Monster hunter

espinas can speak english now edition

also, one more time
>garuga in ib

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>Fighting Yian Garuga with Worlds fluid movement
Oh baby

>post yfw Zinogrefags got BTFO by an autistic chicken

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So are we getting Elder Dragon Yian Garuga or wet tissue paper Yian Garuga? I don't really care about the latter.

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Is it going to be like the gen 4 games where all garugas were inexplicably one eyed?

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>Mr. Enomoto in a recent interview: My favorite monster isn't in Iceborne. Yet.
>Also Enomoto: pic related

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Can you hunt ATs on a pirated version of World? I need to know before I uninstall this shit and go back to 3U on CEMU, or maybe XX with the 60FPS patch.

Ukanlos is coming. I can feel it in my bones.

Who's his favorite?

Lao Shan

You're not getting 140 Garuga, you're gonna get a regular ass Garuga thats just annoying but not that difficult.
Don't get too hyped.

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I don’t speak Hadouken, what am I looking at?

But why?

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We are getting the "Deviljho is my bitch" Yian Garuga.

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>DBZ collaboration announced
>Frieza Army layered armor plus more
>Majin variant of a monster
>Near end of collab trailer reveals Monkey

the AT elder dragons were stuff is added in as later content
you'll also probably miss out on jho, kulve, behemoth and leshen
so just stick to 3u for now

>in less than a week we got a brand new elder of the rave as well as the return of garuga
What a fucking ride.

A man can dream, I just want a Vegeta armor, man.

You're correct. Until Arch Tempered Yian Garuga is added that is.

>200 HP is a must for AT

This shit right here proves my point. The fact that the vast majority of the playerbase don't have enough health to survive ATs is proof that they deal too much damage. Capcom made huge mistakes with HB3 and Temporal Mantle, but they doubled down on them by attempting to balance the game around it.

However, that isn't the root of the problem and it's a symptom of a much bigger problem. The real issue lies with Capcom's new design philosophy with World. It was 100% intentional that Capcom made the hunts end quicker. They see it as much more casual friendly and profitable as time is money. Why waste 15 mins on a monster you're shit at fighting when it can be over in less than 10 even after a cart? You must also consider that the faster the hunt ends, the less damage you take overall. Because the monsters die so quickly, Capcom needed to find a way to make the game harder without touching the HP. A big leap in damage with a shiny metalic finish and RNG drops exclusive to them were an easy fix for those who wanted something more.

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Just keep walking fat boy.

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>The fact that the vast majority of the playerbase don't have enough health to survive ATs is proof that they deal too much damage.
Health is one of the most common drops you'll get, everyone has enough health for ATs.


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Internet culture really has ruined the joys of playing a game and seeing a returning monster as a surprise. I'm glad they're keeping some reveals secret so I can get a "omaeda?!" moment like with the subspecies in World.


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At last! Our battle will be legendary. Crit draw gs time

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>Jho comes in the new world, stomps every apex in the region and draws with Bazel
>Yian Garuga comes in and just bitch slaps Deviljho like he's a 2 dollar whore

what the fuck

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You're missing the point. Why should people need more than 150 health in the first place? Why balance a game for a threshold only obtained by using a skill?

He’s right here stop shouting.

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>nigga hits jho so hard his arms grow twice its size in length and dislocates his shoulder
Yo, Garuga, chill bro.

Why should people use defense skills? Attack skills?
Because it makes shit easier.

i'm starting to think zinogre fans are just huge furries that want to fuck him.

>everyone wanting monster reveals
>I'm wanting a new weapon reveal instead
I know that I won't get anything and yet I will get disappointed.

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No I just like dogs

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We got the brachy hammer super confirmed, as well as the tigrex lance.

he barely resembles a dog, he looks more like a gorilla

You're disappointed because you're a retard. Just be happy that World didn't cut weapons like the last console monhun.

Headsniping in World doesn't work the same way it does in old MH though

Kinda disappointing that there's no new weapon, it's probably reserved for the next game while World's systems set in.
Wonder if they're considering adding tonfa now that Frontier is going to die.


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Garuga ain't playing games, he is here to kill, destroy and rape everything that moves.


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Yup, that settles it, I'm buying it. I love this asshole.

Man, I forgot about Steve's weapons sharpening/loading with rolls. I miss 4u, do doods still play it or is everyone just on W/GU?

Sissynogre is cute!
But I'd rather get fucked by Mizu

To be fair 150 hp isn't technically needed. Speedrunners do without. It's just more convenient until you're much better at the monster. And again, it's just an option.

i always thought that symbol is a head, but now that i look at it enlarged, it looks like a wyvern lying down.
what the fuck.

Should I start playing again?

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>devs already struggling to produce enough assets to drag World out of iron and bone hell
>thinking they'll add more work to the pile

I hope I'm wrong

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Just give me the accel axe and that's it

Except that defense has been proven to be completely worthless in a game where stacking HP offers far greater returns than investing into dull defense.

World would be a much better game if the skill flatout didn't exist and the game was balanced around 150 health like every title before it.

I hope both tonfa and magnet make it, especially tonfa because kicking shit is fun.

I was obviously talking about new weapon types user.

We won't get a new weapon until next gen. And if they bring back underwater we won't get new weapons at all because everything will go to making underwater movesets and utility items.

What about Gore Magala?
I loved that thing

Plus Glav Glaive and I think GS

I hope Master Rank Elder Dragon hunts will have other Elder Dragons actually invading instead of just showing up for a turf war then fucking off.

Do you think that means YKK is also in?

All I want is Nami to have her own special arena to be fought on, I really want to fight her.

We don't know if the GS is the final weapon in the tree. The famitsu write up for Iceborne has an acidic glav GS in it and that's from the bone tree so it's possible that they could be splitting unique models between subs/variants and their normal monsters.

I've had a Kushala stick to me like fly on shit when I was hunting Lunastra. Following me through areas and all that.

Sure, lets have every hit be a one shot. Period. After all, speedrunners aren't affected by it since they never get hit.

You never balance a "soft mmo" game around speedrunning.

sit down
can we just talk about the brachy armor? The hammer looks great and has a unique design, further proving the point of every final design being unique.

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That's what I count on for nerg's hunts, two ceiling drops+ turf war is a great way to shave off his health.

I actually like the high damage low health monsters though. Monsters that take 30 minutes like extreme behe are just shit. Now maybe the AT are too much and there's a middle ground but I think it's generally okay.

>garuga completely overshadowing frontier english patch

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Capcom JP casually revealed Garuga in a trailer, like Kirin

No one fucking cares about frontier shit.

Unless its free its DoA anyways

Well it is a fringe subject, and OP is a faggot who didn't post the link.

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muh dik

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Which is why you won't see them in the base game. But hey, if you love kill or be killed SMT gameplay, then good for you.

Ok, so I just learned that PC is getting iceborn like 3 months later. wtf is up with that?

>Frontier English patch
Is it official? Also what's the point when it's shutting down soon anyway?

>Brachydios clearly based on his 4U iteration instead of 3U

Thanks. I hate it. Was Tigrex a pushover too? Didn't play the beta.

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Already proven that Narga IG ends at hidden cane and doesn't get its unique model. The only hope is that Narga has a sub or variant that has the scythe.

2 fucking weeks, i cant wait anymore.
im so fucking bored every single day.
i dont know what to do.

I get your point but there are degrees to this, most arch tempered don't actually oneshot you with base health. There's still room for error and a learning curve.

Taiwanese version is free to play until closure on 12/26.

The dude who runs the most comprehensive English database for the game just wanted a bit of fun since the tools to actually implement one were released.

These hype threads are pointless.
I'm not going to buy your stupid game!

I think all these arguments are funny. To me the beauty of MH was never in the endgame, the powercreep or the speedrunning. It's sad that after MH4U this is everything the community cares about.

>3 months
lmao more like 5 months

Is the price us PC master race chads have to pay for 100% free online mode.

Is ok for me I have plenty of vidya on my backlog.

we've only seen HC1. I mean usually the design does not change, but it's world, everything is possible. I just want a better looking Dodo HH.

Well for one Garuga will not be dead in a few months.

>POMF =3
>What are we going to do on the bed, Tigrex-san?

Forgot my image :(

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So was the korean version, had some fun with folks before that went under, I'm not paying money for the kind of jank and jewery that frontier offers

Doesn't it require dabbling in identity theft? I was this fucking close to put my stupid ass in jail back in 2011 because I wanted to play Frontier so bad.

How can Garuga be somwhere without it's normie cousin?
Does a new Garuga fly over from the old world everytime you hunt one?

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How good is that tigrex lance gonna be?

how can you argue that world is too hard? even the arch tempereds are easy, compared to some of the older games end game. its actually the first time i just soloed everything, instead of getting help from friends. well except for kulve, extremoth and ancient leshen, but those are scaled for multiplayer and not fun to fight alone, in my opinion.

Doesn't garuga confirm zinogre though?

I haven't played my GU much at all. I hope it can fill that gap

Wait waht the fuck?
Why are they closing MHF?
Japan AND Taiwan


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Just migrating after sensing the ayylmao is dead.

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Now they have an excuse like "you got your wolf, stfu."

No, that's Korea.

TW devs closed off payments entirely since June.

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Yes, and Narga's unique weapon is called the Hidden Scythe for IGs.
Weapons that share names all the way to the end didn't get unique models in World. At the end of the tree their name changed entirely. Right now Narga's IG shares its name with Empress Cane and Game Cane.

Highish raw, negative affinity, ok sharpness, ultimately useless because Incessant Crow is back on the menu.

If Tigrex has a variant/sub/rare specias and it might, then the lance could be much better.

t. faggot that cries about luna wind pressure
your build is part of the fight, faggot

it was a stowaway on a fifth fleet ship

>Get excited that Raven/Vile Shamisen could be in and actually be useful for inflicting poison with Hunting Horn's buffs
>Remember the actual reason it wasn't worth using
Fuck, I remembered it having Attack Up L at least.

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Kushala wind shot one shots me at 200 hp. Maybe because I'm a gunner but that's still a straight up lie. You need vit3 or youre gonna die to most attacks.

I never understood Garuga ecology. So what exaxctly is he?
Isn't he just a mutated Kut-Ku?

Garuga variant?

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is attack up s really a dealbreaker in world?

>Kushala wind shot one shots me at 200 hp. >Maybe because I'm a gunner

>two ears
I sleep
But hopefully this mean they'll implement one-year as a variant

If you can't beat a monster naked with Bone Kris then it's a test of stats, not skill. A grindgate.

I never grind, ever, so grindgates annoy me to no end. Why isn't it enough to just hit the monster and not get hit?

You literally can't put money in anymore. TW Frontier is more or less just fully free now. If you log in 15 days out of a month you get a day of premium that you can activate at anytime though.

No, no SSN bullshit. No VPN. Just register, grab Locale Emulator, set for Taiwan time zone and Taiwanese locale and hop in. Do your sub-G key quests, hunt Shantien, then wander aimlessly around their very freeform G-rank until you either decide to gen a set or leave the dying game alone. If you just want to see the exclusive monsters, it's possible to do that without dealing with 99% of the bullshit regular players deal with.

The garuga longsword mat leaks also had an electric longsword with the fulgurbug icon.

Rathian-Ku rapebaby.

Private server possible ?

Deviants probably won't come back, although I could see them just basing it off of Deadeye outright (like how Nargacuga got Green's moves rolled into it).
It'd be cool if it got a subspecies, though. It's weird that after all these years it still doesn't have one, and World's subspecies have been cool as hell so far now would be a good time to do it.

Eh, I'd consider magnet too fantastical even compared to CB and SA, and I think they'd rework tonfa anyway because Frontier was really stretching the whole portable dragonator idea. If there's something I like about all the mainline weapons, it's that they all look and animate like they can feasibly do damage, but weight and blade sharpness are the things that demonstrate it and tonfa without the dragonator has neither, nor does it have size.

i'll be honest as much as i love garuga he's too weak of a monster, we really need more elder dragons, and monsters in t3 rather than more t1 trash

I'm sorry I don't want to play perfectly for 20 mins.

A little extra damage is fine, but tempered takes it too far. You faceroll the monster 4/5 times because nothing has changed and the 5th time you get suddenly memed on by something silly like a Lavasioth's offscreen nuke of quest failure or a bow teammate stunlocking people with arrow rain so they can't reposition, or getting caught in a triple kill because Beetlejuice's mine detonated under his corpse. It's less hard as it ia extremely frustrating to die from random fluke that seems to come up in World far more than 140 GQs/GX Deviants/3U supers ever did.

Tempting, but I feel like that train has passed me by. My love for MH isn't what it once was. Plus I feel like I've achieved peak skill anyway so in many ways my journey is over.

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Probably because garuga feels like a kut ku variant/subspecies

listen up nigger:
Upgrade your armor
Drink Armorskin
Eat in the canteen
should be enough, just stop getting hit faggot

This happens when you CC your elder at a certain point, it messes up the AI of the turf war. Happens with Nergi as well.

>Goes toe-to-toe (or tail-to-face) with Jho in the trailer
They've buffed him up to ED levels, trust me.

What now then?

They are a separate species which predates on Kut-Kus. Like irl birds, they lay their eggs in Kut-Ku nests. The baby garuga hatches first, eats the baby Kut-Kus, then is fed by the adult Kut-Kus who think it's their baby.

guys they showed a model flipping around in the shiny new trailer

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Magnet Spikes are to Tonfa what Tonfa are to mainline weapons. Tonfa can work with a small rework but Magnet Spikes would need to change entirely. They're balanced about latest Z content and as such are pretty fucking broken. Homing, monster pinning, cutting and impact modes, a hilariously busted counter, and even the moveset is too flexible. I honestly can't believe I thought Tonfa were too much at one point, they outdid themselves.

So without Kutkus in the new world, there can't be Garugas, rite?

Hasn't stopped monsters like Rathian, Basarios, or even Monoblos getting subs.

>that Jho bitch slap
Did they finally make an elder-tier bird wyvern

Tonfa invented unsheathed running when it drained a lot more stamina, didn't it?

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>New world
>same 'ol monster
what's the point

>do all of that
>die anyway because 150HP still gets you one shotted by a decent chunk of moves even at 550 defense

If I wanted to play "Don't get hit", then I'd pop in DMC3. I play Monhun because I don't want to play DMC3 all the fuckin time.


>Still no MH on the Switch

Makes sense why they didn't port XX on the 3DS; they had nothing else in the works because they didn't think the Switch would be such a big sucess, so they put XX there so they could have any presence whatsoever in the western market. Also the 3DS already had 4 separate MHs not counting the spinoffs, I guess.

The rapist generally doesn't move in with his target.

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New Jap trailer with like two seconds of Yian Garuga filtering Deviljho

>Garuga btfos Jho

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Because COG are retardedly mismanaged and haven’t turned a profit in years. Meanwhile all Capcom’s globally marketed projects make millions of dollars which further proves that COG’s Japan-onry model is no longer profitable and that you can’t release games in just a single region anymore.

>Still no MH on the Switch
>Makes sense why they didn't port XX on the 3DS
user I'm gonna assume you just had a stroke over you living under a rock for two years.

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>Capcom finally confirmed that Garuga is Elder Dragon level

So is that silhouette behind Velkhana the Everwyrm?

It's Fatalis' wing

There's all kinds of factors. The current rumor is that COG was likely reliant on Tencent money or wanting to be poached by them after Capcom closed ties, probably suspecting a buyout since Deep Down was likely sabotaged.

Fatty's wing.

>>Still no MH on the Switch

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>narga confirmed
>autists start spamming that they will now buy the game
>brachy confirmed
>more autists come in saying they will now buy the game
>garuga confirmed
>autists doing the same thing in this very thread
yeah I wonder why capcom does it

It still drains the same amount of stamina I believe. But now there are multiple ways to mitigate the stamina loss.
Running around without any can tire you out quickly.

Personally I could see Tonfas working in mainline pretty easily with making it more ground focused and keeping the aerial stuff to the old Earth-style of movement, AKA: all you get are two cardinal direction dodges in a row, and if you aren't hitting anything you sink like a rock.
Strip the burst mechanic, tone down the momentum mechanic, keep the evasion focus with attack dodges, and you've got a nice fast impact weapon that doesn't necessarily go apeshit.
Also just make it not do mount damage. Do that for IG too and give them back their aerial damage as well.

All the new monsters are trash except for a few

This worries me. If Japan isn't playing vidya, then who is? Is the medium just a dinosaur? Are we relics?

Wait... Does this means mah boy Kut Ku 's in?!??!

If there's going to be a MonHun for Switch it won't be until 2020, and it won't be announced until a while after Iceborne is out.
I do definitely think it's going to happen, though, it feels way too early for a proper World sequel (and they'd probably want to spend as much time as possible developing it anyway) so avoiding a gap year with a portable title would make a lot of sense.

Japan is too busy giving gachashit their money to care about actual games

Jho is going to slam that chicken to the ground the very next second and you know it.

Yian Garuga>Deviljho
Yian Garuga>>Diablos

Theres no way he keeps his iconic one frame charge though

not an argument

They do and JPonly models are still successful. See pso2

A chicken beat you up Jho, learn to live with it.

How do I get high quality pictures of monsters to use as references?

Glavenus > all

That cutscene is Garuga's quest intro, he's going to beat up and make Jho pussy out before transitioning to you fighting it

It makes sense though because all the returning monsters in World were so different from the original.

Like Diablos got
Diablos got slower?

and Teostra is totally different, because they
they removed his leap, run and nerfed the absolute shit out of his shards and blastblight
and uh

Wait, so aside from Lunastra, did any of the returning monsters actually improve?

It'll keep the one frame charge by moving so fast they have to make smear models to keep the animation looking natural

>before transitioning
So Garuga is /ourguy/?

>frontier dying could mean content or even a standalone rerelease overseas
Fuck this. Keep it out. Keep this cancer away from the western fanbase. Lavasioth already makes me want to gag.

And what about the Long/Short mode differences? Would it be like how it is now (extra KO vs extra meter) or have short's older hitzone flipping mechanic? I'd think Storm's moves would fit in fine, especially Boxing Dance.

Is that gore magala in there?!

nigga what? What the fuck kind of gorillas have you been looking at?

The returning monsters from Iceborne all seemed improved, for some reason the base world ones just got worse

yea guys, world is like SO shit, hehe, all they did was lazily put old monsters into the new wolrd, hehe, fuck capcom, now they do the same with iceborne, losers will still buy it, hehe

>Blackadder, I just discovered this splendid new game called "Gacha"
>Basically the goal is to give away all your money as quickly as possible.
>All the chaps say I'm tremendously good at it!

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Why yes, a flagship is on the anniversary image with all the flagships.

Lavasioth as it is now is earnestly something MHW fucked up a lot, though.

Barrioth can wall climb it seems but might be slower.

Bring Hypnocatrice back to mainline!

t. carted to the big ball

Honestly I would just ditch the modes.
Added complexity that didn't really ever go too far, plus the fact that not every weapon needs different mode swaps.
And while I think some moves like the Boxing Dance would be great, but I'd say for it's first appearance you'd want a super boiled down version of the weapon. Something fast, short range, dodge focused, and impact.

Oh... so he's not coming to mhw?

>it's ed level cause it fights jho
>bazel is now ed level
>jho doesn't turn up on ed hunts
>odogaron can with Vaal
>odo is now ed level

Depends on the rest of the song list. For example, luna styx only has Atk Up S, but also has access to bunch of other useful things like negating all wind pressure (essential for kush and luna), Def Up L and stamina use reduced. If the horn only has Atk Up S as their main draw then it's pretty much trash.

He's talking about his build. Zin has really massive forelegs he primarily uses for his attacks. he sure looks like a canine, or at least his head, but he's built and fights not unlike a gorilla.

>Lunastra gets even more AOE bs for Master Rank

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World HH needs AuL to do somewhat ok damage. It's slow as fuck and needs commitment with every attack. Iceborne changes horn, so you are faster and have sonic note, which does shit ton of damage and stun. And there's sonic song dealing 500 damage with encoring.

Barrioth has always been slow

His stance is more Gorilla than dog

>Tigrex with blastblight, turboroar, tracking charge and grimclaw slams
>Invisible Nargacuga with silverwind projectiles and FU tailslam

I loathe it yet I also want it

Unknown. That poster was for the 15th anniversary, not Iceborne specifically.

>with making it more ground focused and keeping the aerial stuff to the old Earth-style
But the aerial stuff is what's fun, it's the main reason efficient IG fucking sucks to play because it's so fucking boring to just play it grounded.

Maybe, maybe not. It's just that the anniversary image is unrelated beyond a lot of overlap due to a lot of returners being flagships.

People are still playing p.o.s.2? Why in god's name are they doing that?

There's a lot of shit to do if you're adding a new weapon
I wouldn't expect them to do another whole ass weapon tree when they're already making a lot of new stuff for the other weapons

we dont know yet, but if you look carefully everything in the foreground is in except for zinny and steve. makes you think...

How is dying to lunastra even real hahaha just play windproof hahaha just dive the nova hahaah


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That's some asshole shit that wasps do

Excuse me as I fucking burn to death from the nova flames

Only low iq retards die to lunastra. Her wind is a joke, you just guardpoint it and SAED her ass.

it's the only scifi action mmo out there

This just proves that Garuga is an actual schizo afraid of nothing

I find IG funner on the ground because the hits are more satisfying and weighty. Mounting is great, though.

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He's IN.

Attached: Barrioth.jpg (680x440, 279K)

>looks like an ebony odo is about to drop in and fuck your hunt up
>pic related, a complete surprise with no hint or sign pre-release or even post-release from capcom themselves, slams down on it and knocks it out to fuck with you instead
How would you feel? What would you do?

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Don't get too excited. Lagiacrus is also on there and he is confirmed to not be in Iceborne.

Lagiacrus is in?

How do you actually survive the nova? No matter my timing I'd just get blasted by wind and sometimes narrowly escape with my life thanks to luck. Thankfully the monsters in World are so weak that I was able to beat her anyway.

I'm curious, how do worldbabs feel about the "new" monsters?

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>Like irl birds, they lay their eggs in Kut-Ku nests. The baby garuga hatches first, eats the baby Kut-Kus, then is fed by the adult Kut-Kus who think it's their baby.
More like Yikes Kuck-ku

I'd love it.
Her theme is fucking great.

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The game is balanced around 150 health tho.

don't commit once you see here getting very glowy
spam dive

People who never played Tri won't experience the same buttclench I just did. You don't fuck with the original Barroth and Barioth.

It’s what cuckoo birds do. They raid the nest of other birds and kick their eggs out before laying their own and then fucking off, fooling the other birds into raising their children. I’m pretty sure cuckoo and cuckold come from the same root word. There’s also been recent studies that suggest the parent birds do actually know it’s not their child but raise it anyway because the cuckoo’s stock around and watch to make sure their child is being looked after. If their baby dies they trash the entire nest so the victim birds are left with nothing.

How did you make this this fast, user, holy shit. Awarded Yea Forums Gold.

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We're coming home bros

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>You just do this thing specific to this one weapon.
Probably shouldn't throw stones when in a glass house, user.

>don't commit

MH is a strange game. The only winning move is to not play.

No joke windproof really does turn her fight down to a solid 4. Dive the first nova wave and eat astera jerkey to get your red hp back then dive the following wind.

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You don't know what foreground means, do you?

>chinkshit armor design
No, thanks.

Which area of Ancient Forest is this?

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Considering that's literally the only semi-decent song it has, yeah. Self Improvement is standard, Fire Res Boost is too situational, and Sonic Waves is one of the most useless songs in the game. There'd be no reason to use Vile Shamisen over something like Deep Vero or Empress Roar Styx, which have Attack Up L and a handful of other useful songs or Attack Up S and a ton of other useful songs, respectively.

I do. I just can't read.

if she's got several layers of DoT active and you're still spamming your high recovery attacks then you deserve to cart

Top left maybe

Pukei Pukei's i think

>being this new

>not carrying a farcaster

I'd rather fight and cart than run away and wait.

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I hope they bring back Bloodbath Diablos. The current Diablos in World does not do it justice.

Uninstall the game.

>Unknown in a game without halk piss

Attached: distressed handler.png (187x177, 20K)

It's not the forest at all, it's the forest section of the guiding lands.

>chinkshit armor design
Right in line with Xeno and Kulve then.

One-Horned Demon King
3U's Black Diablos

Honestly dIABLOS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF THE HARDEST MONsters in the franchise. Accidentally hit caps lock and I'm too lazy to fix it.


Kulve isn't Chinese inspired.

>dude just stop fighting until this arbitrary timer hits 0
Name another MH that does this.

Yeah. People keep saying other returning monster is getting neutered. But the only monster that really got neutered is Diablos. Not even Black Diablos can save it.

just don't spam your heavy attacks nigger

Is bloodbath a femcel?

Not to sound like an asshole but farcasters are a total waste of time when you can just superman.
The only time i've farcastered is when i know kulve is going to drop her gold and run to area 4

Bloobath is male

Bloodbath is a tranny.

All of them

Isn't it a black diablos deviant? That means it must be female.

Teostra got fucking castrated too

Teostra was so pathetic that they had to reinvent Lunastra just to save the royal line. I can't say much on Azure Rathalos because I haven't hunted him a lot but he seems more annoying than hard.

Since the coral highlands get the Nami the new water elder dragon, they decided not to add an Apex there, so there is no Zinogre is Iceborne, sorry idiots but the dog is not in Iceborne. Pray hard so he will come in a later DLC

Attached: yian_garuga.png (350x184, 98K)

The word cuck comes from cuckoo birds, which is what this behavior is based off of

>doesn't kill itself 40% of the hunts.

sure but apparently some people can't do that so I always recommend the farcaster as their safety net

So if you can be cucked to death, does this mean Yian Garuga was cucked to life?

No, it's the hone horned Diablos from FU

I'm sorry, user, I'm not familiar with MonHun memes as I am new to this community...!

The dog might not be in Iceborne

Attached: garooga.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Entering your tent lets you sharpen, heal and restock in 3 seconds. I'd use it more if I needed to do any of those things.

Please let Gore be in. I just want to fight the edgy man in World because I love his weapons and armour.

>"The monster is telegraphing its getting closer to using its strongest attack"
>"Hmm...I'll keep hitting it with my highest recover moves, yeah that's a good idea"
You can also just flash it if you're idiot that doesn't notice how she's been getting brighter and gather more flames around herself during the fight


are people seriously giving world shit for having to wait for openings?
world allows you to go unga bunga like 90% off the time and you people complain?
in older monster hunter games you had to wait even longer and more often for openings.

don't click

Attached: removing pauses kills someone irl.png (1312x321, 87K)

GAAAAAAAOOOOOOOD MORNING, Hunters! Just wanted to remind you that today is the day that Yian Garuga (yes, THE Yian Garuga from the famous Monster Hunter Freedom) was confirmed in Iceborne! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming release two weeks from now when Yian Garuga instant charges into the spotlight!

Attached: Garuga.jpg (692x642, 142K)

Openings? What's that? I just use the rocksteady and baby blankets.

Forest and Hills remake.

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It's only World, and Teostra in 4U.

Actually 4U had another boss called Gogmazios who just fucks off for like 2 minutes and sprays the areas with beams. It's basically the same thing as Rathalos' World Tour. The game punishing you for playing it and not using a ranged weapon, like Moonlight Butterfly.

Except that if you removed the guild hall scaling from all the old monster hunter games everything in those would also die in 10 minutes.
SoS 80 nerg then boot all the sossers and see how long it takes you.

Yes but i could do the even easier option and dodge the attack while also staying in the fight.

all those tools to just keep attacking all the time and people complain because they cant attack through lunas nova

Yeah, it's not Ancient Forest at all, there's no ravine-like area which has an open sunlit roof

Outskirts of the Tower part of the Guiding Lands, thank me later

man that user was retarded
IRL duties take precedence over all video games even if you're doing something "important"

>like 90% of the time
this is why people complain
being able to unga then suddenly not anymore isn't very pleasant

I hunt AT's with 150 health just fine. Git gud.

I want to unga bunga 100% of the time!

>Garuga with World shitboxes
Should I be worried?

Maybe, just maybe, after playing the PS2 asset rehashes for more than 10 years, people are just excited to see their favourite monsters finally get the HD treatment? Is this a foreign concept to you? Twilight Princess HD, Wind Waker HD, and Link's Awakening are literally $60 1:1 HD remake, why are Nintrannies so excited about them? And why do Nintrannies want Skyward Sword Switch so much?

>picking up some dumb bitch's husband from work because she couldn't manage to plan her sleep schedule is a duty

>Hey do thing
>Not right now
How the fuck was that his fault? sister should have driven better.

Ah yes, all of this happened over the course of 1 hour...

outside of barroth i'm ok with most returning monsters in mhw. rathalos, diablos and kush were always shit. rathian is fine. jho, uragaan and kirin are good. i always hated lavasioth and wish he simply didn't exist.

200 health is not mandatory for AT. Your just not good enough for 150 health and its OK.

What country are you from?

*Hip checks you*

>inb4 he has Odogaron-style shitboxes and can't fucking hit you

Wasn't Narga IG a gen thing only? Might be why.

Barroth was too easy in world, his simple design was just too simple for world and he is easily countered with better controls and more fluid gameplay. That's that happens when you copy paste an old monster to a new game.

>i don't need rocksteady/temporal

sorry no one in your family loves you

If we're getting another Yama Tsukami chase through the lower levels of the tower that would finally give me a reason to let go of my copy of Monster Hunter Dos.

>36-37 mins to get to the hospital
>doesn't even stay there for his sister
>goes back home in 30 mins for the dad to destroy his computer
Makes sense

one of my friends took 40 minutes to down his first barroth. he switched to ranged weapons forever after

>not just calling a fucking taxi

You can bet your ass his wind pressure will render you immobile for 6-7 seconds. And since earplugs are no longer a thing you won't be able to dodge it.

Garuga's tailtip is the only vulnerable part of its tail. If you can slice it off, it will be easier to snipe its head during tail spins. Good luck, Sapphire Stars.

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Driving while tired is fucking serious business, user should have picked up her slack and given her some shit for it afterwards instead of wasting 15 minutes on a radobaan hunt like an absolute retard.

>i'm tired and it's not safe so i'll drive anyway

Pure evil kek

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Your friend is also a retarded noob. So that might contribute to his failure.

>He's not running a full guard+, life steal, recover speed up and vitality up lance build
>He actually used a potion once

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this faggot got gated by teo

Yep and IB will feature narga CB for the first time.

fuck you ryozo, your game is SHIT now
keep those trash old monsters out of new games

It amazes me that people are still using IGs and CBs. Everything that once made them interesting has now become standard game mechanics or given to other, better weapons.


I have played 100 hours of world and still haven't completely figure out ancient forest's terrains
am i retarded?

I swear to God if they don't fucking cancel this dual blade nerf I will never buy another Capcom game again. We did nothing to deserve this.

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That's SnS

i know this is a shitpost, but i you're unironically use a potion once you unlock health augments you're a shitter

>elemental switch axe may be viable.

Are you feeling it axemen?


Kek, Based purple chicken, I remember him kicking my ass

It's not a nerf, dummy.

Relax faggot, even with health augs if i get hit by an AT monster i'm popping a fucking pot

But the SnS does everything at once. Though I gues that's pointless now taht you can just switch weapon halfway through the hunt.

Do people do this? Sleep a monster until they build up a resistance and then switch to a regular DPS weapon?

me enjoy hitting monster in head with hammer

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That's something too autistic for everyone, it's not even optimal for TA trannies

Khezu next? How about Gravios? Lao Shan?

Not him but I never augment for life even on Greatsword, because I go back and forth between old MH and World.

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>That tongue
Oh god

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The current Behemoth world record does that.

it's LARP you nonce

>Deviants probably won't come back
That's a damn shame. I thought it was pretty cool the idea of there being monsters who survived their fights with hunters and picked up some new moves. Especially Thunderlord, Bloodbath, and Boltreaver. Not Dreadking/Queen though. Fuck them. Snowbaron is only good for the armors design.

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>Garuga is in

The FUCK!?

Why doesn't Capcom give rare species to Glavenus and Diablos yet? I thought they both are rivals to Rathalos, just like Nargacuga, Tigrex, and Lagiacrus (and these 3 all already got their rare species).

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>reeee nintendo nintendo nintendo
Rent free

Dreadking and queen were the only ones I liked. Forced me to git gud against a flying target that you can't just gimp with flashbombs. Antidotes make the queen fight a little gay though, I wouldn't recommend it.

FUCK Redhelm though. FUCK FUCK FUCK Redhelm so fucking hard.


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>my pussy when he says he mains a blast weapon

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>Why doesn't Capcom give rare species to Glavenus
Are you fucking stupid? That frontiershit monster got enough attention already with his super special snowflake deviant form. And he's even getting a new sub.
Diablos and Zin, on the other hand, are fan favorite classics and are long overdue for a rare species.

The graphics dont look even that good

Attached: brachydios comparison.jpg (1260x1440, 1.09M)

>Why doesn't Capcom give rare species to Glavenus
Aerial Greatsword Glavenus

left: SOUL

>that damage
World sperms are in for a rude awakening in MR.

Even HR Garuga is gonna be a cunt

Attached: 1558903686271.png (420x410, 278K)

>SnS and DBs are shit because you have to craft one weapon for every elem-


Attached: MH3U-Sword_and_Shield_Render_040.png (238x236, 53K)

Redhelms EX hunt honestly pushes my fucking patience to the limit. Holy shit. Does it have more health than every other EX monster? Or is it because everyone is extra cautious because its swipes hit like tanks and no one especially wants to get hit by the dab attack.

Both Diablos and Zinigger are garbage monsters

Looks the same to me. I must be retarded or something because I don't notice any change in the graphics, though the framerate is a bigger deal.

Attached: Box_Art-MH3G_N3DS_JPN.jpg (350x311, 36K)

>can clearly see every element in the shot
>a bunch of glowshit, particle effects, shitty menstruation filter, monster looks barely distinguishable from the rocks behind it
AAA graphics was a mistake

Since he has no special gimmick they just gave him 10 times more hp than other EX deviants

That's a lvl 140 GQ G-rank monster, and it still doesn't oneshot the hunter at 150 HP. World's AT EDs oneshot you with 200 HP already at HR.

it doesn't exist, its just trailer scenery
you know its not actual game footage right

His special gimmick is being a fucking cunt who appears in HR2, AKA in the same tier as fucking Khezu, while also being basically an apex monster in low rank.

Dying from his dab really shocked me, like him being a giant was really weird but I was just flabbergasted seeing myself carted by a fucking arzuros.

They can get away with it because monsters back thrn were suler robotic and telegraphed everything so it's low IQ target audience could muster enough braincells to figure out what's happening.
World monsters are spaztic as fuck in between attacks.

Diablos technically has a rare species. It just that it's exclusive to a game with a pause button.

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My weaponfu but fuck Reactor farming and fuck Raging Brach.

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No, the actual graphics look great, they're objectively high quality. The problem is that the overall aesthetic is weaker.
The older games had to make up for the crappier graphics by putting a lot of effort into the other visual elements, but World doesn't have to do this and so those elements have suffered, leading to a game that looks impressive but at the same time can end up looking pretty messy or even ugly.

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My theory is that the nu-MH team only ever played gunshitters in the old games so they're used to taking twice as much damage as a chad blademaster.

>A bird wyvern can fuck your shit up this hard
>An ED will obliterate you

I don't see how anyone is surprised a PMS chicken isn't is strong as a dragon, but god damn if it isn't doing it's best.


>Elder Dragons hit harder than a bird wyvern

Just get the weeb swords and use free element in 3U.

Well the original team disbanded after the first game, which is a shame because apparently they were genuises who made the best franchise of all time and should be sung about in songs unlike that hack Kojima.

>Kulu Garuga fags completely and utterly BTFO
Even Capcom knows that the new monsters are trash and deserve nothing

>World's AT EDs oneshot you with 200 HP already at HR
Upgrade your fucking armor.


Attached: rqso4orwpp831.png (1276x671, 1.46M)

His point is that even a level 140 GQ Elder Dragon in 4U wouldn't oneshot you with 150HP but a Tempered Elder does at 200HP


>Teo or any 140 GQ ED doesn't have any oneshot except for signature 1hit KOs
What now , worldsperm

>World monsters are spaztic as fuck in between attacks
People quickly learned they can't die to the monsters licking their balls like an autistic kid or running away.

>real bear hours


Attached: MH4U-Raging_Brachydios_Render_001.png (815x534, 548K)

They're making good on their original intention

Attached: day3.jpg (634x630, 163K)

>those glorious explosions in 4k

Aside from Xeno & Radobaan I really don't remember any of the World exclusive monsters. And I only remember those because they looked cool.

Can I get a pic of xeno'jiiva entering rage mode? I can't find it.

Zinogre next!

Attached: 1564855435113.png (1628x2920, 2.28M)

this is pure horseshit, i run AT's at 430 defence and i never get one shot
chances are you're just a faggot who doesn't keep his health topped up and then gets clipped by something that kills you
or you rely too much on divine blessing

MHW is designed for people who (would) have only consumed the previous games on a superficial level, ignoring half of the mechanics that were going on.

>posting your autistic fanfictions.

Truth really hurts boyo

Attached: mhw leak.png (1100x1505, 842K)

>top gameplay angle
>bottom cinematic trailer angle

>New Siege monster

Nah, gotta be Namielle.

I always find it funny when people make posts like this

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Post the list, faggot.

Yeah it's not updated to the latest reveals

In practice it’s not a nerf, their elemental damage was reduced but elemental across the board was increased so much that it’ll still be doing more than it used to.

if she was that fucking tired she could have waited for user to kill radobaan, it only takes 4 fucking minutes. This user shouldn't be held responsible when it was her responsibility to pick up her husband, we don't even know if her being tired was the actual cause of the crash

>huge internal strife at capcom
That's cute. Hope they get their shit together by the next generation.

>it only takes 4 fucking minutes
>he was 15 minutes into the quest

I don't know whether I should find posts like yours funny or sad. The irony is striking, yet when I wish to be proven wrong the opposite always happens.

Who's he calling, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1515152908541.png (1200x1020, 825K)

It's listfag, don't take anything he says seriously.

being a shitter kills

>[PS4] Monster Hunter: World (Capcom,m) – 5,516 (22,027)

Bognadoff, who else?

The exterminator so he can deal with the furfag vermin that keeps jacking off to him.

Shoo, shoo listfag.

Fulgur Anjanath

>he bought Iceborne

Basically none of that ended up being true.

Yes user, classic MH died with infinite whetstones

The call that saved the New World. Yeah

It's fake, it's a cope from a bing

How they gon do the no frame charge on world
would feel kinda unnatural

They'll import deadeye garuga and not regular is how.

Animals insta charge in real life

Attached: It's treason then.webm (520x520, 2.68M)

What jewels should I get before Iceborne?

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Iguanas are such psycho little fuckers, 0/10 do not own one

pic related

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he shouldn't have been so bad at the game then

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there's an extremely long windup though

>t. never seen a goat
They're the easiest fuckers to guardpoint too.

all of them

It's not connected to the anjanath line and culture anjanath doesn't use fulgurbug.

>weeaboo worldbabs dont know garuga
reminder to go solo

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One that should take priority first?

Attached: 1 luck.webm (234x426, 395K)

If Multiplayer will work on launch day I will be surprised. Cant do the story hunts in groups anyways, each person has to watch the cutscene alone, might as well just do the story alone as well.

Deviant monsters are not canon so Bloodbath doesn't count. What I meant are shit like Molten Tigrex and Lucent Narga, those ARE rare species, not some OC donut steel.

i want this nigga too
i wanna see him fight kulu

Attached: file.png (202x249, 64K)

>Kut-Ku vs Kulu turf war is just them having a petty fight over a Konchu

Dohoho, you think Molten Tigrex and Lucent Narga are coming back? What's next, Terra Shogun?

I'm doing everything solo first regardless. And then it's join Garuga SOS for hilarity hour.

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>deviant monsters are non cano
But they are, Gen is canon too, there's a Bhernastone in MHW

If Tigrex does any damage to Brachy in their clash I'm going to snap my disc.

All games are canon, right? That's what the ending to P3rd showed us.

>rare species to Glavenus
what the fuck kind of retard are you?

Attached: glav.png (1320x833, 1.51M)

holy fuck

Imagine you could steer Uragaan when doing this

Same bro, they just recycled tigrex/barioth vs banbaro turf, and fucking virgin tigrex CANNOT win against chad Brachy, that turf is not canon

Not a rare species

Wow more generic flying wyverns, incredible!

Bherna indeed exists, as evidenced by Bhernastone. But what transpired in MHGen and MHGU don't. Just treat them as a fanfic that takes place in Bherna. I might add that MH Stories is non-canon too. Storiessperms need to fuck off from the franchise, they are not welcomed here.

That's a bird

This thing looks like shit

Or they simply want a unique monster with good game design for once?

Confirmed for never fighting Garugua.


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That'd be fun and fun is not allowed.

but he's easy and looks like a zoid

That's not a rare species, dumb GUtoddlers. I bet you're not even aware that metal raths are rare species, and you probably never heard of Lucent Narga, Abyssal Lagiacrus, and Molten Tigrex.

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Are you stupid? I had to fought him a million times in MH4U and he is boring and generic as fuck, also looks stupid.

>Not the first post from this IP.
What did he meme by this?

Valstrax is in right?
he'll be in the next trailer right?

nice try, i'm actually FU

>but he's easy
Some of his versions are literally the hardest fights in the series.

Tigrex gets bitched out in a turf war with Anja, what the fuck were they thinking having him try to take on Brachy?

I genuinely look forward to people who never fougth garuga before get btfo because they think he is supposed to be some easy bird monster

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those versions wouldn't be in world even if they did add him so it doesn't matter

Anybody got the webm of the guy getting OHKOed by the instant charge?

Please be patient I have autism.

Attached: 1559667994640.jpg (1432x806, 77K)

He is some easy bird monster. Begs you to hit his head, generic skeleton, looks like shit, has no health.

Stop shitposting. Get standards.

we're talking about Garuga again?

>those versions wouldn't be in world
You know Iceborne will most definitely get something like ATs, right? Making Zinogre challenging is easy as hell. Stop posting already.

i dont look forward to garuga being massively gimped and unable to do half the stunlock bullshit he used to be capable off

Why are people keep pretending garuga is anything but easy?

What versions?

>140 Garuga harder than 140 Zinogre
Only if you are mentally ill or have never heard of GS.

Ryozo's taking the piss now isn't he? Is there any other reason to bring back Garuga than to make people seethe?

Attached: 1563309882819s.jpg (210x240, 8K)

Hey it's okay buddy, I still like you. I just thought you were way more of a monster chad to let yourself get bullied by fucking Anjanath.

>Deviant monsters are not canon
user are you okay?

Miles better than shitty subspecies of existing monsters because I worry Iceborne is going to be full of them instead of "new" ones.

Yes, easy to add since his skeleton is already in and his moveset is easy as hell to animate.

+ idiots like you believe it replenishes the roster.

Gore when?
He's a fucking fan favorite, make it happen.

Attached: gore.jpg (640x453, 65K)

>unable to do half the stunlock bullshit he used to be capable off
>I want the fight to be fucked up and complete trash
Yes okay

Garuga's whole purpose is to make people seethe. Everything from his insta-charges, to his miniroars that stop your combo, to animation cancel, ro the fact he's just an edgy chicken who has no business being so strong. It's all to make people seethe. Hell I bet Rath/Diablos/Legiana/Odogaron fags are seething because Garuga just casually bitchslaps Deviljho

Proof of your headcanon?

Fulgur Anjanath is Anjachad

>That retarded headcanon sperg in one of the last couple threads who said Chaotic Gore isn't a Gore interrupted mid moulting, but is in fact a non immune Gore who got frenzied by a Shagaru

Attached: 1558108240837.gif (480x360, 520K)

Just be thankful we haven't seen hide nor hair of Plesioth yet

Hello Yea Forumstard,

there won't be new skeletons in Iceborne, Capcom already said they are "too much work to add".

Expect more generic shit.


Tigrex has been improved. It doesn't reposition itself by making two 90 degree turns anymore. Now it just makes a 180 while preparing its next attack.

Barioth is not a neutered Narga anymore. That is already an improvement.

Reminder than Yan Garuga was nowhere to be seen before Barioth, so he's AT LEAST apex tier.

First announced monster of MH6.

Nergigante uses Gore's skeleton, retard.

He's still an Anjanath though, you know? It just feels weird. What other low-mid tier monsters in the series have had an upgrade like that, that puts them above monsters who are normally considered their superiors?

There's still time!

Tigrex got worse in the sense that it has a load of shitboxes now, though.

but gore's skeleton is already in the game, shitposter

He's Anjanath on electric steroids

>They bring back Plesioth
>He still has old hitbox and moves comboed with World's spastic AI.

Attached: coffee.gif (366x206, 598K)

Brachydios's mid effect on his puddle of slime is also a pretty significant buff. Tempered Brachydios is going to be a pain

What if they really did buff him up to Deviljho/Rajang level?

Attached: goog.gif (540x463, 856K)

He was the sort of powerhouse in the first Freedom like Rajang, Deviljho, Seregios and Bazelgeuse.

I call bullshit
First and foremost the fact that his sister crashed can't be his fault seeing as it is out of his control.
On multiple occasions I have driven my sister to and from stupid shit giving me all the right not to drive her.
Had he driven her and died we would not have this Yea Forums post, but some facebook/twitter post about how some sister should have just let her brother play autistic vidya instead of sending him to pick up HER husband.
Now why is it unsafe for her to pick up her husband? Could it be because the driver is a woman? Yes it is.
Also what is the agegap between brother and sister since the dad can somehow smash his PC? Is the poster younger or a basementdweller. Both options make him a terrible driver which means this was actually a hit and the sister was driving to the spot of murder to call it off, but got gutted instead.

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its a modified jagras. Look at how the legs are splayed.

It might actually be the case, but we won't know for sure until we.see the turf war in full. Still, pretty hilarious that Garuga so far is the one monster who did better against Deviljho so far

>after hunting Kut Kus to extinction Garuga finally ascended to Godhood

Garuga is the first monster that actually fights back, Bazelgeuse just got lucky and was getting strangled, Garuga fucking retaliates

Yeah Garuga is a long time member of the cast so to speak so they probably let him get his licks in just to show respect. Still think Jho will bitch him out and do more damage though.

Or it's all fake

>this village idiot again

Shitboxes have always been Tigrex's trademark.

True. Out of all the returning ones in IB, Nargacuga is the only one that i would say is worse than it used to be, simply because it doesn't have the triple jump attack anymore.

its the husbands fault for also being a manchild that cant make his own way home and expects his tired wife to be his personal chauffeur
but its fake anyway

It's clearly a fucking CROW.

im half convinced he's a subtle jab at longsword shitters
talks shit and looks cool but gets pounded by every elder dragon

Pain in my ass


No one is gonna pick up frontier knowing that they have like 3 months of play and its all wasted with the servers closing.

It's a crow/raven monster with a wolf-themed, like how Rathalos is a lion-themed wyvern monster.

And it is a p2w grindfest so you wont get far before the shutdown

黒狼鳥, literally Black Wolf Bird you fucking gays

It has a few moves from Green Narga so it evens out

show me anything that depicts rath as lion themed

Not literally. As in "lone wolf".

>Old Everwyrm isn't Velkhana
So I'm guessing it's IB's Final Boss or Fatalis?
I hope White Fatalis is DLC. I loved fighting him in 4U

Now that frontier is closing just put the Tonfa and Magnet Spike in the mainline games as well so your efforts are not wasted.

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It can't be Fatalis.
The final boss is always a brand new monster.

Why are people so confused with this?
Old Everwyrm is the new final boss, just like every MH had one.

fuck tonfa i want a proper fist weapon

Yes, Velkhana is obviously not the Everwyrm. She might be keeping it hibernating, so it wouldn't fuck up the ecosystem.
There's also a chance it's going to be another species of black dragons, i.e. not-Fatalis.

I think it would be cool ir the final boss was some sorte of super buff White Fatalis offshoot, just like Dire Miralis is a stronger Crimson Fatalis

Soeaking if that, hoping for Dire Miralis in MH6

Looks fucking dope, also apparently is a step up from kirinslut armor, so that's neato
he's a hungry boy, and it looks like literally everything is on the menu.
Literally a saber toothed tiger wyvern, if you don't think that's the tightest shit you can get the fuck outta here.
He explodes AND does the annoying muck thing, so I don't think he'll be very fun.
His tail is a fucking sword, holy fuck that's cool.
Isn't this nigger the one with a frame 0 charge? that sounds really 'fun'

>Velkhana is keeping everwyrm on ice so it doesn't destroy the ecosystem
New headcanon accepted

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And we'll kill it because the armor looks dapper. Are we the baddies?

>People are happy Kut-Ku on crack is in
He's a joke of a fight and monster, why are people so happy?

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Garuga's main motiff is a wolf/bird, it even has the french word for Wolf in it's name

You can bet the same shitposts would've appeared had Khezu been announced.

Did you miss all the crying about AT Nerg's slam? Garuga is the same shit, especially if he gets to keep the leaping peck from Deadeye

Because we'll see Worldbabs experience him for the first time and laugh has the get roared into tail swipe then die from poison.

>french word for wolf
Where do you see "Loup" in Garuga?

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we always have been

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because anything that make it closer to the previous game is an improvement

Garou, it's old french roughly meaning "werewolf"

what a fucking faggot liar, piece of shit

I really don't get where you're coming from, Garuga was a piss easy fight in the older MH, only slight threat coming from him was the shit hitbox of the poison spit.
Garuga with World's fluid controls will be an absolute joke, I'm calling it.

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Liolaeus, Rathalos's Japanese name

Since it's an invader above the apex tier, will Ebony Odogaron get its own theme?

Lmao no

Leaker here. Can confirm he gets his own theme. It's a remix of the Rotten Vale theme.

Garou is the equivalent of "were-"
So Garuga would translate as WereGa

Or since it's a suffix, were-yian which sums up the fight pretty well

He's actually called Garuruga in JP

I love his design, his weapons and armour are cool, and I don't mind his fight

obviously fake

That kinda make sense

And if we flip the W upside down, rearrange the words and remove a e it becomes GaMer

I'm just hoping his X armor and Longsword are in, those are some of my favorite armor/weapons

Because it means Chad Kut Ku is in, obviously.

I want his Lance again
>Natural purple
>Good raw
>Good affinity
>Lots of slots

But it is purple.

Why him, bros? Why not Steve or gore? RYOOOOOOZO