>miss out on a classic game
>decide to finally play it
>read a random post that spoils the whole thing
22 fucking years I somehow avoided it and as soon as I take interest it's fucking ruined immediately
I'm going to kill myself
Miss out on a classic game
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You should seek professional medical help IF you think a story is ruined by knowing a twist. That means, what, you've never rewatched a piece of media before and enjoyed it?
rewatching something is not the same kind of enjoyment as the first time
you can only get that once ever, and getting spoiled means you can never ever have it
it's fucking terrible
Studies have shown knowing a twist doesn't impact how much you enjoy a book, in fact it made some people like it more
What game?
This I've been spoiled by Yea Forums dozens of fucking times but if the twist is built up to well it hardly fucking matters
I wish someone told me about the twist in Usual Suspects movie. I thought it was some kind of masterpiece, turns out it's a colossal waste of time.
You morons always bring that up, but you never do any research, that study were made by frauds and was quickly disproved, oh, and yeah, seriously, of course knowing about a twist ruins it, that's the whole point of a twist, you're not supposed to expect it!
dumb drama queen
You are correct, however knowing the twist is not quite the same thing as experiencing it firsthand, what game were you refering to?
Not a problem for me unless the game isn't fun.
Someone posting a Rain World's ending killed my interest in it, after I tried it for a couple of hours and it just wasn't fun.
Whereas knowing System Shock 2's ending didn't matter at all.
This is definitely not true at all at all times, stop saying this bullshit.
That said, it did happen to me at one time where knowing a twist actually made me enjoy it, but I wouldn't say "more", it was more like it enabled me to enjoy it because at least I knew it had something interesting for a plot point to explore.
The way a story is told is infinitely more important than how it's told.
Especially if that game was FF7 Jesus Christ. Oh what, think it'll ruin the emotional impact of Aeris dying? It happens like 1/3rd of the way through the game. It's basically set up for the rest of the plot. And not even a particularly good one.
Are you actually serious? There's no way in fuck you didn't at least get Aerith's death spoiled unless you were literally living with some tribe in the jungle until a week ago.
You faggots are the worst.
>The way a story is told is infinitely more important than how it's told.
What did you mean by this?
I'm so glad I was 10 when I played that game and saw her die without being spoiled.
One of the best gaming moments in my life. Left a big impact on me.
I'm drunk and meant to say "What is being told" in the second half.
that's not what I was spoiled on
then what, retard?
What'd you get spoiled on? Cloud's actual connection to Sephiroth? Jenova? Honestly even knowing all of it, the game is still a fantastic experience. The translation was also pretty wonky and makes it a little more confusing than it needs to be. I didn't even realize all the stuff about Jenova until I read about it online, despite having played the game years before that.
Not him but obviously zack/cloud
then why are the best movies/books/games better after a second or third go at them?
That was it? That's not even any of the twists you retard. Get out of the thread now and go play the game.
what exactly?
Leave before you actually get spoiled. All of the stuff in that post are just normal story beats that you find out by the end of like the first 30% of the game.
>however knowing the twist is not quite the same thing as experiencing it firsthand
but the fact that you know it will have you thinking about it throughout the play through or making connections that you wouldnt normally have made
it ends up ruining the experience because youre actively looking for when its gonna happen
>The way a story is told is infinitely more important than [what is being told]
Yes, but if the way is kind of garbage - especially in what's a fucking long rpg with character progression mostly subdued - then the "what" is a good hook too.
>you can only get that once, ever.
not exactly. most of my favorite movies and video games were a lot better the second/third/fourth times i was exposed to them. and in almost all of these cases, i didn't enjoy them the first time.
that's YOUR experience. most of us are capable of living with that kind of thing and just letting it inform other aspects of the narrative without it 'getting in the way' or whatever
Yes Samus is a woman get over it you fag
>most of us are capable of living with that kind of thing and just letting it inform other aspects of the narrative without it 'getting in the way' or whatever
i guess thats why theres spoiler tags on most sites and people warn of spoilers
>some random anime cunt dies in FF7
Is this what has you bent out of shape, you mentally ill faggot? I couldn't give anything resembling a fuck about the plot in JRPG shit, good grief.
This was "spoiled" for me years ago and its had 0 impact on my desire to play the remake
Do it and stream it.
>miss out on a classic game
>decide to finally play it
>hundreds of other games have been released since it was
>almost every aspect of said game is done better by something else
>people only remember the game because "DUH IT CHANGE DA INDUSTRY" and nostalgia
Name one game that isn't a sports game or Jackie Chan.
these things exist on a just-in-case basis. otherwise the whole internet would just be hissy fits and entitled idiots
pokemon red and blue is the best example. say what you will about the series as it is but every single release after rby was just a straight fucking upgrade and dozens of turn based games outside of pokemon have done every aspect in a way that's less shit
You know what, that's a good example. Got me there, user.
uhhh....jackie chan stuntmaster?
how the fuck did you manage this when a site called aeris dies used to be as popular as it was
Not him but it's probably because you already know the big twist, so you witness and appreciate the little details that you didn't notice the first time reading/watching. You start to connect the dots and realize the build up to the twist.
persona 4 isn't a great game by any means but it's definitely better on the second playthrough because of
I remember that exact same site as well, and I never played FF7 at the time.
that's like saying this picture spoils JoJo
I agree in terms of gameplay, but you need to understand that for games like that that defined a generation and were huge phenomenons, you had to be there. Are there games out there with better visuals, gameplay, arguably better stories/presentation, etc. than Pokemon RBY and FF7? Of course. But at the time they were absolutely amazing and they played an extremely important part of shaping what came after them. In terms of just being a game they'll get beat by a lot of stuff, but people are taking into account what they were like at the time and what they've done for their genres, and you really need to try and take that into consideration if you're the type of person that thinks media can just be replaced by something better that comes after it.
Depends on the twist, really. Some rely solely on the betcha didn't see that coming surprise factor. Those are usually poor twists. Good ones aren't diminished by spoilage or repeated exposure.
Hey, think of that movie. The one with the review embargo. Where the studio reached out to fans beforehand and asked them not to spoil the surprise. Yeah, that was a really shit "twist" it had.
Hey OP.
Cloud's first mission with AVALANCHE is blow up the Sector 1 Reactor. Cloud and Barret are aided by Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie, and succeed in planting a bomb, disabling the reactor. Cloud meets a flower girl (Aerith) on the way out, who offers to sell him a flower for 1 gil. Cloud heads back with Barret to Seventh Heaven, where they are greeted by Tifa and Barret's adopted daughter, Marlene.
Good thing the main draw of any good game is the gameplay so you're not missing out on much.
that's my point though. spoilers are just a chance to get that level of intimate understanding with the thing on the first go
Reno chooses this time to lead a faction of Shinra soldiers into the church in another attempt at capturing Aerith. Cloud helps Aerith escape and they travel to her house, where she introduces him to Elmyra. Cloud asks how he can get back to Sector 7, and is told that Wall Market, in Sector 6, is the only way there. Aerith offers to take him, but both Cloud and Elmyra agree secretly that he should leave without her.
>got spoiled on CHOMP before playing muvluv for the first time like 7 years ago
>still made me feel absolutely fucking mortified when it happened
not even kidding, this image has made me actually interested in going down the jojo rabbit hole for the first time after years of not
not reading these
It still sucks to be spoilered though.
Not a direct reply, but I wish you could shift+click posts to instant hide the same way you can threads in the catalogue.
I'm going to shill a youtuber here. One that talks about tropes a lot. If this bothers you, don't open the link.
Anyway. Trope talk about plot twists. Makes a bunch of good points, far more eloquently than I ever could, even if some of the examples are a bit odd. tl;dr is bad plot twists work exactly once, good ones get even better with replaying/rewatching or spoilers. youtube.com
Jesus Christ I've had it up to my tits with that copyright free music everyone and their dog uses. Go fuck yourself for posting
>posting roasties
go fuck yourself even harder
a game can define a generation and be good AT THE TIME while being dogshit by today's standards. people need to realize this
by today's standards rby are the second worst games in the franchise, even worse if you don't have the nostalgia for them
you know there's a little - button right next to each post that hides it right?