Is it worth playing in 2019? Enjoying my first playthrough, death march is a good difficulty but hard at first

Is it worth playing in 2019? Enjoying my first playthrough, death march is a good difficulty but hard at first

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No, this game is no longer worth playing because it is 4 years old now. Stop enjoying it this instant!

Sorry user it's too old at this point

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i started playing it in 2016 but due to work and kids i finished it a month ago. took me around 200 hours. Death march is better but if you do anything and everything on the first run you'll hardly want to play it again.

>Is it worth playing in 2019?
>Enjoying my first playthrough

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>le bamham combat in worst version


Is OP the new template for "I just finished X, what did I think of it?"

>is this worth playing in the current year? I'm enjoying myself and have found a difficulty I'm comfortable with, but I'm not sure.

Just fucking play what you find fun. Go enjoy yourself and your hobbies.

It is allways worth to play this Slavic masterpiece.

He needs reassurance
Only creeps play old games

Course user, have fun! Or dont and come back to have a good time shitting on it

But how do I know if I’m having real fun or just nu-fun?

would you rather be playing that game or be doing something else?


1 hour queue for ultimate edition at gamescom 2019

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I just learned to always have quen active, guard and spam dodge, light armor and quick attacks

I find it highly replayable using mods that scale items and enemy levels to match Geralt's. I never fund it fun to play having to level up before i could go into a drowner camp. Making those things non-issues makes it feel more like a witcher simulator instead of a scuffed offline MMO.

You guys killed him, right?

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>Me using my birthday money to buy Morrowind and play it on my mom's computer

no, he was only a betrayed witcher

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>Is it worth playing
>I'm enjoying my first playthrough

user, you're a bit of a doof. But yeah, TW3 is a fantastic game new or old. Grab the DLC if you dig it enough, it's honestly a Oblivion to Shivering Isles situation when the expansions are the highlight of the game. Blood and Wine as well as Hearts of Stone are fucking phenomenal. Play them after beating the game though, you get a few extra bits of epilogue by doing so.


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No he was a good boy he dindu nuffin

Hell yeah I did.

>I was betrayed, they stabbed me in the back after I asked them for a deserved reward!
>Alright, but then you went and massacred the whole village, stabbing women who were in their house unawares of the situation in the back.
>I lost it, so what?

Fuck him. Killing the main leader of the village and his cronies? No problem, they deserved it, the chief was clearly sitting on lots of gold based on his quarters and was just trying to dick you over. Massacring the entire village down to a single child being left alive? That's way too much. And hell, you can even poke him and make him admit it's probably not the first time he's gone overboard. He's a tortured man who is constantly betrayed when trying to do basic work, but he's also a crazed murderer when he gets angry.

He had to go.

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I tried starting a 3rd playthrough and I just can't do it anymore. At least not right now anymore, wonder if anything will change in the future but for now I literally cannot replay this game anymore, all charm about it is just kind of gone when you already know what the story is about and how it goes, doesn't feel worth it to just waste your time going through all of it again just to have slightly different dialogues happening and then the endings being the only different thing.
Plus it feels like if I do a 3rd long playthrough now, it would somehow cancel out my previous experience with the 2nd playthrough I had, which was the actual good one for me where I got the endings I wanted and put the most time into, i might be autistic or something overthinking stuff but it just doesn't feel right.

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I explored too much beforehand so when I found him it was like a pitbull finding a cat

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Give it some time and come back when you're ready

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No, Geralt has slaughtered people for far less.

There's so few witchers left that killing him is an act of genocide.

Killing him is also the hallmark of people who never played TW1.

I am not joking. I DO believe that nobody actually likes the witcher 3 and that it IS an elaborate prank to trick us into playing it. For cmparison, I managed to sink in 50 hours on the game that I consider to be the worst to come out in the past 10 years (Final Fantasy XV). I recognize that FFXV is absolute trash and yet there was still ''Something'' that kept me playing. Maybe because I had very low expectations? Maybe because it has the smoothest and prettiest animations in any game I have ever played? Or it was because I thought there was some depth to the combat? I don't know. FFXV is THE most impressive game and at the SAME time THE worst gaming experience of my life.
Now here is the thing. I gave witcher 3 exactly 15 hours. But I just gave up after beating the first dungeon (with that hot witch where you watch her shower). I have never been more insulted by a video game dungeon than that. The mini boss golem and the hellhounds where just... I honestly thought that I was being pranked. Geralds animations are beyond trash. Seriously, 6th gen games have a hundred times better animations (walking, running, Jumping, attack etc.) the first time I saw gerald jump I thought that it glitched, but no, this is his actual jump animation. it's the work of an amateur hidden behind pretty (yet very uninspired, generic and bland) graphics and, like you said, great writing and music. Seriously, this game would be better ''played'' by watching it. Hell, it would work as a series I do admit that, but as a video game, it's just bad. I'm sorry but that's how I feel. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

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OP you're an insufferable console-owning fuck.

What do you actually fucking mean? It's a singleplayer game from current decade. Wow, what a shitty post.

And there's plenty of other games, how should someone prioritize the witcher 3 I'd they've never played?

Yeah exactly.
Puckman came out in 1 9 8 0 and people still play it Today... So yes it's still worth it, boy.

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So explain this

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If you think something is absolute trash & you still "waste" 50 hours of your time on it, your logic either suffer from a big sunk cost fallacy or your logic is based on a contradiction. (so you don't think it is trash)

What do you mean? You really think that right now, among 7 billion humans,with some having access to MAME/other emulators or,even better, actual hardware, that nobody plays Ms. Pacman today?

What's the big idea?

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nope, he was just a bit pissed off and pheasants deserved it