Who did you choose Yea Forums?

Who did you choose Yea Forums?

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K, because I'm not a manchild and can see that Vincent had everything set up for a successful life with loving wife and kids if he stopped being a little bitch.

the fucking trashbin lmao

>successful life
it's one or the other my friend

>game is about the difficulties of relationships and the challenge of becoming an adult

>not doing what you want and getting in a situation you're constantly avoiding because "it's a successful life"
Fuck that.

>literally using roastie logic

>letting society dictate for you what you should aspire to have in life

>implying that success can't be had by properly preparing one's children for living in the world


Fuck women, they either just flat-out cheat on you or try to control you and then cheat on you if you don't submit to their bullshit.
Artifical wombs when?

Lol stfu roastie, hit the wall and stay roadkill
>brainlet misses the part where Freedom is just a wet dream and not feasible

play the game for all routes, faggot

>he misses the entire point of the freedom ending
Yea Forums never stop surprising me.

Will full body be worth getting or is it essentially just a remaster

>brainlet misses the part where Freedom is just a wet dream and not feasible
What is True Freedom, dummy?

>Tfw Catherine will never appear in your life and give you the succ(ubus)

My life is so boring. Just work, eat, play vidya, pay my bills/student loans, and sleep. I just wish a qtpi would appear and make everything better.

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>if you don't want to marry and have kids you're a roastie
Ayy lmao

Where's the lie, though?

>going with the girl who lied about being pregnant to """test""" you

Ass > tits
C > K

That there's more reason to not want to be chained down than sleeping around?
Hell, with how much you people love to scream cuck one would think you people wouldn't see marriage as the roastie-free option.

>hey are we getting married
>oh I dunno lol
>hey do you even care about me
>oh I dunno lol
>hey I want to have a future together
>oh I dunno lol
K had every right to leave vincent but she still stuck with him and had enough of his wishywashy shit.

Anyone even hyped for Full Body? I see almost no threads about it.

>you don't get it, the baby trap was in his best interests
Gotcha, Katherine.

The ends justify the means

K was the right choice. Vincent was a man child and either should have dumped her or committed.

>Katherine and Vincent are in a serious relationships that's lasted years
>they still don't live together
I don't get it.

Because he doesn't want to commit, also moving in the instant you're in a relationship is a new thing and didnt use to be the case



that's a hard choice

>forgiving your lover after they cheat on you

Could you do it Yea Forums?

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The thing is, wasn't Vincent seduced by Catherine almost against his own will? It's not like he went out of his way to cheat on K

I could possibly do it but I also recognize that it would be an idiotic choice.
Being strong enough to take on a massive emotional burden doesn't mean you should.

No, it's something I made clear when I start a relationship.

K, but I’m 100% going Rin in Full Body.

Forgive, probably, but I couldn't stay with them. Unless the relationship was built on flaws and both of us cheated on the other but stuck together because we otherwise enjoyed the security and company. Then again I'm not a prime time televsion character so that would never happen.


I don't even know honestly. I have the premium edition or whatever preordered on Amazon. It comes with a soundtrack, steelbook case, plushie, and art book. Pretty good deal for $80 U.S. currency.

Does anyone know what the Japs thought of Full Body?

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Katherine, but I'd kill for a Catherine in my life right now. I'm not in a relationship right now though so I think that would defeat the purpose.

No. I can't understand people that do. If I can't trust you I wouldn't stay with you.

Pretty stoked for it, if for anything, a chance to play those nightmares and the arcade game again. The Tower of Babel was also strangely addicting. Drink trivia was maximum kino as well.

I just wish there were more places you could explore other than just the stray sheep

Did Vincent even have sex with Catherine? He never has any recollection of the matter due to being blackout drunk and she's shown to be very manipulative.
She acts as if she didn't know Katherine is a thing when the whole reason she even interacted with Vincent is Dumuzid asking her due to him wasting Katherine's fertile years.

Space holiday

>Unless the relationship was built on flaws and both of us cheated on the other but stuck together because we otherwise enjoyed the security and company
That isn't even a romantic relationship at that point.

>he thinks romance exists
I remember being 13 once, too

Men and women cheating aren't the same thing. Women don't have to worry nearly as much about men cheating because they can't be tricked into raising someone else's child. You can't exactly randomly show up with a baby one day and say it's hers. Meanwhile if a woman cheats she can totally say the baby is yours and without a paternity test you can't prove it isn't. The risk involved is totally different so you can't equate the two.

If there's no romance, why bother?

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>look at me, I'm so jaded and mature. Romance is dead and relationships are mere contracts born out of convenience to stave off loneliness

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I wish we got to know more girls better, it's kind of weird how they're basically supposed to be the most important characters besides the protagonist and we barely get to know them. It's kind of unfair how we never see any intimacy between the protag and Katherine even though she's obviously an attractive woman, imo more attractive than Catherine. Catherine on the other hand we just get to talk to for two sentences and then wake up with her in bed.

The characters felt too abstract to me. I get that they were supposed to represent ideas, but I think in the end they barely conveyed them.

Im into glasses.


Only if the problems for doing that are solved.

>success is having your life sucked by a parasite and its offspring

>best girl order

K > C (Classic)
Q > C > K (Full Body)

Is the steam version a good version of this to play? Never played it before but always interested

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The only issue is I think you use keys to navigate the camera which is a bit weird but other than that it's a solid port

That's an intentional part of the narrative, though. The player isn't shown establishing reasons for why Vincent and K got together, so the player is put into the conflict without bias about true love or whatever. Hell, there's an entire side character dedicated to calling out the main character for being immature and wishy-washy, and who craves hot thirtysomething business-groomed pussy for the people in the audience who want to go the Katherine route and think the way you do about Vincent's immaturity.
A lot of people are used to establishing flashbacks or origins of love. The lack of it so the more psycho shit K does is up to interpretation, for better or worse.

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Cheers, will get it so.

A reminder that premarital sex ia immoral and you should repent.

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hit the gym and wishes will become reality

Relationships aren't difficult, becoming an adult is not a challenge.

Kill yourself, gamer.


K because she's hotter

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In general, no. If I got sucked into a hellscape with my lover and it became incredibly obvious that a magical demon had been fucking with them, yes.

Are you for real, you can literally take the baby to the doctor and ask for a paternity test any time. What reason has she to refuse it to begin with, knowing that? In civilized countries a paternity test is already part of the procedure

I go with K, but man some of her new bad endings are a real kick to the balls. I guess they had to compensate since she really didn't have any shitty endings in the original.

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>Not choosing to remain single then find a nice black stallion for both Katherine and Catherine


For one, I'm not a masochist. I don't like being spoken to like a child or being under the heel of the one I'm with. You want be the one who dictates our lives, controls the finances and makes the menacing comments then look elsewhere, I'm not interested in that kind of relationship.

Add to that the qualities that C has are more appealing to me.

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So it's HIS fault.


So he dumped her. She's a fucking psycho anyway

That's the thing. I've had my grandfather cheat on my grandmother but they had a loving relationship after he was caught.

My cousin has a cheated on his wife and even after he gets caught he still does it. They even went for an open marriage until my cousin's wife fucked a black guy and he couldn't take it anymore. They're currently "back" together but he constantly runs away from their house to his other girlfriend's house.

I really don't know. I personally think people make mistakes and you can rectify them but holy shit.

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I'd probably go with the one with the glasses, I think she's cuter. I hate the anime drill/curl hair.

I chose C.
It ended well.



Neither, they were both crazy