MH thread

Gore Magala when?

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Other urls found in this thread: mh/page/36/

My friend just told me that Yian Garuga was confirmed
Are we getting Kut-kus?
Are we getting a Garuga Ya-ku?

Just Garuga, unfortunately.

Garuga's tail base is joined together with its back, and its back is extremely weak to water element!

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shutup fatso

But I was trying to help, pard!

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Only Garuga, they haven’t shown or mentioned Kut Ku at all.

*autistic screeching*

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i always see the same monsters posted, but never this one. Imagine those braps in 4k. Truly an unappreciated monster.

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He’s already in the superior game

Because he's Ryozo's favorite. from 4U and one of the best 4th gen monsters.

So what subs/rare species do you guys think they're hiding? G/S Rath is obvious, and there are leaks for Green Narg, Brute Tiggy, and Sand Barry, but who else? Maybe Steel Uragaan?


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Yeah, imagine MHW devs actually putting in effort to make another type of skeleton for ape monsters.

Bazelgeuse is next

Ape skeleton is probably #2 on their list of priorities, after Leviathan. Do Arzuros/Lagombi use the ape skeleton or is their skeleton used just for them?

yian garuga is the dark souls 2 of rathians and that's not a good thing

>Garuga shows up as an invader in quests
At least it's not going to carpet bomb me

They have their own

Who's the Bloodborne of Rathians then?


Bazel helps those who helps themselves.

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I doubt Green and Brute are in since all their unique moves and mechanics have already been added to the base forms, but they might be getting new variants instead.

A Bazelgeuse, a Deviljho, a Tigrex, a Fulgur Anjanath, an Ebony Odogaron and a Yian Garuga walk into the Elders' Recess...

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coral pukei pukei

HC Rathian

good times ensue

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MH6 better have the glorious return of Rajang beating Deviljho's ass or I'll be mad.

I'll be pissed if they add the bear rabbits before the crabs. Hell, bring the spiders first even.

Hey, it's not JUST Arzuros and Lagombi, Volvidon is there too!
I also forgot about volvidon.

The crabs are fucking garbage

>Considerable amounts of time and effort was put into the story of Iceborne, most certainly at the expense of more content

Just why

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The crabs are boring, and the only good bear is Lagombi, so not even worth bringing that back

more like spider

Is it just me or is that hunter wielding a gold small crown Tigrex?

Popo skeleton is the same as the ape skeleton used for rajang and also gammoth

Gotta appeal to the west.

>what are we doing on the ground?

Crabs are fucking awesome. One of the few Gen 2 monsters that you don't want to circle.

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Really? Popo and rajang use the same skeleton? I knew Gammoth used the Ape skeleton, but I didn't realize Popo did too.

>Give World heavy story focus
>World does well in the west
>"It must have been because of the heavy story focus"
>Proceed to have even heavier story focus

It's so you appreciate those monster intros even more.

Ruined for marriage

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this is oddly lewd

Well, uh. Was it? It was hard to get a clear answer out of anyone due to the console wars.

Literally all of Tigrex's turf wars look like rape attempts


The crabs are unique as fuck. Lagombi looks like it belongs in dauntless.

If they added a Larianothdrome, what class would it be? Bulldrome and Bullfango were moved from Herbivore to Pelagus, so would Larianothdrome say an herbivore or move as well?

Journos are too retarded to capture shit.

None of them use the ape skeleton. Look at their sleep and para, and also everything else.

Aptonoth predates apes.

Personal space can be hard to grasp for a certain breed, please be patient.

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There are already two big chinned rolling retards. No need for a third one.

>unique as fuck
They're giant fucking crabs, you can find Hermitaurs on the fucking beach

How else would you make the game appealing to the western market?

It's either that or they bring back the singing, dancing lolis...

That gameinformer interview was pretty funny.

>can we skip the cutscenes?
>n-no we worked hard on them, why would you want to skip the cutscenes?

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I'll choose the shitty story, the lesser evil

I don't question their uniqueness, but whenever someone brings up carapaceons and fanged beasts I understand what capcom meant by prioritising skeletons that they can get a lot of use out of

I liked the Pre 4 monster intro's more. Before it was just reaching the monster and seeing it interact in its environment. Now its watching your OC donutsteel run into every new monster in a cutscene and get shat on but barely manage to escape then the fight starts.

He's fucking that air real good

*collective sigh*
>W-We promise you the story is really good this time! It's about a certain monster
>Threatening the settlement
>So you have to band together

I'll take an hour of Huntsman sitting in a chair storytelling about the old days in cutscene form.

I had the game's camera break on that exact scene. Dialogue options got filled in with non-functional placeholder text and I had to reboot

Assign Pokèmon typings to monsters.
Hard mode: save dragon type for elder dragons or rare monsters

Ability: Poison Touch

Ability: Anger Point

Kulu ya kuck will probably become Garuga's new victim like how Great Jagras took Great Jaggi's place as Deviljho's favorite chew toy

Or worse; other monsters are there to get worfed. Like Nergigante with Lunastra. What the FUCK is a Nergigante doing in the arena?

Stalking Teostra, fucking duh

Garuga: Poison/Flying
Nargacuga: Dark
Tigrex: Normal
Brachydios: Fighting/Steel
Glavenus: Steel/Fire

So what returning monsters would you say are necessary for World 2? Lagiacrus and Rajang are obvious, but who else? I personally say Najarala and Seltas.
Lagiacrus: Water/Electric
Ability: Swift Swim

He's the eater of elders, it only makes sense he'd show up wherever other elders do
Doubly so for elders no one has seen in the new world before
Also teostra was dying and he was looking for a snack

>Yeah we got 1 elder dragon in the arena
>Sorry 2; we got 2 elder drag-

I'm here to fuck your wife

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Valkhana doesn't look great, but it's infinitely more interesting a than a walking pile of rocks.

Fuck off Seriously, why the fuck are nintendo babies are so self-unaware? Why the fuck do you keep bringing up your irrelevant shit in threads that have nothing to do with it? I'm not even talking about the whole World-GU shitflinging that's been going on in MH thread in particular. In any fucking thread there's always some smelly nintendofag that can't stop rambling about muh pokemans.

wouldn't Brachydios be Fighting/Fire cuz explosions?

Why though? Can't we have just monsters' intros with a very minimalistic story to contextualize the gameplay like we used to? Why it has to be either a boring story nobody cares about or japanese idol culture autism?

pic related fatty

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Is there anyone who WON'T become Garuga's victim? Not even Jho is safe from that cancerous monster.

Kulu ya ku is rock/fairy

Xeno: Dragon/fire
Seregios: Rock/flying
Lao Shan Lung: Dragon
Khezu: electric/dark

Elders are supposed to be walking calamities, they shouldn't be able to just pop in and then leave. THE ENTIRE STORY of most MH games has been keeping elders far, far away from your village because their mere presence will kill everyone, like Kushala's wind or Ceadeus' earthquakes.

World put 3 elders in the arena and nothing happens. Bullshit. Teostra especially is infamous for effortlessly destroying entire cities, yet he just says hello and then leaves. They're just a bunch of dumb animals who wandered in.

>Socially Unaware
Jeez, I wonder if there's some kind of condition that has this.

No, but Garuga loves picking fights with shitter monsters who can't defend themselves even if he can go toe to toe with almost anything

And that's how Savage Deviljho appeared in the New World.

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There's not exactly a lot to burn down in an enclosed rocky arena

Nergigante is the sneakiest elder outside of Chameleos, he has no weird powers that can give away his presence like Kushala's wind or Teostra's heat, it's the most logical elder to just appear out of nowhere

Lao Shan Lung should be Dragon/Ground, he eats rocks and spends most of its time sleeping under ground

>Rathalos and Diablos both get effortlessly BTFO
>Odogaron is so fucking pathetic and worthless that he can't even get a hit in
>Bazelgeuse just activates self destruct by mistake and flies off to survive
>Garuga is the only monster with the sheer fucking audacity to not only not run away from Deviljho but slap him in the fucking face too
Superior wyvern confirmed

Kirin: Electric/Fairy

Tigrex: Flying/Fighting

Nargacuga: Flying/Dark

>But sir; your tail

I don't like Pokémon either but you're just acting like a sperg over nothing, chill out

>he eats rocks
Does he? i always thought he was a carnivore since he has gigantic fangs

It's the most natural corssover.

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I just did Ancient Leshen, pretty much only thanks to a longsword champ who did nearly 40k damage and others doing wide range healing.
What the actual fuck is this quest supposed to be, I legitimately don't understand. It's ten times worse than behemoth in every conceivable way

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There’s no class for sauropod like monsters so he’d probably get his own new class.

he eats minerals and ores
out of all the calamity elder dragons he's the most tame, he's not actually trying to destroy everything, he's just booking it away from something even worse

>thinking Gayfreak and Nintendo would ever let you kill a pokemon and carve it's hide

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I always saw him as too focused on running away from Fatalis to care about you, when you get close enough to his face and he becomes bite you in half

Probably a behemoth class to go along with leviathans (no relation to THE Behemoth).

It's just a weird event quest you do for fun. A healslut is more or less mandatory for frustration free experience on this quest. Multiple healsluts, on the other hand, would be just detrimental. They (or you) should've swapped to a damage dealing set if you've noticed somebody else is running wide range.

Fucking Yian Garuga of all things, Where's my black/white moth capcom?

He was running from fatalis, I think.

he becomes aware of your presence he tries to bite you in half*

4U was a nice game. Probably the pinnacle of Classic MH.

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>Odogaron is so fucking pathetic and worthless that he can't even get a hit in

They need to fix that in IB. The only fucker with the balls to attack an ED cannot be just be a chew toy for the fat retard.

>Jho got punted so hard that he flew all the way to the new world
>Garuga followed after him to finish the job

>walking around in first few master rank Ancient Forest
>Gather some bones
>Hear absolutely horrifying dial-up tone scream

pic related

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I honestly didn't mind it, it added more lore to the world. Was just annoyed with not being able to skip the initial monster intros.

If there was nothing in the way, you'd just let him get on with it because he's not actually trying to destroy shit
That's why deflecting him is also a win

Well I think it was mostly lifepowders, but the other guys were pretty bad regardless. Basically the longsword guy was just fucking unstoppable. I had less than half his damage by the end and the other two had maybe half of mine.
And I don't know who in the hell would find that quest fun, MHW is really limited on swarm/multiple enemy fights for a good reason and the jagras swarms are incredibly annoying. spamming flash pods and spending half a minute clearing out 20 jagras while avoiding giant AOEs is not my idea of a good time

Yian Garuga was probably filtering the game journos with review copies and we didnt even know it

Which member of the cast are they going to kill off to tug at our heart strings? Vale Granny or Field Team Hunk?

No monster in MH is malicious, except Teostra, but ideally you put Lao down just so he doesn't trample on some unfortunate human settlement.

Bros... I just want Chameleos...

Holy fucking shit I didn't even think of that. Kek that's probably true

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They were stuck at MR3 for a while which I think is supposed to be Barioth?
I don't give a fuck about reviews normally but I am curious to see what they bitch about the most.

They can make it like Kulve, where you can't kill but still carve a piece. If there is a switch MH, anything is possible.

Garuga clearly loves hurting other living beings

>The weak should fear the strong.

Teostra and Fatalis are the definition of malicious.

Teostra is just extremely territorial if quest descriptions are to be believed. The problem is when he decides his territory is anywhere other than the middle of a volcano.

I know about Fatalis but what's so bad about Teostra

The Huntsman will die and the Admiral will transform into Rajang out of rage.

On the hand hand I'm glad Garuga is in but I was really hoping they would give Kulu-Ya-Ku a Garuga-like offshoot instead

damn one whole year of iceborne probably.
when is a really monster hunter coming out, with more than 6 skeletons and original monster designs like khezu, red khezu, plesioth and green plesioth?

Velkhana is supposedly really cruel

We all know who.

>Aaaah, this new flagship is too strong... Much stronger and cooler and way more creative than the monsters I used to hunt in the old days...
>It was my fault for not using the temporal mantle... Or buying a subscription to play online... I'm dying because I'm stupid...

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Teo actively hunts and attacks people

Cortex and Shard farming is somehow worse for me than getting the mega rare material.

>Garuga in 5th gen
>not copypasted from Freedom like in every fucking previous handheld game
>the fight is revamped, and the monster's attacks actually have unfucked hitboxes and actual tells now
>it's no longer annoying to fight

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Garuga's wings are cursed
I had to kill a dozen G Rank Garugas in 4U to get like 2 wings even after breaking them every time.

Fatalis is more inherent that conscious though. Hell, his bits and pieces literally ooze evil.

Teostra actively targets human settlements and kill everyone. It's just really really bad news for everyone involved.

I find it fun

But surely the huntsman can't die because he gives you the lunastra special assignment

Kulu is a garbage monster who deserves nothing

Fatalis is out for vengeance, I believe. His scales are actually fashioned from melted hunter armor.

I would say that was a problem, but after the insane amount of stuff they're adding (clutch claw, balancing, new map and arenas, guiding lands, all the monsters, transmog, more unique designs, etc) I think they simply went all out and they spent simply tried to make everything at their best.

He's in, right? :(

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if they unfuck garugas hitboxes and give him tells and all that, is it even garuga at that point?

what weapon/build are you using to make that quest anywhere near fun, i'm curious

Here's your Garuga

Think about how many people were complaining about AT nerg's speed, it's definitely possible to make garuga horrible and unrelenting too

Finally Garuga is fixed
>no more attack cancels
>no more 0-frame charges
>twin beak slam probably has a long wind up so you can see it coming
>no more roaring to backflip

I perfer just a short blurb they used to put
Prank gone wrong
“I was being a retarded and thought it would be funny to put a stick up a dangerous elder dragon’s ass now it’s pissed and destroying everything. Help?”

Garuga works fine with fixed hitboxes
If anything not being able to stand 2 steps to the right and just out of range to force it to slowly turn to you will be a huge buff

He’s actually been in every trailer so far, we just couldn’t see him. Jokes aside, Namielle stands in a very similar stance to Chameleos so it’s possible he’s in and they share the slightly modified Kush skeleton Chameleos has.

I hope the Ya-Kus will get stronger versions, especially Tzi Tzi because it became my favorite raptor in the series.

When will they create an apex-tier raptor, though?

It would be Deadeye Garuga

Namielle uses the same modified skelly so yeah

They're adding more ways to speed through the meaningless gameplay so you can enjoy the story.

I was going to end this with an ironic smiley but I don't think I will. This is nothing to smile about.

>No more attack cancels
>When AT Nerg literally gained attack cancels
Garuga is going to be exactly the same as ever, except his peck hitbox might not reach behind his feet this time

>actually putting that much effort in

Pick one.

im looking forward to see what they did with the fight. i hope they didnt make it easy.

He was always there
he’s behind you now

>no more roaring into backflip
>twin beak slam probably has a long wind up
Do you really think that? they'll keep it an asshole because that's his identity

>Flashflare Tzi Tzi
>much faster flash startup
>knocks you on your back and causes fireblight

Which other games only have Garuga but not Kut-ku? I feel sad for Kut-Ku not being in even though the two are usually together

>Tsujimoto’s personal favourite Monster has yet to appear. According to plan, we will continue to reveal new monsters until the release date of Iceborne
Who is it?

>Probably the pinnacle of Classic MH.

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they're adding more stuff so shitters like you can actually slay monsters

They did for every returning old world monster in World, so I don't see why that wouldn't be the case in IB.

I wouldn't be mad if he was.

Yian Garuga is already the apex tier bird wyvern

He's supposed to be a scrub-filter. Hopefully he's a barrier to an increased Master Rank.

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>He's no longer annoying to fight
No, I don't want this. Him being an annoying asshole is part of his charm. Fix his hitboxes, give him tells, whatever, but make sure he's still a bonafide sphincter squisher.

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People who use the term "Classic MH" tryin to say that World isn't classic are so lame

>he says this without watching IB Narga and Tigrex hunts

why are all listfags mentally challenged?

My usual SnS build
Witcher+ with Health Augment
Head, Torso, Waist: Vaal Y
Bracers: Drachen
Legs: Nergi Y
Charm: Stun Res

I died like 4-5 times in total and I've done that quest at least 20-30 times
Just abuse the i-frames in the backstep

They might actually make Kut Ku extinct

>Every MH game is about humanity struggling to eke out a living amongst the overwhelmingly powerful monsters
>World is about saving the monsters

Just leave, let the island blow up and maybe that a few Teostra with it. Fuck. People are probably being eaten alive by Jhos all around the world while we're wasting time saving a herd of Diablos.

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where did they say that?

World isn't Classic MH.

Classic MH refers to MH1-FU. Tri onwards is just MH.

He has mentioned Gore, Lao and another monster i can't remember.
The madmen are absolutely capable of adding Lao as a siege in DLC.

How is Tri not Classic when it's just FU with better hitboxes and graphics? FU isn't even 1 year older than Tri.

There's no thing as "classic mh". It's just MH evolving throughout the years. And no, fucking generations is absolutely not "classic" MH. World is more "classic" than gen. People who the term classic mh are nintendo shitters

None, they're always together.

Seizure Tzi Tzi Ya-Ku: it makes you think that the Handler is attractive for about an hour.

>Classic MH refers to MH1-FU
You're a few games short there.

Honestly, why do we even need Kut-ku?
What does it do that all the other small monsters don't already do

>they have 3 new animations, it's totally different!

This nigga

Oh fuck off Listfag.

>There's no thing as "classic mh"
Coping Worldbab. I didn't even mention Generations. No, Gen isn't classic Either, and neither is World.

I meant a raptor, a wingless bird wyvern.

try watching before spouting off retarded shit

Classic MH ended when they removed trample damage.

Attached: chip damage.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

I legitimately cannot play sns for my life since I hate how it controls. I appreciate the replies though

I play since freedom one you absolute goofer, I'm tired of you fags calling "classic mh" here and there, go die in a fire

So it died after Tri?

How fucking hard is it to have some self-restraint and stick to Guild without Arts?

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Deviljho uses the same skeleton as the Jaggia so you could count him

>starts at R11 and goes up to R12
>hidden sleep
Who's this?

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If you're too fucking stupid to see the tons of reused animations in the game, you got a problem.

Wannabe Uragaan?

I see the term has changed over time, but Classic MH always meant the pre-Tri games, because Tri refined the gameplay to such a strong degree.

It helps that FU was a culmination of classic MH which has yet to happen at any point in the rest of the franchise.

Then what's the point? The only reason why Garuga is popular is because it's a pain int he ass to fight.

>Classic MH refers to MH1-FU
Classic ha always been 1 to GU because they have the same style of progression and map loading.

Check my words
Yan Garuga in Iceborne will be able to scream while moving and attacking

>GU is classic meme
Nice fucking joke. Now fuck off.

>I see the term has changed over time
No, no it hasn't. In fact the classic MH only came up with the release of World. It didn't exist before that.

so far iceborne looks REALLY underwhelming.
first off, NO new skeletons. thats just SUPER lazy.
talking about the monster they added:
beotodus = ice jyura
banbaro = ice barroth
tigrex = same fight as before
narga = same fight as before
glavenus = same fight as before
brachydios = same fight as before
barioth = same fight as before, pretty much ice tigrex
velkhana = almost same fight as kush
namielle = will probably fight exactly like vaal
garuga = probably same shit fight as before
and alle the "variants" and "subspecies" are just a lazy way to recolor some monsters and call them new.
really underwhelming expansion so far and there cant be much more.
and obviously the amount of content is also really underwhelming, just look at GU, 4U, 3U and FU, they all had more monsters, more maps.
they should have at least brought some interesting returning monsters back, like khezu and red khezu.

Yeah, but i mean a nimble and agile creature that resembles a pop culture raptor that uses the claws on its feet to attack, not a fatass brute wyvern.

You can use this build with every weapon that has a health augment, if you have a Lun/Nergi with health agument it's better , I recommend the Hammer or the GS if you can use them

"You can't die if you constantly regenerate health"

It branches of off basic bone, not Uragaan. Also, non-elders MR upgrade paths usually start at R9-10.

Wrong. But gameFAQs purged all the Tri board threads so I can't prove it.

Anyone else who didn't join this fanbase literally 2 years ago care to back me up on this? Doesn't matter either way becaue I know I'm right and if you want to keep being wrong I won't stop you.

Guys its finally happening!

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the original post was talking about fixed hitboxes and attack transitions you moron. all of the nargi and tigrex hunts showed that. if you're done being a fucking pea-brain come back to me

ah, thanks. ill try to decipher it

Gotta get those killscreens, dude

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oh wow a new list
added to my filter thanks bro

Ah, I can see you're the "I want everything to be easy" crowd that they want to appeal to now.

Don't forget Gypceros and Purple Gypceros

>because Tri refined the gameplay to such a strong degree.
Okay one, refining and changing are two entirely different things when it comes to gameplay itself there are no big changes like World brought in Tri.
Two, classic as a term didn't exist until recently so I don't know why you're doing this revisionism shit.

Frontier is dying?
Yeah, we know that

I was using a fire lance and I took more damage from the AOE than I could feasibly heal since all I can really do is poke upwards for 30 damage a hit. I could probably do better with other weapons but having a shield against all those root aoes was too helpful in my first few goes at it. I might try hammer if I'm feeling like a masochist later

Will the guy doing the patch attempt to localise the monster names too?

And you're the "I want everything to be shit" so it kinda evens out

and kut-ku and blue kut-ku

My post is directed to cretins who insisted GU isnt classic.

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>But gameFAQs
I know for a fact that they didn't use classic MH as a term back then because when FU and Tri were fairly new I used to go there a lot.

They changed half the mainline monster names so I don't see why they wouldn't

Toxic casuals like you should be gassed.

Ah, I can see you're shitposting.
But on topic: I'm from the "I want to not get hit by the monster's charge when I'm standing BEHIND it" crowd.

you're the inbred who thinks that annoying = good, so take that toxic and shove it up your own ass.

You're not going to get anyone else to back you up you know.

I mean, this still happens in world.

because Sony wants a cinematic experience

World didn't change anything meaningful. Tri added stamina, fixed the hitboxes, added lots of entirely new monsters, entirely new maps, added a new weapon and greatly expanded on existing weapons' moveset. For a franchise which had gone from Dos to FU with little to no change, this was a huge deal.

Who are you trying to convince with these lies? Your fellow posers? Whatever. I only ever speak the truth.

Garuga isn't even that annoying, that's the thing

>added a new weapon
and removed others, fuck off fool

Well, it does, when Raths charge, but ONLY when their heel actually touches you. Not when I'm standing two meters away, like it happened with Garuga previously.

Better never hunt multiplayer then either because not even 1% of players play guild.
Also enjoy having no discussion because again not even 1% of all media, gameplay or discussion is about guild.

None I don’t think. Every game Garuga has been in except Freedom (his debut) he’s been alongside Kut-Ku. That said, he’s been in from the start of the generation every time he’s appeared besides Freedom 1, so there is no precedent for Kut-Ku being added mid gen before either.

Wtf chill, you agressive little bitch

If you want Garuga to have more telegraphs you're missing the entire point of its design.

Look, I know you can't help it but just because your endorphin receptors have been trained to expect constant influx and you're struggling with something doesn't mean it's annoying or bad.

Shitters cannot handle Garuga, everything that is harder than Kulu is shit for them

That's like complaining that World removed most of the monsters from MHXX. It's retarded. They're different games.

>World didn't change anything meaningful

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>its design is actually having no animations
Are you retarded?

Bullshit, newfag. the term "classic MH" has been used since at least 2016. If anything it started with Gen, not World. mh/page/36/

What build are you using with the lance?

They’re investigating the Elder Crossing because frequent Dragon migration is costing human lives, the stuff they do in the New World is focused around determining what’s causing the increase in frequency of the Crossing and potentially finding a way to slow it down again or at least find a way to minimise it’s impact on human settlements.

Are you? I don't know which Garuga you're fighting that doesn't have animations.

Thanks bro. Also I think this might be my post because it reads like something I would write.

>Classic MH was about that and what happened was that hit and run with high damage single hit weapons or ranged weapons became the only viable strategy
>FU being HBG/GS/Hammer only wasn't just due to damage numbers, but mostly because monsters could chunk off 80% of your health by turning around

fireden brought Yea Forums back?

No, you still constantly get hit when you're on the side, clearly out of reach. World has such weird hitboxes, if you're between the legs it misses you by a hair, anywhere else it's seems twice as big as the actual model.

>gets hit
>drinks potion
>gets attacked and dies

>Are you considering raid battles like Mom Tarot in Iceborn?
>Mr. Fujioka:
>I don't know if it is exactly as it is, but I want to think about something that plays like an event at the meetinghouse, so I will announce it as soon as it is decided.
>Mr. Enomoto:
>I think that the player's reaction was very good. It's fun just to draw 16 people in the gathering area, and I think it would be interesting to play with everyone.

How does this make you feel? Japanons at 5ch seem to resent the notion.

I always loved fighting Garuga in every game he showed up, so doesn't matter to me

How is Bow in MHGU? Thinking of restarting the game learning it

do some people here seriously think world is shit?
im playing since mhf1 on the psp and i had a ton of fun with world. yes the monster count disappointed me a bit, but its still the best monster hunter has ever been.
i can see some people prefering the "older style" games, but that doesnt make world a bad game at all.

Lance is one of the Kulve fire ones, armor is Teostra gamma stuff with dante legs and kushala waist with health boost and some other stuff.

Attached: 20190823054647_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.13M)

I always hated it, but I respect Garuga nonetheless. He makes me feel like when I fought my first Kut-Ku all those years ago.

The worst part is that World is becoming even closer to Frontier thanks to Iceborne, with all the Rath, Tigrex and Kush reskins out of the ass. No wonder World ended up finishing off Frontier.

Attached: 1560922179750.png (661x1817, 1.44M)

hm, doesnt sound too good, but im not gonna judge without having played whatever their plan is.

It's pretty shit. Though I dislike it for reasons other than the norm. I thought the game had plenty of monsters and if you don't cheese the fuck out of every fight it can be pretty hard too.

Base World is really meh and kinda shit, Iceborne is shaping up to be the one of the best MHs tho

>World didn't change anything meaningful
You're joking right?
World is almost an entirely different game compared to anything from 1 to GU.

>Tri added stamina, fixed the hitboxes, added lots of entirely new monsters, entirely new maps, added a new weapon and greatly expanded on existing weapons' moveset.
Let's just ignore the fact that aside from stamina and new weapons World did all of that as well on top of
>expanding maps and removing load zones
>added tracking and scoutflies
>added fast travel
>completely reworked skills
>added weak points to the hunter's guide
>added wish lists and weapon trees to forging
>combined hub and village quests
I could keep on going but you'd have to be retarded to say it didn't even it had the most drastic changes to date.

Seiges are a cool idea but it should be one big fight not foot sniffing simulator.
It should be a one round thing.

>World didn't change anything meaningful.

>open world maps
>using items while moving
>upgraded the entire franchise to current gen graphics
>completely remade monster AI and animations
>three monsters roaming freely in the map at any time
>way more complex in-game ecosystem

I never liked fighting ANY of the bird wyverns. Still don't, even in World.

I wouldn't mind sieges so long as the connection was stable. Nothing feels worse than dropping out when you've finally got a group that doesn't sit around and get rolled over.
I'd still love to see a Mohran style fight in IB where you're on the back of a boat, hopefully this time less heavily sequenced.

You’re getting a lot better at this, until the Khezu bit at the end I didn’t even realise it was bait.

Behold, the face of evil

Attached: Rooga.png (492x635, 527K)

I guess you can call it a good game, but a good MH? Haha, no.

Attached: reigs.jpg (824x579, 85K)

I feel like anybody saying that World wasn't the biggest change to the series yet is just shitposting because you'd have to be a genuine moron to sincerely claim otherwise.

You do realise there's only one post there referring to pre gens games as classic right?
Everything else is just a post about MH and the classic controller or something completely unrelated.

Thanks for proving it wasn't a thing.

This post is so stupid I'm convinced it's someone falseflagging as a trifag

This is all meaningless bloat. In the end, the only part that matters (fighting monsters) is unchanged. Shit like fast travel and graphics didn't change any that. Skills and open world don't alter how you fight the monsters.

Tri changed all that. For one it removed trample, so rolling through the monster was suddenly viable.

Name one (3) good MH


>Monster Hunter Frontier
>Monster Hunter Online
>Monster Hunter Explore
>Jackie Chan

>gaijin hunter

god why are all the top MH YTers so fucking shit

Okay so reworking skills do you can make absolutely broken sets that not even pre world G rank sets could have is meaningless bloat but removing trample damage that did next to nothing in the first place was a huge change?

Who are you trying to fool exactly?


>completely remade monster AI and animations
>using items while moving
So this doeesn't change how you fight monsters?

>You're joking right?
He's not joking, he's SHITPOSTING.

What about arekkz?

>Doesn't mention Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village

are top youtubers in any genre NOT shit?
they usually all just spam videos with all kinds of shitty content.
compared to some other areas, mh doesnt even have it that bad.

Trample was huge, zoomer. It turned the entire area around a wyvern into a no-go zone unless you wanted to fall on your ass and get rekt by the monster's attack. That alone made short range weapons like the SnS and Dual Swords almost unplayable.


You’ll make a nice coat!

I miss when MH threads weren't just endless amounts of shitposting.

Mantles, reworked armor skills, hitzone changes, and stagger limit changes completely change how you approach monsters in World. Oh and the weapon changes of course.

How do you propose that'd work? I don't see Jhen like fight not being a theme park ride essentially.
I'd like them to keep giant monsters in future MH games similar to Gog/Xeno/Kulve - an actual monster with a proper AI, but fucking huge, in an arena with siege stuff you can use, and possibly some props the monster can interact with, which allow it to use unique attacks.

GaijinHunter really went downhill after he started using his wife to test motion values

The only one I can tolerate is gameconomist. Ragegaming’s voice is one of the single most annoying voices in all of existence and gaijin hunter isn’t far behind him.

>That alone made short range weapons like the SnS and Dual Swords almost unplayable.

Attached: 1519914296319.jpg (1199x800, 113K)
>Stories didn't even get all the updates out in the West
>this thing got a G-Rank too

All you actually need to do is randomize their attack patterns in the boat ride part

>muh endorphin

congrats you know how basic human brain works with your entry level psych knowledge. I get a kick of endorphin when I win against a fun challenging monsters, you're the retarded mouse who's willing to get electrocuted and feel good about a shitty designed monster

>>gaijin hunter
I honestly hate his soft effeminate voice, also I know he lives in Japan but why does he call himself that, if he lived in israel would he call himself "goy hunter".

Don't forget
>Slinger (and now clutch claw)
>Environmental hazards
>Much more varied terrain
>Turf wars
>Can eat and swap out your equipment during a hunt
None of these things change how you fight the monsters, of course. Totally frivolous changes.

How so? Which mantle changes how you fight a monster? Two of them are "get hit for free" card, one adds exhaust and one is specifically designed to avoid combat.

Especially against the likes of Diablos. Half your healthbar gone in a second.

All I'm seeing is me giving extremely detailed accounts explaining my point and you morons sticking your heads in the sand because you don't want to hear it.

Attached: tigrex.png (825x638, 630K)

The way you talk about trample damage makes me think you only ever played MH by blindly swinging at the monsters, basically being a fucking idiot. It was a good danger to play around if you simply attacked during the openings of attack animations, when there is literally no trampling happening.

Has this turned into yet another "MHW is DooDoo" thread?

Only an actual archive, it doesn't list new posts.

And then Tri came along and you could romp around the monster all day. Are you just now jumping into this discussion?

You mean it's not?

Attached: 1562316595236.jpg (409x398, 67K)

>implying different means bad
Its just one retard trying to say World is the same as the older games

You know you can look through other pages and see people still saying "classic MH", right?

Which is great cause that shit sucked.

More like zoomers "arguing" against actual fans about the changes between FU and Tri, which they weren't alive to witness.

I enjoyed the seamless, more interactive zones, faster gathering, fastering traveling and interface QoLs. But I can't fucking stand world's aesthetics. Armors and weapons look like bones and logs and ragged membranes, while some like overdesigned shit from a gook mmo. The environments sometimes have dull as fuck colors and scoutbugs make every scene look like someone just let rip a neony diarrhea on the monitor.
I also think the monsters die way too quickly and there's less of a survival feel to the hunts thanks to that and easy storage access. You just can never run out of resources and have to make some shit on the fly


>click on a clickbait video by this fag
>the video is essentially him just regurgitating the info his fans sent him
>calls V-jump "a youtuber" and "he"
Fucking hell, how are these retards event get ANY views, let alone thousands? Maybe I should just start a channel myself? Or is being an idiot a requirement to become successful on youtube? Why aren't there any competent players among the popular channels? Or at least someone who's not a fucking douchebag.

Attached: 1438904746032.gif (397x449, 199K)

>>upgraded the entire franchise to current gen graphics
MHO looks better than World and came out first.

Autists don't want people to actually talk about the series and thus are gonna falseflag shit up the place till release

user, there still is only post prior to World that uses it.

>the monster's attacks actually have unfucked hitboxes and actual tells now
You're two games late.
They already did that with the deviant.

Nargacuga takes things from deviant narga, so it's a safe assumption that garuga will too.

Attached: deadeye garuga.png (1280x720, 806K)

It doesn't make nearly as big of a difference as you make it out to be. Even if you get knocked around it's free iframes and you probably get to dodge a whole attack just like that.

he did what?

That wouldn't make the fight any more engaging.

Tri did not remove trample, you fucking retard.

>Ancient Forest bully not so tough since being poisoned

There is nothing to like about Garuga. It's a collection of several other monsters most annoying parts, it isn't fun to fight, and its armor is ugly shit. First generation monsters all suck ass and if you disagree you can suck my dick or cock.

You are fucking blind. Fuck off. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

I wonder if the one-eared version will make his way back as a variant

4u was shit. It was the pinnacle alright.
Pinnacle of cliffs to climb

>The environments sometimes have dull as fuck colors
They fucked up how the brightness setting works, seriously. Iceborne is fixing that.
Either that or crank the in game brightness way down and turn your screen brightness up for now.

>I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
That's because there's nothing else before World.

Free i-frames, also a potential cart, or stun, or just taking assloads of damage because it's G-rank. I made that area free reign and it's just one of the changes Tri brought.

True. More like it reduced it, thanks to cleaning up the shitboxes.

I played Gen. I somewhat agree, that Deadeye is a better fight than regular Garuga. But it's not because they fixed the base monster. They just added new attacks, that aren't as broken as the old ones, which it uses more often.

Do you not know how Ctrl+f works? Because if you did, you would know you're wrong.

Well, the core gameplay of MH is still there, but there are enough big changes to the game structure. With the open map design being the most obvious one.

They added tells to the attacks and the charge because they gave it a new one. I call that fixed

He's just mad you had actual proof while he was hoping that fireden letting go of the archives meant he could make up whatever shit he wanted to.

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>The environments sometimes have dull as fuck colors and scoutbugs make every scene look like someone just let rip a neony diarrhea on the monitor.
Scoutflies were a mistake
>Fuck, we made the environments kind of messy and it's hard to make out which elements you can interact with
>Should we tone back the amount of crap that's littering the areas so the players can more easily make out these elements?
>Nah, just put in these shitty bugs that make them light up like the Las Vegas strip

The super charge is completely different.

And long, unskippable cutscenes.

Actually those have always been there, but there weren't as many of them.

There's a mod to subdue the lighting of scoutflies. Instantly improves the game tenfold.

>world is shit, it didnt change anything
>world is shit, its not classic MH anymore

He landed a True Charged Slap on his wife's face.

World is shit, play an actual MH game instead.

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grafixfags need to fuck off

Attached: 1566552015315.jpg (1260x1440, 1.09M)

Not him but if you put classic MH in quotations, like you should have done in the first place, you get that one post and everyone else saying that Gens guild style and no arts is still classic and that everything else is optional. So it was mostly used for shitposting.
After World it had a set definition of 1 to GU.

Now fuck off with your revisionism.

That's why I said that I dislike it for reasons other than the norm. I feel like the amount of shitposting following the game's reveal warped everyone's opinion to the point where neither side makes any sense.

Right, and deadeye lacks the insta charge.
Deadeye has the super "charging" charge with windpress and it has the flying triple charge instead of the jank insta.
Not to mention the beak into pokes are now fixed and altered

Attached: 2019-03-16.webm (700x434, 2.92M)

>he didn’t fight the Kulu-Ya-Ku on crystal meth for the FF collab

Go check the update notes or the dev diary, they fucked up the way the in game brightness setting works for World and they're only just now correcting it.

It's almost like people have different priorities and some don't even have any authority on the judgment they are passing.

You can turn scoutflies off in IB

World is good, but it didn't tone down the anime crap enough and the devs are too afraid to get rid of shit content. Also Iceborne is looking pathetic with adding so many reskins. Having one or two would be okay but this is just sad now.

No one said World was shit.

>people think this is annoying
Why? Are they bad at the game?

>He's just mad you had actual proof
Not that you have proof otherwise you would have posted it instead of pretending to be someone else.

Arekkz is actually terrible at Monster Hunter and it frustrates me every time I see some video of some shit he got to experience months before me despite playing like a retard in every single video.

It infuriates me that that baldheaded dipshit gets special treatment for sucking so hard.

Nobody liked it when they added all-new monsters in Tri, so they'll be rehashing this shit until Monster Hunter 28: We're bringing Tigrex back! Again!

I did. Twice, in fact.

No Hammer and GS just shit on Garuga like how gunner weapons shit on Khezu. A lot of Gen 1 and 2 monsters are like that.

>MHO looks better than World
You could have said GU looks better, and used the art style as a valid point.
But no, MHO has shit graphics, with monsters that look like they're made out of plastic and robotic movements from gen 2.
Which looked fine on PSP and 3DS, but are fucking horrible in a 1080p game on PC.

I think it looks great. Very vibrant colors, unlike the drab mist that covers Tri. And World too, I suppose.

>Thunder doggo was sacrificied so we can have that shitty chicken
why even live bros?

He gets special treatment because his has a large following. Which requires you to be able to capture people's attention.
Being good vidya, requires you to be autistic to a degree. Which is incompatible with having social skills.

Every G Rank game is 15+ reskins and 2 new monsters, Iceborne actually has far more new shit than any previous expansion.

>Thunder doggo was sacrificied
He wasn't.

Attached: D_rPweYW4AEZ_ED.png (500x500, 91K)

>Are they bad at the game?
Yes but Garuga is also jank as fuck. It's saving grace is that its head is one huge weakspot and has a low ko threshold. So hammer and GS can shit on it easy.

Keep in mind that in my webm the side step dodges are only possible because of brave. Would have been a hit otherwise.
Not a problem in world because it just lets you dodge in 8 directions whenever you want, so they'll give it something to compensate or it'll also get shit on there.


Honestly, at this point Iceborne has surpassed my expectations for it already.
I just hope Zinogre and Gore are in, and that would make IB the best MH game in my book.

I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are but at least the big one got fucked for cheating on his wife so I'm assuming the rest are soon to follow.

We thought he was playing monster hunter but he was playing wife cheater.

It's not really about the lighting, it's how busy the environments are making it difficult to discern what's a gathering point or a footprint and what's just another background detail. Better lighting might help, but it's a problem that should really be addressed at the root by just making these things stand out on their own, without the need to have them glow bright green.

Ability: Gluttony/Intimidate

Ability: Sand Veil

Vaal Hazak
Ability: Stench/Liquid Ooze

Ability: Mold Breaker

Kushala Daora
Ability: Levitate/Drizzle

Seltas Queen
Ability: Parental bond

Ability: Quick Feet

Fucking Mon games, I bet monhun would do just as well with digimon.

According to rumours he was playing Wife Beater too.

>Twice, in fact
You didn't post a single shred of evidence that it was a common term.

How is the insta-charge a problem? Like just don't stand in front of him while he's about to attack

lmao I bet his wife had a deeper voice than him and got jealous

You're thinking of a wrong jewtuber, dumdum.

>Nobody liked it when they added all-new monsters in Tri
I did.

Also, I don't mind bringing fan favorite monsters back over and over again as long as there's a fair amount of new stuff too. I do mind deviantart tier texture edits to existing monsters though. That's not quality content. Just try and make less but actually good shit instead of bloating up the game with this.

>, Iceborne actually has far more new shit than any previous expansion.
Not as far as monsters go.

No, because gamefaqs purged the threads. But I showed that it was used prior to World being revealed. I don't understand why you think you still have an argument.

MHO is like Frontier but actually good. At least when it comes to original monsters.

Tartaronis Tortellonis in mainline when?

Zinogre is in. It's the most popular one in Japan, iirc.

>[PS4] Monster Hunter: World (Best Price!) (Reissue) (Capcom, 07/18/19) – 5,516 (22,027)
Its over bros, World is double kill

But it does? Every G Rank game except Freedom Unite only adds two new monsters, the rest are reskins. Iceborne already has four new monsters plus the obligatory swarm of reskins.

After Classic MH ended with Tri, I too was excited to see how the Classic MH monsters would play in this all-new MH environment.

Even prior to 4U I remember people discussing how Garuga would be so much easier now without tripping and with exhaustion. Turns out he was an even bigger asshole. Hopefully the same is true for World for consistency's sake.

>(Best Price!) (Reissue)

Literally as far as Monsters go, what are you talking about

Five brand new monsters say otherwise. The average G-rank expansion adds a new flagship, a new finalboss, a bunch of returning ones and subspecies/variants.

What is this shit

Attached: MHO-Tartaronis_Artwork_001.jpg (1280x853, 352K)

Fuck it, I’m posting the list again new and updated.

MH: 17 monsters (17 new: 17 original)
MHG: 30 monsters (13 new: 1 original, 10 subspecies, 2 rare species)
MHP: 31 monsters (1 new: 1 original)

MH2: 46 monsters (15 new: 14 original, 1 variant) (31 returning)
MHP2: 48 monsters (3 new: 3 original) (1 removed)
MHP2G: 59 monsters (10 new: 4 original, 2 ported from Frontier, 4 subspecies) (1 restored)

MH3: 18 monsters (15 new: 15 original) (3 returning)
MHP3: 41 monsters (17 new: 8 original, 9 subspecies) (3 removed) (9 returning)
MH3G: 52 monsters (10 new: 2 original, 5 subspecies, 2 rare species, 1 variant) (3 restored) (6 removed) (4 returning)

MH4: 52 monsters (14 new: 11 original, 2 subspecies, 1 rare species) (38 returning)
MH4U: 75 monsters (12 new: 2 original, 8 subspecies, 2 variants) (11 returning)

MHX: 71 monsters (18 new: 7 original, 11 deviants) (53 returning)
MHXX: 93 monsters (8 new: 2 original, 6 deviants) (14 returning)

MHW: 37 monsters (23 new: 20 original, 3 crossovers) (14 returning)
MHWI: 55* monsters (12* new: 4* original, 6* subspecies, 2* variants) (6* returning)

*game isn’t out and not everything is revealed yet

>Nobody liked it when they added all-new monsters in Tri
You what? Everyone did. How new are you to this series.

I love how 3G assumes you've played both Tri and P3rd, and MHX assumes you've played MH4U. Going from Tri to 3U is a colossal amount of new content.

>Nobody liked it when they added all-new monsters in Tri

Thanks for taking the bait, I just wanted to know which game added what.

Attached: king crimson.webm (1280x720, 922K)

You provide different roles that players would have to take up. Small actions like "steering" the boat, even if its nudging it left or right to avoid a rock or the beast. Another to repel smaller creatures that scavenge around from the air or opposite side. Covering fire from a mounted ballista.
Then for the monster itself you provide a multitude of potential weaknesses that you can see and aim for which will require different positioning to hit. These being randomised each siege will mean a changing of tact and placement on the boat.
Attacks that target specific players as opposed to the boat itself if the last thing. Making additional use of the fact that there are allies in close quarters and that they should be helping each each other.
There is far more that can be done for those fights that stop them being a repeat every time but as you can guess, it takes effort to pull off properly and would expect competency from teams.

World is trash, but it sets nice foundations for future titles.

What is your deifnition of new? I think people were specifically arguing about actual new monsters and not recolors.

A turtle monster done right. I'll take that over Zorah any day.

Some Final Fantasy shit

Imagine if Garuga could chain 1-frame charges in world.
Now imagine fighting it with Rocksteady mantle

Even only talking literal new to the series Monsters Iceborne has the most for any G-rank game. 5 including whatever the Everwyrm ends up being

MHO doesn't have the more stylized graphics from the older MH, it utilizes more detailed models which are nowhere near the quality of World. A clear example is Tigrex, the difference between the two is night and day.
The monsters are animated like garbage, in a very weightless way, and the areas are still empty, so they give you this lifeless feeling.

Not talking about the monsters, just the graphics and presentation. There are some actually good monster designs, like the disaster wywern.

Don't you know japan was pissed when kut-ku/khezu were replaced by the infinitely superior qurupco and gigginox? We used to joke about anyone wanting to hunt those shitstains again, but it's why MH4 had so many returning monsters in the first place.

Thank god they're not in Iceborne.

>No leviathans
>No fanged beasts
>No carapaceons
>No neopterons
World has done pretty good with what it's got to be honest

singing and dancing lolis should never have been cut

Why didn't they reveal this during the dev diary? Why only spend 2 seconds in a trailer most people probably won't watch because it's a fucking TV commercial?

Tigrex costs extra, though. That's not a fair comparison.

More like this thread is now a comfy MHXX thread, where we hang the World zoomers by the lamp posts.

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Ask Kirin

What's wrong with the Japanese? Why do they allow nostalgia to control their every action? First generation monsters are universally bad and I don't understand why they keep returning. Every single first gen monster gimmick has been done better in a monster from any other generation. I can't imagine what kind of idiot still gets excited for 6 different Rathaloses in one game.

I get where you coming from, and how that would make the fight as a whole more interesting, but I dunno, that still doesn't make the monster itself good in my eyes, because it still remains just a prop basically.
I'm guessing what it's lacking and what I want to see is the AI having the freedom of movement and choosing its targets like a normal monster would.

Attached: 1 KNNOQMQIj2yCtmd8eNL7Nw.jpg (790x445, 96K)

>Don't you know japan was pissed when kut-ku/khezu were replaced by the infinitely superior qurupco and gigginox?
What on earth are you talking about. Even before Tri the nips hated khezu just like we do.
Ku was never particularly popular either.

I definitely think they could have done better with the skeletons available. They should have done stuff like make a new monster with Kirin's skeleton, for example.

>not in Iceborne
Should we tell him?

They just kind of forgot about him.

Why indeed. People latch on to shit and refuse to let it go. It's inane and it's happening everywhere.

Brand new monsters, so far, are 5:

>Old Everwyrm

Returning monsters, so far, are 6:

>Yian Garuga

In terms of brand new ones, it added more monsters than your average G-rank expansion. The rest is console war shitposting.

>Garuga just slaps the shit out of Jho

Attached: 1541440546413.jpg (1280x799, 327K)

projared is innocent

Nah man, they love him. He's pretty unique for a gen 1 monster. Unlike here in the west MH was really big in japan, so to them he's a lot more nostalgic than pamolu.

World is an opportunity to remake their fights, because they have to instead of copy pasting assets. They've already said that they eventually want to recreate every old monster.

that's what the "original" moniker is for dumbass

this, what's wrong with "Oh hi the new hunter of *village name*! We have a ton of requests and lets get to work!" add in a few wacky and memorable NPC's that do stuff like cook and sell you stuff and boom, you done

You keep saying "your average G-rank expansion" though which makes no fucking sense. The amount of content added differ widely, some leaving Iceborne in the dust like 3U compared to Tri.

>gargua triggers Jho vs Bazel turf war

Attached: 876d830fdff8b61789d97e9bb98abe84.gif (365x274, 678K)

People also seem to have forgotten (or, in the case of the tactical tendies, want others to forget) that MHW also added extra monsters after release.
>Ancient Leshen
If World was any indication, then we'll also be getting at least 5 monsters to the roster in the months after release that combine new monsters, old monsters and guest monsters.

>Unlike here in the west MH was really big in japan,
You do realise that MH never hit big until FU and that p3rd is the best selling portable game, right?
There is no nostalgia for them.

3U added Brachy and Dire Miralis. The rest is from Portable 3rd.

3U got to reuse assets from P3rd

MHO might not be good, but it has better graphics and artstyle than World and if you deny this you're just a deluded fanboy.

Attached: 1544391897732.png (1000x562, 1.12M)

For the image that displays the longsword trees for Iceborne, was that the complete list? I swear some stuff had yet to be displayed because the player didn't scroll completely down. I may be mistaken though.

Collab monsters are not part of MH. To include them is just scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Then perhaps a new monster that has that capability as opposed to be a lump that drifts along and rams you.
What if you have something reminiscent of a Kraken?
Multiple arms gives you clear targets, allow personal attacks, potential pins and a way of counting how many you've dealt with.
The watery crossing or even a glacier its with the nautical environment they're typically depicted.

My other idea would be some sort of living bug hive, a centipede like Seltas emperor with a multitude of those grabbing claws and a some grounded, wingless drones which climb out from under it.

>but actually good. At least when it comes to original monsters.

Meh, frontier has better original.

Attached: sluuuuuurp.png (1920x1080, 3.32M)

>You could have said GU looks better

P3rd is a separate game, in another village and with a different flagship. And all these games reuse assets made in like 2004.

It was the whole list but there was noticable weird shit like
>No Jho/Luna
>No MR weapons coming off of Xeno's tree at all

Did Frontier ever make a harder monster than Red aura Rajang?

Not him but
>Akantor, Arzuros, Bulldrome, Duramboros, Lagombi, Nargacuga, Nibelsnarf, Tigrex, Ukanlos, Volvidon, Zinogre, Amatsu
12 mons

>Beo, Baro, Tigrex, Nargacuga, Barioth, Brachy, Glav, Velkhana, Namielle, Garuga
10 mons so far

That said, I do think the game will have at least 2 more so at worst it will tie with it. Zinogre for example is like 99% certain to be in, especially after that weapon screen with the lightning swords that need bugs to forge.

Yes, I'm fully aware. It's still under the blanket term of "new" which also includes recolors, moron.

Are you the same user who said World isn't that different? Because this is almost as retarded as that statement.

The point is that 3U had only 2 brand new monsters just like most G Rank versions

It still just took most monsters from P3rd and made reskins for other existing Tri monsters. 3U only added to actual new monsters.

Even MHGU looks better than that chink rubbish.

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Ah ok. Really hope Jho gets MR gear.

>japs have shit taste
And water is wet.

>but it's why MH4 had so many returning monsters in the first place.
Which is funny because apparently Japs hated 4, or 4U anyway.

Why are you trying to bring in GU?

That user was specifically talking about brand new monsters, which Iceborne has the most of

This one? I'd guess so. I haven't fought him yet but the very top of monsters seems to be Musou shit and Zenith.

Nah, fix its dumb looking feet and then we
can talk about it.

The point is that 3U added two brand new monsters. The rest were returning ones and subspecies.

He absolutely will, the demo file just didn't have the Jho sidequest flag triggered I guess

user, half those in p3 were old. Were talking about new monsters.

Convert this guy's name to a proper English localized name. What would it be?


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>he's in
worldbabs are getting raped

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Post yfw MH6 pulls a Dos and includes every single monster from World (minus collabs of course) as well as it’s own original shit.

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Mmm, I'm not sold on the Kraken idea yet.
But that helped me better formulate another point as to why I don't like that type of giant monster fights: even if the monster moves around the boat freely, it still feels detached, because it doesn't share the surface it can travel over with the hunters, who are limited to the boat.
For a giant monster fight to feel more real, you should be able to approach the monster on foot, whenever you want, instead of only getting an opportunity to hit it when it decides to do a ram attack or something, letting you to climb on it.

This is false, World looks a lot better and this is coming from someone who's sick to see Mephistophelin for the hundredth time
>t. played MHO until the english patch got rekt 3ish years ago

Attached: rip mho.png (609x120, 12K)

No it doesn't, you deluded fucker. GU only has more vibrant colors than World, and it has worse everything else in comparison to MHW and MHO.


I only barely got a few hours in but I already fucking love GU's graphics. The textures are detailed but not in the washed out gritty realistique way.

It didn't. In lots of Seliana footage shown off you can see how Serious Handler and the Huntsman both have their blue quest markers present

No. Though all of these games are more or less the same shit so why it's a point of contention at all escapes me.

Was his original name Sluuuurp?

You know Garuga will get nerfed in IB given all of the game's new mechanics. At best it will be twitchy and fast as a throwback to the old Garuga but the fight will have become easy as none of that asshole trait

He just said
>Not as far as monsters go
Nothing about being brand new. I thought returning ones count too.

If we only count brand new then P3rd has 7 of them, while Iceborne has 4 so far.

>Though all of these games are more or less the same
So you are him.

What settings did you play with?

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>white parts
>large wyvern gem
What has stuff like that and was in previous games?

Eh I disagree but only because that's what actually made the boat fights feel unique and fresh, that element of this chase between your crew and the monster. I think the best compromise would be to have the end "off the boat" segment ala the Mohrans just be a more traditional fight instead of playing keep back from the ship

they should let us hunt baby rathalos'

Baruragaru. He also has a Zenith subspecie.

Attached: Barugaru Z.jpg (1140x613, 202K)

His name is based on ‘barbarous’ and the Spanish word for ‘lizard’. If we wanted to be as true as possible you’d have to make a portmanteau out of those words. That said the localisation team often just removes the ‘ru’ sounds from names and calls it a day, like ‘Kururuyakku’ becoming ‘Kulu-Ya-Ku’, ‘Baruragaru’ might become something like ‘Barragar’ or ‘Barragal’.


If it's built on the same engine as World, I don't see why this couldn't happen.
But I'd also like it to focus more on implementing the remaining old skeletons, especially Carapaceons/Neopterons/Temnocerans. So those monster families could be expanded upon with new, but similar monsters. I mean Odo and Tobi were fine and all, but I'd prefer if Zin got Rathalos treatment and got himself a hot bitch Fanged Wyvern that uses the same base skeleton. Some decisions in World, like classifying Tobi and G.Girros as fanged wyverns instead of snake wyverns seem questionable to me.

Iceborne has 5 of them so far, counting the final boss.

And P3rd was its own game, not an expansion.

That is a deeply misleading image, but you knew that already.

I’m pretty sure the original argument was about purely G expansions, if we include P3rd then obviously it’ll be the biggest but P3rd isn’t a G game which is why people weren’t counting it.

That Zenith is ugly as sin

Isn't there some other MH genius for you to stalk?

Looks like a ChameleosxJho hybrid

6 years already and those fucks still make me laugh, I love them
but where's kajet though

I think you can remove the U. I don't really know how they localise the monster name.

Hunting Horn looks great in Iceborne
>faster right/left swings, performances, and encores
>stronger back swing
>more movement during performance for better positioning
>high MV echo swing attack
>new echo wave songs, impact waves do massive damage

Iceborne is the battle bard expansion, baby

Attached: IMG_20190718_100907.jpg (684x908, 123K)

Barbazard. Lizarbarous.

what is this and why do i not know about it ?!

So Balugal?

Honestly if they brought back all of World+Iceborne’s roster for 6 then I’d be comfortable with zero new monsters using those skeletons and just ones using the skeletons that didn’t make it to World.

>tfw watched the MHP2G opening again
I want to go back


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It’s a shitty chink MMO that’s not at all worth playing. It’s dead anyway.

Balgal sounds better id say

I think is correct.

Except P3rd exists and 3U only added a handful of new subs, the rares, and Brachy and Miralis


Barragar is the superior localisation.

it's the perfect opening to a monster hunter game and nothing can ever top it


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P3rd is not a Grank expansion, I don't know why people keep bringing it up

Yes, yes, very good... but how would you go about localising Kuarusepusu?

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Chink only MMO. It's going to die soon because failing relations between Capcom and Tencent prevented any major update.

Honestly the Garuga fight is a fucking mess. Hopefully they fixed it.

it looked good




p2g is peak comfy
but p3rd is peak aesthetic


I think his name is related to quartz. So Quarsep? Quarsepu?

Ku-Al Sepoth


>Frontier designs
Even when they aren't glowy and covered in particle effects they manage to look 100% soulless.

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>Portable Third is not an expansion to Third or not G rank so it doesn't count
I don't agree with that but in that case you would have to look at 3U compared to Third, in which case the gap when comparing the additions to Iceborne's is even wider.

Fanged Wyverns are basically synapsids. Tobi and G. Girros fit right in.

> I mean Odo and Tobi were fine and all, but I'd prefer if Zin got Rathalos treatment and got himself a hot bitch Fanged Wyvern that uses the same base skeleton.

Nah, sexual dimorphism would quickly become an excuse for more reskins. In which case, Tigrex deserves an hot bitch more than Zinogre: Tigreginae.

Nah, a lot of them could easily be ported to mainline.

Attached: Pariapuria.png (1474x1037, 1.15M)

Hmm yes you passed that test, but what if Harudomerugu?

Nah a lot of the early designs are fine, but once Frontier G begun...

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MH on the 3DS was a mistake
MH releasing in the West was a mistake


>muh nippon

MH in any way, shape or form was never a mistake.

Except for the manga.

I like that this guy actually has an ecology and gameplay reason for his spikes.


Someone post Brachy Hammer



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>here's you Kushala bro

Attached: garuba daora.png (1027x756, 888K)

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story has been pushed more and more since 2nd gen, they just really wanted to make one. not everything us some appeal to tbe west but thats what everyone says to every design decision they make, grow up dude

Fuck off, Akira

Why would the gap be wider? The majority of those monsters came from P3rd and are thus not new to the series. So Iceborne is still on top in terms of new monster additions

Nah, Pariapuria still looks soulless to me. As if a robot mashed together Plesioth and Tigrex after you gave it instructions on how to make an original monster.

so hunters are all stronk
are all the guys and gals in the town stronk too?
could the guild lady pick up a stack of fully filled boxes all by herself too?

What about Frontier monsters whose names would be perfectly fine without localisation? There are some monsters in mainline whose name is identical to the Jap name, so the same could apply here. Some Frontier monsters with easily pronounced names are;

Rukodiora (maybe split it into Ruko Diora like how Kusharadaora became Kushala Daora)
Taikun Zamuza

>most certainly at the expense of more content
Iceborne is already having more content than past G-rank expansions and we haven't seen everything yet. This guy is hellbent on shitting on MHW.

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How cool would it be if the slime part changes color with every charge level?

Burst and Origin species were a mistake, I don’t think anyone will contest that.

Hammers with visual effects on charge are always neat.

Only hunters are superhuman chads

Mate, you don't have to agree. P3rd is not an expansion to Tri, it is its own game with its own story and village.

Most monsters that were put in 3U were returning ones and subspecies. The only brand new ones were Brachy and Dire Miralis.

Iceborne still have more brand new monsters than any other G-rank expansion.


It's that GUfag. He's been doing this constantly on every thread 24/7 because he's lost his so-called "War" and now recouping or coping. Wait till launch, that's when nuclear meltdown happens for everyone to enjoy.

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Previously it just changed to red slime at the last upgrade

how about the old dragon fucks at the smiting area


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>Listfagging an autosaging thread

The really sad part? This is how he starts his weekend.

>story has been pushed more and more since 2nd gen

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Let’s go beyond Frontier for a moment. How would you localise Morudomunto, the mouth wing dragon?

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What makes them any different from regular monsters? They have hunts, parts to carve, gear to make and quests/locales to hunt them in.


>P3rd doesn't count. it's not G rank and not even an expansion
>okay, then let's look at how much 3U expands Tri
>OH NO NO NO wait, P3rd counts now!
It's all so tiresome.

Dunno, what does his name mean in english?

thank you for showing me you know absolutely nothing

How about we fucking don't.

I wouldn´t and instead just do a God Eater colaboration

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literally sneaked that sfx in thinking they're slick and nobody would notice

Corazon Espinado

boy lets hope there isn't another announcement, hence he loses his entire weekend shilling GU and shitposting MHW

Damn, you can read my thoughts?

Literally edge incarnate
I like how he mindbroke Alisa for our pleasure afterwards though

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x891, 233K)

You're a fucking retard and just being disingenuous at this point

>posts wojack

new bread

what the fuck are you talking about, are you being retarded on purpose?

Man, why are you couting this shit ? The thing has 2 moves, that's less than a fucking jaggi.

>People still think listfag is a GUfag

he did kind of admit he was both a week ago

Gore: Ghost/Dragon
Tetsucabra: Rock/Water
Seregios: Rock/Flying
Negigante: Fighting/Dragon
Radobaan: Ghost/Ground
Odogaron: Dark(/Fighting?)
Barioth: Ice/Flying
Nerscylla: Bug/Poison
Kulu Ya-Ku: Normal

Now that I think about it, are there any monsters that would be Grass or Psychic?

Attached: IMG_20190422_082926.jpg (1200x1462, 283K)

>he says while he's fanboying so hard for an addon that he makes up these retarded mental gymnastics criteria to make sure it comes out on top
oh wait, that game adds 9 monsters and my shit only adds 3? well shit, I guess games that have the color blue on the cover don't count HA! See?! 3 really is the most any expansion adds :)

> I'm so pathetically sad I spend all my time false flagging on the internet and intentionally misrepresenting arguments cause I'm a husk of a person
Enjoy your (You)

We were talking about the number of original monsters that gets add in the average G-rank expansion.

>FU: 2
>3U: 2
>4U: 2
>GU: 2
>Iceborne: 5

P3rd added a bunch of them, but the discussion wasn't about new games. P3rd should he compared to base World, not to its expansion.

He's neither, he's just a chronic shitposter trying to instigate console wars. People need to stop falling for it.

Nice projection, kiddo. Don't worry, your little expansion is the bestest ever. What a nice expansion it is! How shiny and cool! Aren't you a happy little autist now?

Can someone draw a garuga dabbing?

Who's "we"? There was no talk about G rank or brand new original monsters. The post literally said monsters and expansion. No more strings attached until it was inconvenient for an Iceborne shill.

Duramboros: Grass/Ground
Yama Tsukami: Grass/Dragon
Forokururu: Grass/Flying

Garuga styling on Deviljho wasn't enough?