Why is the music in this game fucking trash
Why is the music in this game fucking trash
The composer holds the rights to his music and prefers to compose it in MIDI, then later makes a killing selling orchestral arrangement records and CDs.
Because it's not to your specific tastes. I personally think the music is fine, but it's not Sugiyama's best work. I quickly got used to the synth tracks, but I prefer the orchestrated versions. I modded then into the PC version and I'm glad the Switch version has it.
Isnt the Switch demo orchestral? It sounds like royalty free film tracks
It’s nigger repellent
The overworld theme is absolute shit no matter what version.
Go to options and lower the music volume to number 3 or 4
Because you're a nig-nog voodoo ooga-booga coon nigger.
Gotta have to say this OST is probably the worst among DQ OSTs.
Usually the midi is good but this time the midi is terrible, something about the synth instruments used just doesn't sit well.
Sugiyama really didn't put much effort into this one, it seems.
Also why do they literally have one composer for the entire series
Final Fantasy at least mixes up its composers
I don't even mind MIDI, the tracks are just extremely annoying and repetitive, fucking grating and unimmersive, and it seems like there are very few tracks to begin with.
It's the first game I've played with music off, and I can't believe my first was a fucking JRPG of all genres
>Echoes of an Elusive Age
Why are japoids so fucking cringe at coming up with decent subtitles or names in general?
>pchads wins again
Put music on 5/10 loudness. It's decent that way
I like it. Dunno why everyone bitches about XI's music.
What the heck, you can't say the n word, this is a blue board you nigger!
Why on Earth is a major company paying money for a midi soundtrack? That's like hiring Mozart to do a symphony and he insists on only using kazoos.
This is entirely a West issue.
I like the music, actually. What I LOATHE is the victory theme. That wisp up, hold, then....nothing. It's so fucking irritating. I've had to play most of the game on mute. Feels like silverware scraping teeth.
yeah, that's why DQ11S is the best.
Who cares about two years old games?
The soundtrack actually became nauseating for me
unironically indefensible because even supposed "oldfags" can't pretend the music is good when the old soundtracks sound way better and have way more variety than this