Why does the west hate dragon quest

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Lack of transgender characters with positive portrayal who get screentime for at least 80% of the game is problematic.

They are usually bad really not that fun to play and the fanservice is Meh.

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Westerners are familiar with actual TTRPGs and what RPGs can be. They can correctly identify "traditional JRPGs" as what they are: bad strategy games.

>some pedo weebshit
uhhhh yikes?

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why does Op say stupid things like this to make a thread?

Are there good lewd costume mods on PC?

It's boring. I nearly fell asleep while I was playing the demo of XI.

The censors get aneurysms every time they see puff-puff in a game.


Because it's boring

It got overshadowed by other games that built off its template, so it seems boring and kiddy compared to other JRPGs that hit it big.

I think DQ builders 2 did alright here

gay clown

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The west is aware that DQ exist?

If I want to play a Strategy Game I'll play a real one.

jade porn is free so why should i play the most barebones jrpg

Because there bad

Same artstyle
Same music
Same game play and setting every time

>that one doujin in her devil form

The gameplay is boring.

The west doesn't "hate" Dragon Quest, they just don't have the same emotional attachment to it that Japan does.

Dragon Quest sells in Japan because its the originator. Its the series that kids grew up playing and imagining through its lens what video games could be twenty years in the future.

In the West, that spot is occupied by a combination of Final Fantasy and Zelda, two series which are not as popular in Japan.

God I fucking hate Toriyama's art style so fucking much.

Go outside please, Your desk reeks from here.

Please give me details on why Dragon Quest is a series worth playing.
And no, having Toryiama artwork doesn't make it worth playing by itself. It's a plus, if you like Toryiama art, and that's it.

The game treats you like a child. The story is the most generic shit I've ever heard of. Immediately become 'the one' to 'save the world' on a quest. Probably kill a dragon at some point I'm guessing? I don't actually know. I gave up on DQ12 after the first village. Gayest shit EVER.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is top tier cumfy though

Heres why i hate it
>go to save game

>not including "dare i say, egg?"
one job

final fantasy is popular in japan too
but yeah i don't understand why zelda is so popular in the west

dragon quest sold very well you retarded hard N

You don’t get to bang best girl and she gets NTRd by some frog demon. Miss me with that gay shit bless the japs that warned us

No, guess you have to get yourself a real grilfriend instead lmao

ummmm, why does this character have clean skin and good figure, dont japanese games realize it's problematic and abusive towards real women?

Because it's japanese cod with the same shit we've seen a thousand times

Mismarketed early in its life on NES, making Enix not bother to localize titles on the SNES, when console RPG’s got big outside Japan. VIII got to succeed because of strong marketing and piggybacking off of Final Fantasy, the remakes on DS and 3DS also helped a little to bring in new fans, and Nintendo seems dedicated to making sure XI S succeeds. Hope it does, but the series just had too many missteps early on in terms of international releases.

is there any good non-cuckshit porn of her?

Because it's boring.

Don't kid yourself.

It got here too late and FF beat its ass hard in the market and commercial appeal department.

If the bait image doesn't give him (You)s, the retarded topic will

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Is this a Yea Forums thing, or is this an internet thing? Black people resting their hand in front of the camera when they take a picture of something, I mean.

>I posted le ebin negro hand with the playstation games again

As soon as I heard the game music, I knew the game was trash


If I'm going to spend 80 hours on a story, it's gonna have to be reading some books, you know, for adults. Dragon Quest operates in a very bizarre niche of being the longest-winded children's story, which is borderline-understandable if you have nostalgia for the thing but most westerners don't.

It's a Yea Forums thing you retard it's just to cause asshurt in racetards

The West has shit taste.

fuck off zoomy

I wouldn't know, I barely browse the internet outside of Yea Forums.

What are you even going about, dimwit?

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I bet you listen to Ramona Flowers ruined a generation of women, don't you

This, I mean it didn't even come out in Europe until VIII on the PS2 and it was already like 3 years old

arent all DQ games just a turn based games?
those are not that popular here in the first place, low effort shit

Children series with no fanservice. turn it into hentai and it will sell x10 more.

But on of the party members is a flaming fucking faggot.

It always plays it safe. I like games that take risks.

>Slime is dead
>You received 20 exp and 3 gold

Repeat 500 times

>Only 90s kids will get this reference

Mostly because it's just advertised poorly. Just slap on "From the makers of Chrono Trigger" and get some actual visibility instead of treating it like some ultra-niche thing.

Please, DQ just took WRPGs like Wizardry, Ultima and so on, mixed them and then casualized them.

FE Fan here. I think this game is cool and I'll be buying it and I encourage my other FE bros to buy this great game as well.

this and pushing forward on the control stick to navigate through a linear world.

We don't, we just hate buying nintendo's gimmick to play the next installment of a series.

Buy this is on PC/PS4 and Switch.

Probably because there isn't a single DQ with a halfway passable English translation. I looked at a couple of minutes of DQ11 in both languages, what they did to it was atrocious. The older games manage to have even shoddier translations because of all the fucking accents and shit they shoehorned into the game.

I'm honestly surprised anyone over the age of 5 can enjoy these games in English.

americans can’t cope with games that have any gameplay whatsoever, no matter how archaic it is. the most recent autoplay ff beat the shit out of it in sales like 12 did to dq8. its a shame, because dq11 is genuinely good. its just another refined version of the same formula, like every dq game for fucking ever, but people from a certain country continue to act surprised about this

Great gameplay

The West doesn't hate DQ, it just isn't popular here. It seems like most of the people who do play the games in the West like them quite a bit. I have two friends who have been DQ fans for a while and they adore the series.


Toot multi-heal
Lady first

Best boy right here .

why is this garbage even popular with dumb nips?

dilate harder seething coper homophobe tranny yikes zoinks oof

get used to it because DQ is a Nintendo thing.

>saying this while injecting hormones to a child

kek keep seething

Boring, generic, soulless.

500k isn't bad for a niche game in a long-running series that's never been popular in the west.

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This is the saddest Dragon Quest thread in forever. Fuck you all.

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it's because the guy who posts this because he wanted to prove he was black, mostly to wind other users up, not sure why. probably same reason women do it

What is the best pc jrpgs that doesn't have som convoluted bullshit battle and skill system but also feature cute girls who I can enjoy for being cute?
DQ11, tales of berseria, something else?

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I'm enjoying it so far, it gives me tales of vibes

Sorry, thank you for the succubat though.

Dont forget it ends in a boss battle that has a impressive story!

The story of the hero fighting the dark bad! a bat looking guy with goggley eyes and a pitch fork!

It's music is terrible and off putting.

What is wrong with your hand user do your have a skin condition?

Based and weebpilled

Berseria is nice, but gets to be kind of a treck through a swamp at times.


The only good DQ games are the Monsters games and Square doesn’t give a shit about them.

Best girl

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Fuck off

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based black man

It's more indifference to it. The early Dragon Warrior got localized way too late in the NES's lifespan, while V & VI were completely skipped over, so there was never the same nostalgic attachment for it the west would have for a Zelda or even any of the localized Squaresoft RPGs.

Meanwhile, Dragon Quest was always kind of a big deal in Japan.

I will guarantee you all that DQ 11S will not sell over 2m because it's exclusive on Switch

he's also kind of a powerhouse late game

Should have been here yesterday. There were at least two better quality Dragon Quest threads up at the same time.

I too hate the dbz artwork. I prefer neps

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>They are usually bad really not that fun to play and the fanservice is Meh.
Westerners play JRPGs to pretend to be cool high schoolers with active social lives or to fullfil weird fantasies about metrosexual characters and or Disney characters.

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>Character creation
>Pick male
>Change to female

There's your trans character you stupid bitch.


Westerners don't have the connection that Japanese feel towards it.

Gameplay, overworld and music are dull. I will say though, Jade makes me diamonds. Gotta find some porn

Speak for yourself I love it.

Because they think the game is gonna go for lazy writing when it doesn't immediately subvert expectations, and instead of taking the game's cue from slap-on-the-wrist deaths to experiment they say it's "grindy."

it's a shitty turn-based jrpg with shitty bland dbz characters but sells because semencraniums gonna jizznoggin

The west doesn't even know of Dragon Quest. Say DQ and they think Dairy Queen.

Why do people who don't play Dragon Quest keep talking like they play Dragon Quest? How do these games not take risks? How do you honestly act like you can beat bosses like Behemoose and Marquis Leon and Tentacular by mashing?



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>Why do people who don't play keep talking like they play ?
You just summed up the majority of Yea Forums

>Lack of transgender characters with positive portrayal who get screentime for at least 80% of the game is problematic.

This isn't a problem AT ALL. Only YOU think it's a problem. YOU people don't have to be represented in EVERYTHING.

>the replies to this obvious joke
Is Yea Forums the most retarded board in this godforsaken site?

The average poster is 15.

Well that's a relief. I'd rather share the board will literal teens rather than grown as men acting like teens... there aren't any of those here, right?

It’s basic in every sense of the word. There’s just nothing interesting going for it.

what the fuck are you talking about Seba?!
take your meds and take a nap


As expected, the west has no taste.

Fucking based nigger bro.

Smashfags ruin everything with their autism.

>implying that there aren't people who say things like this with 100% seriousness

At least post a good girl, not that tranny

Is the definitive version getting any skill balancing updates like they did in dq8 3ds?

Quit playing Persona 4 because of the annoying cat. Quit playing Dragon Quest XI because of the annoying faggot. Quit playing Xenoblade Chronicles X because of the annoying potato. I wish those nips would chill with the annoying mascot characters.

Naisho no ohime

Well, what do you consider interesting?
I think the way it handles character writing (abilities and disposition compliment each other, characters display chemistry through actions rather than direct comments, their subplots define how they act as people in unrelated situations, etc), battle (instead of weakness exploits the game focuses on varying levels of enemy coverage, damage mitigation, ailments, buffs and synergy, every party member is useful in a distinct way without making any member essential to the point where them dying fucks you) and exploration (consistent minor rewards for scrubbing areas, little substories that are unmarked to build a sense for an area, extra goodies is you keep a keen eye) makes it engrossing. What do you value instead? What would you prefer?

Jester Knight is such an underrated archetype. It's so perfect.

It's tumbler now, people dont understand sarcasm and serious comments trigger them.

You're the fucking man

Yes, there propably are people being serious with it, but i think the hyperbolicness made it clear enough in this one.

Are there any lewds of her with Luminary?

Nope, she triggered the NTR machine.


This.DQ lives by nostalgia.

It's all NTR all the time.
No vanilla.

This is Yea Forums, you can never assume anything.

Which is unfortunate considering the games are really good.


we need more transgender women in vidya
>inb4 just make your character female (male) and larp as her (him)
no you idiot that doesn't count

And that's why we still have people like ACfag, because people like you keep feeding them everytime thinking that just telling someone to fuck off will actually make them go away.

It’s okay. The story of DQ11 is bad. I don’t like Sylvando.

>I don’t like Sylvando.
Fag detected.

The lewds became NTR shit just like said after people actually got to play the game, though.

Not him, but there is no real answer, neither an option.
If you reply they will spamm more, if you dont it makes even more retards that are serious welcome.
What to do. user? It feels like theres no way to stop the shitpost, the shitpost is allmighty

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What NTR, is she Luminary's wife or something?

ACfag spams his retardation no matter how much he's ignored.

The 2nd arc hero, rab, sylvando, and hendrik party dynamic was comfy as fuck.

fantasy medieval shit, west like jrpg like persona

Because we all know the author of number 475184753 has bad taste & we shoul like the opposite of of everything he likes.

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>Implying you'll get a response.

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from what i understand DQ is more popukar in the west than FF. While FF will make a million sales in a month, DQ game will sell 2 million over a year. And thats why we rarely get US releases of DQ games.

because it needs more KANTOOOOO

That’s because we do medieval fantasy way better than the japs ever could. It’s like expecting a western dev to make a better feudal Japan game than the Japanese could.

I never got far enough into a DQ game to see any of that come into play, the setting, plot and gameplay overall aren’t interesting enough to justify an 80 hour play through. I’m sure it does some neat things since the series is good enough to get that many installments, I just don’t care for what it does. I prefer JRPGs like SMT and Xenogears where there really isn’t anything else like them.

The gameplay isn't ever anywhere near as engaging as the soundtrack or visual style.
Very hard to sell me on turn based combat. I've never seen the appeal outside of Superstar Saga, Mario RPG, or TTYD. The closest I've gotten is Chrono Trigger. I need to feel like I'm actually doing something. I love everything about Dragon Quest though just not the GAME part. It hurts to be honest.

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because toriyama art ruin it

i actually love western fantasy worlds made by japs desu

>That’s because we do medieval fantasy way better than the japs ever could
If only.

>why does the west hate dragon quest
They don't. The few people who hear about it and try it end up loving it. The problem is and always has been the lack of marketing support from its parent company.

Dragon Quest is blowing up right now because of Smash Bros and an excellent demo. Proving that all the series needs is marketing.

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i will slaughter you

>That’s because we do medieval fantasy way better than the japs ever could
>Tolkein fantasy 5894767
At least the japs spice it up a bit and get creative.

I mean that's like judging SMT based on 4's intro, but I understand. Dragon Quest demands patience and way too many games betray your trust on that. 1-5 tend to be 10-40 hours long and DQV is one of the most novel JRPGs on SNES (with 6 being almost the exact opposite, what a shitshow), but if you find yourself put off by the basics you probably shouldn't bother. 3's still probably one of the best console RPGs of all time in terms of gameplay, but that game is so strictly about the gameplay that it's a hard sell.

Stop thinking about needing to be active and try planning out good strats instead of grinding.

Dragon Quest hasn't been Medieval since Dragon Quest III. The design since IV and on has been far more based on the Renaissance/Victorian eras. And that's just the base stuff. It often branches out into high fantasy, ancient technology, Judaeo/Norse mythology, Native American traditions, scifi and basically whatever else the creator likes. Heck, they even throw contemporary stuff in there from time to time.

The people who claim Dragon Quest is only Medieval are people who just saw a picture of an open field and think that = medieval. By that logic, Nier or Final Fantasy is "only medieval."

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Why the fuck did they change her name?

>I never got far enough into a DQ game to see any of that come into play, the setting, plot and gameplay overall aren’t interesting enough to justify an 80 hour play through
It is. But I will admit, most DQ games are a slow start. That slow part is actually why it's good though. Because you spend many hours growing to like a character before the impacting events happen.

Dragon Quest is about the journey, not the destination. Helping random NPCs with a problem and seeing their reaction is the game. Not watching a cutscene or defeating a boss.

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I'm sorry man, RPGs just haven't ever been my thing. I feel too disconnected a lot of the time.

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Because the head of localization in SE of Japan is obsessed with changing as much as he can. He's the one who keeps pushing accents and name changes. The localization team for the last few DQ games (8-4) has actually said they've been trying to lessen the changes as much as possible. But the higher ups tell them to change more. And then, each other language besides English gets even more changes. One character will have 7 different names because it gets changed in each language.

Are there any DQ party member characters who are big beefcake muscle hunks?

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Hey, fair enough. People like games for different things. If you gotta twitch it just won't work, I guess. But if you like ARPGs the least I can do is point you at Tri-Ace's catalogue, Evergrace and Steambot Chronicles. Maybe they can scratch the itch while staying active enough.

piss off sodomite

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Looks generic. And thats saying something considering jrpg standards.

Ragnar McRyan.
Male characters in 3, but they're CaC.
Arguably 5's protag is pretty swole.
Yangus is strongfat.
And the secret party member of 11 is a beefcake.

Not party members, but these boys are everywhere.

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You people think everything is "generic".

People know that it's bait, I assure you, they just reply anyways as part of some intricate satire.

>the game that set the standards for JRPG looks generic
You don't say... Next you're going to tell me Mario is generic.

i really like this negro

Hey don't shoot the messenger.
It's not my fault this game looks nearly identical to every other run of the mills jrpg.
Right down to the slime enemies and the anime sword protagonist.

They are painfully average.

Just because they aren't bad doesn't mean they are good either.


It isn't that I have to feel "active" I just have to feel engaged. The RPGs I listed aren't exactly the most active desu. I'm just particular. Not the biggest fan of ARPGs either unless you consider DMC an ARPG or something.

The messenger (you) is an idiot. As I already said, Dragon Quest set those standards. Complaining Dragon Quest "looks like every other JRPG" when it was every other JRPG that copied it is supreme ignorance. It's like crying that DOOM is generic because your introduction to FPS was Halo 4.

>Lack of transgender characters with positive portrayal who get screentime for at least 80% of the game is problematic.
Sylvando is called Sylvia in the Japanese version and refers to himself with feminine pronouns. He also becomes the center of attention in every scene he's in because he's such a colorful character. He shows up at about the 10 hour mark which is 10% of the game.

DQ isn't aimed at children who can't pronounce Japanese names like Pokemon. There's no reason to hide them in a game targeted at weeaboos.

Don’t wanna play Dragon Ball Fantasy game

>Complaining Dragon Quest "looks like every other JRPG" when it was every other JRPG that copied it is supreme ignorance.
You can call me ignorant all you want. Won't change the fact that the average person in the west doesn't give a single shit about this.

Mixed them and then made them playable for people who weren't proto-WoW junkies

No black people

Dragon Quest is aimed at the general market. Kids from age 5 to octogenarians aged 85. So while it doesn't dumb itself down, it's still factors in kids. This is why games started using furagana options.

Pokemon may have started off aimed at kids, but it's primary playerbase has been adults since at least Gen IV. Still, the developers aim at the general market, not specifically kids or adults. And they learned this from Dragon Quest.

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I had no idea Jade's name is Martina in the JP version.

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It's Nintendo and soccer moms who are holding Pokemon back. Smash Ultimate and BotW sold 14 million copies and are E10+. Yet Pokemon will be stuck in the E ghetto forever.

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seething snoytrannies.

I can’t stand dragon quest, visually it looks great but it’s such a bland and dead simple game overall, can’t really understand why people like it.

The demo has sold me on buying it honestly
10 hour demo and I'm still playing
Dreading about the final 3 hours I'm on now. I've just got Veronica and that other bitch as fully fledged party members and don't want it to end.

>Won't change the fact that the average person in the west doesn't give a single shit about this.
Except Smash Bros is proving you wrong.

It’s the most by the numbers generic JRPG series out there, and hasn’t done anything to make itself stand out past being “the original JRPG series”
>b-but that’s the point!
Why would you ever play a JRPG for something generic and uninteresting? You fucks rag on Pokémon for doing the same shit every single time but this game gets a free pass.

It's Game Freak holding Pokemon back. Not Nintendo. Nintendo wants them to franchise the fuck out of it. Make as many spin off games as possible. Do things the main games won't and so on. Game Freak demands that any spin off or side game be gimped so it doesn't surpass the main Pokemon games. Then they keep gimping the main games further with their lazy and shitty development. Removing 80% of Pokemon and a bunch of features from past games.

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I'm also enjoying the demo, graphical setbacks be damned. Why did they drop the demo a whole month in advance? When I buy the game, will my save file transfer over?

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Because, even if generic, the actual game is not lazily animated and programmed garbage like Pokemon. Most of DQ's appeal for me comes from pretty much everything except the story. Characters are fine, tho.

Yes, they confirmed it in an interview

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why do you assume shit dragon quest has enough fans especially VIII was very popular


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Based newfriend. I hope you enjoy the game when it fully releases.

Yeah it will user. I looked it up out of fear I was gonna have to do everything again kek. Whole demo lasts 10 hours and then you're done I believe. I seen a thumbnail saying so and thought it was bullshit and was gonna end when I got to the door of departure and it took them near 10 hours to get there, but it's kept going and I stayed up all night playing last night thinking I was about to finish it then realised it must last a full 10 hours and then stop.

>You fucks rag on Pokémon for doing the same shit every single time but this game gets a free pass.

Pokemon does this while being as cheap and lazy as possible

DQ maintains the production values you'd expect from a game released this gen with great graphics and expanded story and lore with good voice acting

DQ will mix up the game play and installments will alternate between more traditional systems and a more freeform job system

DQ has lots of interesting spin offs while pokemon has had more and more mobile tier cash grabs

Yeah, I played DQIX for a long time but lost the card because I think a friend stole it and I couldn't get into VIII on 3DS as it was on 3DS but I'll probably hunt it down for PS2 someday. I miss DQIX a lot kek

>It’s the most by the numbers generic JRPG series out there
Pokemon and Mother are actually more generic, ironically because they're stuck copying the standards of the Dragon Quest game that they took insperation from (II and V respectively). While Dragon Quest has evolved past those games.

>and hasn’t done anything to make itself stand out past being “the original JRPG series”
-Searchable items
-Group battle system which no other JRPG has really done the same; group system also makes items and weapons different from most JRPGs, especially boomerangs and whips
-Story connected over multiple games
-Branching story paths
-Chapter based story
-Extra oost game content
-Monster collecting
-Dual World
-Tension/Pep systems

>b-but other JRPGs did these too!
And Dragon Quest did them first. Other JRPGs borrowed these ideas from Dragon Quest (except maybe dual world, which they might have been inspired by Zelda). You just think it doesn't "stand out" because you saw the other games first. But Dragon Quest did it earlier.

Your ignorance doesn't mean Dragon Quest is stagnant. It's like you claiming Mario is generic because your first Mario game was Mario Galaxy.

You underestimate the IQ of the average poster. Some retards out there are bound agree with your shitpost. Please do not shit on the courtyard for shit eating flies will infest the area.

it's guaranteed replies, user

Pankraz was such a great guy.

When you take away the nostalgia hype that the east has for this series you can very easily see how little these games have to offer. They're not special and they're bare bones and boring and generic as fuck. Good music though.

JRPGs that aren't Pokemon tend to find it difficult gaining a foothold in the western sphere.
Only a few have gained a large western following otherwise (e.g. Persona).

DQ devs seem keen on the idea of porting or remaking the game for modern consoles. Maybe you'll get to play DQIX again in the future with a fresh coat of paint user.

based nigga

It's kind of boring.

It's a series built on nostalgia, which works in Japan but doesn't in the West because nearly all of them either sold like shit here or were just skipped altogether
I mean hell, Europe didn't get ANY Dragon Quest games until VIII

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I want Luminary to impregnate me

But yet, Dragon Quest has been sellingbetter in Europe than in America ever since VIII. And many people report that they have a feeling of nostalgia when playing their first DQ game. It's because the series retains the feeling of old JRPGs and has the "comfy" visual design.

Nostalgia can be triggered even without playing the actual games from the series. I felt that with Dragon Quest and Suikoden. Other people report feeling it when playing Zelda or Mario, even when the first game they try is 30 years after the original.

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>atheist retarded hates a nacionalist treasure
Hmm, the commies.

>talk to priest
>"would you like to record your progress in the adventure log?"
>"Would you like to continue?"
That's it. Two selections. Good job trying to exaggerate it, but it doesn't work for anyone who actually played the games.

>Wayward sheep of the great shepherdess...
Peak soul tbqh

>no actual role playing
>shitty combat
>awful artstyle
It's basically fantasy CoD with a tacked on leveling system, that makes numbers go bigger. You don't have freedom, you're just strolling through a "cinematic experience" with DQ's awful combat slapped on top. I'd rather play good japanese games.

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they're all the same fucking shit over and over again
DRAGON QUEST XI IS SHIT also the third act was fucking awful

>It's basically fantasy CoD
2007 called. They want their outdated meme back. Which was stupid even back then since Pokemon or Final Fantasy fits better.

I've been Nintendofag pretty much my whole life and the last Sony console I had was PS2, but okay.

Berseria has great combat that develops as you progress through the game, but the story is complete trash until the last 10 minutes if you didn't play zestiria, and the characters are some of the worst I've ever seen, completely one dimensional from start to finish and you'll feel like they repeat themselves non stop for the sake of just forcing dialogue. The only positive I got out of it was more hype for the next tales game, the combat system has been developed so much since the 2D days that I have no doubt this next game will for sure top them all

ez (You)s

>awful artstyle
I'll give you the first two, but that's simply false

'm not saying you are a snoytranny.
i'm saying seething snoytrannies are the bastards who fuck up DQ threads because they are fucking mad about the DQ11S content and popularity.

Friendly reminder that DQ11 on ps4 is the worst version.

>Helping random NPCs with a problem and seeing their reaction is the game
The games aren't solely about your party, they're about the world they live in.

How has the thread gotten this long without anyone saying that DQ literally has the closest thing a nip game has ever gotten to a transgender character who has a positive portrayal for basically 100% of their screentime

It's mostly just trolls who have never played a DQ game trying to start console wars with the only thing they know. "lol graphix are worse" And then idiots like you respond to them. Which encourages them to do it more.

Stop responding to them and they'll go away.

>game fucking crashes as I'm fighting the fucking gryphons
The game has crashed on me twice already, thank fuck for the goddamn autosave. Anyone else been having these types of issues?

>first meet this dude and think he's a walking stereotype
>remains a stereotype but actually gives him a character and some depth while he Hustle Dances his way past any motherfucker who thinks they can stop some gay clown from saving the world in nothing but Glad Rags
>fucking EVERYTHING about [spoilers]Norberto scenes/pep power and the post-game tree with Hendrik[/spoilers]

unexpected best boy, but i liked him more than i was expecting to

Attached: 1566414453108.png (418x418, 213K)


DQ is boring and I will never understand how anybody can like it

It's as basic as a JRPG gets and Japs only like it because of sheer nostalgia. When you take off the rose-tinted glasses DQ is aggressively mediocre.

I don't hate it. I nothing it. It just looks too generic.

Americucks and Eurocucks prefer games with ugly hairy wahmen.

No, it's people stretching the definition of NTR to include "girls the player has an interest in."
I guess now that you can marry her in the Switch version you could consider her used goods.

>no actual role playing
What exactly does this mean?

God I wish. I'm so sick of Tolkein ripoffs and low fantasy special snowflake shit. Modern western fantasy is devoid of creativity.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with NTR?

Attached: 154387444274w34etrf3.jpg (1000x576, 71K)

One good encounter every few hours does not make up for the endless grind of other battles.

Turn on harder monsters and/or fast battles then.
Every JRPG is like this. Honestly I kind of feel like no random battles makes you have to go out of your way if you want to grind.

That's what makes Dragon Quest good. Subverts your expectations and develops the characters/world more than most games.

>in Dragon Quest
>especially the easiest game in the series
Sad. You can get through this game avoiding battles.

>b-but that means it sucks if you avoid battles!
You're the idiot complaining about grinding. You can't claim both.

>game doesn't release on the Switch until the 27th of September
Jeez. That's so far away...

Attached: ConcernedFrieza.png (443x492, 285K)

PS4 fans had to wait a year after the Japanese release. Plus the 4 year development cycle. A month is nothing.

Because it's too old-school and boring.

They're boring, I miss Wizardry they've been fucking stupid since Japan got the series.

>Nintendo based vidya character

>they're boring
>likes Wizardry

Attached: yen-napkins.jpg (550x291, 19K)

ok Gemma/Serena/Jade

Attached: jade 3.jpg (1062x1000, 191K)

I think that was the point of the post actually, and it just went over everyone’s head

>all these (you)s
Yea Forums is the board with the least self-awareness

Do you have a SD?

I wish DQ4 was the average for Famicom RPGs, DQ5 was the average for Superfamicom, and DQ8 was the average for PS2. We'd be playing way less garbage.

Dragon Quest just looks very generic. It doesn’t seem bad, but it doesn’t seem particularly cool either. It gets passed over as such.

This. Western developers push shitty concepts into vidya.

Can someone post what you mean by generic?
If you can't, you're an absolute moron looking to fit in on Yea Forums.
I don't give a shit about your feelings.
Then post games that aren't generic.

It crashed on me twice yesterday.

>Removing 80% of Pokemon
that's really good, only the first 251 should exist

disgusting sameface syndrome across every single character.

>Implying most of them should exist.
Fuck off, Victreebell, you're shit.

>ITT people who haven't played a Dragon Quest game try and claim they're bad games

I want to bury my dick so far inside her cunt, that I won't be able to move! And if she wraps her legs around my waist, I will cum deep in her womb!

But it's shit. OP is correct.

>Trying to see Gemma's panties
>The model disappears when the camera gets too close
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Fortunately she stepped on a treasure chest and was able to cheat the camera. Green panties confirmed.

another quality SQUARE ENIX release.

it's shit, FE is better

>another shit game vs another shit game

Personally, I don't like the enemy sprite art direction. I don't like the slimes, I don't like the wacky gophers and dolphins and smiley weird faces. I want to suplex a house.

The character art on the other hand is good, although some of it is ass.

The world design isn't good, plot direction isn't necessarily good. FF just makes more sense for me


not gay, just fabulous