>Game spoils the entire plot in the first minute
Game spoils the entire plot in the first minute
It doesn't spoil shit, it just gives you a taste of what's happening behind the scenes before dropping you in.
I have never played past the first level. It was so good I can't see how the game could get any better.
>user thinks the destination is more important than the journey
>game spoils the next 20+ years of real life
OP is right, though. It would have been a better game without the intro.
For that matter, while Bob Page is okay as is, Walton Simons should have been a much more ambigious character instead of the batman-whispering obvious asshole he is.
Same. I do this with a lot of kino like Skyrim (you are the DRAGONBORN... woah... I stopped then and there) .
God damn terrorist.
deus ex has the best game intro ever made, it's so out of no-where but it sets the scene so well. not to mention how memorable it is
sticks and stones
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
The original game had much stupider story than what we got. Thankfully, because of budget cuts we got a more grounded game. There was supposed to be literally a level on the moon.
Not that it would have taken from the game, I guess more levels can't be a bad thing, considering the story was never what made the game the masterpiece it ended up becoming.
Which skills are memeshit not worth upgrading?
All of them except swimming and environmental training.
Swimming is the only one key to finishing the game.
play the game however you want and don't ask others to think for you.
everything has its worth
Environmental training is awful.
Swimming doesn't make much difference.
Heavy weapons are bad except the GEP gun, which is so good that it perfectly serves its purpose even at untrained level.
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
>game spoils the ending in the first minute
kys, zoomer
Die late