What are your hopes and expectations?
What are your hopes and expectations?
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A fuck ton of DLC.
>set in japan in the mid 90s
>customizable mansion/apartment/garage
>ability to exit car and explore on foot (you would need to enter the correct stores/dealership to buy cars and clothing items, furniture for your mansion, etc)
Brazil, Japan or Hong Kong
fuck japan
More weeb skins
Remove all the avatar clothing items and emotes. Don't need that crap in wheelspins.
Bring back custom championships.
-More consumer-grade cars, fuck super and hyper cars
-Any setting is fine with me honestly
-Lose all the cosmetic crap in the rolls
-Try and get the blacklisted car companies back on board
That's literally it, don't fuck it up
why is 4 so boring?
considering they have a 3 year development rather than the regular 2 year, i'm expecting massive overhauls especially to the modification and tuning systems.
a lot of microtransactions
I'm almost certain it will be Japan. That was what everyone was thinking for 4 before E3 revealed Britain.
Either way, it's going to be 2 years before we see it. Forza Motorsport 8 is probably going to come out next year first.
pls respond. Is it because its just a fh3 dlc with fh4 name slapped on it?
It being on Steam
Being able to have multiple save files
They're never going to do a game set in a previous time period. That just arbitrarily limits the cars they can put in.
>set in Japan (best possible location for motorbikes)
>more customizable visual parts
>Toyota back
>to finally fucking open the top of convertible cars (Jesus Christ, why do they still refuse to do this?)
>less car options
>set in an stupid location, like Canada
>you still won't have top down convertibles
>the only customizable visual parts are the same spoiler and front bumper aero for every car
Because England is a boring over policed shit hole in real life
this. Japan would be a cool setting though.
Either Japan, Southern Florida, or California Bay Area
Filter matchmaking by class
More visual options for tuning parts
Restore OneDrive streaming, dammit.
Japan would be great. And motorcycles, too. A lot of Playground developers were with Bizarre first, and PGR had motorcycles.
Rio de Janeiro setting, Toyota cars
Realistic road widths so there's some actual sense of speed.
That dlc #2 won't follow tradition and be some gimmicky shit
Maybe bikes
Not more of pic related
I expect no live service bullshit but who am I kidding, they will probably go overboard with it making it a car mmo that you need to play as a second job to collect all the cars and do all the milestone shit.
And no stupid avatar customization.
Also this, having your music blend in with the game's post processing was GOAT. Let us import music into the game from the hard drive. Just using a music player alongside the game isn't good enough.
Not happening in Horizon, kiddies couldn't handle it.
>Forza Motorsport 8
I unironically prefer the Horizon games now. I think Turn10 doesn't seem to want to innovate much.
What do you guys even mean?
this is exactly what i want and expect, god damn
I hate that this is exactly my thoughts
time to bust out the wheel. damnit guys
This + bikes.
Horizon 3 was dogshit. By far the worst in the series
Japan without Toyota would be pointless, and Toyota has made it clear they don't plan on working with most devs right now.
I can already see the disappointment when it will be announce:
>set in a shitty stereotype European country (France, Italy, or even Germany)
>another couple car brands ripped away
>3 DLC on day 1
>a ton of useless character customization
In other words:
>FH4 on steroids
Roads in Horizon are absolutely massive width-wise in recent entries. They were pretty reasonable in the first Horizon and have grown to where a standard two lane road is the same width as a four lane interstate with big gaps on both sides of traffic. That combined with maps that are largely straightaways and a billion high-speed hypercars are intentional to go with the userbase that largely doesn't know what the fuck brakes are.
Shit I hope for high-res character models and cloths if they really want to progress further with the Avatar system. This game is at least 2 years away so I aint really worried about it atm.
If it comes out next year, it'll be a launch title. There's no point in them making a new Forza before the next Xbox comes out.
As for locations, hmm. Suprise us. I just want a real highway system in place for the next game. More than it being just "a straight line to go fast". Gives us interchanges, highways connecting with other highways. New York could be an interesting location to do, but the city would be embarrassingly small because I feel like Turn 10 can't do a good map at all.
4 is worse.
It’s fucking boring.
Turn 10 doesn't make the Horizon games.
I don't think anyone minds the character customization part of it, we just do not want it in the wheelspins.
I hope it'll have Lego dlc like 4th and hot wheels dlc like 3rd.
>-More consumer-grade cars, fuck super and hyper cars
This. Enough with that shit. It ruins the sense of progression.
Needs more exotic locations with specific atmosphere, like the classic Need For Speed.
Lego DLC was trash
>Haha what if we put Lego on the game but don't let you build anything with it
Won't happen, one of the biggest drawbacks of open world is everything ends up fitting the same atmosphere. No one will ever touch the pure style the old NFS courses had.
That sounds like the absolute opposite of what FH4 is though, so where's the problem? There's a single big highway that is a tiny part of the map overall.
>Without Toyota
Yeah no
Its only flaw is only 3-4 lego cars
>so where's the problem?
The problem is that it's still every road in the game, or at least every paved one. There's one 'major' highway but even the smallest city streets and backwoods off-shoots are wide like that, which makes technical driving in road racing much less important and proper cornering largely ignored because even the sharpest corner is actually wide as fuck when the roads are that gigantic.
Sounds like you haven't played Horizon 4 whatsoever user.
Aren't they doing a non-racing game next?
I think Japan is one of the most desired locations for a racing game, and it could definitely work here. I do hope for a bigger city section in the next FH.
I wish FH4 had narrower roads with more traffic
Maybe it's just nostalgia but I remember in TDU it felt good to race between traffic and sometimes even having to slow down because of them
In FH4 the roads are like racetracks in width and the traffic is very sparse
I've put several hundred hours into it since release, both single and multiplayer. You playing with your eyes closed?
Lack of evolving objectives.
The fact you have no championship events to unlock after getting through about halfway removes a lot of the thrill of going through the game. It gets stagnant after awhile.
>-More consumer-grade cars, fuck super and hyper cars
This, I honestly don't drive anything over A tier
>I'm too good to drive a FUCKING LAMBORGHINI in a goddamn video game
Japan is very likely, just because they got lazy and they're never going back to right-lane driving countries.
Here's why it won't be Japan.
the problem is that in horizon, anything at midway S1 and above ends up feeling largely identical, especially if you tune them to actually be competitive
A and B are totally ruined online by ridiculous meta cars that easily hit ten seconds faster per lap
i want a full hotwheels and lego racer game
the dlc is nice, but isn't the same
you just want a 90s japan life sim
Does FH4 do anything better than 3?
A severe mixup of the series. They're resting on their laurals re-releasing the same shit over and over again following the footsteps of Ubi and Bethesda. It's old and each title is more lifeless than the last.
Also fix the fucking upgrade system. Each car's performance is some arbitrary, random level set by the devs, making it feel less like a simcade and more like mario cart with licensed vehicle skins. Stop it.
ALSO for FUUUUCKS sake make the game more multiplayer-compatible. For a game that endlessly markets itself as easy to play with friends it sure fucking isn't.
The same old shit with a 5 on it and a new map.
Traffic is fucking cancer. Some of those weekly online championships were fucking difficult, nothing felt good about traffic RNG being thrown in as well.
>never again
God fucking damn it I work in one of their warehouses. Delete that fucking image pls
Japan would be nice but it's hard to do biodiversity with Japan since the biggest features and roads people want are cities, highways and mountain roads. There's very little offroad centered areas unless you do the mountain regions. They will probably do Hong Kong or Singapore instead since they have biodiversity and similar road setups.
The Toyota UK account gave away that they aren't licensing to series with street racing any more which is why they aren't in Need For Speed and Forza at the minute (Apparently MS licenses cars for Horizon and mainline at the same time) but are in a few games like Gravel and WRC along with GT Sport. DIRT Rally devs said they are expensive as fuck for the official race teams which is why they can't get the classic 90's Celica and Corolla rally cars anymore either. The old boomers running it are afraid of company image for some reason.
>for some reason
The retards think that if you can drive a toyboata in a video game you won’t drive it in real life
>The Toyota UK account gave away that they aren't licensing to series with street racing any more
And they followed it up the next day by saying they aren't planning to license to ANY game but GT Sport for the time being.
>>set in japan
>No Toyota
>No Lexus
This. Toyota is Japan's largest automaker. Having a game set in Japan without Toyota would be like having a game set in Germany with no VW (which includes Porsche and Audi), or a game in the US with zero GM brands.