>we want the lol audience
fucking cringe give me my edgelords like grimstroke last year
We want the lol audience
Don't talk shit about my Grandma, asshole
Hey fuck you, I like my heroes that can have fun. Pic related.
everything is cringe
league wants cute sluts not grandmas. this hero is officially based
>we want the lol audience
you wont ever get it because your game is trash
We want Borderlands audience
Based crazy grandma
What the fuck is EG doing
I can't believe I have to put my faith in fucking RED BULL to take down the Chinks at this point
OG's going to do it again, I can feel it.
>we want the lol audience
if they wanted the lol audience they would have made her a loli porn material kinda character that degenerates like will surely enjoy
Good to see even Valve finally abandoned SFM.
Hopefully everyone else follows suit or dies in a fire along with their shitty porn loops.
>Timbersaw's aunt
Wasn't his people killed by the Treants?
looks the pedoera child molester is lost
this ti is unironically the worst ti ever.
auntie in this context is probably not literal
Just the city he lived in, sniper, clock and tinker are the same species as him.
>but she's actually 8 gazillions years old!!!!
t. americuck
nope. try again.
Shitty coach and drafter. They have way too many games where they get outdrafted.
They need to hire a proper coach with previous results, like Heen but I assume they're going to roster swap anyway after this TI.
>we want the lol audience
lol no we don't