Welcome to Yea Forums - Video Games.
How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
Welcome to Yea Forums - Video Games
Fortnite is a great game
ion fury devs deserve the gulag
I think final fantasy ix is trash.
i play video games
im the forums greatest master baiter nothing is beyond my baitposting
I emulate everything
I dislike anything created after I turned 7.
Cell shaded animation ruined video games.
I refuse to spend money on any dragon quest game because of the music and artstyle.
I want a Timesplitters trilogy remaster. If it's as good as the Easter Egg in Homefront, that's good enough for me.
I like Resident Evil Revelations more than Resident Evil 4.
dark souls 2 is the best game in the series
I think that Daggerfall, Fallout 2, and Persona 2 are the only worthwhile games in their respective series.
Me? I spam cybertranny threads everyday
Yeah, so?
I was actually hoping it would be good
I fucking love RPGMaker games.
I don't like videogames.
Nintendo will always be better then its competition
i like fortnite and i don't even play nor watch it
I’m the same way because I prefer gyro controls that much
I'm learning japanese to play my japanese porn rape games
I bought an alienware pc just to play single player games and multiplats.
Hey buddy, why don't you tell your mom I liked the work she did for BLACKED
Never played a single jrpg in my life,still shitting on them just because
OoT is not a good game. BoTW os SOUL
DKC3 is the best DKC and the best platformer ever
These games are unfinished garbage
I hate sony games
Persona 3 is the only good megaten game.
I play nothing that had a budget of over $20.
I believe Dragon Ball Infinite World is the best Dragon Ball game for the ps2.
I liek the GBA ports of SNES games better than the originals.
I've already signed up to purchase a playdate when it launches.
I love the Assassin's Creed franchise.
forgot ma pic.
Old good new bad
I want Geno in smash
I never have been. I always enjoyed videogames, am not a cynical edgy depressed incel faggot, but I love to argue. I guess this is the only reason I've been here for the past 13 years. I never belonged, but I could find utter pathetic faggots to argue with so I indulged and before I knew it, 13 years had passed.
Jrpg is the best genre of game
I enjoyed MGSV
I play Killing Floor 2 and Team Fortress 2 on daily basis
and don't buy any other game until i burn out
>Kf2 - 3180 hours
>Tf2 - 2335 hours
Story based games suck
Fortnite requires more skill than Quake
There's not a single well known player in an esports FPS scene that is legit and not running cheats. CSGO especially
Speaking of which, CS is outdated and only enjoyed by those that care more about their epeen size. Ask any CS fan what is fun about their game and they will almost always circle back to "muh challenge" which is the worse reason to play a vidya. Go hit an achievement IRL, you fucking nerd
Undertale>LISA. Easily
Original doom is dated trash
Fallout franchise was never good
Ocarina of time is trash
God of war franchise was never good
Joker from Capeshit is the 2nd most overrated character in any medium 1st is batman
Doom eternal will be the greatest game ever made, defiantly best FPS.
Hunt down the freeman made the entire half life franchise irredeemable trash.
Yea Forums is am irrelevant site and literally anyone that matters doesn't give two shits about or even know what ion fury is.
Of course those opinions come from a kumbrain.
I'm such a contrarian hipster faggot, that I think the gaming industry is in the greatest position it's ever been in in its entire history.
I like video games
Without any mods
because you're a normie who does everything Vanilla
AM2R is the best 2D Metroid
Vanilla HL2 has not aged well at all, and should only be played with SMOD
Bayonetta is the best action game
TF2 is the best multiplayer shooter ever
Doom>Doom II
EDF 5 is in the top 10 video games of all time
Super Mario 3D World would be heralded as an absolute classic if the NSMB games didn't exist
Now THAT'S what I call contrarian.
I think Distorted Travesty 3 is the best metroidvania ever
Absolutely great user, keep working hard.
Check out Mariovania. It's crass, but it's got a lot of heart.
Final Fantasy VII is the worst RPG ever made
Luigi's Mansion for the gamecube is Mediocre
A Link to the Past has nothing of value tied to it
Donkey Kong 64 is better than Banjo Kazooie
Sonic Heroes is better than SA1 and SA2
I think calamity terraria is fun as long as you don’t go beyond rev and stop after moon lord
Looks interesting, thanks
I'd say Calamity stops being fun just as you start fighting Devourer of Gods' second form
I'm so contrarian and hipster, I like Axiom Verge...
Fun is not a valid reason for enjoying a game.
You might have shit taste.
Fun being subjective doesn't mean you can have fun with whatever you want. It means you might be out of synch with reality and enjoying trash.
You can train yourself. Learn to have good taste, and learn to NOT enjoy shit games. You're not a NPC, you're a human with conscious will.
Use that will to get better taste.
Stop using "fun" as an excuse for enjoying things.
What are you favorite games and what are your least favorite games?
FNAF is better than Undertale
>What are you favorite games
Star Wars: The Old Republic
ET: The Extra Terrestrial
because they crashed and fucking burned and took a company with them.
>least favorite games
Mario Maker 2
Fallout 4
Because they're keeping alive shit companies
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour was the best shooter on the N64
Your answer has nothing to do with your post so let's try this: What games do you find the most enjoyable in terms of gameplay and/or story, music, atmosphere, etc. What games do you find the least enjoyable in terms of gameplay and/or story, music, atmosphere, etc.
DK64 is the premiere MP game of the Nintendo 64
>gameplay and/or story, music, atmosphere, etc.
Spooks. Used as an excuse for enjoying things by fucking casuals.
Games should instead be evaluated based on whether they cleanse the industry of casuals or enable an industry of casuals.
>crashed and fucking burned and took a company with them.
No it didn't. Maxis didn't get the EA bullet until seven years after launch. And the reason EA closed the studio is because they wanted to turn the games Maxis were working on into mobile only games and offshore development to their smaller satellite studios.
Whatever works for you.
I mean, let's start with Gameplay.
People use gameplay as an excuse for supporting Nintendo, which then sends C&D to fan projects
You know what people enjoy the story of? This War of Mine. Fucking indie trash.
Music? Cyberpunk 2077. It's not even out yet and already it's got people liking it because of music.
Atmosphere? Man do I love Dark Souls xD It's so atmospheric bro am I right
Bah, it seems you can't enjoy anything in this bloody industry.
yeye sure man go be boring elsewhere
i hate you all
ff2 is the best one unironically, and ff7 is the 4th worst im sorry user
i hate you all except
mmbn4 is objectively the best in the series. I'm being serious.
FF8 is the best FF. Best fusion of Hollywood and Jap shit in a video game JPRG.
Do I gain entry now?
>I'm being serious
No you aren't
Video games died the minute 3D graphics became a thing.
I hundred percented Flower Sun and Rain
I fapped today.
Me too
If this was reddit, would have downvoted. But still agreed to this shit contrarian opinion
I like motion controls.
Heroes of might and magic 4>3
best final boss, best replayability, best chip selection, introduced counter attack and counter damage, best music, best undernet, best navis... the only downside that began with 4 is they made megaman's sprite look like a small clay man to fit more onto the screen by zooming the camera out.
i played persona 5... and only romanced ohya
Fuck off faggot
Final fantasy 1 is literally the best game in the entire franchise and square are absolute fag lords for never expanding on that exact game. And the dawn of souls version on GBA is one of the few remakes ever that was an improvement in every single way.
followed by ff:crystal chronicles and ff8, for the top 3 in the franchise. fuck you.
Without the milk.
I want a brown elf to sit on my face!
You are a greater man than I am.
>not super seethey hut jrs