How are you bros finding the Alpha?
How are you bros finding the Alpha?
I'm waiting to play the open betas.
is it out on xbox
Why the fuck did they put the most boring mode in existence? 2vs2 is boring as fuck and possible the worst way to make an alpha
it was for retarded streamer hype, modern devs don't understand what makes games fun
Alpha is ps4 only, friend
did they seriously make 2v2 the only fucking game mode to play? how retarded are they?
how the fuck are you even supposed to play?
Terrible, going back to the superior BFV already
The problem is that I couldn't make an opinion of the game cause the mode surely will be the least played of the game and it doesn't represent the final game at all
Will this or will this not be a microtransaction hellhole like black ops 4 is?
the hell do you think
I agree with you they did it only for streamers
the devs are completely misguided retards, even streamers will get bored of a stupid 2v2 game mode
the devs don't even play their own games anymore
2v2 is fucking horrible
give me 20vs20
>what should we include in the alpha for CoD?
>oh I know, lets make it a 2vs2 map, thats always been what draws in our fanbase
Fucking retards
retarded samefag
>when the game is clearly done
its a glorified pre-release demo intended to create hype.
>Modern Warfare
>2v2 map
>Not an 18 player ground war map
I played one match and trashed them, got 8 kills. Haven't played COD since Black Ops 3. Then after that match I had a wank. Might play some more, dunno lol.
>CoD-playing consolefags on Yea Forums
In case you needed additional proof that consolefags on Yea Forums have shit taste.
I saw a rumor a few weeks ago about another studio making a BR mode that would be F2P so maybe MW won't get all those shitty microtransactions.
They already included cod points in the pre order bundles user. MW will definetly be mtx heavy.
Christ. It's really good. Best gunplay in recent years for a AAA fps
Wow you can't really test the gunplay just firing one mag per round
Forgot to mention that you cycle through randomly selected weapons which allows for testing even if it's just one mag per round
Play enough you can. The guns have recoil and the sound is excellent. I've heard people over mic surprised by the recoil. The optics are great with the PiP style. No minimap makes sound and callouts important
>complaining about 2v2 and not showing them what you can do by giving them a proper English welcome
Is there going to be a 3v3 at launch or is it just 2v2
I havent played it yet but i know that 2v2 is dum to judge the game by.
on one hand you can test how the shooting is and how the movement and recoil/aiming
but then there is the actually gameplay we need to know
how will it handle full teams on a map?
are maps broken/unfair?
hows easy is it to spawn kill? Are the spawns retarded?
what are the choke points?
What is objective gameplay like?
>Shotgun rushing and killing both people in under 10 seconds
old school cod had recoil as well they took it out in bo3
Based as fuck, kek'd
Having just played 4. It has more than that
>No minimap
I hope Infinity Ward will leave the minimap out of the game entirely and doesn't cuck out.
I think a uav gives you one but it's totally gone otherwise. Like rising storm 2s planes
I'm fine with the UAV. To be honest I've never understood why the minimap was in those CoD games in the first place since there's always the UAV (or an equivalent) in the kill/scorestreaks.
Are footsteps really loud in this game or something? I don't use a headset, but people seem to always know where I am in this game moreso than any other FPS I've played.
I know my stuff, basically it's a 4 or 5 kill streak for a personal UAv meaning only you can see it and you have to use mic or spotting on the compass to tell friendly where to look, without the pUAV you only have a compass and spotting
No they are quiet as fuck
check your audio profile settings ingame there's a bunch
Wait, really? I thought the UAV worked for the entire team.
No friend loser lol
Yeah that's how it works now bro, check it up, it's a personal UAV and requires spotting or voice chat or those call outs on dpad
Fuck me, every other match someone quits which basically fucks up the whole match. 2v2 was a mistake purely for this reason.
There's the personal uav, regular uav, and advanced uav.