Why has MHW sold 13millions?

Why has MHW sold 13millions?

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Because it's unironically the best MH so far.

>done every single mission/event
>300 hours
>i still want to play but have nothing else to do
I don't remember the last time a game made me feel this. It's just fun
I could try exemoth solo i guess

I was baited by friends, played 60 some hours and was done with its shit boring gameplay.

they abbandoned the shitty platform that was holding the franchise down and moved to better consoles and PC where a game like this can shine. Add a bit of casualization for a broader audience and you're done. There's also an unhealthy amount of people who bought it both on console and PC

It says shipped.

It had a dramatically higher marketing campaign budget than previous MH.

Only if you’ve never ever played monster hunter before

>There's also an unhealthy amount of people who bought it both on console and PC
Does it run that poorly on consoles? Only games I did this with was Dragon's Dogma and Vanquish, but to be fair they DD ran like shit and both were sub 1080p on consoles. Oh and RTCW but I only got it on console to play the extra missions

All companies report shipped

What did OP mean by that?

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Old MH is such clunky shit
>get knocked down
>20 years to get up
>monster knocks you down by turning, looking at you, sneezing or doing a 0 frame no tell dash attack for 70% of your health
>or runs away constantly
>le ebin flex
MHW fixed all that shit

They aimed to get the casual audience and they got it.

it's the best game of the series by far. I'm glad that with its amazing sales the series will now focus on non-portable games for the rest of the eternity

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>I'm glad that with its amazing sales the series will now focus on non-portable games for the rest of the eternity
Based. PSP designed games are beautiful and usually when they take a game like that and apply it to real hardware it turns out good. Uh except PW to MGS5 lol

Dumbed it down for the casuals.
It always works which is sad because the series always goes to shit because of it.

Cause it's good, despite what Yea Forums says.

Consoles run decently and It's good enough but PC is massively better. You just can't go back once you touch 144hz. PC also had lot of problems when the game first came out. It's also one of the reasons the speed running community banned PC runs, the framerate is too high and it crushes console runs. (The other reason is you cannot detect mods)

>In spite of what contrarian (you) baiters say
Fixed that for you

console loading time is literally like a minute long compared to pc's 10 seconds
after 1000 hunts you've spent almost 15 hours staring at a loading screen

Switch owners' smear campaign backfired.

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because MH has always been that IP that people wanted to try but didn't want to deal with handheld controls. Modern graphics, streamlined to cut out alot of the useless features like negative armor skills, etc. However the online system is terrible compared to the hunting rooms of old, Iceborne now adding a way to just fly onto monsters is stupid as it's no risk for reward, Ancient Forest is one of the worst maps in the franchise, and the weapon design is utter dogshit as most things are just "iron/bone with monster parts taped on". Still for all its flaws its a very fun game.


>Hating the flex
Get carted shitter

Such an obvious falseflag.
Try again.

>liking the reddit flex
OwO upvoted my fellow meemer. Personally id prefer if my character who was in a life lr death battle began flossing instead though! Or maybe he can hold up a spork and scream THE NARWHAL BACONS AT MIDNIGHT. instead

Because it's good

Pls just stop.
Falseflagging only makes this god awful fanbase get even worse than it already is.

I've played the game since the first and I'm just going to be honest and say that the flex was fucking retarded.

Not held back by the shitch

This will never not be hilarious

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I started with Tri, and played each release since then, through GRank, always grinding endgame content. I hit HR999 in 4U, and spent roughly 50 hours in Gen/XX, enjoyed nude hunting, forced myself to learn any fights that gave me trouble. In short, I spent way too much time on the game.

MHW is the best MH. Iceborne is looking fantastic thus far. There is something super exciting about seeing old favorites in HD, their interactions with new mechanics, and revamps of their gimmicks, and also getting introduced to brand new monsters. Combat in MHW is the tightest it’s ever been, online is super accessible, you can actually communicate now, and post-launch support was goddamn incredible.

This especially since the flex was a thing before reddit even existed Ironically hating the flex is more newfag-ish considering everyone else just got used to it

I meant 500 not 50, but the rest still stands

post YFW you know listfag was in one of those screencaps

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I don’t believe you.
Sure it’s stupid but you should be beyond used to it.
I was used to it since FU.
>Sheath weapon
>Get to safe distance
>Get back in the fight.
That’s how you heal in monster hunter since fucking forever

Imagine being so blown the fuck out, perhaps only being surpassed by "Banjo never ever" shitters who were clogging up the catalog
That is pretty much expected honestly

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Anyone who can handle G ranked nude hunting would be insulted by playing something so ungodly easy.

Everything just rolls over and dies for you
I won’t even be using meta gear and it’s still too easy.

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It's a combination of
>going multiplat
>the series no longer looking like a refurbished PS2 game
>not being handheld shit
>being a soft reboot that's advertised as newcomer friendly
>toning down the gaudy aesthetics and sheer fucking silliness of the 4th gen games
>actually being pretty good overall

It's without a doubt the peak for the series in quality. And it's probably a fluke too, it's only downhill from here.

Dumbing the game down, aka fixing clunky dogshit mechanics that grognards think made them skillful, also helped

You don't have to believe me. I've mained LBG since number one and always ran solo up until MHW. There are plenty of things to complain about as far as casualization goes, but this isn't one of them. If it makes you feel better though, you're more than welcome to stand still as you drink and simply wait motionless for 2 seconds afterwards.

so is there going to be another beta with velk?

ive been playing since the first mh and world is the best yet, mh was stagnant as fuck thanks to capcom chasing dollars, mh3 should have been something similar to world back on the ps3 ffs this is a long time coming

Not same person but-
I agree MHW is easier but the gameplay is still better. I'm under the impression that it's all gatekeeping. Isn't everyone just mad that it's not as hard? The controls are tight and the game looks great. All the important systems remain intact. Would it suit your tastes if they just somehow upped the difficulty?

Just look at that gamespot interview
>Can we skip the cutscenes?
Why would you want to skip them?!
We worked so hard on them.

I prefer fast load times and a text box over cutscenes constantly in your face

Also bring back the silliness I want my electric guitar hunting horn back

Speaking of casualization World just removes all need to actually be prepared

You forget your whet stones and have to fight with a butter knife or pray you find one I learned and remember
“Ok I’ll make sure to bring 50 of these damn things no matter what.”

Plus the environment heals you, sets free traps for you puts the monster to sleep and paralyzes them.
The best LBG player can’t provide all the benefits the game just hands out for free

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Mother fucker not 3 days ago I literally brought a random stranger I met at Best Buy a copy of MHGU and encouraged him to watch some weapon tutorials vids and have fun.

World is more causal friendly yes but when nothing is earned everything is for granted

Probably for the same reasons why McDonald's is the best selling burger in the world. Well advertised and bland enough to not be offensive to the masses.

It is available on 3 platforms as opposed to the usual single one (which is overshadowed by phones) and they made literal pages of QOL and made graphics super shiny. People also fucking love loot.

>MH was stagnant
The styles was a fantastic change of pace.

I unironically hope the just combined Valor into all the other styles and give the monster a valor buff too

Just make it a Rock Paper Scissors style
Attack beats Aerial dodge
Defense beats Attack
Aerial dodge beats defense and give you free KO damage

Around 4 of my friends bought it for both ps4 and pc, they however are waiting for pc to release for Iceborne

>tfw ps4, switch and pc with 8600k gtx 1080 1440p144 ips owner
feels good not being a faggot

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Attracted normies I guess?
I will never understand how true MH fans can like this game.

Sony unironically

>Anyone who can handle G ranked nude hunting would be insulted by playing something so ungodly easy.
HR only games have been piss easy since P3 buddy. I would argue P3 and Gen in particular are on par with World's difficulty.

>Mother fucker not 3 days ago I literally brought a random stranger I met at Best Buy a copy of MHGU and encouraged him to watch some weapon tutorials vids and have fun.
No you didn't.

Shame such a nice image will forever be associated with assblassted neckbeard cope.

>high rank with non-meta armor is easier than naked G-rank

Nintendofag tears made me go out and buy a copy.

Reads like a fake Facebook post lmao

All the more reason to despise the user who posted it that fateful day.

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Why does this game infuriate the switch owners so much?

their hardware can't run it and capcom has proven they don't care about putting in the effort needed for switch ports

The shock of loosing third-party support despite the Switch being a success was too much for them to bear. It was naive of me to assume time would heal their wounds.

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I bet you didnt even master a single weapon

The funny thing is, I legit think Capcom started developing World as a successor to the portable games after seeing The Switch's E3 Demo in 2014.
However, Nintendo downgraded the hardware so much, it just wasn't viable any more.