"Don't like it, don't buy it" THEY SAID

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Isn't this considered racism?

Not in America.


No, because when you are "white", you have no rights.
See E.Michael Jones, he will explain that there are no "White Privilege", but in the contrary, as soon as you are "white" you have no rights.
However, he says that Jewish Privilege is VERY REAL.

Attached: Noo.png (2028x4139, 3.24M)

Is he based?

What a dumb piece of shit

Friendly reminder that there were a lot of soviet female soldiers. They removed thousands of nazi subhumans. They are remembered forever

I can smell the onions

Can someone whos head is wrapped up in this stupid bullshit explain what they mean when they say "right side of history"? Are these retards actually basing their decisions based on how they imagine society is going to be in 50 years?

>Is he based?
He is a fearless Catholic and very critical of the Jews.

Attached: 15349909439920.jpg (867x515, 70K)

FYI, this is DICE now.

Attached: Glassdoor review of DICE July 2019 1.png (827x879, 169K)

It's just to justify what ever retarded shit they come up with

>be based against jews
>ruin it by being a christcuck
gg faggot

Wait, shouldn't you guys be happy about this? Doesn't this mean they're treating "White Man" the same as "Nigger"?

The fuck is EA doing?
Never mind, they're EA.

Who else here harrassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations? I think WW2 should have more transgender soldiers because it's fundamentally right for transgenders to feel represented in the fight against Nazi.

Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.

If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.

In fact I'm for larping as a transgender and attacking as many of these devs in the industry as possible with bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.

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Godspeed user, follow your dream.

You can't understand the Jewish Question without the Catholic Perspective.
Anyway, he did a 2,5 hour documentary called "Goy Guide to World History"
Here for you.


lmao, the fuck...

sounds about right
i want this industry to burn

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weird looking jedi rp group

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this is actually good, i'll explain why. sometimes we need a complete disaster and collapse in order to regroup and focus on why it happened, in this case it will result in a bad spotlight on trannies and minority hires. it wont even need to be public, but future endevours will know to simply keep them out. like how the metoo movement made sure that no successful man in wallstreet ever hires a woman protege.

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>were on the right side of history propaganda

>great parties
and people wonder why videogames are turning to shit

Swedish people think they are so good, it pretty amusing how delusional they are

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based false-flagger

An urgently needed, and highly honorable undertaking.

Attached: Soyn.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Americans are the dumb niggers who came up with this kind of whiteness to begin with
It's only Americans who attach whiteness to stereotypes so fucking much.
>The white girl who listens to country
>That white woman who complains to the manager
>the white girl who's vegan and thinks she's friends with the racoon in her trash can
Actually, a lot of it is some kinda obsession with white girls. The weirdest thing is, it's usually white girls saying this shit.

They mean politics as in "office politics" you dumb cunt, and it's so much fucking worse than real life politics.
God I fucking hate cliques and social manoeuvring. Why can't people just be autists like me and, you know, work with people?

Because they are deracinated.

Attached: Ethnicity.png (1454x4144, 2.9M)

what about the black people who sit around on their porches, eat fried food, drink malt liquor, get on welfare, and complain how the white man is responsible?

They're just obsessed with race in general.
Mutts think it means something and different from their fellow mutts when they're from asian, african, latino or white descent when in reality they're all just retarded mutts no matter what race they are.
They all fall for the same memes because they're all retarded and cannot for the life of me form any coherent, individual thoughts.
Mutt society has never been this fragmented. They've all been set up against each other and now it's only a matter of time before the whole thing implodes in on itself.

Attached: shart.jpg (673x789, 68K)

The American construct of blackness is just as artificial and fucked up, yes. God knows blacks in west Africa don't think of themselves in the same way their descendents in America do.
But the weirdest thing is, only seventy years ago they still dunked on Italians for being Italian and Poles for being Polish and Potatoniggers for being Potatoniggers, so they should know about this stuff.

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>They're just obsessed with race in general.
Yes, it's fucking annoying, being "white" is fucking stupid, it's an negative identity.
I live in Europe, I'm not """white""". You only become "white" when the """blacks""" come in.

Attached: 56BTFO.png (1280x720, 1.25M)


That's not what I mean at all and you fucking know it.

This. We have plenty of racism without bringing blacks or browns into the mix. For fuck's sake, Turks and Greeks are genetically almost identical and they managed to bring genocide into it.
I'm not going to lie, though, I'm mostly butthurt when Burgers try and apply their concepts of whiteness to me and treat me like I'm just gonna go along and say "haha, yes, I am a basic white guy".

you're fucking retarded. It's very obvious that person is saying, "You can basically know fuck all about your job but if you toe the right political line you will land a good review."

its both, idiot.

That's why americans don't like E.Michael Jones, because he doesn't believe in white guys.
He defines himself as a bi-racial, Irish and German.
Anyway, watch this lecture about ethnic cleansing in the USA, he explains how people stopped being Irish, Italians, Germans, Poles,... in the USA and started being """White people""" after being displaced to the cities.
It's not "White Flight", it's ethnic cleansing.

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No, that's literally the exact opposite of its meaning. I'm assuming you're ESL and don't know that in English, politics has two meanings: politics as in "socialism vs. capitalism", and politics as in "I know this guy and I'm going to support him so he'll support me and we're both gonna fuck over this guy who threatens us". They mean the latter.

Both swedes and Canadians are alike in that they are utterly fucking delusional and brain washed into thinking their shit hole countries are actually decent

Most americans behave exactly the same way though despite their racial background.

Not interested in listening to the opinions of a potatonigger Papist.
All western countries are leagues better than non-western nations. You think they're bad because you're pampered.

Only Resetera is allowed to get people fired, cunt.

Attached: VBTFO.png (879x751, 219K)

Again, you're fucking retarded and need to kys. I might listen to youre retarded point if we werent talking about a company that basically markets it's products covered in rainbows, women, and anal beads

>He defines himself as a bi-racial, Irish and German
Fucking kek.

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I don't know whether the company demotes and promotes based on party politics, user. Maybe they do! Maybe they don't! Either way, that is not in the screencap, because the screencap is talking about office politics. It's literally right there. That's what "political manoeuvring" means you stupid spic/Ivan.

not necessarily. There are many of these socialist "paradises" full of people that completely lack any self awareness.

>thank god I have free healthcare!
>gets arrested for saying something counter-current

>bi-racial, Irish and German.
Oh wow. It's like mixing plague and cholera.

>Not interested in listening to the opinions of a potatonigger Papist.
Protestants are silly, but I still love you. I hate Protestantism though. Don't worry, the Holy Mother of God watches you.

Attached: HolyMother.jpg (2048x3071, 406K)

Absolutely necessarily. Like I said, you only think they're bad because you're pampered. You don't know how bad even places like China have it.

How is anyone surprised?

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You're just flat out wrong. It's blatantly obvious given people like gamergate victims landing high valued jobs in the industry by playing party politics, not office politics. If anything trying to play office politics in this current climate would get you labeled as "problematic" and fired

>He defines himself as a bi-racial, Irish and German
This only comfirms all mutts suffer from severe identity crisis. No wonder you're all fucked in the head and shoot each other through the skull.

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Okay, you're just shitposting. I bet you're the person who posted the screencap and you're buttmad you got caught out. I don't know why you're so buttmad, because office politics is shit too.

I've visited China. What's going on there is dangerously similar to the countries I just mentioned.

Still owned by EA. Murrica is just as bad.

It's not even remotely similar. user, I live in a nanny state which thinks loli is child pornography, but I'd be retarded to say it's not in the top 10% of countries. There's a lot of SHIT nations you just don't know about.

>Okay, you're just shitposting.

I know you're pathetic and cant simply admit when youre wrong, so I'll take this because its the closest Ill get to,
>yeah, youre right

like 15% of dice employees are actual swedes though

Run along now, little ESL. You have English lessons to attend.

Not the guy you're replying to but nah dude you're actually retarded.
Lots of jobs work this way, the old "it's not what you know it's who you know".

DICE almost certainly is very liberal from an American perspective because they're a Swedish company but that's not what that review is talking about.

Oh they are very similar. I dont think you grasp the impact of how shitty and hellish these liberal "utopias" that are being created

Yeah but they're 100% faggots.

>60% sub-sarahan african
>25% irish
>2.5% native american
>5% goblin
>7.5% gene altering pharmaceutical drugs

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15% of Sweden are actual swedes, so it balances out.

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Doing the lord's work.

I think you guys are actually just shut ins who believe offices work the same as they did in the 90s and early 2000s. You're blatantly ignoring all the other examples of "talent leaving" in wake of a company suddenly joining gay parades to promote their products. It's actually kinda funny how fucking stupid you have to be to ignore this while saying, "yeah nah they mean office bureaucracy, these politics have nothing to do with their blatant stockpile of liberal pandering"

Yes, user, you're right, so please explain to me the hellishness of places where bribes are considered a huge fucking deal, where prisons treat people decently, where healthcare is accessible to everyone, where a working class sod has at least a reasonable chance of bettering himself, where the papers can report incidents of government corruption, all because you can't train your dog to heil hitler without getting fined.
Please, don't misunderstand me: I think all that nanny state shit is fucked up, too. Absolutely. But I also think you have zero sense of perspective. The west is doing really, really well compared to the rest of the world nowadays, and ESPECIALLY compared to the rest of the world even one hundred years ago.

Rage more, ESL. Maybe this way you can convince yourself your eastern european shithole is actually better than the US. It's like buyer's remorse but for your whole fucking life.

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Notice how it's always the expectation of such an unrealistic question? It's no different to expecting his daughter to ask 'why are the physical requirements to become a SEAL so exhaustive?'. It's just not something that's ever going to fucking happen, yet they treat it as if it's something that has already happened. Surely there's a psychological symptom that explains such a condition, because I can't think of it as being something normal/healthy.

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You say this from your college dorm that mom and dad paid for, meanwhile I can tell the difference between paying $900/night to stay in a 5 star hotel in a shithole like Chicago compared to $150 on the beaches of Croatia

The more you post of this nigger, the more of a midwit pseud he seems. Sasuga Cathos.

>bribes are concealed
>working class sod is locked into his birth status and only acts as a paypiggie for university courses
>prisons are so lax as to make rape gangs and terrorists see them as a vacation
>healthcare has months long waiting lists (unless you're upper class)
>papers are the most censored, biased and bribed (see: EU, Soros) anywhere in the West
>get arrested for a non-issue because it might influence the narrative in any other way than anti-white, anti-west
You're a fucking mong and a bootlicker.

>Surely there's a psychological symptom that explains such a condition, because I can't think of it as being something normal/healthy.
It's called Jewish brainwashing.

>too much of a pussy to type fucking "black"

That's actually the sad cherry on top of that sad cake video. Clown world we're living in.

Attached: disgust.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

All of those platitudes you listed are worth fuck all if you have no freedom to actually think for yourself without facing the possibility of fines or imprisonment.

>mutts suffer from severe identity crisis

>You say this from your college dorm that mom and dad paid for
Not my parents, user. The state :)
FYI Croatia is where all the middle class people go to have holidays in my country, so I feel like your rhetoric didn't quite work out.

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Said like someone who has never lived in a shithole.
Ha, idiot, you've already fallen for the trap; you're comparing western countries with other western countries.
Try comparing western countries with non-western countries, and you'll learn to be a bit more greatful.

>Not my parents, user. The state :)
>implying the state isn't your mommy and daddt

who's making those

Better than being the abused step-child of big daddy Russia (or is it Mother Germany for you?).

I was born in Detroit, bud.

>Better than being

I love the universal apathy all of you retards grow up with

Americans get mad when Europeans say they don't want other Europeans in their countries. See the fallout between Brits and Americans over Brits not wanting villages and towns flooded with Poles.
>b-but they're whiiiite!
If your argument falls to a blanket term like "white" instead of "Anglo" or even "Germanic" you've already lost your way.

>Turks and Greeks are genetically almost identical
>no responses
Your IP is currently being traced by Nikokolous Galodopolous user, watch out.

Detroit life expectancy: 78 years.
China life expectancy: 76 years.

I hope that puts things in perspective for you.

>They mean politics as in "office politics"

user, Battlefield 1 is retarded, but that is not what this random employee's account of his experience working for Dice is focused on. Instead, it is focused on his experience working for Dice.

>bf 1

Not really, I would still choose to live around here over a seemingly "glamorous" place like LA, Vancouver, Stockholm, etc.

>user, Battlefield 1 is retarded
no shit.

Attached: 1527121607844.png (1664x1494, 2.4M)

>buying western zog games
You only have yourself to blame.


>muh right side of history
Fucking faggots. In fucking 50 years Europe will be a caliphate and America will be run by Hispanic mutts who don't give a fuck about gender equality.

Whats even better is this woman will eventually be labeled a TERF or something retarded for some reason or another

look up whig history

Attached: wokeDICE.png (2000x1335, 2.75M)

I really really really wanted to buy BFV, but fuck that shitty rebalance they did. I wouldn't mind high TTK if they didn't gutted supports for the sake of it. It sucks going all the way to any point just to get more ammo as a damn support

The worse thing is the medic model that isn't even historically accurate, they just thrown a pajeet model and call it a day

All their new employees are sourced from Resetera referrals, why do you think it's a fucking shitshow?

>Why can't people just be autists like me and, you know, work with people?

Women mostly. Men can be cliquish too but it's women.

>waste time and ressources on a BR mode
>no one plays it
>waste time and ressources on a competitive 5v5 mode even though it was already a dumb idea in BF1
>no one is interested
>makes more infantry-only maps
Why does DICE keep fucking up the Battlefield franchise?

Why would they censor "white man"?

Attached: battleshieeet.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

>not using recycled paper


>Why would they censor "white man"?
Because "white men" are the devil incarnate according to the current SJW doxa.

No but seriously, what would be the context? Do they really think that people would start rambling about "white men" in the chat? For what purpose?

Demonize "White people" by censoring their own name. Typical genocidal tactic.

>cannot for the life of me form any coherent, individual thoughts.
Outed yourself, mutt.

Unlike blacks, whites aren't allowed to have an identity

>They mean politics as in "office politics" you dumb cunt
Are you conveniently ignoring the phrase "extremely political environment"? If the reviewer was referring to office politics he would've explicitly expressed that. You can try to deflect and damage control it as much as you like, but there's a correlation between this and the political agenda they've been implementing in their games. Here's the rest of the review.

In other words, 0.02$ have been deposited in your account.

Attached: Glassdoor review of DICE July 2019 2.png (697x166, 10K)

what happened now?