Finally Friday

Finally Friday...
I'll probably get to play 2 hours of video games in the weekend, if I'm not too mentally exhausted by then...

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I promised myself that I would buy a game after work to forget about my shitty week and a lost promotion. But I cant find anything good. Wanted to play an jrpg/rpg to sink hours and hours, but I have played most of them, even AC odyssey and origins just to explore the map. any recommendation?
Should I buy ion fury?

Then don't play, you shithead.

unironically witcher 3

[ - ]

Grandia HD collection maybe?
The port is fine and the games are great

Try Septerra Core, that's usually cheap. Combat's slow for a while and it's got some asshole puzzles but the setting is great

pirate it, yes. there is no point is spending your hard earned cash on something easily obtainable for free

Judgment (PS4)

>Started dating the same month I began my new job
I literally haven't been able to play more than 2h of games a week for the last 3 months.
All I wanted was to play Elex.
I hate the life of normalfags. Why did I do this to myself?

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>he fell for the romance meme
Lmao you deserve it you cringe normie
Cant wait until she cheats on you or dumps you and you finally enter the REAL depression

The worst part is that I don't even like her that much. I was just desperate and dated the first girl who liked me enough to put her mouth on my dick. I'm too much of a pussy to break up, so if she cheats I'll probably be happy to have a good excuse to leave her and go back to comfy vidya

Stupid kumbrain retard
You will get what you deserve

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Today’s my birthday user, I’m 36 today. I want to fucking blow my brains out

>is it friday already?
>look at calendar
>I guess it is, oh well I'm gonna have lunch and have a nap
feels good not being a wagie

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Wait a week and get Astral Chain


I love old people threads

fucking faggot, I work 84 hour weeks, still got time for some video games! Man the fuck up

I'm so tired, i haven't had a break since my son was born

I work night shifts and take my Switch, suck it faggot

Omg you have a son? Kawaiiiiii what's his name?

never gonna get out of your rut with that attitude

I am actually super glad today is friday so i can at least take some time off from my work. I am going to be fired on the 5th and be jobless for a while but it is better than working on a place you hate. It is a shame things didn't work out as i expected. at least ill have more time for a little bit of vidya.

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dont worry dude, she'll break up with you soon enough, you sound like a wiener

I work 0 hours and don't play games, but I shitpost about them on Yea Forums every day

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Tfw work nights and finished a good amount of video games per year.

I may not make as much as some of you that work in the morning or afternoon but I sure as hell have more time and energy to enjoy fun games

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You look like you fuck white women.

I don't need to work. I have more time and money than all of you, Lmao

(Thank you Grandma)

>le i'm mentally tired
Shit doesn't exist you fags.

I fuck other men's wives/girlfriends as they watch of all races i wish i was baiting. I just give my BBC to those who want it but at the same time I enjoy a lot of video games when I'm not doing that or working

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Your may be getting fucked if that's how you think. Compared to the same job, night shifts should pay significantly more since most people cant or really dont want to do them.

ill take the bait. what kind of men are these, when you look into their eyes as they ask you to fuck their property do you see anything thats missing? i never could wrap my mind around this cuck fetish.

>not working on Saturday morning
You don't know real pain


>or having 2 days off in a row
i really hate fast food...

Playing games in your limited spare time will only keep you a wageslave forever.

>tfw no job
>going into last year of HS
>staunch realization that after this year I'll have to be proactive in my life and seek out shit on my own accord instead of my parents handling shit
I'm deciding between a few things to do after high school and pursue as a career, can any anons give me some advice? Here:
1) pursue comp sci, become code monkey, work up to managerial position eventually
2) pursue IT, maybe skip college and focus on certs and job experience via internships
3) get a 2 year technical degree to be an electrician, eventually become some kind of manager.
4) pursue something in non-medical nursing. Child care and special needs stuff.
My dream is to eventually start my own game studio but it's a lofty goal to achieve, so I want some financial stability first.

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I turned 18 earlier this month. I never got held back or anything my parents just enrolled me a year later.

Since you're clearly posting this as a jab to people who work normal jobs, what's your suggestion to the alternative?

>be neet on welfare
>free money every month
>can play all the vidya I want and do whatever I want
>live in yurope so I don't even need to be retarded to get 500€/month

Thanks wagies

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Take it from this 32 year old user, the fact that you're able to work out all these possible scenarios means you'll make it no matter which one you pick. Some people just succeed, others are destined to failure. You're gonna be alright.

Wagie Wagie
So much ragie
Cries in the crapper
While I fap to trappers.

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I dont feel like I am in the slightest, but it's nice to hear that sometimes

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enjoy your crippling depression and eventual suicide. don't @ me, im not in europe.

What's your advice for somebody who absolutely nothing together, spent 3 years on a borderline useless degree and might end up being stuck in shitty warehouse work for at least the next couple of years? Asking for a friend.

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no one knows what they're going to do that early in life. the college system is a scam to begin with. if you pick a degree that starts with Bachelor of Science you'll be just fine.
first job out of college i hated so much i got an ulcer. 9 months into it i transferred internally to a better job, year after that a completely different department in the company, 2 years after that a brand new department where i simply make my own hours. i make 2.5x what i make when i started here 9 years ago.
point is, you'll be fine, you'll see how stupid a lot of normal people can be and as long as you don't let yourself get stuck in a rut theres nothing to worry about and theres no wrong choice in what you want to do for money.

>Pay cheap rent
>Cook affordable but not shit food
>Only have to work part-time to sustain myself
>Can still afford the occasional vidya
Who /half-wagie/ here?

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I do sport an go hiking. Depression is for little faggots staying indoors all day.

>the college system is a scam
That's what I gathered. Hearing the horror stories from my older brother's friends regarding loans and other bullshit scares me to no end, but it seems like in some fields (like software dev) you need the piece of paper to even get a first glance.
>theres no wrong choice in what you want to do for money.
That's refreshing to hear. All through school people rag on "uneducated" blue collar workers so I haven't really considered it until very recently, and I was worried about the stigma being an "uneducated" blue collar guy might have.
But I digress. Thanks for the motivation.

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>tfw I play games for a living now

Best thing I ever did, working full time made me suicidal and I'm not even memeing, I would cry on my 90 minute bus right to work sometimes, I would think about jumping in front of traffic just so I wouldn't have to go. Now my life is so much better, I'm much happier. I'll never be well off, but I'm comfortable and I like that

>in some fields (like software dev) you need the piece of paper to even get a first glance.
like i said, if it starts with Bachelor of Science it'll probably get you in if you need one.
>"uneducated" blue collar workers
the guys working that pothole are very likely close to six figures with pensions. the guys working the rail are over six figures by year 5. shit even truckers can make more working for the most shit company than the guy starting entry level in some tech company. blue collar has a lot of potential for great money, the tradeoff are the hours and schedule in most cases.

Dating unironically eats up more vidya time than marriage. Just find a wife that likes videogames and don't have kids.

>the tradeoff are the hours and schedule in most cases.
That's my concern. I'm very fond of the strict 8 to 4 schedule I have now with school, and I think I would be fine with deviations its just the hours have to be consistent. I want to just work 40 or 50 hours a week and nothing more.

Don't know if you're still looking for yous but cuckoldery is in the same branch of fetishes as bestiality. It comes from the feeling of anger and disgust and it's the arousal at seeing beautiful things destroyed.
It's very twisted.

it all comes down to the field. i can't necessarily recommend one field over another, but medical is certainly going to have strict schedules. blue collar is usually long hours. and tech can swing from 10 hours of real work a week to 60-80 hour crunches.
honestly look into infosec, its a booming new industry, i got in 5 years ago when it was starting up and we can't fill spots. i get recruiters up my ass every week. theres a 3 million worker shortage in the world. to top it off i do around 5 hours of real work a week, come in whenever, leave whenever - if i go in at all, some days i just "work from home". job itself can be really interesting though.


I may look into that. Any specifics on what you personally do?

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>somewhat comfy night shift work
>buy myself gaymen laptop
>have fun
Could be worse. I haven't experienced life from 8am to 5pm in 4 months and I'm getting fatter due to night snacks but you know, could be worse.

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>tfw got fired from a shitty job yesterday

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>he doesn't have a job
>he's thirty or older
These losers don't exist, right?

because of the shortage of workers you end up wearing a bunch of hats.
im an engineer for our siem because im the only one who knows how to keep it running.
im its analyst and admin because i know how to use it.
im a company policy writer because no one else is going to do it.
im a "pen tester" because i run, analyze, and make recommendations based on results on what needs fixing first.
im also the engineer/admin for that device.
i can go to almost any conference or ask for any training i want because its job related where i go to eat and drink for free while hearing about how theres not enough of us in the world.
day to day though, i usually open my emails, reply to any questions employees might have about spam they received, look at the siem, look at any alerts, make sure all my services are running. once you get a feel for your environment you know if somethings wrong at a glance, so it isn't hard work by any means.
theres other types of work in the field, risk and compliance is policy and audit reviews, its boring paperpushing in my eyes. theres professional pentesters who work for companies that we hire to specifically try to break some of our shit, it pays really well but it can be a bit more stressful.
if you really want to chase the big bucks see if you can find anything for infosec law, laws are being written every year and we have to figure out how it applies to us to comply, in some cases we have to hire outside counsel to tell us.

I see. So about these services do you get down into the actual code of it or do you just tell others what you need done.

Where would one go to get into this? Would I need a degree?

Not if it’s just shit factory work.

I can't imagine being a streamer and playing every garbage game that releases just for $$

Stick it out, move back home and get some certs

Wageslaves are actually disgusting me, real talk. Imagine being this indoctirnated by society that you think it's noble to well your very own lifetime for a few bucks an hour. Wake the fuck up and at least start your own thing. It will actually be more work, not less but it will fulfill you and you won't feel like a slave anymore, you will have more energy too

Once you graduate college and stop role playing a boomer conservative youll understand

>Work for shitty retail job.
>Minimum wage.
>6 years of raises back to null thanks to minimum wage increasing to 20 cents over what I was making previously.
>Work constantly making the team do 6 day weeks.
>Stat holiday? You bet your fucking ass next week will be 6 days to make up for "lost profit".
>Quota keeps raising even if we can't hit target.
>Just had to spend an hour overtime yesterday because although we're making 20% over last year this time we're not making ENOUGH over last year.
>Everyone getting MSIs from overworking.
Don't ever work for value village/savers

Being able to buy games is the only way i can cope with being a wagie

dude, you have no idea. It will get much worse.
Got promotion, almost stable ~4 year relationship, old parents\family visiting, nephew, gym.
Even when I have time to play, I an't.
I want to get over with all this normalfag life, but I am too deep to end it.
Yea Forums and /fit/ lie to you, you can't just "try" normal life

you sound like a retarded boomer

>I am 12 and when i grow up I will make money without wage job

Imagine being American

Rogue Galaxy on psn

Canadian actually but I guess there isn't much difference. North american?

I've been wagie slaving for 2 years, managed to save up enough of a fund for 7 years of neeting.
Once I hit 10 years worth I'll disappear from society and live as I wish.

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Suburban life is so fucking depressing

>even AC odyssey and origins
get some help first

Wow you sound like a girl.

Playing more FE3H and maybe some fighterz or Smash Ultimate.
And next Friday, it's all about Astral Chain.

Dude if you have that much worked out already you have nothing to worry about try them all if you like you're young.

What country and what city?

>I'll probably get to play 2 hours of video games in the weekend
I don't get it, what are you doing when you get home that prevents you from playing vidya

What job was it cirnobro.

Sleeping off the exhaustion usually.

>tfw have a date with a chubby girl tonight
What do? Go and screw the piggy or stay home and play more Fire Emblem.?

I remember when I was 16.

probably gonna get a temp job soon, gonna suck after being a comfy NEET
>b-but don't you want to pay taxes and contribute?!

So, what, you sleep like 12-14 hours a day? It sounds like you have huge problems then, user. If you're sleeping more than 8-9 hours a day, that becomes detrimental and makes you more tired. Just play vidya when you get home and make yourself a proper sleep schedule.

Are you me?

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technical support for a private uni.
Had a fat ugly goblino boomer boss that everyone hated and didn't like me .

Persona 5 seems like the obvious one

You support the devs who invested time and passion, blood and tears, to give you a magical experience.
If you don't, it won't be easily obtainable anymore. (Already to late probably, but still).

Find the TES or FO that you haven't played for the longest time. Mod the fuck out of it and enjoy the janky adventure to come.
>t.wagecuck currently playing oblivion

>Finally moving on from my shitty retail job in October after 3 years
Feels breddy gud.

>tfw playing games at work while getting paid

Remember to hide threads like this for your own sanity. Don't even read anything, just hide.

>obligatory friday night out with the ""mates""
>blackout at 3am
>wakie wakie saturday 4pm
>do laundry, cleaning, manage the spouse until 7pm
>go evening shopping for food and snacks for the obligatory 'saturday movie night'
>rowdy with the spouse at 1am, blackout at 4am
>wakie wakie 2pm sunday
>cook lunches and prepare snacks for the next work week
>hit the gym at 5pm
>return around 7pm
>browse Yea Forums to see if there's any vidya that's cool before the weekend ends
>play something for 2-3 hours
>getting rowdy early with the spouse, because tomorrow's monday
>blackout at 00:00
>wakie wakie little wagie, it's monday 6am
Weekends are nothing but preparation for the next slave session.
I get more free time weekday evenings, but because it's after the slave session there's little to no energy to spend on silly vidyas.

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>NEETbux and buying homemade crafts in my small bumpkin town and selling them to hipsters online.

It's free rent.

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Origins is a solid game to explore in. Exploring Egypt was lots of fun for me. Bayak was a great main character. Stay away from the new Greek one. Play AC4 is you haven't already. Blackflag is the best AC game to explore in.

How the fuck are you mentally exhausted after playing vidya? It's a toy.

You have a lot of back up plans so you'll be fine. Most people dont know what to do after HS and just go with the flow. Theres some ambition or at least a goal youd like to work towards. That helps a lot in keeping you focused. You'll do good, user.

Boomer and women managers are the worst. They always nitpick everything and find any excuse to shitcan you I noticed. Good luck in the future though user.

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Reading comprehension sure is hard.

If the developers wanted to make money they should have picked an actual career/trade/profession.

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>I get blackout drunk multiple times a weekend
Maybe just don't drink so much and play vidya instead if you wanna do that. Jesus, I can't believe I have to explain this to an adult.

>if I'm not too mentally exhausted by then...
I'm as mentally exhausted not working and doing nothing as I am working
It's a strange game
the only winning move it to not play
except video games
you can win video games

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Third shift squad.
The hours suck but I watch TV, play vidya, and practice nip/shogi everynight. I try not to do more than 2 nights of actual work per week.

>check from 70 hour work week
>fuck y---
>flat tire
>tooth crown falls off


Swap blackout with 'falling asleep out of exhaustion'.
I'm not an alcoholic, only a few beers on fridays.

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I'm finna boutta drink 3 bottles of red wine and play duel links and dot hack all night

when you get married your life ends
when you have a kid it's over

>finna boutta
Excuse me?

Good luck. I'm debating if I should leave and start substituting.

I got a job as soon as I turned 18. I'm 23 now and as time passes I play less and less videogames. When I get home I just browse Yea Forums and watch some random stuff on youtube. I just lost a 25 hours save of Dragon Quest VIII on the emulator and with it the urge to play the only game I've been having fun with in the last 3 months. I think I'll just use some cheats to go back to where I was before.

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finna= fixing to
boutta= about to


I am a wagecuck that works as engineer in a private uni

I work from 11 am to 8 pm, 1 hour break and 1 hour of commuting so I arrive at home at ~9 pm

Interestingly I think i have been playing more vidya now, you learn to value time and enjoy vidya more, I play around 3-4.5 hours a day

When I didn't have a job, I play like 2 hours max

I ordered a SNES mini btw

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I don't care if you pay taxes or contribute
I just don't want to pay for your lazy ass lmao


Found why you hate games.

this but on PC
also ff12 and dragon quest 8
maybe some tales of the abyss too

Go. Even if you're not into her, it's good practice. Fat chicks are the tutorial level of women.

found the neet poorfag

I excercise after work so I have enough energy to vidya afterwards. Healthy habits makes it easier to juggle all the activities you do in the day

Poof, fucking gone. Like tears in the rain.

Everyone on Yea Forums works some tech or engineer job while I work at a shitty amazon warehouse. It pays decent enough to pay my bills tho. What's it like to actually be successful with a career bros?

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>SNES mini AKA Classic

Good choice, senpai.

How much did you pay for it?

>wake up at 11
>drink some coffee while playing vidya until 14:30
>take a shower and head to work
>chill at work while drinking more coffee and watching youtube videos
>head home at 22
>sit and play vidya until 4 in the morning
>go and catch some sleep
>repeat 4 days a week

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So if you're not blackout drunk how do you sleep 13 hours at a time

Happy birthday user, have a (you)

Like 100 dollars, that thing is getting pricier and more difficult to find

How am I the poorfag when I can afford a $50 PS2 (going rate at GameXChange and Disc Replay) but he cant be fucked?

not him but i usually sleep 3/4 hours a day so
when i finally have a day to myself i just sleep for like 14 hours straight

services was a pretty broad term. theres lots of security products and appliances we run, when i said services i meant making sure all of those are still running and working.
to what you were asking, i dont dig into the code. usually because you dont need to as automated tools can find the most glaring of shit like sql injections and vulnerable libraries used.
it helps, there are schools now that offer infosec or cybersecurity degrees but a lot of people list BS in Comp Sci as a requirement on listings. the way i got into it though was worked in tech support, moved into datacenter support, got my CEH and moved into a brand new infosec department internally, then just acquired more infosec certs.
if you're already in IT go for your CISSP, this i see on almost all job listings.

why would i buy a $50,00 ps2 when i can play the same games at 4k resolution with save states, cheat engines, turbo modes etc

I feel you brah

I'm a freak of nature that can't adjust properly to normal sleep schedules.
When I'm out in the woods working on my "thatch hut", preparing my escape from society - working for myself - during vacations, I'm usually awake for 30 hours, sleeping for 16 hours on repeat. And that's with a lot of physical labour included.
Just neeting I can run 36 hours before I get sleepy, and I'll only sleep for about 12-14 hours since there was no physical activity.
Since society is running on 8 to 5, it's breaking my psyche.
Every chance I get, I sleep.

I should perhaps retrain to become a lumberjack or something.


its alright

>finished my first week at uni after wagecucking my way to the age of 26
I'm not there yet, but I have hope now. Either everything will be a hundred times better than before or I will be even worse off

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>I'm too mentally exhausted
Is this the biggest meme excuse/ I feel like it is, because you'd just come up with another excuse if you weren't working 40 hours a day.

Have you played Black Flag?

>neet of 6 years since graduating HS
>haven't done fucking anything in this time
>never applied for government money because I don't deserve it
>no work experience, no phone, can't drive, not even a bank account
>sister is moving out by the end of the year at 27, only reason she stuck around was because she was worried for me

I've had all the time in the world to think, and yet there's nothing I want to do or strive for but keep my life the same and doing my day-to-day chatting and playing video games with friends. I need to get a part-time job within a couple months, but everything looks like ass to do. There's no way to work for actual companies, everything is retail hell. I could go to school, but that's even more stress on my mother due to the loans I can't pay for - and I don't want to go into a field I'll hate.

I'd ideally want to become a sound designer and make things for games/shows and the like, but I know nothing about the field or how stable it is other that the art itself is a passion of mine. There's a sound school in my city that costs $14k for tuition and is a 1 year course, but the price and the fact it is 1 year has me believe it's fucking bogus and not even guaranteed to land me anything, and afaik the local college has nothing similar for going into that type of thing.

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Yeah sleeping that much is horribly bad for you and just serves to make you more tired
And your sleep schedule is just fucked

>tfw all friends are still in college while i'm still living with mommy

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just find a labouring job you fucking pussy`

>never applied for government money because I don't deserve it
Well yeah you actually need to qualify for something. You can't just say "I don't wanna work" and get free cash
>I've had all the time in the world to think, and yet there's nothing I want to do or strive for but keep my life the same and doing my day-to-day chatting and playing video games with friends.
...Just try not to kill yourself dude.

>3/4 hours a day
Get some sleep, user.

Remnant from the Ashes is pretty fun

>only 500/month
how pathetic

Dead Cells. No it's not what you asked for but who cares, it's fun as hell. Mindless but challenging, interesting "gear" progression if I could call it that, short enough to pick up and play any time and still make some gains, and variable paths so you can choose your own difficulty (in a manner of speaking). Not really cheap for an indie game but if you can't get 30 hours out of it then either the game's not for you or you're just not interested in games.

Do it. Now.

And all you have to do is live with your parents and face their daily disappointment

Right. Why would you. Since you clearly don't want to play PS2 if you need meme shit like save states.

this but i'm retarded and get 900€/month

I work a trade
Is easy and I have more money than I know what to do with plus no college debt
Still hate work tho

Hmm. Persona 5? Maybe Nier Automata? There's a shitload of SMT games, try that.

Thx m8

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I'm going to have to work incredibly hard and will likely never catch up to anybody. But the daunting nature of starting the journey puts me off on it, even if the longer I do it the worse it gets.

At least you won't be 100k in debt

>spends all his free time shitposting on V about vidya
>claims that dev work isn't actual work

you're a shitposting faggot

imagine bragging on 4channel about only having 6000 european american dollars a year to your name

that's about my only saving grace lol

...Just try not to kill yourself dude.

as opposed to being indebt for 20 or more years? nah, man.

How bout you fix ur shit first?

I dont get this meme. Im an engineer and Im rarely ever mentally exhausted.

I like my job though, so that might be part of the reason.

Absolutely based

true true

You're welcome user. Knowing that I'm helping anons play vidya and live happily makes my work more fulfilling.

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Just get a decent scholarship and that'll pay for most of it right there.
...You guys did apply for scholarships right

>friday night out with the mates isnt getting drunk and playing vidya/watching anime

You have shit mates.

Alternatively you could be a NEET living in poverty conditions, too depressed to play anything even though you have all the free time in the world.

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>Work from 1PM to 10PM
>Hit the gym during mornings
>Play around 1/2 hours after I get home from work
>When there's a game I REALLY want to play, I ditch all other hobbies for gaming

It ain't so bad although being single as fuck definitely helps. I started to appreciate gayming a lot more because of the lack of free time. Even ditched sex a few times for it.

Guess having a decent paying, non-stressful job helps.

>I need to sleep 14 hours a night
Dude it sounds like you have huge issues and should see a doctor.

It's not bad for me personally. It's just that I'm different when it comes to state of wakeness and state of sleep.
If I had the option to work, say, 8am to 1am - essentially 2 workdays in 1, and getting time off that matches such a schedule, my psychological health would improve drastically.
Shame there's absolutely zero workplaces that are like that, unless it's on a oil rig / lumberjack out in nowhere that doesn't pay properly.

It's usually bar hopping, gocart and bowling. Not bad, but not the best either since it's normiest thing possible.

God I wish I was a half wagie. I'm making a videogame and I feel so much better making something that is my own than stupid business applications

just sell counterfeit clothes you dumbasses, you can just kys if you face jailtime

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fuck no. I dont live in murica and didnt have to pay shit for my state run college. Luckily it was Economics so it wasnt all commie larping like in other careers

>unless it's on a oil rig / lumberjack out in nowhere that doesn't pay properly.
Almost all oil rig and lumberjack jobs pay incredibly well though

If you're too mentally exhausted to play games, what do you do instead? Just sleep?

cope, being homeless is better than being a wagecuck, FACT!

kids who grew up in suburbs underestimate blue collar so much its comical. the guy picking up their garbage probably made as much if not more than their dads, plus pension.

I make good money, I just hate my life. Big difference.

Christ, man. 500€ is fucking nothing unless you stick to the bare basics. I'll never understand how can someone neet in his 20s.

>t. resetranny

Not OP but yes

My routing monday to friday is: Wake up, wash up, go to work, come back from work, eat, sleep.

Post on Yea Forums and browse porn.

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>Oil rig job
>Not paying properly
In what world?

and hope to die in your sleep

Sleeping that much just makes you more tired, user. It's a vicious cycle.

comp sci is a meme, don't do it unless you absolutely love math, it's the only thing you'll be doing.

Maybe, but the bed doesn't want to let me go and I'm too weak to fight back.

The only real oil rig work around here is meant for dive welders, and that's practically suicical. I have the qualifications and papers to do the work, but I value my life higher then $6200 a week. 3 guys I took the qualifications with are dead out of a batch of 10.

When it comes to lumber work it's essentially consigning my living quarters out to nowhere without internet and just a single TV in a cabin. I wouldn't mind it all that much, but my spouse would strangle me for it.

I always wondered why the garbage people are always so fucking happy by the Kebab sop near my work before they do their rounds. Once I overheard them talking to a newbie that it was the easiest, most well paid job they ever had. They make around 1300 euros and in Portugal, that shit is digital marketing good.

This, i'm so glad I invested 1500 in bitcoin back in 2011, sold it all in december 2017, reinvested in May this year and resold a few weeks ago, i have almost 7 figures and i can become a possible billionaire or even trillionair as soon as i sell all of them on localbitcoins

this but im a sperg and get 1120 euro every month and living in a nice apartment

i dont know how you came to that conclusion, but ok faggot

By sticking to the bare basics.

There are some people who are simply content with not being out in the rain at night and not starving to death.

If you have a PS4 get Horizon or Persona 5

if you can put up with the smell its a really great job. its not like we're going to run out of shit to throw out.

Nigga it's not the math, that shit is easy. It's making projects you actually want to be a part of, and not being in a toxic work environment like Amazon or something.

A lifeless object has more willpower than you.

I used to have that problem man, but mix in youtube too. Im getting back to playing 5-6 hours of vidya on evenings where I dont have other plans tho.

I found its best to just pick a game and just start it up as soon you can after work. Dont open v, youtube, porn, or anything else until after youre done with vidya. I feel like my energy has gone up since I started doing that, ironically.

That doesn't even make sense.

The spiders are all in tune and it is the evening of the moon. Well, it's better not to worry about insects and arachnids...

>full-time 9 hours job offers (1.487)
>part-time job offers (4)


I agree, but that's just the way it is.

I make like $4400 a month and it's barely minimum for me. How do you survive on that

I have a database support job that is enough to pay rent for a whole apartment and have twice as much left most of which I can't even spend. Half of it is remote and when I work from home I do nothing, just play vidya and smoke weed.

Life is fucking great this year



cope and dilate, filthy resetranny

Insulting me won't change anything.

how do I learn to do this? I'm finishing compsci degree next year, no idea where I want to work yet.

Yeah, I live in Spain and part-time jobs here are actually fairly scarce, it's not easy to get one.

calm down kiddo, you're honestly hurting yourself in your confusion

This is drumpfs fault

>on call nights
>all weekend
>every weekend
Actually better than expected because playing games mid week gets you the neet/boomer crowd and not the zoomer/millenial retards.

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You guys should all spend your video game time learning about stoicism instead.

>Why even try to improve my life
How sad

Delete your post and do a proper reply to me right now.

This so fucking much. Cs is great in terms of options, security, and potential earnings. However theres a shitlod of drone tier work you can get sucked into.

If you manage to find a cs job where overtime isnt regularly expected and the project is engaging, youve hit the fucking jackpot though. Cant imagine a better job desu.

I don't know about you guys but as soon as I finish my degree I'll just kill myself, I'm not made for this "working" stuff.

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>life is pretty comfortable, solid job with future prospects, no debt and good savings. Almost wrapped up with masters degree in healthcare field and still have no debt when done

>yet the back of my head keeps brewing "what if" scenarios, as in maybe i should have tried chasing the "make video games" dream at 18 instead of going with what i did now

i probably made the better choice but still

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The fuck database support even do? Some clerk calls in saying the app broke, and you look for bad data?

I know.

unironically consider a healthcare profession. they will always be in demand with the aging baby boomer and millenial populations. I suggest rad tech, so you're taking xrays instead of wiping asses.

This guy wants your sympathy, everyone please gather around and suck his dick and tell him how special he is

1 mccombo please wojak

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kys after having dilate sex

>tfw already got fired twice for refusing to do overtime

Jave nap

Its never to late to work on your futa furry princess rpg bro. Just keep doing small bits whenever you feel in the mood.


>aging millenials

i mean everyone gets old but the oldest in that bracket is like 38

I got a good work environment, but I'm stuck making business apps like employee time trackers and what not. At least as a solo dev no one knows what the fuck I'm doing so I can take as much time as I want/need

>switching provider fucked up so no Internet until Tuesday

hey man, they make more than i do hourly. I envy them.
Matter of fact, im fucking hungry for some. Fuck y

kys lil' zoom

That sucks man. What kind of hours were they expecting?

>catch up
don't think like that. the """""success""""" comparison meme is a capitalist mind control tool

Haha my roommate did that ;_; fuck you Ian

>futa furry princess rpg
>remember that there's a decent chunk of people in here slaving away at games just like that

nevermind, i think i made the right move

>refuse to do overtime
>have to do overtime
a strange circumstance

>gf wants go out tonight and on sunday
>friend wants to go out tomorrow
>other friends want me to play some random esport of the month with them
>i just want to stay in my room playing my singleplayer games and shitposting on Yea Forums

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Asked my dad if his life was over.
He said: "I hope not, for your sake"

>I know people who have straight up told me they'd pay me to make games like that.

is this not the life you wanted?
don't cry, wagie
didn't you want to become someone big?
school was for loosers, the world needs people like you, after all.
wagie, smile!
it's the life you dreamt of!

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Good on you for having balls, fact they fired you meant they were just trying to suck your ass dry

>First job after 2 years of dropping out of sixth form is warehouse (through some program for mentally handicapped people)
>couldn't handle the first location they put me in so I was moved to a different one
>still feel bad on the job but not as much
I think I'm just gonna need to put in the hours and keep going until at least a year or until end of this year so I have work experience to put on my CV and hopefully find a better job.

Playing with NEETs and Boomers is unironically more fun. The skill average is much higher, better teamwork, funnier memes/stories and autism makes for quirky team mates.

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Basically they wanted me to stay an extra hour everyday, sometimes two, I did it for a couple of weeks but eventually I just said no and they fired me.

Didn't help that I was the only one who refused to do overtime, everyone else just complied.

I know that feel except
>tfw no gf

I really like spending time with my friends, but holy fuck I need a couple days a week to just jack off and play vidya.

There we go sir, enjoy your meal

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do you retards lack the ability to just say you cant? fucking hell you let your own friends walk over you

I have no degree in it I just floated over from Purchasing which I'm still technically a part of
Brianlets not knowing how to do shit, pruning data, testing especially, but we only test during major new software rollouts so like 4-5 times a year and between those I dont have shit to do. I also pull reports from it if someone wants one

Its comfy as fuck and pretty much the opposite of wageslaving and best of all the pay is above average.

Anyone else's interests change almost completely once they hit mid 20s+?

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Nope, I'm the same kid I was when I was 12 - I just like cock a lot more than I used to.

Paid or unpaid? Even if paid fuck the people willing to cuck over everyone like that

>I just like cock a lot more than I used to
wew lad

I don't think my interest changed much but my drive certainly has gotten much much weaker for nearly everything

once you say you cant you start going down the rabbit hole

Unpaid of course, paid OT is pretty rare where I live actually.

Was that private or gov work? In my experience if you paycheck comes from uncle sam (even if youre working directly for a private company) they tend to be strict about overtime.

9/10 if Im running behind schedule (which is constantly happening to everyone on this project) they just push it back as opposed to letting me do overtime.

Get on a gov project (assuming youre a burger) if you can, they tend to be comfy.

>used to love RPGs, sandboxes and competitives vidya
>now i like games to be singleplayer, short and action oriented
I just dont have the patience anymore to sit through 40 minutes of dialogue or roam through an open world doing the same 5 sideqhests over and over again like they're a list of chores

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I personally don't care about console wars anymore, like what's the point even? Also if I have a whole day free I don't really want to play videogames all day since I will get tired of them after 4 or so hours.

wow its almost like they will get even older as time goes on and proves my point about job security. are you retarded?

pro tip: try and look for some employment that isn't working as a slave in a mine


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Yeah I've also heard government work is pretty nice, but where I live it's pretty hard to get one.

I feel you on this one
I open up a single player game and start reading through the dialogue and I get the DREAD sense
and just put some type of fighting game on for quick matches

How do you get mental exhaustion? I've been working at my software engineering job for a few months and after work my mind is racing.

Having an actual income is fun
I'm working only temporary as a student, looking to buy some good headphones, a gaming computer after a few wages. If I don't spend it all on booze and restaurants first.

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I wish I could go back to my old life sometimes.
FT 8-5 job, 3-year relationship about to get married in 9 months, 2 cats, homeownership and all the expenses and responsibilities that come with it. I'm lucky if I get a total of 3 hours in a week of vidya time and even then it can't hold me for long because it always feels like a nonproductive use of my time. I miss when I could play csgo all Saturday and not feel guilty about it.

I wish I could work in a mine, shit pays well.

Its not exactly walking over me. Hell I make the plans most of the time.

I just need to get better at balancing friends and alone time. Its just hard to balance 2 things you want to do with limited time.

>Been looking for a job por the past 4 years
>Still nothing
>Even left my resume in 3 of those companies whose job is to find a job for me
And people told me knowing 3 languages was amazing and that I would get hired instantly. Maybe when I learn japanese someone will look my way.

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There was never a point to console wars. It's basically the sunk cost fallacy, people just want to assure themselves they got the correct system and others are stupid for not doing so.

>>Even left my resume in 3 of those companies whose job is to find a job for me
biggest waste of time on the planet m8. never bother with these faggots. never pay any of them for anything.
use job search engines and always go to the company site directly to apply.

The main thing you need to get a job is a job history, as backwards as that sounds.

>tfw hospital nurse and only have to work three days a week every week
Make enough money to live on my own and have whatever I want, I like my job and the people I work with and for, and I get four day weekends every week. I feel sorry for depressed wagies.

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what rabbit hole, pussy? are going to live the rest of your life doing things you don't want to just because you can't say no? life is short, you're gonna wake up one day and realize your old wrinkly ass lived to please those around you instead of yourself

Same happened to me after I started my full time job.
Unless the game really clicks, I can't be bothered anymore with mindless roaming or bloated cutscenes. Although I'm playing Mankind Divided at the moment which manages to have some especially shit pacing and horrible dialogue/story at the same time.

I haven't had a job in over a year. At every interview they ask "So user why haven't you had a job in over a year?" There's no good answer to that.

Just finished my year as a intern
>work is easy, no overtime expected
>bought a vive, switch and upgraded my PC, still saved loads
>lived close to work so had about 6 hours of freedom a night
>had a nice mix of gaming evenings and spending time with my friends
>got a job secured on almost twice the amount I was making initially for when I finish my degree
Feels good being a wagie

one step closer to final curtain eh?

Mostly because people who are coming out of NEETdom aren't actually good workers a lot of the time. That is to say to say, a lot of those people are so used to moving at their own pace that they don't make great employees. Plus a lot of ex-NEETs will have no problems just dropping the job if it gets to be annoying, not even bothering with a 2-week notice. Even people who have worked from home and suddenly have to do a 9-5 aren't that great at adjusting sometimes.
Basically, once again, a couple bad apples ruined it for the rest.

I get to play vidya 7 days a week, I'm bored to fuck of them all and end up no-lifing v and youtube.

The more time you have to do something the less inclined you are to do it.

Take the farm pill, anons.
>Bust your ass at a factory job for 10 years for shitty work but good pay
>Save up and buy land
>Retire from your job and live the rest of your life on easy mode playing real life Harvest Moon.
You are now your own boss.
You are also now economy proof, because the government will give you free money to run it, and if the economy goes to shit, you'll never be hungry. You can't possibly lose.

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>Do part time work at nights
>Earn enough to pay rent
>Know that I'm not going to be able to buy a house, but don't really mind at this stage of life
>Seething normies get mad that I'm not doing 40 hour weeks and do other normie shit
>Happy as hell with my life
>They stay mad because I'm not doing what's considered "normal"
Choose a lifestyle that makes you happy. Listen to friends and family that give you genuine advice because they care about you, but don't listen to people that try and tell you there is a "correct" way to live life. Don't let normies dictate your lifestyle, only one person should do that

Can't you just say you've been terribly depressed or something? Or would that make it worse?

>Well yeah you actually need to qualify for something. You can't just say "I don't wanna work" and get free cash

You can outside of the U.S.

I would unironically want to pursue bee-keeping
if you consider that a type of farming

Not him, but you know some people actually have people in their lives they want to spend time with, right?

The rabbit hole hes referring to is getting into the habit of pushing away those youre close to and getting used to being alone. It can happen pretty easily if you dont work to maintain relationships.

I'll just watch some streams or a longplay, then I'll hop in my car and drive 200 miles back to my family.

>You can't possibly lose.
>*Drought teleports behind you*

maybe say you've been taking vocational courses or had to deal with family problems.

>signed, someone who has never worked on a farm

Is it true you get lot of free sex at the hospital?

My dad became a bee-keeper after he retired early (worked 10 years at 2 different companies so he had 2 full pensions).
He also became church warden and began helping out at the local food charity.

Personal projects

Watching streams is like admitting you suck at videogames. You have no skill to play them on your own so you watch other people who are better than you do something you wish you could do even though streamers are all literal whos.

No reason you can't do that now. Just buy or build a couple of bee houses, get a few queens to seed them, then just collect honey and sell it on the internet. Bee's are easy. Once they're set up, the only work is honey collecting, which takes maybe an hour.

Not everywhere outside the US by any means.

Watching streams is a replacement for TV, not for games, stupid.

>has a spouse
>still going to bed past midnight
>still sleeping in past noon
Whats the matter? Dont like taking morning strolls and drinking coffee in the cool morning air while the world is still sleeping with your cutie?

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They don't hire depressed people because they are more likely to call in sick, be less driven at work, and might kill themselves. It would be bad news if they killed themselves at work.

>Have a college degree
>Doing a job right now I'm happy with, but feel this weird sense of pressure to get a job with my degree, even though I know I'll be miserable if I do
How do I shake it? Am I just a cuck to societal pressure?

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anyone got those pics comparing wagie schedule to neet schedule?

unironically, you need to come up with a believable lie that either can't really be investigated or if investigated will turn up mostly true
like a madeup job where your "boss" reference is a friend you've got in on the scheme

bonjour dogo

>Work in IT.
>Job is 8:00-4:30pm.
>Commute takes me half an hour by train.
>IT director gives us huge freedom to do projects in our own way and rarely checks up on us.
>Department are all similar nerds.
>End up having game nights occasionally.
>Get to play plenty of games when I'm at home and at the weekend seeing my family and friends.

Work in IT, you're all tech literate so you're already more qualified than 80% of humanity for the job.
Make shit up.
Personal tragedy, career break, or travelling. My work didn't bat an eye at the year gap on my cv since I just said I was travelling new zealand, and my social media confirmed this if they went to check. I was only there for 4 months but they can't verify that.

What kind of farm did you work on?


yeah man dont bother. i have a BS and im year 5 into my job ,they asked if i wanted to get a masters but they'd only pay for 60%. its a fucking joke to put yourself into debt so you can pay it off in a few years just because it makes the company look good.

You'd better have a good answer when they ask why there's no evidence of you working on your credit report
Not every job will do it, but some pull your the report in order to see the state of your finances

Just say you had some family crisis

Go with whatever makes you the happiest. But also be aware that what makes you happiest now may change in the future.

I was happy as first line IT service desk but after a year and a half I'm enjoying project work and optimisation way more so I'm looking for openings in my department and elsewhere. Don't choose something you're dead set you'll hate, it'll be a waste of time.

>Went to docs and got on meds for 'depression'
>packed away playstation and removed steam
>haven't touched games in 4 months
>force myself to be social and go to gym
>started becoming more normie trying to date
>still feel like shit but the misery is bearable now

I'm just holding out hope for a goth cyberpunk gf now lads.

Honestly for a few years I've felt my love for games get less and less, been just playing the old dawn of war rts now.

I'd rather give it all up and be a imperial guard holding the line with my bros.

Fire warrior on ps2 was pretty kino

Finally got good enough at my job to be able to consult instead of waging and still have tons of money. So much time to play video games now, and money to buy collectables and rare things from my favorite games. It's a good life if you can swing it.

Thinking very seriously about opening up a pay what you can breakfast diner, which has always been my dream.

it doesn't feel much better unless you love what you do

The best scenario is part time work that gives you just enough to live on and be happy. It's a good balance.

It's gonna be better, but don't think it'll change your entire life.

You can't play vidya all day every day and expect to have some burning interest in a field, that comes from trying new things and being uncomfortable. Find literally one other place (movies, park, gym, bar, library) where you enjoy spending time, try to get a minimum wage job there, and then keep going. There's no "catching up", that's a very young person way of thinking about life. Find your niche, find what makes you happy, find a way to be content with your day to day.

you don't even have to put up with it, you just stop realizing its there. like with guys who live in submarines, it smells like bleach 24/7 but you completely forget.

easiest way to make a video game is to become independently wealthy and take a few years off of work. most teens in game programs will end up contractors who contribute nothing and get no credit.

you get over it eventually

>for a few bucks an hour
There's your problem.

I'm lucky in that in my country our student loans don't have interest and you only have to pay it back after a certain annual threshold, so it isn't really crippling or anything. I just feel as though I NEED to get a job with my degree for some reason. I know it's faulty logic, I just think I'm too susceptible to what normies say

Had a friend say that he was hospitalized for over a year. Guess they don't ask for medical records.

I suppose the good thing about scheming in advance is that you have all the time in the world to concoct a good answer.
Fake job history aside, I've always thought that if I had a huge gap in my work history i'd say that I was looking after a terminally ill family member for several months. Surely you'd have to be a real bastard to dig deeper into that, right?

>haven't touched games in 4 months
Yet you stay here still, that's honestly depressing user

honestly its a waste of time then even if its free. a degree plus experience means you're past the point where any further degree even matters.

Fix your shit and stop using video games for escapism. Mindlessly wasting hours upon hours grinding on some shitty JRPG isn't doing any favors to your life. It's no different than other self destructive behavior like alcoholism and gambling. You didn't get the job promotion? Analyze why, what you could have done better and start working on it. Is it too late? Keep bettering yourself anyway. Look for a better job/career. If you must insist on having to obsess over something for an escape, at least latch on to a productive activity. Pick up an instrument.. it's fun and more rewarding than any video game will ever be. Push yourself in other ways you never had before.

go to bed mate its late

Get a 70 inch tv and play horizon zero dawn, best feeling

>they want to spend time with
Clearly that's not his case then. If you don't want to say no because you're afraid pushing them away will become a habit, then you don't really want them around you that much, do you? lol
There's nothing wrong with wanting some time to yourself. If people can't understand that, then fuck 'em.

Im a paranoid schizophrenic and despite taking my medication and attending regular sessions with a specialist I haven't been able to hold a job since my diagnosis. I've lost the best job I've ever had as a beekeeper due to a particularly bad outburst around my coworkers that led to my immediate termination. Now I live on gubment bux and watch my girlfriend slowly lose respect for me. I'm tired of playing vidya and just want to work an /out/ related job again. Any games for this feel bros?

A farmer who lives near me committed suicide last year because it wasn't making enough to make ends meet and they eventually cut the power

play nethack

Tranny detected

Job Application Simulator. Make sure you get the Professional Resume DLC.

have a sister that's para schizo and she does fine in a job where she's not around people constantly. you should look into your parks and recs equivalent or at doing your own landscaping. at the very least you should start trying to do something every day that isn't video games if you're worried about your gf

>finally for vidya
>pc having problems
>dont have enough saving for new pc
this is really really bad...

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Lucky you user, i have to work this weekend

>being a wagie but not having any savings
how do people end up in scenarios like this? are you just one of those eternally doomed that live in places with exceedingly low wage jobs but very high cost of living?

Show us your tits.

Not him but yes.

>tfw easy, decent paying security work for rich clients
>Nobody bothers me
>Get to shitpost soijaks to mess up your boards
>Play mobile normie games
>Read pdfs
>Get paid for it
Never going back to the NEET lifestyle

>not just leeching off your parents until they decide to kick you out and then killing yourself
Not gonna make it.

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Can confirm about OT explicitly not being allowed unless pre-approved due to working for a company that does a lot of big government contracts

you should know that anons don't really play vidya.

I've been with you guys now for a decade, I love you guys and hope for the best for everyone of you.

I know I'll leave like moot someday, I've been here less and less sometimes weeks go by, but I'll miss all the shitposting and fun.

What the fuck is this

>Be PhD student
>everything is mentally taxing and devastating
>often be completely drained, like too drained to play video games
>often depressed
>finally graduate
>go to work
>everything is much easier, people around me are mostly incompetent brainlets, and that lets me slack
>don't really care about anything I do, laugh in my spirit at brainlets who actually care about their job
>don't even try to make any effort
>still get praised

ah, and most importantly:
>finally be able to buy vidia or good pc hardware to enjoy games

And you told me that "work" is going to be way harder and taxing than the stuff at university. You were totally wrong

You're not a neet if you're a paid archaeologist. What even is this story? Everything described here is part of a job that a person can have. Do people just larp about neetbux? You can't just randomly "apply" for neetbux. At least in the U.S. you need to have held a job for a certain amount of years, then be fired/laid off, not quit. That or a provable disability.

I only did a bachelors, and I still feel that working is like studying only less stressful.

you would know what OP means if you ever worked a single fucking day in your life you rent-free incel

I'm convinced people like that have extreme autism, what pushes someone to type out retarded shit like that, is that all you think about, trannies? If you retards would just stay away from social media you'd never ever be bothered by trannies again

get out man, go into your car, drive around, step outside the nice places, visit the interesting ones, take it all in

I'm attending industry-related event tomorrow morning at 9AM.

>AC odyssey
Imagine having the most pleb normie taste and STILL failing to get a shitty good goy promotion. Hilarious.

tfw my work/uni experience was the complete inverse of this
>coursework is challenging, but engaging enough that you actually enjoy doing it
>learning things that are applicable to every day situations
>get taught by really smart, well rounded people who are professionals in their field and only lecture part time mainly for fun
>working in this field is a rat infested hellhole where senior members literally take glee in how many graduate students they can crush
>work is absurdly unforgiving, a single mistake that slips past unnoticed can literally end your career
>3+ hours of unpaid overtime a day is the norm. the NORM
>most of the work is exceedingly tedious, repetitious and boring

becoming a lawyer was a mistake

Not at all. I work, take care of parents who are in their early stages of dementia, do yard and house work, hang out with friends, and still have plenty of time for video games.

The only time I don't play video games is when I simply don't feel like it. I don't make bitchboy excuses.

Say you were taking care of an elderly family member

Sounds like you're being exploited. You should report any company that isn't paying you.

Some of us simply have no time for playing games anymore.

>unpaid overtime
in what kind of cucked world do people let themselves be abused like this?
or is it only the case with "real grown up" jobs which you can't risk to lose?
most of the jobs i worked would fuck you with overtime but at least they paid a little extra for those hours.

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I see. Thanks a ton my guy.

>Bro you watch people play sports? Just go play it!

>be psychopathic
>work at ressource management
>surrounded by morons and idiots
>use and abuse them daily for my pleasure
>go back home grinning
>buy a cat on the way home because i drowned the last one in the toilet
>beat the shit out of the cat and play videogames

Anyone else have an extremely normal and otherwise fulfilling early life but still prefer to be NEET? I've been working since I was 15, have plenty of friends and been in several relationships, have my own car, do well when I'm in schooling, etc... but at the end of the day I want nothing more than to come home and chill on the internet for a while. I was a NEET for about a year total for a few reasons and it was the best time of my life.

Play GS 1 and 2 on mobile emulator, that eay you can take the grind to work if you have spare time and want to play

Its a hell of a lot easier sitting down playing a video game than arranging a group of people to get together, have gear and set aside time to casually play sports together.

the entire legal industry is like this aside from probably some smaller family firms (aka all mid-top tier firms), the whole thing
when i said its the norm, i meant its the goddamn norm
you are treated like trash because you are disposable, there are far more law graduates than there are law graduate positions, so if you cant cut it you can be replaced literally in about half an hour
simultaneously, you have to grin and bear it for as long as you can if you're "lucky" enough to get one of these positions. the longer you stay, the longer you can list on your resume when you want to get the FUCK out of there before you kill yourself

Once upon a time, some retard made the assertion that Yea Forums was trollproof. Underage faggots took this as a challenge and set out to "troll" Yea Forums to prove their godlike trolling skills. Since that time, the meta became to get the highest amount of responses with the least amount of effort. This is the culmination of that effort: Pre-approved one word responses and copy pasted images.

First world countries where if you leave you can't find anothet job because companies will just hire pajeet because he's fine with working 7 days a week unpaid overtime.

i hate this so much it hurts, this thread burn my very soul

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>Work early morning shifts
>Do all of that but in 100 degrees because the AC is linked to a corporate run timer that only activates one hour before opening and turns off ten minutes after closing.

At least I get ample time for rest and vidya.

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>in what kind of cucked world do people let themselves be abused like this?
In the world called "Spain"

No seriously, you should see how programmers work here, or most people in the IT sector really, they all do unpaid overtime everyday and nobody complains, or rather, they complain with their friends outside outside of work but they never actually stand up for themselves while they're working.

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Learn to manage your time and maybe look for a better job.
Today is the one year anniversary of my last day at my last job

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i can't remember, is the wood carving bit a reference to shawshank redemption?

I was in this same situation a while ago. Just get into a dumb little argument (or wait, one is bound to come eventually) and claim it as the straw that broke the camel’s back. Yeah, if she’s really into you she’s going to take it hard, but I’ve only been in one relationship and even I can see it’s not worth it if you don’t really love her. Just break up before she gets even more into you, then it will only hurt her more.

I will admit though, I do miss having free pussy on speed dial.

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>Work in IT, you're all tech literate so you're already more qualified
I was there as a temp for a project in being tortured. I saw for 4 weeks. Tech companies dont want us. Tech companies want the best and brightest straight out of college so theyre never damaged by real life experience. They pack you guys into the 70th floor which looks like a college dormatory and all demand excellence from everyone. Every wing on every floor has an Admin and an HR. And theyre all Stacies. I dont stand a chance with my AS in excel.

this so much
College is so much worse than working, at least you get paid at work and you have so much more time to yourself.
Hell if I ever manage to finish college in 3 years I could actually have time to play Persona 5


just tell her to fuck off once in a bit unironically, she would prob respect you more and as long as you don't overdue it. you should be fine

God bless the collective work agreement of engineering, electronic and metal industry.


These people aren't your friends and you could easily be doing something far better with your time

>dont have kids
Fuck off Schlomo

>becoming a dink
fuck off jew

why dont you just find strays, you'd be doing the world a favor instead


>late 20s and it feels like everyone basically just ended up where their parents are, good for some and bad for others, even if they had similar or almost identical education up until age 20

are intelligence and conscientiousness more genetic than we'd like to admit? Everyone just "moved" laterally instead of up, and some rarely down.

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>wanting to ruin your life and your wallet by having shitty kids because you're petty and retarded enough to think that will 'spite' jews and non-whites.
Fucking pathetic literal cucks.

youre taking this thing way too seriously

>tfw my new rig with rtx 2080 super/i7 9700k arrived today
>tfw 3 days until work

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I imagine it’s simply a case of wanting what you can’t have. You wouldn’t enjoy being a neet that long I’m sure.

The dumbest part is that the elites want you to have kids, more veins for them to suck

Why not invest that shit man?

There's no social mobility left. It's been stolen from us by greedy Boomers.

there is nothing I can do for them that a fresh BS in CS 22 yo couldnt do better.

Well that's it, I can play some vidya now.
>finished Prey 2 times already
>finished Opus Magnum story, don't feel like doing other puzzles without a purpose
>Minecraft is boring again
If I open my backlog I'll feel like I'm making a huge time commitment even if the games are not that long in there.

It sucks for all of us man, do the smart thing and start your own buisness.

What a depressing thread

I hope not, but now that you mention it, the signs seem to be there. Makes me nervous because my two older siblings seem to have gotten the worst traits from my parents and are having a shit time at adult life (at least socially). Hopefully I’ll be different. Only 22 and doing pretty good for myself minus the slightly excessive drinking.

That's what the life of most people is, both wageslave and NEET.

then you're hopeless. experience is worth exponentially more than some wank stick out of college with no experience. unless you seriously have no idea how your company works and how to get the job done faster than someone who comes in knowing nothing.

Mgr Boomboom remember when he was making $12/hr and that was great money in 1975. Jr Admin Milli is asking for $20/hr? Thats just greedy.

>been working for 5 week straight for 9-14 hours a day
>it's Friday, I actually have tomorrow off
>most likely just going to sleep all day

Don't do construction.

Fuck the depressed faggots. Never think that you aren’t able to make yourself an exception. Got work fatigue? Get motivated. Find what makes you happy. Get energetic even if you have to rip the ambition out from your very soul! 80% of depressed fucks can do something to improve themselves.
Be happy it’s Friday and find what makes you passionate in this one life we got!


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>experience is worth exponentially more than
Im just not that convinced. My current job was obtained by grace. I finally have a career. But I would say my experience getting here is that hiring practices arent rational. Experience might be highlighted on the job ad, but Id say it accounts for 50% of what they actually consider.

jesus you fucking autist, he was expressing mild interest in the game as a time sink to put his mind off things.

who fucking pisses in your cereal every morning for you to snap and seethe at something so inane?

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>hiring practices arent rational.
correct, and they're never going to be because HR is usually full of dipshit retards who don't know what to look for in positions they don't know anything about. but none of that has anything to do with a degree being worth as much as experience, even the dumbest HR shlub knows experience is weighed higher than a degree in the field.

>Be pilot
>have ATPL, 2500 hours, including 100-200 jet time, radio permit, first class medical
>no major airline hires you because they're stuck in boomer mentality of no degree no hire
I wish that you were true mate
thats the only reason why I even bother

The only jobs that actually care about you knowing multuple languages are customer service

its worthless

Sucks to be you wagie :)

It makes more sense that Jews actually want you to have kids because it's more people to brainwash and use as cogs in the machine.