ITT: Games you dropped like a hot potato

ITT: Games you dropped like a hot potato.

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oh c'mon man, who doesn't like a contrasting mishmash of building and unit styles in a strategy game? If you need to know which faction is which, that's what team colors are for.

I mean if you are taking this in a culture war way sure, but I always disliked the lack of evolutionary fluidity in cultural art styles in Civ. If you are a smaller civ between the hellenic culture and the hittite culture you should be taking up aspects of both. I think Civ 5 had a good representation of that in religious and culture spread, but I would like it to be more organic. Also since humankind seems to be more of a civ sim I would ignore the dumdums in games "journalism" that have their own hog to skin

It's a game called Humankind. Would be weird if it was just whitebois. inb4 niggers arent humans

This is the blackpilled game, where you most advanced civilization still has a nigger in it.

diversity is the greatest strength any civilization could have.

the Roman empire? dozens of different cultures

the British empire? same thing

America? you guessed it

China? yep

You actually mix your race like hood rats mix their tapes.

Epic fate of empires meme bro
Next reference the "bad times make strong men" meme
Make sure not to point out the fact that christianity was a very significant part of what destroyed roman empire.

well lets not get ahead of ourselves. The Romans assimilated chosen aspects of the cultures they acquired, when they got culturally enriched by the ostrogoths and visigoths and hunnic tribes things didnt go that well. When cultures become diversified through trading goods in something like the Mediterranean its totally understandable but if you are the picts and are away from trade lanes you should be either stagnant or aggressive outsiders like Arabs or Vikings or Steppe Tribes

Roman Empire fell. So did the British. America is in it's death throes, and China has a habit of locking their minorities into concentration cities and pretending they don't exist.

no shit sherlock, empires wax and wane (which would be a great game mechanic). What did you learn political history on /pol/?

>a game about humanity has more than a single culture in it
Truly shocking. That headline is just typical regressive bait, like those faggots yapping about Lando being a pansexual when the Solo movie came out.

>person claims something
>make counterpoint
>well duh man!
Fuck off retard.

just stating that empires fell does not invalidate what he said. Empires utilize conquered assets, cultural and resource based. What would rome be without greek influence, or China be without buddhism? And saying that the chinese empire fell if you assume it began with the Qin and ended in 1929. Its a shit post and you are a child.

Rome wasn’t multicultural. People joined Rome and assimilated. Where do you think the term “when in Rome do as the Roman’s” came from?

Same with Britain back in the day. Multiculturalism has made it a shadow of its former self and Britain will never again be a country of significance as a result.

Now multiculturalism has made America slide further away from greatness and you see China rising specifically because it doesn’t believe in memes like diversity being a strength

The Roman Empire collapsed hard because they let different cultures (especially germans) dominate their military ranks

cry more bitch nigger

this, some scholars think "the barbarian hordes" were actually the foederati at the end since the roman legions of the west basically disappeared

>Britain will never again be ______
We're about to turn things around my doubting friend.

Yeah, they lost their own identity in the core provinces.



>dropping any amplitude game
Poz yourself with some Sid Meier, faggot.

trolling doesnt make you any less wrong

So China incorporating Manchu regions is just a continuation of Han monolithic culture and military traditions?

>Roman Empire
Ethnically similar to modern Italians but for Germanic admixture due to the Lombard invasions.

>British Empire
Ethnically English (Germanic) and Scots, Welsh and Irish (Celtic).

On the way down and was relatively homogeneous until Reagan.

90+ % Han Chinese.

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>Be america
>Be a shithole colony with a bunch of cultures all united in a desire not to pay taxes
>expand slowly but with a ton of problems
>create and promote americanism as a means of uniting the disparate people under you
>Suddenly you become powerful and can use all the resources you have effectively
>Become most powerful nation of all time
>Suddenly suffer from cultural stratifactation.
>Get massive debt
>Become a house of cards as civil unrest mounts, infrastructure begins to fail
>Civil unrest becomes civil conflict
>Nation breaks apart

Name one successful multicultural society. I'll wait.

China supremacy is a meme spread by the 50 cent army, it's really India who you should watch out for.

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Diversity of races is cancer

>inb4 the facts

Unironically holding humanity back with this shit. If culture never changed or evolved we all be painting in caves and shitting in leopard diapers. Culture niggers are retarded

Oh look, another episode of Yea Forums falling for IGN obvious shitty bait.

Sure thing Pajeet.

does gdp mean anything? china and india are shit places to live
and id rather live in a nordic country than america

kys 2k shills

Roman Empire
>he has never read about the social wars or the samnite wars or the etruscan wars
>he has never read about roman assimilation of and by the syriac provinces after the defeat of antiochus
>he has never studied the religious traditions of the middle empire influenced by the conquest of Egypt
>he thinks those people just disappeared with their culture

Being that Manchu people’s make up less than 1% of China’s population I’d call it moot

>theres nothing wrong with multiculturalism
always the same people

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Yeah, India was so happy about being part of the multicultural British Empire that they unanimously decided to fuck off.

>Diversity is our stre-

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Some cultures are better than others. Simple as that.

This aged badly

the Etruscan literally did.

>The Roman Empire?
>the British empire
Lost all of its colonies mostly
On its death bed
Literal insect land
Fuck off reddit and take your shitty spacing with you

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The fuck are you gonna turn around? You have shit all in resources, no closely situated allies since you just shat all over Europe, a fifth column living inside your own countries, and the strategy of building your empire on the bones of spear chucking primitives won't work anymore because the primitives have guns, and numbers, and the affection of your women who go to Africa on holiday for the "cultural experiences"

China would stomp the shit out of you in a day. Russia would stomp the shit out of you in a day. You exist because America allows it, and the payment for that is their relentless mocking of you on the internet while you cry mutt.

wonder could be behind this post?

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You forgot the funniest part:
>open the floodgates to the third world so your oligarchic overlords can utilise cheap labour instead of hiring their own
>invent the melting pot, multiculturalism and diversity memes in a vain attempt to keep your crumbling nation cohesive
>subvert academia so that all students are fed a steady drip of Marxist propaganda
>nation nears it's end with a dumbed down mutt populace fighting over the scraps of the decaying country
The Jews were behind the melting pot meme, and the immigration meme following Kalergi and the Frankfurt school.

No, you faggots won't.
You're just stroking your dicks over the time when you were relevant, like turks/ottomans

They all collapse at some point.

>empires who lasted 300-2500 years were unsuccessful

Applying 40k standards to human empires is retarded

It requires a unifying culture to keep everything under control. Something that gives all those various cultures something to rally around (and subsequently to 'other' those outside the empire) rather than being defined by their differences to each other.
Rome enforced certain Roman holidays and religious rituals on all their subjects, as well as allowing them to practice their local customs.
The British Empire allowed for local practice various religions so long as they also followed certain British laws and consumed British products (for instance, Indian tea consumption now conspicuously looks closer to British tea culture after colonialism).
America has capitalism and consumerism as our unifying culture to keep all the various sub-cultures under thumb.
China has the Party and Chinese Dream and Confucianism as its unifying force

if it aint a thousand year reich it ain't shit.

Have you not seen Humankind's art? How is this even remotely shocking?

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what is this from?

lol this is some quality bait my friend

Just because the UK is suffering from temporary setbacks due to Brexit won't mean that in the long run the plan by greedy brexiteers to turn your country into a tax haven casino world akin to monaco(but this time with the foot in the door to continental europe geographically...)won't result in overall a stronger economy and financial sector.

This is just to differentiate themselves from Civ, where it’s one culture/leader till the end of time

>Civil unrest becomes civil conflict

What sets that step off though? These little Antifa skirmishes becoming shooting matches?

I was going to respond to you until your post turned into pure projection and fantasy. Do me one favour - remember this post over the course of your sad pathetic life. It will age like milk.

I know you, I know your "research" consists of /pol/ack shitflinging to deflect attention from the US's flaws and I know you want nothing more than for the UK to fail. But we won't. You'll live to see it.

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Fate of Empires by John Glubb

This, Indian, Nigerian, Jamaican, Tunisian, Syrian and Anglo Dominion states are all multicultural at their baseline. Mexico is a multicultural state, it is both indio and spanish, as is most of south america. These racialist monoliths formed in the minds of posters are retarded

This shit looks like a parody.

Looooool you fucking snow babies are so fragile it's hilarious. I can't even imagine getting triggered so easily.

I don't think the little skirmishes between antifa and the proud boys are going to do anything, its going to be ethnic conflicts between mexican gangs and black gangs that start the nasty stuff. All it takes is one bad day.

>humankind makes multiculturalism it's killer
That part is true.

With a Rothschild stooge who wants amnesty for illegals?

Attached: Boris+Johnson+Lord+Rothschild+Predators+Prey+1w9_qiOQUNel.jpg (594x371, 80K)

>time when you were relevant
Last I checked we have the most soft power projection on the planet and we're currently breaking the balls of the entirety of Europe. I feel sorry for you Yanks, I really do, you can't do anything but project your own kike ran mutt nation's failures onto us. It's not sad, though, it's laughable.

I cant even see the internal logic of this post and the posts he is critiquing

Clearly not a fact

>black scientist and white female viking warrior holding hands right at the front, this is the only romantic display in the art

Dropped. The game is pozzed. Even Civ isn't this bad.

It's not the multiple conquered cultures that makes the empires powerful, but the multiple conquered people and their resources. Also, most conquered cultures throughout the ages were replaced with the conquerors culture.

Attached: umaru_good_shit.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

>mfw the evolving culture feature excites the fuck out of me
Eat shit, /pol/babs, I'mma make some African Vikings and you can't do SHIT about it.

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i didnt even get a political sjw vibe from the game in the trailer. why is IGN pushing this angle? did i miss something?

you forgot to mention how uncivilized third world savages invading/trying to assimilate them killed all of them. mongols and other bigger, stronger empires not on your list? hmm.

Idk what's going on just please post more history facts so we can win the culture war little snow baby

Came here to post this.

Not as much as this 5

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> this makes /pol/ incels upset
I will preorder it as soon as possible.

part of the danger of this game should be establishing trade relationships as a shit culture with an incomprehensible tribal religion with a dominant culture and an evolved religion. You should get pozzed hard if You have a comfy little island kingdom and you bro it up with the global british empire

The “retarded American” trope comes from multiculturalism-hating inbred rednecks. Your pic is trying to imply America is retarded because of multiculturalism, which is not true at all based on the tropes it’s influenced by. You’re more likely an anglo or a german who’s just as retarded as the “mutts”.

>gets btfo
>"nuh uh. umad whitey?"

>Humankind makes multiculturalism it's killer feature

Just like real life.

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This thread is evidence of why /gsg/ and /civ4xg/ are necessary to enjoy discussion of these games

I read that as an anti multiculturalism article until the very end.

But muh Roman Empire collapsed because of muh multiculturalism that’s what everyone says and now I say it too! Forget that civilizations fall inevitably or that the “diverse” members of the Roman Empire were the newly immigrated Germanics!

No user, the Roman empire fell because they gave citizenship to Gallic peoples and Spaniards. Make Latins great again.

Attached: sweden3.webm (1024x576, 1.36M)

why did you put "diverse" in quotation marks?

Yes yes Nigel, the germanics has nothing to do with it. Germans are native to Europe amirite fellow European?

Anyone else think it'll be weird how there will be a whole generation of black kids speaking Swedish as a first language in a few decades? They barely speak English in America, I wonder what it sounds like to Swedes.

Haha yes! This is why I come to Yea Forums! You snow babies never fail to deliver.

Because it’s referencing the topic of the post it replied to. Keep up.

>Rome wasn't multicultural
Holy fuck what? They barely had their own culture to begin with, only a bunch of shit made up about Romulus and Remus hundreds of years after the fact of the cities founding. Everything else is wholesale ripped off of the Greek or (for Christianity) the Jews


>speaking Swedish as a first language
Wanna bet?

you don't choose races so those african kangz will transform into snownigger vikangz.

>this entire post
Let me guess, non-white Amerimutt? Here goes.
>You have shit all in resources
We do have resources in the form of steel, coal, and agriculture. But our main draw is technological advancement and production anyway, moron.
>no closely situated allies since you just shat all over Europe
Apart from the Anglosphere, of course. And the power-projection needed to make "allies" a moot concern considering we can strongarm them into dealing with us.
>a fifth column
Which is unique to Britain? No, this is a Western issue and one easily resolved.
>building your Empire on the bones of spear chucking primitives
Wrong again, the majority income was from Anglo-colonies. India and Africa would be a net loss at this point unless we removed the locals - speaking of which...
>have guns, and numbers
They did previously, they don't have the brains for strategy or warfare.
>and the affection of your women
Projection, pure projection. Our women don't breed outside of their race - unlike yours.
>who go to Africa on holiday
This is where I broke out in laughter. No-one here even thinks about Africa or Africans. Did you mother take a trip over there once she divorced your German-Jewish-Irish-Sub-Saharan daddy? Americans love their black cocks.
>China would stomp the shit out of you in a day
China - paper tiger. Has been soundly beaten by us before, Hong Kong hates them and we wouldn't struggle to take it.
>Russia would stomp the shit out of you in a day.
Russia freely admits that it couldn't invade the UK, nor could anyone. Churchill would've invaded them were he not stopped post-WWII.
>You exist because America allows it
Funniest thing you've said yet, America couldn't even beat rice farmers.
>and the payment for that is their relentless mocking of you on the internet
Sure seems like the opposite.
>while you cry mutt
Projection once more, stay mad.

>you faggots won't
>currently are

>what is nuance?
Opinion discarded.

It's not a counterpoint, it's a rookie mistake of causation and correlation.

why not put "Roman Empire" in quotation marks too? why that word in particular?

China is like 91% Han

Not to mention that, if you consider Europe, there's plenty of cross pollenation between european states, between the Scandinavian and the Mediterranean and the Germanic and the Slavic.
The real red-pill here is the concept of phases needed to create new cultures. Inherently, the connectivity of our landmasses and oceans allows for multi-culturalism, but it also needs periods of isolation to allow for the people to reflect on their practices and habits and turn them into culture via collective self-reflection.
thanks, I'll check it out.

That's a bait title using clever wordplay to make the game seem sjw for outrage clicks.
What it actually means is that you change civilisations as you progress through the ages.

Because he's a tourist who thinks that everyone who complains about 'diversity' is a white nationalist

Because the Roman Empire wasn’t the topic. Diversity was. Learn to read and write.

You retards know you can play as just one specific culture and never change, right? Do you even know how the game works?

>The “retarded American” trope comes from multiculturalism-hating inbred rednecks. Your pic is trying to imply America is retarded because of multiculturalism, which is not true at all based on the tropes it’s influenced by. You’re more likely an anglo or a german who’s just as retarded as the “mutts”.

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Imagine feeling compelled to write all this out on a video game board. Go outside.

What nuance? Please tell me the secret anglo plan to bring back the empire when your white population consists of atheist cucks who either actively hate or are indifferent to your culture and history and the only ones breeding are pakis with kidnapped school girls.

Found the butthurt Germanic mutt who’s afraid of everyone finding out he’s not native to Europe.

Also you are the tourist Mr. 2016

I dropped it when it looked like every sci-fi shooter made in the last six years.

>can't type two sentences without devolving into cuckoldry

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Really? Because something tells me you are in fact deflecting a piss easy question, for reasons that are beyond me.

Ok. Tell me how Britain will turn it around. You can't invade for resources anymore, your army isn't large enough and the gap between military technology is nowhere near as massive anymore. You barely scraped by in getting your independence, meaning almost half your country is traitorous. If you were to kill them off as one should do to a traitor, your population would be negligible to the state of global affairs, making you a northern New Zealand. And that's if we pretend your culling of the 49% is enacted without a single loss of patriotic british lives. But you won't enact those progroms, so every effort you make will be stymied, and at every point will be naysayers crying about how brexit was bad and racist and they'll keep sewing discontent. Then you have your foreign population who will never be on your side. You have, as established, negligble resources to trade, and you'd have to ship them further because your neighbors hate you, because they're gonna make you trade at as much cost as they can wrangle from you. Australia outdoes you in every facet of agricultural trade simply because they can have cattle farms as large as entire British counties, Britain isn't considered for artisanal goods, as people would rather their watches be Swiss, their cars german, and their electronics Japanese.

>relatively homogeneous until Reagan
Dagos, Gerries, Paddies, Niggers, and Wetbacks were a massive part of the population for hundreds of years you retard.

Cool selfie, racist shitbird. Go back to cellaring Hitler on /pol/

>been piratying games for 15 years
>people now claim that not buying a game is a political act

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