What are some brainless RPGs to play for a tired wagie?

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unironically pokemon

Path of exile
Diablo 3


Can you name some free as in "magnet link" games

Path of exile is free

Is it still slow freemium?

You can only buy cosmetics with irl cash.
You can also buy stash tabs which are convenient but not required.

>being wageslave
>being tired
>playing brainless games

>being unemployed
>enjoying good games like Stellaris, Baldurs Gate, etc.

life is unfair

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yeah yeah..... let's see you feed a family

>tired wagie
I don't get this meme. I'm working 8-10 hours per day and still manage to play demanding games like DMC5. I'm 27 yo.

Son, I'm 38

what game?

Titan Quest

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stop being a pussy and taking the easy way out

Why would anyone be so retarded and selfish to start a family in this day and age?

Russian Roulette.

Why would anyone be so retarded and selfish to stay a man-child forever?

Any sony game really.

I answered my instincts to settle down, procreate, and build. Only incels and loners choose to curl up and hate.

DFO, just grind your worries away.
Launcher or Summoner for maximum AFK, while Striker or Asura for more active engagement while still being easy as fuck to play.

i like poe but i fucking hate how they got away with calling stash tabs "not pay to win" they are necessary for efficient play.

this is peak cope

some people don't like other people and like being alone. why the fuck are you on Yea Forums if you have a family you cuck? go raise your children or earn money faggot

Nah, peak efficiency is clearing your maps in 1 minute 30 seconds and leaving everything on the ground that isn't currency or a high end unique
Currency tab absolutely should be free though. The original 4 tab limit was conceived when we didn't have 30 leagues worth of extra content to hoard.
