Is there a reason why cats hate playstation owners?

Is there a reason why cats hate playstation owners?

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Cats hate betas, cats are natural predators.

cats are the women choice of pet, which is why bugmen like them so much.
Playstation CHADS prefer dogs

false flag thread
OP is a dog
post cats

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Birds > Dogs > Fish > Small Mammals > Lizards > Cats

A woman needs a dog to protect herself. Sometimes, a ""man"" also does

>screaming and tearing wrapping off like a fucking child
>shows it off to the camera with a smile that's overflowing with onions, estrogen and attentionwhoring
Just how much of a retard can you be? I'm really curious because this fag is pushing against whatever I thought was the limit

Ps4 is console for people who don't like games after all

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> woman needs a dog

They don't. They just hate kids and retards.

Playstation "CHADS" enjoy following a mutt around and picking up it's incredibly smelly turds like the betas they truly are. Feline TRUCHADS let their cats go where they please and shit in other peoples property

because cats are based

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>understands more words and sentences than dogs
>pretends he doesn't, because he simply doesn't give a fuck
Why are cats so Chad-tier?

>entire house has that "dog" smell forever
Gross. Enjoy the constant messes too.

Hitler loved dogs so dogs are based, remove c*ts

Cats are literally nigger tier animals

cats unironically don't trust people of color

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>tfw i just got back from Poostore buying a new PS4, and this cat jumps at us out of nowhere
the fuck lads?

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did he died?

did he died

>overreacting like a retarded child to getting a nintendo console so much that your cat feels threatened

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Stupid s o i b o i got what he deserved.

yfw cats are the pet of choice for Muslims and that Muslims hate dogs

Really makes you think

The cat noticed he was being possessed and decided to wake him up

>me and the boys in generator room


When did the pet of 70 year old depressed widows turn into the meme pet for leftist incels?

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imagine being a grown man and pissing your pants with excitement over getting a toy. sòystation fans everyone

but women actually enjoy dogs more than cats

When do cats ever like fun?

Muslims hate niggers and dogs are niggers of animal kingdom

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>Feline TRUCHADS let their cats go where they please and shit in other peoples property
Cats often just learn to use human toilets on their own.

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everyone hates sony fags

Keep telling yourself that subhuman.

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It was always the pet of choice for weirdos with low social skills

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>cat trannies/niggers desperate for attention thread
Yea Forums

Tortie is too cute