Why sexy enemies have disappeared
hitman absolution(2012)
Why sexy enemies have disappeared
hitman absolution(2012)
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Because english second language
man, that trailer was great.
there are sexy enemies in hitman and hitman 2 retard
sex bad, but have sex or else you're a rapist
Prince of Persia(2004)
Never played Absolution. Is there a context or explanation to this gang of nuns other than to look sexy in a trailer?
Violence against women is problematic. Kill some more men instead.
Between Arab money investors,
appealing to the Chinese market,
and California-based developers,
I'm surprised I've ever seen tits in my whole life
Just pirate it and see for yourself
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (2004)
top kek, it's true
The trailer was cool, the level was the best of Absolution but having nuns as a death squad of a secret merc organisation is retarded.
I dont like killing women
I love killing women in videogames just as much as I like killing men.
I am an equal opportunity ass-kicker.
in-game or not? Because then I might have to play it
That's sexist.
>Having nuns as a death squad of a secret merc[enary] organization is retarded.
I wouldn't think so as long as the nuns were doing nun things. The Geisha were useful in feudal japan, so I think that using nuns wouldn't be bad for assassinating high priority targets in a setting where religious folk should be.
they aren't women, they are pixels
The game was retarted. Anyone who liked it has no taste.
I dont like defeating pixels convincingly arranged to look like dying women
>mfw I did most of the things in that pic
Me neithet, bro.
>Why sexy enemies have disappeared
Sex-negative third wave feminism.
Ugly fat bitches who nobody wants to fuck so they don't want to see any depictions of sexually attractive women.
I agree
Not at all(2015-2019)
sexy enemies can't win dick
Is Hitman worth buying? It is on sale on PS store. I only played first mission in old Hitman 2. Or should i buy Immortal Unchained instead?
What did you think of the mission you played?
>play splatter beach and splatter school because I love splatterhouse
>"I can just ignore the horror and gore stuff"
>finish the whole thing in one sitting
I understand now. Fuck.
Saints Row The Third (2011)
cuckoldry culture
I killed postman to get his uniform. Get in villa and killed everyone. I don't know if it is right game for me. But in discount i could try it.
On other hand i like art style in Immortal Unchained.
I find it amusing that Youngblood, otherwise a highly virtue signalling game, has curvy latex clad nazi babes as enemies.
They're a secret mercenary organisation's internal affairs squad. That run a nun-themed S&M dungeon as a front.
>Why sexy enemies have disappeared
I fapped to this thing more than I'm willing to admit oh so shamefully
This image no longer works because people unironically claim both now.
Gaming journalists don't.
Do you usually enjoy stealth? Can't speak about IU but the new Hitmans are the easiest way to get in the series and still a lot of fun. You won't be able to bring your progress along if you decide that you'd buy the new 2 though
>people unironically claim both now.
Yeah maybe retarded out of touch boomers.
>tfw you played through all of Ryonasis and Depravia without even bothering to take your pants off
Am I really this starved for a solid new side-scroller?
afro samurai
Mediocre game, absolute trash sequel, god-tier franchise otherwise.
>god tier franchise
Reddit is that way. ---->
Damn Lara used to be pretty hot.
now thats a tiddie
I don't have nothing nice to tell you user. I just think that you could have placed those words more nicely instead of acting like a bully. Oh well, have a good day.
Life's hard son.
it's creepy
>aw yeah let me get sexually attracted to this person I'm about to kill
Is it? Sex and violence went together in nature but in a society it has to be repressed.
The game is not good, but the enemy is sexy
well to me, yes. If I'm going to be sexually attracted to something I want to fuck it, not kill it
>Britbong site only
and what about games that give you new fetishes like taotooed chicks in kimonos with mantis heads
I remember when that trailer was released and Yea Forums was furious that they were "raping the franchise" like that by inserting silly femme fatales that don't fit in the Hitman universe. It's funny because current Yea Forums would never dream of criticizing a game for that sort of shit, now that everyone here is an incel, and it's also funny because the notion that sort of silly shit doesn't belong in Hitman was an opinion espoused only by people who had never played any Hitman games besides Blood Money and yet still fancied themselves fans of the franchise. If they'd played the other games they'd know it's not even remotely out of place.
>now that everyone here is an incel
There are more normalfags than before.
>like that by inserting silly femme fatales that don't fit in the Hitman universe.
I think people were bitching about raping the franchise for other reasons, and absolution had many reasons to become a shit game
hitman contracts had sexy bdsm ladies, as well as blood money. hitmanTM1-2 are still the BEST games in the series, edgy shit like that was always more of a bonus for me
I love stealth games. But i don't know if there is enough action for me there. Hitman is about uniforms. I won't buy 2 games in one month. Seen all reviews but i am still not sure. Thanks for opinion.
hitman is more like an elaborate killer simulator. if you enjoy action this game is probably not for you, going guns blazing is just not enjoyable. try playing dishonored instead
Nah. The height of normalfaggotry on Yea Forums was around the late 2000s/early 2010s. Most have left now. Yea Forums doesn't have anywhere near the relevance it once had.
>"raping the franchise" like that by inserting silly femme fatales
no it was because the game was mark and target press x to kill everyone nonsense
>I think people were bitching about raping the franchise for other reasons, and absolution had many reasons to become a shit game
This was before any gameplay had been revealed. Nobody knew how shit the game was going to be then, they were just bitching about a CG teaser trailer with sexy nuns in it.
learn english you retarded pajeet fuck
>If they'd played the other games they'd know it's not even remotely out of place.
As targets? I would've agreed, but as ICA agents it feels very much out of place. Mostly because at most the ICA we've seen by then is the professional stealth agent 47 and the old shadowy Diana. Hell, even in the new soft reboot Hitmans I still don't see a lot of probability for a bazooka wielding team of latex nuns
The 2016 election begs to differ.
Actually Latin bros, Slav chads and the based Niponneets are the only ethnicities that aren't afraid of tits and asses.
The fist world cucks are the ones ruining sexy characters.
The eternal Anglo at it again.
I know. Already finished Dishonored. Yeah. I think i will pass. I barely play games anyway.
I've never understood people who think sex is worse than violence.
I can actually see that desu. Absolution was a clear point of "wait, what the fuck is this? has game character design gone too far?"
I never understood the idea that because one kind of reinforcement doesn't take place that means no kinds can. They're fundamentally different.
What game?
Violence has been glorified by the state then the monarch then the state again for thousands of years. What's not to get?
The game was still shit though.
Hitman Absolution had latex-nuns, in nu-Hitman all female NPCs on the beach wear wraparound skirts. Quite different from the reveal trailer.
Depicting violence and sex isn't going to have the same effect on people. It's not like comparing sex and violence directly. Because people are complicated.
I'm not saying I agree with it, but the puritan attitude towards sex has always been a form of social engineering. It was never really about sex being good or bad. They wanted to promote monogamy and families, etc.
When everything is so sexualized, it tends to become a commodity of sort that gets traded in the short term. It doesn't make monogamy/family impossible but it's a force that will hinder and destabilize it to some extent.
No matter how you feel about that whole thing, removing sexy girls from video gaems isn't going to do a damn thing at this point though.
47 killed them all.
Fuck that asexual bald dickhead.
Made me want to buy the game so badass and sexy
Tell your discord friends.
How can code 47 blend in so well? I don't think his body language is always on point. I mean I freak out paying cashiers because I think I'm doing it weird HOW DOES HE DO IT? How do I become more like 47?
>sex bad
you can't have sex with fictional characters lol. This is why you're an incel.
>video game sex bad
>tv okay
>here use dating apps, which trades sex as a commodity
What made it dumb was them being assassins and not just targets.
i played this game and thought it was pretty good. Then i found out later, though never confirmed it offended a lot of people?
Have you played any other hitman? Because absolution is dogshit in comparison.
Thanks that was great. Funny to think that if there's a societal breakdown not much would change for me except I'd probably get killed soon enough.
Rape and kill enemies
liberals cried so much on twitter that you literally can't have any attractive female character in fiction anymore.
games like spider-man and god of war both had underwear outfit options for the male protagonist any nobody called out how weird that is but all the female characters had to be censored to no longer have big breast or revealing outfits.
yeah I noticed the cenorship as well which is why I didnt buy absolution
But chinese love tits. They just hat skeleton and winnie the pooh.
>Is there a context or explanation to this gang of nuns other than to look sexy in a trailer?
Absolution is a grindhouse game. Of course, gamers wouldn't know what grindhouse is, which explains why so many of them failed to grasp the aesthetics and tone of Absolution.
Majority doesnt like killing sexy.
Did you get bored of shitting on Ion Fury already?
>Take all the fun mechanics out of a series and railroad the players instead.
Yeah it was the gamers not understanding grindhouse.
Journalists aren't people.
yeah but only sexy elements get censored.
there will never be a day when games like call of duty are no longer allowed to feature guns or blood. all the talk from trump is going to lead to nothing trust me
meanwhile no western games are still allowed to have sexy female characters even characters who always used to be portrayed as sexy in the past like lara croft, black cat, misty from cod zombies all got censored to no longer have big breasts or show of cleavage
On the other hand, it's not like those western franchises would be good anymore even if they still had tiddies.
Absolution was the game that added the mechanics that define modern Hitman.
I'm struggling to think of the "fun" mechanics that Absolution removed. Also, there's absolutely nothing wrong with alternating between linear sequences and sandbox sequences. Not everything has to be a fucking sandbox.
I don't know for me at least censorship automatically worsens a game. It shows that the devs don't really care much about the franchise or it's fans if they have to change aspects that sjws consider "problematic"
Might as well start something new instead.
sure except half the game is shit
Sexy is relative. Office ladies with tight skirts look sexy as fuck. Those shitty BDSM FemDom PTSD'd fatal female assassins though? Really fucking retarded. If highly trained Marines or SEALS or black ops soldiers die easily in the hands of 47, those little shitslits didn't stand a fucking chance of hell against 47.
It's true, though. Go play Hitman 2, and basically every core design element in the game comes from Absolution. It's not just the controls, the combat, the mission design, etc. It's the tone. Absolution made 47 into a more sympathetic character with a dry wit. He doesn't kill people unless he needs to. People bitched and moaned about Absolution punishing you for killing non-targets, but Hitman 2 does the exact same thing in a less obvious way. This is helped by all the non-lethal mechanics that Absolution added and Hitman 2016 kept. Also, the level design in Hitman 2 has way more in common with Hitman Absolution. Part of the reason for this is that Hitman Absolution added the Instinct mode thingie that highlights your target in red across the level, allowing for more complex and vertical level design with targets that move around, especially in large crowds.
You sound like someone who can't handle story-driven linear design sequences.
You know why
That’s because white “women” typically look like this
>Doesn't like latex nun outfits
What's it like being homosexual?
Everyone who is not american isn't. It's only america that has a prudish problem.
>It doesn't make monogamy/family impossible but it's a force that will hinder and destabilize it to some extent.
I wonder if it's actually true in the long term. After all it was never really attempted. I think marriages would be deconstructed to the most basic aspects: two people with the most compatible personalities they could find in a reasonable timespan giving up some of their freedoms voluntarily for the benefit of children they want to bring up. The same social contract it is now but with all the hypocrisy, false modesty and other bullshit stripped off.
But it might also backfire horribly, knowing humans.
gamer post right here
Alice Madness Returns.
I'm not a sexist like you, so I enjoy killing men and women in video games just fine.
Pretty sure that's Alice: Madness Returns.
>shadow of rome
Whenever women were in the ring, I'd make them pee themselves and slice their arms off. Threw them into the crowd to get a big fucking axe, and sliced her torso from her legs.
Name one.
>spend hundreds of manhours to design a good looking CGI vid
>release it to the public with godawful compression
Every time. Even today games still do this but in 4K.
wolfenstein : youngblood
liberals and trannies screeching about a media they do not consume
The only thing they vent about and try to change. The problem is that everyone in the industry was too nice and welcomed these mental cases when they should've showed them the finger.
i remember they had pretty sexy death moans
Thank you for proving my point. I never said the traffic of Yea Forums has declined, I said normalfags have left and this place is overrun with incels. And /pol/fags, which I didn't bother mentioning. That image is evidence FOR my claim, not against it.
>phone posters are not normis
Who the fuck doesn't have a smartphone these days?
Sexy women bad
Female viscera good
Because during that period video games were just becoming mainstream and the target audience was braindead dudebros who needed their gamers stimulated with violence and sex every 5 seconds so they can pay attention.
Only men can be sexy, bigot.
if you dont attack women that are attacking you, you are insulting their attempt as warriors, and you are being sexist as fuck because of that.
next time a woman throws a punch at you, honor them by taking their effort seriously, and punching them right in the face.
Hit me harder, Prince. HARDER!
nigga play blood money and then talk about Hitman.
>kill some men instead
That's what I do in 99% of the games I play.
>play baby's first hitman game and then talk about hitman
yeah man, it's not that they turned a stealth series into a mediocre shooter because kain and lynch sold like shit, or that long time fans didn't appreciate a complete shift in aesthetics from dark, morbid espionage to tarantino, it's just those man baby gamers hadn't never watched a 70s b movie before.
Hitman is a sandbox franchise. go play uncharted if you want a linear tps
Thank you based Kazuma
because it make femoids cry
>being a hipster
I'm sorry, wasn't that what you were doing?
You're only kidding yourself
I'm not the one arguing that absolution was just "misunderstood"
if it weren't for me being able to decapitate women and fully dismember them in vidya I'd be in jail for doing it multiple times already irl
If you can't see why the top had to be put down and why the bottom is just fine, then you're a fucking idiot.
First of all, they're incomparable and second, fuck you bitch
You're argument was little more than "Fuck the entire franchise, all that matters is that I personally like Blood Money!" Who gives a shit what you like? Acting like that fact alone is important is what makes you a hipster faggot.
Female disposable mooks are my biggest fetish
Please post more examples based user(s)
>Hitman is a sandbox franchise
It's what made it unique in the first place. In the documentary they stated they wanted to get the Gears of War audience with Absolution and they alienated most of their fanbase with it.
>treating people different just because of their gender
Fucking disgusting bigot
Oh man, if it weren't for me being able to shoot people and fully murder them in vidya I'd be in jail for doing it multiple times already irl
>there are people that liked Absolution
>pretending all the election shills were trumps and not 99% Hillary
Nice try faggot
There's some great arguments here. A lot of valid points made.
Sex bad, violence good. Don't ogle virtual women, disembowel them.
Man, I fucking miss Bloodrayne. Sexy Nazis, sexy vampires, sexy rich bitches, sexy goth chicks. Just a rainbow of sexy enemies.
you are giving the hajis and chink too much credit
if it aint anti -nationalistic or anti-CCP like the new top gun movie these chinks don't give a fuck
a shill's a shill
and muslim countries. you are totally right
Lol, here we go I guess
Bottom is reviewed and classified, it gets a rating (M) and now, you as a consumer know before you buy what kind of content you get on your purchase
Top are two girls that thought it was a good idea for one to touch the other's tit as an improv joke in front of hundreds of thousands on a Teen rated live stream
What rating is a comedic mild breast grope again? I hope the teenaged boys weren't seriously traumatized.
I find it funny how oversexualized breasts are in US.
Meh. There are breast jokes sometimes including physical contact in media for children. Teens who saw have have mostly been masturbating already for years anyways.
There is a VR Game called Blade And Sorcery, you can set the enemy gender spawnrate, set it to 100% women.
I wanna see your favorite titty streamer grab her tits for comedy effects for one week straight and watch Twitch just let it be because "uhm, what's the rating on that one?" Fucking idiot
>laughing octopus
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008)
>sh-shit, I have no argument. better put words in his mouth
Mah sexy brotha preach it. Enough with these sensitive trannies, I want my boobies back.
boobs cut
The middle one isn't so bad, isn't it supposed to be winter?
because they stopped making games for gamers
Please don't kill the hot hit women
This is exactly my fetish. This is the only weird thing about me since I'm usually into vanilla only.[ Is there something wrong with me? /spoiler]
what game is that from?
Jade has plenty of sexy outfits. Her having one with a good doesn't make it Muslim Kombat. The game has plenty of issues, this strawman is a stupid thing to try and focus on.
Disgusting. I'm into evil girls but ryona fag deserve hell.
Absolution was a decent game...
...just not a good Hitman game...
God Hand is one of my favourite games and it also has this. This game was truly a gift.
Appears once, blue balls and then dead near the end.
The problem with the nuns was that they were retarded from a plot standpoint and they were tone deaf. Hitman has always been kind of goofy, but it was never Tarantino-tier goofy.
I think the new games probably have the best sex appeal in the series. They have tons of genuine qts in them without it feeling out of place like it did in Absolution.
>inb4 Blood Money had good girls
Only if you had a bimbo fetish. They look grotesque otherwise.
because it's 2019 and sex is worse than hitler you sexist bigot transfobig homophaggot
Please, Spoonfeed us with the new games enemies.
>Sexy enemies thread
>0 Results
You have to admit. 47 is a man who donates all his money he makes to the church after he spends some of it on new weapons and agency fees.
Having a team of genetically engineered super nuns with a blank check to kill 47 with was pretty funny.
There is a part where a black nun storms a Hawaii themed motel with a convertable and a rocket propelled grenade launcher, shot your motel room, and you somehow climb through the rubbel into another guy's room in nothing but a motel bath robe and you are tasked with killing her and some other guy.
If you are expecting a classic Hitman game this game will punch you in the balls. This is not a game to have fun blending in and fucking around. This game is designed to make you pissed off at your targets.
I still think Absolution would make a good template for a John Wick game. IO would probably be the best studio to do a JW game.
What irks me the most regarding this chart is that phones are to a a part replacing desktop.
I'm not raging against someone browsing or posting on their phone while on a break from work, I do it myself, but this chart implies that significant part of the userbase actually prefers mobile over desktop.