Sigh... I wish we could all return to the good old days back when games weren’t political

Sigh... I wish we could all return to the good old days back when games weren’t political.

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Did you really have to use MGS 4 to do this joke? MGS 4 was fucking horrible and the end of the Metal Gear Solid series. The first three games were already very political by themselves.

what are you talking about? MGS was never political, it was just a cool stealth game with wacky characters.

"Fuck niggers" and "Trans rights are human rights" are neither poltiical statements. Being gay or hating gays aren't political statements. These are ethics. Gender politics is a bullshit term meant to make these things sound more official. They're just ethical ideals.
>Oh I don't like that, that makes it sound really subjective
gee I wonder

In 20 years being trans will be labeled as a mental disease. Forcing your 4 year old to transition against their will will put you in jail. Playing god on yourself, and especially others, is nothing but narcisissm, cynicysm, insecurity, projection, and depression / anxiety. I think most doctors are doing the transitions for a quick buck and to watch as these pathetic incels off themselves. But the parents that do it to their kids? They should be in jail.

Fuck Trannies
You aren't God
Accept yourself or off yourself
I wanted to be a girl a few times in my teens and I didn't cut my dick off - but I'm also not retarded and understand that wanting to be a girl a few times out of curiosity isn't the same as mutilating myself for """acceptance""" (when no one will fucking ever except you)
The main issue is just the propping up of severe mental issues as "choice"

you are an absolute retard if you can't tell the difference between the type of politics in MGS4 compared to today's "ORANGE MAN BAD TRANNIES GOOD.".

lmao Trump cucks still think video games are about them. The persecution complex on these virgins is incredible.

And allowing people under 25 to make that choice is ignorant as hell, since the brain doesn't finish developing until around then. There should be an age restriction. A forty year old loser wants to become a girl? Sure dude! An 18 year old insecure boy? Uh no, go to the fucking gym and man up beta. Come back in 10-15 years and if you still feel the same, we can talk.
>but i wanna live my life and not waste it
You're already wasting it either way. A gaping wound vagina isn't going to solve it.

MGS4's politics were a direct response to Bush-era United States and wasn't fundamentally different than games going after Trump. The setting and PMCs were obvious commentaries on the War on Terror and Halliburton.

>a story about some orange charlatan building a wall is outrageous and further more, he isnt even worthy OF CLEANING OUR STINKY SWEEDISH DIApeRS FICKING SRMPUMPF!!!1

Seriously Goy, you’re reading too much into it. Nobody is talking about blumpf.

>taking the barely coherently politics of Metal Gear seriously
He’s autistic. All he does is regurgitate what he sees on TV.

>One codex entry removed from the rest of the story is enough to send these cucks into a seething frenzy
oh no no no no

>t..t..that doesnt count
How ‘bout the one that in TNC that calls Drumpftards “fucking morons”
You can just smell the butthurt soi coming off of those games.

I can smell your butthurt that someone vaguely makes fun of your jewish puppet

Such a great game with zero politics.

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The word people are not using and should be using is "shit politics".
It's pretty much like music, there's good music, there's crazy frog.
And inserting the modern retarded politics in games is literally like inserting crazy frog songs in games.
And people that say "all games are political" actually want to say "we want to insert crazy frog music in all the games because games have music".

I really like Kojima's political statements!

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MGS makes literally no political commentary except "war sucks and creates monsters and nukes are bad". Read a book

Whataboutism is the last resort of the cornered commie


A cornered commie is more dangerous than a jackal!


>Game that has universal ideas and politics that make sense in the context of the world
>American tranny politics
Two different things, user.

Prove me wrong retard

Translation: It's ok as long as I agree with the politics

MGS is just a game about war sending an anti-war message, it doesn't really have anything to do with modern politics besides messages about nukes and war crimes.

That's a quite cheap cop out, but that's expected from someone that have such low IQ to think that modern simplified pop politics is ok.

I wish I were that political statement

Why is Anti-War politics alright? Seems to me like you're admitting that politics in video games are only unacceptable if you disagree with them.

Messages about man's relationship with violence or language are exactly the same and just as valid as messages about letting in foreigners into your country and dicks into your ass.

You have a tainted perspective. That's how it goes, I guess.

Whatever the hell that larping vomit was supposed to mean

>Politics I agree with good
>Politics I agree with bad
Very enlightening

Just fucking around with MGS 1
But i do imagine that a cornered commie will resort to violence.

>Volgin is a sadistic gay rapist
>"homo demons"
Kojima hates gay people. Prove me wrong.

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Because fuck you, you giant nigger faggot.

IQ so low you can't even post right.

Yep. Keep seething. Gonna cry about it? Piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?

sounds like people are just tired of your socjus bullshit