What games do people with down syndrome play?
What games do people with down syndrome play?
super smash brothers
I don’t know what games do you play user?
right now i'm on wow
I was being serious... Super Smash Brothers is simple and easy enough for anyone to enjoy
then wow and wow classic I guess
Ive been playing kenshi
Dark Souls 2
You're thinking of autism.
Downies play dark souls, witcher 3 shit like that
bing bing wahoo
back in the 90's I went to an elementary school that was next to a "special school" with downies and whatnot. So sometimes we would have lunch around the same time in the cafeteria. I never remember them playing any Nintendo, Sega, Playstation anything. Just scaring the kids. It was kinda fucked up. Not because they ever did anything or were ever bad people. Just you were a skinny little 11 year old faggot next to an unpredictable 6'4" 270 lbs downie with retard strength.
Any FPS game
Any Gacha game
Any MOBA game
Any mobile game
Witcher 3
They play [game I don't like] and [game you like]
The extra chromosome is literally the next step in evolution. They are naturally kind people and their chance of reproducing is low, being a direct answer from nature to the upcoming overpopulation we are facing. Kill all normal people and replace them with downies, simple as.
I'm sure it gets tiring watching your mom get BLACKED all day
They don't play games, they just post on Yea Forums
super mash potatoes
true story bro
>mfw evolving from a simian type to a plant type
>I am potatomon
I used to work as a caretaker, Last game they played before I quit was Dragon Age Inquisition.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Because the characters look like them so it's easier to roleplay
Dopamine-exploiting phone trash
They're the answer from nature when you're doing it wrong
As someone who works with people with down syndrome, they don't play videogames. They really like marvel and dragonball super though
They don't, they browse Yea Forums instead
>Dragon Ball Super
Explains the threads on Yea Forums
let me guess
they're gohanfags
Overwatch, smash Bros and the game
Also explains movie shitters on Yea Forums
Are retards real life hulk?
Cool, so everyone on Yea Forums will survive
Anything with anime art style.
Nice meme but the downies are clearly the Z nostalgiafags that somehow believe anything after Frieza was better than Super.
Everything after Freeza is better than Super for the same reason everything after Freeza is better than GT
>Are retards real life hulk?
Pretty much, yeah. You wouldn't like them when they're angry.
Yeah because you are a nostalgianigger for a gook cartoon
based retard wrangler
Japanese games.
Kind of. I just remember the unpredictability. Even when you were being friendly and say "hey, hi, hello, what up guy? :-)" to one of them and most likely they would just stare at you. Intensely. And you had no idea what they were planning.
Again, not that they ever did anything serious that I know of, but I still kind of think of them as a chimp attack where they could tear your fucking face off if they wanted to.
illiterate retard
>still looks better than Super
What do they think about Warhammer 40k?
how tall and how strong are you
more importantly
how tall and how strong are your most problematic downies
I had a down's syndrome cousin that would exclusively play WWE and Fifa, I remember getting butthurt because he'd kick my ass in WWE and my dad would mock me for losing to a retard on the drive home.