why is Yea Forums considered the worst board when the average thread on /int/ looks like this?
Why is Yea Forums considered the worst board when the average thread on /int/ looks like this?
Because retards like you are posting shit about other boards, and politics, and twitter, and e-celebs, and fucking hair care products instead of FUCKING VIDEO GAMES YOU RETARD
>ywn spend an eternity sailing through the stars on Rosalina's space ship, exploring zanny planets and spending hours getting schooled by her in vidya only to aggressively take it out on her with rough sex (that she enjoys)
that's what the average thread on Yea Forums looks like during peak hours dude
that's what the average thread on Yea Forums looks like too
just with more twitter screencaps
I honestly don't see any difference.
If you think that's bad, don't even look at /pol/. I regret the years I spent there.
I miss 3angledblue
It hurts.
whatever man. at least you can take that experience with you from being in the belly of the beast for so long
/pol/ is better than Yea Forums though, did you only browse it during raids or something?
I had way more fun talking about vidya in off-topic threads on other boards than talking about vidya on Yea Forums
this place is just outrage central
honestly, I've never seen bigger unhinged autists and pushovers than here. I really don't understand Yea Forums.
at least /pol/ isn't as retarded about stuff as Yea Forums.
I only sorta like /vr/.
The implication is right though, science nowadays has never been used for the right reasons in favor of supporting the Jew, and you're a literal bootlicker if you believe all science to be fact
see, it's funny because he's a third worlder
The thing about actual science is that it's repeatable and provable, but that's generally not what people are talking about when they say that kind of thing. Everything else is just opinion masquerading as science.
t. high school dropout
>that fucking tiddie-Pepe
God forbid they get spammed here, fucking fapping to the alt-right
/int/ became a ground zero for wojak posting
It's just tabloid media spouting the latest "study shows" they gleaned from a science journal
It’s only considered the worst board in the summer. Just post nudes and continue the vidya discussion.
you mean american hours?
>/pol/ is better than Yea Forums
In no particular order:
1- /lgbt/
2- /int/
3- Yea Forums
4- /r9k/
5- /pol/ (Post 2014)
This whole fucking site sucks
I'd leave if I had a actual life
Because it's the board with less dedicated content since we get a lot of posts like these.
>3- Yea Forums
>4- /r9k/
Is that really even fair though? Those are like deliberately bad, like being bad is actually the point.
>>don't even look at /pol/
>he said on Yea Forums
>lost my huge 5k reddit meme MD5 filter collection
>site is literally now just reddit with angst
Because I don't know any board except this one.
lmao yes
Old /pol/ is nothing like /nupol/
Whats wrong with /lgbt/ user?
Because you can make threads like that on here and they're more likely to hit the bump limit than a regular thread. Yea Forums is a dumpster for the dumpster boards.
/pol/ is unironically better