World of Warcraft Classic

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Other urls found in this thread:

meanwhile in ff14

>use ability 1
>ability 2 is now more damage than ability one, make sure to move 1 feet around to the other side of the enemy so it does 5% more damage!
>now you get a choice, do you use ability X in order to get a long term increase to damage, or do you use ability Y to do more immediate damage. aka are you fighting a boss or trash.
>repeat for all eternity because there's no resource management

Also meanwhile

>Chaos thrust combo
>True thrust combo
>Faceroll jumps ogcd
>Hit nastrond off gcd


This is a World of Warcraft Classic thread

Here's some more World of Warcraft Classic content

If it is them we won't have trannies getting mad at us for saying the truth then, right?

Anyways, i'm rolling a Human Warrior

FFXIV has sharding/instancing on every area in the entire game, at least WoW will remove it come phase 2

>WoW will remove it come phase 2

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Oh look, the retailfags and ffxiv trannies found the one thing modern wow has on classic. Surely they won't just spam this endlessly for months. That would be rude!

they wont ever remove it


>the one thing modern wow has on classic.

Which would be what? 2 button rotations? Those came at the cost of everything else the game had so not worth it

I don't think it will be a flawless launch, but only one of these clips is less than a month old and the fact that you have a bunch of them saved to probably spout out every thread you see makes me question your existence

getting sharded away from your party, what the fuck kind of shit is this

thanks for the bump

next level sharding, even retail doesn't have that

That stuff is why I'm not going to bother with 1.12. As much as I want to experience Naxx40, I have no interest in making that kind of commitment again with boring ass gameplay. If we got TBC servers on the other hand I'd probably jump in, I kinda miss the class stacking and consumable shenanigans.

why is gnome mage the most patrician choice gentlemen?
>best PVP racial on alliance
>best PVE racial for casters
there's just no competition

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>muh TBC
based fembelf pala afking on flying mount

Undead Priest, but sure.

Is mage really that boring?

All rotations are extremely simple, most are 2 buttons

>best PVE racial for casters
That's not berserking

fuck gnomes and fuck min/maxers

>fuck gnomes

not even minmaxxers are sad enough to play trolls

Okay so still a lot better

>play dps
>complain that it is too simple

Just play Healer lol.

yes, i played a mage on northdale and while things like farming gold are extremely easy, raiding is fucking shit. it gets kind of interesting in aq40+ when you finally play fire and get to manage ignite. but that's also shit since the worse your guild is, the worse ignite rolling is.

all of vanilla is that boring. the only interesting rotation are Marks and Arms warriors weaving around their swing timer.

>the only interesting rotation are Marks
oh no no no...

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>mfw overpower, mortal strike, Execute!

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Was thinking mage, but maybe not then. Is warlock more interesting?

>faggots want to make this into a "lol your game requires no skill" discussion.

How tiresome. I play plenty of games that are 'easy', from Metroidvanias to things like Animal Crossing, but I enjoy them for all the positives they do have, like exploration and playing with multiple powers even if a few straightforward ones can carry you through the whole game. Not everything needs to be some fucking skill test you insecure weirdos, some of us just really like Classic's world, it's lore, it's useful professions with engaging gameplay, the sense of server community and the ability to often find familiar faces, the larger-scale raids with more chaotic, burstier mechanics, and so on. Entirely different flavors, not everything needs to try and be DMC5 or Bayonetta 2. Different games for different people and/ or different moods. Sometimes I want a horror movie, sometimes I want a comedy or drama. I don't claim that one of those genres is better than the others like some literal autist that doesn't understand how different tastes work, and how awful life would be if we all wanted the same thing all the time, like if everyone in this game ONLY wanted to play, say, resto druids. Good luck clearing content with a party of nothing but the one class/ spec.

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I mean, it's a bug. We all know that.

someone post the ninja opener lol


Its druid time niggers

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no, warlocks maintain [curse] and shadowbolt, its also a one button rotation for the most part. All the rotations are boring which is why you should PVP

This. So what if WoW Classic isn't difficult? That doesn't necessarily make it any less enjoyable.

>there's no resource management
Try Black Mage lol.
More interesting resource management than anything i've ever played in WoW
(Not saying WoW hasn't had good resource management classes in its lifespan, i wouldn't know from the few years i've played)

>literal autist that doesn't understand how different tastes work, and how awful life would be if we all wanted the same thing all the time, like if everyone in this game ONLY wanted to play, say, resto druids. Good luck clearing content with a party of nothing but the one class/ spec.
you should have said rogue considering we're talking classic/ vanilla but I get your point

Based and naturepilled.


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that's not what I used on my hunter back them, you only started aimed shot if by the time it came off multi shot was out of CD to help manage mana.
That 1 or 2 ticks of mana regen went a long way

...these images are edited, right? Please just come out and admit that these are jokes. I don't even think there are any modern WoW specs as simple as any of these.

I didn't spend years getting hyped for a "hardcore" version of WoW just for... these to be the skill levels involved for some classes.

No, it's correct. Raiding in Vanilla was simplistic as fuck on an individual level.

stay on retail you'll see big cool numbers and get to push 3 buttons instead of 2

>( ==)

people only call it "hardcore" because of the time investment

Yeah well, you were playing sub-optimally. You might have been able to get away with that back in the day but players are much more informed now and have come to expect much better since.

then why do i still drop down to like 10 fps with a hundred retards killing the same S rank monster as me? if that's with sharding i don't even want to imagine it without

You were just too cheap to spam mana pots you should've been doing.

Yeah TBC is much better with complex rotations like fire mage's five scorches into fireballs (which is pretty much the same in late vanilla except ignite works differently) or warlock's ultra complex rotation of throwing one curse assigned for you and then spamming shadowbolt until the boss dies. Get the fuck out of here, I don't think you really played TBC past Karazhan.

It's not like retail frost is much better
>Cast Frostbolt
>Cast anything else when the simon says graphic appears or it comes off cooldown.

Prepare for infinite "lol braindead game and braindead playerbase" replies, but I agree, it's stupid, these people don't know how to enjoy anything non-competitive. Sometimes I want to build a city in Sim City 3 or 4 or Cities: Skylines. Sometimes I want to manage a themepark or whatever in a tycoon game. Sometimes I want to pay off my Animal Crossing loan and decorate my house and be nice to the cute animal NPC's. Sometimes I want to play Nintendogs or play with some chao in Sonic Adventure 2, since that 'minigame' is the best part of the entire Sonic franchise. I could go on and on, but yes, I agree, even if I have a lot to say about how much more coordination 40-man raids require than 25-man ones, or 20-man, or whatever Retail WoW does nowadays.

I like both WoW & FFXIV
I'm going to play Shadowbringers over Classic but i wish the Classic bros a good time.
Maybe half a year from now i'll jump into it aswell.

>want to play orc warlock for the racials
>orcs look dumb as fuck riding horses and huge shoulders look bad on a cloth caster

Undead's the way to go then.

But then you can't rape fem rogues who try to gank you, user.

I dunno dude. This isn't the most complex spec I've seen in an MMO by any means but fucking hell it's a shitton more complex than Vanilla's version.

Which isn't saying much, but still.

male undead has the best casting animations in the game

It's real. If you play a mage in vanilla and wanna raid there's no choice for you. You play frost mage and spam frost bolt.
This is why everyone laughs at raidfags.

yeah its way sicker play retail and not classic

Based reasonable good will user
May your Final Fantasy sessions be full of good healers and devoid of trannies

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Same. I'm much more of an FFXIV fan (Started 2014, picked WoW up for the first time in Legion) but I hope Classicfriends enjoy.
I will note that while I'm a Legionbab, a lot of the older stuff appeals to me.

The most freest of rents

No need to get so defensive dude. I just find it interesting that the "casual" version of WoW has a much more complex version of Frost Mage than the "hardcore" version.

That's all. I'll still be playing Classic over Retail, I'm just not a blind fanboy about it who has to defend every single thing including vanilla Frost Mage.

>seething so hard about people being hyped for another MMO that they have to come over to said game's threads to shitpost
Holy fuck, you jackasses are great for free comedy

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what do you mean user, they're saying ffxiv is shit

The difficulty doesn't come from doing your dps rotation it comes from getting 40 people together to do simple stuff simultaneously. And mechanics that wipe the raid if one guy fucks up.

>at least WoW will remove it come phase 2
You need to be profoundly stupid to think that they will ever remove it. It's like still hoping for addons to be one day supported by FFXIV.

>finally all those traitors who left you for FFXIV will return
>things will be like the good old days before mumma married new daddy
>you will be respected for your molten core gear and treated as you deserve for the first time in years
>streamer girls will want to be protected by you
>can actually succeed and not be another nice guy sluts wont look at like irl

Do you feel it bros? we are going home........

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>the obsession over the sequence of buttons you need to press in a pve encounter

retail rotations are a priority list
vanilla rotations are literal rotations

Nice reading comprehension idiot lmafo

Anyone else getting this sinking feeling that maybe Blizzard, as much as I hated them for saying it, was actually right with the whole "You think you do, but you don't" thing? I was much more excited a year ago for Classic but now that we're a few days away and I've gotten a few chances to play it I'm nowhere near as hyped as I thought I would be.

I really hope this feeling is wrong and that Classic is every bit as enjoyable as I initially though it would be, but it's getting harder to stay optimistic that this will be the case.

>frost nova when adds are targetting non-tanks
>or ice cold when frost nova is on coldown so non-tanks have time to move away while tanks pick it
those don't count i guess

I forget, when do the servers officially unlock to let people out of the starting gate, so to speak? What's the date and time in EST or PST? I have several days of paid time-off saved up for work, I just need to know what day to start my vacation on and what time of day I should be getting online to get into my server's queue. Gonna stock up on fatboi snacks, toilet paper, water, easy stuff to prepare (like salmon fillets that I just salt and oil before searing in a skillet), and just enjoy a good ten or so days off leveling my human warrior and maybe gearing him up if I get to 60 in that period.

You anons gonna be snacking on anything in particular, or consuming any meal favorites in the first day/ week to truly savor the release like I intend to? If so, whatcha eatan?

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>It's like still hoping for addons to be one day supported by FFXIV
it will never be because of consolefags

Who cares about raiding anyways? Implying that shit will still be fun now that everybody knows every tiny little detail about every fight and guilds will bring 20 fury warriors

Why are there so many people obsessed with spamming how bad Vanilla WoW is? Nervous about the competition?

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they were right
you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing

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retail has come a long way in rotations in pve. its been 13 years.
still enjoy mage more in vanilla than retail

I mean, they probably were right for some people, such as those who share your newfound disinterest in Classic, but he never should've made such a sweeping, generalized statement where he attempted to speak on behalf of every WoW player ever. While I respect that people like you exist, I do too, and I am still quite eager for Classic. I might wind up dropping off of it, and I have no way of knowing if/ when that will be, but for the time being I'm quite hyped for the game and do very much want it, no matter what anyone like him might try to say on my behalf or try to put into my mouth.

You're delusional if you think it's anyone but shitposters who want literally anything to fail.
People want TORtanic 2, doesn't even have to be an MMO.

This is why you play mage

9 years of being able to observe WoW's rotation / priority design and this is the best they come up with

Seethe, dipshit, everyone will hold them accountable if they backtrack on it after so many of their representatives have said this multiple times as publicly as they have.

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>Played Druid for the majority of Vanilla
>Was really invested in playing warrior this time around
>Start feeling the itch to replay druid to apply what I've learned since back then

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I need the best one for WPvp/Duels and sometimes BGs

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You'll be healing and nobody other than bads will give you a choice

and then "haha there's still too much players on the servers we can't remove layering"

Are you suggesting the game will be so exceedingly popular they'd actually have to split realms?

August 27, expect servers to come online sometime between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. PST.

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EH? Dude the servers open on Tuesday, how the fuck do you plan on taking time-off with that short notice? If one of my workers asked for time-off with less than a weeks notice so he could play a video-game I'd fire him, because he just told me as loudly as he can that he's going to be entirely detached and unproductive for the next few months.

Aaahahahahahah, he's fucking complimenting the game and saying it'll be too popular for its own good, holy shit

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If you want individual class difficulty you should play a MoP private server. Thats probably the fastest and most juggle heavy classes got before they pruned it all way back the next expansion.

P-please don't sub to WoW Classic, bros

Shadowbringers... wasn't the game changer we thought it'd be

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I'm suggesting that they will be lying because they can't actually remove layering with their current infrastructure
retail is a lagfest when there's world pvp and it has layering

They already confirmed in the last AMA, they have no actual plan for phase 2 if there are still people playing over max. Right now they're predicting that by phase 2 enough people will leave so that only 1 layer will be necessary but when asked multiple times about their contingency plan they said they had none and that they fully expect population to fix itself by then.

>tfw high up in a guild
>can play whatever spec I want and get into raids
>meanwhile rogue/warrior #19823 seethes because I got in over him
Feels good lads.

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>people still haven't figured out after almost 20 years of online gaming that the purpose of the mmorpg and any and all activities in it are just an excuse to be social
If you think you're hot shit because you're good at a video game i don't know what to tell you.

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They're going to have to backtrack. It's been their plan since day 1. The realms are capped 3-5x higher population than in actual vanilla.

Please sub to whatever you feel like, bros.
I'm personally a Shdowbringers fan but I'm glad people have games they enjoy playing.

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That's pretty funny that the Devs are hoping for less players. I guess you and them share that ambition

>tfw desto wl all until end of tbc
if you dindt get a cc role (like banning demons/elementals) all you did was following your 2 button rotation and avoid standing in "fire". most interesting part was a nightfall proc

unironically nice soundtrack

None of them.

You pick 2/2 nightfall and grim reach, 2/2 life tap, 0-2/5 suppression depending on how much hit you have on your gear (0% 2, 1-2% 2, +3% 0), you pick amplify curse. Tier 2 extras go to imp drain life, tier 3 go to either coa or fel conc depending on your preferences.

>actually well thought post that makes sense

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>paying $15 per month to talk to people
oh no no no

1.Spam Frostbolt
2.Press flashy buttons when something procs

Insider here.

You have no FUCKING IDEA how many people at Blizz are panicking over Classic's release. Folks were fucking cursing Henry Cavill's name for his "free shilling."

>one has 1 step
>the other has 2
Not helping out are you?

It's legit no issue user, my coworkers are real flexible and we all swap shifts all the time. I'll have people fill with me for two days, maybe three, then my PTO will kick in on Thursday or Friday, since I'll be submitting the request tomorrow and it only takes 4-5 business days for my work to process and accept the request. Not a huge company, it's a luxury airline related to a resort chain, and it only has about 200 employees (including me), so we have a lot of autonomy and flexibility with this kind of thing, and we're able to be nimble with implementing things like PTO and personal travel request scheduling due to our small employee numbers.

I don't have to explain shit for my PTO, don't need to justify it at all let alone say it's for video games. I'm allowed to use it to go on cruises, out of state, etc. whenever I want so long as someone makes sure to fill any shifts I'd miss. I do appreciate the concern for my wellbeing, however, so thank you for worrying, user. That was kind, but this is safe for me and my coworkers and underlings are all bros who work together well with this kind of thing, since we're all in the travel industry due to us being flighty people who like to go out of town randomly and shit to clear our heads. Also deep discounts on tropical resorts in the Bahamas.

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better than
1. Spam frostbolt
2. repeat

WHM has over 32 abilities used regularly.

my dad works for wow and he said there internal numbers say EIGHT MILLION players coudl try to log in on tues... whoa

Why the fucking shit is Blizz panicking over this?

It's a clear sign that they fucked up Retail hard.

Do you really think the Classic community is going to be social? That's an incredibly outdated concept, gamers nowadays are petrified of social interaction which is why they communicate with emojis, it's the equivalent of having a conversation without making eye contact.

You can already see this, look at the addons that are being designed for Classic, many of them allow you to play the game without needing to talk to anybody, whereas in the past you would be constantly trading information and asking questions.

Nobody in 2019 is going to ask where Mankriks wife is, they have the location from their wiki and 4 of the 5 leveling guides they're following told them to just skip the quests because the reward is trash.

he put two combos in two lines instead of the moves themselves and neglected to mention positionals do you think he's doing anything but shitposting

Is it really fair to call a single ability a "Rotation" though?
I dunno man I'd call that spamming

>Retail WoW
>Need a supercomputer brain to decode DNA sequences in real time

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any vanilla pserver you could name proves that this is not true

Sweet whataboutism.

I play FFXIV as a singleplayer game.

I will play WoW Classic as a multiplayer game. Sharding is detrimental to that experience.

It won't be like Vanilla exactly, but having to wander everywhere and group up for harder quests does build community.

That's how it was on Nost. You're right - there's rose tinted glasses, but the absolute state of Retail is so fucking bad that rose-tinted nostalgia is still more community oriented than a facebook game that plays itself

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>I play FFXIV as a singleplayer game.
I mean, I'm an FFXIV fan but that kind of goes against the entire point (and I personally don't play it as such, so I just disagree).

I agree, they're perfect.

>WHM has over 32 abilities used regularly.

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From the perspective of an indifferent former WoW player who may or may not play, it's beat-for-beat been a copy of the osrs situation. Things are going to be interest for the next few weeks at least. One thing I am genuinely interested in seeing is if all the 12-16 year old streamer followers can stand taking five minutes to kill one core hound in MC with their low-to-non-existent attention span.


>turning Azhara into this much of a fucking jobber who will end up as another shitty raid boss slave to the evil loot pinata
>Retail so fucking boring and soulless there is nothing to do
Classic here I come

>meanwhile in ff14

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Dunno man gameplay built around procs and procs only is worse than just pressing 1 button to me.

Frostbolt on retail is just there for getting procs, the spell itself doesn't deal any dmg how gay is that?

based, sounds like a chill workplace

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>butt plug addon
I was joking when I said XIV involved fags and HRT but holy shit

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>Retail so fucking boring and soulless there is nothing to do
what can you do on classic that you can't do on retail?

>henry cavil may be in your guild without you knowing

How does shaman play in classic? Is healing in classic stressful?

he plays healer too

Gnomes are neither of those things

procs are fun
I wish I had procs on my rogue

>everyone will hold them accountable if they backtrack
Where have you been the last 15 years? Blizzard ain't give a fuck and their hordes of fanboys will defend them whatever they do.


holy fuck the anti-WoW movement on here really is just discord trannies that coded their own butt plug addons

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Warlock is literally

>Curse of choice
>Shadow Bolt on Nightfall
>Wand spam

Much as I wanna play on launch I know it's going to be a clustered shit show ai I'm gunna wait til Friday hopefully by then a huge amount of tourists and nets will have moved out of the starting area

Encounter raid bosses that you can't beat first time by just winging it and not even looking at the strats.

Classic is pure nostalgia though. I honestly don’t understand why people think it’s better. It’s the same shit, except classic goes at a retardedly slow pace. Regardless I guess some people enjoy that so I hope it works out well and there isn’t too steep a drop off so you fags can enjoy it. Regardless I don’t have any skin in the game.

Interacting with the fucking community
Doing pvp

>depth = good
This is the key reason why so many MMOs are shit, they chase features of other games which they cant emulate.

An MMO is just a massive persistent online world, thats it. It has 1 advantage over any other genre. It cant do depth nearly as well as literally any other genre because its limited by thousands of players and servers. Every attempt ever at 'depth' in an MMOs combat system ends up with either generic rotations or AFK spreadsheets. If you're making an MMO, combat is basically irrelevant. Its about the world, the feeling, the immersion. Its why games like FF never took off, its an extremely generic but also alienating (since its jap) setting that doesnt appeal to the West at all.

WoW hits the market perfectly of feeling like an adventure, being a handcrafted world and immersive. Its combat can be as simplistic or as complicated as an MMO will let you be and it wont change that.

>no well placed life tap

Honestly I feel like anyone playing WoW classic to raid is in for a nasty shock

>Prepare to feel just how aggravating coordinating 40 retards not to make stupid mistakes really is
>Having to dole out loot rather than everyone getting marks every boss fight and being able to trade them in for something
>Single button rotations make boss fights nothing more than "gear up enough to beat the enrage timer, don't pop the eggs by accident"
>No achievements, no titles in pve except for very rare exceptions like scarab lord, there's no tangible rewards for raiding other than being able to say you did it and afk'ing in cities in your full tier gear set to impress new players

At least in PvP you have a progression system and gameplay involving more than 1 button and fun classic game objectives like base control and capture the flag, shit like that never gets old

I think raiding was fun back in the day because thats all people knew. But even back then it was a nightmare of stress. Now people expect a bit more a dopamine release when they put that time and effort in

PvP is where its at

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you can do that too on retail, especially now with war mode

They were 100% right. Part of why Classic was so enjoyable was because it was one of the first MMOs with "good" graphics and a big fantasy world to explore. Plus people didn't know what the fuck were they doing so there was a learning process tied to it too (and webpages like wowhead weren't so well known so people actually learned by themselves). Now everyone knows what to do, where to level, what to farm etc. It's a souless experience.

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There is no need to get so defensive. We can criticise Classic without having to bring up stuff from Retail WoW.

obviously a based paladin

>war mode
People use war mode for the bonus to exp/rep/rewards or whatever they offer now, there's more often than not a mutual ceasefire and horde and alliance quest side by side

On Day 1 I'm gonna have some of my favorite sliced honey ham from my local deli, some brie cheese, and some good water crackers. I might open up some port wine cheese if I feel like it. That aside, I'll be drinking straight vodka and scotch interchangeably and I might order something like chicken parm pizza for dinner that night, since it's a big favorite of mine that I only order like 1-2 times a year. I also like these good Ghiradelli molten lava cakes that you just have to microwave for 50 seconds, and I pair them with vanilla ice cream. I might go all out and treat myself to all that the day the game comes out.

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The fuck is war mode?

have you tried anything higher than LFR?
you can do both and retail have more choice for pvp

Fuck you guys, I just farted and i'm out of here.
Enjoy the smell

g-get back here!

>Its why games like FF never took off
It had 16 million players didn't it when the last expansion came out?
>its an extremely generic but also alienating (since its jap) setting that doesnt appeal to the West at all
Nigga are you honestly arguing that settings designed by the japanese aren't appealing to westerners?

An entire generation of anime/manga/jap video game fans would disagree with you.

>you can do both
No, you can't

Retail is fucking boring

You sound fat.

When you say nightmare of stress all I think of is trying your best to level in an already slow game and being ganked by a 12 year old. I truly don't understand PvP unless it's constructed but then just flag yourself on a PvE server.

>I think raiding was fun back in the day
Barely anyone raided. People spent the most time leveling > dungeons > world pvp > instanced pvp > raiding.

Jesus, why the fuck does everyone forget the fact that 99% of your time is spent the real game which people want to play, leveling.

scarab lord title came in TBC

I don't know what that stands for but I just did whatever the default Raid Finder difficulty is and had no issues whatsoever.

>The fuck is war mode?
So imagine world PvP, and then imagine anyone who is a giant pussy can just opt out of it whenever they want.

>ywn have henry fucking cavill make sweet love to you till you fall asleep in his arms

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good argument


Sounds shitty. Good thing that's not what War mode is like.

I'd never turn it on if you could really just opt out whenever. That'd lead to all kinds of shitty situations where people just turn it off to avoid being killed.

>implying he would even give attention to an XIV player

This user is lying to you.
In EST it starts at 6:00PM the 26th. It launches all around the world at the same time, so it's the 27th for euros.

>just looks at the points on FF
In comparison to RS, EvE and WoW, FF is a drop in the ocean. Basically irrelevant which is why it wasnt even relevant to what I was saying.

>or warlock's ultra complex rotation of throwing one curse assigned for you and then spamming shadowbolt until the boss dies. Get the fuck out of here, I don't think you really played TBC past Karazhan.
literally the same in vanilla, especially if you don't get a debuff slot for your corruption

ok now try mythic

The Retail Team actually believed the "You Think You Do, But You Don't" meme. That's why they put out a public announcement begging people to switch servers. They underestimated the demand

Having complicated combat in a tab target MMORPG is a bad idea.

this can't happen, you have to be in stormwind or orgrimmar to disable warmode and in a rested zone to enable it

Nah, I don't think I will. I quit the game then and there when I saw how braindead modern WoW raiding is.

I don't care if there's a mode where the numbers are a bit higher. The mechanics were incredibly simple.

lfr doesnt have all the abilities and is supposed to be faceroll for people who want to complete their quests, even dungeons are harder

Mythic Raiding is fucking dumb. The point of raids were that you had to rise to the occasion.

And who gives a shit about WPVP when every class has a vanish and lay of hands and a flying mount to fuck off

I don't think I did the lfr difficulty. I just did the default normal one.

Unless it sets to lfr(which appears to be easy mode) by default then I didn't do it.

>bringing up another game unprompted
This is a 100% the psyc 101 definition of worry and fear

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Raids are dumb

Its an MMO, why the fuck are we instancing people out of the world

lfr normal and heroic have less abilities than mythic
lfr and normal are faceroll tier for people who just want to see the bosses or whatever
heroic is a bit harder and made to prepare for mythic
mythic is the actual content

But user

lfr exists, why should I ever give a fucking shit about the same content but with tweaked numbers :^)

I'm the user who gave him that info. Sorry, it wasn't malicious, I'm just dumb and misunderstood. Thank you for amending it for the other user though, I wanted to help so I'm glad at least someone could.

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What class/spec has the most complex rotation?

Post yfw you still have your dick because you don't play FFXIV

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>when every class has a vanish and lay of hands

Im only looking at the points on FF because thats the only points I disagree with, I agree with you about the depth and shit. MMOs should be all about world and immersion, thats the entire selling point. They're never gonna have a combat system like a fighting game or stats as deep as an rpg because of that limiting factor you mentioned

But still,
>In comparison to RS, EvE and WoW, FF is a drop in the ocean. Basically irrelevant which is why it wasnt even relevant to what I was saying.
I don't think its fair to call FF14 irrelevant, I played it once on the trial about 2 years ago and it was pretty fun but I don't play it now because I all but gave up MMOs, but looking at the numbers and noticing general public interest: Isn't it the most popular in its genre right now?
WoW is definitely not at 16 million at this point in time, and I don't think any other MMOs can touch it.

How do you check/change the difficulty in the raid finder? I just remembered I'm gonna have a sub running for Classic anyway which will still work with retail WoW so I might log on and check which difficulty I did it at.

>enable warmode for bonus exp
>fly off when ever faced with an enemy from the opposing faction
Oh but you cant do that in the latest zone when saving turtles on the beach? wow WPVP is so alive

Enjoy farming manual crowd pummelers in gnomregan.

It's okay user.

Night Elf's have a racial that's basically Vanish in modern WoW that works with every class and the Draenei have a healing one that also works with every class.

because the point of the game is to play with other people, with your guild, on actual hard content that brings you together multiple time per week
god I can't even imagine anyone paying $15 per month to do lfr

I mean, when you play a single player game (Action or RPG or whatever), what difficulty do you set it to?
I dunno about you but I always play on the hardest difficulty setting right out of the box. Partially for bragging rights, but mostly because I paid money for the game and want my money's worth of entertainment. If I blow through the entire game in an afternoon and I wasn't challenged then I essentially wasted my money. I know different people get enjoyment from different things obviously but personally my enjoyment comes from being challenged and overcoming that challenge.

raid finder is looking for raid difficulty, every other difficulty requires manually forming groups

>Retailcucks convincing people to do the same fucking shit for epic mogspetscheevos

Well I guess I don't need to check then. That'll be the one I did.

>what can you do on classic that you can't do on retail?
Having fun with my un-prunned characters.
I wanna play a mmo. Idgaf about your carebear autistic pve lobby game
And if you think grinding mythic content is hard you are a trash pathetic shit

Feral druid using MCP and that headpiece that gives you energy\rage on shift. You're constantly shifting between forms and attack with the speed of a missle. You need to farm for hours before each raid though.

But people complained that class choice doesn't matter and that they were too homogenised
Why would you be annoyed that race choice has impact now?
I remember old shadowmeld, it was fuck-awful stealth and mostly useless
I remember old gift of the naaru, you used it for leveling and then put it in your spellbook because it wasn't worth casting once you hit the cap

>Three pre-release month-in-advance subscriptions for me, my wife, and my wife's son for the Activision-Blizzard owned, genre-redefining, layering and sharding-oriented on-rails progression based atmospheric slow-grind MMORPG with classes designed to strictly adhere to the "MMO Holy Trinity" as to not confuse the players with too many abilities, please. We have to reserve our names!
>Yes, I'd like to donate the change to Asmongold.

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>enable warmode
>see some alliance doing pvp at a world quest
>gather some hordebros on general chat to fight them
woah it was hard

I dont play retail, I don't play wow period and haven't properly since wrath (But Im interested in picking up retail), but I'm trying to understand why someone would play a game on the easiest difficulty, beat it, then complain they have nothing to do

Never played before, which class is fun?

Asmon layer bros... I don't feel so good...

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Interested in picking up classic* my brainfart

Unfortunately all of them are fun.

Enjoy losing your life.

you cant move while shadowmelded
and the draenei heal heals for like 1% hp every 10sec


finally a good fucking post

Honest question for all people who intend to play Classic:

If it was nochanges but with transmog, would you want that, or are you opposed to it for reasons like item valuation on the auction house? Several people loathe archetypal Vanilla clownsuits, so I'm wondering how the Classic community feels about that topic. Gear recognizability is important, sure, but sometimes you like how Tier 1 looks more than Tier 2 even if you're working on BWL with your guild at the time, and recognizing what someone is wearing is never any more complicated than inspecting them and checking out their gear in the equip menu/ paperdoll.

Basically every class is fun in classic wow pvp other than shaman (Unless you go elemental, then at least you're a walking cannon).
In PvE, all dps are basically boring. Tanking is difficult but fun

What is your obsession with Asmongold? I never would have found the guy and donated if you didn't spam these threads about him

if the 2 min skirmishes you have at Voldun where you camp people leveling up is what you consider good WPVP then you can't be helped

The fuck is an un-prunned character?

that's what you'll be doing in classic
the same content over and over again

Has no place in any video game

They should give us dyes

I don't really want to say. I know the Classic community is quite... passionate about these things and I feel like I'd get attacked for even stating an opinion on it.

a character with 1 spell rotation obviously

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Transmog would be a good feature for wow. Any mmo could appreciate that feature without a doubt, because gearing is always more complex than just collecting pieces of a set and never modifying it.

However in classic wow, the sets are so much harder to come by, I think most people would rather complete the whole set as an accomplishment. It has its own value

I know most people disagree, but I would prefer transmog and modern graphics/models

One that hasn't been visited by the Prune Brothers.

fuck off

worrld pvp are mostly going on at world quests zones
people that are leveling can't do world quests

That's technically two spells. Although admittedly you will be using just the one over and over 90% of the time.

Imagine even giving a shit about the pve content. classic is all about the leveling up, the WPVP while leveling up, then even more WPVP at world spawns and shit


>and recognizing what someone is wearing is never any more complicated than inspecting them and checking out their gear in the equip menu/ paperdoll.
You can't inspect players of the enemy faction in vanilla so this doesn't work in World PvP.

jesus christ i miss MOP so much

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classic has other ways to challenge its players aside from having your dps tied to an obtuse damage skill minigame. taking mages in mc for example you need to decurse in certain boss and keep sheep up in another boss. also have to keep intellect buff up with all groups and possibly portal people to darnassus/orgrimmar so they can fetch quintessence. the raids themselves demand a lot of stuff from classes but in modern iteration of wow the challenge has been concentrated into boss encounters alone.

Where is this world pvp you speak of? but I reluctantly still play BFA and I play with warmode on, and there are never any great battles, sure you get the occasional team doing dailies that kills you, but nothing more

Did you skip the part where I said I order that pizza 1-2 times a year? It's easy to burn off at that rate and I haven't had it once this year. I'm clearly treating myself for this special occasion, user. I weigh 147 lbs, last I checked. 6'1", I go to the gym 3-4 times a week depending on how tiring work is that week. Why you being an aggressive, accusatory weirdo when we're just trying to celebrate the re-launch of a game that came out 15 years ago?

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>LFM MC, tier res, legendary res, epics my gf likes res, boe res, blood of the mountain res
>Bring full epics, enchants, world buffs, consumables, and tip for RL
Can't wait for my authentic Classic experience bros.

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>You have to earn the prune juice

so THIS is the power of in depth talent trees. interesting

A char that is designed to be completed, fun and unique.
>mad brainlet thinking his lobby game is hard
seethe harder.

I still find it amazing to this day that a porn director thought that a constipated granny needing prune juice to help her shit was a good idea for the premise of a porno.

This is what I hate about modern wow. The only "dificulty" is gearing up and then fighting a raid boss. Dungeons are just a zergfest and questing is a joke.

It's all true
Also if you roll paladin your only viable spec is healer, same for druid albeit feral can off tank some fights but don't ever think dealing damage and lmao if going balance

you could eat like shit once a week and it wouldn't hurt you (considering gym/training)

>Where is this world pvp you speak of?
in bfa world quests zones, especially factions assaults
I even had to disable war mode at some point because we were getting raped by alliance grinding honors in assaults

Fucking really? I had a Balance Druid NE all planned out to be my main.

This is fucking bullshit man. No one ever brought up this garbage when talking about Classic all these years.

You can talk to other players. Blizzard removed the ability to communicate with others from retail back in WoD.

have fun

Ignore that complete moron

That only applies to raids, it doesnt apply to PvP, leveling or dungeons.

Thanks mate, maybe ill try tank then. Is there a class that can replicate the feeling of getting a fat crit pipe in tf2?

What makes you think I wasn't planning on doing raids? I want to be able to experience all of the content.

meanwhile in classic

>playing fire before rolling ignites
enjoy pulling agroo and dying

There is only one MMORPG in the market where you require actual skill and knowledge to face the end-game and that is retail.
Now, every system you have to grind through to get there sucks, like farming AP, split raiding, farming BGs, farming M+, playing the lottery with gear, nolifing every new reputation that comes out, etc. so it sucks.

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deep talent tree that offers less actual choices than the bfa 7-tiers talent tree
truly peak wow

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>I don't even think there are any modern WoW specs as simple as any of these.
all of em.

Ion Hazzikostas resigned after getting owned by this epic post.

Its a complete waste of time and unenjoyable. Barely anyone who played vanilla even bothered with it.

b-but muh 1% crit

>rain of fire
>rain of fire
>mana regen
>rain of fire
>rain of fire
>mana regen

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I've been told that it was the peak of raiding for like the past decade. Was that all bullshit?
He should have long ago.

WoW doesn't need complex rotations to be fun. Who cares if rotations were simple in Vanilla? It's about the overall experience, not the literal buttons you press in combat.

Wdinfury Shaman is probably the most explosive DPS spike you can see, if WF procs and you crit and you're wielding a two-hander and you can evaporate lesser men. If you want something less RNG based then Mage has a massive nuke that they can make instant cast.

Who /movedbackinwithmomanddadforthefullclassicexperience/ here?

honestly never cared about how simple some rations were

She earned that juice.

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Good thing no one ever complained about WoW back in the "good old days".

Balance and feral both have unique party buffs. Not every raid is gonna be 35 warriors speedrunning. Don't listen to this tryhard.

Holy fuck, the delusion!

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>Open spot

this post will make some people seethe. but i would say to default to the hybrid rule - if your class can do a role other than damage, it is expected that you will do this role primarily. this mostly applies to healing. only exception is dps warriors, although prot is still the best and only real tank, obviously.
druid is a particular oddity because they aren't particularly outstanding at anything. their best role is as a healer, but they are the worst healers, still competent enough though. balance has severe mana issues. feral is a meme spec.
in defense of druids, they do have a decent amount of useful utility like a battle rez, and are great as flag carriers in WG.

>literally 200 people fighting at blackrock
I sleep
>enabling warmode and camping people 5 levels lower than you in Nazmir

if you think spamming aoe in world pvp like a retard is fun, you might as well play guild wars 2
you wont waste $15 per months

I try and keep my carb count down since that's what always makes me gain the most weight, so I don't order much starchy stuff like pizza or sandwiches with bread, but yeah, you're not wrong. I just don't like how carbs make me feel (bloated, tired, and they make me gain weight when I'm currently very happy with my body.)

Fuck off retail shill. Classic is literally days away and you're not going to convince anyone to not play it now.

Well of course you've never experienced this, there's never enough people to warrant the use of AoE in BFA pvp

this. rotations are better when they're simple and straightforward and the optimization comes from adjusting to mechanics interrupting them rather than from a core rotational complexity.

Reminder that up to WotLK you could fit in most DPS optimal rotations in a single macro, and it wasn't even cheating.

The worst part isn't that those systems suck, it's that the playerbase has given Blizzard mountains of feedback telling them exactly why those systems aren't fun but Blizzard's hubris doesn't allow them to actually listen to that their paying customers.


>Fury warrior
>In retail
Oh no no no, somebody doesn't know about the parry rates

Does the idea of spending tens of hours grinding items just to do a raid, spending hours waiting for 40 people to be ready, spending hours wiping, and then clearing one or two bosses of five only to run three raids that night and if you miss any you are likely going to be kicked or replaced sound fun? And dont forget if you dont participate every week, you will also likely get kicked. 90% of the time loot goes to the guild leader or his friends.

By the end of the TBC expansion Blizzard took some statistics out of the game to see what number of people actually played all the raids they made, Molten core was the most popular and completed raid by the end of TBC. Of all the level 60 accounts, less than 20% of all players even entered Molten.

WoWs raiding community is tiny but extremely loud, thats basically all you need to know about it. They dominate discussion over races/classes because "lol why even play WoW raiding is the best!" which is bullshit. Get to 60, get BiS for all your gear, and jump into a raid and you'll realize you had more fun in the hours you spent leveling than you would ever have in a raid. You'll do the same thing 80% of players do which is reroll a new character and enjoy the world.

>mfw imagining trying to teach people how to cc that came from retail

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>3 days away
>retail and trannyXIV posting more and more noticeable by the hour
theres nothing you can do to stop it

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In a time when most players are older and have more obligations why would you not speedrun every raid. Why would you elect to spend quadruple the time carrying shitters on your back?

>Peak raiding
Vanilla had the worst of all the raiding
If you look for Peak raiding you have to go back in time to MoP period
Not joking, you can meme all you want but MoP was legit the highest top of WoW after the hit and miss that were TBC and Lich and Cata, which was still better than Vanilla

I really enjoyed leveling as a druid but the actual endgame gets so fucking tiresome
>ultra shitty farms outside of herbalism
>forced to flag carry
>literally 2 Druids in a raid because you could have paladins instead
not to mention anything takes ages to kill

Make it so only players of your faction see your transmog, and enemy players always show their gear's default appearances.

>fuck off retail shill you won't stop people from funding your next expac
oh no...

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You guys sure are obsessed with FF14, huh?

Do they even HAVE CC as an option in retail lol? I know it hasn't been necessary for years but do they even still have the literal spells to pull it off?

>wiping on the same trash pack for an hour because they someone in the party keeps breaking CC

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SoO is legit the greatest raid ever designed, I loved all 16 months of that unironically. Never got my tusks tho

>50 weeks of SoO
What made MoP good was the PVP desu, the classes were over the top fun, anyone who played a warrior in MoP will know exactly what I mean

Being serious now, what went through your head when you donated to that aspergers raging manchild?
Did you just want your name to be called? You know he probably makes more money than you, right?

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>balance has severe mana issues
>recycling old memes in 2019
You aren't a child anymore, just downrank your spell and maybe carry a drink or two and you'll be fine, I can't believe such an absurd piece of misinformation is parroted so often.

We live in an era if esporting and meta worship
The mentality of the playerbase is different so expect people to actually be metawhores

based and pandapilled
i physically seethe every day that we will never have offical MOP servers. i miss it so much.

i played a hunter but my friend played warrior and we still joke about second wind to this day.

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That post shows how nu-Vanilla is bad. Everyone knows actual Vanilla didn't had any sharding.

>SoO is legit the greatest raid ever designed
Ulduar and ICC are both better tbqhfam

Just to clarify, vanilla WoW is peak MMO fun and enjoyment. Leveling, dungeons and wpvp are all great and you'll love the experience.

Its just raiding which is irredeemable dogshit, and ignore any raider who claims otherwise.

wotlk had peak raiding
mop second

Because it's fun and not everyone is a hardcore elitist. The majority of people don't enjoy sacrificing everything they want to do for the sake of meta.

Because classes were complete and weren't all the same shit with different graphics?
That list goes on and on
if you can't see the problem with bfa you probably started playing after MoP ended and never played any other game

I hope they make something similar to the timeless isle in the future
it was fun killing your own faction and seeing them seethe on the general chat

CC is practically exclusive to mythic+ and given the timeattack nature of it you never stop to mark and CC.
You usually mass-pull and chain stuns, silences, knockbacks and kiting with a few Blind or Poly in very niche cases. It's actually harder than Vanilla since you need good coordination for chaining CCs while maximizing DPS.

>wotlk had peak raiding
>raiding was so unpopular Blizz had to force people to play them and shat out more convenience than a uber tinder date night
Yeah, 'peak' WoW right there

Woltk had top tier dungeons but only two good raids, Ulduar and Icecrown

Id say some fights from Ulduar were and some from ICC were, but as a whole cohesive experience SoO had the upper hand

Transmogs fucking stupid and you are a faggot. Systems like transmog is just another key feature of why current mmos are shit.
1, It allows developer laziness. This is the current state of retail where there are no more individual tier sets instead just leather mail plate and cloth and all the gear looks the fucking same while leveling. Its lazy.
2. Looking cool should be earned. Period. That guy looks bad ass because he did bad ass stuff. >but I upgraded and I look worse
Tough fucking cookies.

Sure I do zoomo
>Creatures that are 3 levels above the player have a 14% Parry chance in our Reference client. This holds true for our Classic client as well.

>warbringer stun
>second wind
>distrupting shout
>storm bolt

MoP warriors were godlike and the reason why Blizzard will never ever allow them to be great again

I don't get how spamming buttons in a specific order makes better gameplay. I'd take classic with one button rotations over retail with 5 button rotations any day.

Why do you keep mentioning $15 a month, is this why you're so bitter, because you're focusing so intently on losing a portion of your welfare check? I've been subbed for 5 years at least and played maybe 6 months of that, if it's such a big deal to you maybe you shouldn't play in the first place and focus on other things.

dont care about how popular it was
ulduar and icc were absolute peak raid content

>wotlk had peak raiding
This is how you identify a wrathbabby. They made normal modes and gave out welfare gear every patch for your exact demographic. You're the kind of people that contributed to what WoW has become.

The same guy(s) come into every XIV threads to spam about how XIV is shit and Classic is going to kill it
It's either retail autists hoping both fanbases will kill each other or just a literal autist who gets off on (You)s
The irony is that Classicfags overlap more with XIVtrannies than retail players since both groups are largely comprised of people who were dissatisfied with current retail WoW

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>but only two good raids, Ulduar and Icecrown
Those two raids are almost universally the most popular raids in wows history though

>mfw I haven't played WoW since TBC and still remember all of this
My brain is full of useless information like this but I have hard time remembering daily stuff.

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>It's actually harder than Vanilla

Nope. This doesn't apply to anything from modern WoW.

Attached: giphy.gif (288x198, 1.23M)

>there will be no sharding
>there will be layering, not sharding
>shar.. layering will be removed soon after launch
>shar.. layering will be removed at phase 2, whatever it means
>shar.. layering will be removed at phase 3, whatever it means
>shar.. layering will be removed at phase 4, whatever it means
>sharding won't be removed
It amazes me how much dick can one person gobble when it comes to something he desperately wants.


>best raids
>anything but WoD
WoD mythic raids were designed with absolute peak performance and pure autism in mind. FUck I loved Archimonde.

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Yup, and fury warriors got away with it in private servers cause tanks had a easier time to get aggro due to lower parry rates and other scuffed changes made in private servers

Yeah bro I love timegating and I love having limited attempts per week to even do the raid. Does anyone even remember either of these? I'm guessing not.

>the peak of raiding
Outside of nax its pretty brain dead shit other than controlling 40 retards to not stand in fire or blow each other up or managing to beat a gear check.
About Then only thing hard with India for example is keeping retards from getting knocked into eggs and wiping the raid.

You're the one claiming something from MODERN WOW is harder than Vanilla. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Now fuck off back to modern WoW since you seem to love it so much.

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This, WoD raiding was the best and anyone who disagress is wrong in every regard

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M+ is fun and harder than vanilla but god if it doesn’t over stay it’s welcome sometimes.
>It’s a shit affix+more mobs+Infested/Beguiling+Stronger mobs week

You lot sure kept quiet about that when it was actually current. I heard nothing but negativity about every aspect of WoD.

I understand though, it's not "cool" to praise something about a WoW expansion while it's current. Even ingame among other WoW fans who are actively playing that expansion.

>Now fuck off back to modern WoW
no i'll stay here, I want to laugh at you in 4 days

You are right

Too bad the rest is dogshit

Yeah bros! The only thing better than WoD raiding is drinking a tall glass of onions while I get on with my girlfriend and my bull!

i've been eating a lot of carbs lately
honestly last year i hardly ate anything small rations everywhere all the time
this year i'm eating a lot more, more pasta and more carbs , more meat (which i ate once every 3 months become twice peer week) and i'm more happy with my body
removed weekly alcohol (which was some heavy drinking too)

Post high score.
>Anime avatar
Oh sorry you play tranny fagtasy XIV! I almost took you seriously :)

FFXIV is a garbage MMO. It's a single player game with some tacked on multiplayer aspects. The story is dog shit and anyone who wants to play as the "CHOSEN ON" in a mmo game should seriously kill themselves

I still would rather wear Tier 2 over Tier 2.5 for Warrior. Fuck that ugly bug set.

Attached: tier1to5.jpg (580x263, 47K)

these threads fly fast, are we all that bored?

>I have reviewed your request to apply Corruption in this week's raid and I am afraid I will have to reject it this week as well. However, if we happen to spare you some drops to up your spell damage this reset and if my friend is busy a slot might open up next week.

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modern wow is harder than classic, any modern dungeon has more mechanics that the entire catalogue of classic dungeons, and that's fine

>retard started playing in wood sperging out shit

fuck off retard, i would feel sorry for you if you werent a massive autistic cunt
>that file size number
yeah fuck off you too you cursed wretch

>donating to an already filthy rich streamer that doesn't give a shit about his viewers

Gnomes ARE cute. And they are funny. They just aren’t pedo meme shit because they’re midgets with tits and not Elin.

>It's actually harder than Vanilla
It's really not
Healers have infinite mana, every DPS can AOE out the ass, everyone has self regens and panic buttons, CCs are fucking massive, if you have a monk/DH and war in your group the mobs will spend more time stunned than active, you have literal check points in dungeons, everything is horribly faceroll
Leveling dungeons in Classic are harder than pushing +15 keys on retail

I am the mighty paladin! I will destroy this beast in its lair and cleanse this land of EVIL!

>Flash of Light (Rank 1)
>Flash of Light (Rank 1)
>Flash of Light (Rank 1)
>Flash of Light (Rank 1)
>Flash of Light (Rank 4)!!!
>Flash of Light (Rank 1)
>Flash of Light (Rank 1)

Attached: mlbep5i1d4z01[1].jpg (1382x1022, 477K)

The bug armor is pure soul you brainlet

>not going full clownkino with your gear

>tfw you get kicked out of the raid because you applied corruption but weren't allowed to

Different strokes for different folks, user. You keep doing you, sounds like it's working out well, I just know carbs tend to make me feel gross so I avoid them for multiple reasons. Body chemistry is weird.

Attached: ymU48Db.gif (480x320, 719K)

WoD was a raidlogging expansion really. You needed to have a core group of friends who just wanted to raid, log every day to do your Facebook garrison quests and then raid.
Incidentally that expansion made me rich as fuck from both Garrisons and selling mounts and challenge modes.

>Leveling dungeons in Classic are harder than pushing +15 keys on retail

I hope that you genuinely think that right now, because you're in for a hell of a surprise in a few days.

>there are people who unironically will try to play a paladin that isn't Holy

the raids were literally the only good thing about WOD. the garrison was awful. class design, while not totally in prunetown yet, wa noticeably a step down from the god tier apex that it hit in MOP. the world was boring and had nothing to do. the lore was probably the stupidest it ever will be.
but man those were some good raids.

Can someone post the bluepost where loads of things were reported as bugs but are actually working as intended?

Wear all the beetle asses you want, user, but they're ugly as fuck.

This is why I make sure to Stormstrike every time :^)
>tfw raid is run by my guild and all the random locks/spriests we have cry

You forgot the Paladin begging for vendor dps gear for his epic ret build


>any modern dungeon has more mechanics that the entire catalogue of classic dungeons, and that's fine
sure, but they are all easy mechanics with almost no punishment run by bot people, when was the last time you ran a dungeon? high keys maybe difficult and only because timer

rolling STALAGG [A]


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Why? So you can laugh at us?

Of course we're going to misremember some things after 15 years. It'd be weird if we didn't.

Yea Forums is falseflag heaven. Even had someone shitposting in a rare runescape thread about Classic being better the other day.

Pray for them, they know not how steep that hill truly is.

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I played every vanilla private server since Nost, got curve and 1.3k during BoD and CoS
I am not in for a surprise, but I am looking forward to you hanging yourself when your dead retail servers become actual ghost towns

bfa paladin:
press 1, 2, 3 , 1, 2 ,1 ,1,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,2 ,2 ,2,1,1,1,1
hehe im so skilled and better than classic paladins right guys? r-right?

Really though, why wouldn't you be allowed to apply corruption? Is it just awkward wording or is there an actual reason that you'd need permission for it?

Yeah bro it's faceroll shit with your panic buttons lol you sure showed me.
Dying in M+? That cannot happen lmao literal trivial gamemode.

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>vannilla dungeons
Dungeons that literally never ends with 10 km long corridors of fuck nothing and gets longer the more "fun" builds the party is made for isn't hard, it's just long and shit

Debuffs are unique, there can only be one instance of corruption, this would go to the most geared warlock in the raid so it would do the most dps

Bump to this question.

i know, got 2 friends who only eats shits and are thin as fuck
>all days pizza , hot dogs , kebabs , and primary drinks coca-cola

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Fucking hell...

I will tank all the 5 mans. And the 10 mans too.

Will Stalagg have a rival fued with Feugen if Blizzard ever makes a server named after him?

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to be honest wotlk was one of hardest times for healers, tanking was dope because of that
fuck I really want to tank something. should I play a warrior?

there was a cap on the number of debuffs a target could hold

This goes for all dots

you need the C-pass

When was the last time you ran a vanilla dungeon that wasnt a private server with faulty values that made them harder? The beta have shown that the dungeons at least up to level 40 is very easy. And a lot of classic people have stated that they are afraid the PvE content will be too easy for the modern WoW player.

Very much so. In the perfect game that is wow classic, there is a very limited amount of debuff slots on enemies. What that means is that if you put more debuffs on someone than this limit allows, other buffs will get bumped off before their expiration. Therefore you have to strictly budget the debuffs you do apply for maximum value. Some dumb warlock doing a little extra damage won't be worth pushing off debuffs that benefit many players or the whole raid. This also has big implications for raid compositions. Stacking classes that do a specific kind of spell damage, say shadow, increases the value of the debuff that increases shadow damage for example.

Imagine fighting over mmorpgs..

Welcome to WoW Classic bro
Are you lower geared than someone next to you playing you same class or role? Dare to press skills and i fucking kick you out of the raid

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I might be wrong, but there could be more than one Corruption up. However the debuff slots are so limited that you don't want to waste one on a simple dot.

good things then modern wow players not going to play classic, last time I raided was in early cata
classic will be nice slow pace game for me

I completely forgot about it but from what I remember your auto attacks stopped during shit like aimed shot (not too sure if the instant shots affected them too), so you had to make sure you'd fire off an auto attack between all of your shots.

The seethe of retailcucks and ff trannies is so fucking big. Its too funny. You seethe while we go home and be happy

>leveling dungeons in classic are hard
No. Having played the beta they really aren’t.

The difficulty in vanilla WoW isn’t the same as the difficulty in modern WoW. Vanilla WoW is a logistics problem in resource management, but as long as everyone’s doing their job it’s not hard. Current WoW is more of a reflex test, and five people have to not fuck it up there too. I think that’s harder but I think it’s up to preference.

What? Most classic players will be modern WoW players. That is a simple fact.

god vanilla is so hardcore

You are correct. You can fill all the slots with corruptions if you wanted to.

Holy fuck I can't wait to watch shit like this happen
Autistically strict raid leaders are great, they give the best laughs for this shit and they make sure content gets done, just have half a fucking braincell and don't piss him off, Classic's already piss easy and we all freely admit that.

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Love laughing at dumbass locks like you. I'm not even going to help.

32 debuff slots or something like that per mob. You'd have an amount of debuffs you'd absolutely need and you'd be using the rest for debuffs that are actually important. Rogues could have easily increased their DPS by applying deadly poison instead of instant twice, but that would fuck some fights over due to the debuff limit.

and they will go back to retail after a month

retail players will go back to their retail collectibles, old fags like me will stick to classic

I love the retail butthurt in this thread

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>People beat MC in less than 20 minutes
>People beat BWL in less than 21 minutes
>People beat AQ40 in less than 24 minutes
>People beat Naxx in just over 1 hour

Honestly I'm conflicted if I will go back. I want to raid but I can't imagine doing raids every week in the hopes of getting one or two pieces of gear a month if I'm lucky. PvP could be fun but you will eventually get your shit pushed in by the turbo autists that have already acquired a chunk of raid gear because their daddies favorite. Attempting to teach the community how to cc on every pull seems like a fucking chore.

>doesn't give a shit about pve
>only does lvl 60 world pvp
>get shit on all the time by people who give a shit abut pve

Is the orc stun resist racial a flat 25% increase or is it 25% of your current resist chance?

I mean I am with you guys, but I cant see retailbabs will go back to retail when all of their favorite streamers will be playing classic

You wish. It's 16 in Classic.

in ff14 do you have to specifically unlock better outfits for upskirting? or is most of the customisation in the base character creation?

>Attempting to teach the community how to cc on every pull

This is a meme pushed by people that know nothing about modern WoW btw. It's not an actual thing to be concerned about.

God, I fucking hate talent trees.

Nothing worse than putting a wrong point to a talent you don't need.

If you care about end game retail is better choice, both boss mechanics and rotations have much more depth, what made vanilla great was the adventure not end game, something retail lacks as people only care about getting max level ASAP and do check lists for raids

Wasn't like 16-20?

My bad then, it was even worse than I remembered.

Reminder that Classic is not Vanilla. Classic is an entirely new game. You will never get to experience true Vanilla.

>everything is esports now
please keep it to retail.

variety streamers will go back to the next fotm game when there's a new one
wow streamers will go back to retail when there's a new patch

>my friend says he wants to go ret paladin
Maybe I should just talk him into horde.

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>tryharding and caring about esports in wow
so fucking sad and pathetic
any actual "esport" game takes x5000 more skill than mythic shit in wow

>tfw played an affloc in vanilla
>guild officer
>got to use corruption AND not summon anyone

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Yeah, you can only really afford one Corruption since other debuffs like Sunder Armor and this guy's debuff are too important.
>Nightfall — Chance on hit: Spell damage taken by target increased by 15% for 5 sec.
You always run an off-tank with one of these in raids.

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can't wait to see how many time it will take for the mc world first

Redpill me on Slam Warrior. 1 second Slams with a 3.8-4.0 speed weapon seems great.

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God, I fucking love talent trees.

8 then 16 in vanilla. I think it's 16 for all of classic.

Which is actually for the best
But if fight mechanic wise is like Vanilla it's gonna be fun watching zoomers salt

Good luck clearing them that fast with the mouthbreathers in your guild.

Going to wait for 1-2 week before subbing because I have absolutely no faith in modern blizzard, and I'll be damned if these weeks won't be glorious.

Me too.
As holy.

Got me a big bag of peanuts, a buvket for shells and a 24 pack of Great Valuâ„¢ water from the Walmart

>missing the launch hype

what a cuck

I got two tokens for free, saved them up in case something revolutionary happens, apparently going back 15 years on game design is it.

I have a hardcore private server friend who showed me some old videos they used to find strats for their raids, and people, as he explained, had no idea what they were doing. Like, people in presumed semo-good guilds having warlocks casting Immolate in AQ40 and shit. Much of what passed then probably won't pass now because game knowledge is so much more available.

will they add wow tokens in the vanilla ah, so i can buy them with my epic mage aoe farming rewards?

yes yes yes shut up we know we'll never be in 2005 again, we just want to play 2005-era WoW in 2019, now fuck off

do you do this in every retro game thread? Do you shit on people if they discover an old franchise in [current year], like if some zoomer wanted to actually play something like Super Metroid? If so, wow.

There's actually a sizable amount of players who went pro in other esports that used to play WoW competitively, be it arenas or mythic raiding.
WoW skills transfer really well into other games, except for FPS I guess.

you should have said 'do you shit on every Super Metroid or SotN thread too', but yeah, more or less this

the price will be same as on retail my bet, it's global system by region
so you will never make that money in vanilla.

the out of combat experience in classic is hardcore, the out of combat experience in retail is casual as FUCK

people want classic for hardcore out of combat gameplay.

its mostly about the mindset

Prot and Retri Pally had some kind of utility i think

>except for FPS I guess.
actually going through the mess of aoe spells and special effects trains your eye for detail

For me, it's Stallag [A] (US East PvP).

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auras, no worth it

Oh for sure. I doubt I’ll find such sweet ignorance again.

what realm should i pick for a nice and balanced vanilla experience? (eu)

settle down there, lilxoom

pvp, least populated one

Complicated rotations have destroyed MMOs. They should have just put their effort into making the fights more complicated. You shouldnt need a special mouse and shift alt and control modifiers to play a fucking game.

yeah but seeing something and beign able to shoot it are two different things, it helps tho

im levelling a fem human fire mage who will eventually cosplay as whitemane and no one can stop me

>comparing role play expectation with min-max gearing strats

and you wonder why you're disappointed

Git gud

>fem human
Based, I just want to fucking rape you in pvp

Pathetic non-reply, but I foresaw this level of intellectual dwarfism from you, so nothing lost

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If it's going to be successful then starting locations will still be crowded enough after only 2 weeks. And I had enough of lags and disconnects and crashes on actual Vanilla launch, those are not things I'm missing.

it fucks your auto attack and rage gen, but its good burst. also your 1 second slam is a 1 second cast time 1.5 second slam, since you cant chain cast faster than gcd

Its a shame immolate is so shit when compared to corruption.

Who else headcanons their character as a spoils of war rapist in PvP scenarios? Pin 'em down and have fun while they squirm; that kind of thing. Bonus points for futa on female.

>be playing classic wow farming devilsaur
>horde comes at me
>switch layers, no more horde players
>horde players appear again
>layer to pve realm
>guild master tells me I can’t go to MC today because his girlfriend wants in
>switch layers
>she’s now my gf and sucking my dick
>my gm is mad and gkicks me
>switch layers
>the gm is a cuck and makes me an officer for fucking his girl
>hit rags
>doesn’t drop eye of sulf
>jump six layers
>now it has
>CIA arrives to arrest me for jumping too many realities
>switch layers to where America is led by the Third Reich
>pug with Hitler’s cool grandkids in warsong
>gank the jews
>switch laters to do it all over again
Retailkeks btfo


Me. It's my way of coping with losing occasionally in pvp. I often have to fap if I play for an extended period of time

not enough rage

>WoW skills transfer really well into other games
it's the other way around
those players just realized that were too good for wow and went to test themselves on actual "esport" games

Upskirting was pointless in FF14 until the dancer came out. Then we finally got some good pantsu to look at.

This, but unironically.

Attached: 2h_shockadin.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

thats a hot webm. ppl dont realize that most of the time you are a class before a spec, and a 2h weapon will always be a 2h weapon

Yes hello, you are describing me. Pic related is my amazonian orcess dudebro chick that I've already reserved on a roleplay server, and yes, she does fit that last bit of your post.

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That's not true though. Everyone shares the same open zones unless you're in SHB areas that have instances for congestion reasons. Ultima MMO did the same thing 20 years ago to prevent the servers from crashing due to too much data being generated by players.

the same hair and face as literally every other orc female character ever

>Me. It's my way of coping with losing occasionally in pvp.
If you have this fantasy, and you're saying you lose a lot, does this mean you more frequently wind up imagining stuff like your character getting assraped in places like Tarren Mill/ Southshore or Warsong Gulch?

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ah layering, it really takes me back to the good ol days

I use a different hair bby

Yep, it's the good stuff, popular for a reason

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user, that's how you play PvP

>at least WoW will remove it come phase 2

Is this the spellpower meme build I've been hearing about?

Healing Paladin? Once you get some gear, sure, but until then you're going to be standing outside of combat waiting to out-of-combat res people, or you're going to be buffing/debuffing people as your sole job. Your entire class can be played semi-afk with Healbot.

I wanna play this
Do I build 31/0/20 or what? Also what weapon is that? I'm new to wow.

a layer switch is a layer switch, you can’t say it’s only half


Uso da

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32 abilities but used regularly? Fucking lmao hell no, for dps you spam one spell an then occasionally afflatus

every fucking time

I dont lose a lot but I tend to die more in wpvp than BGs. Yes, sometimes when my team gets raped in a BG setting I imagine the entire enemy team running a train on me and other cuties on my team.

Doesn't work in 1.12/Classic.

Do you play a female toon?

Lol loser

Ofcourse I do. I am a huge degenerate

>Studying a wiki for strategies in the game that casualized the entire MMO genre
>Paying Blizzard money for the "privilege" of reserving a character name on a server before you can even play the goddamn game
>Servers are already full and getting fuller, meaning that once Classic comes out you won't even be able to get in-game because you'll be waiting hours in a queue
The absolute fucking STATE of WoWcucks.

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I forget it doesnt matter to you because your game is singleplayer

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This is the Skinner-box training you to think in rotations, meaning anything else looks like a rotation but an insufficient one. In Classic, almost all of the Skinner-boxes are missing and many people will for the first time discover what their own thoughts sound like.

Based and subpilled

>speedrunning everything
don't forget to take cocaine till your heart explodes , since you like to speedruning everything


It factually will be removed and you can only seethe about it

It amazes me how much cope can one person have when it comes to something he desperately wants to see fail.



>Resource management for BLM
So hard....
T. BLM parse autist

Love this one

you seriously think they will rewrite their severs to remove sharding for classic? it's not first time blizzard lied.

>Try Black Mage lol. More interesting resource management than anything i've ever played in WoW

Quite possibly the worst fucking example you could have picked, it's literally burn mana, regen mana, burn mana: the class

Classic is skinnerbox as fuck, the hell you talking about. It's in its core game design. The game tries to slow you down as much as possible in order to squeeze as much sub time as possible. Weekly raid lockouts, loot distribution in raids, sparse graveyard locations to extend running time, currency and inventory sinks everywhere, etc.

Human mage is patrician choice.
10% less grinding > 2 dps

nice bro but how often do you not get crits and lose?

that's retailBlizzard, classicBlizzard won't do their fans wrong

>you seriously think they will rewrite their severs to remove sharding for classic?

I dont think you understand what "rewriting" fucking entails. No they will not have to re-code the entire fucking server to turn off sharding you dumbass

Me on my gnome with her succubus joining in.

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Grinding what? There aren't any valuable rep grinds to speak of really. Not to mention at exalted you now have a dead racial

Shockadins were a thing before BC? I never knew.

>gnome futa on amazonian orc female

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You need a huge amount of SP for it to be somewhat viable (400+) and some gear, but it has a major advantage of being able to still heal quite powerfully while doing damage. You also will want some weapons that scale with SP.

The sword is the corrupt ashbringer which drops in naxx. GL getting that or much of any of the SP gear from raids though.

By next year Classic population will be 70% less than it was at launch while FFXIV population only goes up from the yoko taro patches.

Theres a ability you get in the holy tree that gives your healing or holy shock spell a guaranteed crit. Usually you die because you get jumped while low on mana or everythings on CD

if there aren't corpses spelling out susanexpress then it's a no buy for me

No, they were called 'hardcore' because raiders were wanting to turn the game into World of Raidcraft and that included the devs after Kern was removed. If it was about time investment: most raiders were casuals once they started raiding and there were more hardcore non-raiders. The only way you could be hardcore and a raider in Vanilla is if you were levelling an alt. Most people though who were only interested in raiding, were often only playing when they were raiding or preparing to raid, less than 20 hours a week. The vast majority of the content in Vanilla was levelling, questing, crafting, 5-mans and PvP, which is what most people were doing. Alterac Valley was being played 24/7 for the hell of it; honor gains from kills ceased after four hours because everyone had killed everyone at least a few times. Honor shot up when cross-server battlegrounds were introduced.

>There aren't any valuable rep grinds to speak of really
This is classic, rep grinding for raid access for gear better than anything else you can get from PvP (which isn't even in phase 1) is something everyone who is serious will end up doing.

Maybe if it was BC, where you actually could decent gear from PvP through arena, you'd have a point. But it isn't.

based and siegepilled

Rent fucking free. Cope and seethe all damn day, tranny. Why the fuck are you so angry about other people enjoying things you don't want to play?

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Never called it hard. But you have to manage your MP and if you don't, your damage will be abysmal right away. That's more than most WoW casters have to worry about resource wise.

Depending on my work schedule, might wait til the 27th to start playing more. But it's nice that Tuesday and Wednesday of next week are my two days off, so it'll give me some time to start leveling my Dorf.

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>if allowed

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is there any info on what server faction populations are looking like? i don't wanna roll on a PVP server that's 80/20 in one way or the other.

Of course raids had them: they were designed by Everquest raiders wanting to turn WoW into the EQ-clone it became. The vast majority of the game has nothing to do with raiding, which doesn't even feature in the physical manual. Retail meanwhile has had 13 years of Skinner-boxes where non-raid content and class-design has trained ordinary players to be raiders and think they want to raid 'because it's end-game, the ultimate point of the game, were the game truly starts' but they don't. Classic will teach them otherwise due to the lack of Skinner-boxes. They will find a lot of things missing, but they won't miss them.

All these years and still there's not enough good Gnome smut

You mean in terms of faction division and server balance? I'm not sure how well known that is just yet, since we haven't been allowed onto the live version properly to get a feel for it ourselves, even if thousands of characters have been created on those servers in preparation for launch.

Still, who knows. Anyone here happen to have any insider statistics on how the faction divide is working out for some specific servers, or maybe all of them in an averaged-out sense?

Fucking based

Watch 'Get Your Yordles Off' if you haven't yet. Not gnomes, but it's still hot.

Fucking Blizzard let me in for 3 minutes to set up my addons and UI you incompetent shits also give me a good horde leveling guide aaaa

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If you do those things, you aren't playing the game right *sips*

God, this would be nice. I just want to get all the little things like my swing timer addon slotted into the right parts of my screen, and I want to set up auto-attack macros and stuff. I want to get that out of the way now since it sucks. Don't make me do it on launch day, it'll take like an hour or two and I just want to log in and go with a non-shit setup since I know what I like, want, and need for my personal playstyle. Nothing stupid and experience-ruining like quest addons, but maybe some damage meters and old school shit like Titan Panel.

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Best we've got

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This is way more than I expected when I typed up if it's real. Based, thanks for passing that along, user.

That's just reddit dipshits though.

>my Bloodsail Buccaneer brothers will be boiz in blue buttfucking them Horde baddies on an almost 2:1 scale.

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Feel free to continue discussion at , since it already exists and has over 150 posts.

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