Bees are a good addition, just a completely baffling one, as caves and the nether and even the end are still pretty much completely the same and very empty.
Bees are a good addition, just a completely baffling one...
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't played Minecraft in over four years.
those are some huge fucking bees
Have you seen the spiders?
>Reverse search
Why is google's reverse search so garbage
And why the fuck are these bees the size of pigs
I actually hadn't considered this point.
rectangle shaped bee ass
Is the honey useful for crafting/potions/anything other than just eating it? because if not then this update is a joke
The animation is just too off
Horses and deep sea fish are good additions too, and they've been around for fucking years as mods before these lazy devs decided to add them.
They're sitting on a gold mine, so adding in bees was probably not as difficult as updating the existing content.
They'll probably add the Aether before they update the nether
>Why is google's reverse search so garbage
Unironically because image searching black people would bring up pictures of apes and gorillas.
well, it's only the first 1.15 snapshot. there's certainly more on the way. At least bees do something, unlike polar bears and pandas.
Cute bee farm
Cute bee farm
why are bees allowed to post here?
Why don't they get a better enchantment mechanic? RNG is shit and just wastes your time. Also make me do potions in the cauldron like in Bedrock
I recently played minecraft for the first time since years and they added a decent amount of things to it. Though it saddens me that many things just don't have much use. I appreciate fewer objects but versatile use for any of them instead of the opposite.
Apparently it fills your entire saturation bar (the hidden bar after the hunger bar), which would make it the best food item in the game if it weren't for golden carrots which are stackable
Now I remember why the hunger bar is shit it was more than keeping it full you also had saturation mechanic which I still don't get desu
It's basically the exact same bar as the hunger bar, just hidden. Here's a quick shitty edit which hopefully makes sense to you
Bees actually make crops grow faster so they are a good addition to your farms
Okay this a retarded question buts what's the fucking point
I tried pictures for white men, it either showed me onions or pictures of monkeys. What is wrong with it.
artificial difficulty
Once you have access to cooked steak there's never ever a point to use anything else.
Well, it USED to be real difficulty back before all of the updates. When you had to actually survive in minecraft foods with high saturation were important because until you could actually start settling, food wasn't super common
But now cows and sheep are fucking everywhere so both the night and hunger are super easy to avoid, so yeah
The saturation bar completely kill the gameplay in The Betweenlands because TBL destroys all your food and also any food you get from it puts your saturation to the lowest so you only get like 20 seconds of self-regeneration before you have to eat a rotten food again and wait 10 seconds to clear up.
call me old fashioned but I enjoy just a good ol' baked potato
Things bees can achieve:
>pollinate crops and advance their growth by one stage
>create honey bottles which refill the hidden saturation bar and restore 3 little hunger giblets
>create honeycomb for artificial bee nests that can be used in tandem with a silk touch tool to transport bees - the first survival instance of being able to carry mobs in your inventory
>are neutral mobs that can inflict a mighty 18 seconds of poison on Hard mode
>polar bears that do nothing
>pandas that do nothing except drop bamboo - which is pointless because they spawn in bamboo groves
>foxes that do nothing
it's a step in the right direction
>walk in a straight line for half of a day at most
>guaranteed to find either wild sheep or a village (with beds you can steal)
>in deserts you can find these pyramids with wool in them
And I still think hunger is, was and will always be retarded.
Food used to work like health potions, but without the retarded eating animation. Random mob spawns had their charm to it, you could stack up on healing, and you could be starving in your own base. Didn't actually need a farm back then, cows or pigs would just appear in the forests. Now you either have a farm or you lead a nomadic life.
I’m surprised they’re still updating this game almost 8 years after the official release.
But I guess it’s still making money, especially with it’s recent resurgence
Ill try to give a serious answer. The saturation can only be filled by the food you eat when hungry, so you cannot fill saturation when you are full .If you ate a melon and got to full health, your saturation will be low and you'll get hungry again sooner. It basically makes it so that you if you eat higher saturation food you wont have to eat as often.
Also, since the comabt update, saturation is used to quickly heal health. When you have lost health but have saturation, the saturation will be instantly converted into health. This does not happen with your normal hunger bar.
That being said, I dont know why they hide it. Im playing a modded world and one of the mods shows saturation and it is really helpful.
things Mojang will do with bees as seen with their other additions
things Modders have already done with bees
>the entire Forestry mod
I think people would actually appreciate them stopping updates altogether since it breaks mod support and tons of mods need to be updated with some of them never being updated at all. It's more work for what's worth for some minor shit they are adding.
So this implies the Minecraft world is extremely oxygen saturated.
>I’m surprised they’re still updating this game almost 8 years after the official release.
Their idea of "updating" means adding one mob every year, so they are certainly not overworked
Mojang needs to release a legitimate modding API so we don't have to deal with their stupid mass-appeal bullshit any longer. Nobody asked for fucking bees. Goddamn cucked swedes are ruining a great concept one shitty update at a time.
Sometimes I understand Moot perfectly. Sometimes I think Moot was actually too nice to us.
I don't understand why nobody bothers creating a mod which indirectly modifies the physics, combat, hitboxes, hit detection, AoE of Minecraft without making it incompatible with all the mods.
wasnt he a huge tripfag or was he an actual mod/janitor
>still no nature ambience sounds
>still no vertical slabs
>still no actual furniture
>combat still sucks
>mob spawning is still shit
What are these people paid for
It's incredibly difficult to program a machine to identify an image and tell it to find images that are "similar but not quite the same". a machine can't really do what our brain does, we ended up having to teach it to transform infomation fed into it into processable data and even then it still doesn't really know what it's looking at half the time. A ton of it is done by hand, images are fed in with tags. "White shirt, black tie, white skin, blue eyes, human, man, etc etc etc" and the more info we feed it the better it gets at recognizing patterns. But AI leaning is still a LONG way off of "good"
Because they can't.
It was one of the conditions Notch had when he sold Mineycrafta.
Yet Jeb and his retards still hate Notch because he didn't split his billions with them kek.
That is not a bee but a table
Moot didn't do that much other than shitposting after shitters came here.
When the shitters came the mods had to do everything other than Yea Forums
quite possible with how fast fire spreads
holy shit calm down microsoft, the update is barely out and you're already rolling out merch?
God this was such a shitty attempt at humor that I actually smirked at how stupid it was.
The forestry mod is a shitty autism simulator and the exact opposite of fun
Fuck bees
Fuck hunger
and most importantly
Fuck Mojang
I'm surprised that you still need a mod to be able to cut an entire tree just by cutting one block with the axe. I thought this was always by default in the game since I fondly remembered this quality of life feature but apparently it was always just a mod.
To be fair they are working on combat too
>installs forestry your way
Oh god... Lewis...
oh. I read in one thread that he was the ceo of Yea Forums but that doesn’t make sense because I know for a fact it’s some Asian dude.
Zoomers gonna zoom
no man he is the ceo of facebook
Is this bait?
I just.. don't understand, how modders can come up with new brand new mobs and mechanics in weeks that work great as a hobby in their spare time, then it takes Mojang half a year to add one thing and they suck themselves off about it and talk about it for the next month like it was a massive undertaking and the work that went behind it
>What are these people paid for
For creating the shit that can be easily turned into other merchandise and turned into extra profit.
>I'm running off with LITERAL BILLIONS, but you're still 'in control" lmao
>expecting Mojang to write more then one line of code a day
Small indie company, please understand
Notch actually forced Microsoft into extremely good conditions for his ex employees and they're still jealous fucks. What a bunch of niggers.
I'm a socialist and Notch should never be this rich!
To make food that’s harder to obtain better. But frankly it’s still way too easy to obtain good food so there really is none.
The attention to detail on this shitpost is 10/10
>caves are a necessary and vital part to progressing in the game
>caves get no update and are still slogs to mine through if you come across the end of one, resulting in strip mining or just plain digging a 1x2xForever hole until you find another cave
>add another mob to a super niche biome that you'll probably never see due to its rarity or never effectively use it due to how niche it is as there's already better alternatives at that point in the game
theyve done it again
Modders are working on Java edition only, while Mojang supports Java, Bedrock (which comes in DirectX and non-DirectX flavors) and PS4 (seperate code base from Bedrock since no crossplay allowed).
I'm betting most of the development resources between 1.14 and 1.15 went into bringing RTX to Bedrock on Win10
They really need to just drop java development entirely and focus on bedrock. That way console kiddies still get their updates and we can finally have a official version to mod the fuck out of without fear of shit breaking.
Nether doesn't get updates because it scares little kids.
They hate him for a bunch of reasons. They had a vision for their shitty little game, they worked on it together and notch let the money go to his head, think the people surrounding him liked him for him not just his money, he chose money over his friends and in the end, it didnt make him happy.
If 1.15 isn't a caving update then I have lost all hope
>there will never be cave biomes
use tinkers construct bitchass.
No it's because a year or two ago they nonsensically hooked up google images to what's being trained by the captchas. They could give extremely accurate results if they cared to
The fuck is shareblue?
from what I understand of what goes on behind the scenes at mojang, it seems like they overthink stuff
Like for example early Minecraft Mobs such as for example the creeper of an excellent example was just Notch Adding stuff on a whim and seeing how it went and most mods do the same thing they just add then see how it works and changes stuff depending on how it feels
While modern mojang will often have a million different designs of sketches before they even consider adding a Mob and often have everything thought out before they start adding them, often the first time something new gets implemented is the Final version these days
It's actually insane to think about the fact that it's now been roughly ten years since the Nether update and they still haven't attempted to do another world to teleport to besides that Ender shit which doesn't count.
ya but giant spiders have always been a thing in vidya games if you have fuck xbox hueg bees their hives should also be huge and from what we've seen the hives are tiny
I like these bees they're cute as fug but should really be like half/third of the size
Is RTX coming next update? I thought it'd be a way off since they only just announced it.
>Terraria has over a dozen underground biomes and over a hundred enemies
>Meanwhile in minecraft anything under surface level has been the same since Beta
Mojang is literally the GameFreak of western developers.
Add a cave that could have a queen spider in it. God damn I'm a genius
There's no given release date right now (so lets hope it doesn't go the way of the super duper graphics pack), but regardless it would have taken a lot of resources to program in the stuff you see in the demo nvidia put out, leaving less for actual content for 1.15
What would you add to a Cave/Nether update?
>New Biome
>New Item
>New Mobs
>New Bosses
Post your ideas user.
just copy terraria
nothing, the nether has primarily been a fast travel dimension, trying to add stuff to make it more dangerous would detract from that purpose and limit creativity
I am pissed there is no teleporters with all these redstones and furniture outside of bed yet. I would like to sit goddamn it!
>$4 Billion ($4,000,000,000)
you'd sell your soul as well. Don't any of you niggers @ me with "nah i'd choose my friends over the money" no the fuck you wouldn't
Just copy what Quark did, except stonelings
Just copy what Quark did, except wraiths
Based and yogpilled
Aren't these just a mashup of BOP wasps and Harvestcraft bees?
Flow of game:
>(1) Start in over world, and gather resources. (Small-Medium amount of time.)
>(2) Go underground, set up base. (Small amount of time)
>(3) Grow plants/breed animals collected. (Medium amount of time)
>(4) Go get all the iron, lapis, diamond, and obsidian you need. (Medium-most of your time.)
>(5) Breed chickens for massive chunks of xp. (Medium amount of time)
>(6) Get Ender Pearls With Fortunre2(Small-medium amount of time, based on spawn luck, and if you have Fortune3 or not.)
>(7) Enter Nether, and get blaze rods with fortune3. (Small amount of time.)
>(8) Find Stronghold (Small-medium amount of time, depends if you have easy boat or horse use.)
>(9) Kill dragon. (small amount of time)
>(10) Spend rest of the game collecting items for builds above ground (large amount of time.)
Things that take up a small amount of time, but also have room to grow:
(A) Nether
(B) Go underground
The rest already take up a sizable amount of time, with their details, or dont have much room to grow from what they already have.
Expanding the End sounds fine, until you realize the games mostly over, and all thats left is to build houses. Even the elytra as a final reward is underwhelming, since u no longer get much use out of it in a finished game.
But they technically DID expand the End already, with end cities, so imo, thats perfectly fine for the "most part" though it would be nice to explore the end BEFORE you kill the dragon. Like you could turn around, and avoid the fight.
(But still spawn near it, as u really dont need to have another long drawn out "go find the dragon" set up.)
>Ending your life alone in a mansion and with 4 billion bucks after developping a worldwide appreciated game full of creativity and selling it along with your friends who created it with you
>tfw literally never found a Badlands biome
What's the point in putting in the effort to make all these fancy new biomes if they never fucking spawn? Also why is the terrain generation so fucking boring?
The place must be run sex cult style or something
legit there's no other explanation for this level of incompetence
>rarely found mooshroom biome
When will cucktographers give map that leads to this specific biome?
you forgot the
>cry crocodile tears on social media because no one likes you
Am I going to have to make a whole new world just to get fucking bees?
Or at least run to the untouched bounds of my existing world for them to spawn?
new ores, underground villages, maybe a couple of new underground structures (similar to abandoned mines, ravines, etc...)
if possible, move the bedrock ceiling up to 255 (fuck your above the nether base), and add in "super nether fortresses" which are colored differently and have their own challenges/rewards/puzzles
Correct on both counts.
I could've mentionned trashtalking about feminists/trannies/lgbt and how he got his ass handed by a furry for his speeging
I feel bad for him desu, he shouldn't have sold the game
>New plants and "Petrified trees" grow in the nether. (not commonly found)
>You can plant the seeds next to lava (as if it were water)
>The petrified trees make a new type of petrified wood, that makes all wooden objects, but is immune to fire/burning.
>Make petrified boats to sail the lava.
>Make a rare lava boss, requiring boats, and potions to fight it in the lava. (Drops a piece of gear to make you immune to lava, until it breaks. Repaired with the plants you grew prior.)
>Pigmen use a lot of gold ore, so make a "biome" of gold ore deposites, but only drops nuggets when the ore is broken.
This alone doesnt change the nether too much, and still adds way more depths.
>Also why is the terrain generation so fucking boring?
It was intentionally sterilized in 1.7 when they added all the new biomes.
Fuck that. The wandering trader better offer a beehive or something I can place myself.
I might take the money, but i wouldn't burn every bridge i ever built for it. Part of this that you dont seem to understand is that his departure was HIS choice, microsoft didnt force him out. But he wanted out.
Hold her horses, user. It'll be Minecon 2023 before they even say the word "Nether" again, and 2047 before they get around to (poorly) implementing just one of those good ideas.
I'm surprised that they've been updating the game for nearly a decade and still have so little to show for it.
Because Minecraft is spaghetti written in java over nearly 10 years by actually retarded swedes who refuse to go back and fix or organize anything they did before or update the engine or add a real modding API or fucking whatever. You literally cannot do what you described.
>no cave update
>no update to finish the alchemy mechanic that has been half-implemented since beta 1.9
>cauldrons still fucking useless
>enchanting still like half finished despite having gotten an update
>strongholds virtually untouched since they were added
>despite villages getting a huge update, they still inevitably turn into ghost towns if you live within chunk loading distance and let a night go by without babysitting them
>updates continue to add features and mechanics that mods have been adding for decades, but shittier and with less depth, and then leaving those things to rot, eternally half-assed and half-finished
Minecraft, man. Fucking Minecraft.
Mohjang are fucking idiots, they could
very easily contact all of these willing and passionate mod makers and try to implement said features into the game but no, let's have some bees lol because fuck you.
I'm still kind of miffed about blue "red"stone being merely a coloring mistake on their part in one of the trailers, it's like they want to focus on the most inane shit and basic shit instead of implementing what people would like into the game.
Not to mention the other mobs that were SUPPOSED to be implemented and yet will be forever forgotten, even though modders also worked on that.
Most of these aren't happening and I'll tell you why, by their own words:
>nature ambience
Unknown, most likely not. Mods exist for such already which is a red flag on it's own about it, meaning odds are they won't bother.
>vertical slabs and furniture
"Hinders creativity so no." - Mohjang, 201X
You can kiss that goodbye as they get pretty hung up on decisions once they're set.
Supposedly being worked on and revamped(again) for an easier time even if you suck ass at keeping a tempo on attacking. People are hyping it up about new weaponry but I have my doubts.
>mob spawning is still shit
"It's fine now they spawn more often :)."
>what are these people paid for
Disappointment and dicking around, knowing what people want and instead just dancing around it when even if they did not want to put any work, they could just literally pull any mod out of theirvass and actually implement it into the game.
t. MatPat
They seem to be trying to change Minecraft from a survival game where you mine to get equipped and established in order to survive, into an adventure game where you mine and build in order to get established to go out and adventure, with all the villages and structures full of loot and ocean ruins and buried treasure and end cities and the big sprawling dungeons,
They're indirectly trying to turn Minecraft into terraria at this point, but they're doing a fucking awful job of it. My ideas would be to either pick up some ideas from and actually start doing what terraria did right, or to pick new direction instead of this bullshit they're currently doing. Both options involve going back to older Minecraft content and changing or updating or fleshing out or removing things, though, and I sincerely doubt they're gonna do that.
thats the cutest fucking bee i have ever seen
>Minecraft during Notch
>gets regular and meaningful updates which focus on one or two mechanics and implements them well
>Minecraft after Notch
>updates are extremely sporadic and are basically just stolen ideas from popular mods but implemented worse in every possible way
>he doesnt like big bees
>into an adventure game where you mine and build in order to get established to go out and adventure
Ironic considering the phantoms they added pretty much ruin any attempt at adventuring (forcing you to update your spawnpoint every few day cycles).
Minecraft is a crafting survival game. The actual game part of it ends at step 3 once you are basically set to survive indefinitely.
It feels like literally everything after that is almost purposefully designed to be busywork. All the 'endgame' stuff you do in Minecraft is just that.
You don't even have a gameplay incentive to build much anymore. In the past you basically needed to pick a good location and build a defensible house, but now houses spawn naturally all over the god damn world.
that assumes that anyone who works on minecraft has any sense of what is fun
we could have enormous amounts of tech and magic and dungeons but NOOOO let's introduce seazombies with shitty maps instead so players are forced to play versions where you still have to sprint with double w
>- the first survival instance of being able to carry mobs in your inventory
what are chicken eggs? for 300 alex
>Drinking honey has no effect right now, aside from filling some hunger bars
>it goes in glass bottles, which so far are almost exclusively for potion brewing
>tfw it will be used like dragon's breath to make flying potions that give the player temporary bee wings that let let them hover like creative mode flight, but limited to maybe 10 blocks off the ground or higher if glowstone is used on the potion
>tfw adding a fermented spider eye to make a negative version of this potion will make a Bee Queen potion that replaces your playermodel with a human sized anthro bee woman that has a huge ass, and you temporarily lose control of your character for the potion's duration, idly flying towards the closest bee hive if there is one within 50 meters, where you'll get fucked by the bees and produce bee larvae and large amounts of honey.
Fuck off
Another useless addition! Here's hoping Hytale comes out, eats their lunch and makes the lazy swedes sweat a little
>bees are bigger than the parrots
wtf Mojang?
When are they going to decouple spawning from light level? There are so many better ways they could make monsters spawn, ways that don't require players to autistically place lights every 6 blocks or so. Maybe if they decoupled light level from spawning they could even separate light level from block state, so placing down or flicking on or off a light source doesn't change the block state of everything nearby. That way you could add a whole ton of fancy blocks and lights and mechanics and players comey build fancy lighting contraptions and it wouldn't lag out the fucking game with block lighting updates. You could add dynamic fucking lighting in vanilla, imagine that.
Mobs could spawn based on height level and nighttime status, or there could be a system where mobs spawn on blocks that can't see the sky (because there are already checks for that) and on any block out in the open at night, BUT can't spawn within a certain distance of a player-placed light source. Literally just that small change would produce very similar spawning rules to what we have now except instead of lighting updating chunks and blocks and all that nonsense it's all just dynamic, and instead of mobs checking the state of the block they're on they just check if any player placed light sources are too close to that attempted spawn position.
I don't know, maybe my ideas suck, but I'm sure the well funded professional development team could think of fucking SOMETHING if they got their heads out of their asses.
You can hold left control to sprint now I believe
I'm farming clay for steam boilers at the moment and I have to find a proper copper vein so I can make more bronze
>what do we do with the drunken sailor
>bees can infest living creatures and make them a living host
how can mojang get away with this in a kids game?
i dont mind, and kinda like the addition of bees as hopefully people will start to notice that we depend wholly on those yellow fuckers
when will they add all the unique mobs from earth and dungeons into the base game?
if you're the kinda shmuck that quotes einsteins little concern about the big bee die off you neednt worry
bumblebees do practically nothing besides produce honey and genocide other bees who were doing actual work
plenty of bugs pollinate and several large groups moreso than bees
Sell me on it. I'm looking into using a new mod as I've spent years on IC.
Probably soon
Gregtech is IC but more autistic
Change the surface Y axis so mining isn't fucking 60 blocks to bedrock but instead a couple hundred.
>Minecraft got more content in those few weeks it was shilled on Yea Forums than in fucking YEARS after getting popular.
dont worry user wurm online 3/minecraft 2 is in production
>still no vertical slabs
>still no actual furniture
Sorry user, we don't want to inhibit natural creativity :)
better food gives you more saturation which makes your first tick of hunger take longer to go down
cooked meat is the best for this since it has the most hunger and saturation filling
there's a mod that shows you the saturation bar and i recommend it
knowing mojang they won't, we only got those mobs because they aren't working on those other games
i mean, there's nothing stopping you from using the same minecraft version
it's not like anyone is forcing you to play on the latest version, and it's frankly higher advised against because of shit updates like combat update an elytra making the game into (>minecraft >not already casual) casualized snoozefests
clinton foundation paid shills that flooded the website (and many other online forums) during the election
still here to this day shitposting non-stop
it's why "the left can't meme" really started picking up from because you could spot them from a mile away with their awful attempts at making "memes" to get people to vote hillary
was an amazing time watching everyone shit on them
just play terraria
>"Miner hats are too modern, sadly."
Yeah, but TNT, sunlight detectors and pistons activated by pressure plates are okay
What a useless bunch of douchebags
is notch still removed from credits over twitter wrong think?
honestly, the updates' quality started to go down after 1.5.2 and the redstone, in 1.6 they literally just hired the guy that made Mo'Creatures but ONLY for horses, you have the possibility of adding any mobs you want, but NOOOOO only horses because muh gameplay or muh difficulty or something.
god Mojang is fucking retarded right now.
>Cauldrons still fucking useless
I must have gotten lucky.
I swapped to my fire protection, and built under me, upward, and the fire tick lasted awhile but i never went below 3 hearts, since it took like 10 ticks to take me to half a heart in damage.
my palms got sweaty wtf
RTX when
Post your survival base and judge eachother!
>tfw have never built a shulker box because endermen barely spawn and i need at least 9 enderpearls just to open the gate
Can you not put yourself out with a water bucket in the nether anymore? You used to be able to even if it evaporated immediately.
That's really cute and cozy looking, user!
Too much stonebricks.jpg
>not carrying fire resistance potions on you at all times while in the nether
there is no excuse
Nope. Grow a tree in a plains biome and there's and chance that a bee nest will appear on the tree.
just tested it, no u cant.
also fire resist potion still saves ya as well, so its obviously easier to hold onto one of those
use fortune3.
65% of the time they drop 2 pearls. 30% of the time they drop 0, and 5% of the time they drop 4.
Im sure thats not how it works, but ist been my luck.
w-w-w-well it's only the first snapshot. Jesus christ go to the twitter and complain about this shit. Nobody wanted bees, I want my comfy caving nigger
>fortune 3
you mean looting III
What about the first time you go in he nether? How do you stay safe?
Spend days working on basic infrastructure then realise you need to tear it all down because you needed 10x more machines than you thought for the simple industrial processes.
by not falling like a moron and finding a fortress as quickly as possible so you can start brewing fire resistance potions
I would also like to note that he had shulker boxes, meaning he absolutely had access to blaze rods and brewing. The fact that he didn't have any resistance potions at that point in the game is laughable
Potions are illegal on that server as a rule
what? why? that's fucking retarded
dump that server if things like potions can't be crafted. brewing stand be fucked, my fucks go elsewhere.
I have a Diamond Axe with Sharpness V on it.
And I have a Trident.
Tridents melee is the same as diamond sword w/o enchants. But it only does 80% dmg when thrown.
If I use my Axe on a silverfish it takes 2 hits to kill.
If I throw 1 Trident at a silverfish, it dies instantly.
I also noticed how long it was taking to kill mobs with my enchanted axe in the desert as well. Creepers died in 2 hits, but the zombies took forever.
Anyone know whats going on there?
The wiki has some incorrect info regarding stuff, so i assume this relates to something it has wrong.
So are golden apples
Because the cops are the server said it was but people still have potions around, it's just if you get caught with one by the law they can take you to jail though usually it's just for shits and giggles
Like how one guy has a chest buried in an some island with a chest full of gapples and potions
They're there just hard to come by unless you want to make them yourselves
If the browser was google chrome it would be perfect
why are we allowing bees to post here again?
allowing spiders were a mistake, the insect kingdom took notice. damn those two extra legs of theirs too.
not allowing potion brewing is fucking retarded, imagine you can't eat food other than crops you make.
I haven't touched this game in a decade but decided to give it a new chance thanks to the Yea Forums threads. It's okay so far.
I abandoned my old dirt hut and found a comfy island on which I'll build my ugly tower. Currently stuck on how to fix my cool redstone piston door thing. If I've closed it from the lever on the inside it can't be opened from the outside. That seems like a design flaw in a singleplayer world.
Use button
I want to be able to keep it open or closed according to my needs, a button will at best open it momentarily. I'm a complete novice to this stuff and I'm sure there's a more elegant way to build this door too but it's the best I've got.
Also, my nether portal, Got the idea from a youtube thumbnail.
desu Hytale looks more like Terraria 3D than a better minecraft.
>Foxes that do nothing
Except carry enchanted swords and slaughter mobs with ease
connect a lever to an observer (which emits a 1 tick pulse when you flip the lever up or down) and put a sticky piston with a redstone block behind the observer, now whenever the piston gets a pulse from the observer it will swap the position of the redstone block and you can use that to either power the door or unpower it. you can use a second lever/observer on the inside to toggle it from there too
like dis