Should v be split into western and eastern? Say, hypothetically...

should v be split into western and eastern? Say, hypothetically, i didnt want to see gay weeb hentai $80 steam game threads shoved in my face every five seconds, or some boring jrpg, or another fucking nintendo game.. am i alone here?

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I wish it'd happen, and that we'd get an eceleb board.
That'd improve videogame discussion so hard.
I could avoid eceleb trash, AND western shit finally. Not have to look at garbage like cyberpunk, generic action game with army man, just enjoy my glorious japanese games in peace

I agree. I want western trannyshit and ugly women to go away.

Yes, you fucking annoying, insecure nufags are fortunately still a majority.

We already got the Yea Forums split up to 3 to 4 sub sections during this fucking decade alone, for no real reason.
Learn to use Catalog and Filters. It's amazing that I even need to spell this basic 101 shit out in 2019.


Who else here harrassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations?

Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.

If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.

In fact I'm for larping as a transgender and attacking as many of these devs in the industry as possible with bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.

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You can stop being a contrarian faggot, any time now.

ban eceleb bullshit. it doesn't deserve a board

I'm not only making them pander, I'm also making it so no matter how much they pander, or what way, they are always doing a shoddy job and are therefore still phobic and disappointing, 24/7. Every time they do one thing I'll find something wrong with it so they have to constantly think every day on how to better themselves and tinker until they go mad. Apologies are never enough, the only way to fix your transphobia is to dedicate your every single day of every week of your life towards the well-being of the collective as proof that you aren't transphobic. If you stop, bad news!

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It is banned you retard
Does it stop it? No. It needs containment

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exactly. except you forgot the glorious games like Doom, God of War, Tf2, elder scrolls, fallout (before 76 of course) Halo, Half Life (still fun in 2019, 1 and 2) Borderlands, Sims, Mass Effect, Spore, etc. Ill admit I do like resident evil and dark souls, but i can not STAND anime themed games. just for manchildern..

Absolutely. Western game developers are doing it only for money and to push their liberal propaganda. I agree with this.

OP here, refer to above retard. my post was mainly going after the shitty stinky poopy anime games

What are you, 12?
You do realize that majority of ALL noteworthy games throughout the history originate from Japan? Take those away, and you only got literal Todd's shill-posting.

tl;dr: grow a spine, get a woman, and fix that shit taste of yours.

>anime fan tells me to get a girlfriend

bruh moment, also stop sucking Japans dick so hard, the west can do good too. also you just ignored my message again.

no, because then people would just shitpost on the board they don't like and nothing would change, the problem is lazy mods and phone posters, not west or east games

the problem is actually weebs who think they are morally superior and better than people proud to be western and like western games.

because im an American, and im not going to conform to the asian bug people and their way of gay japanese anime bullshit neko neko neck yourself life.

>proud to be western
yea I'm thinking weebs are superior

Why should i hate my country?

>"anime fan"
Holy fucking YIKES, kid. This is either some masterful b8'ing, or you are literally some edgy pre-teen, whose daily vidya doze includes nothing but Cowadooteh and Halo.
What you are practically saying is akin to yelling to someone "lol stop watching movies! :^)"

As if we needed more evidence that you're an insecure virgin, who's not only too lazy to use automated filters, but also packs a super picky taste in everything.
I bet the fact that majority of all the "top-100 games of all time" list mostly consists of those "weeb games" of yours makes you buttblastered every night.

Now excuse me while I prepare for tonights anime marathon with my wife.

Nice projecting there, m8.
As always, the reality is the total opposite than what your beloved narrative implies:
It's nothing but some anally devastated AMERICANS, who not only think that their country equals "the west", but also are the ones getting triggered by people liking oriental and European games. Because ho' and behold, no one could possibly like both, and simply possess higher standards in general!

All the evidence we need is ITT:

no, you should be banned though.

no, nobody likes fucking both. nobody is proud to be western let alone American anymore, you are really out of touch with the world. Have fun with your fat wife sheep.

What a sad, sad delusional world you live in.
Maybe one day, you will have sex, and then laugh at your embarrassing past.

i am just trying to defend my country. Everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY. shits on us nowadays. And everyone wants to be multicultural and take up other countries traditions and abandon America, leave it to fucking die crumpled and sad. And anime fans/eastern fans like to start fights and crack jokes at the western gamer, i am not the bad guy here .

im just trying to show you weebs how it feels to be oppressed, ironically, the proud white american is the most oppressed group in the world right now.

>EVERYBODY. shits on us nowadays.
Gee, I wonder why.
How about you fags stop acting like the moral police of the world, and cease that cancerous mentality of "west = USA" first?

Next, you could and SHOULD choose your outburst channels better.
You come here, a clone of a Japanese imageboard, originally dedicated for appreciation of Japanese media, now even owned by a Nip, and then you cry that this site's too weeb4u?

Yeah, go deal with that shit first. Your toxic shit is already leaking to our civilized world as we speak.

>waaah make a safe space for ME!!!
Unlike spineless pussy ass normalfag fatlords who get triggered at the mere sight of anime art regardless of the game's quality, people who play " gay weeb hentai $80 steam games" still play the rare good westcunt games too instead of trying to live in a bubble. Because they actually like videogames you see
So splitting the boards wouldn't do anything because I'll still post my anime reaction images on the westacuck Yea Forums

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i use west with USA only with video games, what other western country made notable games lol

why do you hate America? why do you try so desperately to be something you aren't? weebs are really sheltered from reality...

>what other western country made notable games lol
See? This loud boasting of one's ignorance is EXACTLY why nobody likes USA anymore.

It's even more sad to KNOW that you have no idea what that term even truly means.

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Tetris and Stalker were not made in eastern europe you absolute GOOP. also most of the other games were unheard of.. Sorry that im actually proud of my country, and dont want to conform to the Japanese (cant believe i have to apologize for that)

>Tetris and Stalker were not made in eastern europe you absolute GOOP.
I take that Geography was not your strongest subject at school, huh?
You do know that Russia and Ukraine are two different things?

>I don't want to conform to the Japanese
So you're just a shut-in racist for no apparent reason. Got it.

how am i racist for not tolerating autistic behavior? Look, i liked anime when i was 13, but even then i grew out of it quick, after being in this conversation for this long im starting to realize im the weirdo for not liking anime, i just always thought it was...cringey. also i noticed the anime fans at school were mostly autistic. Have you no shame? What would your parents think if they saw you watching that stuff!? it just feels.. shameful, to me, to watch anime.

>nobody is proud to be western let alone American anymore, you are really out of touch with the world. Have fun with your fat wife sheep.
You sound like a child that listens to youtubers for their political opinion.

>how am i racist for not tolerating autistic behavior?
The irony here is through the roof.
>Look, i liked anime when i was 13
meaning you watched one or two kids' shows that your local TV aired in censored form, and then one day decided that you've "grown up" and stopped watching it?
Newsflash: video games are children's toys. You should not be playing them past your teens anymore! Good thing you still have few more years to go until that point, huh ?

>anime this anime that
Just imagine if someone was this hostilely autistic and ignorant towards American TV products. OH WAIT...

>What would your parents think if they saw you watching that stuff!?
They don't give a fuck.
There's a handful of Japanese-originating shows that are literally part of my cultural heritage nowadays, and just about everyone considers Ghibli's stuff to be the new, superior "Disney".
If anything, my pa' would be damn PROUD if I was watching the most stereotypical animu titties, as it'd be a proof to him that I'm not gay. As if having a daughter-in-law wouldn't already do the trick.

I don't think you can call anyone autistic mate.
You talk like an autist and you went to a site for people who like anime to complain about anime on the fucking video game board.

so i really have to be forced to like anime to not be an outcast now. I pray for god to smite all of you goddamned fuckers to hell. pride-less, gutless, treacherous bastards. If you want to suck Japanese dick so bad then book a one way ticket to Tokyo,(then cry when you realize there are no subtitles) and get the fuck out of here already.

You can just go to a different site.
Reddit seems more your speed.
>If you want to suck Japanese dick so bad then book a one way ticket to Tokyo
Nobody here is actually a weeaboo, but the term lost all meaning when retards like you started using it to describe people who watch Dragon Ball dubbed.
You're clearly a westaboo and a child though. I am willing to bet that you got literally all of these opinions from a political youtuber. If you didn't and these are genuine, you should grow up.

>so i really have to be forced to like anime to not be an outcast now.
No, you could just shut the fuck up, use filters, and shitpost in threads that you care about.
And stop whining about "muh animeh!" you goddamn psycho.

Psalm 41:9 Even my closest friend whom I trusted, the one who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.

weaboos will be punished for their acts of betrayal to their fellow man, when he returns.

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You've probably never read the bible you absolute LARPer

psycho? maybe, you haven't seen shit yet.

no integrity = no opinion

Integrity about what?
There is probably something in your room that is made by the Japanese. In fact, there's probably multiple things made by the Japanese.
I bet your parents have Japanese appliances and drive a Japanese car since the best Americans can do is ask Elon Musk to make terrible electric cars nobody buys.

integrity about loving your country, i can guarantee you aren't a jap or a european. Remember, treachery is a sin, appreciating the japanese is something, but kissing their balls 24/7 and idolizing them is not the way my guy.

I'm Canadian and love my country more than you. Volunteer in my community, have the proper Canadian flag in my home, currently working towards joining the RCMP.
You probably sit in your room all day making abhorrent posts like this. Liking anime doesn't mean you think Japan is superior retard.

wrong, i ship out for the navy in october, thats why I get a little butt-hurt (also a little drunk) when i see people make fun of the country and the people that broke their necks defending it. But I appreciate you for being a patriot, unfortunately, most weebs DO think japan is superior


>i ship out for the navy in october
So you just turned 18.
>But I appreciate you for being a patriot, unfortunately, most weebs DO think japan is superior
What you are classing as a weeb is just people who play Japanese games and like anime. Which is genuinely autistic.

Nice topic switching there, kiddo.
First ya cry about there being too much Japanese vidya on a public, global image board, and now you're projecting about some imaginary people who think that Japland is better?

Not that such people would be exactly "wrong". At least Nippon does not suffer of the trashy SJW cancer that is already leaking outside of your Commiefornia, across the pond even.
And once again, you don't even know what a "weeb" means.

nothing wrong with being 18. And well, when i picture 'weeb' i picture the fat acne covered autistic emo kids from high school. Because that's what they were, weebs. Never seen a good looking person irl who unironically watches anime.

Not op but I'll just leave this here

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Just give Yea Forums mods. If /e/ threads aren't allowed, hentai games and waifushit evaporates overnight.

op here, kinda want this thread to die out, stopped feeling psychotic. still think anime is cringey though, i mean, whats the appeal besides skimpy ass teenage hentai goirls..terrible animation?

nah we need Yea Forums sfw and Yea Forums nsfw so we can get all the CBs off this board.

Chicks dig giant robots.

fuck, you are right, my argument just collapsed on itself. OP here, gonna commit an hero, thx for showing me da light.. BYE NIGGERS!!!!!

No, fuck off
But an eceleb containment board would indeed be fucking amazing. Eceleb fuckers need to go and stay go

Great work. Be sure to repost this often