What's the best way to play Blood at the moment?

What's the best way to play Blood at the moment?

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I keep looking for a mod that integrates brutal doom with blood, then i remember that blood has the superior level geometry and that we should throw doom onto the alter that is blood as it's sacrifice.

I live... again

Fresh supply off steam, outside of that dosbox

I thought Fresh Supply was buggy?


It's that or BloodGDX. Personally I've had better luck with BloodGDX. At this point it's just preference.

Mostly patched


Now let's all go play AVP

Any good map packs?

This is blasphemous, I know, but do any of modern Blood methods have controller support? I suffered a back injury lately and have been mostly confined to the recliner. I'd like to replay Blood via the Steam Link but I'd like to be able to use a controller for comfort.

What about NBlood?

Blood Fresh Supply would be the easiest way to play with a controller. Build GDX has controller support, but I wouldn't be able to tell you how good it is. As for NBlood, I wouldn't know, I've never used it.

Never used it. Planned on it, but never got around to it.

Death Wish?

>Duke Nukem 3D
>Doom 2
>Shadow Warrior
>Quake 2

How do we bring about a second golden age of shooters?

Nightdive has been updating it a lot and I don't think there are any big issues left. I've played through all 6 episodes just fine. It might not be perfectly accurate, but I care less about that and more about the fact that it's easy to run and has great mouselook

Ion Fury tried to but outrage culture demonstrated that no one cares about quality game.

I think AAA marketing and focus testing proves that no-one cares about a quality game. People want the next big familiar experience, or, alternatively, the next small story-driven indie darling. Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion Fury, etc., are destined to be niche by the fact that they put gameplay first

that sucks,i'm actually having fun with it and trying to find all secrets every level,it's actually a good game but nobody cares about vidya in this board anymore,i bet all my savings that 99% of the people making a drama about it dont even own a pc to play it

>I keep looking for a mod that integrates brutal doom with blood
Brutal is excessive. BLOOD got gore almost perfectly.

nblood if you like software rendering

there were some annoying bugs at launch but Nightdive have been really on it fixing them. Previously I'd have said use BloodGDX but Nightdive have addressed everything besides nitpicks making it my preferred way to play.

Thoughts on this statement from Nightdive after the last update?
>Thank you for your patience while we were dealing with the remaining issues. For future issues, we will have to recommend contacting Atari about them

nblood has served me well, bloodgdx is apparently more accurate but I haven't detected any problems with nblood. It's a coin toss I'd say.
Fresh supply is still fucked, avoid that shit. If you don't believe me, try the flare gun.

That seems to be their MO, they did a simmilar thing with the Forsaken remaster: fix all the big issues and then drop it. It's obviously not great, but I've played both to completion without encountering a single bug, so it might be enough

Christ almighty, I didn't know they remastered Forsaken.

I've only ever played Fresh Supply, what's wrong with the flare gun?

It's not supposed to work the way it works in fresh supply. Enemies catch on fire after you use it.

>Fresh Supply
>Dynamite still doesn't explode if you die with the fuse lit

I know people say this a lot on Yea Forums, but SOULLESS

NBlood is the best, I believe it's being added to EDuke32 mainline in the near future

But they do catch on fire in Fresh Supply. Cultist after 1, axe zombies after 2, etc.

? The flare gun still sets things on fire in Fresh supply. Like in every other version you either have to shoot them multiple times get to get to go, or wait a while.

Sometimes it doesn't, that's the problem.

...does an ms-dos emulator not work?

Maybe in the early versions, but not now. I've finished all episodes and didn't notice it

It does, you can play it that way if you get a stiff from playing games in 320x240

I just tried the latest version yesterday, it still happens sometimes. You don't need to defend your purchase, you can use your files from fresh supply with bloodgdx or nblood.

So what happens exactly? You kill enemies with the flare gun, but they do the regular death animation instead of bursting into flames? I've never seen that happen.

>not owning an old computer with MS-DOS

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we're already in it
>amid evil
>project warlock
>ion fury
>nightmare reaper

I got Fresh Supply for 50% off because I already owned the original, and I've got more than my money's worth already. I just haven't noticed that bug in over 15 hours of playtime

The game is still good, they removed just the distasteful comments in the game. So what is the problem? You're acting like the person who doesnt like chick fil-a because they identify as republican.

Original BLOOD supports at leas 800x600, probably more.

Nigga just use fucking Steam Input.

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BloodGDX plays the most accurate
NBlood looks the most accurate

It was quite buggy on launch, which isn't unusual for Night Dive Studio ports, but 1st patch made it playable and second made it worth it.
Only issue that's left I noticed is that you can't be crushed by moving objects, which is no biggie in my book, game has like 2 crushers.
Plenty of people stick to BloodGDX, because it's been around longer and they're more used to it.

To illustrate, here's a comparison between GDX and blood. Amazing. Colors are a bit off though in GDX. youtube.com/watch?v=-yh-HBNz_0s

they'll probably try to negotiate price on source code, or at least parts of it. What many doesn't realize is that NDS didn't have access to actual source code, Atari put some crazy pricetag on it, so they ported Blood by rebuilding it on their own engine, which is why it took so long to iron out issues

he's parroting what he heard.
Enemies that were supposed to be vulnerable to fire didn't receive extra damage from fire weapons, making them useless against enemies with more HP like Butchers. If he actually played, he would knew that bug was fixed in first major patch.

fuck, was talking about Blood, not Forsaken

See that's the thing, I knew about that bug with fire damage that was fixed, but I haven't heard anything about flares in specific. Admittedly I most use the secondary fire beyond the first few levels, so it's plausible I missed something

literally only 2 of those games are good

Fix him

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I enjoyed Duke and Shadow Warrior but playing through Blood feels weird
>sometimes cultists drop ammo, sometimes they don't
>zombies tank through damage but don't drop ammo for your weapons
I appreciate that you've gotta conserve ammo a bit more but there's only so many times you can sit there pitchforking a zombie before it gets tedious

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Flares or dynamite kills zombies very easily. Blood doesn't really follow a standard model of enemies getting stronger as go along, with the first ones being really weak. It's more about finding what weapons work against what enemy types, and going from there. It's more of an acquired taste, I guess, and not as immediate as something like Doom

If you're not playing on babby difficulties you should use cultists to thin zombie herds for you. Also about 50% of the time there are environmental hazards and zombies are as dumb as your average knee-high cover shooter player.