Ion Maiden devs are calling for the game to be pirated? What is going on here?

Ion Maiden devs are calling for the game to be pirated? What is going on here?

Attached: ion-fury-900x506.jpg (900x506, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I mean, can you not read the article? Clearly, there is strife in the company from the political maneuvering. You don't even have to read the whole article, just a couple of sentences.

They're probably fed up with the shit-stirring people that aren't interested in videogames. If you pirate it you play the uncensored version.

I guess devs weren't too happy about reeducation camps.

they got trolled into censoring their own game because someone from Yea Forums pretended to be a restera tranny, faked being offended by "transphobic" things the devs said in their discord which lead to them editing a sprite that might cause offense to lgbt people, donating to a lgbt charity and making their staff undergo "sensitivity training"

now they're fed up with politics altogether because of how easily they bent the knee to a very vocal and very small minority instead of ignoring it and just listening to fans instead.


It was the alien armageddon guy who was pissed that they didn't use the original bombshell design

Pirated it, all is well.

it was the same guy who got the ctrnf devs to censor the watermelon tawna skin for being racist.

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*someone from Yea Forums pretended to be, to be more precise

thanks Yea Forums, good job

They’re taking the winrar approach I guess. Play the game for free as much as you want, and if you like it, feel free to buy it.
Pretty good strat honestly.


what got removed from the game?

Is there a more clear example of "It's all so tiresome" than these devs? They literally just gave up at this point and realized just how much they fucked up for capitulating in the first place.

so far, nothing, but incels fear a soap bottle texture might get re-textured

>getting bamboozled this easily
These devs need to get out more.

reddit did it

You're welcome.
Crashing this industry.
With no survivors.

A soap texure that says ogay instead of olay and debug text inside a level saying "fagbag"

Videogames are a mistake.

Never doubt the power of autism

I must be a fucking child, cause that made me chuckle

it really doesn't matter if it's a false flag or not to the progressive devs and publishers
if there's a chance their company could be perceived as "transphobic" or "bigoted" they have to act on the accusation no matter their authenticity.

Man imagine releasing a well-received retro shooter, thinking that shit's in the bank, only to be greeted a week or two later by this entire clusterfuck which has no clear end in sight.

Has this actually been verified, or are we just trusting what some random user says?

Can someone please throw up a fuss about the "silent protagonist" option being problematic as it enforces the silencing of women?

I think it's a really good angle and if the devs want to be oversensitive politically correct fagbags then they can do a better fucking job of it.


It's kind of sad, but the weak need to be culled. If you're so sensitive that a retard on an anonymous board can topple your office culture, fuck off.

>Social Media was a mistake.

Proof or gtfo.

Seriously it's the Alien Armageddon guy?

Great idea, make it so any dev who makes games with female protags has to make them constantly talk and have cringey witty banter.
At least it'll be fun to laugh at.

try it yourself
pretend to be a resetera tranny, find a dev you don't like, find old twitter/discord posts from their past and try to find anything problematic to force them to ruin their games or fire people.

spoonfeed me on that article I refuse to disable adblock

Yea Forums did it with Sarah Silverman, surely we can do it with some devs we dislike.
Use outrage culture to its fullest extent until the people in charge learn to ignore this dumb shit or until their companies fold.

why the fuck are they doing this? how do resetera faggots have so much power? why couldn't the devs just tell them to fuck off? there's something wrong here

post the "still not buying it" pic

>if the devs want to be oversensitive politically correct fagbags
You're a little mistaken. All this shit is by the whim of the 3drealms PR manager for Ion Fury, who is an ex games journalist who puts his pronouns in his twitter bio like a good ally. He's the guy to contact if you want to get things done.

>trolled into censoring
These companies knowingly kowtow to one or two nobodies on twitter all the time. Let's not pretend this was some cunning subterfuge. Pretending to care is entirely cynical on 3D Realm's end too.

>“yeah if you’re trying to decide your child is trans at birth you have mental problems and probably shouldn’t be a parent imo” read one such comment from a developer
100% correct.

>They think they can keep doing this without it backfiring spectacularly.
Just take the one win and go. Stop trying to push this stuff.
At the very least this confirms that Yea Forums doesn't actually like video games, so no surprises later.

I remember some user on Yea Forums saying he was gonna send screenshot of the devs discord to Resetera before the drama even began.

I don't have any screen tho.

Not going to buy your game, tranny.

>crashing the game industry by going after games Yea Forums actually likes

They just want people to appreciate the game regardless of whatever easter egg pissed off people or how people responded to 3D realms apologising like a bitch

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fucking basedboy codemonkey inside Voidpoint is GOING BERSERK

>>They think they can keep doing this without it backfiring spectacularly.
Kek, are you retarded? It works literally every single time.
Just complain that the devs aren't PC enough and watch as they fall over themselves to censor their products.
Shit, this is fucking great, I can't wait for Randy's game to come out so I can drum up some controversy about how offensive, sexist, and racist it is.

It's desperate attempt to get some attention.

i gave up on them when they feared the jew lawyers.
there was no case and they never would have been able to pursue it.

Nothing yet, there hasn't been a patch for the game.

It's good, weed out the bad devs.

inb4 they all bad muhfugga

Some cunt on twitter researched it


Lmao the journalists are still out for their blood even now? What more do they want? If the devs do
>Make Shelly trans and black
>Donate 50% of all sales in perpetuity to that gay hotline
>Fire the "transphobic devs"
Would that be enough?

absolutely based. make them bend over backwards for no reason until they finally stop being retarded.
Take it to the extreme to finally cleanse this rotten outrage culture.

so trannies actually lurk here? I wonder if they get offended when someone uses the term fag or dilate

There's a lot of shit that adds up. Too many coincidences. The poster (Flapjack21) who pointed out the big OGAY took all four images from a single thread here, the last image was posted here just 30 minutes before it showed up on era. Both the OP of that thread (Twenty5Thousand) and Flapjack21 now have brand new discord accounts and joined the 3DR discord. Curiously the T5T account went totally inactive the moment FJ21 showed up. Make of that what you will.

This is the thread the images from FJ21's reply were taken from. There's a fair bit in there...but they're there.

Those people don't believe in forgiveness. All sinners shall burn in the fire and brimstone for eternity until not even ash remains.

They do. I don't have the screenshot but back when there was talks about splitting Yea Forums to 4channel they were rejoicing that they don't have to deal with /pol/ in the tabletop subs.

>devs tell me to pirate


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>lurk here
Nigga they don't lurk, they post and spam shit to 'fight against pol' where /pol/ is any post equal to or less progressive than they are.

lmao user they're all over Yea Forums posting too. You can spot them pretty easily too.

We all knew 3DRealms was retarded when it took them 12 years to develop DNF, which literally DNF

>faked being offended by "transphobic" things the devs
kek, you trannies are REALLY good at deflecting blame. The fact is you people are overreactionary crusade fighting faggots that take everything at face value. It's hilarious when trannies ruin something then try to act like it was just /pol/ all along. Fuck off with that shit.

>it CAN'T have been trannies, they are very even minded and usually intelligent
>it HAS to have been some white dude on /pol/

Devs wanted to ignore and keep it apolitical, and they got thrown under the bus by their publishers.

>Female gaming journalist
>Actually researched this and points out how ResetEra is full of retards who will jump on anything that offends them regardless of how real it is
>Bitches about the culture war in general and bitches about the journalists who prey on it for cheap clicks
>Ends it by asking for money for their transition surgery funds
>Notes that they also made other posts that they then deleted because they didn't verify info they'd been sent but wanted to post it anyway
So close and yet so far.

You know why "gamers" always win? Because the SJW's can't target a single person to gang up on, no single entity.
This is when their narrative falls apart and they start screeching, projecting, double down and flat out LIE.
There will be no arguments - just buzzwords.
They have no counter-arguments to their stupidity. Forget about facts and statistics - all you get is screeching and
a slowly assembling collective to take you/the company out. People who play games are mostly shrouded in anonymity -- SJW's can't pull their dirty tactics when there is nobody to double-down on. And when this is the case, the following happens:
They always try to project after finding out they're being retarded as fuck. They try to censor anyone who doesn't
support their narrative. Hence all the banned reviews, people and comments (censoring - the opposite of free expression
and speech) -- "It's just a bottle" - those type of comments to downplay the whole situation -- to deter people
from realizing what ridiculous fucktards they are and project it back to you - as if it's actually you who is unreasonable.

>imagine getting triggered by some letters on a soap bottle
fucking fags

No stupid, you don't understand, you just need one person to fake being offended and then get the ACTUAL perpetually-offended trannies to join the dogpile and you can easily create tons of chaos and havoc.
It's fucking perfect.

Smart move by the way. He must be laughing so hard right now.

Do we know what they've changed it to?
Would be great if it's now "ugay".

Reminder that Ion Fury ships with the same level editor that the devs used. Get modding.

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You do realise it looks even worse for the erafags if it turns out that not only are they horribly unstable and fragile but they're also retarded enough to get played like a fiddle by a single sperg with a spiteful agenda, right?

>bamboozled by big brain user

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Yes, that's why he's trying to make it out like they didn't get taken on a ruse cruise.

Seriously reading this all is sad and it's clear that anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs

Project some more, Tranny

All they had to do was not slut shame their protagonist

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>this game needs to be censored for wrongthink!!
>this game needs to be reviewbombed for wrongthink!!

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Has anyone messed around with porting old maps to the new engine?

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What is even their argument against this?

BASED Voidpoint.
3D Realms needs to eat shit and go bankrupt.

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I think the only problem is that Ion Fury does not include the old Duke sprites and textures in the files. Nor the enemies, weapons, etc.


>because of how easily they bent the knee
It was 3D Realms who allowed for that, Voidpoint wasn't planning to do shit. 3D Realms own the game.

It hurt their feelings so the devs are literally Hitler.

There is something I don't get about this. The sequence of events seems to be DEV says something in Discord -> Someone saves it -> Posts it to resetera ->Kotaku writes an article about it -> DEVS apologize, donate $10,000 promise sensitivity training -> The OGAY bottle and fag sentence gets removed. I don't understand the last part why did they remove those things when it had nothing to do with the backlash?

>resetera is full of tranny haters trolling
I'm amazed

>watermelon tawna skin
Holly fuck i didn't know about this, i don't play CTR, i manage to grab this quotes from reshitera forum

>A new patch is out and they changed the names for the Tawna/Zem recolors, they probably got word of the problem.

>Watermelon Tawna is now Summertime
Black Zem is now Solar Flare Zem
Good. I mean, the 'seeds' on the shirt still imply a watermelon, but changing textures is obviously more difficult than changing text; they have successfully applied the bare-minimum amount of effort to recognize that there was a problem and make a change.

>Now the only thing stopping me from purchasing this game is my bank account balance...

>"Now the only thing stopping me from purchasing this game is my bank account balance..."

WTF they didn't even play the fucking game, fuck those bastards.

>-> DEVS apologize
devs DID NOT apologise. It was 3D Realms those eternal nu-male cucks.

This is the subhuman who works as PR faggot at 3D Realms

Attached: Kotaku Zack.png (612x293, 142K)

The devs did not apologize or donate money to anywhere. The PUBLISHER, 3DRealms did. The company that developed this game was Voidpoint LLC.

The same sperg (probably) who made the thread on era in the first place also posted later from another account about the SOYP

That, and the fact devs don't use tile slots originally assigned to Duke3D because they fear some obscure Duke3D behavior hardcoded into to that tile slot might have been the cause for trouble, so loading Duke Nukem 3D maps into Ion Fury causes sprites and textures to call the void, making it very difficult to do manual texture replacement. In the future they promised there will be a tool that would convert assets between the different games automatically.

Anti-SJWs are even more retarded if you think about it, reviewbombing a good game that they were interested and that has nothing to do with SJWs in the first place is basically a cry baby behaviour. Devs surely won't be able to make anything any more.
It's like retroactively consider Tim Shafer games bad just because he became SJW.

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>Asking Yea Forums to read

guy's just doing his job, im sure he is not a sub human

Voidpoint had no integrity to begin with.

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Cucks must be punished.

3d realms ion fury 3d LGTBQS homo gay poop dick shit

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>subhuman has pronouns in twitter bio
>not a sub human

This. SJWs ganging up and bullying DEVs to bend to them and extorting trannie donation money and sensitivity training and media manipulation is not as bad as the other side telling them to stop

The publisher wanted the Devs to lie and say they worked in a misogynistic toxic environment

except they don't make the devs donate 100000 to their cause, censor the game and not even buy it just because of one thing they said once

>the other side telling them to stop
*joining in on the bullying

At that point leaving negative reviews to reflect on their unhappiness is the only thing they could do though. They changed the game so why aren't they allowed to change their opinion then?

>Sure it's only a soap bottle texture...
>and the 10 grands
>and the "sensitivity training"
>and the fact that they bend to a minority that doesn't even play the fucking game.

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More like 'refusing to support the game that is donating money to a child mutilation fund.'

Am I on too many layers of conspiracy theories or does this all feel like purposely engineered controversy because otherwise not a single fucking soul would talk about this random indie game?


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>guy's just doing his job
lmao, he is NOT doing his job. look up his twitter.
when this shitstorm was at the height of brewing he was squeaking about his GIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLFRIEEEND and letting us know what faggy tunes he was listening to atm, all while Voidpoint and 3D Realms was being burned to the ground by retardera trannies and an angry mob of the people who actually bought the game and were now extremeley pissed that this subhumans assbirth shitclown had the genius idea to bow down the trannies and suck their cut-off dicks.
he is an absolute imbecile, but that's to be expected of a shitclown who previously worked for the gaming 'press' and makes it a point to state his nouns. I bet $1000 this fuck has a ResetERA account himself given his industry connections and past

I like how the last 3 don't impact your experience of the game at all and wouldn't even had happened had they not be working for a publisher which technically owns your game and is allowed to shut you the fuck down.

the main man behind Voidpoint, TerminX is literally disabled in a wheelchair. He probably wanted to get off disability pay with this game as his big break.

these people are suck fucking losers

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Only controversy is on Yea Forums literally no one else that matters is talking about it, except Clickbaite news sites that retarded /pol/niggers fall for.

No I have my suspicions too.

That is one freakishly strained smile.

>publisher which technically owns your game and is allowed to shut you the fuck down
If they had any conviction, Voidpoint would've taken that risk.

Why would they purposefully kill an "overwhelmingly positive" game, causing thousands of refunds and negative rep, just so people can talk about it?

The last 3 don't impact those who complained about it either but here we are with you, another "centrist" just complaining about the ones who didn't like the change and not the ones who made it

>which is pedophilic given the age of the character
how do they feel about the below ten year olds dancing in bars for money and making out with grown men in parades in california

>don't impact your experience of the game
And a botte of SOAP in a VIDEOGAME that says OGAY is gonna make you kill yourself???
Go back to reshitera pedo enabler

nah, this is a real shitshow by the most incompetent fuckup parasites who somehow weaseled their way up into positions that are clearly way over their heads and they fucked up on a scale that will be a textbook example for future developers and publishers how NOT to betray and piss off your entire paying userbase in favour of a handful of proessionally offened mentally insane.

It did. When the "transphobic" comments started getting shared around they compiled and scraped the barrel for as much ammo on the game as they could which included those evil toxic bigoted jokes

Well there is the old adage "the only bad press is no press". Not that I agree with the theory but it's easy to see where the idea comes from.

What really got me is how they kept trying to say it isn't censorship. Not because it isn't actually censorship, but because they know censoring the game will give them a bad rep.

*caused by the most incompetent fuckup parasites

Companies are functionally retarded and cannot distinguish between actual fans and SJW's/pol-tards trying to stir shit. Plus the current goal of most companies is to sell a game to everyone rather than make a good game, and don't want any possible PR hits. So every little retarded cry ends up fucking things up for everyone.

Or you get the terrible situation where the retard SJW's are in charge from the beginning and take steps to ensure they ruin a game before it ever comes out by poisoning the well. See Battlefield 5, for example.

So, this is the power of catering to SJWs and "journos"?
>meanwhile a cheap dark souls clone almost reached 40k players with 0 marketing

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You get exposure for your literal who game in front of millions of normies by keeping this shit on every video game site 24/7 for several weeks. And the downside is upsetting a hundred or so radical political internet activists who make angry reviews and say bad words on twitter. Might be worth it, no?

The outrage thread also had the ogay mentioned.

Dark souls clones are popular among plebs, no wonder.

i remember seeing a screenshot of this exact post way before any of this ion fury shit started and wondering why someone screenshotted it

i almost wonder now how much of the screenshots i see from that site are just really bored autistic schizo anons now

Reminder that Tifa's boobs aren't even the biggest problem, the worst part of her new design is that the thighhighs look like shit on the chicken legs they've given her.

There actually was quite some buzz on the game, plenty of oldskool FPS fans around who were looking forward to it.
Bad press just continues into worse press.
Good press can make a game popular on word of mouth. I don't buy into this conspiracy, i think they just fucked up real good.

It's funny that every now and then you see someone there post
>Why are you going there just to be mad
and they justify that it's important to keep track of us and ignoring us will make us "stronger"

leave politics out of my video games!
>goes out of their way to try to damage a game based on politics that don't have anything to do with the game

Not when the backlash of the fans is 10x worse when you groveled to the outrage mob than the mob ever was to begin with

>meanwhile a cheap dark souls clone almost reached 40k players with 0 marketing
name of game?

Reminds me of this

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Yup, trannies at least got money out of it. Poltards got nothing because they're even more retarded than trannies.
American """politics""" is a joke.

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What 'risk'? Either you do what you're publisher tells you or your laid off your contract and met with various lawsuits for supposed bad public image received because of your actions. Reminder that Voidpoint *mostly* self-funded their game and this was going to be their big pay off to start working independently. Ignoring the publisher because of muh "convinctions" had very serious consequences, and you're not putting yourself in their shoes enough to understand.

I was talking about the "censored" one, retard.

>pol-tards trying to stir shit
fuck pol but give me examples when was the last time that these clowns managed to ruin some publisher or developer and cancel their game and force them to change shit, send pepole to re-education camps and donate $10k to neo-nazi concerts just because it didn't pander to their holocaust manager wet dreams?

I fucking double dare you, you cocksucker and all the retardera trannies posting ITT trying to convince people that pol is somehow involved and how "anti-sjw" are just as bad as sjw.

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you mean 'buying a game just to refund it so that you can get a gaymergate participation trophy'

The millions of normies (and couple of screeching trannies) won't buy your game. Boomers who this game was catered to will buy your game and you just fucked them in the ass.

>name of game?
Remnant From the Ashes

I hope Resetera feels guilt for this.

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The pirated version is uncensored. Would you rather play the way the devs intended, or the way Resetera intended?

The fact that resetera have essentially turned into Yea Forums of old by allowing a platform for this kind of shit is honestly fucking hilarious. Doubly so when you consider that many in the media are actually a part of it. Couple that with the fact that they will never admit to wrongdoing doing due to their fervant "end justify the means" mentality of believing that their cause is worth it and this shit has the potential to be pretty damaging.

I know this isn't the first time anons have taken advantage of them and it sure as shit won't be the last.

Feels bad man.

>Cis male
Probably white too

>Boomers who this game was catered to will buy your game and you just fucked them in the ass.
>buying a game because of one texture

How long til Shitera has a
>We aren't your personal army

>reviewbombing a game because of political actions made by a developer that have nothing to do with the game itself

this is literally the definition of being a social justice warrior

The boomers that bought it and now refunded it because their money went to a dick-cutting-of-a-4-year-old-child support group and devs sent to sensitivity training.

Are you an SJW or just plain retarded?

>you're not putting yourself in their shoes enough to understand
It's hard to sympathize with those who have sold their souls.

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>Calling your daughter Leia

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Both user. He's both.


Nigger like every big name on twitch played it. No way they didn't pay for some of those plays

>people will refund the game because we're fighting for social justice!
>what are you, a fucking social justice warrior?

>Are you an SJW or just plain retarded?
These are the same thing.

It's the principle, senpai.

Boomers grew up without this PC bullshit in our vidya. Seeing the developers bend the knee to a bunch of PC trannys and donating $10,000 of the game's profits to them is fucking blasphemy.

3DRealms and the Ion Fury developers lost a lot of respect, street cred and sales from it's fans/former fans who are the ones who actually buy their games.

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Will never happen as that would require them questioning accusations of bigotry, which in itself is "downplaying bigotry".


thread about article about a twitter screencap. is that deleted tweet even real?

Yes. There's an archive of it.

>implying those "people" are capable of feeling guilt let alone any kind of responsibility for their actions

Don't reply to him. He's just baiting. Nobody can be that retarded.

this is what should be done, SHITera should be weaponized with their own autism untill they become synonymous with pure cancer that cries wolf about anything untill they are rightfully and eternally ignored

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You guys really don't see the irony of boycotting a game in order to fight for social justice unrelated to the game itself, do you?

>niche genre has a small playerbase

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Can confirm. First thing I did when I first saw it was check it for myself. Unfortunately I didn't bother to make an archive of it but I'm sure someone did.

The fact it worked once means more autists are going to use it. This is going to be a fun/retarded next few months

It's not social justice you massive retard. You think this is identity politics? It's justice, plainly.

holy shit bloodfags on suicide watch

Of course. He's Argentinian.

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>boomer bought 90s-looking FPS to have fun
>all this bullshit didn't remove their fun, not by one sane bit
Conclusion: boomers didn't buy the game to have fun.

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>WTF they didn't even play the fucking game
Welcome to resetera

Yup, they've snapped. nu3DRealms has put them in a tight spot and they'd like people to pirate 1.0 version in order to get the full and uncensored experience.
Maybe next time they'll bond with a better publisher.

They did, that's why they're upset.

Goddamn, this fucking thread IQ is below room temperature.

So has that place know about this?

that's a retarded conclusion

THIS. You do not cave in to the outrage, you stand your ground.

>boycotting a game because they gave money to an organization that you think damages children
literally the definition of social justice

I'm gonna be honest I agree with them, I miss when /tg/ could discuss /pol/ topics without devolving into the usual /pol/ rigmarole.

>one of the biggest sites on the internet

You ignore it, just like James did the whole GB2016 controversy -- he had an entire shitstorm flinging vitriol, and hatred at him, but it all just slid off of him harmlessly in the end. The worst thing you can do is show weakness, and bend the knee, because that's just blood in the water and opening yourself up to more demands, be it immediate, or in the future.

So how many of you faggots are actually playing this game?

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Are you literally comparing the defense of free speech / expression and the mutilation of children to social privileges?

Won't play it because most of the weapons are shit and no rocket launcher.

they just don't care anymore
that's the truth
they made an amazing game and now they realized it's all going down the fucking drain thanks to identity politics.
this is just them saying "fuck it all"

Fuck any dev that censors anything.

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They're probably dilating twice as fervently over ruining a CIS white male's project.

Grenades > rockets

what's wrong with gay soap anyway?

Jee, another Yea Forums raid campaign full of loose "just trust me, someone who is the developer said this" and no real links. This sounds legit.

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Wasted get

>save the children! boycott this game!
what are you a social justice warrior?
>n-no its not social justice its j-just justice!
this is the dumbest shit i've heard all day

as someone who actually wants politics left out of their video games unlike you hypocritical fucks
i'm not going to boycott a game because the developer is racist
i'm not going to boycott a game because the developer beats their wife
i'm not going to boycott a game for any social justice reason at all
i'll boycott a game if it sucks or i don't like it, thats it

have fun fighting for social justice though you fucking sjws

I already beat it. I'm not playing it again until there is either a large amount of user-made content, or the engine supports something better than OpenGL.

ugh, fucking breeders. disgusting, i'm glad his game got destroyed

I thought the tweet was fake?

imagine talking about sex like that

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It was not, dude is literally a cripple and he worked on this game for 4 years and he was hoping it'd be a success to finally headstart his company and then all this publisher shit happened and after all the backlash he had a fucking breakdown.

FYI /pol/ are reactionaries. The sooner SJW fuck off the sooner /pol/ fucks off.

What tweet?

>Put gibberish with the word fag somewhere in game.
>It gets found astoundingly fast.
>It gets widespread attention astoundingly fast.
>Developer gets fucked over with a double protest.
>inb4 developer acquired by someone and gutted.

This shit was an inside job. Someone on the dev team is going to become the new producer or manager while everyone else gets shitcanned.

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That's because you are fucking retarded or blind. The archive to it has been posted multiple times in multiple threads.

Was going to buy it but all this nonsense sapped my interest.

Poor guy, can we buy the studio and ip so they can be free?

Manager to a company that no one's going to trust anymore. Brilliant plan.

this is a big deal, these kinds of things are what pushes the industry forward. high profile cases of clear get woke go broke. kind of like gilette. with luck other devs snd more importantly publishers will taje note to stay the fuck out of the culture war if they know what's good for their business. trump 2020

He owns the studio, they're independent and spent the last 5 years working in Ion Fury for free. The IP 3DR does hold though.

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jesus christ these fucking threads are so god damned pathetic what is this shit

>post these threads 20-30 times a day
>creep onto the board with the SAME INFORMATION
>wow guys this is so weird huh wow what's going on here

fucking what the fuck dude is this board run by fucking algorithms

Developer made anti transgender remarks,
I guess i'm buying this game after all.

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No way 3d realms is gonna hold onto it. Or they would sell it for cheap. Now is the time to strike!

>we're with you on the "fuck censorship" thing but just this once!

it all fun and memes on the internet but its sad how such a stupid retarded thing as outrage culture can absolutely crush the hopes and dreams of people caught in the middle of this clown world storm

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>hey that thing in your game is offensive
>oh sorry bro i'll change it for you

don't you have a tifa's breasts thread to post in

Exactly how cheap?

Asking for a friend.

Not necessarily.

In the Doom modding scene many sites have SJW moderators. When there are new mods they go through the art assets, looking for wrong think. If they find anything they cry to the admins and all the good mods get deleted. Someone of them just probably did the same and used editor to check out this games art files.

They are the dilate posters themselves
You dont realize how absolutely fucking hypocrites leftists are

I feel really bad for the developers.

>Now the only thing stopping me from purchasing this game is my bank account balance...
I mean I wouldn't buy a game that I didn't politically agree with either, but if you're going to complain, at LEAST be able to buy the game when they do the thing you asked for...

The studio is independent, it's only working under contract for 3D Realms. And I don't believe 3D Realms is going to sell the IP or the game rights without a specific reason (mainly because in their minds it would paint them EVEN more as "that SJW publisher" killing any of their further endeavors. And that's also the thing. The studio (Voidpoint LLC.) is seen by the majority of the public as unreliable and prone to bending le knee to fags as 3D Realms is because of misinformation and sensationalist news outlets being bullhorned by the anti-SJW crowd and youtubers. Nobody will donate money to VP so they can work on another game. They are literally publically FUCKED, no matter what they do, unless a news outlet of equal relevance can finally shed some light about this whole shit, making the reactionary youtubers parrot it to their sheep like it's already happened, just with the actual, completestory with context notes.

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Good thinking. Only problem that the publisher 3d Realms is now giving the profits to Gay mafia.

it's kinda gay

>sensitivity training
>reeducation camps
This is your brain on lithium.

Why did he get a publisher?
Fucking retard

I am, just pirated after refunding

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There was no texture that said "fag", it was spelled out with individual letter sprites. Someone had to comb over all ~28 maps in the game in every out of bounds space to find it.

no you don't, they chose this publisher despite knowing they are pro-tranny (they've done this shit before)

Yeah this was handled pretty fucking badly.

If he would have said:

"The powers that be want me to remove some minor things in the game that people find offensively. While I don't agree with this artistically, I do agree with this financially since my Tesla and Thai ladybug won't pay for themselves."

I'd laugh and understand what they were going through since we all have to answer to someone in life.

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>muh Bend the knee
I don't think anymore people care about this than people were actually angry about the fagbag thing

Only fucking autists get worked up about this shit. If the studio fails it's because it was a stupid niche game in a dead genre and the boomers had used up all their nostalgia for the year on the other doom wannabes

It wasn't the modder, just some sperg who always flips his shit about this sort of thing in any game. He had been shitting on bombshell for almost a year.
It's really telling when the lost 8gaggers and /pol/ follow the lead of someone with clear mental problems.

Children are tools for my political agenda, so if you're not transitioning a toddler then you're an anti-LGBT enemy who wants to exterminate all the minorities.

No joke, go read the backlash over it. Twitter thinks the devs literally said "Heil Hitler" and started paling around with Richard Spencer with what they're reacting with.

Is there a mod that makes her outfit more slutty?

Appeasement. They can't undo what the devs said, but they realize that firing people would just make Voidpoint quit because they're a company of about five people.

It's already waning, the faggots who were review bombing it gave up after two days.

>they've given her
Tifa always had chicken legs. See her original concept art, Advent Children, Dissidia, every fucking incarnation of the character. She isn't meant to be a tower of cellulite, she's a martial artist.

Silly cripple, that's what he gets for wanting/hoping/dreaming to improve his lot in life.

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I like em, youve got plenty of nades dont see the problem with no rocket launcher.

>not using software mode
Lmaoing at your life

Just pirate it ffs

My nigga of the seven seas

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Well, yeah. Nobody wants to alienate potential customers and the media. The redpill is for idiots and mental patients like you.

>Thai ladybug

Kek, meant delicious Thai ladyboy.

>hey that thing in your game is offensive
>sorry bro, I'll change it, donate 10000 to your cause, fire all our problematic employees, train the other ones for sensitive topics and make a public statement that we're sorry for it, please don't fuck our game we worked so hard on it
>I don't know, not feeling very genuine,I think I'm not going to buy it this time

Are the gamers rising up to try to destroy the game, right?

Shut up resetera it doesn't matter if some guy pretended to be you in the end it was you fags raising a roar afterwards that caused it.

Software mode runs even worse.

If that is true, then it is crazy. There might be a gay plant in the company trying to destroy them.

hehe, the replacement is arguably even more racist

>watermelon shirt
>purp drank color car

Ok MariO.

forgot pic

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>untill they become synonymous with pure cancer that cries wolf about anything
Ok. Now what?

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Because they come from a community of Duke3D modders. These guys were THE fans of Apogee/3D Realms and were really present in the legacy 3DR forums when they existed, can't you imagine how it cool it would be to work for the company you so admired in the past? Bet they now can't, either.

True story is that back when 3DR still owned the right to Duke games besides Forever, they were going to release a remastered Duke3D just like Gearbox did, for Android platforms with remastered assets and shit. This is how Voidpoint's relationship with 3D Realms started. Then Randy said "no fuck you duke is mine" and he was literally throwing mafia shade at him.

>The powers that be want me
Are you retarded? That's how you handle professional relationships?

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It was actually selling well, before they started giving money to SJWs and shitting on their fans.

nah, just autists and ESL retards. here's how it goes:
>original thread gets 200+ replies
>brainless idiot sees the high number count
>reposts the exact same thread hours later
>either he or the original participants post the same replies verbatim
not sure if it's a zoomer thing or a pajeet thing but apparently they get off on (you)s regardless of context

bullshit, the game is more fun than any modern shooter and there's a lot of people interested on it, we don't care about the fagbag, we're just pissed they removed it because they were told to

>Just pirate it ffs
Nah, I'm saying identity politics makes me extremely apathetic. I'll probably just finish reading this thread, maybe skim one tomorrow if something noteworthy happened overnight and then otherwise forget this game ever existed.

N-no but you s-see h-horseshoe and shit haha g-get it? Stop focusing on sexual minorities bigot!


It wasn’t outrage culture. It was anti-outrage culture. You hypocrites have done everything you can to make sure that no one plays this game and everyone hates these devs. And now, with tears streaming down your face you ask “How could resetera have done this?”

Screw that, I want me some thai ladybug girl now

Never. you see the "they are just as bad as us" argument from SJWs as soon as the wind changes and it isn't in their favor.
As soon as people start to actually look and judge SJWs for their shit the first thing they do, ALWAYS, is to claim their opposition is no different than them.

The truth is we are miles and leagues better than them as people. Yea Forums as a whole is more decent than a group of trannies.

Nah, obviously bullied kids like you need to be culled from these matters.

Uhh no, the game went from being on page 2-3 of the top sellers to being on page 10-12, this "exposure" is not helping it.
That doesn't work for niche games like this, only shitty AAA trash that attracts a lot of drones.

Big and true

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>we dislike
You dislike everyone, because everyone dislikes you. Shitting on smaller devs isn't going to get you laid, or fix any of your multitude of problems.

They're the same faggots, only with different opinions on what counts as an outrage. Regardless of which side "won", we're not allowed to talk about the game anymore.

Best possible outcome. The dev's capitulated, now they went broke, and no one has fun at all. Everyone's happy. The resert tards are happy because they "won", Yea Forums's happy because SJW capitulators ate shit and lost it all.

What setup do you have user? Mine works fine in both software and opengl mode.

Name one reason to ever create a twitter account

holy shit how hard can you project, you SJW faggot?

Let me tell you about the molehill.

Resetera complaining about anything is a molehill to anyone who pays any attention to that site because it is a constant outrage culture unendingly eating itself. It would be like listening to Yea Forums.
Everyone saw this molehill, and they ignored it. Moles dig molehills, that's what they do. Resetera is full of moles. Some from Yea Forums. Some from elsewhere. Either ways, they all live in dirt and are too blind to look at anything clearly.

3DRealms saw this molehill and shouted that there was a massive mountain in the way of progressing Ion Fury to be great. They blamed the devs, and punished them accordingly.
Everyone who rightfully called the molehill was then angered because none of them saw it as a mountain. They objectively knew it was a molehill, and that 3DRealms was dying on top of it.
Everyone who was *actually* angered about it probably didn't know about it, because to them it was just a molehill as well. People don't spend their time finding things to be offended at unless you post here or on resetera. Thus, more people got angry.

3DRealms, by making this seem like the biggest problem in the world; turned it into the biggest problem in the world.

Every dev who caves to Resetera outrage does it.

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>You dislike everyone
Crashing this industry with no survivors.
I can't wait to keep harnessing the power of weaponized SJW and anti-SJW autism to fuck over retards.
Only way to stop it is to stop paying attention to the retards on both sides, but western devs will never do that :^)

AMD hardware has shit support for OpenGL. I can run the game better in Linux, but the Linux version doesn't recognize my thumb buttons.

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Yeah i feel yah, personally i just got a recent love for the build games. So il take any i can get, not buying the game tho until they stop sucking tranny dong.

No you are not. Racism is still identity politics and you are giving them a conveniant strawman in a form of "see? you don't want to appeal to THOSE people do you?". You are just playing your part and are extremely useful to people like Resetera.

All you managed to crash was a soap bottle in a game made by like 5 modders. That's the extent of your capabilities. The game's still selling, the reviews went back to normal after 2 days.
You're pretty useless even when you apply yourself.

this whole thing happend in the first place because for some reason only god knows why trannies got a grip on the video games industry.
if it wasn't the case the publisher wouldn't feel the need to publicly apologies like that.

Who brought up racism? Are you lost or insane or soemthing?

You just proved my point by posting your shitpost.

Game is really shit, to be honest. Giving money for this shit you also sponsor tranni, anyway.

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there is no actual verification that the "Yea Forums troll" theory is true, and it doesnt matter whatsoever anyway because the actual point is that the publishers went nuts bending over for resetgender users complaining. it doesnt matter at all who took the screenshots.

Did you try running it in eduke32? The latest version supports ion fury.

Based devs
Fuck the publishers

>The game's still selling, the reviews went back to normal after 2 days.
Kek, game went rom page 2-3 of the global top sellers to page 8-10.
>b-but it's still selling!

>Never. you see the "they are just as bad as us" argument from SJWs as soon as the wind changes and it isn't in their favor.
This times a billion. They scream in pain as they strike you and then cower in terror when people become incredulous.

This "DUH Yea Forums IS JUST AS BAD" is just more gaslighting from false flaggers.

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Nah it's one of the finest shooters of the last few years. Your "honesty" stems from not having played the thing, so keep it to yourself.

AMDfag here. Runs perfectly fine on my machine.

One, nothing wrong with me

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It's all pretty molehilly to be frank. It's been like 3 days and reviews are already returning to normal. Sales haven't been hurt appreciably since a decent portion of the anti-crowd were just stirring the pot and were never going to buy it to begin with.

Nvidiafag here, Runs perfectly fire on my machine.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, even if it's all bullshit.

Racism isn't identity politics, it's a madeup catch-all phrase made by Lennin to explain biological instincts.

Why did this game need a publisher? Isn't the whole poit of Steam to self publish? It's not like I saw bilboard advertising for this game

Don't pander to trannies again you fucks.

Yeah fuck video games, tells us all about these SJWs. This is just super fascinating.

someone brought up /pol/, and siding with /pol/ on that only helps resetera. we need anti position that's not full of insane rightoids, but well, too late for that.

The game ships with EDuke32, it's literally the same thing...the leads on IF are also the leads on EDuke32.

I've tried it, but it still plays the same. It's fine on the interior levels, but all of the boss encounters are slideshows.
What do you have and what settings do you use? Are you on Windows 10? I made a support ticket for my issues, but they closed it immediately and told me to ask in their Discord.

I have a 390 but it runs this fine @1440p maybe it depends on the driver? Havnt updated in a while.

>AMD hardware has shit support for OpenGL.
Aint that the truth, somedays im contemplating installing Arch on my desktop(use it on my thiccpad) but i have a 4TB HDD with anime and shit. And last time i tried Linux with the 390 it glitched out to hell and back. Seems just that generation of AMD gpus are fucked in that regard. At least i have vulkan support, albeit barely.


>It's only like 95MB
>mfw I got it in 75.8MB

It all started with those game jams being funded by DiGRA, which is a branch of DARPA. Look into why the fuck DARPA would be funding game jams and why people like Zoe Quinn magically became a nexus of those same game jams when her games are not fun.

Trannies are the aftereffect of actual gov't trying to get into gaming at the developmental level for some fucky reason. It all started because DARPA, fucking DARPA, started funding game jams. That is when everything went south and it appears like a power struggle happened behind the scenes and all of a sudden overnight people were pushing trannies and pedophilia (the real kind) into the society thru these same "up and coming" game jams and the people participating in them.

It was all black hat funding/scouting. How it turned out the way it did I'll never know.

>maybe it depends on the driver?
What version are you on? I was on the most recent driver, but I could try rolling back to see if it fixes anything.

Ok animal, go rape someone.

And that someone wasn't me so why would you bring it up to me without even posting the backstory to your insane ramblings.
And no, we need people like /pol/ because when the time comes they will have no problem killing the people ruining the world.

Cope /pol/tard, you lost, it's over.
We've already succeeding at using the autism of both you and SJWs to make the world a worse place, and we'll continue to do so.

LARPers are switching sides to create more entertainment by sparking drama between devs and resetera to see how far they will go

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What do you propose? What will you do once social terrorists made your "not insane" position /pol/?

a retarded joke pissed off a bunch of retards and then some other retards caved to them and that upset another group of retards

So the capitalist ruling class?

...that actually makes sense. Pretty fucking based way to give SJW bullshitters the finger. Not about the money, it's about sending a message.

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Because 3DR owns the IP and isn't just going to let some indie studio use it for free even if they might be duke modders?

Oh now you're false flagging, how sad. The only reason why it shot up in sales is because of your little raid of quick purchases, to leave a shit review and refund immediately after. The game is still selling well and the review bombing stopped because you all ran out of autism bucks and accounts.
It was a wet fart, nothing more.

It's an excellent tactic.
Take advantage of ResetEra's propensity towards REEEEEEEEing out at people they don't like, point them at a dev you don't like, and watch the fun create itself.
It's surprisingly simple, makes me wonder if that's what people have been doing already for years.

They are reeducation camps, tranny.

Everybody thaat wanted to play Blood has already played it. They should have done what Duke and Doom did by adding a new episode.

It has its own executable, you can't use it to run anything else. Also who knows which build it's using, you might want to get a more up to date one.
Also the steam version doesn't come with mapster for some reason.

>let a tiny minority on an internet forum complain their way into forcing your hand to change your game
Doesn't matter how small the change was. It sets a dangerous precedent. They literally have resetera's dick in their mouth now.

Why did the developers choose this IP that no one has heard of? Why not just make their own new girl IP? There was nothing to gain using an existing IP for a series that barely anyone knows about. Are the developers retards?

It's not an excellent tactic, this damage is going to become irreversible and sabotage an entire gen of games just so a handful of people can have some postmodernist yuks

No, that is what is holding the world together and I know it pisses your anus off that it is true.
People telling others it is healthy to partake in self mutilation and those listening to them are the ones ruining the world.
Tranny stuff is a mental illness. To a tee, it is textbook stuff including delusional states and self harm as a release valve. The mortality rates aren't too flattering either.
The world will wake up though, the failures keep pushing and pushing and pushing and the common man is past fed up. The world will either wake up and outlaw the criminal deviancy or they will all commit suicide eventually.

It is a temporary problem, but still a massive one while we have to deal with it.

Windows 10
I have a Vega 64
pic related are the settings I don't really have any problems as far as I can tell.

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>The only reason why it shot up in sales is because of your little raid of quick purchases, to leave a shit review and refund immediately after.
More /pol/tard cope, when it launched it was on page 2, this was pre-controversy.
Post-controversy it's down to page 8.

Tell us again how many paying customers of Ion Fury got angry about this in the first place? Was it 'almost zero' because Resetera didn't buy the game in the first place?

It's almost like Yea Forums's opinion matters more because they actually buy and play video games.

I read something about disabling vsync in the game settings and enabling it in your GPU drivers, but since I haven't had noticeable frame drops I haven't tried it.

>Your "honesty" stems from not having played the thing
Of course lol. And did not plan.

>and sabotage an entire gen of games
That's alright, this generation has been absolute shit for western games anyways.
Why would I care about an industry that I don't like to begin with?
Again, it's an excellent tactic, more anons should employ it.

Oh look, the stormlards are here. What are you even talking about, grampa? go back to fucking chickens.

Originally 3DR approached them. It was supposed to be a throwback preorder bonus for Bombshell but it quickly turned into a standalone project once the duke modders actually started working on it.

Iron maiden has enough resource to prolong the case until voidpoint and 3d realms go bankrupt. While the devs have to release the game and get paid. It is not that simple you retard. Specially in America

They're probably online courses. Have you ever had an office job?
That's a rhetorical question. It's hilarious where your imagination takes you.

>world tour

nobody wins here, you know this and you want to keep going, i just can't understand that perspective

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I`m using this version, hope it works.

It had an exclusive episode.

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Not him but this isn't accurate. T here are four different variants of Duke Nukem 3D on Steam alone. Almost everyone owns Atomic edition from the multiple sales they did for years.

No one bought World Tour because it's objectively the worst Duke port on Steam. You can't even disable autoaim.

>Doesn't matter how small the change was.
Of course it does, it's kind of fundamental. They changed a fucking prop. The only reason why you're even pretending to have principles is because you found someone easy to harass.

woah never expected such redpills in a thread like this.
never even heard about this angle but it does sounds interesting and wouldn't surprise me one bit if its actually true.
glow niggers try to meddle with every side of our lives.

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Still reeducation training no matter how you try to sugarcoat it tranny.
>It's hilarious where your imagination takes you.

What I propose is rejecting the concept of the culture war instead of participating and furthering it. Making people feel safe and free to express themselves again.

You go on about Resetera, but what was that 8 months of screeching about BFV? Or sperging out about any homo in a game?

The answer to strict morality and policing is freedom, not just the same standards but inverted. Resetera will attack people no matter what for being not good enough. Representation marketing gimmicks would lose their transgressive power if there wasn't a hate mob constantly throwing a tantrum about them.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Stop listening to these fucking morons and it won't be a problem.
If you do, then I'm going to work to make them as unreasonable as possible until you either destroy your own company or wise the fuck up and stop paying attention to outrage mongoloids on the internet.

Thanks for sharing your self mutilation fantasies with others, and contributing nothing of value to the conversation.
Literally everything you post stems from deeply seated self harm issues, and has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Hopefully. I'm gonna try it out anyway.

publishers are fucking gay
literally ruined videogames

Games always sell better at launch, everything you post makes you look dumber, it's uncanny.
Cool straw man, retard.

The hate mob started with retardera and twitter leftists. Not sure why you aren't telling them to fuck off.

Except most games don't immediately plummet to page 10 a few days after release, even a vastly less popular game (Barotrauma) lasted much longer on the top 5 pages than Ion Fury.
Cope more /pol/tard.

>game is shit
>didn't play it btw LOL

Christ, trannies are fucking revolting.

>Assuming this is the official thread of the game now since the other is gone:
Revolver's alt-fire should not be super effective on flying skeletons. Because it's automatic aiming (least risk solution for the player), the damage should be the lowest. However, if you shoot manually with the revolver, you will need to fire more at this particular enemy than if you use alt-fire.
This is a shitty design that rewards the player who opt for aim aid.

I really hope this is true. With enough autism you can do anything.

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this nigger gets it

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>If you try to crossdress your kid you're mentally ill
This statement required a public apology and a 10k bucks donation ?

this is why when people blame bethesda i tell them, it's fucking zenimax, the parent company. publishers, who are just in charge of all the non-creative stuff like marketing, shipping, etc, they are staffed by soulless suit goons who look down on the people who buy their stuff, always looking for a way to cut the costs of appeasing consumers as much as possible.

Yes they do, game companies get most if not all of their revenue during the first day or two of a game's release, especially single player games.
You have done pretty much nothing, your months of work went down the toilet and people already forgot about this. It's almost sad how inconsequential your tantrum was.

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Ok so trannies, because some of that 0.1% might murder someone, ugh eventually. that's what's ruining the world. If we get rid of trannies, and teh gayz and go back to our wagie cagies it will all magically be fine now. Rightoids, everyone, lick that kike boot.

You're wasting your breath. They'll just say you're secretly an SJW and you just want them to shut up. Because they're literally reverse SJWs and they can't fathom that someone might think using SJW tactics is still bad when you do it for the "right" reasons.

i dont know wether or not bethesda games are rushed like hell but they are very janky and dumb alot of the time
i still like them and put hundreds of hours into them but i do sometimes wonder how much zenimax does to fuck them over if anything at all

I am. I am also telling Yea Forumspol/ to fuck off.

It's tinfoil head bullshit but I guess that makes me a glownigger

Cope /pol/tard, Nier Automata still makes its way into page 1 of the top sellers years after release.
Sorry, but you fucked this game hard, and that's all the more beautiful.

It isn't, because the registering for the auto aim is wonky, and only lets you mark for half a second. Also it's only really effective on weaker enemies, and almost tailor made for flying ones, to the point where you're better off saving that ammo for them.
It all becomes evident once you start encountering stronger enemy types.

It's just Sargoy fanbase all over again. In fact, probably the same people.

this one really really hurts. shit is heart breaking.
I hope all hysterical, professionally offended video game blogging "journalists", trannies and aidsfaggots burn in hell for this.

If there is a way to circumvent giving money to those traitorous swines at 3D Realms, so it goes directly to Voidpoint and ONLY Voidpoint and its devs, please let me know.

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>every company that adopts this lgbt pandering shit loses tons of money because the audience never actually buys in
>well shit how do we push our agenda and still make money
>let's just get hundreds of CEOs to sign a thing saying we are ignoring shareholders out of some fake front of changing to be more "compassionate" to our employees, so we can continue pushing worthless agenda-driven media even if it makes shareholders no money?

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I'm sad because game is good but nobody wants to talk about it. I don't want to create a Discord account either because I would be banned from there because I hate trannies. Now no one will comment on the game in Yea Forums anymore and when the controversy is gone, the game is already forgotten.

Does that usually involve a sale? Yes, it does. Also we're now comparing AAA releases with literallywho old engine throwback games.
You are nothing, my lad. All your effort is equally as inconsequential as you.

Bethesda and Zenimax work with IP holders, start playing good cop bad cop with them, and then bleed them to the point they have to sell the IP for a pittance to meet the unreasonable milestones or get extra delays to finish their products, if zenimax even bothers after acquiring their IP

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>I am
Except you aren't are you unless you're simultaneously on ResetEra and Twitter telling them to fuck off as well.

>Why should I be the one to take the moral high ground and not them, hmmm?

>implying the actual well being of real, 3d females is ever even a thought in these guys heads

>I don't want to create a Discord account either because I would be banned from there because I hate trannies
Have you considered shutting the fuck up about trannies?

It sure is fucking video games around here. Jesus fucking christ, if you're raiding, you goddamn trained chimpanzees, don't bring your old lady centipedes with you.

>Nier Automata
/pol/tard copes are getting more and more sad.

It didn't help at all. I don't even know where to begin with fixing these issues. The final boss is still a slideshow.

you can literately say this about anything.
take 9/11 for instance.
to anyone who actually researched it its clear without any semblance of doubt that it was an inside work of the saudis,israel and burgers.
every single side got huge profit from it and the official narrative does jack shit to explain all the holes.
but its still regarded as tinfoil bullshit by a huge margin of people for the simple fact that its not part of the "official narrative".
at this point i don't dismiss any "conspiracy theory" for the single fact that i don't trust and believe any single thing the "official narrative" tells.

Who else here harrassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations?

Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.

If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.

In fact I'm for larping as a transgender and attacking as many of these devs in the industry as possible with bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.

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Even if he did, their Discord requires you to register a mobile number in order to chat. Fuck that.

A major square enix release with a gigantic budget, tens of millions of copies sold and a huge marketing campaign is not a AAA game now, because you have no argument. Brilliant. Keep digging that hole of stupidity you can't seem to crawl out of.

I'm not only making them pander, I'm also making it so no matter how much they pander, or what way, they are always doing a shoddy job and are therefore still phobic and disappointing, 24/7. Every time they do one thing I'll find something wrong with it so they have to constantly think every day on how to better themselves and tinker until they go mad.
Apologies are never enough, the only way to fix your transphobia is to dedicate your every single day of every week of your life towards the well-being of the trans community, constant activity is the only way to prove yourself an ally.
If you stop or whine about it, bad news, you are transphobic little wagie, i'm gonna have your own marketing teams send you on sensitivity training and cut your salary, and sack all the especially vocal rebels so they can fuck off and develop burgers instead.

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What moral high ground? Pretending to be a fence sitting faggot that's only telling the anti-sjw side to quit it isn't really a moral high ground.

Christ. Smart enough to question the narrative but not smart enough to arrive at proper answers. Tragic.

I already LARP as a tranny and piss people off anyways, it's even better when you can get a legit tranny to join in and act even dumber.


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The devs are fucking bigots. Who are they to say my baby isn't trans? It's best to start reassignment early so they can pass.

The idea is not to sit on the fence, the idea is to be above the mudslinging.

"You" didn't do shit, let's keep that clear for a moment.

>~$5 million is a gigantic budget
>4 million copies across 3 platforms after 2 years is now "tens of millions of copies"
>Not a single TV spot ad is now "a huge marketing campaign"
This /pol/tard cope is getting even better.

ok big shot what is your hot take on 9/11?
who was behind it?

3drealms forced the devs to apologize for pic related. Only absolute faggots would disagree with our God-given right to groom newborns and children into our perfect sex dolls. 3DRealms has my utmost financial support for this. The transphobic dev should be sacked and sent to McDonalds.

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Yeah so fence sitting. You know it's okay to have principles and have opinions on things right?


Now baby lardass is making up numbers because he doesn't want to realize how pointless his months of work were.
You're pathetic, son.

Most games aren't a niche throwback boomer shooter either. Your point is?

Notice how greenskeleton starts posting in all caps whenever he's upset. He can't control himself.

Whould i be playibg software mpde if im playing on a crt?

I mean, I'm not on Resetera, because expressing that kind of opinion would get me banned in a day anyway, so that's pointless.. But generally I call that retardation out when I see it, yes.

Resetera bad, kotakuinaction bad as well.

Cope even HARDER /pol/tard.

>Chimpanzee throws shit at you
>You drop your trousers, shit in your hand, and start throwing shit back
>I tell you you don't have to respond in kind but you can just not act like a chimpanzee and get shit all over yourself
>"You know it's okay to have principles and have opinions on things right?"
My principles include not acting like an easily triggered retard.

Right here bro.
Just had a kid and decided it was trans to get some brownie points in my book club, we're getting the surgery done next week.
Trans rights bay bay

The fact that PedoEra got upset at THIS is proof that trannies are just fetishists that want to groom kids.

Wow, two links and both of them contain none of your numbers.
How could this be happening to you?

The Irish. Everyone always forgets the Irish.

So in other words
>I call out these people that I never interact with too! H-honest

Fuck off bigot
My baby my choice

Why is the concept of consistent moral framework so weird to you? Just because you don't have one?

did you reply to the wrong post?

>Got it on Gog
>Can play whatever version I want
>already downloaded the install for the uncensored version
Get fucked

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Using banal excuses to harass people isn't morally sound.

>defending your principles is equivalent to a shit flinging contest
Wow, so people can fuck you over sideways and you won't do anything huh. What a beta faggot.

>/pol/tard is also illiterate

I call out people who I can interact with, which means social media, forums, not resetera (and that's not because I don't want to), Hard to imagine, I know, having real beliefs and all that.

The game isn't even patched yet, you moron.

It's not permanent and only happened because people wouldn't shut the fuck up about trannies.

Yea, I'm sure you do user, I totally believe you 100%.

finished it. like it overall. however the weapons didint feel very "duke" and they were mostly boring overall. i found myself just using the shotgun, loverboy and crossbow.
the shotgun for general clearing. the crossbow for melting bosses and tough enemies with the alt fire modes and the loverboy on flying enemies with the lock on. i enjoyed the game overall though. but the lack of interesting weapons really put a hamper on the entire experience. also in the last "boss fight" if you can call it that i kept crashing over and over because it spawns too many enemies apparently. took me like 10 tries or so to beat the boss fight before i hit the sprite limit.

>Would that be enough?
Enough is not even a word that factors in. Crybullies don't want something to be changed for the sake of it becoming different and staying different. They want something to be changed because they ordered so. Only the obedience matters because all they want is to exercise power. They demand change and then demand more change because when something is done, they can't demand things anymore and there's nothing left for their victims to obey. That's the reason why 3rd wave feminism exists. The genuine equal rights advocates stopped when they reached their goals. Those fantasizing about authority continued to demand special treatment because reaching a goal was never their intention. They're interrogators who just want to torture and don't care about any information being extracted.

So they have a timeline for when it's going to be removed?

Can you give examples of mods that got removed?

What consistent moral framework? Grooming kids to satisfy your sexual perversions is a moral framework in the mind of a tranny?

>Be Allied soldier
>Witness other soldiers from my squad committing war crimes
>Report them to an officer
>Officer says "hurr why don't you tell the Nazis to stop committing war crimes if you care so much, fucking biased piece of shit"

>s-stop using SJW false flags against the video game industry! they might stop listening to SJWs!

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>4 million copies
>not AAA
Oh wow. Yeah, totally the same as a throwback boomer shooter using a 20 year old engine.
It's like you can't stop embarrassing yourself in front of people.
A year of work spamming shit about this game, and all you could muster were 2 days of bad reviews by 15 people.


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and mine never will be

>Gandhi was such a beta faggot with no principles, if it had been me I'd have fucked the British up


What is equivalent to a war crime in this entire controversy you fucking lunatic?


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You already complained about the lock on and it became evident that you never tried it.

million copies
>>not AAA
You heard it here first boys, Stardew Valley is AAAA since it sold 5.5 million copies on PC alone.
This /pol/tard cope makes me cringe.

Save us the embarrassing armchair psychologising.


Gandhi picked a side though and had principles he was defending unlike you. Did you think he was a neutral actor you stupid fuck?

Is your life so empty that you find enjoy and fulfillment thought policing people in places where who one will never ever remember a thing you have said? Pissing in a sea of piss and all that.

It's not patched yet, you were bragging about the many choices of game versions at your disposal. There's one version, you're just posting inane shit and stirring up the shit pot for no reason.

When things have calmed down. As it is retards are still joining and insisting on talking about it although it has already slowed down a fair bit. I imagine given a few more days they'll remove it.

artistic freedom, anti-censorship, separating art from artist, art having no obligation to be moral or pure etc etc

The antis dropped most of that, or are for it only nominally, the SJWs were against all of it in the first place. So fuck all of you.

Fuck off. I'm right.

where did i complain about the lock on? have you read my post?

Acting like an SJW, you fucking SJW.

Keep trying to change the subject, it doesn't make your rampage any more relevant, or the damage you did of any consequence.
You wasted a year on this shit and it took it 2 days to correct itself. That's pretty pathetic.

>Gandhi picked a side though and had principles he was defending unlike you.
I am defending my principles and like I said, one of those is not acting like an easily triggered SJW. You think I'm neutral? No, I'm just not participating in the shitflinging and trying to hold you to the same standard.

>art should be changed to appeal to my sensibilities
>no, fuck off

Are you self aware yet?

Not to mention it's piss easy to make mods by design, making it piss easy to uncensor future versions. All these retards are disabling updates and shit for nothing.

So if you defend yourself from someone trying to kill you but you kill him in self-defense does that make you exactly like your attacker?

I love it when these pissbabies cry about their principles, then bend over whenever a game they do like comes out and changes things. It's almost as if they've never even seen principles in their entire life.
If you had any, you would let this shit go, instead of causing the disabled guy who made this and his team any more grief.
Show some fucking spine and some actual principles, you obese embarrassment.

You're participating in the shitflinging right now idiot, what do you think we're doing right now. You just picked a 3rd position because you think you're morally better than either side. Did you think there can only ever be 2 sides to something?

More like if you're kidnapped by someone trying to torture you for sexual gratification but you manage to subdue him and then you torture him while wanking over him you're both sick fucks

More equivalent would be a racial supremacy group taking power and you, instead of being on the side of equlity, just joining the opposite racial supremacy group.

and so more are driven to the light

Cope more /pol/tard, the fact that you think I'm the guy who started all this and not just one of his disciples laughing at this shitshow is a hilarious cope.

he's completely given up at this point

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The "shitflinging" in this case are the underhanded tactics you're both using to try to beat the dev into submission. Why do you think I picked Gandhi to represent me? He was a pacifist. His principles and methods were non-violent. You're both being cunts and my third position is don't be a cunt.

Why are so many "equality" groups in the real world aligned with Black supremacy groups like BLM and others?


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But that's what I do.
Plus I'm black so it only makes sense.
Fight white supremacy with black supremacy.

I have 2 versions available currently. soon to be 3, buddy, thanks to all the offended Ogays

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Real answer, literally no one is deciding their child is trans at birth, so it's slander to argue against it as if it's a position actually held by the LGBT community.

How the fuck do I get in here.

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What underhanded tactics. People voicing their opinions is hardly underhanded unless you're the type of snowflake that thinks criticism is never warranted.

>Why do you think I picked Gandhi to represent me? He was a pacifist.
You delusional fuck, you think anyone in this entire thing is actually committing violence? I'm wasting my time with you.

>I called someone out on the internet
Stunning and brave

But I don't say anything, but the way I express myself always ends up offending someone. I no longer want to join non-anonymous forums.

So is it better if they decide it at 6 as opposed to at birth?
Or are children's opinions on their body only legitimate when it comes to gender and not, y'know, their bedtime? Or their diet?

Because they're racist and just mask it behind "equality". The opposite of being a racist is not behind a racist but to a different group. It's not being a racist.

>real answer
>proceeds to damage control for mentally illgbtqp pedo child abusers
lmao, please go back

There's a hidden button on the side of a computer terminal.

>dissenting opinions bad, I want my circlejerk!
ok /pol/setera

And it missed the 2 good expansions.
Megaton Edition is the only way to go.

Seriously, report the fucking spammer and stop replying to him

There's a small button in a completely arbitrary location in the level. On top of it being difficult to find it's glitched and you may have to save and reload to even be able to press it. I had to save and quit the game before it accepted inputs.

Because there are no supremacy groups in power, so people who are specifically about equality, may have hidden motifs since it's not much of an issue now.

Doesn't matter in the slightest for the example I brought up.

The image in the post you responded to was Megaton.

Review bombing a game you've never played because of something the devs did outside the game is definitely an SJW tactic and don't even try to deny it.
>You delusional fuck, you think anyone in this entire thing is actually committing violence?
It is a metaphor. My entire point was that Gandhi was able to stand for something and even accomplish his goals without resorting to the methods of his opponents. And you still replied with
>But you're not like Gandhi because you don't have any principles because you don't respond in kind derp derp

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Would you offer to buy her a drink?

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I think horseshoe theory is generally retarded, but it's actually true in this scenario.

Research has shown that gender identity tends to manifest pretty early in children, and this goes for trans children too.
You're free to prove me wrong but of course you can't, which is why you resort to greentexting even more slanderous bullshit. I suppose now that I called you out you may attempt to change the goalposts and then pretend I refuse to accept the evidence when I call you on it.

she looks like the kind of women that you only really get to know if you tried to drink her under the table or had a fist fight with her.

then you should unironically kill youself for being a backwards faggot.

>SJWs did something therefore that thing is wrong
>Hitler drank water therefore drinking water is wrong
Your logic is flawed and so was your metaphor since nothing in this entire scenario is comparable to Gandhi refusing to use violence.

>something needs to be done about pixiv
fucking kek

>Research has shown that gender identity tends to manifest pretty early in children
Okay, again, what makes their opinion on their gender more legitimate than their opinion on what their bedtime should be or what they should have for dinner?

>a stupid joke about gay soap isn't the hill to die on
Come on now, a couple of weirdos screeching about a gay joke wasn't going to kill your game.

>and this goes for trans children too.
thats stupid and wrong.
heck many adults dont even know what their sexuality is well into their 20s.
a kind should not and cant make such important choices. theyre stupid kids and dont even develop a proper sense of self until their teens.

Come and kill me then faggot.
You won't, no balls.

I care less about the methods, more about still playing into idpol bullshit. Tactics can be useful.

Just "white male protags bad" is just as ridiculous and "not white male protags bad". It's the same dumb aesthetic argument based on racial characteristics.

>SJWs did something therefore that thing is wrong
No, my dear retarded user, you're putting the cart before the horse. SJWs are wrong because of the extreme and underhanded methods they resort to. If you do the same then why would I like you any better?
>Because I'm right so I'm justified!
That's what they think. It's really more like you trying to commit genocide and then saying you're not like Hitler because the group you're trying to exterminate actually deserves it.

>something needs to be done
Why are they like this? Why do they immediately resort to needing to shut something they don't like down?

You wouldn't see me actively trying to shut down Tumblr even though the shit they say is pants on head retarded.

Are you okay with sterilizing children?

>These people are racist fuckwads so to combat them I'm going to be a racist fuckwad
Sound logic.

>Okay, again, what makes their opinion on their gender more legitimate than their opinion on what their bedtime should be or what they should have for dinner?
The latter are not part of identity.
We're not talking about sexuality.

>The latter are not part of identity.
Someone's diet and sleeping schedule has a direct impact on their health, and thus their identity.

I'm okay with sterilising /pol/tards spreading misinformation under the guise of "just asking questions".

how is one's sleeping schedule and eating habits not a part of someone's identity?

/pol/ genocide wen?

sounds good to me.


Why are you using such hyperbolic metaphors for something like people reviewbombing a video game. Get a grip.

Nothing in this entire thing compares to genocide, Gandhi, Hitler, or anything nearly that serious.

Fuck /pol/tards, seeing them REEEEEEEEEEEE about how little power they have nowadays will never not be funny.

I think you should probably read up on developmental psychology.
Is this a serious question?
>I go to bed at 10 PM, it's WHO I AM OKAY, IT DEFINES ME

Thats pretty much the crux of it.
They could have completely ignored it but no. They went full retard and did the inclusivity training bullshit. plus the 10k.


>twitter is proof

You're the one who brought up Hitler. Hell, you're the one who started going on about "defending your principles".

>I think you should probably read up on developmental psychology.
I'm sorry, what does that have to do with one's identity?
Unless you're trying to argue that being disabled isn't part of someone's identity, which is extremely ableist.

What misinformation? The truth is trannies got upset at a dev saying that parents shouldn't be deciding their kid is trans at birth.

At that age, being a big boy who goes to bed late shapes identity way more than having a peepee

I dunno, seems like for me to argue that, at least one person should have brought it into the conversation first.

I brought up Hitler in response to your absurdly hyperbolic metaphors since using extreme examples like that seems to be the only thing you understand.

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see literally just a few clicks up the reply chain and probably the reason you're arguing with me in the first place

Not true under any circumstances. I followed the controversy on Steam. What happened:
> players were happy with the game
> 3D Realms goes public saying it will force its employees to learn to respect SJWs and will remove homophobic content from the game
> players were desperate and went to the forum for explanations as the only information is that the game would have cut content
> 3D Realms allowed no comment on the subject and started banning their own clients from the official forum
> players started to rebel
> 3D Realms continued to refuse to give an official explanation to its own consumers and attached news on the Steam page calling the Ion Fury's devs "homophobics"

At this point there was no salvation anymore. It was not a case of two sides, who are trying to create this narrative are the transnies who want to do damage control because this case shows that aligning with them is a commercial suicide.

I'm sorry?
I seem to recall mentioning one's health being part of their identity.
Disabilities like diabetes, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia, etc. etc. are directly linked to ones diet and sleeping habits, so please explain to me how these are not part of their identities without revealing yourself as an obvious ableist.

I have so many conflicting feelings about this whole fucking fiasco.
One the one hand, I always have empathy for passionate devs who are making genuine good games, for a medium and industry that is full of souless garbage.
On the other hand, I do believe that one way or another, if you cave it to such ridiculous and unjustified "outrage" (a fucking harmless joke or a reasonable personal statement of a dev) then you are part of the problem, and do deserve to suffer some negative consequences.
But then there's also the fact that the devs were in contract with publishers, who might have forced their hands in the matter.
And finally to top it off, the fact the whole thing probably started from Yea Forums larping rather than actual outraged trannies.

It's such a mess with a good game passionate devs in the middle. Yet at the same time, to see the kind of absurd reaction and apology they had to follow up be it because of the publishers or the devs themselves, it really highlights how fucked things are.
God damnit, I just want to play good games made by passionate people and see them succeed. Why does it have to be all so fucking shit.

I thought Gandhi's pacifism was a pretty apt example. You bringing up Hitler was just kind of out there but it still worked so I rolled with it.

What proof would be sufficient on an anonymous forum?

Then why did they get upset at the statement then? If they agreed with what he said then why did ResetEra attempt their own feeble reviewbombing and other tactics?

Ah, okay, I see your identity is being a dishonest little shit.

>site on the internet is proof
no, the screenshots are

>Then why did they get upset at the statement then?

Excellent response, I'm sure you're not just trying to weasel your way out of this argument since you know you're wrong.
But that's what happens whenever I ask white people to elaborate on their positions in a logical manner.

>the only things allowed to define you are your sexuality and whether or not you wear pretty dresses

>> players started to rebel
Here you're confusing people who cared about the game with people seeking something to get mad about and a venue to own the libs.

It's fucking not though since nothing in this entire thing is comparable to a what Gandhi went through. You aren't being Gandhi by being a fence sitting fag, SJWs aren't being Gandhi and neither is the anti-SJW side. Nothing in this entire thing is comparable to that.

You are in fact asking me to elaborate in the most illogical manner in an apparent attempt to turn the tables on me and accuse me of ableism out of nowhere. I'm not playing your silly game.
It's a proven fact that gender is a pretty big part of identity. Bed time is not.

That's not an answer to my question retard. The reality is that they got upset at what you're saying is something nobody believe but clearly if they got upset by it then they do believe it.

Why are you being such a disingenuous rat?

Except I'm asking you why children are trusted to decide their gender since it impacts their identity but not trusted to decide their diet or bedtime when these also impact their identity.
You have of yet to provide me with an actual answer to this question, and I doubt you will.
You'll dodge until this thread archives and likely try to get the last word with a snarky quip, as white anons are apt to do.

I already explained to you that Gandhi was a pacifist, and that therefore his refusal to retaliate in kind against his opponents was not "fence sitting" or a lack of principles, but rather the opposite. That is why the comparison is appropriate. You're still somehow back on fence sitting now so I guess you really just don't understand it. I reject your methods out of principle. Get it?

>The reality is that they got upset at what you're saying is something nobody believe but clearly if they got upset by it then they do believe it.
That makes zero sense. If I said Yea Forumsirgins are all incels and you got upset about it, does it prove you're an incel? Or maybe you're upset because I said something wrong and harmful to your reputation?

I did in fact already explain this to you thrice.

>Bed time is not.
You cannot come to that conclusion because no research has been done on it. Stop your anti-intellectual nonsense.

>Except I'm asking you why children are trusted to decide their gender since it impacts their identity
They don't "decide" and it doesn't "impact" their identity, it is part of their identity. Your problem is you don't know enough about this topic and that is why you think your question makes sense.

>>Okay, again, what makes their opinion on their gender more legitimate than their opinion on what their bedtime should be or what they should have for dinner?
>>The latter are not part of identity.
Nor is gender. You do know that you can still be a completely unlikable faggot with no redeeming character traits without insisting others use your retarded made up pronouns, right?

Except if they state that they were born the wrong gender then they've come to a decision that their birth gender is incorrect, unless you believe that having a mental defect means that their decisions are no longer their own, which, again, is extremely ableist.
So like I thought, you're going to dodge with semantics until this thread archives, because you know that you're wrong.

>SJWs get thing censored
>nobody retaliates
>SJWs get thing censored again
>nobody retaliates
>SJWs get thing censored again
>and again
>and again
>nobody retaliates
Great plan, i'm sure they'll just stop because you refused to fight back, video game Gandhi.

>Nor is gender.
That is false.
You're the one trying to argue semantics, and badly.

No, that would be you.
Again, are you going to explain what the difference between something being "part of" someone's identity and something "impacting" someone's identity is?

Can't you find another way to retaliate than flinging shit?

There is precedent for trans activists deciding their child is trans at birth you dishonest faggot so obviously people believe it. Who the fuck are you trying to fool?

New thread

Alright, you're not going to stop so I guess we're done here.
Thanks for the (You)s nigger.