Well, which one you got?
Well, which one you got?
por que no los dos?
I choose Vega who's essentially a krogan, but much more developed as a character.
Wrex is based but isn't Grunt some genetically engineered super-krogan? I think, with some experience, he'd probably win.
Don't know about the other one. Kinda looks like the one in a tank I gave to Cerberus.
Experienced Krogan Biotic Warlord vs Perfectly Engineered Krogan Battlemaster
Hard work vs "talent."
Grunt wins, sadly.
Wrex wins but only due to his age and experience, once Grunt gets to his prime he will be the most powerful/best fighter in Krogan history
>Krogans having the decent chance of living to their prime
Also why didn't the dude that make Grunt give him biotics? The krogans that can do it seem pretty good at it.
It's really hard to say.
Grunt is young, but for krogan that may not matter, perhaps Wrex just has more experience. Wrex has biotics, but would that even matter? Slab Fridgethick unironically won me over in his argument that biotics are unreliable at the worst of times.
Slight edge to Grunt, I think.
Probably because he thought biotics had no place in a PURE KROGAN.
Biotics aren't viewed as inherently strong by the krogan; they can inspire fear and that makes them useful for military leadership, but that's because they're weird.
A krogan is stronger if he stomps a thresher's brain in as opposed to killing it with warp fields.
Would overshine Jack as the "Biotics master" on the squad in ME2, from a game design perspective
Even though Miranda and Samara are both better biotics using squad mates
Jack was shit in-game, but the best in-lore.
Mordin was supposed to be able to successfully hold the bubble; wonder where he'd have stacked up.
>tfw will never have foursome with Liara, Benezia and Shiala
my waifus...
Shut up and answer the question, who you got
Based Grunt treats Shep like his dad.
Love both of this guys. Wrex is a total bro and a hard-boiled man, but Grunt is fun, and he's also a killing machine.
dude, you missed last Liara thread or what? that was golden
That thread was gay.
I didn't, though I came late. No pun intended.
>playing Mass effect 1-3 for the second time
>wanted to see some different options
>can't kill wrex
>can't not save both geth and qiarians
>can't not save krogans
In the end I played almost the exact same game.
Your sub-par diplomacy lead you to the same out come my friend
How so? Seems like the best ending possible to me. Even saved every single one in my crew.
The only thing that seemed to be the wrong choice was sacrificing the council in ME1. But fuck them, I am not saving them and risking the reaper ship escaping
Nah. We've been joking stupid jokes and posting girls, and in the end we filled it with porn. It was fun.
>It was fun
Comfiest Yea Forums thread we had in a while.
> isn't Grunt some genetically engineered super-krogan
not really, he is genetically optimized, meaning he is the perfect krogan and immune to the genophage, but he is not capable of feats above what other krogan can do. he is kind of a jack of all traits but also great at all of them.
I know it is "trades".
If grunt is like liquid snake, wrex is like solid, because he, unlike all the rest, has vision and purpose.
Fuck Grunt, Marry Wrex
Wrex, honestly. Motherfucker's got more experience than an entire company of humans.
>Slab Fridgethick unironically won me over in his argument that biotics are unreliable at the worst of times.
That same DLC proves him wrong. At the beginning when you're ambushed with no gear and some shitty pistol, I had a lot of trouble as a soldier, but biotic classes still wreck everything.