Series with 0 good games

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Every game is shit if you're a depressed loser. Seek help.

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Fucking Uncharted for sure, the death of meaningful interaction in AAA games in favour of "GWAPHICS"

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all of you faggots have shit taste

First non-meme answer

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>Fallout 1 and 2
>not good

is this the le ebin contrarian thread?

Either pretentious clunky boring dated shite or casualized glitchy garbage that braindead retards sink worthless hours upon hours into

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pokemon anime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pokemon games

Good picks

low hanging fruit, grow some balls next time

fallout 1 has a doctor tumblr reference

Lots of people say shit like "I spent 700 hours in Skyrim". I don't even know how that's possible.

That was before nu-who though.

>walk off plane
It still happens

650 of those hours were spent with porn mods

every game takes me atleast 20 hour to finish, no matter what it is

>I don't even know how that's possible.
must be low iq then

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Do they really add that much novelty? I get new content mods like Project AHO/Legacy of the Dragonborn but porn?
You mean like every game period, or every TES game? There's no way you spend 20 hours on CoD campaigns or indie games like Superhot.
Do you know where we are?

>You mean like every game period, or every TES game?
everything, wolfensten: the old blood took me 22 hours

Mods in general add a lot of novelty, from simple modelswaps to full blown questlines.

Legit the appeal of Skyrim nowadays is the that it has one of the biggest modding scenes ever.
Oblivion is better for porn mods though

the first bubsy isn't even bad

Seen a person on /eagg/ who spent 800 hours in Dynasty Warriors 9. That game is even more shallow and has zero mods.

New vegas with all dlc is probably up there with dark souls, cuckbro

Anything that has naughty dog written on it.

When it comes to animation
Sims 4 > Skyrim > Fallout 3/New Vegas > Oblivion

It's the opposite you retard

I wonder why they started with number 3.
Why not start with Fallout 1 and 2? Stupid.

Anything that has naughty dog written on it except Crash Bandicoot

based cursedposter
Yeah, DLC-style mods are one thing but Inigo just BTFO'ed vanilla companions into Aetherius. Really impressive stuff.

Different era of who my guy

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Autism is one thing, every other Yea Forumstard who played Skyrim claims to have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in it.
Speaking of DW, what IS a good entry in the series? I have a PC and a PS2. No attachment to the book so I'm open to spin-offs.

t. zoomer
b8 also i'm guessing you're a mad pc uck or xdrone
probably b8 or retarded zoomer
Also b8

Classic dumbass Yea Forums


Rookie numbers.

If you disagree with our picks, then why don't you share one of yours?

The only thing Sims 4 can boast with is the the sheer quantity of animations.

thread with zero good topics

>pc cuck or xdrone
Never owned and Xbox and been playing on PS4 through the last generation, most 1st party Playstation exclusives simply are pretty shallow when it comes to gameplay and level design (yeah, even TLOU, which is a great game, has some problems, such as little mechanical variety in levels or the lack of good use of them, such as sound-making objects only featured in the pseudo-boss fight against David).
The original trilogy is a mixture of skeletons of gameplay mechanics (the first one especially is nothing more than an average game) that wouldn't stand by themselves, whose lack of depth is masked with some pretty cool set pieces variety that sometimes offers mechanical variety in the 2nd chapter.
UC 4 is the only one with a truly recognizable and polished gameplay, although it basically lost everything that made the 2nd stand out and thus ended up mostly being a loop of a single situation.

In general, ND should take more time to put their games up (2-3 years of time for that kind of games to turn out perfectly is unrealistic, no surprise they're overworked af) and tune the core mechanics of their games better.