want to join them instead of trying to negotiate for the prof's release. No checks required even after the prof gets kidnapped.
10 Strenght
10 Constitution
7 Will
6 Agility
3 Dexterity
3 Perception
3 Intelligence
Initial feats: Sprint and Conditioning
Keep Melee, Psychokinesis and Mechanics maxed out every level.
Later in game get Thick Skull, Last Stand, Super Slam, Heavy weight and Critical power.
Get a hammer, rush out Bison and learn all his abilities, rush Force Field and Corporeal Projection
You're the tortoise, everyone else's the hare. You cannot catch them up, learn to play as the tortoise.
Psychokinesis is king at single target nuking, stunning and utility, use them.
Do a lot of corner peeking, make the enemy come to you, not you to them.
Proxy Punch combo absolutely BTFO's everyone
Force field and Electrokinetic imprint are the best utility spells
Make your proxy your shadow, always use it.
Learn how to war crimes, be resourceful, early game you wont be as tanky, learn to use bear traps, caltrops, molotovs and proper 'Tin can' economy
Yes, you are correct, no one is disputing that joining via Cruzer is the easiest way to do it. The user asked what the cut off point is. That is a different question than what the easiest way to join is. It's not hard, user, figure it out.
If you're playing as a girl, that "cute widow" gives you the coldest shoulder of anyone in the entire game. She's harsh enough to give you nightmares, really. I'm kinda surprised there isn't an Evelyn analogue for female PCs.
Thanks user.
Truly staggering.
>The user asked what the cut off point is. That is a different question than what the easiest way to join is. It's not hard, user, figure it out.
But you're absolutely wrong, that's what I'm saying. You don't need levels in persuasion even after the professor is kidnapped.
if you sell the acorn to aran then pickpocket it back from him, will he ambush you later to get it back?
Well, there's Ethan.
if youre smart about what you click on you can piss off the pirate leader JUST enough (but not too much) to have him jail you near oldfield, and then you can do a good ol prison breaky waky
this took me so long to find out, i was literally fucked any other way, i literally tried everything until this happened by complete accident
maybe im retarded who knoews
You're up for a bumpy ride, grasshopper
Forgot to mention: Once you got a metal armor, get Juggernauth feat.
My personal feat preferences are Sure Step, Doctor and Stoicism
Holy shit, are you trying to be retarded? Cruzer =/= Capt Grimm. I'll spell out the EXACT sequence for you, since you're actually braindead.
>any time before kidnapping
>you can talk to Cruzer and join by stealing a jet
>professor gets kidnapped
>you go talk to cruzer to take you to negotiations
>you can ask him to take you to Capt Grimm
>he takes you to Grimm
>you talk with Grimm
What happened
Ezra was selling a crappy one pretty much at the start of the game, it cost 14k though.
Welcome to the Void
I'm playing a chem pistol build for the first time, it took me 5 hours to get all the way through junkyard completing depot A and side quests. This build is absolute ASS early game, can't think of another build that i had THIS much trouble with. When does it pay off? You all said it was fun, fucking liars.
When you get 25 mercantile so you can buy an incendiary collector off of Blaine before Depot A
It's fun when you actually get chem guns silly banga
Are you?
>any time before kidnapping
>you can talk to Cruzer and join by stealing a jet (ask to join pirates)
>no persuasion check required
>professor gets kidnapped
>you can talk to Cruzer and join by stealing a jet (ask to join pirates, DO NOT ask about negotiations)
>no persuasion check required
I was originally replying to >If you wait until they kidnap the Prof, you need persuasion to join at that point.
Which is false.
hopefully your aren't a me ming retard, is your dex high, do you have cooked shot, do you have opportunist, in the case your dex is high pick up an smg to capitalize on opportunist, get mad chemist
Bad idea, you can't steal a jet from Ray without turning Core City hostile. You can't destroy the cameras and they will always see you.
You can, you just need to get another jet before coming back.
Right but you can steel the parts from the jet skis and make them ten times cheaper, then put the parts back in and sell it for more than you bought it.
I meant to say steal, not steel. Was talking to a friend about a super steel armor I was building.
if I want to punch everything dead, should I go strength or dexterity? or.. or both?
Where's the best place to get toxic sludge? Does it respawn anywhere?
Both, but mainly focus on DEX
I stole one from Ray and came back on an Aegis jet, and Core City was still hostile.
I got a jet ski from core city (killed everyone in port zenith) and went to black sea without aegis, but then how do I join pirates?
You fucked up then. I did it and have no problem in Core City, but I cant go to Ray shop anymore or they turn hostile, cause I think a camera spotted me
With high persuasion you can give him nothing but info.
Stop posting any time.
Find Cruzer and steal a Patroller.
I get the distinct feeling I'm about to get fucked.
Mainly DEX because unarmed and fist weapons are considered "light weapons" and their AP costs are reduced by high DEX, meaning more attacks per turn. It also combos together with stuff like Expertise feat or Force Emission spell from Psychokinesis that have effects per hit.
I seriously cannot fathom any other way to explain something this obvious. I think you actually have autism, user.
>you talk to Grimm after talking with Cruzer
>this means that Grimm's method of joining occurs later than Cruzer's
>because talking to Grimm takes place AFTER talking to Cruzer
Leave the old man and his family in peace, they don't even have anything to loot.
where is he tho?
My inner Al Fabet cannot agree with you
there are barrels pretty much everywhere, but the best place is definitely the mutant area that you visit in the deploy emmiters quest from the university, they don't respawn but merchant sometimes sell it
>Be a citizen of SGS
>Help them with their problems
>Be a key member that helps to ensure their safety
>Work on behalf of them with their leadership
>Accidentally walk into the wrong room
>Literally everyone in the station wants to kill you
Do you have problems with reading comprehension? I'm not arguing against Grimm's method requiring persuasion if you get to the point where you're trying to negotiate for the professor's release, I'm arguing against the statement that you can only join through a persuasion check if the professor has already been kidnapped. You can still join without that persuasion check even if the professor has been kidnapped. Read that statement a few times and get it through your thick skull.
>Accidentally walk into the wrong room
There's no way to walk into the wrong room unless you've lockpicked/hacked it, so this isn't even funny.
user, all SGS prohibited rooms are locked
What were you doing in a clearly locked room that is not yours?
there is no room in SGS that you can walk "accidentally" and will turn everyone hostile
Is walking into a (formerly) locked door grounds for murder?
I know what you mean, I also accidentally took some credits from a guard's pocket and everyone went batshit.
What's up with that, bre?
Did you steal one of the junk jets? Because I experimented a lot with breaking in through the hidden ventilation, and there is no way past the camera behind the table without getting seen. And that instantly turns Core City hostile. But I haven't tried the junk jets.
Anyone got a good energy pistol build?
let's see, go outside and walk into a (formerly) unlocked home or store and see what happens, now do it in basically a gigantic ghetto that is southern underrail and you are definitely getting shot just like you would in a ghetto
Of course. Why would you try to steal something behind 3 doors and guarded by 10 cameras when you just want any jet ski and there are a bunch just waiting for you outside.
When you enter Black Sea hug the cave walls and head east. He'll be chilling north to the port.
1. SGS is not a ghetto, it is a safe and clean society with strict membership guidelines
2. How do they know I unlocked the door when its been sitting open for weeks now? All I did was walk inside because I want to explore my new home.
I think the council has it out for me, the zoners. Bet they're all Free Drone shills.
>Jumping Beans aren't actually beans
wtf bres...
It looked like all of them were within the camera's range so I didn't bother trying after I knew stealing from inside was impossible.
Ezra read your mind and knew you were a bad boy. Then you were instantly sentenced to death for illegal door opening, that's the tradition in south Underrail.
I remember looking for a way to do it and found a video on YT that explained it, the camera works weirdly and you can hotwire a jet ski right under its nose
Cant remember if the guy could use Ray shop after tho, I didnt do it the same way
>adrenaline shot before it even enters combat
just accept that you are a shit stealing murderhobo and that you got caught and the rest of SGS honest citizens know that and want you dead
What are some good starting stats for a psi monk ninja? It seems like I'm juggling too many feat stat requirements if I go that route, not to mention how many stats I actually need to be high because I actually use them.
the game is honestly shit
So how did you do it?
Is there a way out of the Black Crawler base?
Southeast corner of the house there's a gate
And to put a nail in your coffin I realized I had a pre-betrayal save file so I took some screenies as well. As you can see from the dialogue, the professor is already kidnapped, but you can get the jetski stealing quest from Razor. Doing this instead of trying to negotiate for the professor's release doesn't get you any surprise Persuasion checks later on, from Razor OR Grimm OR from anyone else.
Ergo, you can join the pirates without a persuasion check even after the professor has already been kidnapped. Also for the record the INT check isn't required, you get the guts dialogue and same mission regardless. To put it in simpler terms
You inbreds. Though I got Razor's name wrong earlier on, but you get the idea.
Ah, I've done it: I've created the ultimate melee fighter.
I stole the freighter, hotwired it standing literally under the camera, iirc the camera take turn looking at every jet ski or something like that
Then when you're in stealth and enter combat mode, you can actually stay in stealth when you mount a jet ski for the current turn, so enter combat, hop on, and move as far away from the camera as you can, then fuck off somewhere else and do not ever get close to a Core City NPC on your stolen jet ski or they'll turn hostile
Now play on DOMINATING.
t. Hammer wizard
lol, no
i do feel tempted to import this character on to DOMINATING, tho
>you can actually stay in stealth when you mount a jet ski for the current turn
Clever. Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a go.
I'm disappointed.
And I couldn't care less. Enjoy your eternal cheesing.
so...why do I get the feeling these gates are going to suddenly open up and unleash a billion spiders?
Oh no dont worry they wont suddenly open up
what, the game's gonna give me the rope to hang myself?
nah bro theres nothing but fairies in here. open up.
You'll be safe as long as you press every option at the malfunctioning terminal once.
>tfw been spending more time planning out builds than the actual game
>finally decide to go to the dlc
>get shredded by shotgun friendly fire when natives attack
Aegis are a just a bunch of northern faggots aren't they?
Don't you want to know what's inside? Think of the loot, user...
Such keen perception is only possible with second sight.
just do it bro don't let every faggot tell you what to do
Stop being a squishy weakling
Or simply get out of the bullet's way
>tfw played several builds up to Junkyard or even cleared Depot A before dropping them and beginning a new character
>Get hit by NPC friendly fire that brings you to half health
>"Watch your aim dickhead"
>Accidentally hitting an NPC with a single 20P pellet
Very epic Styg
I didnt stumble onto these new enemies yet, what's their gimmick?
Do you like fire? You better love the shit out of fire.
Weavers are the weakest enemy in Black Sea, aren't they? I was just tanking them in my tac vest with 3 Con, how the fuck does one even die to them?
Webbing and zerg rushing.
My first war crime
Poison, webs, stealth, and swarming you
Weavers exist so Styg can go
>look guys, I haven't made infused siphoner tabis useless with that nerf, see?
plasma grenades
or you could just kill the fucker
I wish I had gas grenades then. Shit was brutal as a sniper on dominating with no traps.
If I want to go melee, what's the best route - spear, sword, knife, or unarmed? And psi or no?
how do you get the fisher feat?
You do the fishing quest
the god damn console opened the doors didn't it?
what fishing quest
You can do better
Burrower poision bear traps and burrower poision caltrops all over the entrance, throw gas nade before the quest starts, keep chugging incendiary grenade to keep the fire up, given the chance, mow the mob down with a mobing proxy
Why are you surprised, you dont know how to read?
Talk to Geezer Ford in Junkyard
that's exactly the type of build i want to do. how is it?
Someone did
Why do I absolutely need to get SGS or Protectorate to help Silas, I'm a fucking one man army
Because Silas is the kind of pussy who won't attack unless he has his enemies outgunned, outmanned, and outflanked.
Considering how fast he bites it without you bodyguarding his ass, for good reason too.
>play chem pistol build
>NPC accidentaly steps in acid puddle from your gun
>........ reload old save
Got the pirate combat music? It's also a good one
There is something sexually satisfying about crawler poison caltrops.
>hack one of SGS doors
>it's a security room for that floor with a single guy and no camera
>decide to kill him so I can freely explore and loot the entire floor
>camera focus on me like I'm an enemy
>entire base wants to kill me
what's the point of these security rooms if they are there for no reason
I usually drop the game after Depot A since it becomes boring once you hit the point where almost nothing challenges you. That plus the F5-F9 consequenceless death system.
The only way I can have fun now is doing no-death runs, as autistic as it sounds.
Is sweep useful for spears, or is it a trap?
>head to the Nexus of technology
>already want to go home after the spider cave
>restore power
>mfw elevator
T-That's a lot of floors and I'm all out of gun...
There's a power box there with a lockpick level of 100 which will turn off the cameras. Good luck opening it with high enough stealth before Abram Clone No.53 detects you.
>he doesn't know
Did Gorsky just get me to set him up as some shitty gang leader? Why would he even want to live in a shit heap instead of a nice place like SGS?
Give me a non-psi sword build.
Pretty much, he likes murder. Like, he REALLY likes murder.
luckly you have balls of steel isn't that right
psi never runs out but you will need gun
He doesn't like listening to Vera whenever she's being stupid or talking sense about something and Tanner isn't picking sides against the Protectorate boogeyman.
He is a slav.
I don't, that's why I asked.
Styg doesn't understand team ai or he blatantly made it shit
combine it with electroshock generator and watch everything die
Where is the secret entrance to Buzzer's shop? He says there is a trap door at the south part of the station but I certainly do not see it.
What's a good build for assault rifle lad that can craft some, lockpick and use persuasion?
What lore did I miss out on by not doing Jack's early delivery quest to unlock his later stuff?
Forge the one true sword
>he doesn't know
Nothing important. Don't worry about it.
literally all the lore
Okay, I found it. Turns out by south he actually meant past the faceless, past their robots and then there is a tunnel that isn't even seemingly part of the railroad crossing station (maybe it was before the faceless took over).
Had to shoot most of my balls of steel at all those goddamn spiders and crabs already. That cave is a hellhole.
The jet ski trunk is an absolute godsend, but for some reason I didn't think to just pack it with shells and molds to the brim.
Depending on how many crabs and cute murder bots this place holds, I just might run out of psi.
It is in fact to the south, you may want to grab a compass if you don't know the directions in-game yet.
One more thing I can't decide if I go spear, especially if I want caltrops. Ninja tabi and sure step, or steel boots? Or ninja tabi and no caltrops?
That's the choice between heavy armor or not
Well, I'm definitely going shield and spear. That's just too fun not to try. Does that count as heavy, or do you just mean full tin can with over 100 percent armor penalty?
I wasn't being sarcastic, user. I'm pretty sure you didn't miss out on anything. So don't worry about it.
Well it kinda depends what you put in your riot gear. Id go tabi anyway for the AP reduction but I use tabi on pretty much every build
im about to start and have no idea what im doing. would an unarmed dude with ice magic be ok?
>ice magic
Right. You should still do his other quests though. It just doesn't matter whether you do his delivery or not, long as you didn't kill him.
guns lockpick crafting persuasion 7 strength for full auto 8 strength for metal armor, 8 perception for concentrated fire
Is it worth maxing throwing skill with Three-Pointer?
In my opinion all medium armors are trash. Either go full tin can or leather. Tac vest is only worth on psi build and riot gear is only worth for memes.
would a knife stealth character with TM and TC be too spread out?
If you go low on crafting, sounds fine
He doesn't offer me anything in Core City.
im planing on picking up crafting after i get lockpicking and hacking up enough. any feats i should look out for?
It isn't him who offers them, it's another guy. Now if you messed up with the other guy, you are out of luck.
fire and ice psychic brain powers
oh god yes
all with my bare hands
If you go TC might as well pick up Locus of Control, maybe premeditation too so you dont have to wear psifag gear
And melee/knife stuff obviously
now stop playing on easy
Seriously dominating is much more fun
ok wish me luck
I just hit level 15 but didn't get any specialization points. Do you get them at 16?
Oh, okay. Thanks user!
Seriously dude no one cares since you play on normal.
Imagine if gun users could craft something that gave them this shit. I don't even think this is amazing by crafting standards.
fuck off, tincan
I'm a spear chad
stats are the exact fucking same with the exception of health, enemy placement and healing is different
jesus christ, you're all retarded
compensating for you lack of e-peen despite being on dominating?
It's fine user we all made our first build on easy.
does wearing doctors coat open up any content or it's just for rp purposes
I tried at some place where it made sense but nothing
Didn't even list all the changes. Sad.
I get if you're a wuss and don't want to play on hard but don't continue to post cringy shit after being outed as a normal shitter.
this game is great, I love it more than wasteland 2 and classic fallout combined
Stop bullying him. I'm sure he will become a DOMICHAD one day.
How do stealth ninjas deal with aegis camp defense? Or do they have to join the pirates to live?
Stealth through the swamp and get the mines
>Everythings the same except everything
What about hybrid spear/psi build? Making a tac vest with the beetle shield and all that.
I still don't understand this shit. How do I get a 4 digit number code from this?
What's the point of the ventilation system in the horticulture center? I feel like you're you're supposed to be able to pump pesticide through the vents but I can't figure out how
What happens if I steal the Protectorate Cruiser?
1057, brainlet.
You'll have a really good jet for free.
Thievery is bad. Just murder every protectoreddit and take it.
oh, its the numbers in the text
If I kill the guys at the outpost and take it will it aggro the whole faction? What if their jet ski patrols see me with it?
First defense was some fucking d-day ptsd shit, but after that I just set up like 200 traps and caltrops and activated the turrets and didn't give a single fuck.
Would the both of you get the fuck out of these threads? For fuck's sake, this place becomes more like a general with your fucking faggotry. Just like with those retards several threads back that wouldn't shut the fuck up about that one guy who posted an unoptimized throwaway build. Just shut the fuck up. You don't add anything to the conversation, you put a reasonably tough fucking build down just because of the small difficulty difference, and you do it all with a stick up your ass for cheesing DOMINATING. No one gives a shit about that stupid meme difficulty. Practically no one actually plays it. You can have your head up your own ass over in RPG Codex if you want your dick sucked so much. Fuck you.
It is literally the exact fucking same. Damage stays the same. Enemies wear the same armor they did before but are in greater numbers. It's only on dominating where everything is different. Shut the fuck up and read the tooltips for once.
Lads i downed a few tins for the dudes quest for immersion and might of skipped over some dialouge
What the fuck do i do with the special brew? Just neck it and hope i run tinto a rift?
Just trust your 3 Int bre
>Practically no one actually plays it
Well practically no one plays this game and if we take into consideration the amount of people playing on dominating in those threads we can safely assume that majority of players play on dominating.
Patrols will attack you, but unless you miss someone in a leave no witnesses zone you'll be fine.
That's some incredibly shitty logic there.
>You don't add anything to the conversation
ah yes because "dude look at how fucking strong i am (ignore the fact that i play on easy)" brings so much to the table
Steal the one at the Rig and no one will give a shit
You finished Dude's quest?
Where youre right now?
Normal is too easy and Dominating is a shitty meme difficulty, Hard is the best way to play
He did that with his bare hands. Can't blame him for posting it. Just goes to show how far builds can go in this game and how viable even your bare hands are.
>Got my own special section of the mental breakdown while these lads have to share
Feels pretty nice
Are you new or something? Yea Forums has been shitting on people that don't play on harder difficulties for a decade now.
True, but I do like DC exclusive enemies popping up outside of it in DOMINATING.
Next to the dude. He just gave me the recipe
>Just goes to show how far builds can go in this game and how viable even your bare hands are.
You can make anything work on normal because health and healing is so generous.
Well let's settle this then. strawpoll.me
>their jet ski patrols
>Patrols will attack you
What? Never seen any of those. Is it because I started the naval exploration by wiping out Port Zenith to get my first jet ski?
And? I doubt he even heals much.
>no normal
Just fuck off already.
normal is easy baka
>Are you new or something? Yea Forums has been shitting on people that don't play on harder difficulties for a decade now.
Underrail's difficulty doesn't really matter, though. At least, difficulty doesn't really change the game that much more than it does the mechanics.
God, I really wish allies weren't so stupid. I'm at my first camp defense playing a chem pistol build and they keep wasting turns on entangled melee only users that are going to die from acid before they can attack.
M8 unironic genuine inquery here
What are are playing underrail for if not the mechanics?
anything below hard is NORTHERNER difficulty. if you play on easy/normal, chances are you're a squishy NORTHERNER who sides with (((the protectorate))). REAL southernchads play on HARD+
A build that can breeze through normal and easy can struggle through hard because it's shit. Doing anything on normal is not an accomplishment and not worth mentioning.
I mean, you finished his quest?
If you, down a bottle of juice, you will see rifts scattered around Underrail, move close to them, atune to the right, then you will be able to instantly teleport to another know rift location as long youre under Juice's influence
For instance, there is one rift in SGS, agronomy level, and one rift in your house in core city, in the basement
>want to give the Acorn to Azif since he seems to be the only trustworthy guy so far
>discover that he stole the faceless artifact for tanner
fuck this shit imma keep the acorn for myself
Why do autismos get mad if you play on the canon difficulty, Normal? Do they really have nothing else to be proud of?
tbf I wanted to include hard with easy at first in strawpoll, but decided to not be that autistic.
Ta lad
Exploration. Besides, changing health, healing item cooldown, and making items sell less isn't really much. The main mechanics are all still there.
so generous, fuck off, once every 5 turns isn't generous, hard difficulties didn't need to gimp your healing arbitrarily
At least they dont turn hostile from acid, that was a nice surprise.
who here has found perception secrets in expedition content?
mind listing them?
anyone know where I can find the damn hoist mechanism in the graveyard?
You're the minority here
they did for me in the tchortist fight
building to the left of rays shop is kind of interesting
I don't remember switching puzzle difficulty to DOMINATING...
Yeah thats why Aegis troopers not going mad was a surprise
Are you really surprised Yea Forums is full if autismos? Oh well, I'll keep playing the only difficulty Styg cares about and views as canon.
>implying people would honestly take a fucking strawpoll of all things
That's because you didnt
Are you scared of notes?
>Managed to survive the fight
>Yahota didn't
Should I restart?
shh it's fine user, everyone started on easy. At some point you just have to grow up.
lol no, let the bitch stay dead
I had to write a program to solve it for me I kept stuffing it up when working it out by hand.
>double health
>can easily heal multiple times per fight
>restore double the amount of health just for kicks too
You can make significantly more mistakes on normal, and that's before getting into the tougher encounters in general.
lol, in your twenties and still obsessed with your e-peen?
how about you grow up, fag?
Friendship with Six over
Tanner is my best friend now
It's Hard, isn't it?
I haven't really seen much of that at all that at all. If anything, I usually see the opposite. Guy playing on normal tries to give advice to someone playing on a higher difficulty, gets told that his strategy and/or build doesn't work on DOMINATING, then gets pissy about it
I'm scared of the sick, twisted mind that would come up with something like this. Starting to think Biocorp did the right thing.
hard didn't need to arbitrarily gimp healing, just make encounters harder, when you just hp bloat enemies you're now playing oblivion and cheese takes precedence over everything else
Sure why not. My first run was on Normal. Since then I've been switching between Dominating and Hard depending on my mood. Picked Hard for the poll since that's what my most recent run was.
I've gotten pretty far on hard using light armor and no stealth. Will I be fucked later on? I'm doing chem pistols, so positioning is key.
Biocorp did nothing wrong.
We're all friends here user. You don't have to cry this much. I accept you and will give you advice even if you play on easy.
aww, it thinks it's being the bigger person
Maybe? Maybe not? nothing a few f9 can't fix anyway.
preety sure ive seen post like this a week ago in underrail thread
HP is essentially a measure of the amount of mistakes you can make.Giving the player less room for mistakes is a perfectly valid way to increase difficulty.
>when you just hp bloat enemies
Are you retarded?
what's it like being too stupid for a video game, yet still coming to it's threads?
does it hurt?
Thanks, you've always got my back, Ezra.
lol, post one instance where this happened
You'll be fine
Just remember use all your tools
Well, I'm pretty sure I am bigger than average user on Yea Forums. I bench 135kgs and squat 205kgs. What are your stats?
lol, sure you do
what are you, gay?
I bench 205kgs and squat 135kgs.
What's the best crossbow frame, Cyclon? Or Zephyr since you can already fire crossbows twice in one turn? The frames besides those two seem to have pretty harsh downsides.
I fucked your mom.
I squat tungsten
the game literally changes a core mechanic just for you instead of focusing on making encounters harder, that's called lazy design
just like hard in other games arbitrarily increasing damage enemies do and reducing your damage, hard in thus game is just lol you get less heath but the enemy gets more
Impressive and not at the same time. Are you missing a leg?
Even if I were I'm not sure how's that related to being bigger.
Dad? Get off Yea Forums you're supposed to be on vacation.
GOTTEM Yea Forumsro!!
>guy calls out difficulty fags for being e-peen faggots
>thread quickly goes to shit as they try to prove they're not e-peen faggots, proving they're e-peen faggots
Cyclon for 3 bolts with quiver belt
Tornado has its uses if you use sniping cause it has the best base damage, but it's overkill most of the time.
seriously anyone know where the bone crank is? I've scoured the entire graveyard already
Also, enemies heal more than you. Really kind of weird.
its best to ignore them so they stop posting
It's randomized. Yours was probably in one of the mechanisms.
It's RNG
You gotta check inside the hoist mechanisms too
Stop samefagging, literally everyone on strawpoll voted for hard/dominating.
It's so dense. Every single post has so many things going on.
click everyone
The sixteen posters out of the 78 here.
>uhhhh excuse me but nothing changes between normal and hard beyond you getting a health gimp
>oh but now enemies suddenly get more health
>in one of the mechanisms.
holy fuck that sucks, glad mine spawned out here and not in there
Welcome to Yea Forums, banga.