>Deus Ex
>redpills and crazy conspiracies, predictions about the future that occasionally turned out correct
>Human Revolution
>human augmentation bro, gud or bad?
>Mankind Divided
>racism is bad, mmmkay?
Where did it all go so wrong?
>Deus Ex
>redpills and crazy conspiracies, predictions about the future that occasionally turned out correct
>Human Revolution
>human augmentation bro, gud or bad?
>Mankind Divided
>racism is bad, mmmkay?
Where did it all go so wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
politics. faggots like you turning a game that was just having fun with "what if all the conspiracies were true at the same time" into "wow so based, red pilled" to the point no one wants to associate with you
This was easily the most disappointing thing about MD and HR
The narrative of the new games is just garbage. The original game was about taking contemporary issues from when the game was made like terrorism, the massive increase in corporate power etc and logically extrapolating them to a future setting. You then get an interesting narrative and a fictional universe that feels relatable and has the appearance of 'predicting' things because it was just building on current social and political trends in a logical way.
The HR and MD narrative is just making up a totally hypothetical social issue and 'debate' out of nowhere then trying to clumsily tie it in to modern day shit which just feels fake and stupid. Even if the hub in the new game is good its hard to take the whole setting and world seriously because of this.
The writing and universe for HR and MD just feel like the Black Mirror meme from Yea Forums to me
I used "redpill" as a shorthand for what said, extrapolating current trends into a plausible future dystopia.
It isn't politics that are the problem, as there is no game more political than Deus Ex. The problem is kiddy politics vs mature politics. Games that are able to actually respresent points of view are engaging, like pic related.
The problem is when they are like a 14 year old telling the story. Think about ME2 and ME3. In ME2, Mordin's loyalty mission had me thinking about what I would do if I were able to make the Genophage. Would I be mroally comfortable with this? Is it a case of the end justifying the means? Mordin argues to, but sometimes he seems like he is plastering over his guilt. Because the person who wrote that knew how to develop good characters. Smart writers, writing three dimensional characters.
In ME3 you get the garage dude who is gay. Never once before in the franchise does Shepard give a shit enough to go chat to the dude that fixes up the Mako. He goes to down there and encounters this fellow and all of a sudden his personal tragedy is the worst imaginable, as his gay lover has died. You just escaped an ambushed Earth, literally everyone on the ship who was married has lost their family most likely. Why this guy? Because the writers are not clever, they just want to fulfill the objective of having gay characters, so they make one and give him a sob story.
That's it. It isn't the presence of gays, it isn't subtlety versus obviousness, it isn't pro-x or anti-x or ambivalent-about-x. It is simple smart people writing characters versus stupid people writing characters.
see this for more.
not really
HR and MD were both written by a woman with basically no writing credentials to her name. I wouldn't even blame shoehorned politics here, she just seems like a somewhat shit writer.
What is this ME game you are referring to?
I think HR is something that could likely happen tho
i still can't believe how they killed the entire franchise with ME3
where did the all the freemason and illuminati conspiracies disappear to anyway?
Oh my fucking God get the fuck out you mouth breathing retard
calm down xhir
>>redpills and crazy conspiracies, predictions about the future that occasionally turned out correct
It's amazing how many of you people believe this shit. Even the people that wrote it don't think this.
fucking this, taking deus ex seriously is just embarrassing. it was always a cheesy cyberpunk spy thriller with a hilariously dumb premise. same goes for Eidos Montreal, they take it far too seriously as well.
But things that happened in the game are literally happening right now, you blind piece of shit!!!
> redpills
Didn’t name the kikes once
Just because you are simple-minded, doesn't mean the game devs were/are...stupid fucking mongrel.
Do you fucking tards not realize that "redpill" doesn't always mean "easily digestible conservative argument"?
The phrase has been around longer than fucking /pol/. Hell, it's older than Yea Forums itself.
Why did Human Revolution's last level suck so much?
Also what the fuck were they thinking with that ending?
Kikes are just a means to an end, not the actual enemy. Do some fucking actual research, you embarrassing wretch.
Thanks doctor
>play HR
>run out of bullets before first enemy
>save after running out
>can't fight enemies with only melee
>never play it again
This; circa 1999.
Name one prediction the game made that has come true. And prediction means not shit that had already happened before and they just added "on the internet" to the end of it and not conspiracy bullshit either.
WTC disappeared
Pretty much this. Deus Ex was filled with every conspiracy at the time. Maybe one of them turned out to be right and you act like the entire game was a message from God or a time traveler or whatever. Heaven forbid shit just happens by coincidence.
I never even said Ion Storm were stupid, they were geniuses. What are you on about.
thank you herr doktor
Yeah and poltards ruined it
Durp, stupid fucking child. What about the truth of FEMA, what about water supplies being poisoned, what about vaccines that make people sick instead of curing them. I could literally keep going on, but just typing this shit won't convince anyone. Go figure it out for yourself or die in obscurity along with the rest of the invalids.
>prosthetics don't currently exist
>prosthetics will never progress to the point where they surpass their human counterpart
Absolute brainlet post
I'm playing deus ex for the first time, anything I should know? Trying to do a stealth run with as few casualties as possible on realistic difficulty. So far I've made it to the subway.
Also game keeps freezing every time I open up a menu and it crashes if I alt tab why is it doing this? I'm using the D3D10 mod and New Visions.
I know red pill is taken from The Matrix and I know what it fucking means. Deus Ex is not redpills, it's conspiracy theory nonsense. Let me put it this way, in Deus Ex world fluoride in the water is some sort of mind control experiment or some other bullshit like that. In the real world, i.e. the actual red pill, it's purely a benevolent act by the government to improve people's teeth and nothing else. No ulterior motives. No grand conspiracies. Nothing but good intentions.
"Taking deus ex seriously is just embarrassing." The devs sure as fuck took it serious, hence why the game is timeless and still amazing.
Mass Effect
If this guy is saying what I think, that it is beat you over the head storytelling, versus balanced and well told stories, then this is exactly what I was saying.
As for the real setting that is too much versus fictional setting so it is abstract, maybe that makes it easier to swallow, but Fallout 1 was about America's love of war, 20th Century's obsession with technology, Man's hubris etc. It was super relevant and well loved. We don't need a fictional world, we just need to be able to have the politics in a mature way.
Why did no one hate Wolfenstein New Order, and everyone hated Wolfenstein New Colossus? Why do they love Deus Ex vs Deus Ex MAnkind Divided?
Do not leave through the window.
Did you make sure to pick up the GEP gun?
>people are racist against augs
>augs are however a credible treat, having killed millions at the end of the first game
>augs being used as allegory for minorities
Are the devs saying that minorities are dangerous and that we should be weary of them??
They dont even depict cybernetic advancement in a logical manner its just a vehicle for shoehorning a civil rights story thats meant to be a hamfisted allegory to trans and minority rights.
How could one person be so wrong on so many levels? KIKE OR UNDERAGE DETECTED!!!!
>They dont even depict cybernetic advancement in a logical manner
They absolutely do, they even incorporate immunosuppressants into the storyline. Deus Ex has one of the most realistic depictions of what future prosthetics could be like in any game I've ever played
>civil rights story thats meant to be a hamfisted allegory to trans and minority rights.
HR had none of this, it was purely about transhumanism and the rich/poor divide that could come from it. MD was the logical next step after the fallout from a massive aug-fuckup. The only reason you're seeing "trans" rights there is because you've become so obsessed with trannies that you can't help but look for mentions of them where they don't exist
>The devs sure as fuck took it serious, hence why the game is timeless and still amazing.
I obviously meant on a purely narrative and thematic sense, obviously they took their actual work seriously. but dx started out on the basic premise of if all conspiracies ever were real and some of their primary story reference points were stuff like robocop, the manchurian candidate, x files and fucking men in black.
It's one of those weird allegory attempts that completely fucking backfire if you take a step back, kinda like Zootopia trying to push a message that prey animals should stop being racist to literal predators that need their meat to live.
I like French publisher games, French are weird, they predate woke shit.
That's a false equivalence as nothign really happens in Deus Ex, much of the conspiracy is read in papers, terminals and from overheard conversations. But the world is general closer to their vision.
>Mass homelessness (see SF and America's growing homeless population)
>Increased surveilannce
>Problems with AI (just around the corner)
>Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer
>China being an authoritarian regime that also doesn't bow to America's soft imperialism, strangely and contradictively remaining freer somehow (debateable)
Don't know what that means
And yes I did
Good lad.
And that's okay you'll know what it means soon enough.
Just keep it in mind
>they even incorporate immunosuppressants into the storyline
Would that even be a factor though? I've known people who had steel plates, screws, implants, etc. done and they didn't need any immunosuppressants. As far as I know those are only needed for transplants because the body can recognize alien genetic material. It doesn't give a shit about chunks of steel being inserted into it. Pretty sure, for example, bionic ears don't need immunosuppressants. In fact, I think immunosuppressants make the implantation MORE dangerous, not less.
You forgot invisible war.
I actually like invisible war, but lets not pretend the series took a sudden nosedive with human revolution
>Why did no one hate Wolfenstein New Order, and everyone hated Wolfenstein New Colossus? Why do they love Deus Ex vs Deus Ex MAnkind Divided?
Because Yea Forums coordinated hate campaigns against the other two, through misinformation and memes.
Deus Ex? More like Deuce Sex, because this game is fucking shit.
I start the game, and some old guys are talking about some boring shit. Something about a plague, I guess. The only cool part was when they were talking about me being a supersoldier.
My hopes were dashed as soon as the game started. Considering I'm a "nano-aug" (what the fuck does that even mean?) the fact that I die in a handful of pistol shots is shitty.
Guns and melee in this game are both broken. It takes forever to line up a shot and bullets do laughable damage.
I couldn't even bear to finish playing the first level. Fuck this game, and fuck Yea Forums for calling this turd a great game.
>strangely and contradictively remaining freer somehow (debateable)
They literally send people to reeducation camps for saying something the government doesn't like, they prevent them from knowing the truth about things, and Hong Kong's entire situation as of late alone should show that's not true in the slightest.
HR has less political themes than DX1 but it's still a good commentary on corporate culture and politics, with some obvious Robocop 1 influences like MC getting utterly butchered because of a loophole in his contract with corporation.
It's only MD that went fucking bananas and lost almost its entire identity.
Can’t believe fucking autists meme this fucking matrix scene into something so big.
Yes, the zombie virus in the ending of HR was someone saying the N-word.
this holy shit, taking vidya this serious is hella stupid
Morpheus explicitly spells out the Facebook surveillance state: You'll volunteer everything about you for your convenience and entertainment, and then you'll amuse yourself by asking it to tell you about yourself.
Any clue why my game is freezing? It's really frustrating. Have to wait 30s every time I open up my inventory or objectives.
Redpill was ruined by fagtards to the point of being as cringy as "sheeple".
You can
I feel sorry for you my man, you're going to miss out on everything cool and die angry.
>>Mass homelessness (see SF and America's growing homeless population)
Homelessness levels are at the lowest they've ever been.
>>Increased surveilannce
Not by the government. It's mostly done by the private sector and people hand their information over willingly.
>>Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer
Poor aren't getting poorer. They are getting richer too.
>>China being an authoritarian regime that also doesn't bow to America's soft imperialism, strangely and contradictively remaining freer somehow (debateable)
Um, communist China predates Deus Ex by quite a low time. And before then you had Britain vs. China. Predicting world powers will come into conflict is like predicting the sun will rise in the morning. No fucking shit that will happen.
There's a lot of answers you could get away with. It being created ex nihilo is not one of them.
Yeah, and Yea Forums had ragefaces before they were all over Reddit and Memebase. What's you're point?
>Homelessness levels are at the lowest they've ever been.
>Poor aren't getting poorer. They are getting richer too.
Adding "on the internet" to a phenomena that is already known to exist is not exactly an impressive prediction.
Or maybe it was some jive ass black chick who told Blazkowicz.... fucking BJ Blazkowicz.... that he was part of the problem being a white boi. This guy has done more to fight Nazi's than any of these sassy resistence fighters, and BJ goes ahead and feels guilt ridden about how much his fellow Europeans are making the gay/trans/black/jewish characters hurt inside.
You might want to look up what a typo is. It's not, as you seem to think, short for 'doesn't comprehend basic English fucking grammar'.
what about hong kong is different?the false flags and brutality isn't anything new
>You might want to look up what a typo is. It's not, as you seem to think, short for 'doesn't comprehend basic English fucking grammar'.
Sorry, but it's true. You go back 50-60 years and the homelessness and poverty rates are almost double what they are today. It's just a fact that less and less people are living in poverty every single year and it's been going that way for like a century now.
you're never going to be able to power them in a practical way, period. I'm sure that the subreddit for ieffinglovescience will be more than happy to accommodate your retarded ambition though
Because dogma and awareness are a proper dichotomy.
Deus Ex was written by people who didn't believe in the conspiracies they were writing, so they developed them naturally into complete ideas
New Order was written with the understanding of writing historical Nazi's and extending them in technology and extrapolating them through history.
In both cases, the later games are written with their "meaning" first. WNO doesn't demonstrate this as strongly, but Deus Ex does with its endings: There's multiple, entirely valid responses to the world presented, and you are permitted to decide how to respond.
Jumping over, let's contrast the lambasted ending in Mass Effect, where you are punished for disagreeing with the writer's ideological choices. Again, dogma closes the idea that any ending but "Synthesis" could be good.
Which ironically makes "Refuse" the closest they got, where you can decide to opt out of the conclusion the writers insist upon.
Power? Power is your concern?
I mean, sure; maybe the ridiculous military augs, but I would put human-aug interfaces that don't end in ripping out anchors during normal tasks on the top of the list.
Shep lives in the red ending tho
Transhumanism is a cool subject. I love GITS. I'm pro btw, I'll happily pepper spray you anti robo body fucking shits.
The real question is who is the better protagonist?
JC, Alex or Adam?
Loses you your job at most and doesn't preclude you from finding a job with like-minded people. In China's case you get thrown into what amounts to a prison for it and the more you do it the longer and worse it gets. It's like if I went on Twitter right now, tweeted something negative about democracy, and the local precinct read it and drove down to reeducate me in the American principals that freedom and the government are to be followed without question in a jail cell for the next month, and if I ask anything about our history they'll remind me it never happened.
>what about hong kong is different
The fact that they're getting far more riled up at the prospect of Papa Communism coming to their doorstep with a gun to silence people he doesn't like by shipping them to their side of the country to judge on their own terms? The people of Hong Kong rightfully don't want their own people silenced for speaking what they want to speak. It's like asking what's wrong with letting North Korea take control of South Korea.
Let's also not forget about Chinese Social Credit nonsense.
Are you serious?
No of course not.
I know everyone knows that Alex is the best
JC is a moron. Allows himself to be manipulated and used by anyone and everyone. Adam is a fool. Gullible and pussy whipped. Alex trusts no one, questions everything, makes their own mind up and can make allies without having to be an errand boy. Alex is easily the best.
>New Order was written with the understanding of writing historical Nazi's and extending them in technology and extrapolating them through history.
You're wrong. The story was by far the worst thing about New Order, and was clearly written by someone whose knowledge of the nazis was their WW2 lessons from highschool mixed with some good ol' propaganda documentaries and r/socialism. It was a commercial success because it was a moderately fun shooter to play and barely has any story, so the obnoxious garbage writing is less apparent. As evidenced by the later games being more and more story heavy, and being worse and worse. Comparing nu-wolfenstein to a masterpiece of roleplaying and storytelling like Deus ex is an insult.
Great bait
To be perfectly honest, I had forgotten TNO's story entirely and assumed it was inoffensive rather than non-existent.
This, OP is a faggot
The moment I decided to stop playing mankind divided was during a trip down the subway platform. I noticed the side for natural people was clean but the aug's side was filthy with trash. These people used to be doctors and artists before they got rounded up, why would they lose all sense of dignity and sanitation?
And yet Hong Kong is remarkely better off that tne PRC, which is where Issac the bartender and JC have the conversation about China not being a puppet state.
Also, you miss the point, Isaac himself says that the "freedoms" offered in America are false anyway, and that you can't really own anything (it can be taken from you if you aren't paying your taxes to a corrupt government that's adventuring in the middle east).
You can't really say anything (try and say something about Race and IQ in America and see how the moneyed interests that bankroll senators can shut you down so fast that you look like a retard wehn you cluth a copy fo the Consitution in your hands and shout "muh first amendment".
It's a case of illusion of freedom without freedom, or no illusion of freedom without freedom. That's the point of the Hong Kong bar scene, and it is a valid point worth considering. China might be worse off, but Deus Ex did predict the eroding freedoms of America and how they can't lecture anyone from their high horse.
It always amuses me when someone this ignorant engages in a conversation where they're clearly begging to be taught something, but rather than ask for help they just act defiant and shitty. It's okay to admit you don't know everything user. Just ask for the answer, you don't need to look for knowledge by constantly asking to be proven wrong in the most thick headed, obnoxious way possible.
Nevermind. I clearly had a stroke between then and now.
Self inserting tranny begone. JC is the best.
Don't forget the "Polish" kikess who mater becomes JB's wife being an insane fucking serial killer murdering progressively more innocent Germans in increasingly cruel and sadistic ways, but it's ok because NAZI.
> It's just a fact that less and less people are living in poverty every single year
>This is what boomer Republicans that invade Yea Forums to "how do you do, my fellow kids?" actually believe.
Just like unemployment is way down right? Oh wait, the term unemployed has just been redefined to mean "Looking for work but unable to find it" instead of someone without a job who isn't searching for employment, drastically reducing the "unemployment levels". I haven't looked into it, but i would guess the same thing has happened with homelessness.
they hired some women who would rather write erotic novels
If you think md is about racism, then you're a fucking brainlet, not even joking
How about you just provide stats to disprove his argument?
if you're running in windowed or borderless then don't do that
The closest we had before the data revolution was cold reading "Psychics". Of course there was a depictions of Huxley and Orwell, but never that middle ground: The idea that we would have all this information stolen to control us, and we would turn around and love it.
>"The basic human need to be watched was once satisfied by God. Now, the same functionality can be replicated with data-mining algorithms."
Which reminds me; how many corporate servers send you birthday cards with "thoughtful" coupons nowadays?
because nowadays it's pretty accepted that governments are not the most powerful people
whatever you want to call those people doesn't really matter
He's not talking about when you break your arm and they insert nails and shit to put it in place. He's talking about organ/limb transplants. Those people live on immunosuppressants fir the rest of their lives.
Here's the real redpill on "muh politics in games". They will tell you it's all down to not wanted to be lectured, and not wanting to be told stuff they already know, and they like gays already so they don't need to be indectrinated, and no it's nothing to do with subtlety, and it has nothing to do with real world versus abstract.
It's all to do with one thing. Politics about war, bio-ethics, euthanasia, ends justifying means, etc are all real problems and valid questions.
Trannies don't actaully exist, so games with tranny ethics is basically debating someone with schizophrenia.
The only reason normal people hide behind muh subtlety, or muh lecturing, is becuase trannies and schizophreniacs are also a protected class and you can be socially ostracized for saying you don't want to think about dilating when you're fighting zombies.
>he doesn't know the developers originally intended for JC to have the same sex choice Alex does
i only played return and old blood,what's this?
Not him but your/you're mistakes are fundamentally orthographic not grammatical.
Or they just watched the marketing campaign that was heavily implying it would be an allegory for racism. The game honestly would've been better if it focused on a real issue like racial divides around the world and how the elite use them to sow division to maintain power as an allegory instead of what we ended up with.
My problem with her character was more to do with her being an apparent avatar of mercy and acceptance, shown working with impaired and mentally ill.
Then you get her logs where she says he aborted her "nazi rape baby" because fuck innocents right?
Then she got pregnant by nazi cock, but its okay because its body was with head of her husband.
Not even mentioning "that bloody scene".
What a roller coaster of bad writing.
>throw your trash over to the augs side
>do not clean the augs side
>stop any augs from cleaning their side if they ever wanted to
>"haha, see how those damn augs are messy and dirty?"
It's not that hard to imagine, honestly
comparing wolfenstein to its predecessor is an insult. till this day i still don't know what the fuck betheshit is doing. the only reason wolfenstein was even relevant was because of it's multiplayer. rtcw won awards for its mp gameplay, not it's single player which was considered to be mediocre. when do we get a new rtcw mp shooter?
>real issue like racial divides around the world and how the elite use them to sow division to maintain power
where you're coming from is delusional. the only divide they use is trying to convince white people that the brown subhumans hordes are their equal and the differences are only le skin color
>murdering progressively more innocent Germans
>Won't someone think of the Germans The Post
You wehraboos are a rather pathetic sort and I say this who wanted to turn off the game after the whole plot twist of "Nazis stole tech from the Jewish master race".
>Those people live on immunosuppressants fir the rest of their lives.
Only because those organs are organic material and the body has a mechanism to check the genetic makeup of those organs to see if they are alien or not. It's the same shit your body does to see if you've been invaded by an alien bacteria or virus. It doesn't do that for inorganic implants, which is what we are talking about here.
It's not ortographic retard, it's actualy syntax because the presence of a possessive instead of a verb can change the entire meaning of the phrase or have it mean nothing, which by definition is a syntax error
Brown hordes are only an issue because of the elites pushing the diversity agenda to maximize prophets while being able to pit the races against each other in a never ending completely organic (as in they know that conflict always occurs when massive amounts of the "other" come into contact with each other) conflict. It's quite brilliant honestly.
They're still grammatically incorrect, and still have nothing to do with fucking typography. If you want to take that further, you could argue the root cause of the mistake is being fucking stupid, and the cause of that his mother not getting enough vitamin D during pregnancy or whatever, maybe blame that on working condition or who gives a shit.
>augs are expensive and make people better
>also augs are the ones who are the disenfranchised and hated poor minority group
>the only way the writers could get this to work is have a magic signal that made all augs everywhere insane
Why didnt they just make 'normals' the ones being discriminated against? Why did they focus on retards with robo arms instead of actually important augs like neural implants?
>implying there's anything wrong with abortion
>implying there's anything wrong with aborting a rape baby
Would you have preferred for her to raise a child that she would have despised because it would constantly remind her of her rapist? Also fetuses are not even people, son. Get in with the fucking times
At some point you are told all nazi science is a copy of greater jewish illuminati science.
And the plot twist is that massive German cities were made with jew cement, and that cement was sabotaged by jews to give everyone cancer and collapse (what the fuck).
From this point it goes like this:
>why jews created a super underwater base?
>for peace goyim
>why do you make secretly there bombs that can level cities in seconds?
>for peace goyim
>why you make super armors that turn people into Supermen?
>for peace goyim
>Why you use those inventions to kill millions of innocents?
>for peace goyim
>why Germans could use this technology to turn shitholes like Africa into rich lands and conquer space, but you silently build a weapon pile under ocean?
>you start to sound like an anti-semite
>Where did it all go so wrong?
Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augmentations were only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.
While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more) yet somehow augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. Everyone is obsessed with augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes: even lower-class people, homeless bums and hookers are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.
Augmentations in HR and MD are nothing but a vehicle to preach about topical social issues like the pro-life debate and 'black lives matter' (they literally used 'aug lives matter' in their marketing). And they even fail at that. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.
Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.
I have a problem when the same character is shown trying to save "every life possible", in hospital non the less.
And this did not happen in modern times.
A plot about discriminated normies making augs go nuts as a false flag to enforce legislation against them would make for a much more compelling narrative, especially playing as an aug. But we can't have any controversial situations in nuDeus Ex, only safe topics you can oppose and feel better for it.
>it would constantly remind her of her rapist?
This argument is so stupid, I went out with a girl who was raped when she was young, literally everything reminds them of their rape. Certain noises or drinks or foodstuff. Interesting, I think babies would remind them the least, considering they are different people.
Rape victims don't look at their parents, who let them down and let them get raped, and shriek in terror.
>Trannies don't actaully exist
Nice coping mechanism. Also, you can't thread yourself, you retard
Maybe you should re-listen to the audiologs you fucking troglodyte, because she literally murders a 100% innocent man by pretending to be drowning, because they're German.
It's not about racism, HR predicted windows 10/365. The reason you find hookers and bums with million dollar prosthetic limbs is because Bill Gates' microshaft gave them away for free, and those who didn't take up that offer they sneakily dismembered and robocopped when they weren't looking, despite clearly having checked the "do not hack my limbs off in my sleep" box on their microshaft IDs.
>Contrary to popular belief
Only retards believe that. Ross Scott summed it up pretty well in his vid. Deus Ex was so much more than MUH AUGS and MUH RACISM
I always thought using Augs and androids as allegory for civil rights was retarded, There's no reason why normal people would see people with augmentations as something different, especially when augs are basically the equivalent of getting a new iphone are mostly voluntary, and with androids they're literally made to be slaves, it's not like real world slavery where people were being kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder, it's not the fucking same and if there's a robot riot we brought it on our selves for giving them fucking personalities in the first place
>tenor gif
>this post
found the tranny
>and IW
Incorrect. The loss of humanity by technological progress was a strong element of IW. That's what the Omar was about. That's what this
>"It really is of importance, what men do, but also what manner of men are that do it. Among the works of man... the first importance surely is the man himself."
which appears on JC's ending, where humans become a hivemind, is about. What IW also says though is it's not just technology we have to worry about. To a lesser extent there's also the "cult of machine" exchange in OG Deus Ex. No, it was never just about augmentation but it was never not about augmentation either.
>I always thought using Augs and androids as allegory for civil rights was retarded
They had a plot about a police state and increased surveillance after a terrorist attack right fucking there. Could have said something interesting and provoking, but they decided to go with a safe message of "racism is bad" instead.
>Only retards believe that.
Most people who played HR and MD have never played thee original DX. Heck, when Ross did his video on HR, a lot of his fans were upset and dismissed his criticisms as arbitrary nitpicks.
did he?
>Also game keeps freezing every time I open up a menu and it crashes if I alt tab why is it doing this?
Just play unmodded, the DirectX 10 mod fucks up all sorts of stuff
i played the original deus ex and hr was decent
Holy fucking reddit niggers. Why are you all so fucking gay.
Whats the difference between a killing a newborn baby and killing a fetus? Assuming you kill the baby in a quick and painless manner, all your doing in both instances is removing the possible existence of a future person. Why would a materialist give a shit that one has neurons when the other doesn't? The baby fresh outta the vagina hasn't had any noteworthy thoughts, it hasn't created any memories that are tragic to lose, It doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Stopping a fetus and killing a fresh baby are basically the same thing, both morally reprehensible. kys
>without having to be an errand boy
What the FUCK am I reading autist? epic super arms that let you lift cars with baraka arm blades and railguns inside them, lungs that let you breathe poisonous vapors, epic super jump feet and landing systems coupled with epic X ray sunglasses are "realistic depictions"?
>HR predicted windows 10/365
Just when I thought takes on Yea Forums couldn't get any more retarded
Imagine simplifying the games to such an extent.
Manind Divided is a masterpiece and it's dribbling retards like you that are intent on stopping quality games being made.
depends on if the baby is american, black, mexican, arab, asian, indian or abo (as if lol).
>MD racism bad
IT was a decent game, but a shitty Deus ex title. Ross was right when he said the game had an identity crisis.
You forgot to include the part where Invisible War crashes and doesn't let you get past the start menu.
I bet all you reddit braincucklets cant beat system shock 2 without a guide.
I think deus ex would be a far better game if it didnt put as much emphasis on its stats (which feel meaningful as a result but still gatekeep basic functionality so it doesnt feel good to play without X)
guns for example should feel much more like something in system shock 2, if you can use it the game wont tell you that you magically cant aim with it though, and if youre not trained you simply cant use it. It makes much more sense to keep the abstraction of the stats for something where the abstraction isnt exactly immersion breaking or annoying like hacking or lockpicking
>I'm so insecure and fearful of what others think that I don't use certain words because anons on a website!
You'd better stop breathing, since poltards ruined it too
Not him but the homeless population has stopped decreasing and risen slightly, although this is a case by case basis and I'm taking about the US since that's what was referenced.
I would say it's less about being poorer and more about stagnation of the middle class. Throughout the last century the rich were getting richer, but middle class wealth was also rising with it. Now middle class wages are stagnant and the gap between the middle class and rich continues to increase.
>using the Ross video
Haha, fucking pathetic.
You mean the video where he spends ages complaining about something as subjective (and well liked by many) as the yellow filter?
The video where he complains about clothing 'not looking realistic' due to the symbolic art style?
The video where he cannot comprehend why being augmented is advantageous in any field, especially when there's a fucking social enhancer.
The video where Ross doesn't understand why some homeless people have augmentations, when a major point in the game is about the ridiculous costs of neuropozyne.
The video where Ross seems so out of touch with working life that he's not aware that employers can look at someone having/not having a car as being a tipping point, or can order a long-time employee with invaluable experience to get a PhD so that they 'remain competitive'
The video where Ross downplays the other themes in HR whilst acting like it's somehow a bad thing that HR went into a theme in more depth than the original. (And if he has this complaint for MD, he'll be a confirmed retard).
It's an absolute disaster of a video. An embarrassment. The fact this is still being posted regularly is proof that e-celeb shit really can be cancer.
Wrong. Deus Ex was a proof of concept that IW took in the next logical direction, but unfortunately gamers of old were bo different in hating change, so they dismissed it.
Yea Forums has turned worst than reddit already
It was shit DX game but an ok game, just like Snowblind.
Start living with it
I can do what the fuck I like and my argument is sound.
>reddit niggers
>hating trannies
They are the most pearl clutching concernocrats around and are equipped with the correct opinions literally every single time.
From an eithical and law standpoint, it's a useful reference point. We can't pinpoint when exactly each and every single one child becomes a person and entitled of human rights, so we have a consensus that every newborn is entitled to them.
It is simial to the age of consent in that regard, it's a compromise.
>gamers of old were no different in hating change
That's not it at all. The main reason of hate at the time were the consolification. Loading times every 5 feet, menu systems adapted to controllers with fuckhuge GUI elements so niggers could see it from their couches. IW was not the only game that got shit because of this.
>People liking the pissfilter
Stopped reading right there lmao.
I don't care much for the rest of the review btw only the part where he said that thematically and artistically the original and HR were almost like different franchises and I agree completely.
Regardless of whether they seem like different franchises, Ross disingenuously oversimplified the themes of HR.
It explored its themes it focused on thoroughly. Whilst Deus Ex had a broad reach of themes, a lot of them were pretty minor and not given much detail.
Unironically a very dishonest video. It's fucking embarassing its the opinion Yea Forums parrots.
why are deus ex threads so shit
Because on the one hand you have the retards who think these games should be taken seriously because they drop "red pills" and on the other hand you have the retards who insist on turning everything into an "old game good new game bad" argument. It's just one of those games which has unfortunately been cursed with a shit tier fanbase.
Yeah, Ross put into words what I was feeling when playing the sequels. It really felt like the devs were shackled to the Deus Ex IP when they'd rather make an original sci-fi game.
I fucking hate it when publishers do this. At least the nuPrey devs didn't have to adhere to any existing lore or worldbuilding.
But Trannies ARE schizophrenics. I should know, my brother is a schizo so I can tell them appart from the general population.
Interesting, I also went out with a girl who has been raped when she was younger.
Beyond the quite real permatriggering that most of them suffer through because of the event, do you really cannot conceive how raising a child born from rape might be at least very difficult, if not simply impossible for some women? All of them simply don't have the mental fortitude needed to deal with that, what with the trauma always lingering under the surface. "My son/daughter is also the child of that rapist", that's what's going on through their heads. Can't really blame any rape victim for not wanting to make their child suffer because of their trauma, especially if it ends up with a kid growing all fucked up thanks to a complete lack of affection, at best.
The alternative to abortion in this case would be adoption, of course. But you also can see how this option is often detrimental to the children already being in that system, and waiting years and years for potential surrogate parents that will sometimes never even appear.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the people who are all about the sanctity of human life, and who would want for every potential child to be born in their perfect imaginary representation of the world. But you simply can't ignore all of the problems, and ask for a woman that she simply gives birth in every single cases. Simply said, if the future child is not wanted by its mother, chances are very high that he will definitely grow up to live a miserable life. And in this case, abortion is a valid option to be considered.
>brainlet zoomer repplies to another brainlet zoomer
>Hell, it's older than Yea Forums itself.
Only just, and even then it wasn't anywhere near as common as "there is no spoon" at the time.
Pic related: To everyone ITT who doesn't know trannies are literally scizophrenics
>But Trannies ARE schizophrenics
I know, I was lumping them together cos they are the same people.
Fucking hell, just how uninformed is /pol/?
Nevermind the very idea that trans-people suffer from delusions, delusions are a part of many conditions - not just schizophrenia.
In fact, there's even a condition that has delusion in its name - Delusional Disorder
Related threads
Have been archived
Almost all the IW complaints were about the tiny levels, the floaty movement, the universal ammo, and the slow AI. I don't remember it getting that much criticism regarding story, certainly not as much as HR/MD do (and deserve to)
Both leukemia and the common cold result in flu-like symptoms. That doesn't mean the common cold is literally leukemia.
For the record, gender dysphoria is most often correlated with narcissistic personality disorder, not schizophrenia.
They turned into a big studio now owned by Jewish suits.
>a donkey has ears
>humans have ears
>so humans are donkeys
/pol/ level of discourse
Ion Storm died, it didn't turn into Eidos Montreal, and the best Deus Ex was led by a Jew (Warren Spector)
Retarded Amerimutts and their jewism ruins literally everything.
Every time /pol/ starts a thread about abortion they talk about race instead
Because racism is bad, user
It really is, though. Stop blaming augs for your problems
I would say absolute bait, but i've seen far too many faggots on this board, so im just gonna ask you to kill yourself instead
Replying to the wrong person?
Amerimutts are feeded with burgers by them. Every time they get mad here or in /pol/ about kikes, all they have to do is give them more burgers
9/10 bait desu
Says the guy who never left his eco-chamber. Read some real medical literature for once.
The same meds tackle both symptoms. Wow!
Yeah It's Corpos.
Cyberpunk is already happening bros.
I fucking despise what the Deus Ex fanbase has turned into.
>do you really cannot conceive how raising a child born from rape might be at least very difficult
I don't buy it, largely. Maybe some but not many. Do mothers who leave their wifebeating husbands take their aggression out on their son or burst into tears everytime they see their kids?
Women jump in front of cars to save their kids, do you think a slight likeness in the nose or eyes is gonna make them crumble and ruin their kid's upbringing? I doubt it.
I actually DO support abortion in the case of rape, but guess who doesn't...... abortion activists. When they bring up rape, and I agree with them, they still lose their shit when I say voluntary abortions are a no no. Thus, they don't actually care about abortions for rape victims, they just care about having an emotional argument to fall back on.
they tell you they would be traumatized looking at their child each day as they send them off to school because the kid look like the rapist. Then you say adoption, instantly solving their problem. And they reject it. They don't care about rape victims, they care about securing their right to abortions.
>miserable life
I support abortion for sever disabilities, mental retardation, rape, incest, and threat to the mother during labour. But if you think your kid is gonna have a shitty life because you are poor and that is your excuse, then say to a pro-choicer "okay any woman who is married to a guy who earns or earns themselves x amount a year has no option for an abortion. Watch as they ter you limb from limb. They don't care about x concern or y issue, they want a right that they can use later on for their options, like controlling the trajectory of their career or some such. If they argue that, I will listen, but they will use some awful tear jerker scenario first and then when I say "what about all the regular cases" they will reply "Oh yeah, I still want that choice then too".
No, just explaining why /pol/ seems uninformed. It isn't, it chooses to be willfully stupid instead, and is absolute cancer thanks to it
You mean the games.
Most of the fanbase (including myself) dropped it.
I couldn't even bother to finish MD.
>Dude Deus Ex is so redpilled and tells the truth, what geniuses!
>Literally just copied a bunch of theories they saw on forums into the game
The /pol/ of the 90s is why Deus Ex is redpilled. The devs didn't research or theorize themselves, they just threw a heap of them into the game.
So are Christians by that logic
There was recently a univeristy in the USA that successfully treated gender dysphoria with the same drugs that you treat schizophrenia with.
The central problem is that augs in HR/MD aren't actually an allegory for minorities, they're the equivalent of gun-owners, but it seems like half of the fucking writing staff doesn't realize this shit because they have pure onions where their brains should be.
and muslims, jews, budhists, and all sorts of religious people ?
Tell me where those religious people touched you to make you so mad at them
You guys understand that racism is bad, right?
>Tell me where those religious people touched you
Wasn't your dick partly cut off by your jew doctors? Aren't those mudslimes blowing up people and taking over entire yuropeen neighbourhoods in general? What about all these priests getting caught fucking little kids? Heard of them rape gangs in India?
The only based religionfags are Buddhists since they're actually making an effort to purge the cancer that is Islam from this world.
ok, so you made a good point : all religious people are schizos.
What's the consequence of this to the discussion at hand?
If that's truth then I expect every researcher will soon be doxxed and called a Nazi and kicked out of academia.
What this go... I mean guy said is true. Just keep ingesting that fluoride.
its because of share and reddit even being to reddit for them.
any one who says
"this" in any shape or form is either share or a faggot.
Are you a trans too?
How do I play Mankind Divided without getting fucked over by my crippling perfectionism?
The fact that there are missable collectibles just ruins it for me, since I know I'll have to go through one of my intended two playthroughs meticulously collecting every single one and even then there might be the chance I miss one and have to redo it. Playing with a guide for collectibles makes me feel retarded, but I just want to 100% it.
>sorry user, but I can't have a career if I also end up having a child. Good thing that abortion exists just in case condoms and pills ever fail. But do stay mad about it, even though it's none of your business. If it still makes you so mad, you can go live in north Korea or something, m'kay?
this, luckily it was a pajeet
why would he be, he is talking about how trannies are wrecking regular conversation and research.
Cure your OCD and don't try to 100% it
There's collectibles?
Was tranny on Yea Forums a meme
>If it still makes you so mad
Only person that'll be mad is the woman once her body screams at her to have a kid but she's 35 and no sane man wants her.
No, I'm saying that's how trannies would react to a cure
>Says the guy who never left his eco-chamber. Read some real medical literature for once.
...but I'm a medical student.
>none of your business
fair enough, start paying for your own instead of using my taxes to get it for free.
You have to master the noble art of letting it go
>not futa
What even happened in Invisible War?
You treat schizophrebia with anti-psychotics.
Those drugs are used in a huge number of conditions.
You don't know shit about medicine. Seeing lay people speak about this stuff is really revealing actually.
It's not the trannies that will stop the cure from being developed or deployed. It's not economical for big pharma to cure diseases. Instead they want to sell treatments.
You're living in a world where corporate monkeys openly claim that they don't want to cure people because that would mean they wouldn't be maximize their profits. Deus Ex is already here.
Heavily casualized, small levels, universal ammo, pc port is a disaster.
I'm doing really well in real life, games are pretty much the last place where I let it run rampant. I go for 100% on games I love, especially if they're stealth games. I get what you're saying, though.
The e-books
Well shit.
Yeah, I know that. I was asking about the plot, because I can't remember shit, besides them pretending all endings from DX happened.
>The e-books
Supplemental fluff ain't "collectibles", it's just part of the worldbuilding, even if the game tracks it.
Based future full of sane dressed up twinks with dicks, here we go!
... Wait a minute, I can't access that.
I fucking hate people like you who recontextualise older material into current day situations. When HR and MD where released nobody was talking about fucking black lives matter or abortions.
Jc merged with helios, but bugs out and destroys area 51, bringing down society. Jc followers (apostlecorp) try to revive him and make a techno utopia where everyone has free nanoaugs and is linked to helios, bringing about a perfect democracy. Meanwhile the illuminati has reformed and control the world from the shadows, using the wtc and the church to manipulate both materialistic and spiritual people. They plan to destroy helios to assert world domination with a huge surveillance satellite, ophelia.
Lastly a group of extremists anti-aug terrorists, the knight templars (different guys from the first game) are developing a virus that will shut down all augs, and are planning to take out both Helios and the illuminati to bring about a new dark age.
There's also the omar, a heavily augmented hive mind group. In the ending where the three factions are destroyed they survive the world's destruction and fuck off to space.
>When HR and MD where released nobody was talking about fucking black lives matter or abortions
>he forgot the shitstorm threads about "AUG LIVES MATTER"
>he forgets that the game was released after the Baltimore chimpouts
Please stop.
The mechanic of having a tracker and an achievement related to it makes them collectibles beyond it being lore/worldbuilding.
>game from the US
>out of character and immersion breaking rant about equality
We get it, you're 56%ers desperately trying to delude yourselves into believing that becoming a powerless minority in your own homeland is a good thing. But keep it out of your games.
Don't forget that the story continues on with everyone in the world acting like all augs were completely in control of themselves during the "go fucking insane" signal event and entirely responsible for their actions.
All the things you mentioned are still unproven conspiracy theories. What you call "truth" is the result of a telephone game that was started by a bunch of paranoid schizos
Youre all retarded brainwashed pieces of shit.
Yes, the water turns the frogs gay. Eat lead, you litteral schizo
You too faggot
If you repeat a lie like "We are hunting WMDs" or "6 million" enough, you make it into accepted truth.
Seeing how Picus is CNN/BBC on steroids, they could get people on wilder lies than paying to piss on ms.Obama bed.
>t. leftist bombarded with propaganda from birth
In MD augs effectively = jews and are forced to live in ghettos and aren't trusted.
Most of you would be too young to remember it, but back when Deus Ex was made the idea that governments were using mass unwarranted surveillance was considered to be real top tier tinfoil stuff, the kind of thing that goes in the Bush/Jews/Hitler did 9/11 category of crazy theories these days.
The fact it's turned out to be true and everyone barely reacted is kind of terrifying really.
>what about water supplies being poisoned
You mean not filtered. What do you expect when you live in a 3rd world shithole such as the USA?
>what about vaccines that make people sick instead of curing them
lel. Keep on LARPing faggot.
Lmao kill yourself glownigger you all deserve to be executed don’t you have a school to be shooting up
>leftard calling anyone brainwashed
The irony
You thrive on nothing but propaganda. You cite videogame jokes as a source for your asinine beliefs. When the game itself makes fun of retards like you that focus only on inane distractions.
Then repeat some line about how its all so tiresome, dilate tranny, and call kojima a hack.
People don't even know how to react. There are mass public protests all over Europe concerning immigration, government tyranny and et cetera and yet nothing seems to change.
Fact is we're so deracinated and trampled that most people are hoping for someone else to know what to do.
>exposure to these things, researching these things
The rest of your post is unfounded hyperbolic nonsense. I'm glad what I said triggered you, though, clearly some small part of your walnut sized brain registered it as a dangerous thought. You might not be beyond saving.
fucking retard
ok mr.smart
If you still use redpilled unironically to describe yourself you are small time
Based unpilled poster, keep dabing on dem tards
>this is supposed to make the other guy look silly
It's strange how these outlandish (for the 90's) conspiracy theory stuff is actually true now though
People won't do anything while they're comfortable
what's wrong with "redpilled" anyway?
Muh mass public protests are mostly about governmental corruption
Fuck off glowie.
It signifies you’re a retard that gets influenced by pop culture easily
Wrong people use it
>what's wrong with shoving multi-colored pills full of drivel up my ass
I wonder
Just about everything you can list falls under that banner, user. Fact is people weren't asked, and when they were polled most were against giving their homelands to foreigners. Who would've guessed?
Take a look at the replies. It's the most memorable phrase to come out of the online political sphere and as such it triggers people on the wrong side.
Fuck off schizo, lol
So it’s too „normy“?
Ok mr darkweb 4channer
Cringe and Bluepilled, 40% yourself faggot.
No because normal people aren’t as influenced as you, as much as you claim to be true opposite
pretty fucking based truthpilled
You are a trained monkey repeating your lines. Your entire existence is conditioned.
So a body delusion that makes you think you are something you are not is treated and your sense of self, place in the world, and view on reality, is corrected, and it is all just a coincedence? Dodging to save his tranny pals.
not wanting to face teh facts of the argument, the tranny shill shrieks about choice of wording.
Wow, you sure are smart
>online political sphere
Calm down there, kiddo, you almost believe yourself
It’s funny you complain about trannies while acting like a triggered tranny
>ITT: Centrists and leftists think they can reason people over to their political viewpoints by saying "all politics bad! but especially right-leaning is worse"
Some of us aren’t content on being miserable failures all their lives I guess. Different strokes.
you dismiss evidence about the tranny question to automatically make everything they claim about themselves true. sounds like you are a tranny to me.
tranny tranny tranny all I think about is trannies. Dicks dicks dicks, i want dicks.
not sure what you're trying to say here, redpilled is basically twittertalk at this point
The only thing I can say for sure is that frogposters are all retarded brainlets
You don’t even know who you’re talking to because you’re such a triggered cuck that pure multireplying to everyone and have no aim.
The Gay Illuminati finally broke you.
>the trannie question
Yes, sure mister Goebbels
Yeah keep fighting the good fight against capitalism... on Yea Forums
popularizing politics was a huge mistake
he wants to goebbels that cock
Twitter is a platform used by many people. Whatever you see in your slice of the pie is not what the normal world thinks or cares about. That’s true with the majority of twitter since it’s mostly full of retards like you who think they’re political activists
Not him but you also type like a Twittard, go back.
This, but unironically. But also boobs, for I'm a man of many passions
That’s your mentality bud. I don’t need to fight anything on this board. I can just enjoy video games without screeching like a retard about SJWs and trannies every day
im pretty sure you're not part of the "normal world" either
Instead you scream about people using redpill incorrectly and being mad that Trumps is gonna be re-elected, and that gamers need to chill about being so anti-sjw
>everyone I don't like is a communist reeeeeee
Thanks for demonstrating that horseshoe theory is quite real, you walking tumor
>no aim... assuming motive
>multireplying.... curteous reply to two posters who replied to me first
>triggered... what is Poe's law? cannot establish my tone or mood
Look at this tranny trying to gaslight me or deliegtimize what I have to say. The tranny condition is schizophrenic and illogical and can be treated with drugs. Even if it weren't schizophrenic, it can still be treated and cured by drugs.
You say that like it’s never happened before. Not learning from history is the real mistake. Also being born in the US.
It's a question, don't see the problem myself. It also has an answer. It's treatable with anti-psychotic drugs.
another pol thread holy shit
>implying leftists make as many politics oriented threads as altrighties
Yeah ok buddy. Enjoy your next regularly scheduled Ion Fury screeching general
Give them test instead of est and you have 80% of the issue cured, the rest is getting them to admit to their childhood rape and going to therapy.
>Being anti-capitalist=communist
I think it's you who take offense that you are a communist who wasn't called by name
When you reply to more than one post and have different responses for each, that’s multireplying. Don’t get mad you fucked yourself over. Just improve next time.
They do, you just don't notice them cause you make your own and don't venture outside of them other than to check for people who post something slightly right-leaning in any given thread
ITT: Zoomers not understanding the original Deus Ex is a satire
The entire game was done tongue in cheek, there's nothing political about it.
Lol keep deluding yourself like the good cuck you are
Suuure. I'd like to see those successful clinical trials of yours
>chinise lady living in Paris
>uhh globalism is bad
What did they mean by this
>When MD where[sic] released nobody was talking about fucking black lives matter
Uhm sweetie, that word is very problematic, I'm gonna have to call Destiny and donate him 15 bucks to look at this Yea Forums screepcap of your post
This but unironically. It would also cure all the soibois and muh depression. I literally dont know a single depressed or sad roider. They’re always happy with their lifes.
No games were made with politics in mind.
It was Anita's fault for polluting the gamer space with "everything is political" and now we all reap the results.
Until they go on a murder suicide spree on their family or friends
As expected from our magapede frogtards
for the last fucking time, Hitler is based under the ice sheet of antarctica, he can't maintain contact with the middle east, anything taking off from there would stand out like a sore thumb and they lack the manufacturing for modern stealth subs
Hitler did not do 9/11.
Shut up already, loser. Your constant finger pointing is the problem itself. Let go of the “culture war” retard.
That's what you get for cramming contemporary politics into video games. Any discussion about it will devolve into autistic shitflinging sooner or later.
Name one roider who ever did that. Its always low test betas who go around on shooting up schools. 200mg/week is barely above natty levels of test and is enough to fix literally all male issues.
Why can't we just appreciate the themes of the game withoug going all muh redpill
Most poltards don't even know the basis of right wing politics. For them being right is defending national identity or some shit. They just adapt a mindset, they don't think for themselves. That's why they are so unbearable and easily detectable in threads like these.
Popscience shit. My test is in the upper ranges of someone who's 20 and I'm pushing 30 and I feel like killing some people every day.
What I want to know is how can one be racist against people with augs?
Wouldn't that be more discrimination if anything?
I see nothing in need of a cure, here. Oh wait, I see it know : stop browsing /pol/ you retard
Wow, mr. Brilliant. First you blame Zoomers and now you call me a loser for pointing the finger.
The war will go on even if you tell yourself that those bombs are your cat farting.
this all teh way.
this guy policing my fucking posts like he is some wise sage, kek. I'll reply whatever I wish, just like this post here.
Aren't roiders always in a mood with plenty of swing?
>still seething about communists
>still trying to categorize everything
Chris Benoit, Craig Titus, John Riccardi, Bertil Fox, Sally McNeil, James Batsel, Daniel Lugo, Gordon Kimborough, Jamie Fuller, and many more
Oh sweetie, I'm sure it's not conditioning when you repeat lines like "diversity is our strength," "trans rights are human rights," "racism is bad," "class consciousness," "raise the minimum wage," "we need common sense gun control," and call everyone with remotely conservative beliefs a "nazi."
Stop being racist against illiterates.
And weirdly enough, all thosebbeta cucks browsed /pol/. Rustles my jimmies, here
Stay mad multiteply cuck
>virtue signalling, self-loathing sycophants are desperately trying to find an identity and a community
>rejected by strong men, they band together under parasitical agendas focused around shifting the seat of power
What a surprise, the losers of society are behind society's woes.
deus ex
>small dev wants to red pill players on globalist conspiracies
deus ex invisible war
>small dev wants to red pill players on globalists playing both sides of a war while people think they have choices
deus ex human revolution
>some stuff about globalist conspiracies and "lol religion bad XD"
deus ex mankind divided
>HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT, MICHAEL BROWN WAS INNOCENT!, -studio now promoting media narrative of globalist george soros to brainwash consumers
That last one is where things went way wrong. Instead of being about the dangers of globalism, the studio being a bunch of brainwashed leftist retards promoted the brainwashing of a globalist.
Can you quote any post in this thread with those lines you brainwashed fucking robotic retard?
so your the insufferable faggot shitposting on /lgbt/
I only see retarded /pol/acks injecting their political fetishes everywhere
Clear rushed development. There's nothing wrong with the base itself- it's actually pretty cool, and the final boss is actually fairly neat if you don't cheese it with the laser rifle.
The real issue with the last level is that it desperately needed the aug switch to kick in halfway, so the first half would be you fighting guards and shit and the second half would be you going through the zombie mass. Only the later is pretty sterile and lame.
Fun fact the thing about diversity is a scientific fact based on genetics and evolutionary biology
True and unpilled, lol
And history. Most cultures are standing on the shoulders of other cultures they’ve borrowed from. Those that shut themselves in and didn’t exchange ideas tended to stagnate.
the point is the world is so fucked up that there's nothing worse to be predicted for this hellscape
>bip boop, I am a robot regurgitating my lines, I am not an npc, yes you are, boop boop
Why would I go there? They don’t even believe in evolution.
ITT: Newfags
>i believe in evolution
Want to know how I can tell you're underage?
>muh jew
Opinion trashed, lol
>The video where Ross seems so out of touch with working life that he's not aware that employers can look at someone having/not having a car as being a tipping point, or can order a long-time employee with invaluable experience to get a PhD so that they 'remain competitive'
>getting a car or going to college is equivalent to chopping of your limbs and making yourself dependent on an expensive drug for the rest of your life
>The video where Ross downplays the other themes in HR whilst acting like it's somehow a bad thing that HR went into a theme in more depth than the original.
What depth? The original DX offered a far deeper exploration of transhumanist themes.
No thanks Mr Redpilled. You can keep that for your gay boards
Oh, hi there hon ;)
If I were "Mr Redpilled" I'd want gays in the oven, not my board. By your logic, you're swimming in gays.
Why are leftists so duplicitous and amoral? They have nothing going for them at all.
My side good other side bad
I want to associate with him and not with you. You failed. Fuck off, shitbait.
thats mass democracy for you bro
these Yea Forums nigger cattle with hurrah boo bnuuuuh buuuh
going to go back to reading finnegans wake and after i finish that im going to polish up codreanu and maurras feelsgoodman pepehands
>braindead /pol/tard npc's will deny this
That’s real swell, buddy.
poltards are white supremacists
and that's why all /pol/ meetings are made up of 56% goblins
>pic related
That's a pretty cool Denton
White supremacists are ugly shut ins? No way!
And the corporate status quo is not diverse and will lead to the domestication of humanity
And most white germanics in europe don't give a fuck about it like these goblins
Why does every fucking discussion on the internet turn into tranny talk?!?!?
We have sex, you don't :^)
It’s ironic /pol/ uses hugbox. It’s a classic case of projection.
They weren't outlandish at all, just taking existing trends and taking them to their extremes
Who gives a shit about germans? Get that hitler cock out of your mouth
It named the Rothschilds IIRC.
>supremacists are completely out of touch with reality? Who would have guessed
its because the left and right are both obsessed with trannies in their own ways
>waaah, why are they not agreeing with my retarded views, my side is right, reeee
That's the point. Why Amerimutts care about them as they were all white brothers
>hilariously dumb premise
No one cares glownigger you will kill your family and your co-workers
>I have no point but I must project
>I have no loyalty and I must perpetuate domestic terrorism
No one cares glownigger. Kill yourself, your family, and your co-workers.
No, it doesn't. In most species, inferior genetics are either bred out or the species faces extinction. In humans, our social order lets people with shitty genetic markers (low IQ for example) breed with impunity.
Fuck Reddit
Fuck jannies
And fuck niggers
Kikes ARE the problem, no one is buying the lie anymore
based schizo
Shut up about your colour theory of race you dumb mutt
Jews are predisposed to schizophrenia more than any other race; due to inbreeding.
You are becoming hysterical
You mean, every community that opened up to others was raped and conquered or was doing the raping?
Because that does not sound smart to do.
Follow the jap idea, open enough to get the ideas but not the erect dicks
How do you think it gets bred out ya dingleberry? Breeding with other members of the species that have the same weakness will only express it again in their offspring. You breed out weakness through selecting for other distant genetic members that can provide another set of nucleotide organizations that could eliminate the weakness (i.e. diversity)
Glowniggers please go.
>nature is chaos and has no rules outside of wathever works, works
You really need some 300iq to be able to guess that, eh ?
You have to unironically read every email in the prequels to get the full conspiracy. Those are just what it is in the surface level, so many people here don't get this
schizo /pol/ posters please go
Nazis in germany was about German white supremacy. Mutts white supremacists act as they were missplaced Germans
No one cares.
You will kill your family, your co-workers, and yourself. You terrorists are vermin.
Japan went into a depression during the sakoku era from 1600s-mid1800s. Only once they got rid of their isolationist policy and started signing treaties and trading with the outside world did they manage to become more stable
Reminder the FBI got caught red handed inciting domestic terrorism
I actually agree partly with this, at least about HR. Not played MD, mainly due to how disappointing the themes(and gameplay) of HR were. The mistake Square made with it was the utter failure to look at existing civil rights debates in the relevant area, which was disability rights, NOT racial, feminist and trans politics. There is over-lap, but the differences are bigger than the similarities. I have a disability rights background and that perspective is almost invisible in HR. The Neuropozyne issue? Framed as a commentary on big pharma, not society itself. The chips causing seizures? Nothing someone with a seizure disorder like Epilepsy could relate to is covered. The economic advantage of getting augmentations and the social pressures that go with it are framed almost in terms of whether women should wear high-heels at work as the ultimate form of oppression, rather than how innovations meant for the disabled often provide convenience for people who aren't disabled, then get decisions made about them without regard to how disabled people are affected. That's relevant given all the recent stuff about plastic straws: designed for disabled people, used as convenience by everyone else, then banned because the wipespread use is causing problems, leaving some people unable to have a drink without help and stock-piling thousands of straws to avoid that for as long as possible.
The framing, vernacular, perspectives and issues used in HR to speculate on future debates about transhumanism mostly excluded disability.
>my idiotic opinions good, clap clap
>conservative detected
>friend or foe analysis=foe
>initiate virtue signaling protocol
>execute racism accusations=true
>repeat line_/ "no y-you're the robot"
Reminder the CIA got caught red handed kidnapping and experimenting on the homeless
A ton of times, almost all the arab "terrorists" they caught were convinced by and given weapons by the fbi. Theres tons of info about it.
And most of the families overseas that the US bombs have done 0 criminal activities. It's all minority report future crime "imminent threat" bullshit that creates millions and millions of refugees that all end up in europe, and make people create these threads.
This is exactly the point dumb dumb.
No need for closed or open borders.
you see, it all started with the first prostitute thousands of years ago. ever since that gave women something they shouldn't have access to (to be financially independent for ANY amount of time( they've actively tried to sabotage society
women want to return to hunter gatherer "caveman" life as their primitive instincts never evolved past that. making people infight has been a good strategy since the dawn of time afterall. make men fight eachother and return to unga time after the nukes drop
so basically, perfect artificial wombs + kill every woman on earth or we're screwed
Easy there, froggy, else you will burst an artery
Reminder that the FBI slaughtered children at Waco, and the media covered up the senseless massacre
Reminder the “intelligence community” blatantly lied to the entire nation about WMDs to justify another for-profit war in the Middle East.
Reminder the terrorist cell that committed the September 11th attacks was identified to the FBI who never gave a response.
>mature politics
I'm sure Jamal from section 8 housing and a criminal record will enrich your wife with better genes.
You would know, you submitted the evidence to court.
>beep bop
>paranoid core overloaded
>initialize "No U" protocols
>butthurt dampers activated
>damage control overdrived
>Poor aren't getting poorer. They are getting richer too.
The people of Japan also exist because the Siberian Ainus and the Manchu dominated Chinese interbred, creating a unique people with unique traits.
Reminder the biggest mass shooting in us history was forgotten in a week -except for the witnesses who saw multiple shooters, they ended up mysteriously dead in the following weeks
Reminder Epstein was in federal custody
Un-ironically learn to code, your attempt at a response is as braindead as your politics.
Sounds like you’ve got Jamal on your mind too much there, Cletus.
Holy fuck, this. Seriously, Harvey basically said you are retarded if you believe anything in this game
Human Revolution is a story about discrimination coming from people who's only experience with it comes from reading X-Men comics.
>nooooooo it’s impossible my country is full of retards that go on mass shootings in schools every day! It’s all a government conspiracy stop making fun of my mutt genetics and mutt culture! Protect the second amendment!
Reminder that Stormfront was founded by the FBI to use Yea Forums to assassinate Barrack Obama and start a racewar in the US
Reminder that I suck cocks because the extra semen I consume on a daily basis keeps the CIA from reading my mind
Human Revolution is about China gaining a monopoly over everything and why thats’s dangerous.
Yeah well, sorry that I'm too busy coding for video games instead of giving it my all towards shitposting, brainlet
Wasn't that the ATF?
So we're living in Human Revolution now?
Reminder that the FBI received the strongest possible tip at Parkland, and the local PD sat in the parking lot as the shooting was carried out
You, I like you
The ATF started it but called in the FBI
user has a point when the bar that defines "poverty" in the US is artificially raised regularly.
We’ve been living in the cyberpunk future for years
More misinformationalist kikes detected. Don't you have baby dicks to suck on or something?
This! So much le this!
No, I'm too busy busting a nut in your mother to do that
Reminder there was a terrorist compound found in New Mexico training school shooters, but that story was immediately put in the memory hole
Makes ya think
It's the cyberpunk future but without all the cool stuff.
any of these mudslimes could have turned towards law enforcement at any point if they were really innocent
i have zero empathy for them
Reminder that the CIA has been caught numerous times smuggling drugs and weapons, to terrorists and other criminals.
why are shitskin "anti-racists" so racist?
Hit a nerve, Shlomo?
Reminder the federal government introduced crack cocaine to black communities.
Making niggers more feral is bad
You don’t have to be Jewish to know a person complaining about something and attributing the reason for his anger to some race is just a big faggot cuck
they are an intelligence agency they are supposed to be meddling in other people's shit you dumb poltard. Ever notice how your favourite board always frantically hates your own country's alphabet agencies? Gee I wonder who benefits
how old are you?
>they are supposed to be selling weapons to people to kill Americans
>want to replay this
>remember how terribly it aged
Man, this game desperately needs the resident evil-style remake treatment
Reminder that the CIA created CO2 in the 90s to force the "global warming" narrative, thus causing my wife to leave me
Reminder that wojak edits are an FBI psyop
Hard to do when she's ashes, bruh. Like to try something a little bit more original?
Welcome to the world you live in retard. Your country and government has always thrived on controlling its populace through fear. It’s not some rogue agency. It’s your core mechanics.
No one cares glownigger.
You will kill your family, your co-workers, and yourself.
Political niggers have really ruined DX threads with their 24/7 obsession in finding parallels to their political niggerism in everything they see.
Shhhh mutt. Non Americans are talking.
No one cares, you will kill them all
True, but the majority of the people in power are Jews who sacrifice children, parasitic to everyone around them (even each other), and worship age-old demons, so it doesn't change the original sentiment.
>killing all political niggers
>but it's all true
>mistah JC Denton really was in da fresh
Really makes you think.
>thread about conspiracies
>somehow devolves into TRANNIES anyway
I fucking hate you faggots so much
just go suck a shemale dick already and then go back to /pol/ or whatever shithole you crawled out from
I disagree. I see the majority of people in the US who have power are anglos LARPing as the second coming of Christ.
I thought Zootopia's message was to be wary of eweish tricks?
Kiitos, tohtori.
Who are you quoting?
Ok, and what's that got to do with the FBI getting up to some shady shit?
>how terribly it aged
Fucking how? Unless you're a zoomer the only things that haven't aged well are the breathing animations and the lighting on Liberty Island.
Me and other anti supremacists
No, that's talking.
all i see is undercover shit blown out of proportion by retards
Answer the question. What does your blubbering about 'muh poor terrorists' have to do with anything?
Got any stats for the alt-righters or are we going to just pretend that those retards from Charlottesville were any better?
most of the people shitting on MD for muh racism allegory haven't even played it. MD has problems such as length, but it's story isn't one of them
you serious? the story is terrible. disjointed with lots of plot that goes nowhere. and the characters are distant and superficial.
You are dumb.
Do you mean it's too short or too long?
What am I in for?
B-but I loved HR and I'm okay with the series moving away from nostalgia and not trying to repeat something that worked in 2000.
girth is more important
games story does cut off, I'll give it that. I was shocked when it just ended at london. but the main plot I thought was good, dealt with the usual deus ex themes like censorship and distortion of information, increasing power with unchecked jurisdiction, I especially liked the Illuminati using augmented terrorists to further the divide between the augmented. a lot of the side missions were good as well, like the harvester one and the salizdat.
too short, main story plus side missions was around 20 hours for me
And now we had one in the jail where they completely forget to talk about conspiracies and the grim possibles uses of technology.
DayASex (not DoSex, cretinous colonials) seems to be causing more static noise than usual. Are we being subtly prepped for another DE announcement soon, I wonder?
How's THAT for a conspiracy theory.
Is there anything Alex was wrong about?
Bohemian Grove. It’s just a gay sex club with occult themes.
Look at all these samefags in the replies lmao
>N-no friend, conspiracies aren't real, also if you're a conspiracy theorist you are classified as a terrorist now
>want to read a nice DX thread
>devolves into IRL politics and trannies
ResetEra and /pol/niggers need to go back to their containment facilities.
Wrong usage of cuck, but then again what is to be expected from a leftist?