>start a free trial
>loved every single minute of it
>finish 2.0
>4 man dungeons are kino and comfy
>8 mans are clunky but works, sort of
>24 mans are a fucking mess
>two unskippable cutscene dungeons, fucking weird but okay
>start playing a bit more after 2.0
>shits still easy as fuck
>Unlock Garuda Extreme
>think its piss easy like the other dungeons and trials
>get fucked up the ass
>theres 20 mechanics
>nobody knows what they're doing
>i dont know what i'm doing
Its so fun though.....
Final Fantasy 14
Other urls found in this thread:
Watch a guide video if you want to do old Extreme/Savage content. They're the raid tier content and anybody who's doing them now already knows the fight
>start a free trial
>loved every single minute of it
Bullshit, nobody likes XIV's low level content nowadays. People like went extinct at least 5 years ago. I know this because I was one of them.
>Garuda Extreme
But it takes at least 5 hours to get a sync'd birdtits EX party nowadays.
Ex/Savage is the actual hard content. Normal raids/alliance raids can be face-rolled as long as at least couple of guys know the mechanics and do them.
Its not usually worth doing the "old" ex/savages when you level, way too much work for little reward. When you get to max level you can get learning parties to do Ex, its fun.
Since tanks are so simplified now and are basically blue DPS with defensive cooldowns why the fuck is there such a shortage of them on roulettes consistently? I refuse to believe that people are this afraid of even the slighest notion of "responsibility".
>just started game, no spoilers on story
>get to Heavensward, this happens
>My PLD/DRK face when
Seriously, this game just loves to kill off the only character's that are cool with the WoL and never betrayed us once. Do the Japs love suffering?
I mostly play tanks because I enjoy tanking and since many people can't handle the "responsibility" it's permanent insta-pops for content.
>burned out just as I could starting going for the clear on E3S
Im not gonna make it
It's never been the complexity of tanks that scare people off, tanking in this game has always been easy. It's just the fact that tanks have more attention put on them and their fuck ups are noticeable, which terrifies some of the people that play this game as they're probably the type that would break out in a nervous sweat when the teacher asked them to read aloud during class.
I have no issues playing my alt tank for roulettes but I still choose to do it as my BLM because that is 467 ilvl and I guarantee that trash is getting absolutely fucking nuked throughout the dungeon which equals fast runs. As a tank I need to pray that my DPS can do something and most of the time they can't.
Maybe most people feel the same which would answer your question.
>he doesn't cosplay as a generic mook
Why does nobody do / know the Yeti tactics in Snowcloak? The fight is so much quicker throwing giant snoballs at it...
I don't play tanks regularly because they all play like extremely simple DPS jobs. I'd rather wait for 15 minutes and then nuke the entire dungeon as BLM
>start playing because Yea Forums tells me how LGBTQ friendly it is
>characters are oversexualized women who spout alt right talking points
>want to do more jobs to experience their questlines
>start rogue
>it's fucking boring
>end up skipping most of it
Does it get better once I become NIN?
Nin 30-50 is great. 50-60 is ok at best. I haven't gone farther.
Because they're fucking retards and no one taught them how to do it properly so they fucking unga bunga and it works because of how outdated the fight is when you have high end gear even while synced
newfag here i didn't know it until someone told me, just literally tell the tank otherwise they will brute force it and it'l work.
No one knows the tactics because you can do it without them and eventually so many do it without them it becomes normal, i get you are worried some newfaggot sperg will just ree at you but if you don't try you don't know.
>finally feel comfortable with a new pc and steady income/life to get into mmos
>everything is years and years old and I feel like I need to play catchup and miss out on the feeling of exploration
Its not fair bros. They need to release a new FF mmo
XIV is the most low key redpilled game around
give me ffxiv tips i'm a newfag.
Every job is a snorefest until at least 50 these days, often even later due to skill reworks when the level caps raise. If you want to mess around with a class and find out how you like it I'd suggest looking at the Job Guide on the FFXIV site to get an idea of how it works, and then running POTD to actually use those skills
quit the game
Content is released each 3-4 months, you have plenty of time to catch up.
What makes you suggest i quit friend?
It's a shitty unsatisfying timesink, don't let anyone seduce you into thinking otherwise.
Would you recommend classic instead?
It should only take like a couple months tops to get up to ShB and the next expansion isn't until two years.
quit mmos
>decide to give tank class a try because I want to see what being the leader is like
>get matched with that one alpha dude who is probably 80 in all jobs, pulls half the dungeon himself and tries to tell me politely as possible to move my fuckin ass
Don't go fast playing catchup. I just got into XIV a couple months ago completely fresh, and going through the story even now at your own pace works completely fine. Its a long but enjoyable continuous adventure
they're the only game genre i find even passable these days, everything else is too much games as a service microtransaction for the most part, and it's been long as since i've found a good single player game, you can only play the ps2 library for so long.
If you get people like that just let them tank. As some point you'll reach a level that if they do that shit they'll fucking die.
>everything else is too much games as a service microtransaction for the most part
Nigga are you for real
Go play Bloodstained, go play fucking Automata, go play Hollow Knight, what are you even talking about
>mfw I was there when ARR began and had those reactions
user... don't be sad heroes are suppose to smile....
>only 2 months into the expansion and I only have 3 more jobs to level 70-80
Is this where we discuss Hrothgar?
>Don't tax the rich in ul'dah
>t. rich man in ul'dah
Maybe if we could get some more fluff for them, I'm vaguely intrigued by the whole "gentlemanly beast race" shtick. Too bad they aren't as cool as Charr from GW.
Storywise and lorewise, what tank class is the coolest/most chad?
I'm 1462 hours in, what can I expect?
>didn't spoiler it
Haurchefant would be disappointed in you, user...
it's more like
>don't tax your citizens to aid people of another nation.
Satasha is gonna blow your mind bro
Only DRK is any interesting at all.
>Every job is a snorefest until at least 50 these days
I know that, I was talking about their storylines specifically
>have to watch a video playthrough on an external website to beat content
why are mmos like this
DRK. Writer for the job quests also wrote Shadowbringers. It shows.
Honestly it was a mistake, meant to spoiler it.
how many hours of playtime is that
Help me out here bros...
What to put in the bottom, I've already edited it this far but can't come up with anything funny
>Beginning of Shadowbringers.
>Hroth everywhere.
>See them in all sorts of armor and jobs.
>Actually is neat and easy on the yes.
>Only Hroth I see now are in subligars and shirtless doing gay shit in the cities.
That didn't last long. Aether/Gilgamesh if it matters.
It's already been done.
Shitty forced meme. At least Ilberd had minimally viable editing going on.
Spare us the hyperbole! 'Tis not for praise that we fight.
>he thinks they are not the same poster
I think I might be the last straight Hrothgar left on Zalera, honestly.
>mfw instead of getting a titan kart we god this
I feel conflicted.
Don't stand in fire and don't level ninja.
don't know. I have 5600 hours but that's not all leveling. I have the 10k HQ fish achievement which I counted at 400 hours alone
Pick up the katana.
Get Mudfish for lower latency and faster gameplay. Brought to you by the Golden Namazu
Unsubscribe from my game.
I've had bad experiences with mudfish. A node that has been great for months suddenly decides to be a piece of shit and then you have to test around others until you find another one that you can rely on for months until it suddenly becomes shit and repeat. Really sucks and can ruin your raid night if you get unlucky. I tried another vpn and has been working flawlessly ever since.
Enjoy the gmae and don't try to rush yourself, that will only lead to burning yourself and frustration, as you cannot tackle everything the game has to offer in one go.
Pick a steady pacing and do whatever you want to do, but I'd advise to get to at least lvl 50 in one combat job before starting another. Schollar can be a good place to start as you can level a damage dealer and a healer at the same time.
kind of new to the game, if the market board doesn't have an item can I go to a different server or whatever and find it? or is it like shared across data centers
aws node always works because ffxiv uses it in west coast
>Collecting aether currents in the lochs
Fuck this map seriously
What's the name of that emote where a character is slapping repeatedly?
You force my hand, baby!
>At Stormblood dungeons now
>Nobody knows how to heal
>Nobody knows how to deal damage
Literally how did these people even get this far?
How do I deal with this bullshit?
>How do I deal with this bullshit?
You don't.
Yes you can go to a different world and see.
spam /yrpa
Yeah, just go to another server's MB and capitalize on the undercutting there.
FUCK crafters and FUCK MB autists
what server
I mean you can learn it the hard way. Nobody is stopping you.
>getting healers that just spam attacks when you do wall to wall pulls in expert roulette then wonder how you died after poping your cooldowns
Does it matter?
Every data center is packed with shitters
The game is actually bluepilled hiding behind some redpills.
>WP hardmode where you're helping a bunch of homos
>HW with the entire religion is bad and the kike lala getting away with his evil actions and no he didn't do the things he did because he loves his nation
>SB with the entire Ala Niggers dindu nuffin and that trans aura race in the Azim Steppes
>ShB where Alphinud goes on his spew about poorfags dindu nuffin and the rich are obligated to help the lazy and poorfags after Vaultry fled to Mt. Gulg, subjugating people who don't see reason is bad, multiculturalism is good and nationalism is bad with the entire Emet wanting to return to his old life where everyone is a hero which is why he said in his world there would be no heroes and alphinues libtardsplaning of people not being perfect is a good thing and that becoming a nigger(the imperfections of shards) is great
They were most likely going to run some dungeons with you.
Uh oh...
You’re a fag and should go back.
Yesterday I had a DRG in the party that did nothing but Disembowel
Not even applying the DoT afterwards, just nothing but repeatedly giving themself the damage buff, shit was absurd
why do so many girls play this game?
I'm also doing Stormblood currently, but did Duty Roulette for Trials. It was Titan Hard and the fight took way too long than it had any right to be because 3 people got knocked back outside the area and remained dead for the rest of the fight.
I hope I can find a group/static at some point when I get to the actually difficult content because what was I thinking doing The Striking Tree and Akh Afah Amphiheatre Extreme synced in the Duty Finder.
>WP hardmode where you're helping a bunch of homos
Two homos.
>HW with the entire religion is bad
It's not, moron. It's only portrayed as having corrupt elements like every single other organization in the game including your own.
>the kike lala getting away with his evil actions
Saving the Sultana is not evil, faggot. Stop skipping cutscenes.
>SB with the entire Ala Niggers dindu nuffin
SB rarely portrays the Ala Mhigans positively.
>that trans aura race
They believe in reincarnation, they're not trans. Holy fucking christ how braindead are you?
>ShB where Alphinud goes on his spew about poorfags dindu nuffin and the rich are obligated to help the lazy and poorfags after Vaultry fled to Mt. Gulg, subjugating people who don't see reason is bad, multiculturalism is good and nationalism is bad with the entire Emet wanting to return to his old life where everyone is a hero which is why he said in his world there would be no heroes and alphinues libtardsplaning of people not being perfect is a good thing and that becoming a nigger(the imperfections of shards) is great
Is there actually a coherent thought in this rambling somewhere?
Tried playing/leveling nuDRK. Its feels alright. Still optimizing proper TBN usage during dungeon pulls but it feels so much better than pre70 where DRK felt like a paper towel. The lvl 50 and 70 DRK quest were absolute kino.
>alliance roulette
>have snacks and video to watch to afk with
>After losing he doesn't even consider the possibility that Elidibus has a chance at succeeding
>Just immediately goes well the whole race is fucked then, gg
Even Emet knows
>illiterate underaged /pol/ election tourist thinks Eulmore is based and redpilled when it's literally a fucking communist state whose mission is to turn everyone away from morality and have them embrace complete degeneracy, even has casual homosexuality and the only fucking tranny NPC in the entire game
MMOs are among the most popular online games for girls, other popular games are LoL or Overwatch and they'll usually play support/healer roles in these. Something of a mix of ease to play, social aspect and characters/customization to a certain extend.
He knows Elidibus will join our side since he's the one who has the most faith in us succeeding their legacy.
Just remove your gear and run labyrinth all day, every day.
>Ask healer if big pulls are ok.
>Highly emphasis it.
>Do it.
>Stagger defensives.
>Not noticing much healing, relatively.
>Use Hallowed Ground.
>DPS is fast enough to get things down by then.
>Next pull is a 2fer.
>More time to look at spells.
>Healer leaving things are very low health to spam more damage spells.
>DPS actually dying to unavoidable aoes that all bosses do + single target mechanics.
>I'm sitting at 20% most of the fight.
>Still more dps spam.
>Proceed to single pull the rest of the instance.
>Healer is super miffed.
>One dps makes a non-passive aggressive point out that healing seems to be lacking.
>Healer is huffy the rest of the instance.
People are dying. People who are doing mechanics properly. What is this sort of meta mentality that people will have doing a high-risk action? Is this common in FFXIV?
I wish I would get Orbonne again.
I am so sick of the Crystal Tower raids.
Friendly reminder Ilberd did nothing and his actions saved, Ala Mhigo, Doma, The First and The Source by awakening the Omega weapon.
>even has casual homosexuality and the only fucking tranny NPC in the entire game
I played through Shadowbringers and didn't notice this at all. Are you sure?
*disbands your alliance*
Take solace in the fact that his death was meaningful. He will not be forgotten.
Also, he is not the first friend you've lost and he won't be the last.
Yeah, the Beehive has the homosexuality, especially noticeable if you play a male character because when you first go in there for the MSQ you have to do a dance for a guy. The tranny is a male Miqo'te NPC that everyone refers to with female pronouns.
>implying anyone liked Papalymo
>Queue for Alliance
>Groaning for another faceroll Labyrinth/Syrcus run
>Get Orbonne
>Actually fun fights and can dab the other alliance for their shit players
>My son is a monster and will never rule
>Gases everyone
Varis is a hypocrite
The reality:
>Get Orbonne
>raid wipes to Agrias three times and disbands
I was one of those whales who switched onto Hrothgar then switched off. I really like the race as a whole but there are zero customization options. Most hats don't work, there's only four faces, with two hairstyles for each face. They got the short end of the stick.
Who is this trustworthy fella?
>Zenos saves millions of people by stopping black rose
Yea I had a healers like that inE2 normal like that, people where dying to the room wife aoes and I was at 20~30k hp most of the fight, only reason not everyone died was because I was a paladin.
I mean, he was extremely hesitant to do it even with several extremely powerful figures stepping on his balls to do it. Why do you think he lost his composure to shoot his ancestor/manipulator despite knowing it would mean nothing?
Yeah but he's the only one anyone ever actually cared about
Fuck the world, Ishgard is the only place that matters
Varis's loyalty is to his own people so he was willing to use the gas if it meant stopping the Alliance. He just didn't know it was going to be supercharged by the Light aether.
You mean the thunder god
You're going to seriously tell me when you enter Eulmore for the first time and go through the "immigration Bureau" that it wasn't a swipe at Trump?
If I meant Thunder God, I would've said Thunder God.
Not him but yes.
Fuck off electionfag
I'm not gonna fault that as I was recently a female hellsguard for the last 3 years and just switched off to bun. It was horrible how stiff the femroe animations were, especially anything involving the shoulders.
You have problems man. Every developed country on earth has immigration
Nigger you deal with immigration when you go to Kugane too. Eulmore is a degenerate communist state, and you can be damn sure they didn't call him Don Vauthry in English specifically because they were trying to keep people from thinking about Trump.
Then why did you mean thunder god but didn't say thunder god?
The worst Ive had was fights that lasted upwards 10 minutes for shit DPS. Im lucky Ive only gotten one disband out all of all my Orbonne runs and it was Agrias. You'd think Orlandeu would be the shitter gate
>only US has immigration and Japan totally hasn't been opening up for immigration lately to various controversies
This is your brain on /pol/
The fuck is your problem?
I'd fuck the blond.
Might die of STD but eh.
>spend two hours in Kholusia hearing how difficult it is to get inside Eulmore
>"wooooowwww wtf why do i have to go to the immigration desk so they can verify me? wtf, is this a stab at trump?!"
>female WoL got undressed and showered whilst everyone could see them in Eulmore
we just make video games sir.
Get me in the screenshot pls
There was a curtain around every shower
But the WoL is a Male Hrothgar, user.
They still had to get out to get dressed.
Not to mention all the implications that public showering/bathing was more prevalent than usual in Eorzea, especially from the Doman's point of view.
Because every class has the same level of difficulty as candy crush
Get off this website for your own mental health
WoL is Dan
If I was a sexy ass toned warrior bunny I'd take every opportunity to undress.
especially red mage and bard
more female emet please
Man it's really going to fry your omelet when you find out the entire Arcanist's Guild is a customs agency that all sea travelers to Eorzea have to go through.
Here is my sexy warrior bunny.
What are you talking about? The Warrior of Light is a male Roegadyn with a pompadour.
I meant to respond to the dindu nuffin Illberd fag who might I add did the things he did because he was butthurt about his family not because of his love for Ala Mhigo.
Forgive me goyims. /easternbow
This reminds me of the FMA 'raining' scene. Both were absolutely ran to the ground and ruined by cringey retard spergs online. I now associate them more with the cringy dumbtards with poor social skills fake crying online than with their proper contexts.
leave us alone, DNC is easier, pick on them
they're just Elezen but good so
Ilberd did nothing wrong though.
No matter who you meant to reply to, your point is fucking ridiculous. Get your head checked you stupid faggot.
Yhep, his death hit me during HW, but when it just become HEY GUYS LOOK I'M SAD I've just went off the scene and the character completely.
Same with Dark Knight and Fray.
What are the chances in a reliable way of clearing O12S now? PF are shitters and statics probably won't bother
It really shows how many players don't actually pay attention to any of the story. There have been way darker and more heartbreaking moments than Haurchefant, but Haurchefant is the only one they know. They're obsessed with him, and they're conditioned by plebbit upvotes to immediately start screaming about him and how sad it is at the slightest mention.
>did nothing wrong
>mhiggersplaning on why he is doing the things he is doing
>jobbed twice to the WoL
>so butthurt he summons a dragon instead of Rhalgar
>said dragon jobs to a robot, then an edgy neet, and lastly to the WoL again
>Garleans are still around
Ilberd Saved the first. If he didn’t summon shinryu then omega wouldn’t have gotten woken up. And if that didn’t happen ironworks wouldn’t have made time travel.
I wonder if anyone remembers about the time where half of the scions just outright get murdered by the garleans and you have to personally haul their bodies back yourself
I knew this was gonna happen the second he said something along the lines of
>"I'm going to make you proud father!"
This is retarded logic. It's like saying if you give money to an alcoholic they'll stop drinking.
>so butthurt he summons a dragon instead of Rhalgar
That was intentional.
>Garleans are still around
Not in his country they aren't. And he saved all of Othard and the First as a side effect.
>stops Garleans from encroaching on the Alliance territory
>causes the alliance to liberate Ala Mhigo
>also causes them to liberate Ala Mhigo
>gets a lot of deadbeat Mhiggers killed
>gets Lyse stuck in Ala Mhigo and out the way
>awakens Omega, which is used to go back in time and save the First
>which also means he saved the Source
>Zenos takes over as garlean leader who destroys black rose
Ilberd literally did nothing wrong.
>Fun fight
>Great song
>Always ruined by shitters
He sacrificed himself in order to force the WoL to respond to his mess. In doing so, Ala Mhigo is free and Doma by extension. His death saved 2 regions.
The moment where Edmont breaks down afterwards is way more of a gut punch than "MUH SMILE".
But it’s not. Without omega everyone would be dead.
>y-yeah but!
Shut up.
>There have been way darker and more heartbreaking moments than Haurchefant,
Yeah but nobody gives a shit about those because they happen to characters nobody cares about
They only care about Haurchefant because he is popular.
Nobody cared about Haurchefant until he died either. How many of these fags crying about him at every opportunity even remember meeting him before Heavensward?
>Not paying attention.
>Instead are just sheep who can't think for themselves and follow the latest memecrazy or "trends" as we called them back in the day.
I'd like to point out the "What do I do, bros?" -posts that are common in /vg/ and semi-generals here might be ironic posting, but there's a ton of people even here on Yea Forums who can't think for themselves and just follow the latest meme. A specific example was during Payday 2 posting years ago when people wouldn't shut up about M4 posting.
He felt really really easy for the final ex trial of the expansion. The HW one was better.
I don't know about anyone else but I was laughing my ass off when they game made me load the nameless randos onto the corpse wagon like I was supposed to care
Is it still hard AF unsync'd? I was planning on farming it unsync'd for the dyeable glamour some day.
This music reminds me of something you would hear in Ys.
I said fun, not hard
It can't be fun if it's not hard
What is it with the retards in this thread?
Is this series worth? I'd have to start from the first game because I hear it's a continuous story (as opposed to FF style where entries are mostly unconnected).
I did, I remembered him being that cool friendly guy in the Coerthas quests, and was happy when he was the only dude to be helpful at the very start of Heavensward
>ikishoten and medilate already give you 100 kenki in long phase changes
>instant overflow by 5 because you resume the fight with a gcd
>using haga to reset would add even more overflow
I only learned after the fact that the elzen bitch who bullied Edda died there while working as a blue collared wageslave for the Scions. I need the NG+ so I can go back and gloat
Imagine the smell.
>Dude, Ilberd was only pretending to be retarded when he summon Shiryjew!
Forced to save a nation that has a history of ugaa boga. How well did that work out after the British Empire left Africoon? It's a prosperous place, right? Oh wait...
Eorzea would have been fine. The only reason the WoL dies in G'hara Tia's timeline is because like what Gaius said in Prae the WoL doesn't have the strength of a ruler.
Or what? You're going to get your two daddies to beat me up?
You can kill M/F before the second set of dash mechanics if irrc, don't know about Omega
Seethe, cope, dilate.
So the Elezen is a bitch because she told the truth to Edda. Truly we live in a clown world.
>Dude, Ilberd was only pretending to be retarded when he summon Shiryjew!
He was intentionally summoning a primal of Midgardsormr. He wanted to enact the Calamity back on Garlemald, but worse. So he chose Bahamut's dad. Reminder Middy's corpse was literally in view of where Ilberd worked.
Just the same protagonist that goes around and fuck stuff up, it’s if you like the gameplay.
why do clowns have so much trouble with him
Just give Guren and Senei a shorter cooldown :^)
Seeing sad old men like him or Gosetsu seems to get me more than seeing sad young men/women/children
actually each game starts with its own story but they usually start the same with you arriving on a boat.
it's a decent arpg series, I recommend playing oath in felghana or origins first.
I remember. I also remember that picking up lalafell bodies was faster than picking up Roes bodies .
I do, it was quite surreal that you were the one to haul their asses onto a wagon.
That's just a theory from Cid.
It's not the first time the game threw speculations only to turn out it was completely different.
Such as when people thought the WoL was a primal only to turn out he's the shard of that Hydalos guy.
Of course I'm seething, coping, and dilating. Why wouldn't I be? *questionable face while raises one eyebrow on the left.
>imagine if female WoL dies in the original timeline they get stripped naked for their valuables
it's mainly the pads and dps check parts with the adds/ice that fucks people up.
>word being spread that taking two mnks/1drg is better than ranged slot 1%+w/e buffs they bring
can't tell if this is just a meme or not since all the fastest kills on fflogs still use 2 melee
>That's just a theory from Cid.
>It's not the first time the game threw speculations only to turn out it was completely different.
Except that you find out in the Omega raids that Midgardsormr is actually the real incarnation of Shinryu from throughout the series. The Shinryu primal is a primal of Midgardsormr you stupid faggot. And Ilberd himself references Bahamut when initiating his summoning. He wanted a dragon, so he chose the original dragon.
>Had a long day
>Decide to unwind by playing a little bit
>It's fucking stone vigil hard
>Second boss
>Shit's stupid enough as it is but the bard doesn't use the canon
>tell him once
>Doesn't do it
>Yell at him to use the god damned canon
>It was his first time
>Feels even more like shit for yelling at new guy over something so dumb
God damn it
any job comp can clear anything so its a meme. what matters is if you have enough ilvl and can you play well
No, he wanted Rhagar since he fucked up and summoned a dragon instead, but covered it up with his mhiggerplaning.
>any job comp can clear anything
no shit sherlock
I don't think the guy was talking about being able to clear or not
That nasty bitch was lusting after Edda's fiance's cock. After disbanding, she couldn't find a party since she no longer came with a tank + pocket healer. Couldn't cut it as a DoL/DoH either, so she became a fetch slave for a non-Profit out in the boonies. At least she probs learned her place before getting killed off.
A female Xaela player that browses here but I will not name messaged me because they heard I was into kinky shit and wanted help to try out a scenario they'd had in mind for a while, and my Elezen was apparently the perfect candidate for it. Being the complete loser I am, I blithely went along with it despite it being probably the most disturbing RP prompt I've ever seen.
So my character tied their character to a table and by their own request fed them some RP drug to make their senses overly acute. My character then took a hammer and small chisel to their body, punching nonlethal holes in places like their thighs and belly, and using another drug to keep them from bleeding or healing. She took her clothes off and took yet another drug to stimulate her guts, then sat on their face. My character used her feet to block off some of the holes, changing between them at will, while farting viciously into their open mouth so the wind burst from the holes and turned them into a living flute. All in all this happened for about seven hours until they had to stop the RP because in their own words they said they had cum all over themselves.
To this day I have no idea why I went along with it.
How the fuck does one stop being poor in this game? I can't even buy crafted gear without breaking the bank.
Conjurer storyline have you helping out the cunny is pretty sweet
You are a complete retard.
Get a cute lala crafter friend like me to make you gear
>every major faction is led by a woman except the bad guys
Except technically Ishgard after HW since I think Aymeric is charge. The Flames general is also a dude but he has to answer to the sultana in the end
For me it was the only time I actually had a chance to know someone before they died.
Sultana would have been a bigger deal if they didn't pussy out with the sleep potion
Yes all those unnamed scions who died, very saddening seeing as you never met or interacted with them. Noraxia was sad but all I could do is max out my sylph rep and continue to build relations. I'm also a total weeb and if someone doesn't die on screen, they aren't dead, so I'm sure the missing scions will reappear eventually.
Don't even get me started on Moenbryda aka "wow, I wonder what will happen to this new scion introduced and had apparently been working with them the whole time"
Still in Heavensward, so i'm sure more hardship awaits me
I wish.
SE was too lazy to do much with them, customization options are basically nil, and they had to kill Magnus' wife just to avoid modelling a female one.
Your static doesn't have an omnicrafter? Usually there's at least one in every static.
Why do you need crafted gear for?
nearly any other normal raid fight int he game can be salvaged by mass resses and body throwing, but not TG. He shits on all three groups simultaneously with mechanics that wipe you full stop if you do them wrong, more so than any other boss plus shitters used to only look for the echo AoE markers get dumpstered because his AoEs does not have them
No, because a complete retard is summoning a dragon instead of Rhaglr and being butthurt about his family and didn't give a fuck about his people.
>lala not being a jew
Get help.
To tide my build over until I play the skinnerbox enough to get the tomes/books for my BiS.
shill post
>first time running stone vigil (normal) as MT
>first run complete wipe, no one uses cannons
>make a point to say hey use the cannons
>2nd wipe, still no one uses cannons except me and a healer
>literally label people and designate them to only use cannons,
>barely squeeze out a win
Seriously don't know why people struggle with a mechanic so easy
This went from hot to extremely disturbing pretty quick.
Remember, Alexander Ultimate will (probably) drop in patch 5.15.
Prepare your butts.
D..di..did I do the resetera meme correctly?
Get help.
use goetia for crafted gear, do hunt trains for materia to either sell or use in said crafted gear. sell all the dumb shit you've hoarded that could sell for even 1-2k. let it all go.
bruh, what the fuck are these proportions.
Peak performance.
He's an Ascian using Elezen proportions.
Elezens are always tall and lanky.
he's like 1000 years old, he's bound to have bone problems. that's probably why he has a hunch back.
by that logic we'll have thordan after and I really don't like this idea
I just started parsing a few weeks ago because I found out Im ass Dpsing. What are some things to look at on ACT to find out why Im bad?
>Have Exarch say he was only using the WoL to harness the light energy and jump betweeen worlds, basically making him a shit person
>This IMMIDIATELY gets dropped and Urianger is like “nah he’s lying lol”
What was EVEN THE POINT if less than 30 seconds after it happens you’re going to invalidate it? Just don’t fucking bother
just be better
Garleans typically use Elezen skeletons. They're extremely tall except for manlet Cid. Gaius, Nero, Nael, and Maxima all straight up have Elezen bodies.
That's not his original body. And he's hunched because of the stress of his burden.
upload log to fflogs
compare your log timeline to a high dps log timeline
see where you went wrong and how you can improve from there
Based retard.
don't lie you fucking subhuman shill
He’s in a brand new body. He has a hunch back because he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, he’s one of three survivors of his race and he made it his mission to bring back Amarout no matter the cost. Interestingly, his hunch goes away when you defeat him in the final battle, because he’s able to finally let go.
>Randomly find a 15ft wolfman in china.
no he's fine
The city states aside from post-HW Ishgard are constantly shown to be incompetent retards though
I ran that for the first time earlier in the week as a summoner, and I knew what to do with the cannons right away. How the fuck can they be that stupid?
You also kill some.
I wish I was fuckin lying. I did so bad on titania normal as a monk that the tanks were doing more damage than me.
what makes you want to single post hw ishgard out?
Excarch told him to stfu about it beforehand but Urianger let the cat out. I guess it's meant to characterize Urianger being less capable/fond of keeping secrets? Kinda pushing it tho.
You're a paladin
You have a heal
If you can't trust the healer, it's up to you
Enjoy your babysitter role
literally impossible
you could do your first 3 jobskills in a row repeatedly and nothing else and you would still outdamage a tank as mnk
>aside from
more like including
Part of what's supposed to make Emet/Garlemald understandable is how shit all the nation states are
Not the guy you're answering to, but they did end up coming out as the first democratic nation in Ezorea
At least as far as I've seen they haven't caused the majority of their own problems yet, that's more than I can say about the others
yes and?
If any of the nations were led competently almost none of what happened in ARR would have happened.
But it did happen, thats why Im trying to figure out what the deal is.
> HW
> Bunch of unique soundtracks, pretty top tier music for an MMO.
> ShB
> Literally just We Fall remixed 10+ times.
Because we are falling. Duh
Before Shadowbringers, it was extremely rare that you would have to heal often at all. You could regularly get through “expert” dungeons without casting a single heal. I remember looking at parses for delta savage when I was trying to learn SCH and the top groups’ SCHs would use the fairy aoe regen 3-4 times and that’s it
You have to heal more post 5.0 and people are still adjusting. Especially since people are working on their 2nd or 3rd 80 now
Have you tried pressing buttons?
Post parse
There's plenty of people doing blind runs of old content
I would've liked if they were playable
>not understanding the importance of theming and leitmotifs in operatic composition
shaking my s.m.h.
Start with I and II, never start with origins.
Stormblood drove me to fucking insanity with that shit.
it's literally the same fucking song over and over and over and over again
cute paws
>they haven't caused the majority of their own problems yet
the others didn't have the WoL spend an entire expansion fixing their problems. Unless you think Ala Mhigo and Doma are just as good.
I can’t. I’ve never used fflogs before, and Im not even sure if ACT kept a record of the run. I cant check because Im away from my pc atm.
I only run dungeons/hard trials blind
If I'm running an actual raid or any EX content, like the EX primals, I watched a guide prior so I don't cause a wipe
Every single time I tanked with a healer who likes to leave me at ~30% for more than few seconds at a time, I died at some point to trash mobs. Some retards take the 'only hp that matters is the last one' mantra and run off the cliff with it.
They killed Magnus' wife and child because he was a hrothgar (already planned as a male-only race, makes it easy) and the theme of Magnus' subplot was Storge, familial love
>Bunch of unique soundtracks
wrong, the KOTR theme is remixed to hell and back too
the only actual difference is the leveling primals both getting their own opening/ultimate music
>Bunch of unique soundtracks
Nah nigga the Knights of the Round tune and Ishgard's town music are reused and remixed almost constantly, listen closer.
The point he is making is that women are stupid and lazy. Which they are but then we would spend hours of White knights defending woymns and shitting up the thread by said White knights.
ARR is the only part that had the most unique music
Unironically deaf if you didn't pick up on the constantly repeated leitmotifs in HW
>the only actual difference is the leveling primals both getting their own opening/ultimate music
It goes
Ravana 2, Titania 1
Bismarck 2, Innocence 1
Thordan 1, Hades 2
Haven't they had the WoL dealing with their shit since 1.0?
>the only way to get primal weapons is via totem trade because they never drop for my job
nice meme
Dont quote me on this, but didn't the dev team say they wanted a 3rd ultimate trial for 4.5? If they do decide to do a 3rd ultimate trial for 5.5, we might get the warring triad or Nidhogg and his siblings.
I haven't had instant pops at all since Shadowbringers dropped. Healers seem to get the instant queues now, even when the DF says "tank in need."
Off and on (mainly through people interested in solving the problem themselves with resistance movements), but never directly because it's the Garleans' main territory in Eorzea.
they also had to redo HW's boss theme since it didn't have the amount of kick they wanted, as opposed to the ones from SB and ShB which they were content with right off the bat
These nazis need to stop speaking and get to the gameplay already, it's like watching a Nazi rally stream
Reminder that only noobs use Legacy control scheme or have S key binded to movement.
>Will unbending,
>Stone defending,
>Our steel shall sing!
Always sends a shiver down my spine.
Watching the stream you can tell that Fox and Yoshi have no idea how to play healer and blm.
>TFW always playing with my significant other, they play Healer, I play Tank
>Have never not had an instant queue for any dungeons or raids, only ever waited on EX Titan.
Having a dedicated Heal Slut has its advantages
Stop having bad luck
>significant other
Fox got fucked at the first few minutes, these are supposed to be your game developers lmao. Oh and German is such a disgusting language
yoshi's probably phoning it in, he does have savage clears on his personal account (not his dev account)
Yoshi knows how to play. He sometimes does streams of himself in savage.
Cute butt
Even if they do put in lionesses: they'll have femroe/felezen feet.
>tfw beating old extreme trials in mentor roulette with bunch of sprouts is more satisfying than savage
>Yoshi is pretending to be retarded
For what purpose?
So they don't feel bad.
Thank you for having patience with us sprouts
I wish they'd add in an EX trial roulette
I wanna do hard old shit but it's hard as hell finding a group
Fuck off and get some confidence. Stop with this needing to thank culture.
Sprouts are the cutest.
Anyone have the screencap of a sprout trying to get a picture next to a lvl.50 tonberry then getting killed?
>bad players shouldn't feel bad
We truly live in an evil timeline.
>have more fun Jewing the market board for useless gil than I do clearing Savage
What's wrong with me
as a fellow degenerate this makes me want to go into monastic isolation
I mean, it depend, if they want to get better and are just learning then yeah they shouldn't, failure is an opportunity to learn, not get lynched.
But if they're truly retarded and are getting fucked by the same shit over and over and over again, then yeah fuck'em
It gets worse in the dark. MUCH WORSE.
Some of those tribes are weird enough they probably would turn themselves into a living chocobo-whistle for their own gratification
Considering we live in the age of the internet where you can find guides for everything I really /doubt they're "just learning".
Ah it's the brapflute story again
can i get this edgy horse somewhere?
Watching/reading a guide isn't at all equivalent to being able to pull off a mechanic.
Buy the collector's edition
Digital Collector edition bonus I think.
HW has plenty of repeated shit, it's just not nearly as bad as ShB and definitely not as awful as SB. ARR has the most unique music.
>Don Vauthry
He's literally never called that. Just "Vauthry" or generic titles of lordship.
We need more ppl like you
>get someone with suspiciously high health for their job
>it's unsurprisingly a greedy cunt who are too tunnel visioned on getting an orange in outdated content to do mechanics properly
every time
That wasn't nearly as bad as the zone music which is all remixed from the Rhalgr's Reach theme (which sounds vaguely like that one song that goes "working on the railroad"
>tfw no WoL vore
This is only true if you are fucking terrible at games
He literally is in Japanese as a reference to Don Corneo.
>Shinryu for the first time
>everyone but me and other tank is fucked by tidal wave
>4 wipes later turns out i was the only one of the new players that bother to watch the video
it can be only better from now on, right?
What is Cerberus
Show me your gold parses, big boy, you've read a guide.
>he watched a video
you were the shitter all along
Doesn't count because you do that willingly.
Yes I'm sure everything will go as smooth as a baby's butt because you read a guide
Vauthry always wins, baby, Vauthry ALWAYS wins
Bros... I'm sorry... I guess I got... sloppy...
He even has the same hairstyle.
>Its an "undergeared tank who doesn't use cooldowns on pulls" episode
I wish Garuda would fuck me in the ass, haha.
Shitposting aside, Extreme/Savage/Ultimate are not just content you can walk into and expect to clear in one shot.
Is Ninja that bad? I basically play solo and don't really plan on doing raids.
I'm playing Heavensward right now and it's pretty good so far.
it's gay as fuck
Efficiency. For most FF bosses under Savage you can usually just read the cliffs while queueing, I've tanked everything on extreme by just opening the wiki right before pulling.
I wish I was a mentor just so I could do this
>defeat Titan (or probably get Landslided off the stage and let the other three party members beat Titan)
>head on back to the Waking Sands
>"I wonder why the title of this quest seems so omino-"
>Fuck the world, Ishgard is the only place that matters
What level should I be for Heavensward?
>bought shadowbringers and resubscribed last week
>remembered the day after that WoW classic comes out in a week
It's not like I'm missing out on anything except retarded zoomers in WoW r-right guys?
>very saddening seeing as you never met or interacted with them
You did if you talked to them at the base, slut.
Leveling and AV are the only fun part of Classic anyway
Hey i liked that one lala girl with the hime cut who was always guarding the entrance.
It starts at level 50 but if you're a new player or you bought an ARR skip the higher level you are the better, you'll catch up eventually and have to start running dungeons repeatedly just to continue the MSQ either way.
>Ilberd did tons of shit wrong and by happenstance was lucky enough to have his bullshit be turned into a net positive
>Ilberd dindu nuffin!
Man, what happened with Gosetsu and Yotsuyu hurt, like say what you will about her being an evil bitch, but he genuinely was happy taking care of her believing the kami spared them for this second chance for the both of them only to lose her anyways.
DRK is the only good class questline
If you weren’t terrible, you wouldn’t need a guide
The only fun thing in WoW classic will be watching all the streamers dying in pvp realms.
When Ysalye force ghosts herself I started laughing, and when the WoL turns and Haurchefaunt is there too I started tearing up a little, so I was cackling with tears in my eyes. Good fun.
Nigga what?
If you want to run EX Primals blind, use a premade party and/or run it unsynced. If you're using DF to run EX dungeons blind you're just gonna ruin the run for people who've already done it a hundred times. That's assuming you can get a party that way to begin with because barely anyone queues up for old content that isn't MSQ related. Everyone who has a reason other than curiosity to run the old EX Primals just runs it unsynced, which you can't do with the DF.
I understand that this is annoying, but you have to look at it from the perspective of people who've already beaten that shit 6 years ago as well. You can run Normal and Hard mode content blind with no trouble as long as you're not completely braindead. EX and Savage require a bit of preparation, but they're also strictly optional so if you want to do them you shouldn't be opposed to putting in some preptime.
there will be a bunch of fucking Chinese bots on the first day ready to bot gold to sell for real money.
Have fun getting to the fucking hunting grounds without flying
>femlala in the Rogue questline wants to purge Limsa of criminal degenerates
>we're supposed to see her as the bad guy
I wanted to join her and blast some pirateniggers goddammit
Yotsusyu deserved everything she got and much worse.
Tsuyu didn't, though. And Gotetsu definitely didn't.
Based and yellowpilled
Are you talking about the bench ascian? Because someone already translated the jp transcript and its much more clear the wol and him aren't the same entity at all.
>purge Limsa of criminal degenerates
of course she's the bad guy then, that would be wiping out the entire city.
I think that just means Limsa needs to be burned to the ground then. As an added bonus it would take at least 80 percent of the ERPniggers with it.
The worst part about classic is there’s not enough content in it to keep wowbabs distracted longer.
Well of course he isn't you, because he's a whole ascian and you're a shard of the said Ascian. No different from Ardbert being a shard of you even though he and you are different, yet similar.
Disgusting mods
Yotsuyu the witch of Doma deserved it, but Yotsuyu the woman forced into prostitution and slave labor by unforseen circumstances didn't. Really adds nice wrinkles to the Doman storyline. Fuck fordola tho.
Ninja's attacking almost constantly but it still ends up as less damage than some of the other, simpler jobs. It's fun for keyboard piano but can feel underwhelming outside of heavy-hitters like Ten-Chi-Jin. All jobs are preference, a party of four ninjas or four dancers can clear Savage content if none of them fuck up.
>Fuck fordola tho
did nothing wrong, she just knew that rising up like Lyse would be dumb
>implying all the zoomers are gonna have the patience to grind FR gear.
>implying they'll have the perseverance to deal with hours longs waits for groups on their bajillions of rogues.
>Mhigger parents sell out to the Garleans
>people rightfully lynch them as traitors
>this is supposed to make me feel sorry for Fordola
Yes born vagina girls that have egg cycles in their uterus.
it's probably due for some buffs but the producer is aware of the issues, so we'll probably see buffs in October. really just lacking in damage for it's difficulty as a result of having the most broken support debuff in the game since launch, which i think is going to be changing.
All of Limsa is a crime fulled shit hole, also their leader is a shit.
>he didn't do the things he did because he loves his nation
The evil richfag lala fucking died and the other richfag lala did what he did for multiple reasons, one among them being a desire to lecture the Sultana and thus benefit Uldah.
>chooses to abuse her own people under the belief that these people who regularly call them savages will accept her as an equal
>did nothing wrong
I miss Stormblood be cause I cheered everytime a mhigger died. I hated every single one of them.
Why do Arcanists have so many buttons so early? Why can't every class be like this?
You'll regret those words
At least they were subtle with the lemotifs in ShB.
I fucking hated SB cause I kept hearing the main theme in every fucking song. And the boss music. How I fucking hated the boss music.
because it's two classes rolled into one, a decision Yoshida has gone on to regret to this day.
I have yet to group with an AST at level 80 in my expert roulettes.
She didn't deserve the shitty life she lead, but once she used that as motivation to just spend the rest of her days violently shitting on an entire country she lost whatever claim to sympathy she might have had.
She was hella dumb and didn’t have someone tell her off until Godbert had to do it.
>mfw I don't understand the boss mechanics so I just default to basic tank mechanics to ignore the pain
Brute smarts
>shb was subtle with it's leitmotifs
>literally four major tracks are remixes/renditions of the title track
i loved the expansion's music but come on my dude.
It's literally just SMN now though, SCH shares nothing but res with Arcanist.
Do I actually lose skills or is it an overcomplicated class?
Considering how bored most arcanists I met in dungeons seemed I'm positively suprised by the class so far
Congrats, you're deaf. Did you enjoy your eulmore music turning into crystarium 2.0 which is the same leitmotif as every other song
To be fair the whole group she was a part of was founded by Gaius, who genuinely did uplift recruits as equals like the Cape Westwind roe guy.
I hear that if I pick DRK I get a free loli
>overcomplicated class?
people are constantly bitching about how bloated SMN is. SCH is the opposite though, but that might as well not be Arcanist anymore.
According to Koji they weren't actually there. The emotional stress of the situation with all the extremely dense aether in the area conjured them from WoL's mind, much like Fray.
>parents are a shit and gave you to a old ugly bastard
>he rapes her daily and when he done with her sells her to get raped some more
If I was her I would have fucked up them aswell.
true, and to be fair Zenos did see some potential in her (but maybe only as a pawn? idk it's been a hot minute since i've done 4.0), but literally every other garlean we've ever met in ala mhigo was like that.
Whats the fastest way to lvl alts from 70-80? Just spamming dungeons
fuck Koji, that's fucking dumb.
You get two of them
>jp transcript and its much more clear the wol and him aren't the same entity at all
It’s literally the opposite though
>I believe I’m the only one that can see (Ardbert). I believe you’re the only one that can interact with him. Fufu it is no coincidence
Gosh what could it possibly mean
She was literally retarded. It's ok if she didn't believe in the resistance since she had lived her entire life under the Garlean occupation, but she could've just chose to live her life like a normal person if she didn't want to rise up. Even if for some dumbass reason she thought joining the Garlean army was her only shot at a decent life (which is obviously retarded but whatever), she still didn't have to go out of her way to show everyone that her gang was more petty, cruel and violent than the actual fucking Garleans.
Her entire plan was literally "if I act like a rabid mongrel, maybe the people who despise me and everyone like me will stop treating me like a rabid mongrel."
I've taken to explaining the mechanics for Orbonne fights to increase success rate. You have no idea how helpful it is to tell people his three sword tells and what to do for the expanding aoe and three stacks.
She's dumb because she's a woman. Not because she was compassionate. I mean, really a bunch of kikes are suppose to be her people?
dungeons for right now with daily hunts/roulettes mixed in. the Deep Dungeon won't be out until probably next summer-ish so that's the best we got.
The fastest as in shortest amount of time spent or shortest amount of time elapsed?
Time spent
You get a man/woman who get tired of your shit.
Fordola as a child was a victim of her circumstances and later on did the best she could to a degree that was more competent then other Garlean officers as well dealing with the little shites that MOST of the mhiggers were (and Lyse ended-up seeing). Then she ended up going against the Warrior of Light.
Excuses her actions? No. Black and white evil? Heck no.
That's not what happens, it's
>get Orbonne
>one third of the players immediately quit, all attempts to replenish ranks fail and the instance keeps hemorrhaging players for the next five minutes while you beat up the bird and skeleton trash pull, then you wait for five more minutes while the rest quit while cursing the name of everyone who only wants Syrcus Tower and you never even pull Mustadio once
It's exactly what happens in the DRK questline and it makes more sense because the lore of the Lifestream means their souls should have already been rejoined into the aetherial sea.
roulette daily bonus, fate train in shb areas, beast tribes, hunt board, highest level dungeon
>being enough of a complete retard to believe "sins of the father"
>people still die to Mustadio sniper shot
Fates and hunts while waiting for the queue for dungeons. Dailies as always and pray for praetorium because it gives a fuckton of exp.
I mean i never considered her a full on villain, i just think her arc kind of withers in comparison to Yotsuyu's, who WAS a full on villain and still kind of got redeemed in a few ways in the end. For a character that could have been a star player in the expac, she felt kind of squandered.
Shortest amount of time spent is just do leveling and MSQ roulette once a day. You can do other roulettes too but they're less efficient.
Buying a level 80 from PA
>Even if for some dumbass reason she thought joining the Garlean army was her only shot at a decent life (which is obviously retarded but whatever)
Army service is literally the only path to citizenship in Garlemald, and it's clear you don't understand Gaius's character. He's a man who believes in true equality, that anyone willing to contribute is just as Garlean as anyone else and that people should be rewarded according to their merit rather than their blood. He created the Skulls as a demoralization tool, but they also all looked up to him as a father figure and believed in his ideals. Unfortunately, the rest of Garlemald doesn't believe in those ideals, and Fordola's role in the story was to show just how much Zenos's rule was raping what Gaius believed in.
SMN feels like they forgot to design it and just threw a bunch of leftover spells on it and called it a day. There’s no flow to anything, everything is oGCD, there’s tons of redundant and pointless stuff. It’s really really weird
>Roll 80 on the Ramza minion
>Didn't get it
Except she didn't fuck them up. She fucked up everyone BUT them. Her asshole parent are living the high life in Garlemald for most of the game until her psycho borther decides to get involved and her pimp lived long enough to join the resistance and ends up outliving her.
A handful of people wronged her and she spends literally all her life shitting on the entire country NOT INCLUDING the actual people that wronged her because of it.
Nevermind the kneejerk response of being reunited with her, knowing full well that she's the Witch of Doma, is to try and pimp her out again so they don't have to work
I was somewhat with Fordola until she killed her own people just trying to kill the alliance aswell.
To be fair, those players are too lazy to look up a guide for old content and expect everything to be handed to them like welfarefags with the (((government))).
>no head
>Au Ra
>horns, tail
>retarded fucking ears on the helmets
character creator fucking sucks
Haurchefant is even BETTER in Japanese.
The localizers BUTCHERED his character.
I played with JP voices, and I knew immediately it was off when he was clearly flirting with my WoL in voice and the text didn't match.
It's fucking egregious.
>i don't want to play a human
>but i don't want to play anything with nonhuman features either
Her parents were really dumb to try and do that after they knew all the stuff she did.
She's a dope that wants to scorched-earth anybody that breaks the law as it's written while ignoring the spirit of the law. She gets into a row with the Upright Thieves/Rogue's Guild who were and still are the law from the shadows.
everyone but Hrothgar is a fucking human is this game
Crystarium are the commies.
Eulmore is more akin to feudalism or straight up slave economy.
>start a free trial
>loved every single minute of it
stopped reading here
In the Japanese community it's widely agreed that he was killed because higher-up devs decided they didn't like having a campy gay in an important story role.
On paper they didn't even have to since they've been living well under Garlean rule and would continue to do so after liberation, I'm guessing they wanted it written as her parents being so horrible they'll continue to do insane bullshit like that even without any prompting, or they just wanted an extremely easy sign that Tsuyu was Yotsuyu in the head again.
John Crow should really be fired at this point. Haurchefant was his fault, along with some other stupid shit. They had him at a dev panel and he seemed like such a massive fucking scumbag. He was extremely full of himself, had an attitude like he didn't want to be there and was too good for video games, his story about getting the job was that he was out of work and a friend told him SE was hiring so he was like 'yeah okay whatever'. He also visibly fucking hates Koji and was seething whenever he talked about him.
Lalafell aren't human. They are allagan waste gone wrong.
If they added Amani to the game I would play them. Also let them wear hats. That why I stop being a lion man, couldn’t wear pointy hats.
She wanted to be like a Garlean, and now gets dicked by a half-Garlean, poetic.
so you agree that you are complaining about nothing, good to know
>She was hella dumb
This is the face of someone who swore to make Ul'dah a nation for the people instead of just the rich and powerful but did absolutely nothing to accomplish that, and then an absolute chad of an elf does everything she said she'd do and more in the span of like a week.
I'd let Merlwyb clench my penis off since femroe puss is so chiseled it has abs but on the other hand she killed her father and is Limsa's dictator
Incorrect. Eulmore is outright stated to be a communist state to your face when you first get there. All citizens give up their property and wealth to the state. The Crystarium, meanwhile, is capitalist with many independent companies that you interact with during the crafting quests.
I refuse to believe anyone enjoys any of the ARR msq. They are all garbage trash tier and are the primary reason most new players quit.
What ever happened to them? I heard something about them dealing with primals when we are not there but no idea where someone got that from.
How many layers of irony are you on, my man?
Tell me, at which point in Shadowbringers did you finally cry?
Mine was the ending sequence where a younger Ardbert is walking back to his companions.
He wasn't that campy, and his thirst for muscles is not gender-specific. He's just as thirst for female WoL as he is for males.
"HAURCHEFANT: Oh, I was waiting for you, [PLAYER]! I had heard you would be attending this meeting, so I impatiently waited for you to arrive! Your body is beautiful as always… splendid! It has been a long time since you last visited Coerthas — do you find it cold? It is warmer in my private chambers, so if you’d like…"
They show up in the summoner quest
Go read the side stories on the lodestone, Tales From the Storm. There are more for ARR and HW too. Fordola has a kill collar on and is being sent to help the Scions and the Immortal Flames kill primals.
They show up in the 80 smn questline.
the sniper shot has a bullshit marker on it. why on earth would you want to show the EMPTY side of your circle to a dude who just got a 10 second minicutscene of loading a rifle?
Yea but taxing the rich was a hella dumb idea. That would just had someone put a hit out on her.
He is in Japanese written as a campy gay man. The fact that the player character can be female doesn't change that, and is besides the point I was mentioning.
G'raha tearing up when you say you are glad he's awake at the end got me pretty good.
Tesleen made me tear up and then I'm pretty sure I cried a little at the scene you're talking about.
She didn't even have the power to make a decision like that because the Monetarists hold all true power, and the throne was still effectively worthless until Lolorito gave the crown half of his wealth along with Teledji's estate and holdings. She didn't do anything because she couldn't and because with the current political clime of Ul'dah it was a stupid idea, it makes more sense for Ishgard which has more clear-cut class warfare between the poor and starving in the Brume that make up the House of Commons and the anal-retentively traditionalist nobles that now make up the House of Lords, and with no figurehead or ruling authority with Archbishop Thordan dead and traitorous.
>summoner only level 30
Well fug. I’m get around to it sooner or later.
>I heard something about them dealing with primals when we are not there but no idea where someone got that from.
Lvl 80 smn quest
It’s really weird and out of nowhere. Like “hey WoL go check up on fordola” so you do and she’s just like “yeah we fuck up ifrit when you aren’t around cuz I have fake echo. Being a prisoner sure sucks kbye”
I’m barely paraphrasing. It’s fucking weird and has nothing to do with being a smn
I love the Amani but you're stupid if you think they would wear hats. Gear options in Tera are already more limited with Chest/Pants being together.
You get a doppelganger, an edgy teenage bro, and a loli elezen that isn't interested in you.
I enjoyed it when this game used to be on PS3. The game made a lot more sense once you understood the limitations around it. Made it felt like those old JRPGs that had big ambitions but had to make due with limited hardware (Phantasia on SNES, Panzer Dragoon Saga on Saturn)
You can also put your arrow over the debuff and see which side you should face.
Thancred accepting Minfilia's death. I thought he was going to die. I'd been with him since 1.0 because I started in Ul'dah and was sad to see him go.
She want the big edgelizard cock
Seeing my character vomiting Light cancer upset me in a way nothing else in this game has
Wants those scales scraping up against her walls
>killing primals with the Immortal Flames SMN squadron has nothing to do with being a SMN
Also, that wasn't news.
For real. The first time i ever felt the WoL was in danger.
I beat all those and am getting sick of emulating classics i played in my youth
I'm glad they put Yotsuyu's story in. I liked that it involved someone who starts off completely helpless and is majorly pissed-off for very personal reasons without any grandeur politics/ideas behind them.
I know we technically see that already in post-HW and post-SB with the civilians, but Yotsuyu's reasons did feel much more personal since it sprouts purely out of the treatment she received and not tied to anyone's family/country getting fucked.
Did you miss the part where Fodola feels guilty for all the goyims that died for her fake echo and feels that she is honoring them by helping kill primals. Any sane person would have an hero if becoming a slave to a bunch of mhiggers.
But of course she's a woman and women lack common sense.
Which is misleading as fuck since it implies the safe side is vulnerable when you first read it, which ends up getting interrupted with a cutscene.
After the events of post-ARR and HW she pretty much had enough money to buy everyone in Ul'dah, and still hasn't done anything. Any talk about her not having enough power to make the changes she claims she wants to make is just a cheap excuse.
>there are still people in this world that think Lolorito didn't do the right things for the right reasons
>crying over tranny shit
He's a kike. There is nothing good about them and belong in only one place.
fuck your shit bitch boy we're going home soon and there's nothing you can do about it :^)
She's taking steps to dissolve the Syndicate, which is why Teledji and seat hasn't been filled. But Fyrgeiss and Lolorito are trying to sway her away from that so it's a slow process.
Lolorito was in the right to stop her. You don't throw your country into chaos when an expansionist empire is interested in grabbing your clay. Thats what the miggers did and allowed Gauis to just waltz right in.
When you're listening to Hythlodaeus' story and Emet is walking around Amaurot i felt a lot of pity for him and teared up a bit despite him being a genocidal cunt.
I always feel like the aetherial sea thing is incredibly fucking grim. You just fucking vanish on death. Nothing else.
Remember us...
You cycle through and pieces of your soul get to reincarnate into flowers and rats.
I wish we could hear Fordola's thoughts at the end of SB when she's getting taken away in chains and looks over at Lyse walking away to lead/enjoy her new country. Turns out Fordola was the one who was dumb af
Pfft they were dumb enough to be born without an echo. Those little guys deserve oblivion
>set macros
>able to beat normal, extreme and savage content with only minor changes to the rotation
>just want to grind classes and fight enemies on the overworld, but you get no EXP and are forced to do PotD and dungeons
>quit FFXIV
World design, music and combat was all top notch. But story and "multiplayer" is as shit as every other MMO. Would have been the best FF game if it was single player.
He's a good lad. He needs a nice bed, a warm cup of coco, and a couple weeks rest. He's suffered enough and needs to relax.
That was a great way to introduce how fucked up the First was. I remember when my friends were going through that cutscene together we were all left stunned and silenced.
It's not murder if they are not truly alive.
Why the fuck are subscription based mmos still a thing? I can play tekken 7 or even something like tarkov
get just as much enjoyment and longevity out of climbing the ranks and experimenting with new characters/getting new equiptment and being in new situations but without having to shell out money for access once a month
Why the fuck is this still a thing? Did WoW just cement a precedent that people dont bother questioning?
Turn that camera around and show us the kindergarden level drawings your character is studying.
>Did WoW just cement a precedent that people dont bother questioning?
WoW was far from the first sub based MMO
How old are you? Serious question. You sound like a young jit.
Getting lynched is quite often part of the learning process. Learning the hard way is the best way to figure out what doesn't work.
to ensure that developers receive a consistent enough income to fund the team and churn out content in relatively rapid periods of 3 months
also to keep poorfags like you out
yeah it sure would be weird if fighting games made you pay more money for new content and characters after release, good thing only mmos are that archaic
Lyna lamenting over losing so much and Ardbert trying so hard to save those people. Just gets you with a double whammy
hell sub based games were happening before MMOs. there was a monthly fee to play some MUDs or access online multiplayer servers in shooters because they were hosted by 1 ISP only (AOL)