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It's time to decide Yea Forums.
Should Health Bars be green or red?

Attached: healthbar.png (600x332, 691)

The bar should be a set size and fully green at full health but when you take damage the missing health turns part of the bar red.

Red for your team, green for enemy team.

bar should be green, with recoverable damage red, and completely lost health black



There should be no health bar, only raspberry jelly that oozes from the edges of the screen.


The typical green and red healthbar like the one in the picture is not friendly to players with red-green colorblindness, and other sets of colors do not communicate the function well, so it should only use one color. I'd go with red for enemy healthbars and blue for allies, and if it's the kind of healthbar hovering over an entity it should shrink towards the middle. If it's in a HUD or menu, the color should depend on the menu's theming.

They should be blellow

As the bar decreases from 100% to 50% the bar should be green. From 50% to 25% the bar should be yellow and from 25% to 0% it should be red. The background of the bar should be black. The bar should flash when you take damage

Unironically this
Fuck consumables in anything but say, an mmo or rpg. Fuck health bars in action games.

It should just be a number from 0-100.

>not number

This nigga playing OSRS

There should be no health, if you get hit you die

>L4D2 healthbars

There should be only a health bar and its both your hitpoints and ability points

In general it should be red as default.
It should only be green if it's an rpg with red being damage taken. If anything else basic cookie cutter fighting games also should have green health.

Attached: space premium.gif (600x600, 48K)

Who the fuck sets their health bar as red?

yours should be red.


A gradient

Attached: party time.jpg (38x48, 2K)

Attached: äää.jpg (221x240, 11K)

Health should be a crescent with a orange/red gradient.

Attached: Health_Bar.PNG.png (623x458, 358K)

Zoom Zoom Zoom

No, that’s just wasting a perfectly good color on something that can be demonstrated with a lack of color.

Depends on aesthetic, just don't mix both in your gui

A health bar has no reason to ever be in an action or a shooter game

Red for health, green for stamina, blue for mana, violet for poison, deeper red for bleeding, yellow for diplomacy, light blue for armor

Well it definitely shouldn't be both, that'll fuck with the colorblind

HP should be a blue crystal and MP should be a green bar

Attached: WKC.png (206x52, 29K)

why has nobody ever though about removing floating health bars, level and name indicators from the games? Force the player to go off of visual and audio cues what is happening. I guess that's too complicated for the average NPC ''gamer'' though...

Attached: NPCman.png (264x274, 30K)

This one right here, this is the correct one. It's intuitive, clear, and allows you to get a quick assessment of your health state at any time by just glance and colour alone, works especially well in games where your health bar's size can vary for whatever reasons.

Attached: reploidofculture.png (1024x576, 517K)

Doesn't Call of Duty do that ?

Budokai Method. Red, Yellow, Green (Default), Blue, Cyan, Light Cyan, White.

Who cares about the health bar, as long as the mana bar is BLUE

And the next one is going to be removing minimaps too, you could even play on hardcore where you get the ammo counters etc taken away for a minimal HUD if any at all anymore, so I guess by user's definition COD is the least NPC game out there!

Attached: kermitoh.png (799x559, 258K)

How about GPS that stops working under foliage or indoors? Makes cover actually worth something.

I meant like, say, for a survival RPG. You hide in the bushes and look how big the weapons and how fancy the armor of the dudes are - scraps and shitty guns? go. looks like the royal guard? yeah, you may need more people and planning. I just want a de-dumbed game.

Green in JRPGs and Fightans
Red in Action RPG and Hack & Slash
White number in every other genre

No colors. It should be a number.

why not both? Magenta is the best color to grab your attention. note how modern danger signs replaced yellow with it.


False, how can you tell how much health is missing?


There are 16 million colors available, I don't using one extra color is going to be much of an issue.

But if HP is green, what color would stamina be?

Attached: 1546064420082.jpg (608x448, 70K)

The opposite of this

stamina should be yellow, everyone knows this.


Fifteenth post best post?

It shouldn't be one bar to begin with, but a multitude of bars by increments of ten HP.

Attached: basic_health_bar_by_annariette-d8e13ri.png (1072x746, 49K)


Attached: 1556158320726.jpg (1920x1080, 396K)


Red of course.

Attached: 200px-DF-misc-Status_Bars.jpg (200x133, 8K)

>Get to live long enough for Yea Forums to defend regenerating health

OK, but
here's a new idea.

Attached: 1566552950207s.jpg (250x138, 3K)

To be fair it's only recently it's started to be done right. Kojima, the hack he is, mgsv had a good system, with critical hits requiring taking cover to fix, sprinting pausing regeneration, it felt really intuitive, and the perfect way to fairly challenge and punish the decision to not go stealth or the mistake of fucking up


>not picking a green bar that turns red with more damage taken

danke doktor

sounds like someone got their shit argument debunked and can't take the heat.


thanks doc

nihil novi, oldbro

based on your team color or HUD color. Empty health should be a darker shade of the main and overhealth should be a lighter, near white shade

Attached: 627400.jpg (3024x2144, 910K)

Green is health you have remaining, red is for health you are in the process of losing.

ohoho yeah

>if it's the kind of healthbar hovering over an entity it should shrink towards the middle
This is awful. Having to split the HP damage taken in half and subtracted from both sides gives a false impression of how much life is actually being lost and how much is remaining. It should only subtract from one side and have the current and total HP in numerical values as well as in percentage value.