Consider this

If piracy is discovered on this - pc gaming will finally die and i will begin to live again

I will destroy my $1700 pc with a 2 stroke chainsaw and vomit on it's remains

>mfw division 2 has a 20 hour install time on a 30mbs connection and i7

Attached: 3540570-3512577-stadia-logo-promo-2.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>input lag
>no modding
I'll pass thanks

Much fun with all the input lag.

so you destroy your shitty pc. then buy 50x more expensive servers so you can stream your pirated stadia games to your tablet?

>If piracy is discovered on this
If my grandma had wheels

How would piracy on stadia destroy PC gaming

How the fuck would you pirate this?

you are such a dummy

>If piracy is discovered on this - pc gaming will finally die and i will begin to live again
Not that I condemn piracy, but the idea of pirating a stream is just retarded.

Attached: brainlet.jpg (645x729, 34K)

The same way people hacked into the WoW servers and copied and reverse engineered all the server-side shit.

Get better informed then.

In early days of denuvo dumb people would pay to play games via streaming. From what I know, it was really fucking bad.

There is a huge difference between reverse engineering WoW or any game with local files, and a streaming service. It's not happening.

There is not a difference in hacking servers for WoW and hacking same fuckshit servers for any other game. MMO's are themselves a stadia you dumb chucklefuck, the only difference is that you have some local files to work it in addition to the streamshit.

Someone still needs to host that private WoW server. How do you plan to host the hundreds or thousands of instances of each game you'd need to service pirates? Do you own a datacenter? Well good news, because you don't need to reverse any of google's tech, you could set it up right now with existing software.

Copying the code is not the same as copying the service, you imbecile.

WoW input
>Gamestate for every tick
>Already have the whole game in your computer so you only need to emulate a gamestate engine.

Stadia input
>1920x1080 pixels

You're clueless.

>pay to stream video games
This future fucking sucks

I don't know what the fuck you are saying

>spits up cheesy eggs

Attached: yessssss.gif (258x258, 1.97M)

Attacking the servers includes attacking the code.
>he thinks games come in video format and don't source to code, which is precisely what is aimed at
Full retard. You have to be a mental retard to think that hackers would attack the video service and not the code servers which have to actually make that service possible you dumbfuck.

And what about the authentication servers, hm?

>authentication servers can't be attacked
>the hackers are dumber than random user and don't know what they have to attack
Full retard pseud.

it's absolutely full retard to think someone can find a way to consistently trick the servers into authenticating you so you can pirate whatever game you want from their server. Unless you had someone on the inside, this idea is absolutely ridiculous.

Attached: retard-.jpg (325x292, 16K)

what if piracy suppliers just get the stadia game and pirates pay suppliers to remotely play game via teamviewer....the suppliers can also share accounts from what i read online. already happening on always online game....6 weeks account access for $10

Attached: iGDSFGmages.png (264x191, 81K)


you can't even stream stadia games with that connection

You'd be better off deleting your thread since it's evident you have no clue about anything technical.

The day you're able to read Sundar Pichai's Gmail is the day you will have piracy on Stadia.

Google's auth servers are the some of the most heavily protected on the internet because they're protecting trillions of dollars of money.
Anybody who can hack those wouldn't be screwing around with Stadia because they could just steal trillions of fucking dollars.

She'd be a bus.

So you successfully break into Stadia's servers, find the game binaries and download them to your local network. Now how do you plan to run them with your sawn in half, vomit covered PC?

Why is there an ijstall time on a streaming service?

I've been racking my brains out about this as well. Not that I'm a hacker or anything, just curious how would pirating a vidya stream would work. People can rip anime from a stream. Couldn't they do the same with vidya streams? How similar would the process be? Or is it entirely different?

>the day you're able to read Sundar Pichai's Gmail
Good thing Gmail was hacked multiple times in the past few years, so now you are still full retard.

The same way pirated MMO were run.

So who is going to pay to rebuild all the special hardware google is using the ridiculous high bandwith required to stream the full game with low latency close to you?

Something like this?

You clicking on fake Runescape ads is not Gmail being "hacked".

No, but Gmail servers being breached over and over again is since Google doesn't know what the fuck it's doing and hasn't since the brilliant success of GooglePlus came into existence. :^)


looks like the game is give forever not juts loaned

I JUST PAID 20 euro to buy some fag's uplay account off reddit

is that site scammy?

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Entirely different because anime has no interactivity beyond 'stop', 'play' etc.
Input lag doesn't matter one whit in those terms.
Ripping a stadia stream? You might as well watch a commentary-less Let's Play.

Alright, took me far too long to see you're just trolling.
For anyone interested though, regular game piracy and emulating a Stadia server or downloading the games from Stadia to play them locally have nothing to do with each other and the latter is not happening.

It works, at least for now anyway.

how the hell? multiple people online at the same time using the same account in different parts of the world? it works? I am speechless. its almost 2020 and publishers overlooked this?

i noticed that seller is not giving secret question + email. that way no one can run away with the account

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>giving your content to corporations to hold ransom
>now they can up the prices all they want and you can't do shit about it, pic related
>you can't even modify your product
>you can't even play it if the service is hacked, because it's centralized and that's easier for hackers to ruin for everyone as opposed to attacking individual users
>if the server gets shut down you can suck a cock
>just like the Microsoft ebook debacle, you can wake up with your entire library gone because of a license disagreement or expiration problem between the service and a creator and you can't do shit about it
>you unironically can't even back up shit
>Russia/China/USA/Jihad attacks random internet cable in the seas and now you can't do shit while people with computers are laughing their asses off and playing offline
Stadia is a joke and will end up like G+

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-14 Adobe Doubles the Monthly Subscription Price of Photoshop Lightroom Plan - Goog (598x850, 138K)

You would still need good hardware to run the games

>input lag
>no modding
>reliant on others not using too much bandwidth in your house
>if your net goes down you can't play anything at all

>The same way pirated MMO were run.
i.e. you'd have to find someone to host it for you for free. People would already be doing this if it made any sense with software like Parsec. But if you weren't aware running and streaming multiple instances of a modern video game is a far larger workload than one headless server.

It's getting worse every day.

Remember when you were young and you wished you could live forever to see all the cool stuff in the future, yeah nah.

This only affects consoletards.
PC will never be affected by Stadia because the computerization of the average home is ensuring that an offline mainframe is mandatory in all homes to guard against Internet fuckups ruining your life in your Smartâ„¢ Home. Offline Mainframe is pretty much a synonym for Desktop. Only brailets with low brain cell counts are not aware of this.

We'll get to see the end, enjoy it.


thank god there is Affinity Photo/Designer

Or just stay on CS6 and get dem plugins to compensate.

Nigger its video. Did you ever even use onlive you dumb zoomer?