Is it actually good?
Is it actually good?
From the trailers I wasn't impressed because I thought it was trying Fates' pick your team gimmick again and the graphics looked ugly to me.
But it's surprisingly good. I'm not the most diehard FE fan so my opinion probably counts for less but I'm having a lot of fun with it.
It's comfy fun i like the micro managing but wish it was harder to give me more of a reward for spending all the time on stat management
Better gameplay than Turdquest by a long mile
Yeah, we have to wait for free DLC and new difficulty.
Yeah. Presentation with regards to graphics/fps is awful, it's a bit easier than I'd like even on hard, but it's a very solid game. If you're only in it for the strategy aspect it might be a bit light on content. I wasn't expecting to enjoy the monastery setting and the out of battle stuff as much as I did.
I haven't played any FE game since Path of Radiance, but I also think the maps don't make enough use of doors or breakable walls despite introducing them fairly early on. Enjoyed it a lot overall despite its flaws, waiting on a harder difficulty to be added before I do another run
It's fun but the pretimeskip shit becomes incredibly tedious on repeat playthroughs. My only real gripe with the game.
Easily the best one since Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn. (That's 12 years.) If you're new to the series it's very accessible, if you've been around you'll probably find the difficulty a bit lacking until Lunatic comes out but it's still fun. It's ugly as sin but it's not like that matters, you're here for the story and gameplay. Start with Blue Lions.
Its a decent game but the only good part is actually getting to know the characters as every other aspect of the game is incredibly weak.
Yeah, it's GOTY, easy. Best thing that's come out this year yet, and I was never a big FE fan before.
Yeah, I hate how Part One is the same every time. I just started skipping story scenes without the house characters in them, and with NG+ you don't really need to run around returning lost items or fishing to grind professor level. If you have the statue EXP bonuses you don't even really need aux battles.
Some of tha academic stuff can be repetetive but overall is a great game. Very interesting characters, fun gameplay, the support stuff is really nice and the school setting is charming. I suggest to play on hard difficulty
I absolutely adore this game, but the appeal for me has been steadily discovering all the little details and mysteries about the world as I do each playthrough, and that magic might be lost a little bit after release. I can't overstate how much I love these characters, they're just all so well-developed and it's so satisfying to see them grow over the course of a playthrough. Like during my first playthrough on the Blue Lions, i thought Sylvain was gonna be trash, and the characters all treated him that way, like he's a slacker. After I got a few support links with people giving him shit and promoted him to a Cavalier he started being really core to my army. I got to see the character develop its stats simultaneously with its actual character. Really well done by the developers.
It's also cool how they leave out so many details from each playthrough so you're forced to play all three (or even 4) if you want to learn everything. As for me, I'm literally about to start the final mission of my third playthrough. Went BL -> Edelgard -> GD. Next I'll be doing the Church, but at this point I will probably be speeding through it and just beefing Byleth up to solo everything.
My biggest gripe is the repetitive nature of the monastery which was getting grating even just early on and it's still a core part of the game 100 hours later. But I can get over that because I am autistic enough. The base game is also pretty easy as many have mentioned, but some of the Paralogues are genuinely tough. Like Marianne's, I was pretty overleveled at the time and still had trouble with it. The "challenge" however is also knocked down a notch by the built in save-state system, which I totally welcome. I'm not exactly playing a Fire Emblem game for a challenging tactical experience, it's more for the autistic RPG and weeb stuff. Oh also the game looks really bad, but that's compensated by the great art direction.
anyway that's my blog post, gonna go finish my GD playthrough now
Yes. It is too easy though.
You have got to be fucking joking.
Resident Evil 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Etrian Odyssey Nexus, God Eater 3, Metro Exodus, Devil May Cry 5, Sekiro, Mortal Kombat 11, Super Mario Maker 2, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Ion Fury and several more big titles that haven't hit yet all came out this year and you think Fire Emblem 3 Houses is anywhere close to goty worthy?
The only contenders on that list are RE2, DMC5, and Sekiro. Given the huge popularity of this release, I think it's definitely a contender.
It's a solid game, though not without its flaws.
You can really see they were aiming to reinvent the series with this game and it paid off. It's likely 3H has set the template for what future FE games will be like.
As it's the first using this specific formula, it's surprising how well it turned out. The flaws it has can be attributed to this being their first attempt at this kind of formula, I suspect the next game will be a lot more smooth.
It's solid.
The gameplay is extremely addicting and all the character stories pull you in as you start to care more and more about them as your units' personalities develop. There's not a single character who doesn't at least have some endearing qualities (besides Cyril, and given the size of the cast, is a pretty impressive feat. Each have their own motives, unique dialogues, and reasons for fighting. The character development is definitely the strongest point of this game.
Gameplay is satisfying, it's what you'd expect from a FE game, albeit pretty easy most of the time and exploitable if you know what you're doing. The last few levels ramp up the difficulty, though.
The monastery shit is cool through part 1, but gets fucking tedious after part 2 and kind of adds some plot holes in some routes.
Also while this game has a lot of replay value, the fact that the first part is almost the same for any route can make it a slog to get through on your other runs.
It's like an 8/10 for me right now.
>Ion Fury formerly known as Maiden
fucking kek. Dead before arrival
>a fucking remake
>GOTY contender
>Etrian Odyssey
I hope you aren't serious.
I'm low on motivation to do the other routes desu. I started Edelgard after finishing BL, am now in Ch. 5 and it just feels like work. Especially feel like I'm wasting my time knowing there's a harder difficulty coming soon.
Don't worry because next year will also be a remake being GOTY withFinal Fantasy 7.
>kingdom hearts 3
Stopped reading there
Obviously that would never win GOTY as most of them are popularity contests but it is a good example of a game that is better than Free Houses.
Depends on what you want from it
as a game ? 4/10
as a VN ? 6/10
Bought the Switch basically because I was so hype for FE Three Houses. Didn't realise it would offer almost zero challenge even on expert (you can rewind time 3+ times per level) so you never actually lose anyone and essentially just make your way across the map each level
Love the characters so it's essentially to me a pretty good VN but bad video game. Biggest buyers remorse I've had since Vampyr
Yes, it's very good.
>Metro Exodus, Kingdom Hearts 3, God Eater 3, Mortal Kombat 11, Ion Fury
>GOTY worthy
Baba is You is better than all of those
About 8 chapters in I stopped caring about the combat segments. I'd rush through them mashing the skip button so I could go back to the monastery part.
To think I was unsure about the new gameplay elements at first, turns out they're the best thing about the game.
Based and Baba pilled
Completed 75 stages so far but I did need to look up guides for two. Honestly the hardest puzzle game I've ever played in my life and I finished Talos Principle and Road to Gehenna with zero guides/help
So don't use divine pulse
It's average.
It's 480p undocked, that's the main problem. Then it's too easy.
Also the character design is atrocious.
Nothing like Nier Automata, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Dragon Quest XI.
Self imposed difficulty is a slippery slope and not an acceptable solution to well balanced difficulty.
That's the thing characters can still get Fucked up in a single turn so you still have to use it occasionally but the fact they give you so many cheapens the experience
Also it's up to developers to make the game a challenge not for gamers to purposely gimp themselves
The character designs are great
maybe im just burned out from FE, but 3 houses offers nothing new in terms of the gameplay formula.
the only saving grace this game has is the free roam in the monastery and interacting with the characters, but after maybe the 5th time you do it, you come to realize that every character is 1-dimensional and spouts the same topic of "muh Rhea" or "muh muscles" for the same conversation. You do the same 2-3 things in the monastery like eating or singing, and it basically becomes an extremely dull VN except the converstaion parts have little to nothing to do with the main plot
After that, you come to realize you arent really having fun with either the gameplay or the high school simulator, and the only reason you keep playing is because you already invested too much time in it and you just want to finish the story
This is of course to leave out things like the graphics, which are pretty bad. and god knows why the cutscenes run at like 5 fps. In fact the overall presentation of this game is absurdly bad, the 3d textures, the shitty 3d models and the terrible animations ingame like sending out battalions.
Pretty much right around the time skip it was dragging super hard for me and I stopped caring about most things and just wanted to see the ending.
Yea Forums is talking about this game more than the rest so it's probably goty
Its mediocre as fuck it was my first fire emblem game and I was dissaspointed.
>Dragon Quest XI character design
Most of the last few replies basically sum it up. The characters are very well fleshed out but the main story and gameplay are a let down
If you're looking for a new game to get specifically for the Switch I'd get either Astral Chain which is out in a week or Dragon Quest XI
When the fuck are the higher difficulties coming? I wanna play this game but I don't want to waste my time with piss easy gameplay. Or should I return the game and get Astral Chain instead? My return window closes on September 3rd. FUCK
Don't worry even when we get Lunatic mode it will also be a horrible mess. We will will only ever have retard baby difficulty or overtuned gimmick 1 way to win difficulty
It's just okay.
Definitely the ugliest game on the Switch though.
KH3 was trash.
RE2 is a remake, disqualified.
God Eater 3? Gtab, god eater has always been mediocre at best
DMC5, yeah probably.
What? Fuck outta here.
>builder games
Will the new difficulty remove divine pulse? Please tell me it does
It likely will greatly reduce the charges but don't worry about having fun your gonna be sitting on those heal tiles pulling all the enemies to you in every stage once Lunatic is out.
This game was incredibly medicore.
What about it makes it GOTY material?
>every single advanced class is some form of mounted unit
Should I even bother with these, I'd have to train mounting with EVERYONE and some of the previous classes seem to be left out as well
The skills alone are worth it, not to mention the movement boost that comes with mounts.
It's easy as shit to get everyone's riding high enough later in the game anyway, don't worry too much about master classes, just focus on advanced classes for now.
Monastery gets before even the timeskip
Fetch Quest
Reused Maps
Low Difficulty
Music (aside from a couple tracks) is forgettable
Maps and objectives aren't terribly interesting
The game is held up by its story and characters. Which is much better than anything in FE recently.
>Kingdom Hearts
It's good, though its notable flaws are
>monastery feels like a drag after the timeskip
>class structure is a bit weird, like you have to swap between pegasus and wyvern for fliers until you get falcon knight
>the rewind feature is busted and you end up with way too many charges, making even Hard a breeze
>complaining about the difficulty again
It's incredibly easy to lose a unit on hard/classic if you're not paying attention to positioning since enemies will almost always target the unit they are most effective against.
I don't understand why so many people are complaining about the rewind feature. If you think it's too trivializing, limit yourself to rewinding after deaths only, or not using it at all. Do you really have so little self control?
You're free to waste your time by hard resetting after every death, divine pulse is a perfect mechanic for a game like Fire Emblem.
>online death spot is where the most enemies can target a unit, usually at the furthest movement from a deployment spot
All us old hats really take playing carefully for granted. I've watched first timers on Twitch throw their units out without checking ranges so many times
What pisses me off is that there's not a single riding master class that you need high level spear despite needing it for the only mounted classes in earlier ranks
>monastery feels like a drag after the timeskip
Forgive me but isn't that sort of the point?
In the first half the monastery is a school teaming with life, in the second half it's a military base in a bloody war with half the people who use to attend. It fits the somber tone of the game.
Opinions on the AI red lines and gambits seem mixed but as a newfag to FE who still hasn't bought the game and debating whether I should or not, I don't know how bad those are.
>kingdom hearts 3
>God Eater 3
Well it was a lot of fun
>Ion Fury
Give me 10 grand and I'll consider it.
Fuck no. It's the most casual fighting game there is.
The rest are good but Fire Emblem is easily at least on par with them.
Like all FEs you have a honeymoon phase in the early part, then you start getting sick of the gameplay. The story doesn’t help motivate you at all either.
>mediocre OST
>clunky/slow UI when compared to the 3DS entries
>poorly balanced
>battalions give you stat bonuses as well as a free hit on enemies where they can't counter back
>the monastery shit gets old quickly, and yet you are punished if you automate it
>shit graphics
>game is either piss easy or really hard, with most complaining that it's too easy
>hard mode will be added in a patch months after release
>only SIX (6) unique chapters between Blue Lions/Golden Deer/Silver Snow routes
>these chapters are only after the same twelve maps in the White Clouds portion
>uninspired maps
>overhyped writing/world building
no, in this case count more.
Combat is fun but too easy even on hard
Everything else is fucking shite though
Visuals are abysmal
All the side content is so fucking boring. This whole persona shtick they went for is devoid of anything interesting and makes the game crawl to a halt after every major battle. I actually stopped playing at the end of every month because I knew I had to do at least another hour of running around and talking to everyone, picking up items and training my students 3-4 times.
The story also doesn't pick up until like 20 hours in.
>still not tired of repeating honeymoon phase
Post the best soundtracks. Need some new tunes.
I still find funny how this one and pokemon more or less switched places as far public perception is concerned. I honestly was pretty iffy about picking it up if it wasn't for the leak & E3 reveal
Ambition and storytelling, something the last main entry sorely lacked
>The story doesn’t help motivate you at all either.
Sucks to be you, but unlike fates the plot hooked me up from day one
I heard that the different routes are similar to SMT alignments, is that true?
Literal garbage movie
In a very vague sense, sure
Gambits are fine, a very limitied resource that lets you invalidate a group of units for a turn, barrier break monsters, or impart some broken but fun abilities
Empire: Chaos
BL: no idea
GD: Neutral
Church: Law
I meant from Three Houses.
Word your questions better then.
You kill all your friends who aren't in your allignment.
I thought I was going to hate Claude because he looks like a fuckboy but he's actually become my favorite character. A real bro.
It's not the worst FE, but Three Houses is far from the best. Most of the people who love Three Houses likely haven't played FE before so they don't know what they're missing (better maps, mechanics, artstyle, etc.)
>It's incredibly easy to lose a unit on hard/classic if you've never played a single Fire Emblem game before.
I say this as someone who’s played every game in the series save thracia. It’s the best and it’s not even particularly close.
Even with the relatively easy difficulty that can always be fixed with the later dlc, they crush it so well from the narrativ/character building perspective it doesn’t even really matter. The flexibility of the gameplay is also great even if fliers are a bit OP
the battle theme for Remire Village is prob my favorite out of the game, but i cant fucking find it on youtube.
stand by
found it
No, its just that it feels entirely pointless unless you've been ignoring some supports for some reason or need to raise motivation through eating together.
I see, what about the red lines though
>Even with the relatively easy difficulty that can always be fixed with the later dlc
Lunatic didn't make Birthright or Revelation nearly as challenging as Conquest on Hard. Map design, enemy placement, and enemy skill distribution ALL factor into overall difficulty.
>they crush it so well from the narrativ/character building perspective it doesn’t even really matter.
Never thought I'd live to see Yea Forums fervently value story over gameplay. Guess some of us have aged more gracefully than others.
The fact we have much better diversity and win conditions and stuff like gambits puts it way over the top compared to Fates and awakening alone to me desu
only played golden deer route. students all have generic fronts but each of their back story is pretty well done
Not him but potentially sure, in practice no because its all player side. Maddening seems to have added skills, not sure on gambits. Hopefully both incorporate skills/gambits to the enemy side. Otherwise its still heavily in players favor and the game will still be cake
this shit fucking slaps
i dont think enemies use combat arts but enemies used gambits against me all the time in my first run
maybe my unit placement was shit idk
Oh enemies have and use gambits, but its only the 2 most basic ones and theyll do it when they could kill instead, or do more dmg in general just because they serm to weigh no retaliation, even from a dead unit, as a net gain. Not even mentioning enemies shit charisma/no skills/rank.
Its to the level they would be better off not having them
I like the game being more PP focused, EP tilted games tend to be just throwing your OP units in a glob of enemies to let them kill themselves on you.
Death/Darting Blow is stupid OP though and should probably be half of what they are
Death Blow really can help Bow users if you get RNG fucked. That being said, you do have to invest a few lessons to reach a C or D+ in Axes for Brigand.
So i should clarify that enemies should use gambits more effectively. Instead of the dumb way they do currently, aswell as just having proper stats/skills to make them a threat
Is Maddening just a renamed Lunatic or is it a different difficulty? Because people have been saying that there would be two additional difficulties, but I honestly have no idea which of them is the most difficult.
Normal > hard > lunatic > maddening
No clue what the changes will be in the newer difficulties other than more moveable bosses and enemies with pass
Yeah it's alright, but I wished they spent more time on it and hired an actual team who could animate.
Fates was filled with ambition. It was just poorly executed but its gameplay remains second to none in the entire series
I'll never understand why FEfags are always so obssesed with storytelling in a series with notoriously mediocre storytelling.
The worldbuilding and lore is done better than any previous game. But the Monastery is so boring it just makes me long for a proper RPG where you can explore this world besides poorly-textured FE maps.
>I'll never understand why FEfags are always so obssesed with storytelling in a series with notoriously mediocre storytelling.
A few of the games have excellent writing, even if most of them have shitty-to-nonexistent writing.
What animations do you consider bad or lacking?
just started playing, what do the >> dashes above certain support ranks mean?
Apparently archers will have close counter. I want to say this will help curb fliers but (lol dismount doesn’t even have a downside besides 2 speed
It means there’s multiple ranks. Two above c means you have to get through c and then c+ before it moves to b.
All those games are meh aside from Kingdom Hearts 3
thanks, that makes sense, hopefully that doesn't mean it takes too long to rank them up
also concering recruiting from other houses, when they want something like MAG/CHA does that have to be on the Byleth or can it be anyone? does your support rank with them affect recruitment?
>if it wasn't for the leak & E3 reveal
I'm enjoying it so far. The game is fucking long, though. If you want to experience everything you'll be looking at a triple digit hour count.
>not calling it Cuntquest
Why do so many of you faggots on Yea Forums have the shittiest bants?
They're talking about Byleth's stats. Having a higher support with the unit drastically reduced the requirements to win them over.
Thank you and this is great.
by the way, this is by the Yea Forums drawfag, right? Did they do any other three houses stuff?
Kingdom Hearts 3 was as garbage as all the other games.
The leak claimed a timeskip & all the E3 info was real, which many didn't wanna believe due to how good it was claiming the game would be
>notoriously mediocre
revisionist history from awakening and fatesfags trying to defend their games
Based, thanks. I'm trying to catch up on all the stuff I might've missed
>win condition diversity and gambits make TH better than Fates and Awakening
Are you retarded ?
>history revisionism
no it's truth storyfag
I'd love to get more art from that user edelgard's face on the first one does things
Yeah, it's some good drawings.
I wish I could skip the school shit in NG+ without hampering myself, explore into food spam is way too good to keep motivation up so you can pump your students
post the webm, you know the one
I want Anna to be playable for DLC. It just feels incomplete with her being demoted back to a NPC. Made even worse is that you only have one of them in this game.
Goodbye King of Delusion
I'm on the Church route just before the Battle for Gareg Mach and I have way more characters than I know what to do with. What's the most optimal team for what I have?
>That orphan kid
Petra died on my playthrough so can't use her. I'm also thinking about picking either Mercedes or Marianne.
Is it just me or does it seem like someone is randomly turning a treadmill on beneath Byleth's feet when you run in the Monastery?
>Fire Emblem
>Here for the Story
I . This series has historically had bread and butter excuse plots ranging from good (Tellius,Jugdral) to awful (Fates). Having a genuinely great plot is what makes 3H so great
wait, is this girl a reoccurring character
is that why she just randomly appears
Characters are nice, storytelling can be inconsistent, everything else about the game is trash. 6/10
shes the mascot
she even appears in tearring and thats not even nintendo!
It doesn’t matter if you’re here for it or not, the story is a large part of these games with the amount of cutscenes and supports so the characters and writing may as well be good
If you want pure gameplay srpgs are not the strategy games for you.
I had no idea.
the amount of REEE'ing from false flagging snoys that haven't played the game in this thread is just....tasty
why are you coming here with your console war shit
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can hear Glenn… and my father… even my retainers. The family I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
>villains just talk about their plan in the open
>literally teleport away when they catch you overhearing
>for some reason never use their teleport powers to murder the good guys in their sleep
is this worth playing in handheld mode?
Why would you play anything in handheld mode unless you're taking a shit?
anyone have the soundtrack from 0:55? I was almost in tears how well this scene was done. Spoilers btw
yes, it's very minor graphical downgrade
Posting best non-map music in the game
>If you want pure gameplay srpgs are not the strategy games for you.
Meaningless rule that you just pulled out of your ass.
I love Hilda so much
>doing NG+ GD run
>get to the mock battle
>manage to take down everyone except hanneman
>send in Byleth because he has the highest res in the group
>hanneman gets a 1% crit off, killing bylat
I don't think I understand the class system very well. I'm a month or two before the timeskip on the BL route. I turned Ingrid into a pegasus knight because that seemed to be what the game wanted her to do, and she went from solid team member to worthless for everything but unlocking chests. I turned Flayn into the dancer because she was useless and she's still useless. What am I missing here?
aside from that is the text small? games in general
Should've have recruited every student for the Rhea's route? I'm 2 chapters after the time skip and it feels like I should've pick all the students for this.
Even as a huge Kingdom Hearts fag, I know for a fact that KH3 isn't GOTY quality whatsoever. May be a different story if world quality was consistent but Big Hero 6 is such a boner killer, ESPECIALLY since you just left the best world in the game (Pirates).
Pegasus Knights are for flying over shit and killing something and then flying away, they're not going to replace actual units
Precisely why divine pulse isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I went in expecting less than nothing given the koei tecmo partnership and otome artist, and was pleasantly surprised it was actually good. Probably as good as awakening but I'll have to let it sit longer before I really decide.
I have only ever see one (1) enemy use a combat art in the whole game. And it was a heavy armor enemy in the top left corner of Miklan's chapter.
I dunno, I thought the monastery was solid, if a little barebones in the latter half of the game, and the tactics/maps were middle of the road
It's here
>maybe my unit placement was shit idk
are there any guidelines I should be using for unit placement if I don't want to be fucked by gambits
This reminds me of the soundtrack that played in Courage the Cowardly Dog.
If you're baiting out enemies, make sure only one person is going to get hit by the gambit, or make sure you have a healer with restore nearby.
some gambits can hit tiles behind you, so look out for that
The same applies to saying all stories in Fire Emblem are worthless.
My problem with the monastery is how bullshit lost items are and the lack of variety
what is the point of Assassin/Thief?
free chests and lethality
Chest keys are pretty cheap anyways, though. Lethality is actually good?
Thief lets you steal shit
Ass is better on weaker characters with higher dex like Ashe because of Lethality and also stealth can make a difference on putting them on the frontlines and not getting fucked in my experience
Bernie, Byleth and Ignatz make some stupidly insane assassins.
Not him, but fuck no that shit never procced when I made Felix one.
Felix is a strength and speed God not a crit God.
Felix can become a crit god thanks to stuff like killimg edge and wo dan though. I gave mine the crit ring and even with just a silver sword he would have a 40% crit rate, with the actual high crit swords it be in the late 60's.