Don't mind me. Just another IP Sega has forgotten passing through

Don't mind me. Just another IP Sega has forgotten passing through.

Attached: 207459-resonance-of-fate-xbox-360-front-cover.jpg (800x1143, 141K)


Attached: resonance of fate.exe Screenshot 2018.10.18 - (3840x2160, 758K)

>ported it
Clearly not.

great cast of characters

Attached: leanne.jpg (4961x3508, 1.04M)

At least you got a port

Attached: 91LOim3q6OL._SL1500_.jpg (1304x1500, 449K)

Anyone played this on ps4/ps4 pro?

I had it on ps3 but never played more than an hour. Couldn't work out the combat because I'm retarded and there was no tutorial iirc

I should buy the port when it goes on sale again

The combat isn't that hard to figure out once you understand the controls and how movement works. Though once you understand combat, you'll literally do the same thing for every single fucking encounter.

Or you could pirate the game and play it right now like a normal person would.

its on my backlog interested but the combat looks complicated as fuck

run in triangles around the enemy
deal blue damage first then do red to actually cash in that damage
you beat 95% of battles blindly doing this


>people say that combat looks complicated
Are people really this retarded? Also, raisins.

Cross lines and triangles or some shit like that


>and there was no tutorial iirc
The game tells you to go to the arena if you want a tutorial.
You did go to the arena, right?

>there was no tutorial iirc
The first tier of arena battles are tutorials, but basically you cross lines to build up points and press triangle to blow the fuck out of anything in your way

This game really deserves a sequel to polish its flaws. The concept was cool, but lacked depth. If they got just enough time to add more variety it could've been really great.

Are you up for some Anarchy reigns this weekend, anons?

It's not too hard, you can cheese it quite easily by ensuring you always run between two characters,dealing blue damage first and then red.

I found the easiest way to cheese fights was to move the person B (who is in the middle) through the line that Person A and C would make and directing them to the right, then moving person C through the line A and B would make and to move them to the left and then A would move between the line that B and C would make and be in the middle at the other end, then you just move A back to the middle and you can then commence a tri-attack four times.

A little confusing for words but here's a shitty picture I did in paint to give you an idea of how to play the game. The blue line is the line between the characters that appears during gameplay, and the green line is you jumping/walking through the line. I may have been doing it wrong but this is how I played and completed the game back in 2014 or so.

Attached: file.png (3314x816, 39K)

>released an HD remaster just 9 months ago

I started playing it on Steam, has a really unique combat system and I loved the steampunk aesthetic. Unfortunately the PC release is so insanely buggy with audio glitches, subtitles sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing and other minor and major things. I'll probably come back to it at some point, a JRPG this unique deserves to be finished at least once.

The game had a cool story but it was a shame it was hidden behind the official art book, having to talk to every single NPC, one off lines of easily missable dialogue, etc.

>released the same day as Final Fantasy 13

no that makes sense

They're right in that it LOOKS complicated until you actually play it though