ITT: Games that Yea Forums only likes because of wifey cancer

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got lost huh? lmao

The fuck did he mean by this?

Waifushit games

Op is a faggot

metroid games really are extremely overrated,they're fucking regular shit and get praised like holy grails,somehow metroid prime series also gets praised to hell despite being totally different from the past games,and not even close to an actual good FPS played on keyboard and mouse

>He couldn't learn how to walljump

>literally the easiest game on the entire SNES library
>”lol git gud xD”

The word overrated has zero critical weight to it, and serves as a crutch for people that can't formulate their own well-worded opinions on things that are regarded as "classic."

Nostalgiafags are bad, but the people that countersignal them are insufferable.

My beef with Metroid games is they don't have real creative puzzles, most of the time feels like you're just bombing the shit out of every tile until you find the secret

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

>wifey cancer
Am I supposed to know what the fuck that is?

Metroid's a robot you dumb faggot.

He has a hot gf though


Samus Returns is unironically my favorite Metroid game, with Fusion being my second favorite.

ok, you start OP

hi dunkey, keep saying it

"Overrated" basically just means "I don't like this game as much as everyone else." It's like, the most buzzword-y buzzword out there.

It's more a criticism of the fanbase than the game. A game can be good but overrated, a game can be bad but overrated. Either way, it's not as good as people think it is.

>he never figured out to use a power bomb to break the glass

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Dude you're just proving his point. The word has no critical weight and you just showcased how vague as fuck it is.
>It's just bad. You know, for reasons. The fanbase, that is.

NiER and Lost Odyssey are terrible games

Fuck you

>A collectathon when Mario 64 did it better
>Were forced into Smash cause of autistic neckbeards
>Dead series, when others are still going on strong
>Barely notable characters
>Bland music
How do people like this again?

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Every single game from Japan

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I played this game a few years ago and was surprised how short it was.
Aside from having really good art direction the whole thing was pretty forgettable.

Easy one

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You're supposed to replay it a bunch.

Why? It's the same experience every time.

>inb4 speedrun
I'm not autistic

It isn't, you're supposed to sequence break and beat the game in faster/more challenging circumstances. If that's not your thing then the game just isn't made for you.

>comparing Metroid Prime to FPS games

>Mario 64 did it better
objectively wrong

It's like comparing Dark Souls to Zelda.

i bet you 100% that op can't figure out how to get to maridia

>inb4 speedrun

If you configure KB+M controls on Dolphin, Prime becomes absolutely kino.

I like Super Metroid because it's one of the best games ever made
Being able to play a tall, hot, athletic girl is just icing on that delicious cake

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Nah, it means a game isn't as good as is typically said. It holds enough "critical weight" since we aren't Roger Ebert getting paid to write criticisms.

It's not that good, there, is that better?

Might as well say that after asking why sonic 2 is good, it's just as pointless.

Most of the Aeion abiliities were unnecessary but I really loved that rapid fire one, made me feel like I was tearing shit up

>he doesn't know that there's two ways to go to Maridia

I liked that one too for ridley. but the slow down time powerup felt cheap, I wanted the speed booster so bad

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There's only one way to get into the proper part of Maridia (e.g. the route to botwoon and draygon) that doesn't involve a glitch.

>that doesn't involve a glitch
Do you know what happens if you use a Power Bomb in a glass tunnel?

I just blow up the bridge in brinstar because it saves me time/spoiler]

Platforming in 64 was more fun.

I mean, of course it's overrated, missiles are useless once you get supers, and they still make up about 40% of the collectables in the game.

Still a pretty cool game though, having hidden latent abilities you're taught without dialogue is absolute genius.

any anime game

Yeah, that's the one way in. There's no other way to progress in Maridia except through that tube and the green gate glitch.

Did you take the elevator in Crateria after the abandoned ship?

There are tons of video essay written on how perfectly designed Super Metroid it. It's a masterclass in video game design that only gets better the more you play it.

To be fair, anyone with half a brain knew the combat in those games sucked even when they came out. LO has an interesting story. NieR does too.

That isn't enough to get you into the heart of Maridia. It just loops you around to the tube again. There's a door that takes you to the boss room, but it only unlocks after you kill him.

It's a great word for criticism. It's essentially how you tell a bunch of fanboy's that you just think the game is good not God's gift to this fair earth, it is usually followed with some legitimate criticism afterwords. It's a way to begin saying good and bad things about a game that otherwise only gets the highest of praise.

It's still quite good.

i could never get into super metroid either. the exploration is alright but the combat is complete ass and i get bored by it really fast

Super is about exploration, not combat you fucking noob

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this, metroid fusion has much better action gameplay.

Hmmm, there's quite lot of boss fight for a game that's not about combat user

The whole point of exploration is to make you better at combat, you dumbass

5 that you need to complete. and they are good fights, not kraid

it's not realistic that someone can roll up into an actual ball and bounce around

Five? What about guardian torizo? What about crocomire? What about botwoon and golden torizo? You can't skip any of them.

uh you can completely skip the grappling hook entirely, but yeah i guess mid-bosses are just mid-bosses

>can't skip crocomire
but thats wrong

"Overrated" isn't a real criticism.

It is only a commentary on how it was received, not on its content. If you actually want to criticize a series, maybe you should focus on how it compares to other series in specific aspects or address parts that could have been improved.

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Yeah, forgot about that one, my bad, though, most people won't skip him, unlike, say, spore spawn.

>got lost
>have a fucking map
i dont understand how people can get lost when map in game is a thing, if you got lost on metroid 2: samus returns on GB, well, thats understable.

I'm waiting for this instead.

spore spawn was a shit fight, botwoon was fine just needed some more moves from him, first torizo was easy mode because it was supposed to be gold torizo was a good fight since it was a lot more difficult than the first

ridley's lair isnt revealed on the map just hinted at, nothing tells me after i beat maridia that i now need to go scrap through norfair again to find the one room after jumping through the lava

but yeah just use the map man

>imagine being a zoomer and thinking super metroid is waifu bait when the waifu samus version wasnt for like 15 years later

#cringe #beta #white #incel #baka #wemustdissent

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Mario 64 actually had a sense of direction and goals instead of being purely a "collectathon." Also it controlled buttery fucking smooth, so that helped a lot.

Any gatchashit
Some of these fags will even argue which one has a good gameplay
fucking gameplay
in a gatcha
imagine being the lowest of the scum and having an audacity to argue about whichever trashy cashgrab has better """gameplay"""

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>forced into Smash
people actually believe this? he earn that spot negro

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You should already have visited the lava pit and seen the statue of Ridley's face in the entrance to his lair.

I actually wanted to give this game a chance. Loved the intro and atmosphere. Then I pressed the shoot button and she shot out a small grain of rice with the most limp dicked sound effect I've ever heard from a video game weapon. 'Are you serious?' I told myself then quit the game.

*angry down syndrome furry negroid noises*

zoomer attention span
by the end of the game your basic beam tears shit to pieces
hell by the first boss it can do a decent amount of damage

>Butter fucking smooth
>Mario 64

Right, the game where you can't choose whether to dive or kick, in which turning around flings you off platforms, and whose camera is infamously terrible controls better than fucking banjo-kazooie.

Also butter isn't smooth you retard.

Doom is highly overrated just because it was babbys first fps.
>b-b-but muh mods
But shut the fuck up, we're talking about the game itself.

>If I don't like the character then they were forced into Smash
Is probably the logic.

If your focus for every game is mainly on combat, then Metroid isn't the series for you.

is this some new epic word that Yea Forums introduced because normies started using "dilate"?

Sounds like a westernized version of waifu, if anything. I wouldn't call it 'new'.

It sounds like some shit from The Office desu

It was in the second Nep game's remake, can't remember seeing it at all before that.

tfw can't turn into my gf at the end of a tough mission

I'm sorry your wife buys you shit butter user

by that logic corrin earned their spot in smash.

Banjo was requested by the fans for years, in fact he was the most requested third party choice. Corrin wasn't. How is that the same?

This, it was one of the few games I finished on the SNES mini

Super is one of the few examples where the general consensus is pretty accurate to the game itself.
It's legitimately a fantastic game.

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Sounds like a (You) problem.

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>Wifey cancer
what does this mean?

Those are some tiny feet