Using a mouse and keyboard on a consoles is cheating

>using a mouse and keyboard on a consoles is cheating
why don't consule fags embrace it and play their movies like this

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not gonna play console games on a desk. i do enough of that when playing on pc. plus console games are developed controller in mind anyway.

and what? using this shitty mouse on couch?
think brainlet

You need a flat surface to use a mouse. Gyro is a better solution for precise camera controls that doesn't require any changes to the current gamepad standard.

This unironically gyro needs to be the new standard

It's licensed, so it's not.

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Yes, I first learned how to play with it with Splatoon. The Steam Conrtoller is amazing. Should be the standard.

There was a video of a guy destroying in Doom with it. So it can be at least 90% as M/K.

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Gyro is almost on par with keyboard and mouse

I know. That's why I think it's a good alternative for consoles and PC players that just like it like the guy above you.

Most comfy couches have handrests big enough to use a mouse tho

The ultimate solution for driving+shooting games.

Is there a way to do this sort of thing with a Wii Nunchuk? That thing was actually designed to be held with just one hand so it seems like it would be more comfortable.

I actually played Torchlight II like this, but with a normal PS2 controller, since it allowed for 7 easy inputs without needing to move my left hand around. Shit was comfy.

If you could, you'd be sacrificing a lot of buttons vs a keyboard if you want to substitute it for that. Just off the top of my head if you wanted to play an FPS you'd need at the bare minimum a button for "interact", crouch, sprint, and reload. The nunchuk has two buttons. That's also not counting games with flashlights, corner peaking, a map and/or menu button, and hotkeys for weapons and equipment.

>retarded mom says "no more vidya"
>only takes the controller
>plugs in the mouse
>play as i normally would on the couch

Rekking everyone and everything with one of these online is one of the best things in life. The screams of console peasants makes me happy.
Was fun but then I realized that why the hell am I playing fps on console. Well, the time was worth it.

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try playing souls, dmc or any fucking action game with a mouse+keyboard

kb+m is only good for FPShit games, something you shouldn't play anyway unless you are a flaming casual


Because I want to use an actual controller. I've used one on PC for years before I finally got myself a PS4.

And grand strategy
And any action game involving a gun
A keyboard is a decent substitute for a fightstick in fighting games
CRPGs are unplayable with a controller
It's also cool because you at least have the option to use any controller you want on PC.

>only good for fps games
holy shit you didn't need to out yourself as a retard so blatantly

God yes. BoTW using gyro to aim the bow was pure ecstacy since the accuracy was as good as mouse when you learned it.

Because even with a mouse a console game with controls made for a joystick won't feel good using a mouse, the aiming is all over the place somehow ( I know because I tried and it's far less precise )

>The Steam Conrtoller is amazing
Those garbage bumpers though. Can't believe they managed to fuck up a nearly perfect controller with such trivial thing. I wish I was a DIY chad so I could just replace them.

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At least you don't need them often.

Gyro will never become mainstream because it forces console FPS players to realize just how much of their games have been playing themselves.

It blows my mind how Playstation has had Gyro in a standard controller for two generations and somehow Gyro aiming ISN'T A FUCKING THING YET

Just give it time. Zoomers are playing Fortnite on their phones using gyro now. It'll come to consoles eventually.

>play their movies
Why not just play them on youtube like a normal person?

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What I notice is that people who started playing videogames at a certain point are completely incapable of learning new control setups.

Zoomers can do it, oldfags can do it, but the ps3/360 crowd simply cannot wrap their heads around anything that isn't a standard gamepad.

You’d think they’d be rather accepting of it
A mouse and gyro controls are literally the same thing function wise.

Trying to avoid google.

When you had to enjoy the n64 controller because that is what you got for christmas, everything else is just an improvement. I miss that clunky thing and the z trigger.

Well they can turn it off.

They’ll be completely left behind though
Unironically you’ll get your shit completely stomp in by Splatoon 2 B- players playing without motion controls

Sometimes you gotta force change just break it down so a complete piss for brains would get it

I mean think of how it was back then. Different kinds of controller were just a given.

All the consoles would have different controllers. PC would have keyboard+mouse, maybe even a flight stick. You would go to the arcade and see joysticks, steering wheels, lightguns, etc.


Didn't Xbone introduce full mouse and keyboard support?

I play all my games on PC (including multiplayer shooters) with a controller and do better than most people. KB+M is a meme that r/pcmasterrace people think they are superior for using. I use what's comfortable for me. I grew up playing Halo and dominated in that game and now I'm dominating on PC.

take your meds

I believe so. I still say gyro should be a standard because the ground would be more equal than K+M completely rapes everything and standard game pads retards bitch someone is hacking

How do you jump without buttons?

>calls people a casual
>outs himself as a casual by only knowing 2 genres of games

What did he mean by this?

