>draw 5 cards
how is this balanced?
Draw 5 cards
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Banned long ago.
Might as well just create a deck with equal number of just these five cards
They banned something established on the very first episode?
What a sloppy game.
>get 5 legs in a row
That's what happens when you only decide to make the game a real life game halfway into the season.
It's limited, you can have one copy of each of the 5 pieces in your deck
Well statistically speaking, the probability of that happening is very low.
fuck i forgot to spoiler that one
umm sweetie, exodia is banned
It isn't you drooling retard.
No it isnt retard, I play the tcg. It's limited to 1
>They banned something established on the very first episode?
Why do you think Exodia was thrown off the boat? The writer did that because he really how cheap the mechanic was and wrote it out of the manga as soon as possible
He's right though. Exodia is banned
Just post the full pic and get OPs shitty thread deleted.
ok but are exodia decks actually practical in high-level play
can you actually win a major tournament with one?
Because it's literally a 0.000152% you will draw all 5 pieces on the first turn. it's impossible. Yugi just has hacks
Pic related is better anyway
So how feasible is this in an actual real life game? I know anime is all just bullshit luck but I wonder if there's any kind of flawless tactic to win with it.
sorry my dude i don't feel like taking a three day vacation today
maybe next time
What is the point of this?
A joke card?
In theory you could force it onto an opponent with some card effect, but doing that and also getting the arms and legs out is basically an impossibility.
Sounds like a shitty writer to me
>I do not know statistics: the post.
>Dont know how to change IPs
The absolute state of 4channel
Just google subway exodia
thats it
>also getting the arms and legs out is basically an impossibility.
Its easier than you think actually
>spam a bunch of draw spells to fill your grave and get the cards you need
>summon treasure pander
>spam a bunch of non-exodia shit with it to make saryuja
>summon true exodia with it
>shien's spy true exodia
>spam exodia parts with pander
>do link shenanigans to get rid of all your non-exodia monsters
Not very practical, but it's doable. It might actually be easier than getting exodia the normal way.
I don't understand the point of subway. Just make your own sandwhich.
Hahahaha there are first-turn kills with this.
Still more balanced than anything in Hearthstone.
Exodia decks are not competitive at all.
The biggest issue with Exodia decks is the consistancy. These kinds of decks are not consistant enough to reliably get you to draw the 5 pieces. You basically have to pull off one gigantic combo go drae through your entire deck in one turn without your opponent disrupting your combo, which is basically impossible.
Exodia's pretty neat on a casual level though.
Exodia cards are unusable in the hand, so your opponent has a huge advantage since he would have more cards to work with, and this is kind of a detriment in a game where drawing more cards is one of the most powerful mechanics in the game.
All decks with insta-win cards as their win condition are extremely gimmicky at best.
I don't let cocksuckers at corporate tell me how to play.
I'll have magic unglued cards in my deck. fuck you
>Playing games that rely on RNG
You retard
how do people deal with situations in card games where people get to temporarily have one or more of your cards, i would be too paranoid about forgetting or getting mixed up and losing cards to purposeful theft or just getting confused
Write down the card your opponent took control of.
Or just sleeve your cards, its unlikely your opponent would have the same kind of sleeve
Use sleeves.
Exodia has never been banned in the history of the game. Though the Exodia pieces are limited to 1 because of LORE reasons.
by having a memory better than an 80 year old alzheimer's patient. its not hard to remember what one of your cards the opponent jacked.
>Obtuse as fuck
>Everything under the sun is banned
I'm curious, is there a worse childrens' card game out there?
Yeah dude we should just unban every banned card
Believe it or not, but yes actually.
Lots of funny symbols and game-specific terms there. Can you describe in plain english what this does?
It does the big numbers.
is there anything as chuuni as this card in ygo, not counting D/D/D
>plays lottery
>picks a few numbers
>win millions how is this balanced
this is how retarded you sound
They could care less, its not like the RA limited or anything. Having 2+ would simply be way to consistent for turn 1 wins.
People are legit retarded and would rather pay for a heavily marked up sandwich made by some college age brat than getting the ingredients themselves at the store and saving a fuckload of money
He didn't draw it on the first turn though, it was on his second or third I think
Is Cyber Stain not that op anymore?
No, running more Exodia pieces would make your deck less consistant.
Exodia pieces are like Garnets. In an exodia deck you want to draw the Exodia pieces last so you have access to your other cards.
Not really, because you're much better of using your normal summon to start of a massive combo or deck thinning rather than summoning a big unga bunga. It did gain some some decent targets over the years like pic related but you're better of running extra deck monsters that help to establish your field, since 1 Cyber Stein isn't consistent enough to draw it constantly.
you say that but sometimes i forget to pick up the money from the bank automat after i withdraw it. i'm just too focused on remembering the card and leaving again.
That's mostly because the chances of getting the last piece even if you draw 4 in an opening hand are pretty low. I'm not sure if it would be worthwhile running more than 2 copies of each piece, 3 copies might make heart of the underdog decks dangerous.
A hero was born
It really isn't running more than 1 each, more just clogs up the draw engine Exodia decks rely on
>5 card ftk
the game had tons of 4 and a handful of 3 card ones
Actually, now that I think of it I bet it's because rescue rabbit and incarnate would be to strong with 3 pieces of the original set.
>running 15 bricks in your deck
>Not reading the screen that would clearly tell you to do all that
>"Bank automat
>Confirmed British Baka.
>Forgetting the one duel where the opponent ran 3 of each piece.
I don't think that will matter as much when cards like enchanted fitting room will be letting you go +1~+3 somewhat consistently and White elephant for running unwanted pieces.
Mabey I'll just make a playtest version and see how it goes, exodia decks are pretty much solitary anyways
Poker is literally based around this
I just want an excuse to leave my house and fast food like McDonald's is disgusting
none of my playing card decks have exodia
>judging a deck's power from its use in the anime
>dude lost anyway
>thinking any deck shown in the anime has ever been competitive
>dude fucking lost and had his entire deck crippled because of one magic card
Playtest it man
Because it's not a great strategy because you have to stall whilst searching and recovering the cards you need.
Yu-gi-oh is a weird game. Matches are so fast paced now duels usually only last three to four turns at most.
>had a complete exodia set from the legend of blue eyes packs
i was the shit at school for yugioh related things. they aren't first edition so idk how much this shit is worth these days.
I would unironically eat that
Pretty easy if you built the deck around drawing cards, survival, and cheating them out of your deck
To make it understandable to Yugioh players
When played as your main monster, summon 5 "Zeroth Dragon" monsters.
You can only summon "Zeroth Dragon" monsters
At the begining of your turn your opponent loses 1000 LP for each "Zeroth Dragon" monster you control.
I wanbt to see an exodia turn one kill happen in yugioh vrains.
mtg modern combos can win in 2-3 turns
its fucking retarded
i had a guy who used Blue Dragon Summoner against me in Duel Links,didn't think too much about it until he drew an Exodia piece due to the effect,lord and behold i was unprepared
Wasnt there an anime episode where some dude was beating the shit out of people with his exodia deck.
His deck was just all exodia parts and hed win in like 2 turns. I think yugi shows up and blows his ass outta the water with some card that destroy duplicate cards or something.
Yeah he had at least three copies of Exodia and a tons of drawing and stalling cards. Someone online tried to recreate his deck and it was ridiculous.
Stop samefagging you fucking faggot. Exodia has been limited since the early days of YGO. Nobody uses him due to how hard it is to set up and know there's much faster ways to win he game.
who claimed yugioh was ever balanced?
where is the card that depicts its crotch?
poker is based around that it is played for a wager and the constant option to cut your losses and play another round.
To elaberate a bit better on this, instead of 1000 burn it should be around 2000. Literally the turn after this guy comes out you basicly die. Not to mention the 5 dragons that come out are basicly invinicble.
For the record this card was so broke that the game had to have a complete format rotation after, what, 8 or so years? Literallt because this cards existance was so broken on release that power creeping it was impossible and banning it was out of the option since it literally just came out, was expensive as shit to get, and the game has a policy of only banning shit that causes infinite loops or abusing mechanics, not banning annoying strategies.
if you have exodia in your deck its either an exodia deck or a waste of 5 slots. entire deck is just luck and draw cards while you get hit for thousands of damage every turn while your opponent sets up offence and defence for free.
Itchukishima is more broken. Honestly fuck OTT and FISH
lair of darkness deck with full force virus would be the equivalent
>not making up rules and abilities on the spot like the first 3 seasons of the anime did
I implore fans of the game to go back and watch season 3 episode (iirc) 4 - the one where Taia starts her battle against the penguin. Every 3 minutes some completely random rule gets created and makes the core concept a joke
what's the archetype that requires the most skill to use?
seem like Yugioh should followed the footstep before we reach that level
"skill" is such a misunderstood concept within cardgames. Too many people think of skill as "something you do" when in reality it's more about "something you know".
Knowing what cards your opponent is likely running based off of their opening play, knowing what they can and can't do, knowing how your opponent will likely attempt to achieve a win and knowing how your cards can interfere with their plays is the "skill" found in yu-gi-oh, but too many retards raised on the anime think "skill" is this nebulous force that means you'll magically be able to beat a deck with strictly better, more useful cards than yours because...skill.