Should Nintendo games feature scandalous content like this?
Should Nintendo games feature scandalous content like this?
No but Nintendo should kill /u/ spics and send them back to their own board like the cuck boys
Guess Era didn't approve of your free email.
But they're both girls.
Male MC is Canon and there's nothing you can do about it trannys
All games with romance should feature yuri, no exceptions.
lol whatever you big gay
thank you for the (you)'s
... What the fuck?
>another /u/ general
>Edeltards would support hitler just for lewds
Literally gamers.
Gas yourselves subhumans
>he doesn't support Hitler regardless of being a waifu or not
>tells others to gas themselves
>I play as a girl because I'm straight and think it's hot bros, trust me
Sure fags, sure
>fem blyth
Im tired of her taking all the blyth/edelgard fan art
the ending art for edelgard was a crime against nature
My favorite thing about Edelshit is that she is the favorite character of trannies so I know to ignore everyone who talks about her in positive light
My favorite thing about Edelgard is that she's the least favorite character of jews so I know I can gas everyone who goes out of their way to hate her
Back to resetgender with you
You first, so you can fry with the rest of your buddies
>chink has shit taste
Who would have thought.
There is a criminal lack of Mercedes art.
Yuri art is always bad for some reason.
Yes, but unironically.
Unless one of the girls is a deviant fence sitter, there's literally nothing wrong with this.
Hitler would gas incels.
All able aryans would be required to copulate atleast thrice a week.