Nintendo has decided to make a game starring Ridley for some reason and they charged you with coming up with ideas...

Nintendo has decided to make a game starring Ridley for some reason and they charged you with coming up with ideas. You have no guidelines other than this is going to be Nintendo's first M-rated first party title.

What do you do?

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Design Ridley boss fights that other players have to complete a la Mario Maker.

3D Rampage™ in Space

Ridley replaces Mario in his plumber job and remodels shitholes

Turn-based strategy. The only options are cultural and war victory or death. All battles are replaced with you fucking up humanity as Ridley and the space pirates. If you don't win fast enough Samus appears and defeats you.

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A horror esk game where you play the monster(Ridley)

Basically just Kid Icarus: Uprising. Half the game is Star Fox-esque flying segments, and the other half is melee ground combat.

You play as two Space Pirates rebuilding Ridley after one of his many deaths. You can clone him, inject him with various parasites or chemicals, make him part robot and other stuff that goes horribly awry to see how long he can last during his next fight with Samus.

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Combine these two

I'm pretty sure Nintendo published an M-rated game on the Wii. It was an action RPG starring twins, I believe.

Anyway, Ridley has just been revived for the umpteenth time and though he still wants to murder Samus, he’s not in the best condition for that, so he goes around killing rival space pirates, bounty hunters, and Federation military until he’s gotten all his mojo back and hunts down Samus once again.

He succeeds in killing her.

But gets his shit pushed in by Meta Samus about a month later.

I use it as an excuse to make a spiritual successor to Demon's Crest, but in space. Game ends with Ridley eating Samus' parents and kick-starting the Metroid series.

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Ridley and Samus meet like in the manga but Ridley secretly adopts her. He has to go to great lengths to hide the fact he spared a human or his pirates might lose respect for him, so through the use of a space pirate re-engineered chozo suit he turns her into the most feared among his ranks.

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Literally just Dead Space with a Metroid reskin. I'd play the fuck out of it.

Evolve but good

you didnt mention her growing up so I imagine loli space pirate samus

This,then you play as ridley and go from planet to planet under a timelimit to destroy as much shit before your killed or the timelimit ends and a bomb placed on you by samus explodes

>Ridley wakes up to find his ship has been taken over by the undead and starts purging the place with his flame breath

Yeah, I'd play it. The twist is that Ridley was also revived by the Marker, but his hateboner for Samus was too strong and kept him from falling under its influence.

I think the real question is should Ridley talk?

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Only if William Dafoe is available

In text boxes, maybe. Full voice lines would feel kind of weird for him by this point.

Basically an Alien game except you play as the alien. In every level your task is to retrieve some valuable object for the space pirates. All levels are open-ended sandboxes with a variety of different enemies, environments and objectives. When you first start a level, guards know nothing about you which you use to your full advantage.

You have to make use of Ridley's full arsenal of abilities and intelligence to demolish base after base. Sometimes this means full on combat, other times it means pretending to be a stupid animal so guards overlook you, or even using sadism to terrify and demoralize enemies into surrendering.

You have three "lives"; base Ridley, Meta Ridley and Proteus Ridley. When you die, you respawn as the next level. Between lives, you can use points (earnt from working towards objectives) to get upgraded with new Space Pirate Tech.

AI is incredibly complex and will react to your modus operandi. If you're known for all out assaults, they'll fortify themselves with more weapons, armors defense mechanisms. If you're known for using guile, guards will practice more caution, operating in groups and regularly making security checks over radio. Bases have layouts with radio equipment you can destroy, power sources etc. Guards have relationships and phobias (ie one guard might get along with another, so throwing their corpse at them will totally break them).

A setpiece for a trailer might be like this
>two Federation guards patrolling an operation, keeping it clear of wild life
>something on four legs darts by
>the guards are on edge, freaking out, one starts a radio call just in case
>creature comes into sight. it's just an animal
>they fire warning shots and get it to leave
>finish call, "it was just an animal, sector clear"
>the moment he ends the call, the animal comes back into sight
>except instead of running away, it stands up on it's hind legs and the guards lose their shit

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Even if Ridley didnt talk or act intelligent he's still scary enough to shoot at

and we're done here folks, nailed it

Monster roars/alien language gibberish with subtitles translating are how Ridley should be depicted.

Make it about the crippling enui knowing you're the last of your kind, galactic society never accepted your people's violent culture, you built yourself a criminal organization from which you rule as a testament to your race but it keeps getting torn down and dismantled and you had to swear allegiance to an ancient machine and you've died countless times trying to destroy this one shitty little ape girl that thinks she's better than you.

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>society never accepted your people's violent culture
I bet that the other space dragons are all peaceful as fuck and just Ridley ended up being a maniac.

Tactical RPG with two routes, Space Pirates and Galactic Federation, set over the course of the Prime Trilogy (plus Hunters).

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>Ridley starts the game as a sort of high ranking space pirate who looks like his NES artwork version
>Gets betrayed by the current leader
>As the only survivor, decides to get revenge
>Enlists the help of Grey Bird who alters his genes to help him
>Goes through each of the other Space Pirate bosses
>Gets their defining traits added to him ala typical Metroid Power-ups, slowly becoming more like his current design while also giving him new abilities like multiple jumps, wave beams, blade tail, etc.
>Before the final battle, he imbues himself with Metroid DNA after breaking into the chozo labs, which gives him his incredible regenerative abilities
>Final battle ends with him killing the current big bad, who goes like the predator and starts a self destruct sequence you can't survive.
>Ridley does after regenerating, which causes the remaining pirates to christen him the 'cunning god of death'
>Can be used to explain away a post-Super appearance.

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tfw evolve being dead ridley can never be a switch exclusive monster

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