Still no game that lets you fuck shit up with your spear and shield in the bronze age

>still no game that lets you fuck shit up with your spear and shield in the bronze age

Attached: F0440_Louvre_JL_David_Sabines_INV3691_rwk.jpg (1201x860, 161K)

theyre gay

Why are they bottomless

real niggas fight naked

SPARTA mod for mountain blade.

>image depicting an event at the end of the iron age
>you can even see their spears are made of iron
>the events he is thinking about (Troy,Persian-Greek wars and so on) took place in or after the iron age
>why can't I play in the bronze age

You had one job OP.

age of decadence

Mycenaean Greece was a bronze-age Civilization

Titan Quest

it would be full of empowered women and mud people user

Attached: 1551090174784.jpg (719x734, 15K)

>still no game that lets you go to 19th century Africa and fuck up blacks and browns with technology a million years more advanced than they had ever seen. The challenge would be their numbers but it would ideally have a gang map like GTA:SA where you can eventually totally genocide the indigenous monkeys

Yes, and the image has nothing to do with that. What is your point?

I believe that's the aftermath of the rape of the Sabine women, user.

>no sparta game with brutal combat and boy fucking

age of empires

Most likely.

That game is... interesting. Never finished it though, got stuck somewhere.

most of the bronze age was featuring brown people and theres empowered women literally in that painting in the OP

It is. Which is an event that happened (in Rome) around 8th century BC. Bronze age ended in 12th century.

The Romans are naked because they just got done kidnapping the Sabine women, the Sabine men are coming from a party that the Romans had give them an invitation to, said invitation was a prank and there was no party.

ac odyssey

No, this is month's later. The babies the women are holding up are the half Roman half Sabine offspring that resulted in the kidnapping. Also, keep in mind "rape" didn't mean then what it means now, it just meant taking or stealing a woman and that's what the Romans did.

>it just meant taking or stealing a woman
isn't that pretty much what it means today?

"women" these days don't marry silly boy

What is Victoria II.

>no vidya that takes place during the fall of the bronze age where they were getting dabbed on by the iron age chads.

Because it’s a painting and it’s supposed to show off human beauty and human emotion by showing their nakedness.

Most zoomers who see these paintings really think they’re accurate representations just because they’re old paintings. Never mind the fact that they’re almost a thousand years apart and there’s historical documents detailing the outfits and armours that ancients wore in battle.

yeah, its hard