holy FUCK
that ending was good (albeit a little cliched)
about to jump into the second one now
anything i should know?
yeah, you should know that israel is an illegitimate state
Monokuma for Smash Ultimate
The games gradually get better.
why is byakuya fat lol
just GTFO and play it retard, the faggots here will just spoil you (and rightfully so)
touche, cya
Ibooky is best girl! that's all you need to know
Don't look up anything related to the series and stop browsing Yea Forums so you don't get spoiled
But if you liked 1 and even its ending you'll probably love 2, it's better in pretty much every way.
He ate more calories than he expended over a long period of time.
You'll probably think DR2 has the best ending ever then.
It's a game!
If you haven’t already planned on staying away from DR threads until you played it, do it now! You’ll only get spoiled
I love my gorgeous wife!
Nothing about DR2 specifically, just go on headfirst and be careful not to get spoiled
read zero before playing 2 and ignore secondaries and casuals that tell you not to
what you should know is fuck off to ----------------------------
he asked a question, he didn't open a general with ne ne or post video game characters that are literally you
>Giving the shitposter attention
You have much to learn user
V3 is shit and don't even bother playing it