FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs and close an infinite time loop

FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs and close an infinite time loop.

FF2: A group of survivors of an Imperial attack join a resistance movement and kill the Emperor, only to face him once more as the King of Hell

FF3: A group of youths chosen by crystals set out to restore balance to a world on the brink of destruction

FF4: A conflicted knight and his entourage uncover a conspiracy to steal the world's crystals and discover an ancient civilization on the moon.

FF5: A world is temporally split to seal an ancient evil who begins their plan to reduce everything to non-existence, when a group of adventurers restore the state of the planet.

FF6: A meglomaniacal psychopath throws the balance of magic out of place, scars the planet, and forces a resistance group to destroy the source of all magic.

FF7: An eco-terrorist group tracks the spectre of a former elite soldier under the influence of an ancient space alien who intends to absorb the 'blood' of the planet by summoning a giant meteor.

FF8: A powerful sorceress attempts to cheat fate by compressing time into one moment using the unique abilities of a girl who can project people into the past when she is killed by a group of child soldiers who only became soldiers because of her actions.

FF9: Two Angels of Death are sent to a world to harvest souls to revitalize their dying world. One of the Angels gets amnesia, and saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess. Everyone has an existential crisis.

FF10: A dream manifests itself as a blonde fuccboi and encourages a spiritual mortician to end a cycle of violence on the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just saved you from Sephiroth!

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FF11: A bunch of idiots in the real world get duped into playing an inferior Everquest clone

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FF12 - Star wars - A new hope

FF13 - liquid dogshit

15 - A bunch of actual niggerfaggots go on a road trip to find themselves.

女神転生: ルシファーがイザナミを乱用しないようにする

fuck you faggot I haven't finished ff7 yet

Type 0: a bunch of student raised on mommies milkies go to war while attending school and they all die in the end

go back to 2chan

All the best FF games are spinoffs.

>Mystic Quest

You may be onto something, but I'm lacking for more examples.

>Crisis Core

>crystal chronicles
>chocobo's dungeon
>that one rhythm game

>Final Fantasy Adventure

eh he

thanks for the spoilers you stupid cocksucker

You didn't have to keep reading it you dumb ape

World of Final Fantasy is better than most of the main numbered entries; game play wise as least, story is hit or miss.

>kingdom hearts
>crystal chronicles
>bravely default
>all the tactics games
>dissidia duodecim
>a few of the chocobo games
>vagrant story

I have a compulsion to read every post fully
I don't have a choice

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FF15 - A newly orphaned prince heads out on one last trip with the boys to crack some beers, down some chow, and save his fiancé from his pissed off Great Great Grand Uncle before he makes the world permanent night mode.

oh look this thread again

the most recen final fantasy makes me think square lost their way in terms of making relatable fantasy stories. The brotherhood in 15 works fine but this is about a fucking prince with his body guards. None of that seems relatable to me unless you are a rich kid with a similar crew. Its nice tp see a different perspective but when I have seen the edgy asshole trope from 15 13 12(kinda) 8 7 4 I lose intrest but finish the game because I fucking bought it.

This is why we need the remake, because everybody's forgotten what the actual game is like and replaced it with fanfiction shit versions in their heads.

I'm sure being a warrior of light saving the world by collecting crystals is really relatable to you, you mongoloid

S-shut up.

look man cloud just became that because of all the demands for sequels. That's on them and you bet your ass they will pour more of the edge on cloud now that he has a script beyond the first game.

He has something of a point. FF4 has Cecil dealing with a crisis of conscience. FF7 has Cloud dealing with a crisis of identity.

Its amazing how you can mix up relatability with the main quest of the fucking game.
I mean character wise you dipshit.

I thought 4 became way less interesting once Cecil job changed.

It turned into Dragon Quest from that point on.

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wow a fucking ex super soldier fighting the Government how relatable

wow a fucking alien monkey sent to destroy the planet how relatable

wow a half moon man silver haired lipstick wearing knight how relatable

wow dude a fucking dream person that materialized how relatable

wow dude a highschool for mercenaries that kill dinosaurs and drive cars how relatable

Noctis and the gang arent remotely edgy

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wow a shitposter on Yea Forums
...actually, very relatable

And Noctis dealing with his sense of responsibility or choosing his freedom to do as he pleases?

Some days I wonder if Japanese culture even has the same concept of "edgy" as we do. They end up producing it every now and then, but then they make a game like FFXV with all the earmarks (skulls, everyone dressing in all black, etc) that ends up not being edgy at all.


edgy in japan would be chuuni stuff
like sword art online or goblin slayer

>or any mainline FF

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

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Hello. This is your friendly reminder that 13 isn't a bad game at all, and has an enjoyable cast of characters and great battle system with some ace music.

Post bangers




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FF8 & FF12 are the only FF games that needed full scale remakes. FF7 just needed a 1-1 remake like REmake was to RE1

Crystal Chronicles is the best FF game

No, that would be Tactics

>FF13: A group of strangers are tasked by demi-gods with destroying their homeland; a giant cocoon floating above the earth because the gods believe if the cocoon is destroyed God will awaken

k i n o

Did I fucking stutter?

No I think you misspoke

You can't stutter in text

He was a tryhard, the English script mucked about with characterisation a bunch.

Not the translator's fault, he had fuck all to work with and a deadline which would break a lesser man.

but I can agree on this too.
What's for sure is that mainline FF sucks.

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Playing through 13English dub right now and it is not bad

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noct is unironically the least emo ff protag despite his heavy burden

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wow this game looks a lot worse than I remember

that's a prompto photo not a direct screen

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He has an aloof, trying not to care Sasuke-esque attitude that makes him edgy. Everything's a chore, he doesn't care much about most things, that's edgy

what's the difference

prompto photo are heavily compressed low res image stored in the game rather than a direct feed system screen stored on harddrive

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Imagine you did this about Zelda, you would only need to change the title of the game and copy paste the plot for every other entry.

he isn't remotely like sasuke and never says things are a chore, he cares about a lot especially his bros, plus is a fishing and video game nut

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Which one has the clown?


did you even play the game? you're describing cloud or squall there more than anyone

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I can't believe you actually write/speak like this. What makes someone act like such a fucking faggot?
Using retarded words, terrible synopsis of games, double spacing, no topic of discussion so the thread is guaranteed to be meandering shit instead of an actual discussion.

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it's been out for awhile bro you can't really complain about spoilers lmao

I haven't played any but that one is definitely my fav.

How would you describe yourself?

Someone who hasn't played any FF but likes the clown.

I'd peg you as intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor


how dumb are you when you keep taking physical features and think hur durr this is what user meant by character.
No dipshit what character is is the personality they express. Jesus you are dumb.




his quiet aloofness adds to another poor me trope. Its hard to be sympathetic until you know the truth in the end. None the less I mixed up emo with edgy.


>former elite soldier under the influence of an ancient space alien
This fucking meme again. Sephiroth was the one in control, not Jenova.

>who is ramza beoulve

Never understood the hype for You're not alone. IX has far superior tracks.

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LR was actually pretty good. XIII is just meh, could have been good if the story and on rails segments actually made sense without requiring sitting and reading the lore in the menu for an hour. XIII-2 sucks shit and I disregard the opinion of anyone who enjoys it.

Literal supermodel

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It's time to post Facts

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>9 that high
Oufh that's a yikes

It's a weird one, I like the music and setting a lot in it but the combat is horrendously slow, the leveling system is boring compared to VII or X and even VIII which is just insane, some characters get completely forgotten about and the story is odd too. But by god the music and setting is just phenomenal.

>but when I have seen the edgy asshole trope from 15 13 12(kinda) 8 7 4 I lose intrest but finish the game because I fucking bought it.
>Cloud was edgy

Fucking Hell. I wish people who complained about 7 would actually play 7.

Cloud is a mostly upbeat, snarky, sometimes asshole, energetic and active person. He makes fun of Barret and random people around him in light-hearted amusing, or arrogant ways (eg. He explains the Skip Turn option is great if you want to make Barret do more work, or he talks about how he's never needed to run from battle, but you look weak so here's how it works). He constantly interjects himself into other people's business for the sake of helping them, or helping set things right. He straight up won't carry too much Materia because "We're trying to save the planet so it feels wrong."

There's no point in the entire game where you'd consider him edgy, at worst he mopes around a bit when he finds out the truth of himself and isn't sure what to do.

AC and the Spin Offs have done Cloud dirty man.

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Utilized very well in game.

kek I always did love how Cloud is the narrator for all the tutorials explaining shit to other people

putting 6 in bottom tier is a bad joke

Anyone who puts X above IX for ANY reason is underage end of story. X belongs low tier.

>FF9: Two Angels of Death are sent to a world to harvest souls to revitalize their dying world. One of the Angels gets amnesia, and saves the world because he wants to bone a 16-year-old princess. Everyone has an existential crisis.

Wait. Isnt that the plot of Dragonball?

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>self inserts their own personal traits they like from the actual game

>8 in S tier
Opinion discarded

no. its superman mixed in with aladin mixed with the monkey king to be precise.

The game itself takes many steps backwards compared to the previous two games

FF14: You try to survive in a world where every other player wants to erp with you.

Fucking this.
The expanded universe was the worst thing that happened to FF7

Ok, my dudes. I only ever finished 7 and 9.
I liked 7 more. Which one do i play next?

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FF4 feels like a neverending tutorial as per modern JRPG norms. Party changes (and the Cecil job change) happen extremely frequently, almost from location to location.

>remake has cloud being sarcastic
feels good

4 if you're not a pleb who can't handle a older game.
Play the PSP version

Best plot.

i guess they never miss, huh?


ff7 is an extremely clunky and dated piece of shit in every aspect besides the battles themselves and the materia system
how the fuck do people put up with the retarded lego graphics that are impossible to take seriously and the god awful overworld and the prerendered backgrounds that are impossible to tell what's interactable and what isn't without the stupid arrows you can turn on

>Kingdom Hearts
Wanna know how I can tell you're a fag

Dirge of Cerberus

I'd say the opposite. The battle system is one of the weaker ones. FFV is probably the peak.

many because those people who praised it are those who played it when it came out.

It also holds up on its own right; literally bought and 100 percented last month because I couldn't put it down.

FF11: After a 20 year war, 3 kingdoms are slowly recovering and people are adventuring out to clean up and reclaim their continent while dealing with the fallout from the war.
San'Doria Mode: You work as a mercenary for the Kingdom and slowly uncover a conspiracy involving the church, the old kingdom of Tavnazia and the war between Orcs and Elves.
Bastok Mode: You deal with the geopolitical turmoil of the Quadav vs Bastokans while watching Humes treat Galkans like dirt and uncover a conspiracy pertaining the end of the 20 year Crystal War.
Windurst Mode: You are drafted into helping an egotistical douchebag uncover a cover-up between the Yagudo and Tarutaru and find out what happened to Windurst's long lost hero.

>A motley crew of individuals lead by a jaded soldier and a stoner Don Quixote on a quest to save her sister from a cruel fate become cursed, exiled from society, and uncover and thwart a conspiracy by their machine god overlords to destroy humanity/the planet
Did I get this right? It's a little hazy at this point.

pretty on point

Play the rest

eh you can get that with any rpg that stands out. I mean graphics arent great but its not like its unplayable.

I mean the battles are fun, but it's just so fucking ugly and clunky besides that
when you have shit like sephiroth murdering people in nibelheim depicted by 3 frames of his lego model knocking over another lego model it's almost embarrassing, and navigating the overworld/environment feels like a chore and doesn't seem worth it at all because it's so fucking ugly I don't even want to bother

I dunno, it drew me in ways that Earthbound and Persona 3 didn't. I liked the characters more at least, especially Aerith.

>so ugly
you were raised on better looking shit thats why.
Hell when I was your age I thought scooby doo looked like shit compared to new shows.

nigger I grew up with an n64/gameboy AND I thought scooby doo was the tightest shit
ff7 just looks so obviously dated, to the point it actually hinders the gameplay
if the whole game looked like the battles it would be fine, those are actually really good looking especially with all the fucking unique animations and models but that just makes the rest of the game feel even more jarringly bad
for the lighthearted slapstick moments it kinda works but it hurts everything else and there's still a tier above the dogshit way it's stylized that would also make the slapstick funny instead of whatever the fuck kind of disaster it'll look like in the remake with the hyper realism, assuming it isn't all scrubbed out

Yeah pretty damn good. I genuinely enjoyed Snow.

he isn't remotely emo

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