My favorite video game of all time is Super Mario Odyssey

>my favorite video game of all time is Super Mario Odyssey
What type of person do you imagine?

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Somebody who hasn't bought a game since the wii

Someone who's favorite game is Super Mario Odyssey

A younger person who cares about gameplay over everything else

it's not my favorite game of all time, but it is my favorite mainline mario game of all time
im old enough to be your dad, btw

Yeah but are you old enough to be my daddy

very broad shoulders, muscular, very big penis, and speaks several languages

Someone who doesnt like mario 64 because they suck at it

Mario 64 is a walk in the park.

Someone who just likes fun, well-crafted, unpretentious video games. I like this person.

Someone who likes Mario nigga damn.

than you must be like 50+ years old

Anyways, I imagine a total casual who doesn't care about a game being good, and just wants an easy dopamine-rush collecting moons as if they were coins

Either a kid or a speedrunner

A literal 6 year old.

Don't get me wrong its a great game as are the other Mario games but any real gamer has played enough games that they would never pick something like this as favorite of all time.

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A 35 year old manchild who comes to Yea Forums for his second hand opinions and hot takes on every new release, but hasn't actually played a non-Nintendo game since 1995.

Fat guy with no friends whose only fond memory is playing games as a kid


Someone who hasn't played very many video games

Someone who is genuinely upset that LootCrate has gone bankrupt.

I just finished 100%ing this game with my wife playing co-op. it was a spectacular game. easily best 3d mario.

Took them long enough to dethrone 64

A 10 year old probably

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>tfw I'm 23 and Galaxy 1 is still my favorite game

Probably a zoomer who never played the other 3d mario games.

My 8 year old nephew.

Same it my fav mario game

You should expand your horizons past the 5 games you've played in your lifetime.


I've played plenty of games and like all genres except turn-based RPGs I hope those die in a fire. What exactly is your favorite game?

Funny that you ask.

Attached: ps1_final_fantasy_tactics_p_5k152a.jpg (600x600, 84K)

>REAL gaymurr
tryhard retard

Reminder that this post is a tradition for Mario, remember when Mario Galaxy was the same thing and now zoomies are picking on the next Mario?

>real gamer


I mean I prefer Tactical RPGs to traditional ones, I just like RTS/RTWP way more