>Another generic block-color orc
Why are the dota character designers completely vapid of creativity?
Another generic block-color orc
dota 2 is for whitemen
>play dota after 7.0
big mistake pal.
I still don't understand the intented audience... with heroes like pangolier and the willow you can see the pixar/disney kids appeal but, with this? "mature" pixar/disney people?
Then what's Grimstroke?
Unironically soulful hero.
Pangolier isn't Disney, his face resembles other animals in dota like tusk he is just eccentric like a number of dota heroes.
Why are American teams so garbage at Dota? Do the Chinks and Slavs just have a genetic advantage?
>muh league
>muh hots
>muh overwatch
Fucking zoomers.
Snapfire is quintessential TF2. In fact, if you got rid of the fantasy shit and made it an old lady riding a horse, she'd literally fit right in.
This, i love crazy old people