First game is great, sequels are garbage

Games for this feel?

Attached: 1563867901627.jpg (1199x679, 178K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking have that part 3 somewhere

fucking quitter

Attached: pQkKAdx.jpg (800x600, 185K)

What's crazy is that there's an advantage there since your legs dont get tired

Parasite Eve

Someday, the paralympics will no longer be the paralympics, but the main event. Technology is almost there.

Mass Effect

Ah yes. Anal sex.

This sort of prosthetic only works for people who still have their knees. Getting your legs cut at the thigh means you're fucked. You could still do wheel chair sports or race hand-operated tricycles.

You did like the excellent writing, though? Did You?

Attached: didyou.png (827x1557, 826K)

Post it, do it

She is a fucking whore i regret that i played my first game without a guide and ended up with her.

too bad that shit is two centuries away
people who think we will have deus ex in our lifetimes are delusional

You can't have the running prosthetics on amputations from thighs. She would need to invest in ultra-expensive electronic walking prosthetics.

For now. Eventually well be able to make full on legs. Hell considering Atlas can stand, walk, and run all on its own, I’d say the tech exists and is readily available. Just expensive.

Hands are way harder to do, and we’ve been able to create very good replacements with full motion and even a sense of touch.

I love the face down ass up pose from this angle so much

the fuck happened to her legs?

Your muscles aren't the limiting factor, it's the amount of air you can intake.

Theres a real life version of this in Finland. Sportsgirl got a drunken truck driver rip her leg off. Now she's a bionic MILF.

Attached: Veera.jpg (1024x1534, 367K)

Source? I'd still bang her

This but #1 jerking off to furry porn then #2 double hand amputation

where is it?

I assume the place connecting their legs to prosthetic hurts like an absolute motherfucker under continuous load actually.

Dragon Age

where is the happy ending :(

>people have finally started customizing their prosthetic limbs

>cyborg prostitutes are real

Attached: Battle Angel Alita Vol. 01-013.jpg (2139x3056, 2.03M)

i think she over used it.

>2 centuries
Look at this retard and laugh:

We’ve already passed that threshold 3 years ago, and technological growth is exponential. Expect to see consumer grade cybernetics his the mainstream market next decade. We’ve already got eyes, hands, legs, ears... and they’re all improving very rapidly. It won’t be long till their better than organic parts. And speaking of organic parts, we can 3D print those too now.

2 centuries is way too much, try 2 decades at best.

To be honest great is going way too far, but 1 did have a decent encyclopedia.

there isn't one you fucking idiot life doesn't always have happy endings the sooner you realize this he better off your little faggot ass queer boy self will be you little fucking worthless cunt fuck you no one loves you not even your own mother you piece of shit go suck start a shotgun

they were amputated

Is she okay?

Find me the source of this pick and I will

Attached: OH BOY.png (1242x1920, 1.28M)

cool story breh

Why is Yea Forums so dumb when it comes to tech and science?
>hurr we won’t be alive for that shit
Nigger, it already exists! AND, if you’ve got the money you’ll probably live multiple centuries too.

>people who think we will have deus ex in our lifetimes are delusional
Do you have a single fact to back that up?


the manga was shit
>tfw had a happy ending after more than a decade of heavy depression

That is a Sarif leg

You make your own destiny faggot. If your life is shit, you’ve only got yourself to blame.

She colluded with the truck driver to get her own leg cut off? That's fucked up.

Only if you use the real characters.

Attached: ac90575310313bc09b1c8858971801721482836b.png (792x1224, 675K)

Retard, the stumps connecting the feet will hurt like hell..
Try pushing your elbows into metal for an hour and see how it feel

lost em in nam

I’m pretty sure they fry the nerves at the connection points to avoid the pain.

>tfw Swain will redraw his base panels, instead of continuing

Attached: 5.jpg (512x512, 40K)

>die in a tsunami/earthquake
>lmao shoulda worked harder faggot you make your own destiny

That's absolute bullshit though

can't be much worse than shin splints

Someone post I need to take a shit

Attached: 1.png (3235x2500, 3.52M)

your subject and picture are 2 different things you dumb fuck
now I understand why your mom has/had depression, she should have aborted you

just give her a prosthetic head and she can go back to work

Seek help

What's this have to do with video games?

Shoulda moved out nigger.

Deus Ex Human Revolutioin

Dark Souls

Attached: 1377901455295.gif (400x350, 16K)

Shouldn't have lived in a country that gets tsunamis and earthquakes. You move out of those shitholes as fast as possible.

You haven't played Fable and then Fable 2, huh?
You don't know the pain

Attached: 1515846612747.png (610x800, 328K)

no legs?
no problem

Attached: the real sarif.jpg (468x604, 45K)

>small meteor falls through your roof and kills you
>lmao should've just dodged

Nothing, why?


With new prosthetics they can tie your tendon stumps into knots inside your thigh and then attach prosthetic to that, so when you move your muscle when bending your robotic feet, you can actually feel it all. So amputated folks can nowadays feel their fake legs as if it was their own and they never lost the leg in the first place. Shit's crazy.

If we're going to count the use of robotic parts as athletic feats, why not just drive cars or something at that point?

devil may cry
final fantasy x

Someone post the "get well soon" girl
and the sequel

>Earth winks out of existence because the infinitesmall percentage aligns on a probability scale
>lmao shouldn't have shitposted
Done pulling up extremely unlikely eventualities out of your ass yet? Barring acts of god, you and you alone are responsible for your wellbeing.

Oh shit, that reminds me of this:

never gonna happen because people want to see people do it on their own strength
if prosthetic one day reach deus ex levels people are still gonna go watch normal humans compete

only zooms up at this hour.

Sometimes I wish I was a drawfag.
Now that I made it and posted it I feel MUCH BETTER. Fuck you for this pic, op

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>If your life is shit, you've only got yourself to blame
>except when you don't
What about things much more likely? What about drunk drivers crashing into you? If your response to the problems of civilization is "go live in the woods", what if you get a disease you're not able to properly diagnose and treat without modern medicine?

Ninja Gaiden 1/Black

Although 2 was still kinda good but also broken.

If you want to be completely safe only complete seclusion and isolation can provide that. If you choose the conveniences of civilization, you also have to accept the dangers that come with it.

It’s your own fault you’re a lazy, hopeless piece of shit, and no one else’s. Deal with it, and stop blaming the world for your misery.

Lmao, didn't know that, had to make it myself

I got you

Attached: ddd.jpg (1795x679, 593K)

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Metal gear solid

Fuck you you fucking nigger

Attached: terry no brain.jpg (990x682, 49K)


Holy shit

Attached: 1564719474462.gif (400x225, 506K)

The Yea Forums technician is a Mc'Guyver class engineer that can fix everyone's problems. Except his own.

Obviously it's about measuring the pros and cons of living in civilization vs living in isolation, but that still has nothing to do with the initial topic of "Is the quality of your life totally within your own control?"

Your mindset is (to a certain extent) your choice, good fortune is not. In what universe would you ever say "It's your fault you got hit by that drunk driver, you shouldn't have been on the road." I mean for fuck's sake, what about genetic disorders that make your life miserable, and then kill you? Things like that are completely out of your hands. Of course even a life like that is what you make of it, but if you're going to say it's entirely your mindset that matters then you might as well say there's no difference between good and bad quality of life at all.


Based and cybertomboypilled

now add a 4th panel where she finds a man who loves her anyway and shes truly happy

Dead Space.

based, I don't have this on my laptop

You mean shit writing. Shit writing and no actual porn. Why would anyone spend time making this amateur shit?

The madman

This is what my Heart needed right now

>what about genetic disorders that make your life miserable, and then kill you
That's the fault of your parents, or people that inflicted those disorders on you by exposing you to chemicals or something else that could have caused them. There is cause and effect in everything, things do not happen for no reason, if a reason exists, it could either be prevented or mitigated.


Mods are asleep, post cute cyborgs!

Attached: 71492f5545921c02a05e59524b90baf9.jpg (5600x3920, 1.16M)

Attached: fix.jpg (1795x679, 256K)


Yes, they are rocketships

>That's the fault of your parents
That's exactly my point, it may be the fault of someone or something, but what matters is its not YOUR fault. Your life is in bad shape due to matters entirely out of your own control, which runs completely contrary to what you said earlier.

>There is cause and effect in everything, things do not happen for no reason
Of course

>if a reason exists, it could either be prevented or mitigated.
Not really, in the case of something like a meteor or a gamma ray burst there's no mitigating it. Plus with things like genetic diseases you only know about it in hindsight. Just because there's a cause to everything doesn't mean everyone is aware of every cause, or has the power to stop them.

I'm ashamed that I recognice those presents.

Attached: 920d994dac9c16c7e30850fd5ebff408.jpg (1280x1810, 369K)

The tech might exist for that yeah, but the hard part is managing to link it to the nerve endings and having your body be able to fully utilize it. It'd probably need constant power in that case too, not sure how much processing power it takes to constantly check the brain signals and manage to decode them quick enough and respond so it doesn't lag and throw off the user.

Ghost in the Shell is a hell of a drug

It's also in your hands to set your life right or kill yourself if the misery is too much to bear. The exit is always available for everyone. Becoming aware of causes and gaining the power to stop them is something every individual has to decide for themselves. Responsible families test themselves for heritable genetic disorders before having children and adjust their upbringing accordingly to minimize the chance of them manifesting.

you should be

When will augmented eyes and AR shader be a thing? Can't wait to sweet FX my reality up

you have an extremely simple worldview that doesn't depict reality. you are pretty much assuming that you or the human race are omnipotent/onmiscient and that bad things happening are just because of negligence maybe even incompetence but never because of impotence.

Attached: KcwZldm.jpg (1200x1145, 315K)

More like augmented eyes with female skin censorship and replacing any text with Goldberg Industries commercials.
We're already inside cyberpunk, it'll just get worse when tech gets more advanced.

Impotence is a result of negligence and incompetence.

Man this one ends horribly.

no more knees

fuck you rodent you don't know how huge of a difference that shit makes

Attached: thats my fetish.jpg (690x405, 26K)

Attached: Discussing popular games on v.png (379x545, 181K)

oh my god no D=

Attached: LB.jpg (630x480, 72K)

For someone who talks about cause and effect, you don't seem to fully grasp how far their reach extends. All anyone amounts to is their genetics + their environment. Their personality, their thoughts, their goals, their flaws, all these things are the result of genetics and environment, cause and effect, stacking upon each other endlessly. Even the desire to improve your life is given to you based on your genetics, your parents, people you spend time around, the circumstances you end up in, and how all of those things create "you" and "your mind". The idea of individuality and fault are fallacious in and of themselves. Obviously living your life by this isn't healthy, but it's just the way things are. Individuality serves it's purpose as a helpful fiction but that's all it is

Just use Linux

must be nice living in your alternate reality. it's like believing in god only that you are the god and not some mystical being. sadly the real world doesn't work that way and humans are still humans.

Who the fuck would want to be alive at that point.

They don't fry the nerves; people have to work the stumps so they can build up a tolerance

Is this Ku-On's art?
I think the style is his.

Enjoy your hand writng blockchain calculations while you sleep. Good goy
As much as I'm a sucker for metal parts, bio is the only right way to go. Still dangerous but much less 'hackable'

Attached: 1566557581991 (1).jpg (2374x679, 716K)

Yeah, it's him

become cyborg
>extend human potential

Attached: 1532457759577.jpg (533x619, 89K)

Pls no bullying tomboys.

Attached: perfection.jpg (1366x768, 100K)

>tfw you will never have your penis accidentally torn off while getting a handy from your cyborg maid

Attached: 1550393083293.png (392x394, 302K)

Footfags seething

That's a lot of words that don't really say anything. If you're willing to equate human beings to insects, that will tank your argument still as insects act without a will preceding their actions and yet they act still, even if their lives are fated to end in days.

I'm probably the most fucked up person in this thread, physically at least, but never for a moment do I allow myself to think that the severity of my condition is the fault of someone else entirely. There were many things I could have done differently to avoid the outcome I have suffered or prevent it entirely and I haven't done them either out of cowardice or ignorance, both of which are deeply personal faults.


Attached: ddd.jpg (2399x679, 864K)

and he is not you

>cyborg maid
Here you go m8

Hotline Miami.

>mu training

>get well soon

Lmao, that's just gurofag fantasies. Doesn't really touch me that much. Losing legs\arms is realistic, therefore has more of a shocking effect, while this isn't anywhere near anything that can happen naturally. Try harder, faggot

Attached: My wife.png (1017x1611, 1.39M)

Good to see he still does some good stuff.

No the advantage is that the blades are springier than the human ankle, when you slam your leg down on the ground and push in the middle of a stride, the blades spring back with more force than the human leg. Basically you could potentially run faster than real human legs with them, which is why they wouldn't let Pistorius race in the olympics.


i start to see some partern here

Attached: japanese one arm original.jpg (1505x1185, 403K)

>There were many things I could have done differently to avoid the outcome I have suffered or prevent it entirely
good for you. that's not true for everyone though. you think your personal experiences are that of the entire world. it's possible that it isn't even true for you. things always look a lot more simple from hindsight and your perspective is likely heavily skewed due to your suffering.
>but never for a moment do I allow myself
see? it's your way of coping or self punishment.

Also GodHand, Bionic Commando and all that
Raiden if a fucking full-body cyborg for God's sake

Cringe boomer fuck
You will never be young again

It's a pretty old pattern.

Attached: 1557109415828.jpg (760x1124, 50K)

Quake, save for 3
Did she asked for this?

>this isn't anywhere near anything that can happen naturally
what do you consider a "natural" injury?

Attached: 1566059567336.jpg (861x558, 89K)

And thinking that everything is outside of your control is a way of abdicating responsibility for your own wellbeing. I've lived long enough to be able to separate beliefs from what actually happens and more often than not people are just looking for excuses to indulge self pity.

Attached: 1411747657274.png (1025x746, 858K)

There were actually some real doosex prosthetics made as part of some weird promotional stunt.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Didnt know Dororo had a ps2 game

There will eventually be a point where the only difference between paralympics and those robot obstacle course competitions will be whether or not the mind controlling them was once human or not
And it'll be hard to tell which

Yes and that comic is LAME and SHIT. Like Swain, my nigger you could've made it great but you fucked up
Still great character desing though

Attached: 1540690633072.png (1400x1329, 477K)

Wasn't there some famous prosthetic legs runner that murdered their gf of something like that?

Let him die in peace wtf

why would you do this
>We can rebuild her. We have the technology.

Attached: Goodbye.jpg (1360x747, 467K)

you apparently haven't lived long enough to learn that generalisations are generally incorrect and that ignoring all the possibilities inbetween extremes like "nothing is my fault" and "everything is preventable" leads to bad conclusions.

>in peace

Why wear a shoe on a fake foot, look how shit it looks.
And again my picture has toes, don't need 5 little toes, 2 at best like a chicken foot.

Attached: 23892beba37382cead4a7afbac81174a.jpg (1268x630, 86K)

Do you know the experiments they ran on him helped us understand radiation and its effects on the body? He furthered medical science with his agony.

taco man?
Meet kebab man

Attached: 1552757266582.jpg (1200x675, 90K)

He literally did nothing wrong. The SA justice system is just far too incompetent "niggers" that's why he got put away.

There aren't that many possibilities in between the two.

God this comic made me so hard. Do you think this is the reason they turned her into a lesbian in the show?

>generalisations are generally incorrect

Attached: serveimage.jpg (412x350, 49K)

why was this deleted?

You don't want your big sister to violently rape you and then beat you up when you've had enough rape, right?

Post the text edit

It was pretty good too.

That's radiation poisoning. I wouldn't conisder it an 'accident', since almost any time anyone can get this dose- it's a meltdown on explosion or anything like that.

Also there was a russian scientist who got his head pierced by a pack of highly-charged particles. Dunno how's that related, just cool trivia

Attached: Без названия.jpg (299x169, 9K)

Every now and then I try to think of all the small changes I would make to the body if I could
One of the first is replacing the toes with two separate sections, basically melding the two largest and the three smallest. Bone structure would have to be fixed and toenails removed entirely, but it would be worth it to remove ingrowing nails and hammer toe

Dishonored. Went from great to shit real fast.

SO what exactly is it? Is it part of a web comic? a one off?

Not having your real legs is a huge disadvantage your fat cave dweller.

hond up!
*unleash katana blade*
zo u was say'in

Attached: japanese one arm original.jpg (1504x3000, 1.06M)

Attached: Metal-Gear-Rising-Revengeance-VGA-2011-Trailer_5.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

What's the name of the guy?


by that metric a toy ferrari is an actual ferrari

None could eclipse it.

Attached: 53841front-45433.jpg (640x640, 100K)

>That's radiation poisoning
That picture isn't actually from that accident in Japan as many think. No one seems to know where it is really from. Might just be a burn victim.

They were just fans of the game I think.

do you really want to wash your leg every time you come home?
what if you step into shit?

I don't follow.
It's an actual functioning prosthetic.

He was in constant agony for a very long time for the greater good.

>just 8 panels with different text superimposed overtop
Did Tim Buckley draw this?

Twenty years since we've had a good digimon game. In before next order or redigitize, that shit wasn't even half as good

Attached: Digimonworld.jpg (250x248, 18K)

must be hell to walk on that kind of street without any feeling in your foot or leg to balance properly.

Yeah burn victims are some of the poorest bastards out there. But even though I don't really monitor the progress, I've seen some news about progress in the fields of growing skin replacement for them, even from their own cells.

Would be cool if people can become a tank or helicopter. Instead of legs there are will tracks with jet pack.









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That's called artist CG, welcome, newfriend. Now you know what's this medium is all about.

zero escape

I liked Fable 3, even though the first one is the best.
Sorry for having shit taste.

>Reportedly, he saw a flash "brighter than a thousand suns" but did not feel any pain.

Attached: force of one thousand suns.jpg (212x320, 20K)

I think losing your legs would be devastating in any case. It feels retarded that he tried to emphasis it by showing that she did track and field. I sit all day on my ass and I would be mentally devastated too if I lost my legs.

>"Olin päättänyt, etten käytä enää ikinä mekkoja, enkä mene koskaan enää rannalle, sillä en halua, että muut näkevät ruman proteesini. Ajatukseni onneksi muuttuivat, eniten puolisoni tuen ansiosta. Hän sanoi minulle aina, että proteesi on siistin näköinen ja sopii hyvin särmänä osaksi kehoani."
>"I decided to never use dresses and to never go to a beach again, because I didn't want others to see my ugly prosthetic limb. Luckily my thinking changed, mostly because of the support of my fiancee. He always told me that the prosthetic looks cool and fits your body well as an eye-catcher.

Attached: Shindol.jpg (1116x1620, 623K)

i deleted it because i asked for the source without reading the thread. the source was in the thread so i deleted my request for source.

1 and 3 were the only truly good ones even though they were very different from each other

Not a stunt, the bong NHS 3d prints them for kids who have lost limbs and give them different disney/videogame designs to make them look cool so the child can feel a bit happier.

Attached: Open Bionic prosthetic.webm (250x444, 1.48M)

It was originally a Loud House comic done by some artist where the punk rock sister rapes her brother but he decided to redo it with similar looking OCs.

I wash my foot, not different than washing my shoe. Okay maybe a little more impractical than a shoe but a lot cooler. Exit with the manekin looking prostetics and in with the shiny limbs.
It's going to be shit if sand gets in the mechanisms isn't it. Fack it needs a frame.

>Gender: attack helicopter

looks more like cyberpunk then the actual game

you posted one of the only shindol doujins i like. kudos.

the japanese must have been captain hook super fans

of course but I meant the "real doos ex" part as it is just a plastic casing surrounding the regular prosthetic and it does not function like the item it portrays.

I'm just used to being asinine on purpose have some cool robot arms on old dudes as an apology

Some thing are preventable, some aren't;
Life is unfair, and you don't choose where you'll be born and what shit is going to befall you.
You can only play as best as you can with the cards you're dealt.
'Own well being' is a red herring, humans are hard wired to be social. Aiming for the common good will make you feel better.

SO when do we get cyberware like pic related IRL? It's almost 2020 for fucks sake, I want to be a cyborg goddamn it!

Attached: screen-provoked-en.jpg (3840x2160, 689K)

Human is body is very fragile. Now he can turn into cyborg and live forever.

that's awesome
the deus ex prosthetics/augments had cool designs so it's nice that they let irl prosthetic manufacturers use them



Highly unlikely. People want the awe factor. Only other athletes realize the feat of physical achievement.

People go to games for homeruns/dunks/holes in ones/goals etc. Anything that will give more of that will be the direction of the future

>kept alive for 83 days like that as they did all sorts of fucked up shit to his body
>he kept losing all his bodily fluid through what remained of his pores
>they kept pumping more blood into him to keep him alive
>begged for them to just pull the plug, even said he didn't want to be a Guinea pig for their experiments
Jesus christ japan


Shit, how do I get past this version of the sadpanda?

>cut your own arm off
>get generic prosthetic arm like those posted in this thread
>weaponize it yourself
I don't know if a blade is a good idea since stabbing someone would cause a big strain on your "cyberware" but I'm pretty sure you could easily fit a small flamethrower in there

I can't fucking take this one seriously thanks to the Captain Hook arms.
Still the sweetest and most wholesome things this fucker ever did

Attached: UsolDi1HHjs.jpg (1915x1079, 321K)

Dear lord what is this


>humans are hard wired to be social
They're hard wired to be social, but they are not hard wired to be communal. Social needs can be fulfilled by engaging in social activities withing a small circle of friends. It's why introversion exists. You speak of the common good but you actually are lacking in intelligence to understand what that truly entails and how far you would have to go to actually achieve it.

sign in on e-
clear cookies
try and not have cookies from other sitessome sites have cookies that WILL get you b&

>DMC 3

>the "real doos ex" part as it is just a plastic casing surrounding the regular prosthetic
No dude they designed an open source dudesex prosthetic from the ground up

>t. le enlighted nihilist

They have made some pretty cool designs.

Attached: bionic Hero Arm.jpg (634x1318, 128K)

What is actually going on here? How is this woman just haemorrhaging body parts?

Like that? At least 100 years.

For such contraptions to be mechanically possible, we need to invent/discover some sort of "wonder material" that is light while still being durable, deformation resistant and not rejectable by the body.
And then you have to take that material and have it fold on itself while still being powered by either its own power-source or the body's bioelectricity. Good fucking luck power it with your body by the way.
Much more likely to come with its own battery either built-in or grafted somewhere else in your body.

Indeed. If I ever lose a limb, I want my prosthetics to look like those in DE..

>generalisations are generally incorrect
Your specific generalisation is ironically wrong in this specific case,
but where on earth did you get that from?

Would you guys get a female cyborg body if it was 10 times more powerful than your original body?

Attached: 90b1cdf46b45322d305c9ba38077b628.jpg (925x1243, 134K)

i thought these were game titles and i was confused

Common good would be advancing general health, longevity, intelligence and genetic purity of human beings. Do you know how that is achieved? Eugenics. Now go and tell those women that keep birthing children with downs that they shouldn't actually give birth, see how they respond to that. NO NO NO NO!!!!!
live version


I used the wrong picture, then.
I am referring to this stunt:

We can't even get prosthetics to work with brain computer interface or nerve signals. We're a long way off.

He was being selfish, they could have ran more experiments on him. His suffering was for the greater good.

I would even if it wasn't

Depends. Do I become a government dog in the process?

I'd get it even if it was the same in power, but only if it can have a functional cock. Losing my pee-pee is to horrible to think about.

>1st phase

Attached: 1566486875392.jpg (5312x2988, 1.96M)

elaborate. your post isn't particularly clear as to what exactly you mean.

Why aren't full replacement cybernetics here yet? It's damn near 2020 and sci-fi was telling me we'd have cyborgs by 2000. I know we've got the guy with the bionic legs and the electronic old men testing shit out for the government but nothing is close to actually replacing the functionality of limbs like this yet. I've got a crippled cousin with DMD. Ever since he was a kid he always wanted to be Robocop but he's still stuck in a fucking chair and damn near completely immobile at this point. If he had the option to slice off his limbs and get working mechanical ones he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Attached: Cyborg.jpg (1440x1080, 322K)

Only if it's not riddled with proprietary hardware that shuts down if I aim at the wrong CEO.

I didnt asked for this

Open bionics is the one that works for the NHS, they are based in the UK.
>the UK has more access to viable commercial augmentations than the USA who are only now getting access to them

Attached: open bionics.jpg (1200x800, 88K)

Fuck yes.

Orgy in my techno mansion.

Oh, it's the same as before. Thanks.

>Why aren't full replacement cybernetics here yet?
Two words for you nigga
It all boils down exactly to it. We don't have a source to power an arm for more than 2-3 hours, so full-body is out of questions for another hundred years unless we discover some super-accumulator. SHAME THAT OIL COMPANIES WILL FUCKING MURDER ANYONE WHO PUBLISHES SOMETHING ABOUT IT

DARPA's been doing nerve interface prosthetics for years, fag.

Attached: luke arm.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

An image set of some guy maiming a 8 year old, cutting off her limbs, blinding and deafen her, make it look like an accident (I don't remember if he was powerful and rich or something like that)

The get well soon stuff is from him.

>Get well soon

Attached: lol dog.jpg (755x696, 93K)

For normalcy, you turd. Not everyone wants people staring at their obviously fake foot. Also for cleanliness.


love the song and video

Eugenics is just an excuse for incels like yourself to be allowed into the gene pool on account of your "intelligence". If you were truly applying your intelligence and made a life for yourself you wouldn't need to hope for eugenics to become a thing

Yore a dumbdumb.


Never forget. Never forgive.

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More recent interview with her. Earlier this year.

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Is this a meme or something? Because fuuuck that. His wife should've fought for his right to die.
>but now we know how it kills people
Yeah nice, next time we drop a bomb on you you'll be able to tell just how fucked you are assuming you aren't dusted immediately

This is porn of the Loud House isn’t it?

this, never give up user.

Post the rest

>His fucking name was ouchi

Attached: THE FACE OF THE SUN.png (620x475, 152K)

Let's just go fucking NUCLEAR. I want a nuclear-powered dick and I want it yesterday.

no strings attached and with feeling and sensitivity? sure why not, i'd make a great lesbian
with that much power i wouldn't give a fuck no matter how many men looked at me with their dog eyes

It's a shitty redraw with 'different' characters from mentally handicapped 'artist'
Also shit tags and overall bad taste after reading.

Sci-fi was also telling us we'd have micro cold fusion reactors powering everything by now too.

Everything seemed to progress so quickly in the 80-90s but once we hit the 2000s we got smart phones and fuck-all else.
Nothing wrong with mini nuclear plant, like in Iron man.

the what now?

Very wholesome.

oh no that actually made me laugh out loud
now I feel bad

Oil niggas won't let you. Cause if you can use it in cars they'll come after you,

Where are they from?

There's nothing better for her by receiving legs automail that can also fire massive shots.

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Look if you're a dumb bitch that want that shit just carry a flip knife.
Literally the same shit, literally everyone who knows how to see a man carrying a knife on him would know a man carrying a shitty arm blade in him.

Just stab the faggots you want to stab already, loser.

the original was better because it actually shows the good stuff. the remake is a boring drama-filled slog that shows nothing good where the sister doesn't even kill lincoln/the brother by poisoning like she does in the original.



unless the men also have cyborg bodies

best route of that game.

Dragon Age?

It's people like you that hold medical science back. He was already dead and beyond saving, what's a little more agony for a few years if it means furthering our knowledge of radiation?

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yeah, he killed his girlfriend but got away with it because the south africa's justice system is a joke

>that is light while still being durable, deformation resistant and not rejectable by the body.
any metal implant you mean?


Wtf is this thread?
Also fuck y’all for teasing by about to start posting the secret then not.


> Get well soon

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>Even the Sun is afraid!

>Why wear a shoe on a fake foot, look how shit it looks.
Its easier to take off shoes than clean up your prosthetic leg everytime you go outside.

>Would you guys get a female cyborg body


Oh I'm sorry user, I won't hold science back anymore. Now go ahead, just stand in front of the nuclear blast. Come on, you volunteered. There you go. What? You want to die? Hahahahah, no, I'm going to cut you open and torture you, for science. Let's not hold it back anymore, right? Don't worry about dying, I'm going to keep you alive as long as I can. Painkiller? Now why would I do that. You're going to die, remember? For science?


This tech is several years old now meaning it's already severely outdated.

Why are cyborgs in vidya usually jensen-like 'replacements' instead of exploring the possibilites of actual augmentations like extra limbs?
Some might say it's 'unrealistic' but man that's really cool. Like techpriests in WH40k, I remember some acolyte in Cain books having a cute mecha-tail

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The shoe is part of the limb

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If I get to break walls with punches and look sexy, sure. But only if its rogue cybernetics and theres no failsafes that shut me down if I dont work for some agency or some shit.

>Ideals Jack, what are yours?
I ... Fuck Doctor.

games with this feel?

>incels like yourself to be allowed into the gene pool on account of your "intelligence"
When did I say that I'd end up reproducing in such a system or ever made a claim about being intelligent? And why are you trying to make this about sex, when it's about the common good for humanity, such as being more healthy and beautiful overall. If people were happy with they way they are, plastic surgeons wouldn't be making so much money. You're the one that brought up common good, if you refuse to agree that humanity becoming more genetically prosperous is not common good, then I don't know what to tell you.

Artist name?

Just read all there is so far. The sudden realization that I'm not sympathizing so well with the brother because I'd be her in that situation was not a pleasant one.

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titanium-carbide or hafnium-carbide?

Connecting bionics to your body was discovered to be surprisingly easy because your own body already does most of the work after the attachment. You can even have the feeling of pressure in prosthetics when you touch something because the tendons can be surgically shifted so that they move along with the prosthetic when you move the fake limb. Only things still missing from robo-hands and feet are the feelings of hot, cold and pain. But the feeling ground beneath your feet, or your leg adjusting itself in the air are already there.

stop posting depressing images


did "he" die?


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>the manga was shit
You fucking WHAT, NIGGER?
Fuck you, fag.

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Oh man, I remember the feels in that thread.

cripple girlfriend by 4channel studios

It can fuck them up physically too; a flesh stump is a shitty load bearing joint

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what sites?

Dunno about them, but I'm all for gene editing before avoiding/including certain people. I'm mostly good for even hardline 'nazis' (white, tall, slim, blonde, blue-eyed, not ugly), but I have epilepsy and asthma. The only descendants of me are getting into true eugenics programs is if the genes will be edited either between me and my child, or at least between them and theirs.


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hello newfag

I'm not the user who brought up common good. I'd rather humanity be free with its imperfections than making everyone "perfect"


>tfw extremely few vanilla "female:amputee$" doujins exist
>most of the non-vanilla ones dip into guro and scat when I just wanna see a bitch with no arms or legs sob as she gets used as an onahole with some mindbreak mixed in

God it's such a patrician fetish though. Why so little love for it?

I dunno, I think that other user is right, there is a strong case for puritanism in sport because it shows us what the human body can endure and accomplish on its own. Highly advanced prostheses would be inherently unbalanced as people could be running on different models, better tech etc etc. And the playing field would be even more unfair than it is today with just performance enhancing drugs, and look how seriously those are monitored in sport.

I can't watch stuff like this, nature is too cruel.


Post cute metal sluts!

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I like it when it's wholesome

Does mindbreak and similar really fall into true vanilla?

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she's a shitty mary sue.

It does. Hence why you wont see prosthetic marathon runners anytime soon. Or permanently attached prosthetics. By that point the prosthetic itself would need to be an artificial bone connecting up to your pelvis joints. Doctors used to have procedure where they straightend up scoliosis spines with metal rods but the success rate was like 25%, the rest got painful infections and body seizures from a foreign object forcing a spine straight.

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If you don't count X. Xenoblade chronicles

>I'd rather people suffered and led miserable lives because it appeals to my ideological views



that gif is so fucked up they just played it in reverse

There's no evidence this is actually the dude who got RADIATIONED

Metallica - One

She's a literal space cancer tumor cut from some martian scientist's sister and given body

oh its the game that a /bant/ spamer keeps yaping about

the manlet salvation is finally here


Alita was the weakest part of everything she was a part of.

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In what way does curing genetic diseases make you unfree?

Except 2 is better then 1 and you need to git gud

reminds me of the Damaged Goods story
dunno if it was true or not, but some guy posting on Yea Forums about working in a hospital and some poor girl came in lost both legs and an arm + parents in a car crash
It was wholesome

No and that's why I specified non-vanilla for that part

Have a (You)

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Sounds like larping if it was on Yea Forums

That's some vintage shit, I totally forgot about it.

maybe, but stranger things have happened
good vintage shit

what is it?

i dont know man
this aint place for you but neither is reddit

No, I'd get a male one though.

The duality of man

Uncle user comes to mind when Yea Forums was anything but cuckposting. There were some legitimately good gems when it came to the experiences of Yea Forumstards.

I want to fuck her now

We have medicine for curing diseases. It's a slippery slope if gene splicing is allowed to legally become a thing. Corperations managed to copyright their genetically altered seeds, shit will go sour pretty fast for humanity

This post hurts more then it should.

Imagine if they accidentally hooked each others legs while running next to each other.

Saya no uta, a VN

Go check Angel Giuffria on google

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That manga is amazing, it's the movie that is shit in comparison.

that's my gf after I ate her legs


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i think it's called karate doujo or something like that.

Thanks for saving this thread and my feels user

>We have medicine for curing diseases
And the medicine for curing genetic disease is genetic alteration.

>Corperations managed to copyright their genetically altered seeds, shit will go sour pretty fast for humanity
Legally you can't patent a human gene, but the process for isolating a particular gene can and has been patented already.

>encouraging good genes to pass on and gene splicing are the same thing

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>"""""""good""""""" genes
That's the slope

God damn it.

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Good lad

You're replying to two different people you idiot. Selective breeding and messing with genes artificially are different concepts. What he is offering could be good, but in the wrong hands, and such tools are near guaranteed to fall into the wrong hands today, it will be far more devastating than allowing nature to do it gradually.

Removing nigger aggression genes would be a net +

There's a cavernous lavapit of crippling disease long before the slope, retard.

My life.

I meant that you're both retarded

removing incel genes would be a benefit society desu

>no Downs
>no Autism or OCD unless caused by exposure to brain infections during formative years
>no Fibromyalgia
>no Diabetes
>No Crohns
>No countless other syndroms that I can't name off the top of my head
Yeah, it's a slippery slope alright, the big pharma would be real upset if it started losing billions.

You leave the aggression genes alone, that is an important motivating factor for competition and motivation that results in progress. Just remove niggers instead.

Enjoy living in high aggressive eternal war and than die in war.

Everyone will die. No survival patterns.

have sex

You know anons, maybe the (((Globalist))) Corporate Cyberpunk Dystopian Future ahead of us wouldn't be half bad with tomborgs of our own.

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>contributing nothing to society and effecting your environment in absolutely no way is somehow saving the human race from destroying itself


I'd rather that than have incels whining about how much they wanted to be genetically altered before birth so they wouldn't have come out ugly

>implying you won't just become some nerve stapled drone that lives to serve.

>Complete editing becomes legal
>Within 3 generations, 99% of western world are 7-foot, blonde/blue-eyed and bronze- or pure white-skinned
>Japan is now catgirls and bishis with some Kiryus scattered throughout


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: )

Not even a cybercripple would love you.

You're being controlled through pleasure. You can have the same thing without living in a corporate dystopia where no decision of yours ever matters.

>he thinks that messing with genes that influence behaviors is not a bad idea especially when one can involve and jump off so many others

Imagining society where no one are backing off always aggressive, and vengeance is best way to solve problems?
Everyone are dead.

>niggers can't afford it
>they all die off while the whites and asians reproduce prosperous offspring over the course of generations
Maybe I can get behind this....

no one gives a fuck about you feelshit cunt kys

This is the ideal future.

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You're just mad because a world without incels would mean you wouldn't exist. Also
>hurr we need gene editing NOW

cybernetics are so fucking based.

Attached: If I turn around and you're doing that fucking dance again.gif (444x250, 1.67M)

Enjoy living some centuries and than die out in war. That is what happened to spartans, they did die out.

Roman empire did find a balance and made it.

All I can think of is Borderlands, but instead of great, I'd say decent

You keep using that word to designate some sort of an "objectively harmful element among humanity", but in truth you're just talking about people you don't personally like. If you want to use scientific method to achieve scientific goals, you too have to be scientific instead of giving out broad and vague definitions. If you want to get rid of ugly or unappealing people, then you have to encourage good genetics and prevent the current generations that possess these features from reproducing and that is not limited to men, but women as well. Genes express themselves much stronger on the female side, which is why an ugly man with an attractive woman has a much higher chance to have healthier and more attractive offspring than an attractive man with an unattractive, sickly woman.

>Editing reaches the rest of the world with the rising middle class in parts of Africa, India, ect.
>You now have nigerian mtumbus who look like pink haired catgirls and bitch lasagna Indians who look like Jojo characters.

Be careful what you wish for user.

>mean you wouldn't exist.
World is just playground. Everyone will die someday.

I say about balance, that is it. Break a balance and everyone are dead as shit.

>implying that's not fucking awesome
>implying not letting people look and live like they truly want, within the limits of reason, instead of being hammered into narrow scopes of extremely oppressive and judgmental societies wouldn't lead to a massive boost in happiness and productivity both

Are you even familiar with the spartans at all aside from the movie 300? And yeah, my entire point is that gene editing on humans is a mistake. If everyone was perfect and lived extraordinarily long the population would boom. Also, everyone wants a chad football player son. But if everyone did have that, the job market would be fucked. This shits pandora's box and if we open it there's no going back

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>But if everyone did have that, the job market would be fucked.
If humanity advanced to being superhuman, we wouldn't need a job market as it currently exists. You're trying to imply that economics and the fabric of society itself wouldn't change with such drastic changes to our health and wellbeing. There's no reason for a society composed of highly intellectual individuals that can live potentially forever and never get sick to look like the current America.

>Are you even familiar with the spartans at all aside from the movie 300?
Everyone in Europe are. Spartans got fucked up, and spreaded around to survive. Dumb asses with eugenics programm. heh

I would get a male one.

Good. The needs of Norway and Saudis outweigh the needs of the irrelevant world.

Soles wear off, and since you already buy shoes in pairs there's no reason to not use them instead of separate consumables. Even in case of bilateral amputations regular shoes provide too much sole for your buck to pass on.

You'd probably be interested in reading about post scarcity, user. It's pretty fascinating stuff to consider what happens when everyone has everything they need. No one who really understands the topic will say anything about making the world perfect, but it'd certainly be a step forward in understanding our purpose.

okay then incel


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It depends. On time events. Oil producing would be not productive, other source of energy will make through.

>we wouldn't need a job market like the one that currently exists
Are you going all cyberpunk on me and saying robots will do everything?
>current america
It's not just america, sweden has it far worse and europe is even more fucked in different ways.

If we have a strange mutant apocalypse future, I'd still want it to look like Fist of the North Star.


ESLs are a disease

jokar baybay!

user, you're too lazy to maintain your own body by working out and showering. What makes you think you'd have the patience to spend a couple of hours every day maintaining your mechanical limbs?

If the implication is about immigration here, then consider that if EVERYONE was in a utopia then they wouldn't be moving there in the first place

Robots will do most things, they already are. Developments within the branches of artificial intelligence will help with the rest, although it won't be artificial intelligence like in the sci-fi novels. Actual AI as we have it now would result in some really weird and goofy fucks that perceive the world completely differently from us.

cope heh

just connect them strait to Yea Forums at that point

Because I find mechanical systems way more interesting than organic due to being able to replace parts way easier

I think you read too much sci-fi

good bread
was comfy

You have to cleanse both sexes. Leaving only genetically inferior women would still result in genetically inferior men being born.

you'd be into it for like a month and then let it turn to shit like everything else you get excited/interest in

No, you need to take a look at what neural networks currently existing create when you program them to make art. Use google, it might help.

Not if it's my fucking limb I wouldn't, what the hell do you take me for

>what do you take me for
a guy with weak limbs.

Not because of that. They recover more energy from each step because they are springy and let you take more steps because there's less mass on the end of your legs, which makes running more efficient, which lets you use more energy. Blade runners said that they are most competitive at 400m sprints, at 100m they can't compete because their acceleration sucks, and at longer distances they get tired.

You know the only reason they're even working with neural networks is to figure out ways to make advertisements more profitable and to subliminally sway their users, right? All these companies working on this have that as their ultimate goal and not actually helping mankind

Not if it was mechanical I wouldn't

Hmm? How does it works? Where are stimulus to get better?

Oh damn she got hot.

>You know the only reason they're even working with neural networks is to figure out ways to make advertisements more profitable and to subliminally sway their users, right?
And you said I was the one who had read one too many novels.

The opposite of whatever you are

How the FUCK can you dummies STILL believe that's him after all these years? Don't you ever research before you post?

And next hear head would be replaced by a box with the brain in it.

>feetfags getting uppity again

Use your google skills and look up targetted targeted advertising. Also you fail to see Google is primarily an advertisement company

That one game where the love interest go psycho in the bad ending, frist cutting the legs of MC, then it's arms, blind them and then surgically cut their vocal cords making them basically a living sex doll. Still claim they love them.

Hmmm? Still not enough.

In every other context than an endurance or speed race, yes.

so sex is the only thing you can contribute to society
all those scientists are just worthless because they dont have sex
but those niggers raping women in the streets, now that's contribution
saving the world, one rape at a time

Advertising is already full of subliminal messages and iconic concepts inserted to make the products advertised more desirable. The thing I find funny is that you're acting like this is some sort of a grand revelation that only you are privy to. It doesn't matter for what reason Google does it, what matters is that their work can be used to further the cause of mankind. The internet you are using right now was originally invented to be used for military purposes only in highly controlled environments, in case you forgot.

Babby's First

valkyria chronicles

Automata's ending E

>Look it up
>It's most likely a Chernobyl firefighter
The More You Know

Just because their work can be doesn't mean it will be. They're interested in money, and while genetically altering humans might be a way to do so, they'd much rather just continue sending increasily accurate advertisements than invest in that. There's no way in hell gene splicing humans will even be legal let alone researched and I rest easy knowing that

They're both shit.

Super Cloudbuilt

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>scientists dont have sex
Source: your ass. Those people aren't incels. Scientist and other successful or talented people start families and live normal lives. Incels are fat retards too lazy to accept that they're their problem, who will choose to do nothing and go nowhere while bitching about doing nothing and going nowhere.

late to the party

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Damn you can smell the insecurity of this failed STEMboy thinking others are like him

>Just because their work can be doesn't mean it will be.
Yes and yet it still ended up being used just for that. And for entertainment too. Google doesn't have a monopoly on neural networks. Anyone with enough equipment or funds can make one, the more primitive ones don't even require that much.

Alright come back when you've made your first neural network, then you're just a step away from messing around with genes

I remember that. And he would spend a lot of time with her and help her play elite beat agents on ds or something and eventually petitioned to be allowed to adopt her and she lived with him and his mom.

I think I remember him also making her shit her brains out cause she was too ashamed to ask for help so she got constipated. He SAYS he didn't molest her but come on, we all would even if we were also caring loving fathers. Shes a little meat puppet at the end of the day

So where can I read the OG one?

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Kingdom Hearts

>newfag doesn't know the Tyrone tripcode pasta
The only "cringe" in this thread is your phoneposting normalfag ass

Being too strong might be annoying at times, but not annoying enough not to take the deal. I guess I can always be called a cyborg gorilla girl.

>passive aggressive retort in response to arguments and examples
I see you're done then.

Literally nothing worth doing is made more difficult by being stronger.

Imagine holding hands with your non-cyborg girlfriend and accidentally crushing her fingers.

nice contradiction
you just proved him right

that's an issue of control, not strength.

Human minds are already known to exert a bit too much strength at times. It'd just get more dangerous if you were stronger.
Now, if you could somehow set and change your own limits, it'd be fine. Just have it set to standard human (or slightly below) most of the time and up them when you actually need to be stronger.

>bump limit

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (720x540, 1.81M)

Yeah? I went in circles for hours with a retard. It wasn't even entertaining.

man cyborgs ought to look more robotic. there's no point becoming a cyborg if you aren't going to look like a cool robot

that's ridiculous.
You can crush an egg in your bare hand no problem but you can hold several without breaking them, unless you're an idiot, I guess.

Hell, you can hold an origami crane in your hand without breaking it. It's a matter of control, not strength.

And then someone startles you while you're holding that origami cane and you crumple it up.

>You can't build a car, therefore nobody can beat the current land speed record

if you're dumb as hell, sure. You're really strong compared to most of the stuff you interact with every day. Does anyone ever startle you while you're typing and you smash the keyboard?
You can smash the keyboard easily, keys flying all over the place, in a single blow, but that literally never happens unless you WANT it to happen.
You have way more control than you think.

you already know why

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Jesus christ are you still on this? I don't care anymore and I still think you're retarded. In fact my stance is even more solidified than before

Raising your hand and smacking it down is also quite a bit harder than more reflexive motions, such as clenching your fist.

>I still think you're retarded
Good for you, I'm a different guy
You really haven't solidified anything, you and the other guy gave up after that point and you haven't said how this last point works either

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>now the world is gone, im just one

>quite a bit harder
not really. I don't know where you're coming up with this stuff. Again; you handle incredibly fragile stuff CONSTANTLY and don't wreck it. You've never hurt someone's hand because you squeezed it super hard on accident. We're incredibly articulate.

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Let me rephrase that, I think you're all retarded and all your points are just meaningless conjecture

>You've never hurt someone's hand because you squeezed it super hard
I'd have to exert extremely large amounts of strength to squeeze someone hard enough to actually hurt them. Grabbing them harder than they're comfortable with isn't unheard of.

So is the idea that gene editing will never become legal and/or widespread
Good conversation

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Yeah, it was fun crashing your pipe dream. Did I mention everyone will be a cyborg in the next 20 years? Oh, and we'll have flying cars in the next decade, don't worry, it'll actually happen this time

I never gave a time constraint, and I also never said it would be everyone (it's never everyone for any quality of life improvement, come the fuck on).
Flying cars have been produced, people are developing cyborg limbs (read the damn thread) and the other user has already said why neural networks are already improving
Why on earth are you so insistent on everything stagnating?

you are good people

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Because it's fun crushing your cyberpunk dreams. Go ahead, save this thread. Check back in 5, 10, 20 years. Nothing will change. We'll have fancy new smart devices but that's about it

ShindoL why can't you make more like that?

Nah, when everyone is 7 foot, 7 foot is nothing.
It would start with a race to the bottom where every next generation is ultra-lanklets compared to the last generation, then someone would figure out it's all bullshit and drop the whole vanity thing to create functional bodies instead.

My personal dream is that I get to witness the beginning of true space colony planning, bu t that's just me
For the topics we're talking about, I'm just being realistic, none of the developments I mentioned are going to suddenly grind to a halt over the next few years man

What i will feel when the thread ends and it won't get archived.

Also I'm capping the 'not in 20 years' comment in case one of them goes commercial in said time span, just to spite you

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