Get this game on Yea Forums's advice

>get this game on Yea Forums's advice
>its shit

wow thanks you neckbeards

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Other urls found in this thread:

your shit

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>be a shit person
>hate dragons dogma

i enjoyed it but it felt really empty. I got sick of all the walking back and forth.

Imagine having mental problems and time to time your parents let you taken out the hands from the pockets to spread your mental problems.

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how far did you get? the escort quest i bet

Please learn English.

>Yea Forums praising objectively shit games

Happens more often than you think

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Did the tutorial troll rape your ass?

It really is a shit game. Fuck Yea Forumsiggers.

What did he actually mean by this?

Based, literally a shitty version of monster hunter and that's the worst game I've ever played so... It's a walking simulation that V praises because muh rpg, fable one shits on it even and that's bad

I'll always refer to the game as the best flawed shit
even after all the glaring and obvious problems with it, I still like it

What are the best augments for a physical character? Working on getting clout from warrior.

Remove super Metroid and you might be on to something

I'm currently playing it for the first time, too.
Have a weird question, but is it a glitch when a pawn that spawns in the rift is LV121 and costs no RC?
Because I'm LV12 with one in my party now. It wrecks shit.

>be pretty impressed by cassardis and gran soren
>think the map is gonna be full of towns like this
>these are the only two in the game

Super Metroid is easily the most overrated one on that list. At least SoTN has good music, while Super’s soundtrack is literal feces in audio form.

Tb h I hate it but it's a completely bad game

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first time i played it i quit after 15 hours. game felt like a slow, grindy slog where nothing was explained
then i tried it again like a month later, beat the main game and got to post-game and BBI. now have easily 1500+ hours in this shit back from its hayday

do not get hung up on the main game. theres literally only like 3-4 sidequests that are actually worth paying attention to.
also, damage formulas are subtractive. You will frequently do straight up 0 damage to enemies if you don't have enough STR/MAG. Conversely augments like Bastion (1st level augment from Warrior) make the game noticably easier for the first 30-40 levels or so.

idk whether its a truly good game but the way its laid out, bugs (one of the mage augments that halves damage actually doubles it lmao) even the item descriptions, how progression and damage works (this is why the bandit camp after the boulder trap rocks your ass. they're not actually hard your armor just blows) can make for a very frustrating experience

depends on vocation. if playing warrior eminence from strider is almost a must because warrior's light air is so strong.

shoot for:
Eminence if you're playing warrior
everything else is honestly up to taste

Friend's pawns are free.

Bastion from Warrior and Awareness from Sorcerer are busted, at least on Hard difficulty, because they give you huge flat damage reduction. The lesser variants Fortitude and Apotropaism give you a smaller bonus but they stack with Bastion and Awareness so you can easily become invulnerable versus lesser enemies and take very little damage versus stronger foes.

You can hire friends' pawns for free.

>There are people that legitimately are not having fun being speedy, climby dickstabby rogues, cuhrazy tier magicians summoning tempests and meteors or Guts tier berserkers slamming down beasts several times your own size

Imagine my shock when Yea Forums has shit taste PER USUAL.

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>What are the best augments for a physical character?
Just level knight/warrior/assassin to max and choose from them.
Otherwise if you're lacking stamina get the augments from ranger.

That's what he said. He bought the game, now it's his shit.

'Tis but a fleeeesh wound


miriam, when's your free dlcs coming out?


This game really has a shit combat system, it's really all stats, no skill involved.

Play Outward instead, or better, Gothic.

DD2 when

>not being Legolas on steroids

Still the only game in existence where archery is actually fun.


Shit or not
>Get switcheroo
>BOTW was fun for a bit
>"Hmm maybe I should try an exclusive ga-"
>Get Dragons Dogma for the umpteenth time
>Enjoy it more than BOTW
I always come back to it. It's my Japanese New Vegas basically.

Literally fucking never

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Shutting down in December

Capcom hates fun so never

What could possibly make one drop dragons dogma
Its pure fun on the first playthrough, its not perfect but shit man i can't think of any "deal breaker" flaws.

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I dropped Dragon's Dogma back when I got it for the PS3. Years later played it on the PS4 and completed it. Fun game, but its lacking SO MUCH and is incomplete as fuck.

To be fair, one needs an exceedingly high IQ to understand Dragons Dogma


Grigori looks weak af in this image

you're or you are.

Soon fellow Arisen


I notice a pattern where the beginning until around the wyrm hunt stuff is when people tend to drop it, which sucks because that's not even close to the end. When I first played it I didn't care much until I went to the Shadow Fort and took that place back when I got interested.

Also I did appreciate doing a new game+ and finding out there was stuff I could've totally skipped or saved time on with a first playthrough. Such as burning the Griffin's wings and killing it fast enough you don't need to go to the tower. Or how Hard Mode is basically easy mode as long as you know how to not get hit since enemies drop tons more dosh.

I know one deal-breaker for certain people is having to walk across Gransys, but I never saw this as an issue. Especially with the free Ferrystone you get in Dark Arisen.

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I am 100% genuine when I say that if you don't like Dragons Dogma, then you don't actually like videogames. You might think you do, but you don't.

>have shit taste
>play good game
what the fuck I don't like it


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look at this xbox fag thinking he knows what is going on with his 5years of expertise.

>Listening to Yea Forums without even bothering to watch a "Let's Play" video to realize it's a tremendously lazy game

Everybody said it was deeply flawed but had great potential.

>Such as burning the Griffin's wings and killing it fast enough you don't need to go to the tower
The tower fight is kino, though.
>NPC you helped arrives and starts casting spells

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I mean to be fair, doing the witchwood quest to save your village gf is kinda ass the first time around.

go through the posion swamp at night that's usually the missing one

I've done all the stupid shit posted online like twenty time
I've given up long ago


Dragon's Dogma is not shit, but like most of Yea Forums's favorites, it's certainly fucking overrated on here.

grammars shit

I liked it as well, I just found it funny how much you could skip if you were impatient. My favorite thing is I think the forgeries guy, being able to keep items or even make perfect duplicates like Quina's flower was good.

I cant bother anymore. Back in !he 360, I stayed 500+ hours with 2/3 stars in cassardis but I played 2 hours when DA for Xbone released and now I have 3/3 when I literally did the same things

The first couple minutes of a game need to be spot on.
This game shits the bed in that category.

>not liking Dragon's Dogma
what's it like having god-awful taste?

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I've had a couple of friends drop it since it lacked hand-holding. It's pretty clear what you need to do, you don't even need to do everything and all the roads lead to the capital where the game really begins.

But for some it's extremely infuriating and frustrating that you can, for example, take a detour and get your shit kicked in by enemies a little stronger than you expected. Or run into a roaming boss, or get lost at night.

I'm at loss there, often the very things that made the game so exciting and cool for me are the exact aspects some people are dropping it over

Probably not that far off since the creator could choose between that and DMC 5 with the former now done and released.

NO one of Yea Forums thinks its 10/10, just read the comments here. Its just a greatly enjoyable game along with most of the devil may cry series, MGR:R, Bayonetta and shit tonnes of other stuff

There the sort of games were usually only the most pretentious or casual of people will say they are bad and its people will always get mad at people being blatantly wrong.

So I decided to do min/max assassin autism for physical attack. Dark Arisen section is giving me magic knight shit. People say it's the gear that matters the most, so can I still pull off magic knight? He seems boring besides melting bosses with cannon and riposte

Play what is fun you ningnong

Pretty good but it could use more lewd options.

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>"Holy fuck dude the ending will fuck you up it's so amazing!"
>it's absolute dogshit

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stupid gamer

protip, you can save before you appraise the cursed gear and get different results, make yourself and your pawn the right color class before purifying if you want assassin shit.

Ending wasn't too spectacular. Best part is the VA of Grigori and the "final" boss fight.

To clarify the only way to change the result is by changing classes, and it only changes what class the item is meant to apply to.

what does he mean by unjumped?

>Holy fuck dude the ending will fuck you up it's so amazing!

Said no one ever.

yeah it did not age well.
don't take Yea Forums's opinion on anything, regardless.
look up shit for yourself

It can't be helped

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its an old way of saying someone is an arrogant upstart, usually referring to their position as false.

You are welcome user.
Here's another recommendation.

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Who the fuck praises DDDA for its RPG elements? The reason people love the game is because the gameplay, customization, and sense of adventure is fucking great. That's it. The story is meh, the missions are all horrible fetch/kill quests, the dialogue is sparse, and the early game is boring as hell.
The people who hate it hate it because they went in expecting a grandiose cinematic experience or Skyrim 2.0 and were disappointed at the lack of handholding, quirky theme park level design, dialogue options, and gratuitous fast travel to keep their drone monkey brains stimulated.

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It's Upjumped. Wat is you, un illeterate¿

You guys have shit taste. Next time pay attention to English class.

>get the game
>jank: the game
I got bored by the time I finished the tutorial

What the source on that image cos im really struggling to believe it could be serious.

>true final boss is a "random" character
>true final boss in ng+ is your character from last gameplay
What other games do that?

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I've never finished Bitterblack Isle. Thanks for reminding me to play this flawed gem OP!

Savan isnt a random you play as him in the intro.
Some literally who reviewer who is only known because of this horrible review exposing them as a retard

Someone post the pasta with the flaws of the game

man i loved playing a crazy jumping warrior. a few jumping slashes and Death would just crumple down like a wet towel.

I should reinstall it, its been a while since i played

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Just started playing this game, should I play with minimap on or off? and what others hud elements should I hide?

Up to you. The only thing I highly recommend is turning off the cinematic camera.
Also, if you started hard mode prepare to have your ass kicked for the first couple hours and make sure to manual save like a madman.

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thank you

>save spots are far apart
>weapon and armor customization is basically non-existant
>the map is close to useless
>I found no use for picking up anything that didn't restore health
>villages and towns look lifeless
These are all things that are objectively wrong, save for perhaps the last point but in comparison to anything else recent it's certainly wrong.
>traveling anywhere takes forever
If you're dumb and don't use sprint or know shortcuts.
>enemies are monumentally durable
Not if you pay attention to enemies weaknesses outside of a few exceptions or stumbling upon enemies that you're too low level to take on.
>combat is dull and infuriating
if you're a shitter, yeah
>pawns may as well be robots
I mean they are just AI but they also learn tactics and things from the PC
>graphics are surprisingly bad
I thought the graphics were pretty good for the time, except for when you had magic cannon spam

>tfw went to the tower to slay the griffin
>changed to strider because i got got as a warrior
>notice that i forgot to bring my daggers when your supposed to break the board during the chase
>oh fuck
>fight the griffin with bow only and burn down it's wings, steffen comes in and burns it even more, it tries to fly up so i jump on it and just punch it in the face with my fist until it crashes down again and i finnish it off with raining down arrows as it writhe in flames


>this post is extremely low quality

>good combat
What did he mean by this?

I dropped it because I could not stand the terrible menus

>What are portcrystals


>cuhrazy tier magicians
If your definition of churazy is holding 1 button for 20 seconds

>Its pure fun on the first playthrough
The first couple times I started it up, I had dropped it around Gran Soren (yeah I know). But once I stuck through with it, I had one of the most enjoyable gaming adventures in my life.

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Why? English is just a butchered form of Latin so why should anyone learn a butchered language? Keep butchering it I say. Also fuck the anglos.

>having better combat
Holy shit have YOU played outward?

>cant understand english
>frequents english board

>Listening to Yea Forums for anything
This is the board that thinks DMC 3 is a legitimate masterpiece

Oh cool a DD thread. Needed one to pop up.
I'm level 45 and apparently already at the final battle? Everything happened so quick, I had never encountered a cockatrice and then suddenly I'm fighting one in town and it's flying away and now I gotta fight the dragon? I just recently tried fighting the dragon in the burnt forest and barely got a healthbar removed. So yeah, not a good sign..
I had read from previous threads I should wait till lvl 50 to do the DLC at the dock but I guess it's now or never right? Anything I should do before starting it?

Overall I've had fun with the game but this abrupt ending is jarring. At first I loved coming across a new large monster but over time it became fairly perdictable that it'd be an ogre/cyclops/chimera with the occasional griffon fight. I thought there'd be more variety especially since I see required mats to enhance my weapons from monsters I've never encountered. The first and last time I ever even saw a cockatrice was during the quest event and that fucker flew off. I feel like I've just started to have a preference for one of the vocations but feel compelled to continue leveling others for potential good augments too, which had given a weird ebb and flow to the game. When I was leveling MA I felt OP as fuck but now leveling strider for the first time I feel pretty gimped. I guess at a certain point I would've known I was at "end game" and would stick to a maxed out vocation but I was never given the heads up.

>not setting your graphics card on fire when you perfect block into 3 grand cannon turrets


I wish some enemies scaled in difficulty, or they capped the levels earlier, not level 200.

>it's now or never right?
No, the game isn't over yet. You still have some ways to go.
Killing Grigori triggers post-game, which includes enemies like the Cockatrice. To actually complete the game, you need to complete the Everfall dungeon and you're at no point locked into finishing the game until you fully complete Everfall.
The DLC isn't something you get locked in to, but it builds in difficulty staggeringly quickly compared to post-game. You should really just dip your toe in and do it when you feel comfortable to.

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You're probably going to benefit more from Abyssal Anguish given your Assassin autism.

dude you just posted cringe

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