Ask a zoomer (97) vidya related questions.
Ask a zoomer (97) vidya related questions
question 1 (of 97) How many video games are there so far?
You ever go back to older games to understand the start of certain series or mechanics?
If not, what stops you? Personal preferences? Problems securing systems needed?
Aren't zoomers supposed to be 15 year old Fortnite/mobileshit babies?
why are most zoomers assholes
Do you prefer you phone over a desktop PC?
>zoomer (97)
I'm so tired
more than 9 I know that much.
I did give Fallout, Super Ghost and Goblins, Symphony of the Night, Medival, Super Metroid and Advance Wars (one of the few turn based games I have on my phone).
I appreciate what they did in the long run, but-
Zero Mission was my first metroid and I couldn't get behind how Samus felt in Super and the 'True Ening' For SotN was meh, I hate backtracking even more.
I dunno man, the definition changes. You know, like, swoy or cuck
PC obv, but I do have a modded PSP with GBA, Genesis and PS1 games on it.
You don't sound like a typical zoomer.
What was the first gaming system you owned?
zoom zoom's are 2000's+
Tell me why
He's definitely a zoomer. Younger than my baby sister. 89 here by the way.
I've been on Yea Forums since I was 11, that's like 4 years of lurking into 3 years of sulking and hating on "cawadooty" shooters and normies and then having to actually wage cuck to live.
My family had a genesis in the living room, but it gathered dust and I only played Ristar on it. First system(s) was a n64 and Ps1 on christmas when I was 4. I was a spoiled idort.
Well shit, let's just change this to
"Ask a young millenial vidya questions" it'd have the same effect.
I want it that way
Other '97 zoomer
like 3
Rarely, mainly because i don't own the system or my toaster can't run the emulator.
Definetly PC, but Handhelds are second choice.
How can you consider yourself a zoomer if you're 97 years old?
I'm young at heart, I'm in the spring time of my youth.
>question 1 (of 97)
god this stupid shit made me laugh
I have nostalgia about playing Minecraft and watching Family Guy, but I was born in 95 can I count as zoomer even though I have nostalgia for mid-late sixth gen games?
We both zoomers so I'm just speaking for both of us in saying the NES and SNES are boring as hell and games on those platforms are like the equivalent of mobile games today.
Why go among the zoomers when you could embrace falling between the generational gaps and not relating to anyone or belonging anywhere?
That's what I do
t. just turned 24
The fuck you do. Double Dragons&BattleToads, Castlevania 4, Turtles in time, Secrets of Mana and Kirby Superstar were ace games.
This board is sub 100 IQ. I fucking hate all of you
>im past the age of 30 and still waste my time on a taiwanese motor boats
Lmao are boomers really proud of this
Pic related is me when i think about your libido less ass on the internet btw
Dial it down a sneed, it's Friday.
He’s a kid that plays games lol what were you expecting the boogeyman