>Another generic block-color orc
Why are the dota character designers completely vapid of creativity?
Another generic block-color orc
dota 2 is for whitemen
>play dota after 7.0
big mistake pal.
I still don't understand the intented audience... with heroes like pangolier and the willow you can see the pixar/disney kids appeal but, with this? "mature" pixar/disney people?
Then what's Grimstroke?
Unironically soulful hero.
Pangolier isn't Disney, his face resembles other animals in dota like tusk he is just eccentric like a number of dota heroes.
Why are American teams so garbage at Dota? Do the Chinks and Slavs just have a genetic advantage?
>muh league
>muh hots
>muh overwatch
Fucking zoomers.
Snapfire is quintessential TF2. In fact, if you got rid of the fantasy shit and made it an old lady riding a horse, she'd literally fit right in.
This, i love crazy old people
Keenfolk are the most based characters in the game.
>Kled but good
Yeah, wtf all Valve games have tasteful style cool but right amount, but this just, wtf, and im talking since the first beta, i hate this character i hate how there is so much of blue characters
She appeals to all the cancerous fucks who play Timber, Tinker, Techies, Sniper, and basically any god damn keen hero.
after watching ti i don't know how anyone could stand to play what this game has become, 7.00 really killed the dota everyone knew for like the last 15 years.
>Think in the porn...
>tfw a cancerous techies and clock picker
granny looks cool and I will probably enjoy playing her
Please dont add women to TF2
>hold TI9 in China
>reveal the most American hero of all time
Is this part of Valve's master plan?
>not liking Grandma hero
Yes releasing what amounts to tourism adverts on the official dota 2 social media accounts is part of the master plan to suck Chinese dick.
>MUH 7.00
jesus christ I'm so sick of you stupid faggots regurgitating the same meme.
The games have been fucking great so far.
All the bullshit in-between is cringe but that's business as usual.
I also love heroes of the storm inspired 5manning from minute 15.
Hero brawlers are great!
Talents was literally the only thing HotS did that was good, I don't know why people act like it was bad for dota.
pandering to china, fuck gayben the subhuman
Secret VS Mineski is kino.
Fuck you.
He's for the edgelord audience
They ran out of Warcraft 3 units to steal
Another stupid fucking meme.
7.00 did not invent 5 manning by any means.
HotS is incredibly different from Dota 2 outside of talents, and even those work pretty differently.
Retards like to pretend that +2 stats was interesting/deep.
>Isnt a braindead carry with flashy ultimate
making china stronger
disgusting that valve caters to the lowest of the low casuals and chinese now in all of its games.
>actual cucks not liking BASED crazy grandma
Shitters. All of you.
What? TI has been great. Only real balance issues is Enchantress and Alch being bullshit and they can still be beaten
Everyone is pandering to the chinese now.
You can't just ignore a billion potential customers in a relatively wealthy country
Dota character designers have a very bland design philosophy that involves painting from photoshop, which only gives dull, flat colours, and lack of real distinction
It also tends to look extremely generic, which appeals to chinese sensibilities
Iva-lite the hero.
boy, hots is to that direction.
Jewben is doing it for years now, started with the king leoric rework, steam china is the biggest chink sellout in the video game history.
I'm fine with it conceptually but I think her mount looks too cartoony. Wish it had a more lizard-y face instead of looking like a Dreamworks reject.
There were 2 hero reveals last year tho.
If it's the 4th spirit what kind of spirit would it be?
Wind? Water? Wasnt there a warcraft song about earth wind fire or something? can someone help me remember that song name
Is Dota 2 even worth playing anymore? I'm on US East, so I'm tempted to believe it isn't.
Skeleton King's rework was not because of the fucking chinks. You are ignoring that for one, Clinkz/Pugna are still in the game in their skele glory, and for two, Clinkz and Wraith King both got abilities that relate to skeletons pretty hard.
Storm, Earth, and Fire.
Main stage is over. The release for this one was a bit weird. The announcement came out in between the EG/Secret match.
If they're still following the 2 heroes per TI shit then we might get another one tomorrow.
>secret vs mineski
>literally every single OG and every single Infamous game
>liquid vs RNG game 2, with double Daedalus Tony chuking trees and Arc Warden shitting out runes
yeah, nah, fuck you
trying to*
>heed my call
so the last spirit is the master/boss spirit?
this year's Allstar sucked so much. They should've showcased new hero at least
The aghs shakeup really made shit entertaining this year.
>fantasize about pyro for a literal decade
>got to the point of being endlessly teased in official comics
Might just be the Shaman, considering it's one of his voicelines, so technically yes, a master over the elements/spirits
Or could be death-incarnate-like spirit
Both DotA and LoL have very generic design with very few exceptions. The redeeming factor of DotA is that they at least don't plagiarize and at least have some continuity and coherence in their design.
>t. 8+ years of experience
game is in the best and most balanced state it's ever been in even with alch sd and ench being as broken as they are right now. stay out zoomer
>tfw that game where RTZ just farmed as Anti Mage and when he did come to the fight he got insta nuked
Anyone else feel a bit nostalgic watching her trailer?
It feels like watching those old TF2 videos again.
At least it blends in with other characters and the game style just right, unlike League characters that can vary from edgy gruesome warlocks and generic RPG humans to little anime girls and big tits and ass bimbos
They may be broken like you said but you are able to deal with them in one way or another.
Hell look at sd last liquid vs EG game, sd had next to no impact and lost to a dark seer apparently considered one of the worst heroes in current dota.
what did 7.0 do? need a quick rundown
>like those old TF2 videos
Hell no.
i'm redownloading the game after not playing since 7.00 all i want to play is pugna
The lasting impact it has was removing the +2 stats and introducing talents you can get every 5 levels starting at level 10.
Looks cool
Some of us actually have to play this game you lil shits
ench is a 0stun hero, alch only wins against bad teams/bad drafts
No, the real problem is that the top teams are (finally) noticing that stuns make dota 2 easier to play. Really good teams can bypass this at will (OG/LGD/Vici), but the rest of the teams in top6 will draft 4 heroes that stun + 1 hero that doesn't care about being stunned (naix, abbadon, etc).
This is basically morello dota all over again, and icefrog's idea of fixing it this time is status resistance/debuff amplification. It's not too bad yet but when top6TI all draft heavy stuns you know that lil shit is going to throw more status resistance/debuff amp on more heroes and items now. It's a poor solution to the BKB exclusivity on magic resistance/linkens exclusivity on spellblock/aeon disk exclusivity on self-strong-dispell and a general lack of weak dispels (lotus orb is way too exclusive and situational, diffusal used to be great as an offensive item that dispels but now it's necro 3 only and that has fuckall stats on it)
they literally let alch through the draft and he steamrolled through the entirety of that game. shadow demon is a very overtuned hero for a fucking support and dark seer playing the lane well doesn't even make that opinion matter because sd can just nuke your health in pure damage in 5 seconds while your team sets up all their burst. it's pretty cancerous. ench also pretty much forces the enemy team to sack the lane unless her lane counters aren't banned and gyro is pretty common to get bopped. if you have to resort to shit like phantom assassin just to go even in these ench duo lanes the hero is probably a tad bit overtuned
still though this is the most balanced dota has ever been thus far. there's maybe a case for kunkka or tiny but slight number tweaks will probably happen to them as well
>Some of us actually have to play this game you lil shits
Yeah and I love using aghs on almost every hero Except for the ones where you become an objectively worse hero for doing so. Lycans' aghs is so fucking dumb
>seer gets an easy lane
>presses W on ember
>ember now does insane damage as he dives cucks
>rtz useless as usual
I still don't get it why did they remove the bonus stats
It could make a fine feature along talents, considering they dumped most of the flat stat bonus talents that were in the early days of 7.x. It'd be just more options to be made and would make the 6 levels without spendable skillpoint a bit more interesting
I've tried getting into it after giving up on LoL that I've wasted years on. And I was crushed by how more complex and deeper Dota2 is and overwhelmed by all the new things I had to learn.
So if your brain isn't poisoned by League's simpleton baby mechanics, it sure worth playing Dota2 now it attracts a lot of new players and you will have more fun learning it.
Hey, at least it isn't midone. What the fuck was he doing in those games?
>Block-color orc
You don't know nothing about the game do you?
midone may be allowed to stay on secret if they win ti
rtz is probably the least flexible core player right now and the bulba draft is on it's way out right now
that dude clearly suffers on anything that isn't his main three
>tps to the shrine to fight
>dies instantly
>afk farming while his base is getting megacreeped
>finally comes to the fight and doesn't use his bkb before being at 10% hp
>in the previous game farms all day as TB and then just walks back and forth while void is killing him by afk rightclicking in his own base
basically they took out everything that made dota fun and simplified it.
It made Dota great again.
>simplified it by adding more complexity
wow great take mr 1k
No, I've already played almost 4k hours of it. I'm just wondering if there's something to go back to at this point.
b-but i can't choose to level stats!
is there anyone that would actually level stats outside of lame ricing carries like am and tb
Slavs have zero genetic advantage. They just play unfair/cheat 99% of the time. Literally the subhumans of europe.
For some heroes it's not valuable to level up some skills until later on in the game - for example 1 point in WD heal when your carry is not getting pressured in lane at all and you're kind of just walking about jungle stacking is a wasted point. Especially since the rate of heal is so bad at level 1. It also is usually the last skill you level so it's not like you should have 3 points in heal by 6 because that'd just make you a walking tango.
You can still level other skills first.
are you too dumb to read or too dumb to think?
>wd might not want to BEGIN leveling heal until 16
Fucking YES. Niggers? Homos? Fuck off. OLD PEOPLE don't get any representation, especially GRANDMOTHERS.
I'll take a kooky grandma any day of the week over any other character archetype.
Your example is wrong, but I remember when not leveling any active spells on Skeleton King was the way to play. That being said, Icefrog rebalanced those heroes so they want to actually have spells instead of going stats now.
>literally a LoL cutoff
icefrog is dead
>icefrog is dead
You just realized that you sheep?
I hope we get some flirting with Gyro
>wow great take mr 1k
Funny last ranked season I just exited 5k.
The general idea is cool. Pretty unique. However, the character design is just so...modern Valve
I don’t think it’s him, I think it’s EG as a whole. They do this shit and have for years. The whole team needs to split because they’ve been making the same mistakes and losing games in the same way for a long time
LoL wishes they had heroes as good as this. And funny enough, they used to, but they replaced them all with edgy antiheroes with sickdark backstories.
>LoL wishes they had heroes as good as this.
>average LoL champ
>creative, sexy, cool, badass and awesome
>average DotA champ
>bland, purposefully ugly to appeal to SJWs, generic, and retarded
Lolbab delusion
we are going home soon boys
I like the old woman but the lizard looks way too much like those dragons from how to train your dragon
made dota fun
change original to soul and reforged to soulless
Goblins are not keenfolk
same. I loved that the most about TI4.
Shame they removed it with 7.00
Kled is great, you're right user. So is Braum and both new and old Karthus.
The true tragedy of LoL are the few good champ designs that are forever locked into a shitty game. I would pay some money to try and see singed, jhin, and kled adapted to Dota.
the abilities will probably be 10x more interesting than any in lol or hots so whatever
lmao you mean like how incredibly bland Mars is compared to nuPantheon?
this is the biggest brainlet analysis in a while
SJWfire is extremely bland though, just like Grimstroke and Mars.
I'll bite.
What makes this sjw?
>no nipples
>different shoes
>retarded curved sword
>different hairstyle
>different color scheme
>different proportions
Not only soulless but also poorly adapted.
Missed the announcement because LOL CHINA but did they release it's Kit? Release date? At college so can't go looking up the vods
spergs gathering again
its how the original was supposed to be
Ugly female characters are designed specifically to appeal to SJWs.
>the intented audience
are games really doing it? Why not create characters that are fun?
You should go back to league, that game's catered to pedophiles such as yourself.
Mhm, interesting. Care to explain why?
Based Grandmas are a complete antithesis to SJWs. They're homely, comfy, and most of all traditional conservative gals.
for christ sake, pangolier is puss in boots clone
>imagine being this retarded
When's the last time they made a hot female character?
Has Valve even created a single original hero that was an attractive female?
How is Timber cancerous? Most people seem to no be able to into the fact that he's not a right clicker. I also don't really have anything against techies. The only hero I don't like, is AM. Literally antifun.
we literally just got Dark Willow mate
and if Artifact didn't flop, I'm 100% convinced they would have added the creep MILF, creep teen, and creep loli into the game
dark willow
6 years ago if you consider tranny legion "hot".
Don't forget they remodeled Drow to not look like an ugly nigress.
Wyvern and DW?
>b-but it was years ago
dota releases new heroes slowly
>Dark willow
not with that shitty accent that they changed in the last moment
the accent is the hottest part
>block-color orc
what did he mean with this?
sometimes less is more
>and if Artifact didn't flop, I'm 100% convinced they would have added the creep MILF, creep teen, and creep loli into the game
Explain further.
There were going to be creep heroes?
How the hell can people still play Dota 2 in 2019? Are they all just too dirt poor to get other games?
The character is based on the actress. That's why is so repulsive.
>hero announced for Fall 2019, as in the next 2 months
We still will get another hero announcement in the next two days. Something early 2020
Dotards are cancer incarnate, which is exactly why we need a purge.
if you like people sounding like they have down syndrome and cant speak properly, sure
can't wait for chu xin, jin pu or chan lang
>Character is bad because I cant rub my pp :(
If you unironically think like this you are the reason that character designs are fucking terrible now. All boring, thoroughly focus grouped, gachafied shit for subhumans. Fuck all of you
loli is just some kid creep from the comics
the gamer shit wasn't just a meme you know
Status resistance is an alright alternative to the half broken magic resistance we have now. How come a lot of the tanky/carry heroes have spell piercing skills, while all the actual casters don't? BB's quills and Pudge's feast go through immunity while Zeus gets literally no ability that does. Shit doesn't make any sense. Take away BB's quill spell penetration. He still gets the buff, so he still has tools. Too many heroes are forced to sit out just because someone popped a BKB, while even other spell reliant heroes, who just happen to be carries, get a free pass.
Its probably another Spirit like Storm/Ember/Earth. Fits into that Chinese aesthetic, all three are super popular, and the overall theme with all three is low cooldown spammy shit once you start maxing out skills.
I’d actually like a support style aghs for him that turned shapeshift into an aoe spell, or at least let you cast it on another target.
Anything is better than what we have
The loli was definitely going to be part of something big as well.
>Ilexa has no idea how important she will be in the days to come. She must be protected at all costs.
I thought Artifact was complete garbage and I'm happy it failed but I will be forever be pissed that the creep heroes will probably shelved forever.
Literally not what he said, cumhead.
I hope the artifaggotry heroes stay out of dota 2. I don't want artifaggotry in my dota 2. It would be like welcoming cancer to enter my body.
She looks more like a goblin to me. Also, she looks pretty good design-wise. Dota could use more sexy characters though.
mature and intelligent post
fuck off ceb
Reminder that TI being hosted in China is proof that any shred of decency left in Valve is gone, and it will soon be a Chinese spyware company like Epic.
That’s because BKB is meant to counter their play. Enigma, mag, and Bane (among others) go through bkb and that’s the strength of their ultimate. If you couldn’t bkb tinkers shit, then there’s no real counterplay to him.
Pudge doesn’t get to deal damage through bkb, and bristle’s damage is physical. Juggernaut’s ult gets beat by a ghost scepter, it’s fair that bkb exists, especially with the reducing duration
Thank you, I am proud to despise artifaggotry's existence just like fellow scholars.
>Why are the dota character designers completely vapid of creativity?
because they never had any creativity to begin with... everything they do is stolen from blizzard
must be why hots came and went huh
How the fuck is Dark Willow a hot female? It's a fucking ugly ass dryad looking half nigger pixie.
Disgusting faggots.
Cope, bitch.
can't wait when snapfire is pango tier broken again.
The biggest oversight with Dark Willow is that she's unbelievably sexy. I can't go on a hour of my day without thinking about plowing that tight wooden ass. I'd kill a man in cold blood just to spend a minute with her crotch grinding against my throbbing manhood as she whispers terribly dirty things to me in her geographically ambiguous accent.
I'm mostly mad about BB very specifically. Because it seems like the only counter is break. I don't even have issues with him a lot, I was just recently playing Sven a few matches, and it seemed that BB was the antithesis of me. Even when I beat him early game, he could just walk into our base and turn around, and that fucking damage just stacks. Granted, it's obviously a team game, and no one building sheepstick or something is a problem in itself, but you get my point.
That is true but hots character designs are absolutely superb and anyone who says otherwise is a blind hater
>no one talking about how fucking retarded "vapid of creativity" is
>its not a badass samurai,buff male power fantasy and not a big tiddy anime chick
>uhh wtf is the audience for this trash!!"
fucking retards
be thankful Valve still makes good designs instead of low effort fapbait garbage for sexually impotent chinks overseas.
Machine gun Granny on a Varactyl is actually original.
>good design
The absolute fucking state of vaIvedrones.
I definitely understand and I wish it was a lot easier to itemize against, rather than just
>see bristle, spec, or pa
>pick viper
>delete them from the game
Silver edge shouldn’t be the only counterplay to strong passives.
>green orc
>red orc
>violet orc
>red goblin
the absolute state of dota 2
>if its not out of Senran Kagura is le SJW tranny
shut the fuck up mongoloid
supreme shit
oh yes
>support abilities
shiiiiet boy
>wild west theme
>machine gun
oh come on, not good
>not using invoker's persona for the cookie scene
big oversight
looks fun overall
yep, can confirm this totally is a icefrog character.
Jinx is the only one here who is okay, since she is just a rip-off of Tank Girl with a sprinkle of Harley Quinn. I think she is the only female character in the game that has a personality (must have traded her tits for that).
Spirit Vessel, also hex's so lion and SS's hex and sheepstick. Shadowdeamons shit has break now as well.
what makes me even sadder though is that the trend seems to have no plans on stopping anytime soon.
>Qiyana (travesty hips)
>Kai'sa (the story behind the thotification this one is tragic as fuck too)
>new champ is a black chick with unrealistically skinny waist carrying fuck uge guns
>closest thing we have to a granny is Camille who is really just a middle age woman with white sayain hair who has stopped aging almost completely
>Amerinigger mad not everybody speaks like in his McDonalds ads
If your language has a long history and rich culture it's inevitable that there might be people speaking it differently than you, come to terms with it.
5 sources of break total. It’s silver edge, Doom (aghs), SD (aghs), viper, and Nyx.
Those are good counterplay items and spells, but they don’t inflict break, excepting SD but only with aghs.
You certainly can beat those heroes I just get a little frustrated when Silver edge is your only option for break as any hero, where there’s numerous sources of alternative disable.
You can also just stun him and burst him down from the front. Especially if he's a dipshit that tries to go too deep too soon.
I fucking hope they keep adding ugly ass heroes so you fucking cuminbrains can stay in your containment games.
Looks like that stupid cgi character from nu-starwars that was holding luke's saber.
Riot will never add a female champion who isn't "traditionally beautiful" or a yordle (who are also lusted after because cmbrains). As a person who loves witches as a concept (and not the sexy kind, Baba Yaga or bust), I gave up on one being added years ago, despite it being a fantasy staple.
Now I'm waiting for a witch HERO for Dota 2. I got tired of being disappointed by Riot so I joined the winning team.
This is also assuming he doesn't Linken's or BKB himself. Though, at that point, things are cool. Doom and SD go through BKB, but not Linken's, and Silver Edge and Nyx go through both. I don't think Viper's goes through BKB, but whatever. Break needs like, maybe two more heroes that can inflict it, and one more item. Even if that is locked behind AGHS. Given all the ridiculous stacking passives, of course.
Dota's heroes are never that on the nose, I don't think you'll be getting a traditional witch, user.
don't forget shrines and bounty runes
Isnt DP practically a witch? Lina is a stereotypical fire witch/mage too
old women beings sexy is sjw, retard
I'm sure we'll get one eventually. Maybe even Baba Yaga to pander to cykablyats, since it's their folklore and Dota is massive there.
Sorta but I'm talking about the whole crooked nose and flies around on a broomstick type of witch.
Objective list of good Dota 2 character designs:
Arc Warden
Chaos Knight
Night Stalker
Templar Assassin
The rest are bland garbage. It's no wonder Dota 2 gets so little fanart gets relative to the player base.
>no Tiny
Fuck off. Tiny is the most soulful ASSFAGGOTS character of all time.
Storm Spirit
these are good hero designs, also
Faceless Void
Skeleton King
Oh boy, do I have the hero for you!
I'm a LoLfag but I have to say that dota2 has the best monster character there
With the best voice
LoLbros have Anivia though? Is she not good enough for you lads?
>dark willow
>extremely annoying character voice that is nowhere near passable as an irish accent
>because it's being voiced by vapid feminist cunt Ashly Burch
>no WW
>no Rubick
come the fuck on
>Your dota plus subscription has been 拉 for 1個月. Thanks 為了你的防守.
I've been playing dota since 6.27, dropped it for a while around 7.00 but right now it's the best it's ever been
Anivia is like 12 polygons and only squaks
WW is just a Sindragosa ripoff in most aspects. Rubick is straight up a shameless ripoff of Medivh.
>Skeleton King
Fuck the chinks and their anti-skeleton agenda.
Most of Anivia fanart is making her into an anthro which is shit.
Winter Wyvern atleast has dedicated fan art that stick to her original design
Also Anivia is a bird,the closest dragon we have is Shyvana but she's a hybrid and her dragon form really needs a redesign hopefully once they do a VGU on her and her ultimate kit
Clinkz and Pugna still exists.
That's all on Blizzard mate.
Aurelion Sol though?
Right,Ao Shin was better in design than this gay space dragon
>devs are literally scamming blizzard out of money
Kinda based
>lmao just a limp dicked noodle
At least Smite had it right with Jormungandr
>another crazy old person
Im game. I hope they give her and Gyro some lines
>inb4 they were old flames
>Wild west them
>Its just an excuse to re-sell Ursa cowboy warrior again in discount
Winter Wyvern
Heed my call
This makes me miss TF2 shit. God I wish Valve would make TF2 SFMs again.
>traditional grandma stereotype
>gun loving hillbilly
>creative, sexy, cool, badass and awesome
get outta here Pitchford
7.0 improved dota. stay mad.
nah more cute characters tbqh
>dives your fountain and camps you
Nothing personel
Even pro players do it
>Bone undead dragon reanimated from a blue dragon
>Living Elder Wyvern poet
>literally a hobo that turns into a bird
>Green goo mimic
Get your eyes checked. The only thing they somewhat share is their silhouette, which is to make the game more accessible to wc3 DotA players.
To add heroes with unique and great designs
>Skywrath mage
Lion is a demon witch :^)
Snapfire will have a dot break ult that passes to other heroes if they are close, currently very few supps that have break mechanic (only Nyx and SD with aghs)
I only know this because my uncle is Valve
League is basically a flash game.
Icefrog never existed he is like the Santa Claus of Dota
you're not wrong, but at the same time you're fucking retarded
The pet lizzard was so fucking adorable my dick became hard
Chinese drama edgelords
>can't even differentiate between slant-eyes
he's nip
kinda neat old lady character.
Still doesn't change the fact dota 2 stopped being a good a long time ago.
Then again the game was always shit unless you had friends to team up with. Because fuck playing with pubs.
Come on user. They are never gonna have a basement dwelling fat neet who you identify as one of their heros.
You can enjoy Dota 2 solo queue, just takes a lot of patience. If people start yelling at you, just take the high road and say "calm down mate it's just a game".
If they get even more mad, let them call you a nigger faggot in chat so you can report them and have them drown in their own salt.
Not the user your replying to but ive had one sided games where everyone in our team was chill but the game would just drag on and on.
There is no way to win but the game just drags on for another 20 mins after its clear that we cannot win.
>still playing doturd
Did you try getting gud?
7.00 added way more depth, deal with it shitters.
The more I play pubs the more it feels like the game is playing me man.
With buddies I can atleast dick around with dumb setups that can work, like tiny + centaur offlane.
Assuming that works still, I havent played in a long long time.
>7.0 improved Dota2 so much that the total player count has never hit its all time high for 3 years
7.0 fags are so delusional
Good for you man.
I felt a sense of comfort and ease when I quit dota years ago.
it felt refreshing to try other games and see other people in other games act chill.
Now that its confirmed Icefrog works with EPIC, do you think they're working on a new moba?
Look here friends, this user is 100% correct. Though Lina is pretty good for a generic fire girl.
lmao paragon already flopped mate
mostly agree, you forgot Leshrac though
Yeah but sometimes its hard to counter certain heros and i donno maybe im not epic enough.
I fucking hate people who play Dota. They're more akin to bugs that need to be exterminated than actual living humans.
I would agree since most people I see in Pubs are either Chinese, Korean, South American, or Russians.
But I play Dota and I'm neither of those.
>player numbers as an argument
Kinda miss playing Dota desu.
but the soul that lured me into the game, you know that dark asian aesthetic and the tribal mask theme is not there anymore, its definately different from when they started, looks brighter and more cartoonish.
Back during the beta and the early days before TI5, The game had a much darker tone to it, heroes looked more menacing, the map was more murk and darker in colors it had better lighting and the menus were cooler.
Everything got more "LoL"-ey with Source 2.0 update TI4 was already a redflag because it introduced welfare immortals and eyesore cosmetics.
Crazy grandma with guns riding a fire breathing lizard giving out cookies isn't creative?
>reinstalled dota recently
>Mars just actually looks like a straight up LoL character
>the new characters look like shit as well
>most new sets are really gaudy
>the new UI looks terrible
imagine watching or playing a single game of dota after 6.78
>join a game
>people are spamming unmuteable emots
>people are using sets that make important shit look too different to know what it is
>forced roles
just like any other mobashit at this point
>hear CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEB for the 40th time this game
>mute my entire pc
>league is better than dota
lol no
>Timbersaw gets killed by his only surviving relative
Poor guy just can’t catch a break.
>i love dicks
haha wow ur gay
Imagine having ever watched or played a single game of dota, ever.